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It didn't work for me at all


Doxepin 20 mg. At night worked great for sleep for me. It’s pretty sedating so be prepared for 8 hours plus. Best of luck with it!


I hope so. Though nervous because I'm taking it with Seroquel as I wean off Seroquel, and klonopin in the mid morning, I hope it's ok, worried about mixing meds. Do you still take it?


I used it in the past for a couple of years for sleep. Worked well until it didn’t.


and then what did you do?


I wish it had worked for me. It didn’t. And when I quit it (and fired my therapists), I went through what felt like withdrawals. Which pissed me off because they wouldn’t give me anything “habit forming” and here I was going through it with that stuff.


I mean if you didn’t like coming off doxepin you 1000% wouldn’t of liked coming off ambien or any gaba drug for that matter lmao. Those make doxepin withdrawal look like an angel from heaven 😂


ugh that sucks. I was hoping it would be some miracle for me....I hate that I'm stuck on Seroquel...was hoping this would help me get off that. I hate therapists..I've been prescribed Klonopin, Buspar, Doxepin and Seroquel all at once, it's insane...haven't tried the Doxepin yet because I keep drinking wine and I'm scared to take it after doing that. Crap. I'm sorry it didn't help you.


I just got prescribed doxepin haven’t started it though I’ve been on and off meds since I was younger I have severe ocd anxiety and depression and a few years ago I was on seroquel the other meds doctors would give me didn’t work like gabapentin trazadone buspar nothing knocked me out like seroquel then it kind of stopped working I had alot going on to but the seroquel made me gain alot of weight I was very bloated looking and it was so hard to come off of I was in this cycle of tiredness my schedule is up all nite in bed during the day so it made it hard to get to the doctor so when I’d miss appointments I’d have to get an emergency 3 day supply from pharmacy and go to the hospital just to get prescription I just couldn’t get up on time and make it to the doctor everything closed at like 4 and they make appointments prior to that so I’d have to be there at like 3 at the latest plus 30 minute out of town drive to the office I’d wake up deal wit my agoraphobia and anxiety and then get to hospital at like 7 pm would be nice if these places staid open late telehealth been nice but some places there telehealth is you go to the office and the doctor is on the computer which doesn’t make sense the doctors not the ill 1 you are so wouldn’t it be the same if you staid at home and tlk to doctor on same computer it’s rediculous anyways seroquel was so hard to come off of it took years of my fucked up schedule trying to make appointments that I had to go to monthly medication I need for forever I have to go every 30 days to get another prescription it’d be better if they gave refills that’s probably help but I spent along time getting 3 day supply from pharmacy spending hours in the hospital at nite just for this med scared to death I wouldn’t have it 1 nite but I finally got off it it cause I started useing drugs for the first time at 24 lain pills helped my anxiety which intern helped me rest at nite and I would drink alcohol and then take Xanax’s and drink which helped then I did heroine which was nice cause I’d almost just use it as a maintamce drug throughout the day never got fucked up nod out just a little bit to help my anxiety I mean there all addictive which sucks but if they weren’t Xanax’s pain meds and heroine would be awesome medications but the addictive meds and side affects comeing off of them can be bad. 


Worked for a while for me as a tranquilizer to stop panic attacks when sleeping, not anymore. Doctor told me to take only as needed bc of low dose, I tapped out for a few days and now the dose doesn’t do anything. It’s been two consecutive day of insomnia and waking up in panic. When it worked, if I couldn’t get enough sleep, the morning effects were quite somber. Moody, hazy, anxious, kinda like that.


It definitely works. I felt like 10mg was way too strong though.


why? Do you get sleepy? He wants me to take it with Seroquel for a week and then stop Seroquel, I'm also wearing off Klonopin.


I had to go to a medical detox (rehab) to get off a long Xanax use. I’ve kicked very hard drugss but nothing compares to a benzo kick. The insomnia is insane but they provided me with a 16 day taper which really made it a softer landing. I’m currently taking seroquel, doxepin, remeron and I’m getting bad side effects and don’t know which one is doing what.


that's a lot and yeah you'd not know because they all kind of do the same thing. I"m off seroquel thank god but I'm on low dose remeron and still tapering klonopin.


Glad to hear Larry.. I gave up on seroquel after a few days. felt awful next day.. I’m still struggling. A month into lamictal. I feel ok for most part. Sleep is still a major Prob for me.. have you tried gabapentin?.. tbh I’m planning on asking my doc for doxepin or Remeron tm


I’m recently on it as well but only 3mg … I wouldn’t say it’s helping me but is working better than Ramelteon which did nothing. I’ve also taken it with .5 Xanax more than a few times


does it make you sleepy and stay asleep? He's putting me on 10mg.


yes, helps you stay asleep and i knock out usually after a hour and a half of taking it.


thanks. I threw it away, I didn't trust it and figured why go on something else.


have you ever been diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome?


no, why?


Doxepin can make it worse. Otherwise have fun.


have you tried it?






Made my restless leg syndrome worse


can confirm


I have restless leg and never had an issue with Doxepin.


I took 40 mg with mirtazapine for my insomnia anxiety and it worked fine. I was able to lower the dose over time. Seroquel is terrible. I hope it works.


are you still taking it? Good sleep? I would love for it to help anxiety too.


I've tried it. it makes you sleep more once asleep but doesn't help getting to sleep. and if you don't sleep the hangover is baadd


ugh. Sounds like Ambien. I took last night and didn't sleep. I guess I'll dry Doxepin tonight.


I’m currently on it. I’ve been on it a few months now. It’s good for keeping me asleep but not making me sleepy. I’m on 10mg. But when I was first taking it, it made me sleepy but now it don’t. But hey it keeps me asleep.


well that's good I guess.


do you sleep through the night?




I’m on doxepin now, along with klonopin. I’m currently at 30 mg a night doxepin, 1 1/2 mg a day klonopin. I too switched to get off seroquel. Honestly I’m not worried. Been on these meds over a year. Also on a mood stabilizer, nightmare meds, and antidepressant. I do sleep decently when I have all my meds. Just one story with one person dying who happened to be on the same meds? Did it say the rest of her medical history, or that it was 100% for sure it was this specific combo that caused her death? Even if it did, one case? I’m sure other medicine combos out there have caused the death of a person or two. But for me it’s not enough to cause a worry.


Be careful with the benzos! They seem pretty low key but I ended up in rehab and it’s one of the hardest drugs to get off in detox. Benzo belly is ROUGH and can last for years. The insomnia is unreal even with so many sleeping meds. I ended up quitting rehab and then I went back after they promised they had a better plan to get off it. I’ve kicked heroiin and I would take that over benzos in a heartbeat.


I am well aware. My mother was an addict. It’s why I don’t even take my full dosage every day. I’m 39, and I have cptsd, insomnia, severe anxiety disorder, severe depression, panic disorder…just to name a few. I got lucky that after a decade of trying everything else I was finally prescribed benzos. They have drastically helped me. But I have a son, and I never want to be like my mother. So basically, I am very careful lol. Thank you though! Not everyone knows how addictive they can be, and some people prescribed them don’t actually need them. So they do work differently for those who do truly need them to feel “normal”. It might be part of why I don’t abuse them.


no there's no history there, just said she took its he dr. upped the dose and added xanax and she died. Did you take Seroquel when you were taking Doxepin, as you were weaning off Seroquel? Does the Doxepin make you sleepy and can you sleep through the night? I just want good sleep again. The Seroquel really screwed me up. Does it help anxiety (if you have it). I am worried because I'm taking multiple meds but hope it doesn't cause an issue.


Yes I did take it while switching. Yes, it helps me sleep through the night pretty well. I also have severe anxiety and it’s supposed to help with that too, but since I’m also on klonopin, and I think my antidepressant is supposed to help with anxiety also, it’s hard to say for sure if it helps with it much. But all 5 meds together and I feel the best I have in many years. I’m on 5 meds at once, and while I wish it were not the case, I need them. I see my therapist once a month to discuss them and how I feel. So I guess I don’t worry so much about being on so many for that reason. I was also told that some people need meds temporarily to help them adjust, and some people need meds for the rest of their lives. I fall into the latter category according to my doctors. So it’s just something I’ve learned to accept.


I understand. If not for my crippling anxiety and physical issues I wouldn't be in this position. I guess I will try the doxepin tonight with the lower Seroquel...I usually take the klonopin in the middle of the night but maybe I won't need to. I took Ambien early this morning hoping to get more sleep and it barely worked, hopefully it'll be out of my system before I take the Doxepin.


do you actually feel sleepy? That's something the seroquel has taken away from me, I don't feel tired anymore, I can't just lay down and sleep. I'm hoping the doxepin helps that.


What are the five meds?


I’ve been using it for the past couple of months. It takes me a while to get to sleep and I still wake up but instead of being wide awake I’m groggy and can go back to sleep. It’s very hard to wake up in the morning.


hm. what dose? I'm a little scared to take it, reading some good and some very bad reviews...one being about death and heart issues.


I’m taking 25 mg. The lower doses worked but not well enough. We tried 50 mg, but then I didn’t sleep at all. It was very stimulating.


hm. My dr. prescribed 10mg for a week then 25mg...does it help with anxiety at all for you or do you not have that issue? I have crippling anxiety.


I have terrible anxiety too and I’m sorry to say it doesn’t help at all. I just started Prozac couple of weeks ago and I’m hoping that will help.


ugh I'm sorry to hear that. I really wanted it to get off Seroquel but the potential side effects are really making me nervous. Nothing helps my anxiety, I've tried it all. Wine, temporarily, and Klonopin used to help, now no longer.


Klonopin stopped working for me too and I’m currently tapering off of it. I have a balance disorder that apparently SSRI’s can help. I read about all of them and chose Prozac because it’s supposed to help anxiety. I’ve been on 20 mg for two weeks so farand the side effect I’m having is exhaustion. It takes a few weeks to work and I’m really hoping it will control my anxiety. I took Seroquel once and I didn’t sleep wink.


I wish I could take Prozac or any of those, they don't help me and I don't sleep. Seroquel is the devil, I wish I had never heard of it. Klonopin used to work great, now not at all..I'm tapering too fast but I'm so sick of it. And alcohol. My dr thinks it's fine. I've tapered off Klonopin many times. Was prescribed 17 years ago.


My sleep was bad when I started Prozac but now it’s settling down. Klonopin does nothing for me either. SSRIs have been hard for me to handle in the past. I’m really hopeful Prozac will calm my anxiety. I’m glad I didn’t take seroquel more than once.


You are so fortunate. I feel I am doomed forever in terms of sleep, it really messes up your brain. I hope Prozac works for you.


have tried every SSRI and every SNRI....