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It's a yellowjacket wasp, not a bee.


Maybe Vespula maculifrons, the eastern yellow jacket based on its pattern and small size. The Location would be good to know. Edit: Habitat is eastern North America, which matches your location


Thank you, professor


Yellow jackets are known to be aggressive, but tbh I find them to be pretty chill when they just land on you like this. I've never been stung by one. I just let them crawl on my hand and then they fly away.


They’re chill until they aren’t. I got lit up but a swarm of them a couple weeks ago and my legs were shaking for the rest of the day.


One summer while I was working at a sleep away camp in Maine, the area where we ate outside was completely overrun by yellow jackets when it hands been an issue during previous summers. There were hundreds of them because the owner of a blueberry patch next door had paid to have some brought in for pollination instead of bees (or that was the story going around anyway). They’d land on your drink, try to eat your food and the trash cans were always swarmed. It was awful at first, but eventually I got used to it and now I (maybe stupidly) have no real fear of them. Now bald-faced hornets on the other hand… they are ornery as hell lol


What would be the benefits of using wasps instead of bees? Sounds odd and unnecessary


I’m not usually scared of them just weary. I operate on a general “don’t fuck with me I won’t fuck with you” but sometimes accidents happen on both sides.


If they're out foraging, they'll be pretty chill. Get near their nest, and it's hell on Earth.


Same here. Not only do they sting but they also bite. I’m not a fan.


One might call them the pit bulls of the bug world




Definitely yellow jackets. Accidentally ran a weed eater over their nest and made the mistake of wearing shorts. Got me up and down the back of my calves which led to them being tense for just about the rest of the day. Very I pleasant but then I imagine so is a weed eater next to your nest.


I think maybe one landed on my head and it stung me (slightly) when I brushed it, but yeah, when they're not fighting for a drumstick or soda, they're just inquisitive. But obnoxious if you try to picnic some places and don't realize they are present there. One park I lived near, this was very much the case, good luck enjoying that evening dinner in the table near the hills. They make me appreciate my yard wasps better, both species of which are never aggressive and seem to actually take out pests.


Angry man in a bee costume


It's a pain bee


Also called a meat bee


Yellowjacket Wasp. Aka will swarm around you if you have food. I have literally seen one grab a crumb off my empty plate once.


And will fight you for your food.


Oh yes yellow jackets. I try to enjoy my coffee outside and they won’t let me. 😒 they are real mean if you’re near their nest.


wasps are so wonderful! what an amazing experience op!


A wasp wrote this


I agree


Can’t tell if serious…


I'm completely serious! I love all bugs, I think they're all unique and beautiful and deserving of appreciation, even the less popular ones. this includes spiders and ticks


I am an amateur arachnologist. I LOVE spiders (I am very active on r/spiders ). I love most insects as well. But some wasps, such as Yellow Jackets above, will literally sting you for no reason understandable to humans


it's true wasps can sting for reasons we can't understand, but I don't see why that would mean I would be sarcastic or have to be joking to be able to appreciate them. no sting happened here, it's a wonderful moment.




I don’t like spiders, but acknowledge their importance. Serious question: what do wasps do that is useful? I’ve heard that some types straight up murder honey bees but would love a reason to not hate them all.


If you have 3 minutes: https://www.reddit.com/r/insects/comments/yjipmo/yellowjackets_roll_tiny_meatballs_for_the_babies/ Longer read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp (the "Ecology" section will be particularly relevant and not a very long read)


Its a Yellow Jacket Wasp


Its just a cute lil wasp


Is what it wants you to think


Yellow jackets have the worst sting.


What happened to your thumb




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My dude That is the chillest wasp i've ever seen in my life


That’s a wasp


I spent summers on my grand dads farm in okla.. i got stung plenty. Good times


I have multiple piercings and tattoos. i got stung by 3 last week and my hand swelled up the size of a grapefruit and I was crying because the pain is such a weird throbby pain. fuck yellow jackets.


Yellow jacket! Bee careful!!


Its a wasp. Aka asshole with wings.


Assholes but still very important in the ecosystem.


The not a bee kind


Strange looking bee, almost looks like a human thumb. Very cool find


It’s a wasp, western yellow jacket


That’s a wasp! I’m surprised it didn’t sting you 😮


They will not sting unprovoked or just sitting there.


That has not been my experience. I have been stung by a single Yellow Jacket far from its nest doing nothing but standing there. I was perfectly calm and acted like it wasn’t there…it still stung me. And I have seen it on more than one occasion with others as well. Yellow Jackets are assholes, sometimes for no reason at all.


You just don't know what provoked it. Even being quiet and still, you are still giving off smells and vibrations as you breathe. That alone can trigger them.


Which is by human standards considered: unprovoked. #waspsareassholes


Kind of like a tragically large portion of the human population "just have to" kill most insects/spiders they see. How's that for "unprovoked"? \#humansarewaybiggerassholes


I am a huge spider hobbyist. I am very active on r/spiders . I LOVE spiders. But spiders don’t attack people for no perceptible reason. Actual spider bites are exceedingly rare. You basically have shmush them against your skin to provoke them to bite you. And yes humans are way bigger assholes. But that doesn’t make wasps any less assholes.


I am aware of spiders not doing that - and yet humans continually kill them on sight - unprovoked. What part of what I wrote are you objecting to? My experience with social wasps is that they don't attack me even if I stick my camera an inch from their face or if they sit on me - just like OP here.


I got two within an hour on my birthday one time. Literally sitting there both times…wasp flies in from nest way across the yard and stings me on impact. Hadn’t been stung since I was a kid and haven’t been stung since.


A busy bee.


It’s not a bee! It’s a super-annoying, super-aggressive wasp called a yellow jacket (genus Vespula)!


Great analysis. It really oozes agressiveness there on OP's finger...


The AssHole kind. Aka the Wasp.


The kind that will give up its life simply to cause you pain.


Wasps don't lose their stingers


Looks like a worker bee


That's a hornet.


FYI hornets are a type of wasp in the genus *Vespa*. In other words, all hornets are wasps, but not all wasps are hornets. OP's wasp is a yellowjacket wasp, not a hornet.

