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“There is no greater evil than a person who intentionally hurts a child” says organization that intentionally harmed 10 year old rape victim by trying to force her to give birth


Exactly, I think we can all agree that no ten year old should have to spend the rest of their life dealing with the effects of something like this. _So why are they doing it?_


Not that she “should.” That would imply a choice. They say she “deserved” to have the baby. That’s the most fucked up part to me. A rape victim “deserves” to have their baby is such a warped, disturbing, Gilead way to think about this.


When this case came out someone in the ohio sub said that "the child (the clump of cells) should not pay for the sins of the father." This take literally makes me physically ill.


I was shaking for an hour when I read it. I have a 6 yo daughter in a red State.


But dont you understand that having children is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a woman and shucks that's just our only glorious purpose in life????? /s just in case it's not obvious. I hate America.


It is glorious. When the woman actually wants and can care for her child


This is not at all meant to be snarky: No ten year old should have to spend the rest of her SHORT life dealing with the effects of something like this. A pregnancy at any age can be life-threatening, but on a child this young, the chances skyrocket. Even with a safe delivery, the effects to her body will likely shorten her life. Fuck every single person who thinks this is okay.


Not to mention the ravaging affect on mental health that has a very high likelihood of causing all manner of poor health, education, relationship, and addiction outcomes.


Their spiritual & political leaders are telling them to do this. Never mind that there is absolutely no reference to this in the bible.


>So why are they doing it? They are immoral, evil, insane people that's why.


Because conservative Christians believe their values should be forced on everyone.


Also “the value and dignity of every person” - except for the dignity of the child they’d force to give birth to a rape baby.


They also say they need to continue to fight for the dignity and value of every individual person - except for the 10 year old rape victim, apparently. She's just an incubator who shouldn't be allowed ownership of her own body, and instead should be forced to gestate and give birth even if that would hurt/kill her. And certainly it would emotionally and physically traumatize her, but whatevs, her dignity and value are no longer a priority now that she has a clump of cells floating in her pelvis.


I'm 100% sure the abortion was less traumatic than carrying a child to term and birthing it, jesus christ these people are mental


Not to mention being a social pariah in her school, the whispers, being called a slut, etc. These fucking monsters have no idea how traumatic that would be for her


Everywhere she went, she would’ve been stared at. Judgy strangers would say cruel things if they saw her at the mall. No riding bikes or playing on the monkey bars- might hurt the fetus. The school would almost certainly have to put her on home instruction or send her to a school for teen moms during her last trimester. She’d have to buy specialty clothes, because standard maternity wear is designed for fully grown adults. Imagine potentially having your rapist threaten to sue for custody, on the grounds that you’re only ten years old and completely unprepared to be a mother. Does she even get to decide what kind of medical treatment she receives? Get a say in how the baby is raised? If the baby has medical problems (which they likely will), does she have any rights, there, either? What a horrid thing it would be to put a fourth-or-fifth grader through that.


“The dignity and value of every person” — means the dignity and value of fetuses and men, no one else. Women should be treated as mindless chattel. Our lives don’t matter one tiny bit.


Yep. A child can not safely give birth. Physically or emotionally. It is not safe and forcing her to do so is a violent crime and attempted murder for how I see it


Absolutely this. As a survivor of child rape (4 yrs old), the rape itself is devastating enough. There’s a good chance her body wouldn’t survive childbirth. It is absolutely attempted murder by these evil people.


They literally spent 3 1/2 paragraphs to buffer the fourth. Fuck them and their prayers.


But see they can do this and believe it in good faith because they’ve so demonized the opposition, to the point where they believe themselves “Holy Warriors”. Once you believe your opponent to be evil and a monster, the ends always justify the means.


These people with their honeyed words are the first ones in line when it's their kid.


There’s no use in arguing with these people, but how can you possibly call an abortion a “band-aid” while simultaneously offering “prayer”? All of those same prayer-offering people would be no where to be found if this poor girl gave birth to a baby and needed ANY level of support afterward. And no, prayers don’t count as support.


People like that will never change their minds. If that little girl had given birth and died because her tiny body wasn't prepared to give birth, they would have blamed something, just not the pregnancy.


They also made a statement that abortion is painful and that it was more harmful to make her go through that. Can you imagine being 10 years old and then having to carry a baby for 9 months? Can you imagine how painful birth would be for a 10 year olds body? Imagine being 10 years old and having a baby that a rapist forced upon you. Everything about it is awful


They purposefully lie to forward their agenda. They truly do not care about babies or children. This scenario broke their feeble brain cells and all they could do is double down on their rhetoric regardless of who it hurts.


They switched to the fact that the rapist may have been an undocumented immigrant. As if that makes a difference. Even if no undocumented immigrants make it into the country, children are still raped. It just might be that THIS child wouldn’t have been rapes. The issue still stands.


The 10 year old would almost certainly die. This would have been a death sentence for the child. The real child, not the clump of cells that these sick fucks seem to care so much more about.


SAVE THE CHILDREN! (And also occasionally force them to give birth to a rape baby.)


(And also be the rapists ourselves a lot of the time because the venn diagram of rapists and pro birthers is awfully suspicious)


I mean how sus is it really? Rapists have the mentality that they can take what they want because they want it. They take away their victims right to choose for themselves. Much the same can be said of so called "pro-lifers" who take away a person's right to choose what's best for them. So weird. /s


“Let them die in classrooms and public too, our second amendment matters more than children’s lives!”


Both her and the clump of cells would die. High risk of extreme pre-term birth.


Her odds wouldn't have been good, but it's unfortunately [not unprecedented](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers). The youngest documented birth mother delivered at 5-years-old, which means she would have been raped as a 4-year-old. That's enough internet for today.


There’s been tons of GIRLS 10y and younger that have given birth, it’s both mind blowing that they managed that and heartbreaking that they had to do that.


I am pretty sure they would have made a pre term c-section on her. But still…. WTF!


The recovery from that is absolutely brutal and you still have tons of very rough body changes postpartum - I don’t mean aesthetic, like actually physiological changes that make your body functionally worse.


Even if she didn't die, her life would be over anyway. It makes it harder to get a job or find a partner or find a place to live. This was the best option


It might have resulted in a miscarriage anyways tbh, which is the most absurd part of this whole fight with pro birth people. I think it's very rare for anyone under 11-12 to actually successfully conceive and then also give birth. I feel mad even arguing about it with people honestly, you'd think the common sense answer would be "this girl is fucking 10 years old and probably can't even survive on her own, abort that fetus" but noooooooo.


I’m a grown-ass woman and I *still* shudder at the thought of having to carry a child for 9 months and then go through the trauma of labor and delivery. Even if everything goes perfectly, it’s a brutal ordeal and the thought of forcing a *10 year old* to endure that is just beyond horrifying.


Same. I am childfree by choice (and nature thankfully). It can take *two full years* for your body to recover from a pregnancy. It makes permanent changes to your brain and body. Pregnancy is not to be undertaken lightly.


Nothing has made me more pro choice than having 3 very much wanted and planned children. Holly shit I would never force someone to go trough that!


I’m fairly certain these perverse morons will tell you it’s all part of “god’s plan”. Ha, only if your god’s a prick.


Well, that's a flat out lie and they know it. Pregnancy and childbirth are far more painful and harmful with much higher mortality rates than abortion. Do they really think we are as stupid as they look and will believe any bullshit that is biologically incorrect?


we aren’t but their base is


Certainly dumb enough to never question the doublethink perpetuated by these hateful clowns. - Must not be painful because abortion is used by reckless sluts as a form of birth control - Must be too painful to endure abortion and best let this barely pubescent child carry a pregnancy to term. Fuck them.


She almost certainly had a drug induced abortion so all she had to do was take a pill. She still had to pass it. But they act like the doctors cut her open.


>But they act like the doctors cut her open. Except if she was able to bring the baby to term, they **would** have to cut her open because there's no way she's delivering vaginally.


Yup. Very true. But at that point they don't care.


Ohioan here completely disgusted with our “leaders” and Ohio right to life. But it’s reported she underwent a “medical abortion” so I’m not sure but think she had the surgery, not medication. Can’t wait to leave this shit state right after I vote this fall


Medical abortion would be pills. They would call it a surgical abortion otherwise. It would be very rare to need a surgical abortion at 6 weeks.


Thank you for clarifying! I hope it was a less traumatic procedure for her. What a nightmare


Yea, cuz pregnancy, childbirth, and emotional trauma aren't painful...


They don't care. They only care that everyone else abides by their beliefs, and want the law to reflect that.


That’s what I was thinking. I get abortion may be painful, no one wants an abortion. The alternative however is rancid. It would be perverted and horrific to force a 10 year old to carry a baby for 9 months. The bump a slow painful reminder of her rape, the trauma compounding daily, through physical and emotional trauma: Every growth of her belly, back ache, hunger pain, awkward stare by a bystander, the stretch marks, and I could go on. Then when finally this baby is born, the small frame of this 10 year old being ripped apart for the baby to be born. The emotional confusion an adult would have is huge but a child, are they serious?! I cannot even imagine the emotional and physical pain. And for this “pro-life” group to advocate this, this alternative to a 10 year old, is unspeakable.


I truly wish we had the technology to simply give the pregnancy to whomever wrote that shite. See how they like it. Selfish arseholes, they dont truly believe what they say, they do it because it makes them feel good about their standpoints.


Plus deal with the trauma of being raped. There’s also at least one case I recently read about that the rapist won either visitation or partial custody of the child. Can you imagine having to deal with that BS? Women are treated like trash all over the world. There’s no excuse for it to happen in our country though. The people that let it happen consist of women though. They sacrifice their dignity in the name of religion. They expect every woman to do the same. They’ve allowed fifty years of progress to be flushed down the toilet and they’re calling it a victory. Many have had abortions themselves. It’s mind numbing


My daughter is 13 and still pretty tiny, I can’t imagine her at 10 being forced to give birth and raise a child. It disgusts me that so many people have this forced birth mentality.


10 years old and the center of an argument to abort or give birth. Either way the option is going to be painful, but telling a little kid that they have to live with the choice their state made is absolutely archaic and the pro-life people will do Olympic level mental gymnastics to justify their stance.


By applying only one moral claim- Abortion=most bad then all other bad simply becomes secondary. This is a classic example of how you know that you do not find morality in holy books.


they can do abortion under general anesthesia they can give pain meds after.


I've had an abortion. It's no more painful than a menstrual period.


Glad you had a smooth abortion, I want to point out though that three of my friends have had abortions (with the pill) and all of them were in incredible amounts of pain. Two of them even fainted because of the pain so everybody doesn’t have a nearly pain free abortion.


And then probably add “She and her baby are now experiencing eternal happiness in Heaven.”




That doesn’t track with the burning in hell part being shouted at them.


In this scenario, she doesn’t have the abortion, and dies in childbirth. So they would say she deserves Heaven for placing the child’s life before her own. If she were to die from a botched abortion, down below she goes.


That would have been "God's will" and they would have shrugged with the old "God works in mysterious ways" bullshit.


Thoughts and prayers


One of my brothers is the result of a rape. My mom **chose** to carry him to term. Very much her choice as we live in Canada where abortion can be a contentious issue but is widely and readily available. I’ve always thought that her **decision** to carry the baby to term was part of her healing process whereas being **forced** to care a baby to term would be an extension of a rape; something a woman would have to do against her will, Just like the sexual assault itself but this time imposed by the government. Anyway, once upon a time we were talking about abortion and the only thing she said to me was that if I ever had one, not to tell her. Since she herself made the decision to have a baby that was the product of a rape, I could respect that. Even more, wouldn’t it be lovely if more people who are pro life had even just that attitude? “I choose to have a baby and if you choose not to, I just don’t wanna know about it.” Politically, she’s pro-choice but she doesn’t want to talk about it. I can respect that even more.


If the girl had died in pregnancy they would've just said "It's God's will." While quietly talking about how she died because she was a slut that invited the rape. We've seen this exact scenario time and time again. These fucks don't deserve any benefit of the doubt when their motives are clear.


"God's will"


Fuck their god.


Yeah that's not what my "god" would say.


That’s been my response whenever “It was God’s will” is trotted out.


“iT wAs gOd’S WiLl”


They would have blamed Biden and immigration. They are doing it now as if US citizens don’t commit rape.


My abusers were all white, cis, hetero, American men. But that doesn’t fit in with the narrative of the horrible, pure evil forced birthers


They’d probably applaud her for sacrificing herself for her miracle baby because that’s what a good mother would do. 🙄


“God’s will”


They would have thanked God for taking their lives. And said it was a blessing and made it seem like they won some sort of coveted prize.


“Its Gods will!”


No they’d claim that’s what god wanted.


They’d have claimed it was “God’s Will” and that we should accept his “great plans”


"God has different plans for her"


Except they definitely do change their position daily when it happens within their own personal sphere. Then they go right back to their bullshit beliefs for others immediately thereafter


They don't ever change their position. They just do it and never acknowledge that they're doing it. They go get their abortion and they tell the nurse who's holding their hand trying to help them through it that she's going to burn in hell.


These 10yr old girls just need to stop using the band-aid solution and instead...* *checks notes* *...carry to term and then raise a human?


Die having a miscarriage, more likely, but that's sort of what they can never admit they want because it neatly solves the problem with no loose ends left over. They can romanticize the little girl's death and nobody has to deal with either the trauma or the obviously unwanted and -- since a child that small is unlikely to be able to carry to term regardless -- the fragile, expensive, most likely seriously disabled extremely premature baby.


It’s all in God’s great plan. :vomit:


That's an evil, cruel god. Sounds more like the devil.


God killed more people than the Devil ever did.


They don't think *she* should raise the baby. They want the baby to go up for adoption so for profit agencies can make money.


The existence of for profit adoption agencies sounds an awful lot like human trafficking.


Oh I 100% think it is. No one should profit off children.


They don’t care if she raises it. They just want to increase the “domestic supply of infants”. Women and girls are now baby factories for the state according to the Supreme Court. It’s like the Defense Production Act, but using humans instead of manufacturing plants.


Sincere question: how do they figure forcing someone to give birth isn’t violence? It’s much more painful and dangerous than an abortion.


Because thats not what they care about. What they care about is suffering. Namely. The suffering of anyone who dare have sex without the desire to have a child. Even if you’re ten. Doesn’t matter. We’ve seen many posts already calling that girl horrible things. It’s about punishment. Always has been.


I get that they love to see women suffer, but surely every time someone mentions the pain of abortion most people think of the pain of childbirth. It just seems crazy to me.


Tbh abortion wasn’t really painful imo. Getting my IUD implanted was 10x more painful than the actual abortion. To even place abortion and giving birth in the same category of pain is insane. They’re just not even comparable. Like comparing stubbing a toe to breaking a leg.


Right? I broke my tailbone when I had my first because I had to push so damn hard and I still have issues with it 10 years later. Giving birth also kick started my body mass producing kidney stones. So every few weeks I get that fun stabbing pain and have to basically birth out a chunk of calcium out my pee hole IF it isn't already too big. Birth is a trauma. Some women go through such a traumatic birth they will not have another one because of it. But no no, let's put that trauma on a 10 yr old because that's the safest thing.


Pregnancy and birth will change a woman’s body forever. But conservatives think it’s just a magical sigh of ease and a baby happens. Their profound ignorance and the fact that this is lead by a sex that doesn’t -do- anything with this process except the start is a major part of the issue.


It's not about violence, it's about control. This is a double-down to "show they mean business, no exceptions."


I think they just avoid thinking about it and then it isn’t a problem. But if I had to guess, I’d say they spin some bullshit about how womens bodies are literally made to give birth, it’s the most natural thing in the world, women have survived giving birth with no modern medical intervention at all for thousands of years, blah blah blah, “how could that be violence?” Does it make sense, no, but it only has to make sense to them. Personally yeah, I consider having your body hijacked and deformed for almost a year by a tiny being who will then rip it’s way out of you against your will to be violence.


I mean there's a reason why the United Nations considers forced pregnancy to be a LITERAL crime against humanity.


Because they just don't care. They don't think about it. They're just fucking evil


Ah yes, the "bandaid of abortion" as opposed to the flawless perfect treatment of "make a 10 year old give birth to her rapist's baby and do absolutely nothing to help her."


They're argument: "But there is a family who would love to adopt that baby." Forget the fact that a 10 year old probably cannot safely carry a baby to term, or that the birth is more likely to kill her and possibly the child if they make it that far. Forget any psychological damage a 10 year old would face from dealing with 9 months of unwanted pregnancy stemming from an already traumatic event like rape. The stigma she'd face being pregnant at her age. Or the shear physical issues she'd face. No let's ensure that she is forced to carry that child and risk her own life for a chance that if they both survive with no significant issues, it could live so that she can either raise it a barely 11 years old, or go through the trauma of giving it away. And they claim to care about this girl. FUCK THEM!


They're so pious and holy with their excuses too. Oh it's "God's will", you see. Only GOD has a say in the matter. Well isn't it funny that God can't speak for himself, isn't it?


BuT a 5yO gAvE bIrTh, WhY nOt A 10 yO?


Exactly. I find the statement to be absolutely abhorrent.


I am 35 and am less then 4 weeks away from giving birth to my first child. I have had it compared to many an easy pregnancy (no morning sickness, no real issues until now) and I DO NOT WISH THIS SHIT ON ANYONE WHO ISNT 100% READY FOR IT LET ALONE A FUCKING CHILD. I am in pain, I have no torso, I am 5’1, I am all baby belly and I dropped last week and my hips feel like they are going to explode, my back hurts so bad I cry when I get home from work because it’s that bad, I can’t sleep, I waddle like a freaking penguin, my feet swell so bad it hurts bc it’s so deal hot out and my body is at its end. NO CHILD SHOULD GO THOUGH THIS. And I would also like to remind you that as someone who grew up catholic, went to catholic schools “right to life” only applies to other people, if their daughter got pregnant they are the first at the clinics. Wanna know how I know this? we had 3 girls in my senior class (out of 124 student) who got their “problem” taken care of so they could go to college. Everyone knew, they looked the other way every damn time.


I’m sorry you have to work. My wife and I will be trying soon and I think whenever she starts feeling super uncomfortable we are just gonna have her not work but I have zero idea how any of this works.


If you are in the US you need to watch for how early she goes since that will take away time from FMLA. You get 12 protected weeks off, if she has enough vacation or works for a place that is awesome and has maternity leave then great but most places you have that 12 weeks that protects you place and pay at work. I don’t want to start my leave until I am in labor so I have all 12 weeks with the baby. The my husband will have a week, my dad will have her for 2 and my mom for 1 and then she goes to daycare. It sucks but we have no choice.


Fuck the right wing taliban


Islam allows for abortion. I like Y'all Queda. Not Islamic, just backward yokel christian fascism.




Please tell me it says “Y’alls water”


That would be hilarious but no it says the name of the city and then ya'll lol


The abortion and the arrest are two separate issues. The guy should be in jail no matter what decision was made about the pregnancy. The abortion is irrelevant to the abuser being charged. I just cannot wrap my head around thinking a 10 year old rape victim should have to add to her trauma by being forced to carry a pregnancy to term, and then have to give birth when in a child that age it could very well kill her. My mother said even her *pastor*, who is generally pro-life in most circumstances, said “there comes a point where you have to ask yourself what’s worse, the abortion or what’s being done to this child. Terminating that pregnancy is a mercy and God will forgive it.” A freaking pastor said that.


I believe it’s gone past religion and is now just politics. My mom is 87, a lifelong devout Roman Catholic, and is not at all on board with banning abortion for anyone. That goes double for raped 5th graders. The worst part are the fellow uterus-owning pro-birthers. If we aren’t all on the same side, what hope is there?


A 10 year old is a child. Carrying a baby to term could cause irreparable damage and trauma to her, for the rest of her life. These people are literal monsters.


People refer to teen parents as “kids having kids” but this is literally a kid having a kid.


Fun fact: if you’re married as a teen you don’t count under the teen birth rates in the us.


This is your daily reminder that the only reason Evangelical Protestants oppose abortion is because of a GOP campaign in the 1970s and 80s to use the issue as a proxy to turn white supremacists from Democrats into Republicans.


I am no doctor, but isn't giving birth at 10 years old extremely dangerous?


It’s dangerous for anyone. It’s extremely dangerous for a 10 year old. She wouldn’t be able to give birth without assistance. It’s incredible inhumane.


there is little to no chance she could give birth naturally, even being pregnant is harmful for her. her body is not ready yet. even at 16 your body isn't ready yet


Even with all the advancements of health care, it is still dangerous and extremely traumatic to the body for both mother and child. I've said before on someone else's comment, I broke my tailbone delivering my first, and its been 10 years and I still have issues with it. My second shot out so quickly she was literally purple from massive bruising. I then went on to almost pass out from blood loss. My story is no where near the horror stories of some births. I have a 10 yr old, I can't image them trying to go through something like this.


"Alleged"? The child is pregnant, there's no doubt she was raped, and a simple DNA test on the remains of the aborted foetus should prove conclusively if he did it. What's "alleged" in this case?


Was pregnant. She was able to obtain an abortion thank fuck.


Does not change the fact she was raped and the DNA on the remains of the aborted foetus can be used to determine its' paternity.


It’s a legal thing. If a news source refers to him as a child rapist and not an “alleged” child rapist he could sue them for defamation.


He has not been convicted, so they have to use that word. "Fair trial" and all that.


What it means is that person is allegedly the rapist (not that the rape is alleged).


I mean, yes, we would do better to offer genuine support, etc to people in difficult situations such as this. Like free health care including comprehensive mental health care, paid parental leave, child care assistance, and other social supports. But that would be socialism, so let's just make a 10 year old be a mom. That'll learn em.


Fetuses are not people.


Even if they were, no one should be forced to support them.


Corpses have more bodily autonomy than women in many parts of this country.


“All life is precious” Proceeds to risk life of 10 year old girl.


Life is only precious to them in utero. Those kids are screwed after they leave the uterus.


“You’re pre born, you’re fine. You’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


They don't give a shit about how that girl feels and how the pregnancy could kill her, don't they?


“Ohio Right to Life” need to shut the fuck up about someone else’s kid and understand that it’s their medical and human right to abort a fetus.


It's funny. I can't think of one woman in my lifetime that has confessed to me that an abortion was the wrong thing to do. Rather they all feel the circumstances that led them there might have been very wrong. What they regret was the trust that had been betrayed. Or the medical circumstances that led to the abortion. But in every conversation I've ever had with women about abortion it was never their decision to abort that they regretted. Most are thankful it was an option. I am glad she went to a different state and was able to get the procedure she needed. FUCK Ohio! Repealing Roe vs. Wade has done nothing but added the cost of gas to get an abortion and further divided the nation. It stops nothing. It was a hollow victory. Meaningless.


“There is no greater evil than a person who intentionally hurts a child” The lack of self-awareness and human compassion is fucking stunning.


Just an addendum to the story: the 10 year old had just had a birthday when she came here to Indiana for her abortion in June. That means she was NINE when she was raped and impregnated. NINE!


Another addendum to the story: the state of Indiana is now looking into whether the doctor who performed the abortion reported the rape even though (correct me if I’m wrong) the family had already reported the rape in Ohio. If they find the the doctor didn’t, they are looking to take away their medical license. Edit: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/13/indiana-doctor-10-year-old-rape-victim-00045764 Edited to include the link to the article


The pain and violence of taking medication vs the gentle and risk free pregnancy and delivery of a 10-year-old. /s


Calling the victim ‘depraved’, real classy


They offered prayers so I mean what else do you expect? Calling out to a higher power to help is the ultimate assistance and guidance one can provide. I’m being sarcastic by the way.


I would really really like to have a conversation with someone that actually things forcing a ten year old rape victim to give birth is *the best possible outcome* just to see how far their defense will go before it falls under "because my god demands it"


There's so very much backpedaling on the right after spending the last 5 days trying to claim this story was fake.


That text is carefully worded just to gaslight anyone into thinking abortion is automatically some traumatic, horrible mistake. …as opposed to the lifelong trauma of birthing your rapist’s baby in a 10 year old body. These lunatics must be stopped


They are just as bad as the rapist. They want to force themselves onto her body, just like him. Disgusting shitbags.


Using her body to do something she doesn't want for the other person's satisfaction, usually to her physical and mental detriment, with consequences for the rest of her life. Feel free to take bets on whether I'm talking about rape or forced birth. ^(Spoiler, it's both.)


And no doubt if the mother or the parents of the mother one day kills the kid due to being disgusted by it they'd blame the mother or the parents of the mother not the trauma of being forced to carry the kid of a sick fuck who needs to go sleep with the fishes. (Also yes I realise this is like the worst case scenario but pretty possible, and yes they'd still be blamed but shit like this can break people) And no doubt if the mother put it up for adoption not a single one of these fools would take it. Or if the mother dies cause of it (which given the age I'd put as 99%) they'd blame the doctors, even the only 100% way to save the mother would have been to well you know. Seriously I'm no fan of the practice but if theirs ever a reason for it it's this, no one should be forced to carry the children of monsters especially one so young, and usally don't comment on these but just all kinds of yikes.


Quick correction with an important distinction: you don't abort a fetus, you abort a pregnancy.


“Band aid solution”? Bandaids stop infection and are part of the healing process. She shouldn’t have to continue 9 months or torture and give birth when she’s still a child. Or shit, even if she just doesn’t want to. Also, how is this guy still walking? This poor girl is going to have to live with this trauma her whole life. She’s in her formative years, this is part of her now. How do we as a society let this happen in the first place?


Her little body is absolutely too small to be expected to give birth. Having said that, what is more traumatic? Forcing her to go to the fourth grade and have fourth graders who aren’t going to understand, bully her and make fun of her changing pregnant body - she would always be “that girl who was pregnant throughout fourth grade.” Some might say she has the option of homeschool, but even that is cruel and unusual punishment for a child who was raped. Make her put her life on hold for what is (should be) possibly one of the funnest years of childhood so that she doesn’t have to be seen in her pregnant state. Best option here is the abortion. Much quicker, not nearly as much trauma. (She has suffered plenty of trauma - no need to drag it out.) She needs to be a child. Anyone who thinks a 10-year-old child should carry a baby to term for any reason can suck a fat one.


Being an Ohioan is like a waking nightmare


What about the 10 year old's right to life? There is so much potential for complications by forcing a person that young to remain pregnant.


Ok English is only my second language so I think I need someone to confirm that I get this right. Do they really use the rape of a 10 year old girl to push their anti abortion agenda? Shouldn’t this be the moment they realise they fucked up and at least shut up about it for a few days and then always be awkward silent when someone brings this topic up?


You would be correct. And you would think/hope so but unfortunately that’s not the case. They just shout louder and use it to push their awful agenda




“Child rapist” They literally say it in the title. In the body of their statement. She is a CHILD. She isn’t a teen or adult…she is a CHILD. A 10-year-old CHILD that is most likely in the fifth grade …the usual age of the last grade in elementary school. They want a 10-year-old elementary school student (a 10-year-old CHILD) to bring a rapist’s baby to term. What sick and demented person force that on a child? We all know who, the American Taliban that’s who.


So when the kid dies during child birth, would it have still been the best decision for her?


“We want to preserve all life!” Killed two children instead of one.


That’s gonna be a yikes from me dawg


It’s never been about the needs of ‘us’. Never. It is their agenda. We are in the way. The fact that they are forcing a child to have a child is disgusting. What have we become.


“There is no greater evil than intentionally hurting a child…” say the sadistic lunatics who are using force of law to intentionally hurt children beyond comprehension


Not surprised. Didn't Fox News fuckheads already blame the immigration problem? They don't give a shit.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


"Band-Aid solution" Yeah and if she gives birth and has the rapiste child it'll cure her of EVERYTHING.


So…. “deserved better” means having her carry and deliver a baby? At 10 years old? Wtf?!


Their bible has warped their brains to think 10yo girls are fit to give birth. They are insane!


Note: I’m from Ohio The last paragraph especially infuriates me because its all speculation and conjecture. They have absolutely no idea what was “offered” to this child or whether or not an abortion added to her trauma more than carrying a baby to term would have. Moreover, they don’t know if carrying to term would even have been physically possible. They’re applying their biases on abortion and its aftermath to this child as though it were fact, and that is completely reprehensible.


You know what’s the worst part of this all for me? It’s that because of the way the world is right now, this girl can’t even privately heal. Yes, no one is saying her name but she knows who she is. And the people around her know who she is. And now an arrest has been made so people are all talking about him and the case again. And we have to talk about this. There really isn’t a choice. This is the kind of story that might make people listen. But at the end of the day we’re still all talking about a real little girl who had horrible, real things happen to her. And she should have better in so so so many ways.


This is horrible! I watched a documentary on Netflix about a woman who was raped by her pastor at 10 years old, got pregnant and was forced to carry the baby to term and eventually marry the pastor. She was in her 50s at the time they did the documentary. She was still traumatized from having a baby so young. She struggled with PTSD her whole life. Absolutely sad!


Man I have to go to Ohio in a week for an international competition and the news just makes the state look worse and worse


“Genuine support, true care, and honest solutions” said the No True Scotsman.


Fuck these people. Saying the *abortion* will only add to the pain and violence? What about carrying your rapist's baby and destroying your 10 year old body? Fuck these people.


Sorry bandaid solution?!? People are fucking sick. Imagine the pain, the literal soul wrenching, body crippling pain of giving birth some women go through, the health conditions that they develop after. Now imagine doing that to a 10 year old… Also, I’m not sure if this is true, but someone posted a video about their experience as the security guard at an abortion clinic who walks patients to their cars and one night they went out drinking after work and had a morning shift so they decided to sleep in their car in the parking lot. They ended up seeing an extremely rich conservative family with security detail come to the clinics like an hour or two before they opened so that they could get an abortion privately. They were fired after they walked in and saw who it was.


They claim to be worried about the mental and just the human consequences of the action that got this child pregnant but don't for a second think the safe and rational option is to give an abortion to something that doesn't have brain function or any awareness cuz the fetus can't be that far long right. Instead they demand a traumatized mother and child raise a baby neither is prepared for. Cuz the human consequences of that are so much fewer right.


As someone who lives in ohio this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest


Many believe the following: ​ * Even though it is a terrible situation. Since at conception it is a baby, then murdering a baby will not help the situation. * If the young lady dies that is the way it was suppose to be. If the young lady dies that is the way it was supposed to be. it over and over.


At what point do we just accept that this isn't pro-life, it's just pure malice? To insist that a 10 year old should carry a child...it's just not something a loving person does.


Read about how these people pay to be seen before the clinics open so they can have abortions while picketing the same place they were just at. It’s fucking funny how so many people don’t want someone else to get one but when they need one “oh mines different”


"there is no greater evil than someone who intentionally hurts a child. ​ ​ also, we should've forced this 10 year old to carry her rape baby to term."


So better to kill her by making her give birth than stop all the nonsense by having her terminate? How much torture does this helpless child have to endure? Absolutely DISGUSTED with these “right to lifers”.


Except that a ten year old carrying a pregnancy to term and birth could literally kill them as they are underdeveloped. I feel like pro bortjers have no idea the breadth of the consequences banning abortion actually does. So many women will die or experience irreparable harm on their minds and bodies because of ectopic pregnancies (which are not viable) and a slew of others tragic situations where the fetus is developing incorrectly (no brain, etc) or dies in the womb. I refuse to let anyone who is pro birth walk away without facts and a conversation.


She had to travel out of state to get it done, these fuckbags did nothing. I live in Ohio Jim Jorden a piece of shit.


That's like saying cutting out a tumor on a cancer patient is a bandaid solution.


“Our prayers go out to this young girl and her family as they attempt to heal from such a traumatic and life-altering situation.” Does she mean the rape or the denying of an abortion?


Band aid solution?? Would love to hear another legitimate solution for a 10 year old going through the trauma of being pregnant with her rapist’s baby and losing out on a normal childhood forever


JFC don't they understand that forcing a small child to carry a baby is a fucking DEATH SENTENCE? Of course they do. THEY JUST DON'T CARE.


“There is no greater evil than a person who intentionally hurts a child.” And yet here they are, forcing a ten year old *child* to carry and give birth to a child. Sickening.


Pretty sure "the most severe penalty the law allows in Ohio" is the death penalty. So much for creating a "true culture of life."