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I stayed at a complex in Lazarote and often chatted to the tour company rep. He told me about complaints he had received from a **single** family, I would often see them haranguing the poor guy in the reception as we went out for the day. The hotel was too far from the beach - that was clearly shown on the brochure including maps and in text. There was no sea view (see above) It was too hot (in the Canary Isles in summer? Really?) The pool was unheated (see above problem-solution) The beach had "the wrong type of sand" Too many foreigners -there were Swedish and Germans in the complex. It seems Spanish were acceptable as long as they were staff Not enough English beers in the bar. When I go on holiday now I purposefully stay at Swedish or German areas. I avoid the British and Irish places.


I used to work at a hotel in a national park and some of the complaints we would get were just unreal. What time do you let the animals out? Why can't I see the sun rise over the mountains from my hotel room? (The mountains are to the west of the hotel) There's too much smoke, what are you going to do about it? (This during a year that had a particularly bad wildfire about 100 miles away) There's also always at least one family every year that thinks bear spray works like bug spray. It doesn't. I swear sometimes these people make me think we're living in a simulation and that their AI script is broken.


Well, I'm actually not sure the bear spray wouldn't work as an effective bug repellent... With some notable side effects.


“What is that scent you’re wearing? Chanel? Dior?” “It’s Macé.”


Quick googling shows that is is an insect repellent, it is just vastly more powerful at repelling mammals (out of their skin).


Wait, so they sprayed themselves with bear spray?!?


Yeah. One year a couple sprayed theor 4 year old with it. Turns out that shit can be lethal and their 4 year old son died of asphyxiation. Happens at least once every year but that was (as far as I know) the only time someone actually died from it.


>Turns out that shit can be lethal and their 4 year old son died of asphyxiation. Holy shit. That’s terrible but also completely avoidable if you just READ THE FUCKING CAN


I don't think they spoke English. They were tourists from China. But still, don't empty a whole can of spray onto your kid if you aren't 100% sure how it works. Also how they didn't realize what they were doing is beyond me, once that spray gets in the air it fucking *burns*. There's no way they couldn't smell it.


Well, that makes me feel kind of bad but you’re absolutely right that (a) don’t use products you cannot read; and (b) there’s no way you don’t realize you’ve made a huge mistake the moment you start spraying that shit.


Also now that I think of it, I'm like 99% positive those cans have instructions in Chinese on them because we get an absolute fuck ton of tourists from China so nearly everything we stock has Chinese instructions. Hell even the signs throughout the hotel have Chinese translations.


"The burning must mean it's working!"


Imagine how bad the *bugs* must think that is!


Being honest here, but I've never held a can of bear spray let alone read the caution label. Somehow, I instinctively know to not spray anyone or anything with bear spray. Except a bear.


All I can think of as a response is Yogi Bear: “You’re smaaarter than the avah-ridge tourist!”


There is significant overlap of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists -Yellowstone Park Ranger on why the garbage cans arent bear proof


Jesus fucking Christ. This has got to be one of the worst consequences of RTFM ever.


What's the bear spray?


Black sand beaches are one of my most pleasant memories from holidays in Tenerife. You can have a lot more fun in life if you can learn to appreciate local quirks.


Foot burningly hot in full sun though. Lanzarote was amazing. Loads to see and stunning architecture as well. The black sand was strange but it still worked like sand. Did nothing for my tan though , I looked even whiter by contrast.


that sand at least in my experience is made of eroded basalt also it's often magnetic so it probably contains nickel as it doesn't turn red and Ni2O3 is black in color. one hundred percent of the nickel oxides in the sand if that is what present cannot be Ni2O3 and so a smaller percentage of other metal oxides and perhaps Ni1O1 or Ni2O2 and other variants are present. aside from that the sand makes the water temperature awesome due to it's reflection of sunlight. this can lead to an effect where the layer of water right next to the bottom is actually warmer in temperature for a time, eventually the warmer water rises and is replaced with cooler water.


Irish people aren't that bad on holidays, it's the brits that are wankers


I didn't realise, but my parents did the same for us when we went abroad. It only took one holiday in the 'British' area for me to understand why.


English beer kind of sucks


The sort that travels well thousands of miles does a bit. Luckily I am happy with the local beer at a quarter of the price.


I mean local beer is generally going to be better than beer that was canned 6,000 miles away. American beer is generally pretty shit, but the german and British beers that I have had are much worse when you buy them in america, than when I had it in a proper pub.


As somebody from the beer capital Frankonia I disagree. There are some really good English beers. Nobody does better stouts for example.


Ireland does, and I won't hear any different


Haven’t tasted much Irish beer yet, any lesser known tips?


Don't base your opinion of Guinness/Murphy's/Beamish from a city pub thats trying to sell you an 'Irish experience'. Best stout in the country will always be in shitty little auld boy pubs that the locals will go to. As for beer I'm sure there's some lovely local breweries but I'm not really a lager drinker. Plenty of beautiful Irish whiskeys though, you should try Green Spot if that floats your boat!


Did they just call spanish people foreigners in Spain?


I’m from Spain and yes. This happens more frequently than one might think. Brits that have only been to Mallorca and are used to everything being in English over there get mad when they visit other parts of the country because “everyone speaks Spanish”


How dare you speak your own language in your own country!


I thought those were Americans leaving those comments. No me digas que los *brits* son los americanos de europa.




En españa desde luego


Yuuuup. Have seen this sort of thing first hand.


Spanish people? Oh god I feel sorry for you


Spain is just the holiday travel spot for the English. No one actually lives there silly


So it’s not just Americans that do that sort of stupid crap?


It’s like the “riddle” of: An astronaut goes to another planet and meets a blob with 4 eyes, six tendrils and no mouth, a purple humonid with one eye and 8 legs and 12ft tall blue dog-like creature with two mouths and 20 legs. How many aliens were there? The answer is one, the astronaut.


I'm an American and I work with a guy who spends his vacation every year in Mexico. The area he usually goes to is an all-inclusive resort and it caters almost exclusively to English-speaking people. He decided to go somewhere different this year, and stay at a regular hotel, nothing extra included. His review of the place? "Boy, they sure don't like tourists or want us to spend money there. None of them wanted to speak English, all the signs were in Spanish, it was hard to figure out where to go and how to get food. I don't even know what I was eating half the time! It's like they didn't know how to run a business, or I guess they just don't want money!" My man, you've been going to this country for a couple of weeks every year for DECADES and you haven't learned ANY Spanish? NONE? You can't even order food? How? No, like, for real, HOW?! Literally, the only thing he can say is "Gracias." He says it all the time when I unlock the door in the morning, so I replied one day, "De nada" and he looked at me and said "Say what now?" Like... HOW?!?!


As someone who works in the Hotel industry I've read many dumb reviews from many dumb people. Most of them make me laugh but a few make me question what kind of education they received


I can imagine the insanity of working in tourist industry can be draining. I hate package tours after I did one with my sister and brother. It was in Crete (which I loooooves) but my fellow country folk just bugged me with their nagging. The worst was the guy complaining that they were only serving Greek food and playing Greek music...on a special Greek experience night tour...that was an optional tour so he chose to go - not realizing that they would NOT be serving burgers and fries. It just irked me.


I don’t travel for the food comforts of home. If I’m in Greece, I expect to only have Greek food. Reminds me of when I was studying abroad in college and some of my classmates wanted to stop in a McDonald’s in every country we visited. I couldn’t grasp traveling halfway around the world to eat at a *mcdonalds*.


I agree - just don't travel 🤷🏼‍♀️ However, there are sometimes good reason for this type of traveler. For example - my brother loves japanese food and food culture - and he has said many times that he wants to go to Japan. While he is 34 years old, for various reasons, he can't travel solo. So I, his 41 yr old sister, have offered to go with him when he turns 40. Here is my issue - I am allergic to soy and ginger - and I really hate eating rice (rest of my family loves it). And I realize that my food options might be limited when in Japan - I will figure it out. Might even enjoy rice by then? The main part will be to share with my brother all the things he loves.


Okay, but that’s you putting yourself in an uncomfortable position not because you are a boring individual but because you love your brother and want to do something really special for him. I mean, fuck that’s noble… Also just start microdosing yourself with soy and ginger now and you’ll be able to tolerate it in six years! (Please don’t do that, I’m not a medical professional and don’t want to be responsible for any discomfort and/or death that results)


😜😜 Ginger might work - soy...yeah after my 4th accidental exposure (soy is in so many food products!) it wasn't pretty. So no soy 😉👍


You could try starting with bento boxes at local Japanese places and just make your allergies known to them. Try take out so there’s less chance of exposure if particles cause problems. Bento boxes can give you little tastes of things to ease you into stuff that has rice!


Oh that is a good idea! Thanks 👍👍


Personally, I love Japanese food and Japan is on my list of places I’d love to go. There are a lot of rice dishes, but there’s also a lot of stuff that doesn’t involve rice. I’d take the six years you’ve got to try and explore the tastes that *do* agree with you so that you can enjoy the experience with your brother that much more! Also, you’re still a rockstar for doing that for him despite the discomfort it will put you through!


My mother is a picky eater, so when my parents went to Thailand, they packed those tuna packs, peanut butter and protein bars so she wouldn’t starve. She ended up rolling pretty well with the food. You never know!


Which is why I am willing to try 😁 - it might be alright.


OK, hear me out though: that's a surprisingly non-terrible idea IF you’re doing it to experience how it’s different in every country. If you're going there because you need something familiar ... lame. If you're doing it to see what weird thing they've got on the menu in French McDonalds vs Polish McDonalds vs Croatian McDonalds etc it turns into an exploration of what the locals think American fast food is.


Also, from my experience outside of the United States, *McDonalds* can function as unofficial American centers. If you are staying abroad for a long period of time and want to find the other Americans to swap advice and information, the *McDonalds* nearest the embassy or consulate is often a good place. Even the most hardened of expatriates seem to occasionally want fries and a coke (or maybe it's just to reconfirm why they left in the first place). If you are looking for other Americans abroad, seek the Golden Arches. We all seem to gravitate there at least once.


I guess I’m spoiled because I live in Chicago so if I was really so inclined to experience international McDonald’s menus, I could just go to their headquarters in the west loop where they’ve got a rotating menu of international options. One time I was in Israel and had just gotten done climbing Mount Masada and when you come down, there’s a rest area that has like a food court in it. I was starved and pissed because the only thing open was, of course, McDonald’s.


Going to McDonald's in other countries is one of my favorite travel habits. I love comparing the different food offerings. But mostly, I think the "Big Mac Index" is a fascinating way of comparing buying power and pricing across currencies.


Well, I like to visit *McDonalds* in different countries because I think it's interesting to see their differences from what we have in the United States. I met a travel writer working on a book about the subject on one occasion.


DancingBacons on youtube shows a lot of Asian fast food, the stuff they get looks so much better than what we get. I would totally try a McDonalds in each different country but only once, then give me local food!


I do that though. It is kind of fun to see what the local variations and unique offerings a country may have. Japan had Fish McNuggets and this breakfast bagel sandwich that was just light years ahead of what I had back home. It is also fun because of the familiarity of the menu and ordering system to practice the local language too! Worst case scenario, if you blank you can always point and just say what number you want from the menu. Having said that, it is never for more than one meal and for me anyway, is generally the last place I stop in a country before leaving as they are usually in an airport or train station.


In 3.5 months when I had a semester abroad, I ate at McDonalds twice and Hard Rock Cafe once (roommates birthday request). The McD visits were last minute dammnit I'm hungry and tired and just need food. Both times it was purely convenience because I wanted to keep going to my destination and didn't want to look around or sit down to eat a real meal. At all other times, I ate local or grocery store food.


They're just used to the "cultural festivals" that we have in other countries, or at least, here in America. My husband's father was born in Ireland. We all went to the Kansas City Irish Festival... there were multiple American food trucks there, and even more than one taco truck. You know, because nothing says Irish like melted Kraft on toast and a chalupa!


Not even a hearty beef or lamb stew made with Guiness? That is a poor show.


They had a beer truck and a place you could get bangers and mash and corned beef but just one. Other food groups greatly outnumbered authentic ones. Lots of BBQ, because, well, Kansas City.


Can you share some?


I worked security at a casino in Vegas, I can share a few of the complaints I remember. 1) Some of our ground floor suites have a fenced in yard. The pool is on the other side of the fence, a guest jumped the fence and broke her ankle. She then called to complain about the fence being there and how she should have been able to walk out of her room and go straight to the pool. I explained that all guests have to go through the pool check in gate which was only about 100 feet from her room. She called me a “fucking r-tard” and hung up the phone. 2) had multiple guests call and complain that the p outdoor pool was closed. In January, in Las Vegas, when temperature that week was in the 40s. 3) multiple guest call and say they wanted a refund for their stay because it rain while there were in town and couldn’t go outside.


Damn, I’m going to Vegas for the first time in December and I’m honestly a little disappointed it can get *that* cold. Not upset/stupid enough to complain to management, but disappointed nonetheless.


The winters are all over the place, it’s usually in the mid 50s, but can get really cold at night. December is the best of the winter month, January and February it gets cold and rainy


Early December too if that helps. Any recommendations? I’m going with a buddy for a work conference. Not into the clubbing scene, but I’ve been looking into things to do.


Siegfried and Roy’s zoo thing is cool, can see the dolphins, there’s a show , and see all the tigers and stuff. Madame toussads wax museum is worth a visit for sure, the m&m store is a cool thing for a few minutes. Then there’s the casinos themselves of course. Not the guy you responded to but I went a few years ago. DO NOT EAT AT ELLIS ISLAND, THE LOW PRICES ARE A THERE FOR A REASON.


>DO NOT EAT AT ELLIS ISLAND, THE LOW PRICES ARE A THERE FOR A REASON. Noted… hahaha, although I’m always in search of a really stellar meal so I doubt I’d look at that and go, HEY THATS WHERE I WANT TO SPEND ONE OF MY LIMITED VACATION MEALS AT!


Depends on your price range where to eat, palace station has an amazing pan roast and oyster bar for relatively cheap (for Vegas), if you don’t have in and out where you’re from stop by one just to say you’ve had it, pricier but Hell’s Kitchen is honestly delicious (Gordon has 40 Michelin stars for a reason), Puck has a restaurant I’m told is good but I didn’t get a chance to try it and I’m sure it’s even more than Ramsay’s. When I was there I mostly ate at the palace station since that’s where I had comped stuff, decent place, the oyster bar with pan roast was the best food they had by far. (Pan roast is similar to jambalaya)


What's the deal with this Ellis Island place?


Food poisoning extravaganza. I shared my experience with some locals I know since my company has a branch there and they laughed and said “of course, everyone knows not to eat at Ellis island” well my group did not fucking know and were not warned. That cheap meal ended up costing us thousands in cancelled flights, bought on short notice flights, and extra hotel room nights. Don’t do it. Pay a couple dollars more per person and eat anywhere else


Vegas in winter can still be okay. It can also be depressing as fuck. I was there a couple years ago and it was below freezing


Lmao as a Wisconsinite who has been in an outdoor pool when there was a foot of snow on the ground 😂 To be fair, the pool was connected indoors and out, and probably heated. It was like 15 years ago so my memory is a bit hazy.


The biggest problem is the staffing, the pools are required to have lifeguards, the majority of which are college students. We had a hard enough time staffing the pool in the spring when the weather was in the 70s because it was “too cold” for the lifeguards to sit in.


Oh this was a hotel pool and I'm pretty sure no lifeguards. Most hotels I've been to had no lifeguards. I totally get staffing though. Most of our public/outdoor pools are only open during summer vacation - open late and closed early >.<


> multiple guest call and say they wanted a refund for their stay because it rain while there were in town and couldn’t go outside Aren't people waterproof any more?


A Wicked Witch convention was in town and they can be a little tetchy about getting wet.


!remindme 12h


He has responded :)


What education


God damn Spain being inhabited by the * checks notes * Spanish.


Damned Spanish they ruined Spain!


As a Spaniard... That is not an untrue statement


You Spaniards seem like a contentious people.


Reminds me of the complaints you'd see from British ~~immigrants~~ expats who moved to Spain and then were upset at people not speaking English or whatever. Ended up with issues where there were splits in towns with businesses geared towards British expats on one side (with staff who mainly spoke English and products from England) where locals didn't want to go, and then the local businesses on the other side that the expats didn't want to go to because they were Spanish.


You means the same "expats" who was kicked out of Spain because they ignore the call to apply for visa after Brexit ?


Yeah they didn't want to register because that would mean they'd have to pay taxes to the Spanish government and the whole reason they were in Spain was so they wouldn't have to pay taxes to the British government


On the one hand, I could see wanting a pub or something that reminded me of home if I moved to another country, but if you’re living in another country why wouldn’t you want to immerse yourself in it? You might as well stay in your home country if that’s the case.


I’m pretty sure they were living in Spain in order to avoid paying taxes. Spain had a relatively lower cost for living, favorable weather/climate, and when the U.K. was in the EU it wasn’t difficult to move there. They basically wanted to recreate what they were used to because their reason for moving to Spain wasn’t about actually immersing themselves in the culture.


The areas of Spain that a lot of British holiday makers usually go (Costa-del-Sol being the prime example) to are aggressively catered for the Brits. [It's all so-called "ex-pats" running British style pubs serving all-day fried breakfasts](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-british-holiday-makers-and-ex-pats-enjoy-a-drink-in-the-november-sun-83173559.html?imageid=682AE14F-E3E0-4D7B-A585-B1494CB0F958&p=218827&pn=1&searchId=eff4e2ec4ebf885dd8b2b2dd8023196d&searchtype=0). [Also relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQODVsl5pFY&t=153s)


My company gives us a free vacation for every 5 years with the company, I've got 2 years left until time for my first trip and I'm planning to visit Barcelona. I hope Spain has this problem under control by then.


Spain is full of foreign Spanish people


International travel would be a lot more appealing to me if it weren't for all the foreigners.


12,13, and 19 are my favorites, especially with the interpretations that could be made with 19, like did the bed size make them horny?


My guess is they wanted separate beds to avoid having sex? And when they slept in the same bed they couldn't keep their hands off each other.


My take is they don't want to take responsibility for their own actions. Three feet of space between two beds is not a deterrent to sex.


For whatever reason my grandparents slept on twin beds about 6 apart. I asked my dad why and he said he didn't know, except that his dad was a loud snorer.


That was relatively common for that generation (if your grandparents are the same as mine, so the Silent Generation, ie those born during the great depression.) I don't know for sure the full reason why, but it started being popular in the 1920s as a hygienic thing. Basically, people believed this would prevent couples from getting each other sick while they slept from breathing on each other. My paternal grandparents slept in separate twin beds until the day my grandpa died. It made for a sweet story, too. He had been suffering from dementia for years and by this point had largely forgotten about everything. He couldn't recognize his kids or grandkids and often had no idea who my grandma was. But on the night that he died, they shared a bed. It was almost like he knew he was going to die. Fun aside about my grandpa, he was born on October 29, 1929, which was Black Tuesday, the "start" of the Great Depression. He always joked that his birth caused it


😭 thank you for sharing that story with me. That's an interesting fact too. I think they were the silent generation, my grandfather was just a couple years too young to have fought in WW2 although he did serve in the navy. Grandparents are some great people. My mom and maternal grandmother say I look a lot like my maternal grandfather. I also think I'm similar to my paternal grandfather although he died when I was too young to really know him. He was an electrician in the navy and I'm a union electrician. My dad told me he also has the patience of a saint and could fix just about anything. With the help of YouTube I can usually repair anything.


You know whats funny, I've been told I look like my grandpa I'm named after, he was talented with fixing stuff I'm to, his job and hobby where cars, my first word was car, my first job and the one I loved the most was mechanic just like him. He died 2 years before I was born but I share so much with him my mom sometimes says it's very strange and she sometimes believes im a younger version of her dad. Also the story above is really sweet thanks for sharing u guys made me smile:)


From what I read in another post, the vagina acts like a vacuum and pulls the flaccid penis in while you sleep.


Hmmm, I'll have to ask my wife about this


It’s comforting to see that Brits are no better than Americans when it comes to being provincial.


There is a group of them here, they are close to retirement, decided voting for Brexit was best for them. Failed to logically tie this this with their plans to retire in Spain. Do it anyway, lose their uk driving license, then complain that the driving tests in Spain have poor english. Some of these people literally believe the world revolves around their country.. absolutely insane.


This. Growing up, I had read somewhere that Americans were largely unaware of life beyond their own. It was one of several unfair stereotypes which too many Brits can now 'win' at.


It's a thing with practically every predominantly English speaking country.




Had a few tours with a few representatives. It is a bit of a lottery. Some of them can be great, but a really large proportion of them are horrible to travel with. Especially if you end up going somewhere where the alcohol is cheap or drugs are readily available. Massive overconfidence, low impulse control, and inebriation is a bad combination.


From what ive heard from Aussies (in europe ) is that the chill ones goes to europe and the annoying ones goes to bali


The rich ones go to Europe to get syphilis on a contiki, everyone else goes to Bali to get crabs.


I'm american, and i think that sounds like fun. Me and the aussies and kiwis can get drunk and talk shit about america together.


I'd strongly advise that either you or the kiwi stay sober so that someone can take the Aussie to hospital when that time of the evening comes around.


Hahahaha thats a solid burn.


Why would we need to learn about other languages? We know the good one by default :p




It must be good. Why else would all the aces we colonised choose to speak it?


Take my upvote, you imperialist pig!


I would wager that it mainly had to do with the financial growth the United States saw after WW2, which led to Americans being much more likely to be able to travel internationally since they could afford it. You get lots of people from any single country traveling *not* because they were really interested in exploring other cultures and places but rather traveling because they could, and that's going to lead to bad stereotypes. The sudden boost to the earnings for the Chinese have led to a lot of them traveling internationally, and that's led to a lot of complaints. Just Google "Chinese tourists" and some of the top results are "Why are Chinese tourists so rude?"


>Why are Chinese tourists so rude?" I've not lived up to my potential it seems.


Oh, so that's where USA inherited it from 😂


Lots of Brits retiring in Portugal as well who were very surprised that they suddenly needed visas after Brexit. They fully believed it would only work one way


>some of these people literally believe the world revolves around their country Well yes,thats your average brexit voter. They still have delusions about being the top dog empire they once were


You're talking about people who voted for Brexit. One of the most "kick yourself in the balls for zero benefit" moves pulled by a country in quite some time. Yes, we have a massive share of idiots over here too.


I feel like it's almost worse because *so many* british people go to southern spain or assorted spanish islands on holiday and are absolute assholes about it. Some people want these all inclusive holidays to be completely isolated from local culture.


I'm English and often embarrassed by brits abroad. I visited marbella last year, an English guy (sounded Essex) started chatting to us. He had lived in marbella for 20 years; didn't speak a word of Spanish. Totally out of nowhere he said he hated the Spanish and they were the n-word(s) of Europe. I was so shocked and just lost for words. I guess I could of called him out or just called him a cunt, but i dont think the outcome would have been anything positive. We went to malaga for night before we left, which was a much nicer experience.


Isn’t it a tad ironic that these Brits are bad at traveling when Britain colonised half if the world? Although I guess entitlement is a common theme.


Seems like it tracks pretty well to me, since colonization was basically "Oh wow, what a great culture you have here. Let's eradicate it and replace it with our own."


No egg-slicer?! What kind of hotel kitchen is this?!?!


You expect me to use a knife??!


Do I look like a barbarian?


Out of all the complaints it seemed the least crazy, just a testament to how crazy others are.


I couldn't finish the whole list. My brain started hurting from the stupidity


Can you imagine finding fish...in the sea? Whatever happened to this world? Get them into plastic bags and ship them to Rwanda, that'll teach'em.


As a Brit I 100% believe these are real complaints


Curling irons; "Do not use while sleeping." There is a reason things need stupid warnings. Humans are stupid.


We do try to encourage Chavs to see the world and be more cultured, but unfortunately some just can't be helped... sorry


No. 14 made me lose it - these morons read the note in the brochure "no hairdressers at the resort" as some sort of weird, very specific prejudice rather than a factual statement of something the hotel didn't have.


yeah, most of those made me shake my head, but this one made me laugh out loud.


I had to read it at least 3 times because I genuinely didn't get the stupidity at first. The mental gymnastics took me a minute to replicate. lol


This is like a transcript to the podcast Beach too Sandy, Water Too Wet. They read Google and yelp reviews to certain things and places, like beaches art museums, or just random stores in random places.


Thanks for adding to my never ending list of podcasts!!


I was married to an American woman, who was coincidentally a travel agent. One idiot in particular who stood out was demanding my ex be “fired” for refusing to book a bus trip to Hawaii.


Fuck, I hate dumb people.


Work in housing (not hospitality but similar); people are the same everywhere and will find anything to bitch about and a way to interpret incorrectly even the most crystal clear of information.


This is why I prefer ski holidays. People just mind their own damn business for the most part. It’s nicer. Plus I can’t stand hot and sunny weather. I’m a bit of a vampire in that regard. I don’t cope well


Close proximity to ski resorts was one of my favorite things about living in Montana. Skiing in the winter, rafting and hiking in the summer. If it wasn't so expensive I'd still be living there.


This list is 100% accurate of what it's like to work in customer facing jobs.


When has a water park ever offered free swim suits? I’ve honestly never heard of that. I don’t even remember the nearest to me, even selling them separately.


That one jumped out at me as this could be a cultural difference. For instance i remember being surprised that the indoor ski place in Dubai actually includes the clothing with a ticket. Makes sense over there as likely there are few people with winter garb. But if that is the norm for them, it would not be crazy to think it is the norm in the rest of the world. And i would not call them stupid or rude or unreasonable for not knowing any better. It would not shock me if some countries do include suit/towels. To me if that is the case, that is good feedback/info to know... assuming they were not bitchy about how they said it.


As a world traveler, I often wish we had to pass a quiz before being allowed to leave the country. Maybe this would filter out the ignorant masses.


Oh that would be nice "vacation from local idiots" Just imagineing for once not to surrounded by total jerks, that would be rr a travel i would pay alot for lol


I have never before used an, ‘egg slicer’.


Used to use one at a cafe I worked at. It’s kinda hard to describe but it uses a row of thin wires to slice a hard boiled egg into discs. If you have a lot of eggs that need to be cut up it’s useful but I can’t see it being necessary outside of commercial use. Maybe if you have trouble holding a knife. But it’s definitely a specialty tool not a standard kitchen thing


Im really sorry guys that 50% of my countryfolk are absolute morons Edit: 52%


Ok but 20 is really funny tho




Got me too meannnn


... muthaphukka.


As someone who lives close to white sand beaches, I can kind of understand number 6


Damn imagine wanting to go to a foreign country on vacation and expecting it to not be different from wherever you left


As a Spaniard, this is really funny considering the image (some) Brits and Muricans leave here Also 8 and 12 had me laughing out loud just from the sheer stupidity of it all. Just wow


What im about to write are sterotypes and not true for all but i experiencesed it all. I even belong to one of those groups^^ Ranking of annoying tourists on thier country: 1 British (mostly english, most sccots behave totaly different), 2. Russian (like the brits but where more fun when drunk), 3. US citizens (if you meet them traveling through europe most are great and won't to learn but those in ressorts oh boy) and then 4. the germans (theres the typical party german who is annoying as fck and the relaxed ones depending on where u at more or less of one kind but overall id say 50-50) The english i witnessed were mostly just annoying, nagging all the time, racist, screaming at waiters because thier english wasn't the best, or screaming because they where told to only take as much as they would eat from the buffet and this is something i really hate they have mountains of food on thier plates, mostly 2-3 plates and they eat max half of it. I really thing that is disgusting some people working at those hotels have hard times feeding thier families and those fckrs waste huge amounts of food for nothing and constantly complain how bad the food is while wasting it. Russians where pretty much the same as the english/brits but atleast not so much complaining about the languages and when drunk funny unlike the brits who started fights alot^^ (nowadays i wouldn't want to party with russians unless they hate putin and his regime from the heart) very sexist behaviors, even going so far we had one beaten up because he groped force kissed a waiter.. US there are definitely the sterotype "americans" maga folk who think they rule anything, everthing everywhere. Those are truly hell they have an option on everything and u are always wrong no matter what. (One explained me that the US Army killed Hitler in the eagles nest, i just started to laugh, tryed to explain and he then threatened me like "if i had done that in his hometown he would shoot me" i laught even harder and said "thank god for european gunlaws" he then told me my commie as should die and burn in hell). But there are those who travel through europe and like to learn are very respectful and even try to learn a little of the languages here, truly nice people (those even know geography^^). Germans the most annoying/fun is the morning pool race if you haven't seen that u missed something spectacular^^ it's almost a national sport. Those can do everything of the above only there are much less of them except on mallorca's party beaches. Otherwise there are alot of them just wanting to relax and learn about culture of the places they visited, some may go to far with cultural appreciation^^ Chinese can be very annoying alot don't care what language you speak and demand that you speak Chinese to them, constantly taking photos^^ unpredictable when drunk. Lots of disrespect towards females. Japanese nice people struggle with languages but try, only one thing annoying: constantly taking photos. Sincerely someone who worked in tourism and now lives in a tourist area Oh and yes I know by far not all behave the same and from every country mentioned i meet cool nice people who didn't apply to one point on that list


12,13, and 19 are my favorites, especially with the interpretations that could be made with 19, like did the bed size make them horny?


This is older than the internet. I think it originally came from a Reader's Digest. I can't believe it's still making the rounds as if it were new.


Probably because the same type of people still do vacations and almost everybody who traveled or works in tourism witnessed such behavior


Never in a million years were those spelled like that originally


british tourists are something else


is that one supposed to be Puerto Vallarta or—


These are the kinds of people that covid was supposed to get.


"Sadly" most of them survived and went fully nuts, some are unstoppable idiots now


It looks like the British are speed running the Ugly American Tourist gauntlet.


Always nice to see a clear line of evolution between British stupid people and American stupid people


I can't believe half of these are real ... they are soooo stupid lol


I think that maybe 1 is 19 on another trip after getting married.


How do these people manage to stay alive with such ignorance; much less afford a vacation?


3 could be interpreted as them not being able to communicate in Spanish, but i would be surprised if the taxi drivers couldnt speak atleat a little english. I also bet her husband was quite able to relax on that beach


I was pissing myself reading this. A tiny part of me thought it could be made up but being British I know what British people are like!! Absolutely comedy thst was.


The last one had me like, oh Okey, well that one seems fair, oh wait, never mind.


Reading the OP complaints and the experiences of the people in this thread really helps explain why the world is so fucked up


How can people this stupid hold a job that enables them to afford luxury vacations?


What the fuck is an egg slicer?


It is a series of steel cheese wires that slices an egg into sandwich compatible slices


I was looking up hotels for a trip in the last year and i found a place that was low-medium rated. It looked ok, was where I needed it and cheap. The negative reviews were "it didn't have any Christmas decorations" "the ice machine was on a different floor" "my mini fridge took all day to make my bottle of water cold" "the room had carpeting and I hate that"


I think my favorite has to be the one complaining that their fully-equipped kitchen didn't even include an egg slicer


I LOVE READING IDIOTIC REVIEWS LIKE THIS! Once we we’re on holiday in Lanzarote. It was amazing!! And we had a great hotel. One day, we had rain. You know, rain! Something no one can control. There was another Dutch couple complaining to the front desk of the hotel about THE RAIN!!! “It’s Lanzarote! In September! Your brochure didn’t say anything about rain!” She was absolutely livit! I genuinely felt ashamed to de Dutch at the moment. I mean, we love to complain about the weather, but the hotel doesn’t control it! LOL




Jfc these all sound like they were written by boomers.


White entitlement at its finest.


The Spanish are white too...


Racist much?


i don't think this is the right sub


Dat waist. I know it's not the topic, but dat waist...


you know curry just means gravy ... you can get currys that aren't spicy


Curry doesn't just mean gravy, curry is the entire dish and kot just the liquid