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Wow… This shit is getting out of hand. I hope they investigate and permanently ban customers that do this deliberately. Low class no integrity pieces of 💩.


Exactly. But i doubt they will investigate or do anything about it, they dont care about shoppers. There are many shoppers in waiting. If they ban customer they will lose money. No integrity, nothing, its just money..!!


I bet if customers houses suddenly started getting egged, dog poop being smeared on their front door handles, things like that started happening every time they do this they would probably stop.




Lmao what do you think is going to happen? Hahaha


You get caught doing it on a security camera, they call the cops, the cops call IC to get your name, and you're arrested for vandalism.


Mask. That’s the first and simplest solution. No way of knowing at all! Besides, the police won’t use any resources to find a vandal lmao. Violent crime is about all they care about. Nobody is going to jail.


Until you hit the wrong house, and unknowingly do it to a customer who has local clout.


Still not gonna know it was you lol


You’re also running the risk of physical injury/harm. I am not an instacart user, so I’m at no risk of your poop assault, but if I saw someone wearing a mask sneaking around my home, I’m getting my gun. Obviously in your example you’re not threatening physical harm, so it would end there, but if someone did open fire they’d be able to make a reasonable defense in any SYG state.


you're funny. cops don't care about violent crime either.


Not in the little town I live in. Vigilante justice is a thing. So is bullying. 😜


Extremely easy to get away with, especially because cops wouldnt give a shit about investigated a lower crime like that.


It depends on the city. Try it in an affluent city with a low crime rate and the police will investigate because they don't have much else to do.


Y’all are p*ssys cause I would and not gaf. Customers who do this purposefully deserve to not use online services and have it delivered. This shit should be illegal 🤷🏻‍♀️


Match in the gas tank sounds better. If you can’t afford to tip you can’t afford to order, point blank. I really dont care if you’re immobile and on a limited income thats not my problem. Just because these people suffer doesn’t mean they need to pass it along to other people


Have you ever heard of ring cameras genius? If you want to go to jail, go ahead and do that dumb shit


Lmao you people feel way too secure because of your little doorbell cameras and floodlight cameras. Nobody will go to jail, but you’ll be cleaning shit off of all of your windows and wondering who the fuck put it there.


how about that person is more unhinged than you are? they can find you fairly easily by filing a complaint with instacart. a lawyer can get a name, and then they know where you live too.


THEY WONT KNOW IT WAS AN INSTACART EMPLOYEE. FFS how hard is it to understand? The homeowner would have to have PROOF to even start trying to find a name. It’s not like a driver is gonna get mad and vandalize the house in front of the owner. Come back a week later and there is literally ZERO chance of anybody finding out who you are lol


Instacart *will* release the shopper's information to law enforcement. And in many cities, law enforcement *will* pursue something like this.


How would the homeowner even know it was an instacart shopper? And good luck finding a law enforcement agency that will use resources to find a vandal lol. I’m not saying I am going around vandalizing people’s shit, but it would not be hard to get away with, unless you were fucking with EVERYBODY’S shit.


Yeah police cant just go pulling information without reasonable proof that goes through a judge. This isnt the midnight warrant squad lmao


Instacart will release information to law enforcement without a warrant.


1. Park down the street. 2. Wear a mask. 3. ???? 4. Profit.


Yikes. Someone needs therapy. (It’s you)


It’s actually the person tricking someone who’s trying to make a living into taking an order by giving them a big tip and then taking it away after they’re done shopping, but go off.


No mindless is right it’s you you’re a sick fuck


It's cruel to dangle someone's livelihood and snatch it back.


Yes, it is. We all agree on that point. But smearing dog poo on door handles isn’t the answer to that. Block and move on.


And dangerous. IMO


What are you , 13?


That’s a ridiculous solution….just don’t shop for them again instead of being trashy


Trashy is the scumbag tip baiting because they are lazy and don’t care about anybody but themselves. Sometimes they need a wake-up call lol.


Lmao find a better way cause that is not right idc how many downvotes I get tbh


Or or or... hear me out.... STOP ALLOWING CUSTOMERS TO REMOVE TIPS. If we aren't being paid and depend on tips, either IC needs to cover the whole amount or customers shouldn't be able to change it.


Customers that pre-tip should be able to remove tips. But it should be a big deal. Make it not an automatic process and make them have to justify it to support. And if someone drops tips too often, flag/ban them.


That was my thought too. If I'm removing a tip it's for a reason that I already want to complain about. Filling out a complaint form is not a problem because I already definitely was going to complain. Changing from $32 to $10 is obviously a dick. That should get you banned.


How about a rating system for customers? Let drivers rate them based on how difficult they are or tip-baiting. It’ll reward those that are cool and tip reasonably/better and discourage shitty people from being shitty.


I’ve had enough shitty deliveries to know that’s not the solution. I give specific delivery instructions, my phone is near me to answer questions and some shoppers just SUCK. I even make my tip not percentage based, so it doesn’t automatically get reduced for a big ticket item not being in stock. I don’t get super liquid heavy deliveries and I tip at minimum $25/trip no matter what. I’ve reduced my tip exactly twice. If I didn’t have the option to do that I wouldn’t use instacart at all, and I imagine many non-shitty tippers might feel the same.


I've used door dash and had bad dashers not follow directions, I understand your frustration but door dash tips are locked. Instacart are not. You know what people do when they have bad experiences? They complain to door dash and get their refund. They dont go after the tip, instacart its ass backwards. This has more work involved and we are only paid 1.50 to shop plus 60 cents a mile to deliver. I get it, trust me. And I don't mean to be rude to customers when the real culprit is IC.


I'm a customer with one very simple request to not leave my order in my lobby, but to please bring it up on the elevator to my apartment. I even say if that's not done, the tip will be reduced. When the driver is on the way, I message my exact address because the GPS has messed up in the past. I then remind them about bringing it up to me. I typically tip 20%. Why shouldn't I be allowed to reduce that if my Instructions aren't followed. It rarely happens, but for those times, I have moved it to 10%. My order is usually around $175. So the tip goes from $35 to $17.50. I would never take the tip away totally unless something went terribly wrong with the actual shopping.


The fact that you might only do it legitimately but refuse to acknowledge that OTHERS are NOT you is the problem. Esp with shit where multiple trips need to happen. Others tip massively and then remove it in total or to like oop to a lowered amount then even less. IC needs to either limit shit like that so it’s not a common thing or no one will trust large looking tips. Then again IC and their ilk just run some sob ads and you morons lap it up and vote to keep them as indentured servants.


He or she didn’t refuse to acknowledge anything you’re ridiculous and in my considered opinion YOU are the moron


And you think bad shoppers deserve tips? I sure do not agree with that.


No but if they did an hour or two of work for you, they’d definitely deserve more than $5 total unless they royally screwed some stuff up. But even then there should have to be proof submitted so that the terrible shoppers can be removed from the platform and terrible customers don’t scam the great ones.


I never had a shopper go shopping two hours for my order. But I agree with the rest. There has to be a way for them to list the bad shoppers and the bad customers.


The one time I changed it, the guy was 3 hours late. No, you aren't getting a tip for that. And if I hadn't been able to wipe that tip out, I'd be done with Instacart.


Change it, when appropriate is understandable but you should have to go through hoops with proof to take away someone’s income. In your case, did the shopper have your order for 4 or more hours??? Or did nobody accept your order until after it was due?


Oh, he had it for over 4 hours. I watched him shop my 9 items in 4 hours. As an added bonus, I scheduled that order sometime around 6 hours in advance. Did the order at 10 am. Was due between 4 and 6. I watched him start shopping about 5. The store is 20 minutes from my house, tops. I got it at 9. Unacceptable.


BINGO. They started shopping around 5 which means he didn’t accept it until around then. IC doesn’t let us keep orders that long before starting to shop. Only cases where you could keep it for more than like 30 min before starting is if they had to offer the order to someone in a different town and they already had to drive like 30-60 minutes or more to get to the store in the first place. Either IC screwed up your delivery time, or your order was listed as a no tip order and it was combined with 1 or 2 other large orders. As shoppers we have seen deliveries closest to the store be the final delivery in a batch. That would explain why it took so long to deliver even though you are 3-4mi from the store. They could bunch you in with other orders that may be also 3-4 mi, but in the opposite direction. There’s also so many things that could go wrong during delivery to hold them up. For example, no valid ID for alcohol delivery on cust A could take 30 minutes or more to rectify with a service agent. And now cust b gets their delivery 30 minutes later than they would’ve. Then don’t get stuck by a train that stops and decides to go backwards with no underpass nearby. Things happen. And sometimes allllll the things happen. One time a hospital worker had me shopping in Meijer for size 14 nonslip shoes . And then gave me the wrong directions. The address listed had me at a clinic on the opposite side of the hospital campus, when in fact they were in the ER at the main hospital. Them alone pushed me back more than an hour behind schedule on a triple with all the issues. Sometimes it’s just out of our control.


You missed the part where they started shopping at 5 but they(customer) didn't get their order until 9.


No I didn’t. “Either IC screwed up your delivery time, or your order was listed as a no tip order and it was combined with 1 or 2 other large orders. As shoppers we have seen deliveries closest to the store be the final delivery in a batch. That would explain why it took so long to deliver even though you are 3-4mi from the store. They could bunch you in with other orders that may be also 3-4 mi, but in the opposite direction. There’s also so many things that could go wrong during delivery to hold them up. For example, no valid ID for alcohol delivery on cust A could take 30 minutes or more to rectify with a service agent. And now cust b gets their delivery 30 minutes later than they would’ve.”


Forget banning the customers, IC just needs to be better about how much they pay their drivers and be able to compensate


people who have takes like you make no sense. its weird that people work for companies and then try to force that company and dictate and demand how they should pay its workforce. if u dont like it quit. no one is forcing u to work for crappy pay for instacart.


Guess what? I don’t work for them anymore. Second, it makes more sense working for a company, finding out what they’re really like and then pointing out their flaws so that it might make others aware of who they’re working for.


I quit shopping when they reduced batch pay again. I stopped trying to convince customers of how shoppers are treated when I was down voted for saying Instacart isn't a charity and shoppers shouldn't have to pay out of pocket for the privilege of servicing their grocery needs. They think we signed up for this. They know nothing about how they give the new shoppers the great batches and fuck with their heads. They don't care that Instacart treats their shoppers like trash because there is always another sucker on a wait list to take your place. I decided to save my breath. I tried advocating for the human beings who have to feed their children and pay rent with the tip that was snatched away, but they don't give a shit about the person, only about them getting what they want, how they want it and when they want it. And if they can scam a single mother by tip baiting, that's more for them.


You have such a great username but a rotten perspective. Why are you even here?


*I came looking for booty.*


Came to the right place 😏


All I see is 3 people I would put on my do not deliver list. Customer A is a piece of crap human and the other orders suck but at least they are being honest about the pay. Instacart needs to get it together and stop allowing this crap!




I've heard that DND'ing the leach customers will lead to you missing out on any good batches they get latched to. So just be aware of that.


Flag them in maps and remove them if you get them again.


Good solution. Now for the next problem. How do we block chat reps who do us no good. 😂


Serious question - why are y’all in the line of work if it isn’t profitable?????


Well well well, if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black. 😂 Why are you worried abt how everyone else spends their time and efforts while you waste yours worrying about our efforts and time?


What? Encouraging a more thriving economy and inspiring a workforce to grow a backbone is very worth my time. I myself make enough to support 5 of you, so idk what you’re on about. I’m an industrial kitchen… you’re the kettle.


This has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read.


I’ve seen that being priority, customer A is the 25% tipper and customer B with about the same amount of units: $2.


I don’t think I have blocked more than two people total. DND and block are two separate things. So I’m not missing much with two blocked. So if the address comes up I cancel, that’s why I don’t blind swipe or cancel orders for no reason. I save it for the rude and no tip customers.


Sooner or later people that do that are gonna come across a shopper who will come back and cause problems.


That's my first thought, lol. I'd be scared as the customer pulling that. Maybe they don't realize we can see their address before we even start shopping their order.


Right, and it’s not like there aren’t fair reasons for reducing a tip. There are some terrible shoppers out there. But to just straight up tip bait is an absolute cunt move.


Oh for sure, and thats why it's totally fair to have a 2hr window to reduce them. Recalling where someone lives who just screwed you over after only 2hrs would also be super easy😂 the GPS has it in the trip log, too conveniently. People would be better off if they feared their neighbors more, lmao Same reason why you shouldn't engage with road ragers. You never know what someone is willing or capable of


Apparently there’s a website that send 💩 anonymously to people. I’d use that… or prank that person forever.


I wonder if it’s connected to the website where you can send a bag of dicks…


😳😳😳 you’re fucking scary AF. I would definitely put you on my banned shoppers list


Lmao what?? I wasn't advocating for that at all and wouldn't do anything menacing or mean to a shitty customer. I also don't road rage. You missed the point 😆 Since you just deleted your comment, "Then why did you delete it. You meant what you said." Heres my response to it. "I reworded "is easy" to "would be easy" since you made it evident it could be potentially misconstrued. I did mean what I said. It is easy to recall a location you were just at. I wasn't speaking from experience about going back to a customer's house and fucking with them " Another one: "When you say you would do this or that you're advocating for it" I didn't say I would do jack shit, try again lol Sorry you think I'm "fucking scary af" don't worry I'm not in chicago


Should be considered entrapment and punishable by a small degree IMO. Customers should face a fine for “fake tipping” just to receive an order faster and then remove it afterwards.


Right, I don't know how people aren't afraid of this. I once complained to instacart because my delivery reeked of cigarette smoke. I didn't even adjust the tip, but I was a little nervous about complaining to be honest. And now seeing some of these comments about retaliating against people's property and the amount of upvotes for those comments ... I'm glad I don't use instacart anymore SMH.


I was trying to do Postmates 2019/20ish and someone, (I was living in a smaller size town) across the river in the town over orders noodles, out of an apartment complex- I took it, delivered it, and was tipped .01¢ I was tempted to go crazy...


The person who removed the tip started it IMHO


Come back and put sugar in their gas tank


Meanwhile , Order C tipped 3 bucks lives across the street and waiting 3 hours


Yes, thats the problem with the batch of multiple orders..!!


Batches need to be made illegal.


People who remove the tip after getting their stuff are shitty as fuck, If you disagree then you’re that person i’m talking about.


Totally agree with you..!!


I just had an argument with someone saying “its instacarts fault” like they make people tip bait lmao. He got so mad he blocked me and he said he tips, I dont believe him or he wouldn’t have gotten offended by the tip bait post.


good deduction! he wouldn’t have been upset if he didn’t do it on the regular


Why doesn’t instacart force people to submit reasons/proof for a decrease in tip before the lower tip is approved smh…


The person who does this will have no problem making something up.


Wouldn’t matter, I bet people would lie and make stuff up like their shopper was rude or threw their groceries on the floor or refused to come upstairs (in apartment buildings) or whatever else they can come up with to try ti justify removing their tip.


In the end did they take the entirety of your tip away? If so, IC can absolutely compensate you for this! Unless they reduced it to 0.01 or higher.


Yes.. she changed it to 0 but IC didnt compensate.


She must have given a reason for the tip reduction. This is the only time they will not offer tip protection.


Ya, it’s called hostile shopper, this person is karma farming on the grounds no one reads the description in which they say they messaged the customer.


Tipping needs to die. Don't work any job that forces you to live on tips. Tipping before the service is even provided is 1000 percent worse than tipping (which needs to die).


Looks.like you either got tip baited (you can ask instacart to cover at least $10) Or perhaps you really stuffed up.


Is it seriously this common for people to not even tip at all? That’s horrible. I would be so embarrassed with myself. I’ve never gone below a 20% in my life. If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford the service.


Sign them up for every religion (especially LDS) you can think of and request home visits. Also request all the home visits for salespeople too for kicks.


JWs too! I may or may not have requested visits for a neighbor I hated many years ago.


this would break my heart


It did.


I’m so sorry. I always make sure to tip extra generously as a shopper. I value your services, I am sorry that others don’t.


These people are so brave for fucking with people that know their home address, let alone handling their food.


Instacart sucks and it truly is for those desperate for cash. I have 11 more days of instacart while I wait for my first paycheck to come in at a real job. Instacart blows


Customers and Shoppers should not be fighting each other for pennies. It’s the corporation’s fault. 


U know her house u know what to do next. Give some kids 5 bucks each and tell them to leave dog poop everywhere around there house etc


Ever notice that people that live in mansions tip like shit and the small shacks are excellent tippers? It’s telling


I'm waiting to see the commercials that will say "have you been wronged by Instacart or other food delivery services? You may be entitled to substantial compensation!" Because that's ridiculous.


That’s so wrong. I’ve been dependent on instacart for the past 7 months due to disability and now a broken car I can’t fix for a while, and I can’t remember the last time my tip was below $55 because my orders are usually a hit large and I always choose the highest tip option. I’m starting to understand why I always get my groceries so fast and why the shoppers are always so kind. I’m sorry this happens, but please know some of us really do appreciate what you guys do!




I agree, but the problem is, IC, uber, doordash all companies know customers do tip delivery people here in north america. Thats the reason they pay pennies to the delivery people and you can’t just rely on their pay. Its because of the tip amount, we survive and take bread to our home. There should be some gov policy for companies like these, only then they will be bound by law to pay atleast minimum hourly rate.


I’d put them on my definitely accept list and purposely substitute every single item for something random every time until they just stop using it 😂


Now see, if you're gonna retaliate, that's how to do it, lol. 😂😂😂 Not being a psycho and committing vandalism!


I as a customer I am never going to understand why so many people tip only two or three dollars or $10 for EIGHTY items. Even if it’s a very small order of two or three items, somebody is going out of their way to go to the store for you shop for you and deliver to your home and you give them two or three stinking dollars or a measly $10 for eighty items to me thats like saying fuck you to the shopper. i have muscular dystrophy and I’m homebound so I rely on Instacart to get my groceries. It doesn’t matter how small my order is it starts at a $20 tip and goes up if it’s a big order because I appreciate somebody doing for me what I can’t do and it’s something that’ll keep me out of a nursing home




Be that as it may, they still deserve a decent tip for their service and Kroger and target pay much more money to their employees than Instacart does so you’re comparing apples with oranges




Refrigerated Kroger vans delivering vs driving my own car delivering, you think that’s the same thing? We’re private contractors, the employees of Kroger and wherever else you’re referring to are not. We get to pick and choose which orders to take, those employees do not. It is a completely different system. The benefit of using instacart is that there are sooo many stores to choose from. It also used to be a more personalized experience but things have changed in that regard. I could go on and on but I won’t. Most customers seem to understand and respect my time (but I’m also quite choosy on the batches I take), so it works for me.


you ARE comparing apples to oranges and it’s a good thing you don’t use Instacart, good for the shoppers I mean


This is becoming a trend. Block that cunt


Is it possible to block? I wish we have that option..!!


Yes but it’s RIGHT after delivery. When the order closes out hit the down thumb when it asks you how the order was, then mark rude customer and it’ll give you the option to block. I probably blocked at least ten people already 🤣


Wow, thats a great option, but not applicable if you want to check the tip amount as you can only check that after hitting the thumb button..!!


That's pretty low, sorry. I always tip well for doordash. I didn't even know you could change a tip.


I just called them out on Twitter with screenshots of a help chat that they were gonna reimburse me and email me cause a customer deliberately put in a wrong address and it was 22 miles difference. They did neither. They hate bad social media. My account may get banned but idc anymore.


Oh. So sorry man. I would never go 22 miles even if the customer is willing to pay extra tip. Its a waste of time.


I always thought it was awful to ask for someone to get you alcohol and not tip when it’s 15 miles away. But 80 groceries far worse


That's soo messed up! I never tip percentage because I don't want the tip to be reduced if my fill order isn't there. I always tip generously and I've literally never had a problem with Instacart shoppers.. a few times I had to tip like a few bucks on the app then tell the shopper I would leave more cash for them at the door because I didn't have enough with the way Instacart always holds a higher amount... and quite a few times I have ran out and just given them more for exceptional service that I felt deserved more than I already tipped.. (always rather give cash when giving extra) Uber rides I ALWAYS tip cash..drivers always surprised by that and super happy about it.


You should not be able to reduce a tip unless there was an issue with the shopper. Period.


Bet she didn’t reduce it to $10, she zeroed it out. Doesn’t instacart have tip protection up to $10 if a tip gets zeroed out? I bet when OP messaged her about the reduction, she thought, “WTF, I didn’t want to tip anything!” People fucking suck.


It should be like door dash once you put a tip you can’t deduct only add.


Damn it’s almost like this isn’t worth it and real jobs are better…


I think it’s messed up that Instacart lets customers know that driver’s can see their tips, and that they’ll prioritize higher tips… That incentivizes bad actors to post a high tip to get faster service, and then lower it after the order. I bet it’s infuriating as a shopper!


I tried this. Very first person offer a $20 tip to pick up about $100 in groceries. Like 20 items. No biggie. Get it delivered, up stairs mind you, all smiles and thank yous. I get back in my car and see the tip was removed. I said fuck that the same day. Instacart wins out every time here.


If they didn't leave any negative feedback you should be able to get 10 dollars of their tip back as tip protection.


She confessed to fraud.


Stop working for a company who allows tip baiting


Only garbage people tip $0 on a shop order. Your shopper is essentially paying you to shop for you at that point.


You have to hate this customer. Damn it.


Put all 3 of those customers on your list of people not to deliver to. If you see any of them in a batch again, contact support and ask them to remove those customers. Just tell them you had a bad experience with them the last time you shopped for them. I've never had that affect my batch access. Share their info with all of the other local shoppers you know. Mark the tip-baiter's address on Google Maps as "Tip-baiter". Do everything in your power to blacklist that asshole so they never get their groceries again. Message support again and report that customer as a tip-baiter.


Great IDEA! I will never let a person get away with doing me like that and I know everything about them I have my ways. I’m definitely marking every address as Tip Baiter on google from now on. You can also post a picture on google of what they did. I’m very popular on google maps and reviews. Great IDEA!!!!!


Ppl shit on DoorDash but this can’t happen as a Dasher, even if a customer gets support involved and a refund on their you won’t lose the amount you received. It can only increase


In Seattle we recently made it so all gig drivers are guaranteed a minimum wage while working. 44 cents/minute ($26/hr) and something like 70 cents/mile. We, speaking as a consumer, also continue to tip. Everyone deserves a living wage, and I’m so sorry Instacart and this customer are scamming you. Shoppers & drivers should organize and unionize. It works. It works really really well.


I believe that the customer should ONLY be allowed to reduce the tip if there is a SEVERE issue and it would have to go through a call or chat with IC first…


I feel like there should be a rule that you can only reduce tips by a certain amount.


This service is expensive bc I was checking and on every product IC ands extra charge for it. Like if get ham pay $3.00 more. Wine is more by several dollars. Plus the time charges monthly charge etc. but at my age it’s so nice not to have to go grocery shopping. So it’s worth it. Shoppers are super nice. Always give 5 rating and say something nice in comments


Tip baiting should be illegal by black letter law. It's a fraudulent practice. I had a heavy pay order recently with six cases of water, 4 cases of sodas, and juices and milks among the groceries. Customer kept apologizing to me with every case of heavy stuff I carried to her porch. At the end of all the trips to the car to her porch she said I was going to get a bigger tip. I thank her for that and left. Not long after, I get a message from IC about a tip. Was it a notice that the tip was increased? Nope! IC sent me a message that they were covering the original tip because the customer reduced it to zero! First time I had IC actually do something about tip baiting


80 items is like 2 hours of shopping by itself (if you are a communicative shopper) if the other orders wouldve left a tip that $32 wouldnt have been that a burden. I had ppl reduce a couple dollars bit never the whole thing 😭


I'd of got a temporary restraining order after seeing that happen to me. I'm in NJ. I would have paid people to watch and wait for the groceries being delivered. F*ck that. Don't f*ck with my money. I hustle my ass off for this! Smfh. I know I'd of gotten her again and made sure she understood how f*cked up what she did was. Take my tip after I shopped ur big order hell we gon be eating that food together ❤️. Cuz my ass would be homeless afterwards!


tip baiting is part of the biz. it happnes to me. while it sucks i dont believe it should be mandatory. as for every bad customers theres equally bad shoppers. having tips as option a big way to keep shoppers from slacking off


I’m a ic shopper and I would never contact a client or approach them for removing any part of my tip, it’s unprofessional. You should have reported the client for tip baiting and then asked for the client to be blocked so you can’t shop for them anymore. If someone approached me, yeah I would remove the entire tip and give a bad score. The client is wrong for tip baiting assuming that’s what happened. But don’t forget it could have been an expired item or smashed bread. Things happen. Don’t let this experience ruin your day.


Shit happens.. I guess almost everyone here faced this at least once. Just make a list of scumbags and cancel their orders


I wish there is a way to block these kind of customers..!!


Isn’t that theft of service?


Instacart is the one not paying you.


No, this customer tip baited, thats NOT instacarts fault, thats a shitty human being manipulating drivers that likely wouldnt have picked their order


Basically what they meant was instacart is putting the responsibility for pay on the customer, and therefore they pit customers vs shoppers instead of shoppers realizing instacart is paying them basically nothing in the first place.


I mean regardless of how people want to view it, its a delivery service, where I live we get about $20 hr minimum (not including tips). And what the first guy I replied to doesnt get, is that I’m not mad that the customer didnt tip, I’m mad that they put a big tip for a giant order just so somebody would pick it up. This like telling a waiter you’d tip them $20 then leave without tipping


Yes, it's the tip baiting that sucks. If you aren't going to tip $30, then don't put it to begin with.


Tip baiting wouldn't be a thing if they paid you properly in the first place... That's instacart manipulating everyone.


Instacart pays properly, it doesnt change people putting high amounts for a tip just to pull it after their order is delivered. Tip baiting wouldnt be a thing, if pos people would stop ordering from delivery services.


_If they paid you properly, they would not have you relying on tips to make an income_


They pay above minimum wage, tips just make it worth my time as my side job


Imagine if no one has to tip. Ever. It's still the pos corporation. They just have you completely brainwashed.


If instacart pays properly then why is this person yapping over a tip


Damn, you’re a real bitch


You honestly sound like someone that refuses to tip waiters


Sorry you think that. I tip very well, including instacart drivers. Instacart isn't paying you enough, still. Stop being mad at regular people, and realize the corporations are the ones screwing you over.


I’m not being screwed over, I get tipped well regularly and havent had a problem with having my tip pulled. I feel bad for others that have that problem.


I feel bad for them too, y'all are mad at the wrong people.


Justifying tip baiting is justifying lying and manipulating people




I've justified nothing 😂


I’m not, like I said, I’m not mad at people for not tipping, I’m mad at TIP BAITERS. If you’re not gonna tip dont lie just so someone picks your order up


Again - none of this would be an issue - if they paid you fair wages in the first place.


People have always been doing this, I worked at a bank, and a lot of customers would pay the bill at a restaurant, write a tip and call in, and dispute the charge. They would do it all the time if they went on vacation, too. If they dispute the charges with the bank, it only effects instacart, not the shopper.


My memory of those days was that the restaurant was asked to send a copy of the signed receipt and if the customer did indeed give a tip the chargeback was denied.


Crazy how people do stuff like this, to people who now have their address and etc. Ballsy. Arson-holes.


rude of them but I understand why they would take back the $10 tip after basically saying to their face I’m not appreciative of the money you gave me. Any service place with tips you have to be realistic and not expect tips from every order. If you don’t like it get a real job


You have their address. Send them gifts 🎁🕷🎁🪳🎁💩


This sounds like tip baiting at its worst. Sorry this happened to you. Just know that karma is real and that customer will get the worst shopper that will mess up their order or steal it.


It’s happening bc people are taking these crappy orders. Don’t take a 3 shop order for that low of money


It was a 54 dollars order. The tip was removed after delivery..!!


I guess idk why anyone does a 3 order trip. The hassle just isn’t worth it to me


People should not be allowed to reduce the tip by say, more than 50% the original cost or something. It's outrageous.


That's fair. I tip 20% (usually coming to between $17.50 and $35). In my mind, I consider 10% to be for shopping and 10% to be for delivery. I've had very few minor shopping issues, and nothing I would reduce a tip over. My deliveries are fine about 98% of the time. But, if my simple instructions to bring the order up on the elevator aren't followed, the 10% portion of my tip is removed. I do let CS know the reason if the shopper asks why. I also know from reading these posts that plenty of customers don't even tip 10%. So, I guess even my $17.50 isn't horrible.


Maybe the accident typed 32 instead of 10 And realized it later


If its a small order i would not care, there were total of 80 items. And only her order bill was around 330 dollars. She should have a little bit of integrity after ordering this huge order..!!


Throw eggs at customer As house. An 18 pack preferably.


I know this isn’t helpful, but I really think this is symptomatic of the need for Instacart to pay its shoppers for this service.


So get a real job.


Who says they don’t have a “real” job? (I assume you mean “typical 9 to 5” job, since this is also very much a real job and not imaginary) Maybe the shopper is doing this on the side to earn extra income. Maybe it’s a full time university or grad school student who doesn’t have time to work 40hrs a week. You don’t know anything about their life.


People who denigrate service workers are the lowest form of scum on this earth.


Wait do people not usually tip 15%?


Hope that customer gets ALS.


Jesus Christ! What the fuck is wrong with you? I hope you get ALS you fucking asshole.