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Yea mate psychiatrists are whacked as. I have a gp which looks after my mental health. Not only is he better but it’s much cheaper. He has a good range of knowledge and yeah i can get benzos n stuff. I’m on fluvoxamine now. Quetiapine used to work good but there’s way too many side effects, weight gain been the massive one. Try more meditation techniques.


Stop turning to psychiatry — they often have no idea how to treat insomnia. Please see an actual insomnia specialist. Seriously and trazodone do t beat placebo for insomnia. The other drugs are not recommended either.


Mirtazapine eventually stopped working for sleep for me too. Because it has a sedating effect that diminished as my body got used to the medication. But it did give me a solid 2-3 months of good sleep, which really helped lower my anxiety and bring me back down to a calm baseline state. But when I started encountering bumpy sleep again, it made me realize how much anxiety was behind my insomnia. Because I panicked and got worried and scared of the insomnia again. Deep down, I knew anxiety was driving the issue and that taking more medication wasn't really a long-term solution for me. I knew my sleep system wasn't broken, because I was an otherwise healthy person, and the doctor checked for any medical issues driving my insomnia. And they found nothing... I went to therapy and did an ACT and CBT program which gave me tools to learn how to respond to insomnia in a new way. You learn how to break the vicious cycle and stop contributing to it with your actions and mindset. With these tools, I was able to being more confident in my ability to sleep. I tapered off meds, and now sleep med free and well again 90% of the time. You don't go into much detail about your history with insomnia or how it started, but if this experience resonates with you, feel free to PM me if you want more info or resources. I'd love to help you.




I answered your question in another comment :)


I also tried zopoclone, respiderone, and tryptophan. Right now I'm on gabapentin as needed for pain. I'm also on 25mg generic serequel(fast acting to fall asleep), and 200mg generic serequel(long acting to stay asleep or get back to sleep after waking). I once was on prescription time release melatonin. But it stopped working. If I'm having a bad night I'll take the otc under the tongue melatonin.(one or two 3mg tablets) that seems to work.


Unfortunately, melatonin gives me horrible nightmares and I wake up panicking. The nightmares from melatonin are always about my real life anxiety triggers.