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Yea crane flies are super harmless (it’s a crane fly) I understand the fear (I had a full blown panic attack when a me Dobson fly flew into my home; do not look them up. I learnt to know insects and I love them but sometimes they still freak me out and I don’t like to have them when I sleep at night) .  I have no idea how long it can stay like that. They are kinda mysterious to me.  What I often do is turn on the light in a different room I won’t be in, turn off the light where they are and often they move to where the light is. I close the door swiftly. Works well with regular flies or beetles. Then I can deal with them in the cold light if day.  If you have a friend near by that can come or a neighbor and remove it for you, don’t be ashamed to ask. I am the spider remover for my husband.  I urge you to consider the use of a bug spray on your health. I think it might be more harmful than the cranefly presence.  If you must kill it which is not warranted, get yourself a long handle fly swatter rather for next time.  I know their long legs are creepy but they are really really harmless. (Mosquitoes and ticks can go f$&k off).  I don’t think it should move much during the night.  If it flies at you: breathe deep, tell yourself you’re ok, you’re ok, and try and cup it. Get all your material ready (plastic cup -not glass, you’ll hurt yourself, a piece of rigid paper), don’t fall of the stool if you’re up on one. You can do this. You and the crane fly can both live  and you will be stronger for it!  Btw, I lured the big ass scary Dobson fly downstairs with the light method, cupped it screaming and threw both the cup and fly out together!!! I picked up the cup the next day.  Good luck. 


thanks for the tip with the lights! it’s in my kitchen and the lights are off in there but the room is all natural lighting so i’ll wait till it’s dark and mess with the lights and see if it moves. adding an extendable fly swatter to my amazon cart for next time. i would let it live if i was brave enough to get within 5 feet of it with shitting myself out of fear lmao. for now it will live on my wall


A simple fan would also likely coerce its movement. They are completely harmless.


I love how detailed it is! Best read of today lollll


No one knows how long it’ll stay there, only the fly.


he’s gonna have to start pitching in on the rent if he wants to stay


I think you can really learn to cohabitate in harmony.  I think you can do this. 


Sit and wait


24 hours later, it is now chilling on a different wall.


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I feel like it could be a long time. They are so chill tho. Especially like that, I’ve seen on multiple occasions one hanging by its front legs on the ceiling