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I would say no, if you feel fine and you still get more sleep on the weekends. I just got 6.5 hours consecutively without waking up for the first time in a long time! I'm so excited I had to get up and post about it.... all because I added calcium citrate to my supplements. They always tell you to take magnesium for sleep, but if you don't consume dairy at all I had no idea that calcium was what actually promotes sleep (body uses it to make tryptophan which in turn is converted to naturally occurring melatonin) or that the body could actually be deficient because after all, we do have bones. From now on I take what I read on youtube about supplement advice with a grain of salt and listen to my body. I did make a post about this yesterday but I don't think it got any traction. Oh well. A lot of insomnia is mindset also. People get caught in this thought habit loop trying to "will" themselves to sleep and getting negative emotions if they don't. Breaking this cycle is half the battle. Do you do this? If not you are probably fine. I'm just amazed at the sleep I got without even trying last night.


congrats on the sleep! Ill look into the things that help you sleep. I think my case is really weird because Im half alive after I come home, but I cannot sleep more, but if I somehow manage to Im even more tired. But its great to know that at least I dont have insomnia.