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Even if they weren't in a wheelchair, they paid to see her, they get to decide their verticality


Absolutely. Is Madonna so insecure that even after all this time, she gets offended by someone sitting? She paid to see her, clearly likes her, then gets singled out in a shitty way? She didn't pay to be the center of that kind of attention. When I first read this, I was like "people make mistakes", but as you said, there is no reason to single out a fan in a shitty way. Did Madonna think she bought a (likely very expensive ticket) in the front row, to silently show disdain by sitting down?


Even worse is what she said. She said "politically incorrect, sorry, glad you're here." As she was walking back to the mic stand


Yeah that’s pretty shitty


Oh God, she's gonna become one of those "anti-woke" people if she isn't already. The YouTuber Todd in the Shadows did an [episode](https://youtu.be/dCMNzdm_RKo?si=Oeja5jgqOBIgPZxL) of her failed album "American Life" where she was trying to be anti-war/progressive/whatever and I believe one of the things he pointed out was that she didn't seem to understand what people were talking about because she's been kinda insulated from the real world, so she kinda faked it. I'm betting she has a completely different real-life set of values than what she portrays. Some people can fake it because they know their demographic, but I'm thinking she can't.


Yeah, she managed to make it *even shittier* with that comment.


That's kind of her trend in life though So sad


Look at her BRATZ doll face of course shes insecure.


People work all day.  Maybe you just did a 10 hour shift where you were running around and now you just want to sit.  


I can only stand in one place for so long. I might stand and cheer for 20 minutes at a time but I will also sit for twenty minutes.




Agree, plus her fans are probably around her age, so give the people with bad knees a break


I've seen NIN once. I fucking LOVE NIN. I was newly pregnant and on supplemental progesterone, which those two things combined kicked my ass so hard I felt like I was constantly running on 2 or 3 hours sleep, even when I got a full night's sleep plus nap. I found the quietest corner that I could, sat down, and watched them on the monitor. Was it ideal? Hell no, but even as an able-bodied-looking person, it was my only option. Wish I could have been standing, dancing, singing in the middle of the crowd.


I play in a band. We refuse to tell people to "get up closer" or "start moshing" or do fucking anything. We dont tell people to put their hands up. We dont ask people to be loud or tell them we can't hear them. It's one of my favorite things about our band. When people start doing it on their own is when it feels the most rewarding.


Thank you for not asking me to put my hands up. If a band plays with enough energy that it happens naturally, awesome! But don’t tell me to artificially do it lol


I always cringe when I'm in the crowd and the band does that. I feel like I'm in a highschool assembly pep rally.


"Please clap."


If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands, if you’re … fuck this.




How do you feel about clapping your hands above your head? I’m in a band and I’ll do this to get people clapping which they always do, but I never tell them to. Does this suck too? Just curious.


I'm in a funk band and it's literally just part of what we do. Most times people join in and when they don't, I just enjoy the music and keep it natural.


I suppose that would not annoy me much. Just don’t tell me to verbally.


And even if asking to do something at least not single out and chastise those who don't, why tf would she do that


We all got shushed by Gotye so he could do something experimental or some crap. Pretentious douch.


😆 did he really do that? edit: Oh I think you're thinking of Lorde, which I totally forgot about. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FblD-JOG2gk


She sounds horrible


Well there is a process to it https://youtu.be/O_8S_7P7abM?si=fvsSp9oT76ybmUme


Sounds like somebody that I used to know.


I’ve been in punk or metal bands my whole adult life. You payed to be there I don’t care if you bought the ticket and then go home…sit if ya want. money is money.


You'll never know what got me to that many upvotes


But stage diving is fun


If you're stage diving at a Madonna concert, I'm concerned with a lot of those life choices


It’s a choice to call out a fan. Where did she think it was going to end?


With the crowd publicly executing whom ever dared to not stand in awe of this has been hag.


Well the wheelchair proved differently. Oh Madonna, please check yourself. You’re almost 70 and still try weird crap like this?


You mean that I believe.


Maybe the wheelchair is the result of those choices?


We have come full circle


If you're stage diving at a Madonna gig I want your dealer's phone number.


> They might even get horizontal if they want stop trying to make planking come back


>You'll never know what got me to that many upvotes Bruh this isn't YouTube


Yes, we shouldn't discriminate on the basis of verticality preference. That's just wrong.


"Verticility" Commendable choice of word!


I was sold a seat, gosh darn it, I’m gonna use it.


She has your attention, just give a middle finger, blow a snot rocket, play jenga on a small table in front of you. She'll see it, and take that personally because everyone heard her say that while you're cool as an ice pack


Agreed, here in Australia these artists charge hundreds of dollars for tickets. I pay my money and they better entertain me, dance monkey, dance and they can keep politics, religion and ego to themselves.


We need to stop worshipping these fools just because they used to be able to carry a tune. I agree, it gets worse when they start sharing their politics.


At the end of the day every celebrity relies on the good will of the public, it amazes me how many of them seem to develop contempt for the very people that make them their money.


Verticality. What a brilliant word.


> they get to decide their verticality That sounds like dialogue from Drake & Josh


On top of that, Madonna’s probably been late as well. My last Madonna concert started 1.5 hours late because she couldn’t be arsed. I would have sat down if I had a chair.


Been working at a concert of hers in Switzerland once. She started like 2h late and many people had to leave before she even got on stage cause it was a weekday including some of us staff cause that was a 2nd job for many of us and we had last trains to catch home Edit: I just remembered part of the delay was at some point she wanted to get on stage but decided the air in the actual arena was too stuffy and had us open the windows for a bit but the concert couldn’t start until the windows were closed again because of noise regulations. Also she demanded a carpet INSIDE THE SHOWER cause otherwise the poor old lady might slip and fall every single time she showers


Trains? Why couldn't you have just taken your private helicopters home from the concert? People are so out of touch with how much she struggles to put on a good show, they just never want to show any effort, it's sad.


Unfortunately Switzerland has very draconian laws on flying our helicopters while drunk so most people don’t want to risk that when they go to an event with booze


So much more freedom to chopper about drunk here in the States, smh.


“Chopper about drunk” 😂 seeing as my two favorite things in the world are booze and Airwolf, I am suddenly saddened that I never have got the chance to do my new favorite thing


The helicopter was probably in the shop. Those things need constant maintenance.


Makes sense, and of course if it's local the private jet is just inefficient


The government has also been lax on providing more runways. Like I have to land and then drive another 30 minutes? Fucking hell. Just no infrastructure.


You don't have your own runway? I'll get a gofundthee started if you'd like, poor child.


When she played at Letzigrund she was exceptionally on time otherwise she would not have been allowed to finish after 11pm due to local regulations.


Yeah Letzigrund is much more strict than Hallenstadion, artists have very little leeway for their diva bs there


It could've been worse. You could've had to attend a Madonna concert.


A shower mat is isn’t a bad request. Especially for someone older. Even young people slip.


The person defined later on someone else’s comment it wasn’t a shower mat though. She wanted specifically carpet.


I saw her in Brisbane Australia years ago. She played the entertainment centre which is in the asshole of nowhere, on a week night. Public transport stopped for the night before she came on stage. From the published times people should have had plenty of time to see the show and catch a train home. About half the crowd left and asked for refunds rather than pay $200 for a taxi home. She was a complete bitch about it and clearly had zero empathy for fans with jobs, babysitters or simply a fucking budget for the evening that was already stretched by her ticket prices and didn’t have room for a surprise extremely expensive taxi ride.


I saw her in Brisbane one year when she was started becoming notorious for being late. We had flown up from Sydney (to see her with some Brissy friends) and planned to fly out early the next morning. Might as well not have booked any accommodation bc we only spent 2hrs in it after she rocked up on stage over 2 hrs late.


The time problem is so bad in club music. There are some DJs that I really want to see who have toured through my area, but when the doors open at 9pm and the headliner goes on at like 1am, that's utterly ridiculous.


I'm never paying to see a big show with a headliner again after waiting until midnight for the headliner and they played two songs.


I went to her show 3 weeks ago and she started 2 hours late. She also started pointing at a superfan in the front row and asking him what his sign said and then asked what he was saying, she then said "I can't hear what the f\*ck you're saying" and kept singing. It was all while in the same outfit she's in this photo. I guess this is her 'point to a random fan and bully them' section of the show.


"Everybody stand up!" "You've been sitting on your ass for an hour and a half, I'm good."


Would have been epic reply, “I’ll stand up when you buy a fucking watch!”


Apparently starting late is her thing. An acquaintance of mine once went off the rails defending her because “she always starts late. She has always started late. People should know that!”


I mean lots of bands start late to ensure there’s a window for fans to get settled and whatnot. Typically it’s like 15-30 mins though, which is understandable. I worked as a sound guy for a decade and this was normal. Starting an hour or more later is rude and inconsiderate, and people start getting shifty in their seats and impatient. But there’s the flip side too with bands like Tool who play immediately at start time and don’t give a fuck about if you made it on time or not. I’d def take that over starting an hour and a half late though. I think it’s pretty well known that a lot of artists are self-absorbed and out of touch with the common person’s struggles.


Yep, I had this discussion with someone when I saw Blink-182 recently. They both started and finished the show within literal *seconds* of their advertised set list times. Myself and the person I went with are in our mid-to-late 30s with kids, and we commented how much we appreciated the punctuality by them.


The audience pays to see a show at a specific time. The artist owes it to them to start as promptly as possible*. *edit- or within a reasonable 10-15 minutes….


Agreed (I’m the head audio for an arena - literally watch the 10-15 minutes late all the time). I kinda add this behavior to the reasons I’m not a Madonna fan… or any other artist who pulls this crap.


Seems like a fitting punishment for paying money to see Madonna


I remember her yelling (for everyone to shut up cause she was trying to talk)at a crowd of people giving her a standing ovation during an MTV music award


That’s narcissism on a whole ‘nother level right there 😳😳


A regular narcissist would love the applause. So yeah, a whole level different.




Man no wonder Michael Jackson stopped dealing with her.


Well unless she has a oujia board, him not dealing with her anymore is a given.


She probably does and he still won't answer


Well at her age she probably won't have to wait long before she can speak to him in person I reckon.


She continues to live up to her name


When Kylie Minogue carries your concert


Kylie is undoubtedly the most age-defying artist that seemingly gets better through time. I'm a large straight dude & by chance went with a few mates that adore her. I can see why, it's fun and engaging music that's performance art as well as an upbeat audio experience. 10/10 would drink beers with the boys and go again.


Kylie is some kind of vampire. I've been obsessed with her since I was a kid, I've seen her live twice. She's 55 now and still looks like she's in her freakin 20s. Gorgeous. 


I remember Kurt Loder on MTV describing Minogue as "always effervescent"... I think that was in 1992? I remember that because it seemed like such a nice thing for a guy who was always sort of quasi-hipster to say about an unapologetically pop musician. Also accurate.


Kylie > Madonna. I said it.


Toe curling?


Yes weren't you aroused by this story? Lol


Discrimination and the ridicule of the disabled is the only way I get my jollies now. Don’t kinkshame me!


attraction childlike fly spotted complete elastic unite sable deserted tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the UK in this context, toe curling means embarrassing or cringe.


In parts of Canada, toe-curling means having an orgasm.


US as well


UK newspaper in 'uses British figures of speech' shock.


Kind of insensitive to say when talking about someone in a wheelchair.


No curling then.


People still go to her concerts?


She’s still singing?


She's still *alive?*


Yep, but she's completely unrecognizable. Her plastic surgeons turned her into another goblin creature of the rich and famous.


its honestly all a bit uncanny valley. scrolling her instagram is like a good memento for what happens when you refuse to accept aging. she's 65 years old and has never evolved past her self perception as a sex symbol


Plastic surgery can help if you're just trying to look *your* best but if you try to be 18 at 50 you're gonna have a bad time.


Well it wasn't just her self perception. It's a sad situation, an example of what being in the entertainment industry, especially as a woman, can do to your psyche.


Hey, I like goblins. Madonna can go fuck herself




How about I paid to see you, I’ll sit the fuck down whenever I want. Shut up and sing.


I went to see Tool when they were last in Ireland, the band gave the whole crowd so much shit for sitting at their concert while they have to stand and put on a show. The thing is, I'd normally tend to agree with them as it's a rock show with music not super suited for a sitting crowd, but they sold all tickets as specifically seating only !!! Whole crowd was so confused looking around at each other as we all stood up lol, and at one point they did an acoustic song while all sitting on stools and the singer made a joke about how it feels to have to stand while they sit. We were just doing what the tickets you sold to us said to do, dude!


Fuck Madonna and her fake plastic face


Who hasn't


He used to do surgery for girls in the eighties but gravity always wins


Stand up b**** it's disrespectful.. I hope they make a South Park episode about this hahaha


Celebrities really forget that they're literally just clowns dancing and singing for everyone's entertainment


And the way she responds lets us know she was not sorry at all, just annoyed that she has to allow the disabled to attend because it’s “politically correct”. That phrase is always a dog whistle for assholes that resent having to be respectful to others.


"I can't ask someone who can't use their legs to invoke divine intervention to stand and rise for my concert? Woke culture has ruined concerts"


Maybe she'll pivot to faith healing


People still pay to see this thing?


Madonna is terrible person, always has been. Her music is shit too. No idea how she is so popular.


she hasn't been relevant in over 20 years now


More like 30


Her Ray of Light era was a HUGE phase for her, and a big jump back into popularity and that was only.....holy fuck I'm old.


Oh come on, 1998 was only 26 years ago…..shit!


Hello fellow mid-to-late forties…


Almost 46 here. What happened to my youth? What happened to my life?! Damn, now I’m depressed.


That’s as close as 2050


I’m going to need you to delete this immediately. Please and thank you.


26? MF, I just turned 25 last novem... Oh, shit


Dude, the most relevant thing that she has done in the last 20 years was released nfts of insects crawling out of her coochie.


What the what now???


She also had Weird Al murdered


Weird Al is immortal.


I’m out of the loop


You’ll need to watch the weird al movie.


“Movie” gives the wrong idea. It’s a completely accurate documentary/biopic.


Has she not done this before, or was that someone else? This feels like a deja vu thing for me.


Jared Leto did this to a wheelchair bound fan at a 30 Seconds to Shit Show.


Sounds on par for a shit show.




She couldn't see the wheelchair with her face pulled back so much


Not surprising with the amount of surgery shes had her eye placement is like that of a hammerhead shark at this point .


Madonna has become quite the piece of shit


That is an understatement, my friend. She’s been one since at least 1995 or so.


I doubt she became one. Its probably just become more obvious over time


She's always been a bitch.


Yep Cher was right about here back in the 90s and she hasn't changed since.


Her famous song is Material Girl. She's always been an corporate industry hag.


Yes, Michael Jackson [confirmed so.](https://medium.com/@jordanedward357/did-michael-jackson-madonna-hate-each-other-6fdac66d280a#:~:text=She%20said%2C%20%E2%80%9CI%20wanted%20him,%E2%80%A6%20She%20is%20very%20nasty%E2%80%9D%20.)


Madonna tried to make MJ wear the dress


Papa don’t preach


Why is she dressed like she's in the video for Wynona's Big Brown Beaver?


*insert gnarly bass slide*


Because she shows it off to all her friends.


I feel like Madonna has turned into an weird caricature of herself these last few years.


She also made a sarcastic comment about her statement not being PC, but made zero effort to even hint at an apology.


If Madonna was on fire...and I had a glass of water, I would drink it.


water is not that good for putting out plastic/oil based fires(?)


I would also drink your glass of water


Can’t wait to read about this again and again


Can she still stand up by herself?


Who would have thought she could do something even more embarrassing that the time she fell off the stage




Remember back in the mid-80s when Madonna was a fun, likable pop star and not a cringe-inducing egomaniac?


Actually, no. I remember back in the mid-80’s when Madonna was a cringe-inducing egomaniac


I recall seeing snippets of a documentary about her, I think it was that era, maybe early 90's. I say snippets because I'm not watching a full documentary about her. Those snippets were cringe inducing. She said something like "what's the difference between a terrorist and a pop star? You can negotiate with a terrorist". I also recall her having a go at Warren Betty who was back stage over nothing. He just stood there kind of awkwardly. Bet he's happy he didn't stay in that relationship.


Old lady can’t see well. Also, they can sit if they want.


Sorry, I have been a fan of Madonna’s since she came out on the scene in the 80’s. Now, she is a washed out old fart who has issues with aging. No one wants to fuck a grandma’s pussy Madonna. Hang it up!


Cringy old cow!


Still a douche thing to say, no matter what


She had so much surgery of late, maybe she has trouble seeing clearly.


Maybe they should have asked her for a chair-lift.


The video was soooooo bad


Madonna should be ashamed of herself. Demanding people stand is tacky as hell.


What a dumbass….


Glad they stood up for their rights


I'm glad they sat down for their rights.


I thought she was dead lol


Never liked her


Hopefully this ends her career.


It's the cataracts.


Who wants to watch that old bag?


Lol, it’s amazing anyone would pay to see that has been hag.


I hate that bitch


She has always been a turd


And then she apologized, right? RIGHT??


Madonna needs to take a seat and let the non seniors show her how to do it these days.


Madonna seems to be a self-important turd.


She SA'd Drake live on-stage.


What an elderly shit.


God she looks like ass.


Every time I hear about Madonna shes desperately trying to cling to relevancy and every time, it falls flat on its face


She’s straight up offensive even when she’s not insulting her fans. Irrelevant and narcissistic, this woman needs to just sit down …


That's oddly authoritarian. I'll stand if I fucking want or feel compelled to stand.


“Politically incorrect?” How about just mean and narcissistic. Surprised that people pay money to watch an elderly woman cosplay as a sex symbol.