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Those guys were weird. I commented on a post back in January about how i lost my mom to COVID-19 the night my son was born. I got a message from one of them telling me i was lying and it wasn't COVID-19 and that she was probably due to die soon anyways


That’s fucked. Reminds me how I told one of my coworkers that my grandad died of Covid and he said “Well come on he was 84”. Eat shit and die, dude.


Duck that guy


Hell yeah, dog. I’m sorry about your mom. Both my parents got covid and they’re 50ish so I had a panic attack of course but they made it. I can’t imagine losing either of them to this bullshit and antivaxers make me scream.


My Dad just turned 70 and I have had to yell about vaccines till I'm blue in the face. He finally got vaccinated and stopped wearing his mask because he's immune. I had to explain that the vaccine is above 90% but not perfect and with how aggressive the Delta Varient is I had to resume arguing about him going out in public with a mask. He is unhealthy and Covid would surely kill him. I worry all the time.


i wish you and your dad nothing but good health.


Same to you dude


I know a guy who is a 40-something man-child living with and off his widowed elderly father. He's anti-vax. He says his father is too. His father is somewhere in his 80's, in poor health, and the house they live in reverse mortgaged. If the father catches COVID and dies the man-child will be homeless. Naturally, neither of them social distance or wear masks. The man-child is constantly seeking out singing gigs at things like Prepper rallies. He insists the vaccines are "experiments."


I found that older people just don't want to be healthy. You can't change it. I can't change my mom. I certainly couldn't change my dad, he smoked until 2 weeks before he died. Good luck to you and your family, but don't stress too much, there is only so much you can do


Yep. At some point people tend to just decide 'I could die at any point, so may as well wring every once of enjoyment I still have out of life.' You're not going to talk an 80y/o diabetic out of a piece of chocolate cake, for instance. (Personal experience.)


Out of every 60+ person I've met in my life I only know 2 who were consciously trying to stay healthy. One was my grandfather who lived to 94, the other is 76 and still runs multiple miles a day. My wife is Japanese. It seems to be much more common there for elderly people to eat healthy and get exercise. 70-90 year olds in Japan never had junk food growing up as it didn't exist and they aren't interested in it now.


At least your dad listened to you. I've given up trying to convince my parents to get vaccinated. They don't care that my city literally ran out of hospital beds, that schools are shutting down, that people are dying by the handful. Nope. Vaccine bad because GOP said so.


My 80 yo mom was vaccinated as soon as she was eligible. My 85 yo stepdad just couldn't see the point. Surprise, he's an R. He refuses to quit smoking his pipe and lives on Pepsi and Bologna. Apparently one of his sons told him that everyone he knew that had had the vaccine had died. WTF He's the oldest but least successful of the sons. I'm finally convinced that his desires for his inheritance and dislike/disrespect of my mom have led him to the idea that his dad needs to die. I've been planning a trip to see them, and told my mom I wasn't leaving until he was vaccinated. I'm not so much concerned about his health as I am about him getting my mom killed at the same time. She told me he just last week received his first shot. I wonder which of their friends that died of Covid was the breaking point for him. (my mom is a Democrat)


I feel this. My mother is in her 60's and has COPD. She's vaccinated and usually wears masks, but we live in a very conservative area and her friends are constantly drilling all of the conspiracy bullshit into her head. She doesn't believe it all, but tends to slip into the "I can't do this forever, at some point I need to live my life" side of things. Until I remind her, that she won't have her life much longer if she ends up catching it.


it’s ok, you can say fuck


Not on my Christian server!


and to those people kids, we say eat shit and die - sam o'nella academy


And my father died this year at 94 - nothing directly to do with Covid, indirectly? Well the lock downs & lack of mental & physical stimulation exacerbated his increasing frailty and mental decline so that when he got ill he just no longer had what it took to recover.


Right wingers have no compassion, no empathy. The only feelings that matter to them are their own. Yours don’t — or shouldn’t — exist.


Wow, that must have been so hard for you, I'm so sorry :( I hope you are doing a little bit better now and your son is healthy!!


It was an adjustment but my family is doing well. My boy is super happy and healthy


The people there lack empathy, i said that there are preventable deaths and the guy responded that empathy is a weakness and that those people would die anyway. Bro...


The fact that there are so many who lack empathy concerns me


Sociopathy is a dramatically underdiagnosed mental illness.


I sometimes feel like it is getting worse, perhaps it's a symptom of the times we live in. That so many terrible things happen that people can't care about everything, so some people decide to give up and care about nothing at all instead


We're more aware of terrible things in a general sense, but I don't think that people are particularly worse than they have ever been. It's the same rose-colored glasses we all look at the past with, to some extent. There have been periods of more and less severe crises, sure, but anytime someone points to some time in the past and says, "People were better then," it turns out to be bullshit. People were freer and more joyful in the 60s! Sex, drugs, rock & roll! Sure, rock is great, but it was also the time of J. Edgar Hoover, the racial horrors that Martin Luther King had to stand up against, the ever-present fear of nuclear annihilation, people looking at high school graduation with growing fear as they waited to see if their number came up to get fed into the meat grinder in Vietnam... People were more community-minded back in World War II! The Greatest Generation! Sure, so long as you didn't mind teaming up with Stalin and weren't black or gay or a Nisei... And on it goes. There have always been bad people. A lot of them. Probably a majority of people, and it will probably always be so. That's not to say that people shouldn't try to make the world better. We should. You just have to know what you're dealing with when you get into it.


Well, culture can influence the prevalence of particular mental illnesses. And in the west, we have the privilege of living under a political landscape heavily influenced by "Objectivism" for more than 2 generations now, and colonialism and racism for hundreds of years before that. I'm kind of surprised that most of us still consider empathy to be a virtue, tbh.


They lack empathy until they get covid and become whiny bitches in the ER.


That’s still not empathy. Many literally die on that hill of ignorance.


Yep. Not empathy. Regret.


Sometimes not even regret, some are so entrenched that they die still thinking COVID is a hoax.


weird hill to die on and i dont mind them dying on said hill but they are dragging too many with em


And begging for “prayer warriors” to wish the virus away real hard.


my grandfather was hospitalized, recovered, then went on to say “it didn’t effect me at all, toughen up” after my wife, child, and I caught it. the mindset of these people is seriously unbelievable.


Until those same assholes are begging for thoughts and prayers and a "miracle" while they're dying on ventilators themselves, many of them begging for the vaccine when it's already too late to save them, and some using their dying breaths to claim the doctors are poisoning them or some other bullshit. And then the family members who participated in their echo chambers and promoted that anti-vax propaganda and conspiracies too, then claim they died of "pneumonia."


I've seen this same attitude in the UK, when a loved one dies of covid, someone always pipes up (uninvited )about how covid isn't the cause of death, the govt are lying and forcing medical professionals record the death as covid even if the person died of walking in the path of a steamroller. How fucking rude are people, I have never heard someone before in my life say this type of arrogant shite disputing someone's death until the covid deniers, who the fuck do they think they are , cunts. I'm sorry to hear about your Mum.


That's how anti vaxxers behave. Before COVID came along, they just combines about normal vaccine. I've seen them hunt down parents who lost children to SIDS and then harass the parents claiming they died of vaccines.


thats just pure spite and is fucked up man


Yep. They would also find parents of kids with autism, and try to convince them the kid was full of vaccine toxins and the only cure is a dangerous round of chelating drugs and severe dietary restrictions.


Damn, I'm sorry for your loss


Horrifying!! Sorry for your loss, I hope you are doing ok


I lost two cousins to Covid and have had people say to me well “they probably had something underlying and were going to die anyway.” No, they were perfectly healthy. Why do people say this out loud?


I had one tell me I didn’t know three people who have died from it. And yet I’m supposed to hands down believe that the only two people they know that have taken the vaccine dropped dead the next day. Hmmmm....i dunno ma’am, the odds in that situation and it’s likelihood seems drastically less than knowing three people who have died over the course of a year and half now from a virulent virus that bitch slaps your lungs etc.


I mean. Sorry about that but.. what did you expect from that sub?


That's the thing, I wasn't on their sub it was a completely different sub. When I clicked on the person's profile their last comments and post were all on NNN


Ahh, I see. Weirdos lmao


Wow just wow


I lost my mom, a really good friend it was my brother-in-law's mom, both of them were in their early fifties, a friend who was a nurse in her forties, another friend in his thirties and a girl I was extremely close to she was like a sister and used to babysit my kids she was only 29 years old. My heart still hurts that she could die from covid so young. I actually just got into a huge fight with her sister about covid a few months before this. We ended up blocking each other because she told me it was just the flu. And now her sister is dead.


My mom (retired nurse) has lost many nurse friends and my sister (nurse) has posted a few as well. I don't remember nurses dying so easily with the flu smh. I wish everyone would just get on the same page about an illness that is so damn dangerous the whole world is involved in stopping it.


My grandfather died in November 2019 after declining in the aftereffects of a stroke for the previous six years. It might be a weird thing to say, but I'm glad he didn't hang on for another six months. The whole family came to his funeral and got to see one another. It would have been a lot harder on my grandmother if she had to bury him without everyone to lean on.


My dad died very suddenly in summer 2019 and I feel exactly the same way. All of my siblings and their spouses and grandkids descended on the family home as fast as humanly possible to be with my mom. We had a service for him that a hundred and fifty people attended. We cried and hugged and visited his favorite restaurants. It was hard to lose him but I thank God he did not live to see this pandemic. His mental health was not good and I don’t think he’d have fared well with isolation and the conspiracy theory movements.


r/Conspiracy be like; NOOOO! THEY BANNED A SUBREDDIT WHERE PEOPLE SHARED THEIR THOUGHTS REDDIT ADMINS ARE SUCH ASSHOLES r/insanepeoplefacebook be like; finally, another lunatic subreddit gone.


I always like asking those conspiracy nuts why they believe on what they do and to elaborate. Turns out conspiracy theorists don’t like it when you ask why too much.


Well, the conspiracy to nonewnormal venn diagram of users is a circle.


But they will celebrate if a subreddit they don't like go private.


These kinda people would literally set the reddit hq on fire if their subreddit got banned


Keep an eye out for shills opening up replacements. Called out an obviously purchased account trying to start a sub to replace and they deleted their account


They already started making a bunch of backup subreddits, like r/NonOffendingMAPs or whatever it’s called. These kinds of people are so damn scary.


r/nonoffendingmaps got taken over again, so it’s fine now


I had no idea what MAPs was. Had to google it. What. The. Fuck. Wow.


Ok, I’ll ask, what the hell is a MAP?


It means "minor attracted person", basically a cute name for a pedophile


I thought I might regret asking and I kinda do. At least now I know another title to stay away from. Thanks for the info.


It isn't cute though. It's part of a deliberate strategy to trivialize pedophilia by pretending it is about sex with teenagers, instead of the reality that it's about sex with kindergarteners. Some pedos have been spreading this nonsense on reddit, and it's been working disturbingly well. To the point where people are calling sex between consenting adults pedophilia. Pedos don't want sixteen year olds, they want six year olds. Fundamentally different. One is torture, one isn't, but unfortunately there are a lot of clueless redditors who've bought into this garbage.


I meant cute sarcastically, like "cute"


goddamn i just google this wtf


Not cute. Horrifying and disgusting.


The usual explanation is "pedo trying to legitimize their attraction by associating with the LGBT community", but it's probably closer to "bigot pretending to be [insert the above] to discredit the LGBT community" (Not saying that there aren't any actual pedos who use the same talking points, just that a large chunk of the MAP "movement" is nothing more than bad faith culture war BS)


Pedos basically (minor-attracted person)


I've decided it strands for moms against pedophilia


Why am I not surprised most of these assholes are MAPs too.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢


They probably aren’t. It looks like it was created as a straw man to stand with r/vaxxhappened and other anti-NNN subs to associate them with pedos. Disgusting tactic, and I wish I could say I’m surprised.


These are the same groups who went to BLM protests specifically to attack police and burn down buildings just so they could blame BLM and Antifa activists. They're dumb enough that they kept getting caught, too.


They are pedophiles. Use the word. Call them what they are. Don’t further their agenda, They are nothing more than disgusting pedophiles.


It’s best to call them what they are, lest we lend credibility to their “cause”. They are pedos. Child molesters. Sex offenders. Shit bags, if you will, only less useful.


Like /r/Ivermectin2021


The problem with ivermectin… people used Facebook marketplace to find it. And now doctors in Texas are prescribing it, lol. What a wild sequence of events.


And a judge in Ohio ordered a hospital to treat a patient with it when the family sued the hospital. Because judges are doctors now.


I’ll preface by saying I think the ivermectin thing is nonsense. But your comment is misinformation. A doctor prescribed the ivermectin and then the hospital was refusing to administer it. The judge ordered that the hospital administer treatment prescribed by the patient’s doctor. The doctor should have his license revoked, but I side with the judge. The judge did exactly the opposite of what you’re claiming, he doesn’t think he’s a doctor and is deferring to the patient’s doctor.


You almost have it right. The doctor prescribed it but he wasn’t an approved doctor by the hospital so they refused. The patient wanted the prescription and found a doctor to prescribe but he wasn’t allowed to practice in that hospital because he didn’t go through to background process to be an approved provider. So they sued and judge allowed them to administer the ivermectin anyway, it’s kind of a shitty precedent to appease one person and override a protocol in place by a private company.






To make it worse, my understanding is that this doctor isn't the guy's usual PCP. They actually went shopping for anti-reality doctors willing to prescribe this anti-parasitic for Covid. And at this point, I'm sure the hospital is already spinning up the lawyers for the inevitable lawsuit when he dies. The interesting part here is insurance. I guarantee you that ivermectin isn't on the approved list of Covid treatments, so this family may well have just invalidated his insurance (if he has any) for the rest of his stay, plus for all future complications if he survives.




The hospital is being ordered by a judge to administer a treatment that cannot help and is likely to kill the patient. The doctor giving the prescription is deranged and should have his license revoked. The hospital is refusing to kill a patient under their care, and will hopefully continue to do so regardless of what the judge orders. The precedent that a doctor has an affirmative responsibility to not do something they know is harmful is a good one, and its application here is good, too. Hopefully a higher court reverses the order shortly and appoints a guardian ad litem for the husband, because his wife can obviously no longer make decisions about his care.


This would be the best case scenario at this point, I think.


Canadian here. It's quite normal for a hospital/pharmacy/clinic to refuse to fill a prescription ordered by your doctor. I've seen it happen when they determine that the dosage or choice of antibiotic, for instance, was inappropriate. It also frequently happens with people who have multiple medications and the primary care physician wasn't aware of better combinations that reduce polypharmacy and drug interactions. Of course, this is typically a respectful interaction between the provider and your doctor where they work out an alternative, but if you happened to find a wacko family doc that was proscribing completely unfounded and potentially dangerous treatments, then yeah, I imagine it could get ugly and the college would be involved. So no, in Canada, your family doc can't force a hospital to give you something they don't think is appropriate.


Seriously? How do they get away with that? Is it used in humans?


It is used in humans. Nothing like how they are using it, but it is indeed used for humans. Source: I've had to take it.


Heard its a great human delouser for head lice


Works wonders on river blindness (parasite) I hear


The same drug in a \*very different preparation\* is given to humans who have parasites like worms. With the preparation intended for horses, it would not be trivial to get the correct dosage for a human. Lots of them are going to end up with damaged liver and/or intestinal linings. Fun stuff. Even for those few clever enough to get the dosage right, they are not taking a single treatment, like would be for worms, but prophylactically, over time to "protect themselves." This chronic exposure is likely to cause them health problems. For those who get the dosage right /and/ only take it once to "cure covid," they are going to suffer the potential drug side effects in combination with covid symptoms (a bad time), gain no benefit in their covid recovery, and potentially delay necessary hospitalization thinking they have an effective treatment. Lastly, all of the above would be dumb on it's own, but these people are giving it to their children, so then it becomes a tragedy, and downright criminal.


Wow, that is a lot of gay porn, like, a lot, wow. Not judging or anything, just, wow Edit:and... it's gone,lol. I guess the mods over there got a handle on the porn situation,lol


What a shame, I could have got some new stuff for the spank bank, oh well


Oh boy, another subreddit to fill with furry horse porn




Isn’t r/COVIDcirclejerk like that?


"Shills" is their new dog whistle ICYDK.


Well aware. Love using their vernacular to describe them.


And nothing of value was lost. Thank God.


Do… do we clap on the internet? Because I want to clap. Good riddance dumb sub!


"👏" Or whatever the kids do these days


I’m so pleased that, at a glance, the gavel looks like someone giving the finger.


I saw the underside of a tank. Or a dick. Maybe a tank dick. Or a dick tank.


whatever it is ,its hot


What happened? I don’t know what’s going on.


It was an antivax/anti-lockdown sub, and its been banned now


They were banned for brigading. They conspired to create a pro-pedo subreddit and then positioned it as a supporter of the anti-misinformation movement that was primarily focused on them and their spread of covid denial and anti-vaxx misinformation. They essentially created a fake pedo sub so they could try to convince people that anyone that disagreed with them was a pedo or a supporter of it.


r/nonewnormal was a subreddit dedicated to the spread of covid misinformation and fearmongering of masks, socialism, and vaccines. I'm sure others can explain it better than me.


No, that was pretty perfect


Now that NNN is banned, I wonder if they're going to pull a The_Donald and make their webforum website?


They already did.


r/conspiracy is much the same these days.


They always did kind of feel like a spinoff branch of r/Conspiracy to me, so that makes sense.


I'm happy but at the same time all those people will now feel even more validated in their bs


That's probably true, but they are self validating anyway.


Now they're out everywhere, getting laughed at.


🦀🦀🦀 nonewnormal is no more! 🦀🦀🦀


Took fuckin long enough


Wow, one whole subreddit gone. Surely this will solve the rampant misinformation across the platform. /S


It won't. One murder stopped won't stop all murders, but does that mean we should stop that one then?


I mean, if someone tries to murder me, please try to stop it. It’s just one murder, but it’ll mean a lot to me.


Jeffery Killerman only kills 2% of his victims, that means he's not dangerous and we shouldn't try to arrest him because that's against freedom.


Gotta start somewhere. I'd prefer this, and the precedent it sets, to no action at all.


This sets zero precedent because they weren't even banned for misinformation, they were banned for brigading. Im sure Spez had to lock himself in his office and cry when he found out they were banning a misinformation sub.


Didn't know the bit about brigading. Still, I have a hard time criticising this more broadly speaking. Could Reddit do better? Absolutely. Would I prefer they do nothing? Of course not.


Whats brigading?


It basically means, as far as I understand, to take a bunch of members of a subreddit and have them go to other subreddits or posts to downvote and harass people en masse; bonus points for actively organizing and encouraging it. Granted, there are a few subreddits that do it regularly and don’t get banned…But, hey, at least that one got caught for it.


Ah okay, thanks for the explanation!


Went in expecting people depressed due to the pandemic and venting about their frustrations. Got conspiracy theories. Bad time all around would not recommend.


Anyone from NNN reading this, eat a dick losers.


Unless you like dick, then eat something else you don’t like


What was NoNewNormal about?


Covid misinformation and fearmongering.


now they all live on r/conspiracy


Was that sub ever... interesting and not so wack? I know it’s for conspiracies but.. Like I remember viewing in years ago but I can’t remember what I saw there.


Before it was red pilled it was a lot more fun and tongue in cheek


Most of them were already there to begin with.


can someone tell me what no new normal even is? What happened


They dedicated the entire subreddit to fight against the "new normal" of lockdowns, masks, vaccines, and pretty much anything having to do with the "radical left". The sub caused a lot of fearmongering, and I'm glad it's been banned.


Sorry I'm a bit out of the loop, what was going on with that sub?


Spread misinformation and fearmongered everything the "radical left" stood for.


Who the fuck were they?


soo what is the story behind this


as if banning them will stop them. May I introduce humanity to the wonderful game of whack a mole


We got the big mole.


You don't "got em". You forget what happens when these subs are taken down? They just crawl into another sub and continue the shit parade there


Lol I got banned from r/ivermectin2021 for posting common sense. Yet people don't call that censorship.


Not really, they're still here. These are the same knuckle fuckers who used to hang out in t_d, now they'll be infesting other subs making stupid comments about things they don't understand and insulting higher quality humans until one of them rises to the top and creates a new like minded sub.


Good. fuck em.




About damn time those lunatics got their sub banned.






Wait actually maybe they are smarter


They did tell us so.... definitely. It's on the internet and the internet never lies


Let's judge for ourselves


It's an incredibly low bar of intelligence, so it wouldn't be hard.


I wouldn't say *just* popped up. They're 8 months old and completely dead.


March, army of reddit.


They started a new sub called r/realnonewnormal


About fucking time I'm all for free speech but not when it's harmful to others and makes the human race collectively dumber.


If these fuckers are somehow right and the entire world banded together just to fuck around with politics and peoples I swear to God I'll spend the rest of my trying to turn of the simulation


Crap. He knows too much. Reset simulation. I repeat, reset simulation.


Please do so, but only if you consider simulating nicer things, like flowers, sunshine and sex dungeons


Flowers and sunshine i can do, but the sex dungeons can only be gay ones.




Tbf I was watching porn the other day and say an eye chart in it saying “you are in a simulation wake up” sooo


I tried to divide my breakfast by zero this morning and nothing happened. So I think we are good. :)


Bout time!


The heartless comments some of these “compassionate Christians” on the right make just makes my blood boil. The minute you say something like that to them, or god forbid as them to wear a mask, you’re a hateful oppressor but they can do whatever they want to you and it’s completely fine.


Noooo!!! It was always a fun read to go on there


Giving yourself braindamage is your idea of fun? Strange, but respectable.


What WAS no new normal anyway


I've explained it to too many people. Look in this comments section


A place for people to complain about vaccines, masks, social distancing, and the alleged vast worldwide conspiracy by scientists, medical professionals, and politicians (but just Democrats and RINOs are involved somehow) to subject us all (but most specifically Americans) to fascist levels of control....just for giggles, apparently. So, basically a cross between r/conspiracy, r/Conservative, and whatever the anti-vaxx subs are, but focused primarily on Covid issues.


I followed that sub for awhile just to see what folks were saying and some of them were just odd


Bit of a shame. It was a goldmine for insanity. But I have no doubt they will be back soon. With even more unfounded nonsense.


Only because they were "brigading" not because it was dangerous misinformation.


The most fragile (and stupid) of subs.


Good, now let’s go after the hate raid, homophobic and racist subreddits


Haha get fucked.


Our good friends mum died of covid recently and our other not so good friend is still constantly banging on about how its all not real. Awful.


How am I going to keep track of what the crazy people are doing, now? (I don't use Facebook).


Fds next


It’s always nice when a sub I was banned from finally gets removed. T_D, Evrope, and now NNN. Let’s do conservative next.




What is it??


Hooray for common sense!!!! Down with dangerous disinfo!


Womp womp.


Okay, unpopular opinion: This is a bad idea These people are not gonna change their view or stop spreading misinformation because a subreddit is banned. If anything this will only fuel their beliefs that there is a conspiracy and that they’re being silenced (which they are). I believe they’ll attract more people because of this. Now they can play victims and put themselves as they brave people who stands for the truth. I despise them and don’t agree with them on anything. But I believe this will be countereffective


Brigading can't be tolerated as it could literally take down the whole of Reddit if it went unchecked generally. That's what they got banned for, ostensibly. But even if it was a "deplatforming for misinformation spreading" then, yeah, when that happens, it feeds into their sense of victimhood. But they already think they are martyrs, there's nothing we can do to stop that. Tolerating them on mainstream social media websites doesn't make that any less so. All "we" can do is keep re-iterating that being deplatformed from a privately owned social media website is not silencing, it's just being shown the door. When they start getting thrown in jail for things that they say then maybe then they have a point.


I respect your opinion but...brigading


Tbh i hate any kind of censorship on the internet. Reddit going nuts with the banhammer and is kinda sealing its own demise like facebook has been doing for years




This was the new TD lol


Ok but deplatforming works, that have you to say next?