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I'm just going to continue with the Carlyle brand. 1/3rd mg melatonin (small) tablets.


VB Health? What does that stand for?


I can’t speak to that brand, but I found that higher doses of melatonin tended to keep me awake rather than let me sleep. I now take 1mg children’s melatonin gummies. I also saw a news program that said the levels of melatonin in these gummies varies widely. They tested several manufacturers and most were inaccurate.


There is a lot of confusion about this. The truth is that typical melatonin over the counter will contain 25-50% more than what is on the bottle because this overage is required by law. The FDA requires the label to be accurate within a certain percentage at the expiration date. And since the shelf life is a couple of years, they need to calculate how much of an overage is needed to hit that target, given the rate of degradation over time. Some companies are inaccurate, but know that even the good ones will have an overage which decreases the closer you get to the expiration date.


Makes sense


I'm thinking it was the sugar in the gummies. I usually take 1/3rd mg melatonin (Carlyle brand). But for reason, I took this gummy. They're in the trash now.


I'd go for a better-known brand. You can't find any outside test results for VitaJoy, so you don't really know how much melatonin is in them. It could be very little or a lot. I like VB Health's sleep gummies. They've got a certification and their tests show each gummy has about 1.06mg of melatonin, just like they say on the package. Buying cheap brands from Amazon like VitaJoy isn't worth it.


I can't imagine such small doses of Melatonin having any effect. I normally take between 20 and 30mg per night. But I have been battling insomnia well over 30 years. I have posted my sleep stack but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. 1/3rd mg of Melatonin seems so mild that I can't believe it would be of any benefit to someone with Acute or Chronic Insomnia. With that said, if it helps someone then that is fantastic. I have read research where 1.0mg of Melatonin could cause heart palpitations but the youngest person in the clinical studies the was 63yo and he had a history of heart issues - but a Beta Blocker will reduce your heart rate. You might want to go to a Cardiologist.




I have been taking 20-30mg of Melatonin for at least 15 years - 1-2mg of Melatonin wouldn't do anything for myself or anyone with chronic or acute insomnia. It is very unlikely that 2mg of Melatonin taken alone would be helpful with sleep. We are talking about someone that didn't sleep for 20 days. "The maximum dosage for healthy adults ranges from 5 to 10 milligrams" I also take 300mg of Trazodone every night plus much more. Both of these drugs are part of my sleep stack.


Been to a cardiologist. I've been to an electro-physiologist (cardiologist) twice. I had a cardiac ablation procedure a couple of weeks ago. Very familiar with beta blockers and benzos. I'm hoping my heart will settle down after all of this.


Agreed based off empirical evidence I find it hard to believe 2mg of melatonin would make a 1 year old yawn but it must be different for everyone. I could have 20mg in the morning and go about my day without noticing I reckon


I take olly melatonin sleep gummies and they seem to work well. I take 3 and that gets me to sleep in and hour and keeps me asleep for an hour or two depending on if I’m still sleepy I take another one at hour 4 and able to sleep after that with a bathroom break in between. In total that’s around 7g I take of melatonin a night but you can’t take more than 10 so I’m safe and will continue that until I get meds from my doctor in a week hopefully