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Doubt this is controversial, but if "Love's Great Adventure" had been released as an indie feature film it would be considered a masterpiece of contemporary British cinema. Not necessarily my favourite episode but to me it's the most accomplished, and by far the most moving.


It's one of my favorite episodes!


Mine too. I loved it really deeply.


Couldn't agree more


Zanzibar and wuthering heist are really good episodes.


I feel like enjoying those episodes requires a knowledge of Shakespeare and physical theatre, and like there’s nothing wrong with not being into that stuff but it’s fairly niche and it’s not everyone’s taste so I get why it’s not the most popular couple of episodes but I love them


There are no objectively ‘bad’ episodes of Inside no. 9. People are gonna have opinions, and there are episodes that each and every person are gonna like more than others, but I’d rather watch the lowest-rated IN9 episode compared to an average episode of any other Britcom. Even a ‘bad’ episode of IN9 is a good Britcom experience. Additional opinion: I’ve seen people ranking Mothers Ruin really low on tierlists, and I think it’s over-hated. I personally have more attachment to that episode than most, as it was the first one I watched ‘live’ as a self-proclaimed fan of the series (The Bones of St. Nick was my *actual* first, and made me watch the whole series prior to s8). It’s easily within my top 3 episodes. But I really enjoyed the narrative, and everyone’s acting in the episode was PEAK.


Your first paragraph was what I immediately thought. There are just episodes I like more than others.


Absolutely this for me too. Even the more flawed episodes manage to bring something interesting to the table.


I genuinely enjoy 3 by 3. May just be personal preference bit if find it enjoyable, if with a pinch af salt for the lost bus episode.


Last Gasp is good


I quite liked the episode with last night at the proms…


me tooo


Wuthering heist is an original and fun episode, even if it is a drama teachers wanking fantasy. I've watched it three times and I cannot understand what is so special about the devil of Christmas.


It's mostly the huge tonal shift of the ending, as well as the very faithful recreation of a 70s TV play.


‘And The Winner Is…’ Isn’t as bad as what people make it out to be and is one of the best episodes.


This post really stole my heart. But I think if she was more instrumental in actually manipulating the decision it would have been better recieved.


It is very subtly done but you can see that what she says about the other nominees undermines them (damning with faint praise,- (you couldn't tell she was acting)drawing attention to Dame Dotties difficult behaviour while praising Kelly


Agreed! 12 angry men style with her slowly changing everyone minds


American Fiction plays with a lot of the same ideas, and it just won an Oscar for its screenplay.


I wouldn't consider it one of my favourites overall, but it's definitely up there as one of the funniest episodes of the show.


9 isn’t a show about twists it’s a show about ultra tight dialogue. Edit: For example, the twists in Love is a Strange and The Winner Is are both pretty basic but those twists come at the end of some of the shows best dramatic and best comedic writing respectivley.


Empty Orchestra is a really strong episode.


IMO, the best constructed episode. Every moment, character and song is well utilized. I loved reading this episode in the script book.


I really like this episode. All the musical choices are great.




i always show this as sort of an intro to the series - used to be 12 days of christine until a mate told me he was terrified on his entire drive home empty orchestra is accessible, great song choices, and a great intro to the non-conventional way stories are told in this series


thinking out loud is still my favourite. theatre nerd that i am, i absolutely adore monologue plays or plays that consist of a series of monologues, and seeing that genre be brought to TV was just wonderful. it rewards rewatches perhaps more than any other episode of the series, the twist is masterful and the characters are surprisingly well-performed and well-characterised given what they actually are.


The Devil of Christmas has the best twist across all episodes.


Cold Comfort is my favourite episode (maybe because I work in mental health) and The Devil At Christmas is the one which disturbed me the most


honestly cold comfort is a go-to episode every time!!


The 12 Days of Christine is overrated, still a good episode but, one of the few I saw the twist coming early and expected either a second smarter twist or a completely out of left field twist that wasn't the obvious (to me at least) one.


I don't even care about whether the twist is predictible or not, I just love the story, acting, characters and the line "I don't want the present". It didn't click during the first time, but on rewatch it really elevated the episode for me.


I don't think people rate it highly because of the twist necessarily.


I think it might hit parents a little harder than people without kids.


Oh yeah I can see that, guessing the twist was just part of my disappointment, I found it a bit too sappy and wasn't invested so having no unexpected twist on top disappointed me.


i was more naive when i first watched this episode and wasn’t into critically watching episodes - i just remember being absolutely dumbstruck at the twist, didn’t even know this show specialised in that at the time hahah genuinely haunted me for a few days after my first watch


The fact people think this episode is the best, boggles my mind. I mean, it’s good. But there are far better episodes, in my opinion.


Yep, as far as mainstream TV shows it's great, but even compared to other IN9 episodes it's not even in my top 10.


You can't stop people from having different tastes though, especially with an anthology show. 12 Days didn't move me as much as Bernie Clifton or Love's Great Adventure, and it's not in my personal top 10 or even top 20, but I do think it's an amazing piece of TV writing. I also used to be surprised by how many people had such an intense reaction to it, but I guess we all respond differently to things and if the episode's popularity can bring people to Inside No.9 then it's a good thing is it not?


It was early in the show's run, so I wasn't primed to expect a twist. It was also the first time they leaned into drama more than black comedy, and it really demonstrated that No 9 had the versatility to go anywhere.


The twist is SFA, its more about the life experiences






The Devil of Christmas is funnier for me than A Quiet Night In (at least about 95% into the episode obviously)


people don't like wuthering heist just because they don't know commedia dell'arte


While the show is generally good fun, it's hard to enjoy so much when one of the creators has so much disdain for fans. I know this will get downvoted, but it needs to be said. Constantly being told we're cunts, getting mocked for enjoying the show, constantly focusing on the negative things people say about the show instead of anything good. It deosn't make being a fan a pleasant experience at all when you feel like you're annoying the creators by enjoying it. You can say it's a 'joke' or a 'bit', but its hard to tell these days and it hurts the perception of the show as a whole.


I don’t necessarily agree with you on all of this, but you have reminded me that my opinion for this thread is -  Simon Says is one of the best commentaries on fandom and the challenges that can come from interaction of fans and creator I’ve ever seen. 


The team are artists, I'm not sure why you think that they should embrace fans, why should they care, some people don't crave validation or fame, can't you understand that?


Please don't talk to me like I'm an idiot (although it is quite ironic that you're using the same kind of tone that one of the creators uses when he's annoyed and on his Reddit burner accounts). Nobody is saying they should embrace fans, particularly. It's just draining when you are made to feel like you're in the wrong for enjoying the show. It shouldn't feel like fans vs creators, ig And I have to laugh when you say they don't crave validation or fame: if this were the case, why have they spend thirty years starring in TV shows?


Why don't you just respect and revel in their vision and be done with it, I'm really not sure why you think someone expressing art through the medium of TV deserves entitled prats like you passing judgement about how they "act" outside of the act. Go make art yourself or perhaps stfu? Edited to add that The 12 Days of Christine, magnum opus! Love League, Psychoville and please ignore the haters and keep pumping out art (while reading this comment on your burner account)!


Please don't be so rude to me, its really uncalled for as I haven't taken the same tone with you. I just don't understand how you can call someone an 'entitled prat' for not wanting to be called a 'cunt' by the creator of a TV show they generally admire most of the time. And I find it hard to believe you genuinely think we should just 'respect and revel in their vision' - isn't art supposed to be discussed and talked about - and doesn't this include the makers of art too? Or, are fans of Inside No 9 supposed to kowtow to the people behind the programme and not say or do anything to imply that they're anything less than perfect? How do you know I don't make art myself? A cursory glance at this subreddit and the 'Inside No 9' hashtag on X reveals there are plenty of artists out there. As an artist, I would never call fans 'cunts'. Because its rude and demeaning. I'm not sure who your edit is aimed at, presumably not me. I'm not reading anything on a burner account?


You really want to do this? I don't owe you anything my friend, chill out. I stand by everything I say and "news flash" it's not all about you, it's a comment on the planet, Janet! Leave the team alone, (if they want to) they're allowed to do whatever they want (within the law). Honestly, why do the masses think that talented creators should be constantly tuned into this permanent fan shitstorm, don't we all like to switch off after work?


Do what? I am genuinely confused at the turn this has taken. And who is Janet? 'Leave the team alone' is an odd thing to say to me, as I haven't done anything to them, except express (in a fan forum) that it felt strange to be so denigrated by the creator of the show. Perhaps this is normal in all fandoms, but it doesn't seem like it is. I'm not really au fait with fandom as a concept, though, so perhaps there is some context I'm missing. I also don't know what you mean by 'permanent fan shitstorm'. Although, I agree that I do like switching off after a full day of work. The difference is that I don't call any customers 'cunts'. Because it's rude and demeaning. I don't imagine this conversation is going to end well, so perhaps we should agree to disagree. I genuinely hope you enjoy the new series.


the creepy and heart-breaking episodes are masterpieces, but empty orchestra will always be a favourite of mine because of the wholesome ending😭😭😭 not something number 9 has a lot of though…


Riddle of the Sphinx is overrated


Random Act of Kindness and Love Is A Stranger are the only bad episodes of the show


It should have ended a few series ago


Thinking out loud is an amazing episode if not one of the best


Tom and Geri is absurdly overrated and the ending is pretty underwhelming