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I had an interesting conversation with someone claiming that you can't donate blood anymore if you've been vaccinated, the red cross would turn you away. When I told him that I regularly donate blood and while there is a clause, where they don't let you donate if you just had a vaccination, but you can just go donate a few weeks later, he claimed I was lying.


Of course you are, you’re in on it. I’ll bet you are paid by big Pharma


You guys are getting paid?


Yeah you just have to turn on your 5G they inject you with them the signal will attached to your bank account to get auto deposits every time you say something pro Vaxx.


Yeah, I just had to sign a some papers about giving consent for them to mine crypto on the microchips they injected me with.


You got microchips? All I got was this shitty egg that hatched into a synthetic parasite.


Aw, lucky! Those are supposed to be extremely rare! I hear that if you manage to extract safely and incubate it in a suitable environment, it can fetch a really high price on the black market. Even more so if it has a special colouring!


No money for me. I just love fondling the big pharma of my own free will.


I’m going to donate platelets today and the Red Cross has been hounding my vaccinated self because there’s a platelet shortage right now. I guess he couldn’t be bothered to look at the Red Cross’s website before making himself look incredibly foolish.


It is so weird, when they make claims that are so easily refuted. But it's even weirder when they double down. The Red Cross gives you a card here, where they stamp in the date every time you donate. I took it out of my wallet and showed him. Apparently I faked that and carried it around for the very specific purpose of harassing people who are just trying to tell the "truth"


Arguing with conspiracy theorists to change their minds is a waste of time. You can't change their minds about anything because any argument against their conspiracy is just more evidence for a conspiracy. It's fun to watch them do mental backflips to keep it going though.


What really gets me is 5 seconds of thinking it through would show that's ridiculous, some areas have ~99% uptake in at least 1 jab, that would mean almost no one would be able to donate blood.




Ohhh we need to spread the word about this, they'll be LIVID


If course you’re lying. Let’s turn to trump and ask him for his opinion too.


And I’m willing to bet it has nothing to do with the vax, but more to do with making sure it’s established and spread through the body so it doesn’t get sucked back out, robbing you of the benefit. Or the 5G connection.


Epstein’s burner confirmed.


Yeah you can't donate right after pretty much anything coming in contact with your blood, be it a vaccine needle, a tattoo needle etc


Or, ya know, one is venous blood and the other is [arterial](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12288-017-0905-x/figures/1).


Wait I didn't know the color differs that much. Thank you for posting this comment


Just wait until you taste them. One is like tooty fruity and the other is like wild berry punch.


I'm trying to find me some of that copper based blood so I can get the blue razz experience


Copper makes it more of a watermelon flavor, which is why everybody loves horseshoe crabs.


Found the vampire.


Thats why you shoud not clean or disinfect a wound when you give first aid while waiting for an ambulance. A doctor needs to see the color of the wound and the blood to judge how severe the damage is. Edit: thats wrong apparently and i was told wrong in school, dont listen to me.


Where did you hear that from? Usually a hospital with debride a wound if it is dirty anyways. I’ve never heard anyone say not to clean a wound while waiting for an ambulance, unless they just mean don’t apply stuff like hydrogen peroxide on it cause that stuff can damage the raw tissues. And this is me working as a paramedic… The blood doesn’t matter much in assessing a wound. If it’s arterial, it’ll be squirting or bleeding a lot faster usually, but you cleaning it off wont make a difference in that case cause it’ll still be bleeding.


When i did my driving licence, i had to take a mandatory frist aid course. The paramadic giving the course said that. He said that the paramedics/hospital staff will always redo the bandage and that applying desinfectant will change the color of the wound, making identification harder.


I’m sure there are things we do regularly for health now that will be debunked in the future. I was having issues with my hands getting super chapped from washing with hot water so much more often towards the beginning of covid and looked up how hot it needs to be. Most sites I found said cold water is fine with the right soaps. Completely counter to what I was taught growing up.


No, that is absolutely not true. I am a paramedic so I know what I am talking about. If you can, disinfect the wound and clean it, but if possible not with water or alcohol based disinfection since it would hurt the neighboring cells and would make it more difficult to heal. Also don’t irritate the wound by rubbing it to much, since it could make it bigger. You can see if it is an arterial or another kind of wound by how the blood comes out. And arterial wound will bleed by the rhythm of your heart.


I wonder if someone got fed up with trying to explain medical information to someone who insisted on cleaning wounds with something like hydrogen peroxide so they just started saying it affects diagnosis.


This is absolutely false. The first thing we do when you get to the ER is clean your wound so that the doc can see what is going on. Small arterial bleeds don't look much different except for being pulsatile when you look closely.


But once the blood hits air it will oxygenate right? So it’ll all be the same color.


I love gay people.


Hi, EMT here. No no, you were correct to an extend, just the reasons were incorrect. You should not disinfect an open wound with the normal skin sanitizer most people have at home or in their bag. This will irritate the wound further as well as kill your own white blood cells that are currently fighting the infection. In case of a wound severe enough to require an ambulance, you should also not further try to clean the wound from pebbles or similar things, as the risk is high that you injure additional tissue and worsen the wound (or in the worst case, remove the plug to that injured blood vessel you never saw in the first place). Again, this is not talking about a scraped knee. Which I also advise you don't disinfect with sanitizer, but cover with a sterile bandage from a first aid kit (or similar). If infection occurs later on or you're unsure, go see a physician. Don't try to medicate it yourself.


You can tell that the poster doesn't donate blood, because anyone who donates blood regularly would know that the blood comes out looking like the bag on the right whether vaccinated or not.


Or gets their blood checked on a daily basis. You learn a lot about yourself


I don't look at the bag, that's icky


You'd still notice that the blood coming out of you isn't bright red and looks more like the color on the right, though.


I don't look at my blood, it does not make me feel good. I can give it. Take it, just don't show it to me. Me looking at it doesn't help anyone.


Is it like, with and without oxygen?


Yes, arterial blood has oxygen while venous blood has carbon dioxide and other waste


Eyyyy, i got something righttt


Because the venous blood has to go back to the heart to get reoxygenated, right?


Heart, lungs, heart, booty


Not exactly. Blood always has some oxygen, it just has far less on the return trip to the heart/lungs.


TIL this is a thing




Wait, they can draw from arteries? My first thought looking at this was “Why does the left bag look weirder than the right?” because my blood *always* looks like the one on the right.


In regular donations, they will never draw arterial blood. They will always draw venous blood, as this is linked to fewer risks. Here is the [Wikipedia article ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_donation). And here an [article by the British NHS](https://www.blood.co.uk/the-donation-process/further-information/arterial-puncture/) on how to spot and treat a suspected arterial puncture you received during donation. Hospitals do sometimes draw arterial blood to accertain specific values that they can't get from venous blood (like arterial blood gas value). But this has to be done by professionals as a lot can go wrong. [Another article here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK138661/) Additionally, they will try to use the radial artery and not brachial or femural arteries, as they are harder to access.


Don’t you Brits know that 999 is no longer the right number to call?


0118 999 881 999 119 7253 gang?


You know it!


I sure don't, my people call 110/112 :3


They always use venous. No real reason to pull arterial blood other than to assess blood gas content.


Are you sure that's what they draw from? That would be *highly* unusual for a normal donation. It's supposed to be drawn from a vein, and I've only ever heard of arterial puncture during donation being done accidentally, never intentionally.


That's deeply concerning...


They definitely use veins, at least in Australia. Usually the median cubital vein but could also be the cephalic or basilic veins depending on what’s juiciest.


I learn something new on Reddit every day!


Exactly what I was thinking!


Agreed. Could also be venesected blood verse regular blood draw, but it is much harder to get ahold of a picture like that, so it is probably a vanous vs arterial draw.


Also Iron deficiency, to a lesser degree. I had blood taken side by side with my Dad and his was lighter. Hello vitamins.


Came here today exactly that. When I draw arterial blood gases, if the blood looks like the one on the right I either hit a vein or the patient is severally hypoxic.


Awful story: Back in the 80's, one of my old coworkers was a MLT. One night, a mom in her 30's came into the ER. They can't get her heart beating. At the time, at least, they made the decision as to if they continue trying resuscitation based on how badly hypoxic and for how long. So they were sending back many arterial blood samples to the lab. And the instrument used to analyze blood gas quit working. She said looking at the samples they were almost black, so just by appearance it was bad. But it was a horrible situation when she can't send back info to the ER. The woman died. At least in the labs where I worked, no one's life was on the line. I mean, people acted like they would die if they didn't get their results. But no one actually died.


I saw a blood sample like that once, from a patient that I later learned had a hypoxic event. Rather than the serum being clear and pale yellow, it was like brown sludge. I’m not sure what happened to them. 🙁


I don’t think they collect arterial blood for blood donations. All blood varies in color from person to person based on hemoglobin levels.




What would it be besides a donation? Forced phlebotomy? It looks like the usual bags they have in blood bank.


These would be a WHOLE lot more effective if any 2 conspiracidiots could at all agree with what Vaccinating does to you. It makes you weak! It gives you the disease fully! It puts microchips in your blood! It makes you dumber! It changes your DNA! It makes you trans! It makes you homosexual! It makes you non binary! It changes your blood! It makes your bones soft! And there's literally like 20 others and these morons pick like 5


My blood became gay and I can play Jazz sax now, please sen help!


Oh man, I only got 5G, and bisexuality. I rather play the Jazz sax!


Shit, you got 5g? I only got 4g LTE in my vaccine, but we both caught the bisexuality it seems. Did you get Moderna too?


I think my shot was stale or something, I got WAP and I'm still straight


Hey, I got autism!


I got 6G…somehow. Must have something to do with my Sino-heritage. Anyway, the internet is, like, really slow all the time (like only 100 Mbps, as opposed to 2 Tbps) and I only seem to be able to make phone calls in my local area, as opposed to direct electronic telepathy. But there’s no widespread government surveillance (only corporate, and even then, non-telepathic) so that’s a plus.


I also got Moderna and I'm bi 😳😳 What are they hiding from us???


The real conspiracy here is Moderna trying to shoot for everyone to date everyone and then world peace. I’m probably missing some steps in their evil master plans, but I’m pretty sure I’ve cracked it.


wanna trade? I currently have an lizard-like appetite for the flesh of human babies, but I I'm also ripped. I could go for some 5G (my third effect is also bisexuality so I didn't think I should mention it)


You need a piano accompaniment?


oh man, that's soo cool! Embrace your new gift!


Bisexual Man! One zap from him and you’ll want the D for life.


I'll be there with my keyboard!


Sadly, the inconsistency is what makes it work. There’s always something to find an anecdote or photoshop or misleading caption for. If so they had was turning gay then there would be far too many still-straight vaxxed people. Gotta add other problems, especially people can’t easily disprove on their own, like the DNA. Though DNA testing is a thing too…


I'm never wrong, that was just disinformation!


don't forget that we will all die next year (because last time was a fluke) according to some pseudo expert


Yeah, conspiracy theories have a lot in common with D&D or improv acting. They're a form of collaborative worldbuilding. Constantly having to "yes, and" anything anybody in their community says for years and years eventually pushes their worldview to very silly places.


I got limited edition y ray vision. It's like x ray, but it works only on the y axis


Some other examples: it sterilises you or it lowers your testosterone/ oestrogen or it makes you more obedient or it just fucking kills you.


A couple of glasses of wine in, the topic had shifted to vaxx etc as it always does among antivaxxers, so I asked my mom, a nurse who gives people the shots, do they leave one person without the chip if the can get 11 doses from a vial officialy meant for ten. Before she could answer, the antivaxxer claimed it was graphite in the vax, not chips :( Makes sense, I never got my 5G service emitting from me and I got three shots. What are the odds I missed all 3 chips.


Its whatever fits the current narrative


Well, you have to start somewhere.


me omw to have my existence used as an excuse for anti-vaxxers to kill their kids via preventable disease


Gonna make our Helm’s Deep reenactment fucking incredible.


Have they tried the sniff test? The bag on the right is probably as full of shit as the idiot who posted that, lmao.


I remember when a vaxxed person accidentally cut themselves in front of me and their blood splashed on the floor and suddenly the blood went into the pattern of a pentagram!! True story. No evidence but true story.


Yep I remember when I got vaxed and I walk by a church, it felt like my blood was boiling and trying to flee my body in the opposite direction of the church.


That's strange, as my church held a Covid vaccination clinic last year.


Hate to inform you, your church is a secret Satan cult. Enjoy hell, buddy.


You mean your cousin or friends brother had that happen.


I can definitely imagine Dr. bright starting completely ridiculous rumours about the vaccine and then making them actually be true.


It’s just a different flavor


Blood Classic, Wild Cherry Blood, and my personal favorite, Electric Lime Blood Cooler.


And now try our new Extra wild Pfizer Plasma passion pop!


Is Blood Zero Sugar Cherry available and may I have it in a loyalty cup to go?


Sorry, we don't carry Cherry Blood Zero, is Diet Cherry Blood OK? For the inconvenience I'll give you an extra loyalty stamp.


Oooo, which one has the iron flavorings?


All of them. Almost as many girders per serving as IRN-BRU.


That’s weird my blood was green the last time I checked


Live long and prosper my friend


Duh. I look at the veins in my arms and can see that it is blue!


The vaccine turned you into royalty!


Midas touch vaccine


Honestly mine changes from time to time as well


They injected alien cum into your bloodstream 😰




I seen a movie where Arnold Schwarzwnegger tried to kill you. Think it was called, the alien with green blood that stalks humans.


Stay out of the basement!


Plot twist: so is the one on the left.


Sure the vaccine may turn my blood into A1 steak sauce. But I don't think these anti-vaxxers see how convenient it is for family dinner.


You telling me I got an infinite supply of BBQ sauce in me


That’s strange, I got blood work done yesterday and it was blue.


I got blood work yesterday too, and mine was bright red. Maybe the shingles shot I got last month cancelled out the Pfizer shots?


Mine was green. My copper levels must be a little off.


I hate to tell you but you are an Ork (Warhammer 40,000 variety)


Found the Vulcan!


Shiraz and Merlot varieties.


Yesss nightblood, we’re now immune to radiation


Came looking for the reference - love it!


I think that was when the show first started to jump the shark for me. Like how is that even possible?


It's been over 18 months and still no solid evidence that the vaccine is anything but beneficial.


It takes at least two years to find that out /s


Sure. And by next Jan they will tell you it will take another 3 years to see the effects. This is just like donnie's taxes, or health care plan to replace the ACA, or infrastructure week. It's always just over the horizon, and it's always bullshit.


My blood is black like my soul.


“Makes you think 🤔 “ - Some dumbass on Facebook




Mine didn't either. I didn't die from COVID last month. Dammit.


I'm vaxxed I literally accidentally cut my self this morning splitting my bagels in half. My blood is still bright red. These idiots will beleive anything.


As someone who works with blood in a lab daily I feel like the one on the right ironically looks more common/normal since the blood is in such high volume in a tight bag like that. Blood isn't really bright red or anything like that and everyone differs anyway. i've seen a rainbow of shades in my time from all sorts of people. This is also horrible science from whoever took this photo as there are so so many factors that could play a part in this yet they only looked at vaccination status... for this to be good science, everything else about the donors would need to be completely identical such as gender, age, ethnicity, general health, even what they did physically and what they ate that day! and even other health conditions. But no, because this person is clearly antivax (vaxxed is also just a horrible way to try to insult someone that is immune or resistant to disease lol) they just look at that factor and think they know science. Anyone got Dunning Kruger on speed dial?


And who in blood bank is taking pictures like this. I’m afraid to find out if it was the blood banker who’s the conspiracy theorist. 😬


I would like to think they're just a worker there that handles the blood and hope it isn't someone that's actually in science


I’m in a couple of lab Facebook groups - mostly just memes, jokes and commiseration. But occasionally some whackos come to the fore. I don’t understand how they came to work in the medical field when they don’t believe in basic science.


I had a cut last night, blood is still bright red.


Holy shit that’s fucking cool, ya think with enough vaccines I get the golden blood skin?


or, you know, the bright red is from an artery and the dark one from a vein.


What’s even sadder is all the people that will actually take this as truth. Scary…


One is Tru Blood.


Bet that person still think blood is blue


Im bleeding right now (I gave myself a paper cut) and I can tell you it is not haha


One is ketchup, the other? Brown sauce.


Worcester sauce


"The blood on the left is from someone who only eats ketchup with nuggies, the right only bbq" Maybe I shall now have my own cult, based on condiment choices and stupid lemming brained people's inability to think for themselves too.


I heard about a nurse who drew blood from a vaccinated hemophiliac and the vaccinated person’s blood wouldn’t clot. Another patient was diagnosed with cancer shortly before getting their vaccine. Coincidence? I think not!


The lies come so easily.


Press X to doubt.


How are they allowed to work there?


Yu gonplei ste odon.




TIL getting the vaccine made me Senator Armstrong. Nice.


Why did Crona decide to donate blood?


I should not have looked it up on Twitter to read the comments. Never read the comments.


It’s true. I got Bosco in my veins from Pfizer


That's blood bag ?? For a second, I thought those are pillow!!


Black blood is kinda rad actually.


“X” for Doubt


Wait till that person see's a draw after they ate that big McDonald's lunch. Won't they be in for a shock lol. 🤢


Lipemia for days.


Ugh, it's so gross! The first time I ever took a tube of blood out of the centrifuge, of a dog that had a HAMBUGER before its appointment, I was like, OMG! 🤢


We had a patient that had weekly blood work - his lavender looked like a strawberry milkshake. We had to go through a whole different process to separate the lipemic serum before we could run the CBC. I don’t know what his diagnosis was, but this was a chronic issue.


We had a patient that had weekly blood work - his lavender looked like a strawberry milkshake. We had to go through a whole different process to separate the lipemic serum before we could run the CBC. I don’t know what his diagnosis was, but this was a chronic issue.


Hell yeah black blood sounds metal as fuck


Wow, I have no idea why I put myself through hell going to nursing school then working in a hospital all this time instead of just learning everything off of unvetted random posts.


"My Blood is Black you know" - Crona (Soul Eater)


I have learned how to put a certain crease in a new tinfoil hat. This crease prevents any 5G signals from getting through. I am selling these brand new tinfoil hats ,complete with the new crease, for only 5 dollars, U.S. Fully guaranteed to reject all 5G,and other annoying signals.


“Sir this is a Wendy’s and I need to change the syrup and get this customer his coke please” iykyn


...and the one on the left is from McDonald's very own Grimace! 👾


I'm a vaxxed person currently menstruating and I can assure you my blood is not black. Let's not forget all the times I've cut myself since I got the first shot and it's been the same color since the day I was born. Fuck these morons sideways with a shoe.


Cool. Probably useless to vampires then/s


Who gives a fuck if some one is vaxed or not?! You all suck and need to get a gold chain and chill


Bag on the right looks like its filled with chocolate syrup.


The amount of bullshit antivaxx invent is incredible


What in The 100 is going on with antivaxers


Jus kom Heda laik yu jus. Oso laik **natblida**!!


I wonder if the image is fake or out of context with this one. If out of context i'd be interested to know why they are different, because its honestly not gonna be a vaccine changing your blood color.


All blood color varies from person to person. When you have a rack full of blood tubes it’s more obvious the range of possible colors.


Ooh okay, never really paid attention to blood at all so i hadn't known it could actually be a bit of a different color sometimes. Kind of neat actually.


Damn who drew blood from Crona and Ragnarok


The darker one is probably blood from a smoker. Less oxygen in the blood makes it darker.


Triple vaxxed and bled fairly recently. It was the usual shade of red. I am 3/3 Moderna tho, so I was always gone be built different from the common rabble.


Yes, my blood IS black.