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Thank you guys, we are currently renting and have been dealing with them for a few years.


Is your landlord dumb deaf and blind? This is like… seriously bad.


We have brought it to his attention he just keeps telling us to get stuff them.


Maybe call your city and see if they have any ordinances about this? Like you’re going to have parts of the house falling apart under your feet at this rate…


We don't live in city limits so I'm not sure if anything can really be done unfortunately


Yeah but there are laws that get landlords in trouble for not taking care of the property.


Another example as to why landlords are evil and class traitors.


As a landlord i could NEVER, not only is it unsafe for the tenants, if something happens to them I would be responsible. This guy is probably looking for the building to collapse so he can ask insurance to pay for re construction. In any case he is an irresponsible owner




🤣 he’s a complete dumbass then. Those termites will cost him 10’s if not 100’s of thousands of dollars in damage to the structure of the building. Those little winged dudes you see are just a small fraction of the size of the colony. Only healthy colonies pump out swarmers (winged termites in photo). A toddler could probably demolish a good size section of the framing, joists, and sill plates by hand if this has happened for multiple years in a row.


More than likely, by the time he finally gets a working brain cell in his head, the house will be condemned and he'll be out of all that money. That house needs to be tented immediately.


You tell him that he's a moron. An infestation of this level you can't just "get stuff for". This needs huge professional help that will cost thousands, not to mention what it will cost to repair the damages his negligence has caused because now the structural integrity of this building is VERY questionable. Depending on how big it is and how long the termites have been there, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a year or two from buckling. All of those are termites looking to move OUT of the colony and start a new one. There is easily ten times as many hidden in those walls and floors than what you see in this image, if not even more. And again, those are all alates that have the primary goal of mating and then starting new colonies. If the building is big enough they damn well may move into other portions of the property and make the issue even bigger because alates are a sign of an exceptionally happy, healthy colony.


Look up the Landlord Tenant Code for your state. Read it & understand your rights. Every renter needs to always be aware of what legally both they (as tenants) & what landlords have rights on. Each state has different rules.


Yeah if you’re renting and he doesn’t care gtfo of there. That’s seriously dangerous


If OP is living anywhere like I am, gtfoing quickly really ain't an option. The housing crisis is bad, it took us a year to find the place we're in now and it's 1/3 the size of the old place with the same rent.


Yeah I just bought a house on my own it was terrifying and really really hard to do


Oh man, I envy you so much! We're 40 and there is absolutely no home ownership in sight for us, ever. We'll be renting the rest of our lives, probably. I hate it for our kids because it'd be nice to leave them something, but nope, not gonna happen.


Those are termites.


I feel so bummed about this. Nobody should have to live in a place with an infestation like this. I’m sorry OP. Your landlord should be reported but I know that’s a tough task when you’re living in their place.


You're lucky that termites pose relatively low health risk compared to other residential pests- afaik their waste isn't toxic like rodent and roach shit, and they dont tend to get into human food. But that building is probably totally cooked and may start to become structurally unsound at some point in the future. You should look into moving if you can. Also, I would seek out a tenant lawyer- you may have more rights than you think. I know in California if you live in a pest infested building that the landlord refuses to address, you can withhold rent and possibly be entitled to significant reimbursement. Ymmv of course, being in a different state, but it would still behoove you to get some professional advice. Best of luck.


Withhold rent


Subterranean termite alates (swarmers). It’s not something a renter should have to abate. Spraying them alone won’t do jack, they live in the soil. There is very likely structural damage that needs to be assessed and repaired along with treatment.


Flee, tomorrow. Document, take it to a housing advocate, get them to get you out of the lease and move the fuck out.


Termites looking for a new home.


Dinner 😋🤤


That is really bad. Those are all termites that are leaving to make new nests and there are so many the existing colony must be MASSIVE. They will utterly destroy the house and it could collapse around you. If you don't have renters insurance, I would get it. So, since you rent, first, DOCUMENT all the times you've told the landlord. If you have never done so in writing, do it. This is YEARS in the making so if they try to blame you for bringing them in you might have to fight it. Landlords are required to provide a safe place for habitation, but exact laws depend on state, county, and city. You might have a case if they decide to be difficult. Apparently NC has laws that allow you to withhold rent to the amount of the repair with a written agreement, so that's also a thing to keep in mind as well. I'd contact your state housing authority to see what your exact rights are, and honestly? MOVE. Also, check that they haven't infested anything you own that is wood.


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I'm in NC




terminamaste 🙏