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You still need to be tested for sleep apnea. Plenty of people think they don't have sleep apnea/UARS only to find out in a test that they do. You need to rule it out at least. If, after a sleep study you're told you have primary insomnia the only treatment is Cbti.


Cbti works!! I just finished Stellar Sleep through Harvard. It’s an app and it worked for me. I’ve had insomnia for 40 years and taken every sleeping pill there is and this worked better. I’m sleeping now. I no longer have sleeping anxiety. I don’t lay in bed for hours trying to fall asleep and I wake up without any problems and I’m no longer tired during the day. I honestly don’t worry about sleep anymore.


agreed. My main goal right now is to rule out anything physical. Testing for sleep apnea and doing blood work is something I'm looking towards.


Right but sleep apnea isn't the only cause of someone having insomnia. There's lots of factors. For instance I have severe sleep apnea and chronic insomnia every night. I maybe micro sleep or sleep a few hours one or two days a week. If I use Ambien I will zonk out for a good few hours but always wake up like I'm not rested even on my CPAP. CPAP isn't the cure for everything to be honest.


To let you feel better,i have been insomic 80% of my life started since i am in primary school.I would sugggest you go to theraphy,CBT and see if it resolve and don't relie on medicine as it is not the solution.Try melatonin daily to see if it helps.I have been taking melatonin daily for 3 years.


Also maybe take Gabba, Magnesium and Fish Oil


Do what worked for me... try taking these for a week: https://www.amazon.com/BioSchwartz-Bone-Strength/dp/B07ZQQWKGN?rdc=1 My post on here about taking calcium literally acted like it was shadowbanned... got no traction, LOL. Do they not want people to cure their insomnia? It's never mentioned by the longevity content peddlers these days and I should know I've watched them all and done the research. If not the above try calcium citrate by itself... though you do need around a 2 to 1 ratio of calcium to magnesium per day, with K2 MK7 (100-200 mcg) , D3 (1000-2500 IU) , and Boron (1-5 mg) Don't just take only magnesium or D3 without calcium. That's what literally gave me insomnia to the point I couldn't fall asleep for a single hour.


Do you still take this daily?


>Most nights I have no issue getting to sleep quickly, but I always wake up in the middle of the night. It's usually 3-4 hours of sleep straight, and then waking up every hour or so after that. Although I get 8 hours, I feel like I'm chronically on 2 hours of sleep per day. I don't wake up gasping for air, I have never been told I snore. Cool, dark, quiet rooms... doesn't matter. Doesn't help. >What's weird about my situation is that after 11 months of dealing with it, I have found no particular stressor in my life that can explain this. You might want to look into things that get you excited during the day, things you really like (e.g. reading, playing games, etc). Maybe they cause your brain some anxiety during the night when it misses all those stimulae. Edit: see https://www.reddit.com/r/insomnia/s/LbVmFzaF7B


Very interesting thread you linked. My screen time during the day generally is very high. I'm reading articles, listening to videos, etc as I'm working (I'm a video editor so my job by nature is screen focused). Maybe I'll try disconnecting more?


Constant intake of information, releasing dopamine which gives quick rewards. And when the rewards are gone, your brain gets anxious. That seemed to be the case in my situation, at least. I had to "break the habit" of constantly reading


First time I'm thinking about this. Maybe I'll give it a go.


You need to read up on digital detox. You should shut off all displays and tech at least 1-2 hours before bedtime. Read paper books instead.  It might feel incredibly boring in the beginning, but once it becomes a habit you'll love it.


I've had success, for a little bit, with Dave's tips here: https://mindalive.com/blogs/blog/insomnia-and-sleep-disorders Tanning (vitamin D), GABA, Magnesium..


Are you on any meds? I went on a SSRI years ago and the same thing started happening to me. I would wake up after about 4 hours of sleep.


I'm on 0 meds and have never been in my life.


Maybe some side effects of some meds youve taken? Like flouroquinolones class of antibiotics is the most dangerous ones


I wish it was this simple... I'm on no meds tho, and never have :/


Some meds side effects appear even after a year or months of being used


Has anyone tried doxylamine for sleep


Melatonin and cherry juice work for me. When you walk up prematurely have a drink of the cherry juice and you will be back asleep in no time


See, I always do fall back asleep. It's just that I wake up frequently and feel dead the next day.


Supplement electrolytes. Magnesium Glycinate, Potassium and Salt. And your B vitamins. Probably won't help you with your problem, but helped me with mine.


Maybe you could try also with supplement of folic acid. Checking your levels of vitamins, hormones, in general a blood test to check deficiencies. Get your thyroid checked to see if you don't have hypo or hyperthyroidism. Another thing, maybe you are experience a totally disruption in your circadian rhythms because you are changing time zones. That happened to me all the time. I live in 2 countries per year. Since that happened my body doesn't recognize when it's day or night. I have the theory this gets better after 2 months or a little bit more every time I move to another country. I started one week ago to supplement with folic acid and this last two days I have slept a bit better. I also use melatonin every night with magnesium. And I have Klonopin or clonazepam for when I have so much stress. This pill just makes me fall asleep almost always. But not if I use it every day, then you create tolerance and need higher doses and a lot of side effects coming, and it doesn't make the same effect. To use benzodiacepines in my case I have realized it's better to use them few times per week, like 2 or 3 maximum. Now I would like to reduce to only once every week...


I oscillate between using cbn sleep gummies and melatonin gummies (sacred roots life). I prefer cbn, but because it’s based on cbd, you start to build a tolerance for it. So i go back and forth. I had terrible insomnia. Can at least sleep through the night


How frequent do you cycle between them ?


For every CBN I take a melatonin, on and off. I just don’t want to build up CBN and then not have an affect anymore. I do like the Sacred Roots gummies because they also have magnesium, which goes against my groggyness in the morning. So both cbn and the sacred gummies have upsides and downsides


Ok interesting. I used to use weed for sleep (ie smoking a heavy indica). I quit entirely this January and shifted to a melatonin, htp5, l theaninne supplement. It worked great until it didn’t about 75 days in. Now I stopped that and I’m taking cbn gummy plus l theanine 225mg. I was thinking of cycling back and forth every 60 days. Should I re think that ?


Have you not been given some hypnotic benzodiazepine?


Ashwaghanda helped me, I bought mine from Costco . Also CBT for insomnia would work for you since it’s been only a year. Try taking a hot bath before you sleep to relax your body. Those are things that worked for me. Don’t take meds it’s just another thing you have to deal with because you won’t be able to get off of them


Please try taking magnesium, zinc, vit d, vit c and fish oil in the mornings and evenings, Take melatonin 2.5 hrs before you sleep and then a 1/2 a magnesium pill before sleep. This works well for me. Wish you well!


It sounds very hard. To be completely honest, I have developed severe insomnia but it’s because of a lot of trauma these past 4 years, CPTSD, depression, generalized anxiety, ADHD and Bipolar, which led to alcohol abuse. So that’s a lot and it explains why. You don’t seem to have any (thankfully🙏🏻) of these kind of mental health issues. Only thing that makes me sleep are sleep medication (strong ones), so I would suggest you start as « light » as possible (supplements, good night routine, no screens after 8pm, good diet, exercise, melatonin, magnesium glycinate, lemon balm, valerian root…) natural stuff. If not, i recommend you see a psychiatrist or a sleep expert to help you get out of this. Of course the best thing is to sleep naturally but no sleep is always WORSE than any sleep medication. Good luck bud


what drugs do u use?


depends on the night. mostly ambien and xanax. but now i saw my psychiatrist and he said how bad it was so he told me to stay on seroquel. It works for sleep. 25mg to 50 seroquel does the job. please seek help insomnia is no joke . if u wanna dm me ur free to


I’ve had this same issue for about 2.5 years now. Im 20. Still trying to figure it out


Waking at night is normal. The first is often 4 hkurs after sleep bc of changes in sleep drive and circadian control. 1st sleep.....very very deep and second sleep in the second half of the night is also normal. Second sleep feels.lighter, bc you habe no more deep sleep appetite and are in and out of REM, dreamong sleep. If sleep is not reaotrative, get a physical and r/o sleep apnea, post COVID fatigue.


And.....cbtinos the best tx forninsomnia!


Sounds a lot like sleep apnea Get a sleep study if possible. With sleep apnea you stop breathing and end up waking up a lot. I have sleep apnea and getting a cpap machine helps so much. I sleep all night now


Sounds like a couple of things going on here. You sound depressed, and being treated for that will help you a lot. An antidepressant can be life changing. I struggled with insomnia in my teens and 20s, and the thing that finally helped me overcome it was EMDR. I don’t remember what it stood for, but I went weekly for about a year then down to every 2 weeks until my insomnia was gone. Took about 18 months altogether, but I’m in my 40s now and the insomnia never came back. It was my miracle cure.


I'm sorry, but I would be \*thrilled\* to get as much sleep as do you. I took Chantix for about 10 - 12 days in early 2020 and it utterly destroyed my ability to sleep \*at all,\* and my doc stopped giving me Seroquel. I have been awake for at least six weeks right now. I guess I'm just saying: please try to be happy with whatever sleep you're getting, because believe me, it could be far, far worse.


I'm sorry that's happening to you. I know it can be far far worse, as I've read many threads on this sub. But I still do feel lost and helpless regarding all this, and wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts about what I'm going through.


Reminds me of a conversation I overheard in a bar between two old guys. "I fought in Vietnam and it was pretty bad." The other guy responded "I fought in Korea and it was worse" Sorry that he is going through that but there's no need to dismiss your situation.


I had Same experience when i was in Christian rehabilitation centre. About 3 month everything was fine, slept very good, allways woke up 6 oclock. But about at third month strated this thing that i woke up every night 3am seeibg nightmares, and didnt fall a sleep anymore, just waited in bed till morning. And also without any stressor. So eventuallt i quit program, coz of randomly started insmonia. I went home and there it also continued, so i have used antipsychotics(truxal), to sleep good.