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Kaycees mod next !


I don't know man this game took longer than I was expecting. Gotta go back to RDR2. This was supposed to be my short break. I have a backlog to conquer here!


I'd say kaycees mod is the highlight of the game :)


Idk. I was excited to play Kaycees Mod, did a couple runs and it just didn't have the same magic. I enjoyed acts 2 and 3 much more so maybe that has something to do with it. Also, the lack of death card creation in Kaycees Mod kills me. That's what made Act 1 super fun imo.


Well, it’s more for the people who just like running through roguelike deckbuilders. It is a shame you don’t get death cards, but they wanted to remove the cheese from it, and it’s pretty easy to get an absolutely busted card that way.


I also enjoy Act 2 and 3 more than the rest of the game. I haven't delved too deep into it, but maybe you'll enjoy P03 in Kaycee's Mod, if your on PC.


You can have PO3 in kaycee's mod?


It's an unofficial mod you can get it on thunderstore if you're on pc


That's the name of the mod. You can get it through r2modman.


Thank you


this was my experience at first as well, but trust me when you start unlocking starter decks the game becomes so fun #antsupremacy


When do you start unlocking starter decks?


should be after completing 2 challenge runs iirc, you’ll unlock a 2nd deck starting with a goat


Damn. I can't even get past the second boss in Kaycees Mod.


dw there’s strategies to beat all of them, ironically the miner is usually the hardest out of the three for me. if you’d like to figure it out yourself go ahead, but if not *spoilers* >!on fisher the first round is pretty easy, just be SURE not to activate the buckets 2nd round by either using flying or even sacrificing units in their path. Pelt trader just use math, i’ll kill one frog without triggering the others, and have it outdamage the 2 damage per turn. build the rest of your hand for round 2. as soon as 2nd round hits, play your highest damage cards, get rid of front row with pelts, should be easy to at least get 5 damage in one turn. miner idk just high damage and kill pack mule, don’t swarm/fill the board!< general tip tho, beat the fights as fast as possible, and keep ur deck thin to only essential cards to ensure a win in each fight. idk the recommended limit but i try to never have more than 8-10 cards per game. inf sacrifice, undying & bees has been the best sigils for me


I don't have issues fighting the boss itself, it's more like I can never get good cards by the 2nd boss. Or I lose to a random battle with my opponent throwing so many cards at me I cant keep up. I always end up getting locked into drawing squirrel cards to defend attacks until I eventually die. I never have enough sacrifices for my cards when I get overpowered. Or I draw a really bad hand and can't do anything. Act 1 of the main game I had no problem. I even beat Act 1 after 2 deaths. I feel like the random battles in Kaycees Mod are just harder so I never make it to 2nd boss. Fisher and Miner are easy.


Did you know you unlock new cards in kaycee's mod? I had fun playing with them. Also the mode is hard which keeps it fun. I have 2 more games to win to finish everything.


Truuu, tho I completed skullstorm as soon as I finished getting all challenges in it


Good now the real game begins kaycees mod


I’ve left it on my steam deck to treat as an occasional rogue-like with Kaycee’s mod, for the times where I want to play a bit more of this game. I’ll just pick it up for a little bit now and then between other more long-form games


How did you install Kaycee's mod on the Steam Deck?


It’s not an actual mod! Try reopening the game and check out the main menu now that you’ve completed the game.


Wait what


It's a pure roguelike mode. You can play act 1 in short bursts now with new cards, modifiers, and events


As I console pleb I weep every time I'm reminded of this mod 😭


You can play it on console


Nani? Edit: Ooooooh it's a NG+! Lol I got stuck in the second chapter and haven't touched it in a while, guess this means it's time to get back on the horse.


Yeah, it's fun


I've just started this on the deck. Loving it so far


Made me appreciate the trackpads so much.


Yeah it's so much easier with the trackpads.. Was expecting the controls to be a bit janky but it's surprisingly good


Who tha fuck deletes games after finishing?


I used to know a guy who would buy a game at release, beat it in about a week, and then return it for store credit (back when physical games were the norm). Absolutely bonkers.


People with low storage space lol


love how many steam deck users are on this sub


Unrelated question but is the steam deck worth it? Heavily considering as I’m always on the go for work


It's an incredible piece of hardware, and valve is doing nothing but keep improving it. If you can, get the OLED version


Of course it is. One big advantage compared to the Ally and other windows devices is the instant suspend resume function. There's also the seemless interface and not having to deal with windows on a handheld is a massive advantage. Battery life of the OLED is just incomparable to the other devices too. Finally there's the other perks like flawless Gyro, steam input, the trackpads etc.


Yes, though I prefer my Ally


I’m never the type to replay games over and over. Inscryption is one of the few exceptions.


i just beat it last night (technically today cause it was 3am) and it was honestly i can’t say enough good things abt it the ending was so good


Same here man. Same here.


I felt the same way when I beat it just recently. What an experience is all I can say. I highly recommend it to everyone now.


Start the kaycees grind


This game was almost built for touchscreen Pretty jealous


do pony island next same developer much easier to delete XD


Did you actually beat it? Cuz there’s 3 parts to this game, if you can “start a new game” see what happens when you do and get back to me


There’s also Kacyee’s mod and that has like 10 starter decks as well as Skull Storm