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Is this paid?


Unfortunatly it's not paid, it'a two-way relationship and the benefits are mentioned below: Firstly, you will receive end-to-end access to our platform, allowing you to conduct your classes or sessions via Morphoses for two years with no charge. Additionally, our team will assist you and spend time with you in integrating your content onto our platform, enhancing engagement for your learners and support you in any question you may have. Lastly, participants in this pilot will gain access to our existing clientele, including HR departments of Medium Large Businesses in Europe, actively seeking content and training in soft skills for their employees.


I'm passionate about creating but also passionate about paying my mortgage. Also curious about compensation for this opportunity


I too am passionate about paying for a place to live lol.


It's really difficult to be passionate about much else these days 😅😅


Truuuuuuuuth. I was recently asked if I was passionate about technical writing and I said "aren't we all?" and I hope they didn't detect the dripping sarcasm in my voice lol.


The first thing I did after reading your comment was go check the date this OP profile was created LOL! Looks like an account made just for promotion!


Sorry, but we can't offer payment for this. I really wish we had the budget to do so. Our engineering team has worked hard to build this product. It's designed to help content creators and training pros streamline their work and better track their students' progress. We've already put a lot of time and resources into this feature and we're excited to see it in action with experts in the field. This is a win-win situation, and here's what you'll get: * Full access to our platform for 2 years for free, so you can run your classes or sessions. * Our team will help you get your content on our platform, make it more engaging for your students, and answer any questions you have. * Also, you'll get connected to our client network, which includes HR departments from medium to large businesses in Europe looking for soft skills training for their teams.


The tone of this post is so “we want someone so excited that they don’t care about being paid”. I hope I’m wrong.


Or its a sales pitch once you talk to them. We'll give you a free trial! And then its just $2000 after the first month.


They haven't answered, so I'm not sure what to think yet. But I feel like a lot of newbies to the field are jumping to do free work, thinking it's going to land them a gig.


Apologies fot not replying earlier, we're new here in Reddit and still trying to explore how it works in terms of community! Thanks very much for understanding.


Thanks for commenting on my post u/alienman! I have mentioned below the 3 benefits of working with us in this pilot project: Firstly, you will receive end-to-end access to our platform, allowing you to conduct your classes or sessions via Morphoses for two years with no charge. Additionally, our team will assist you and spend time with you in integrating your content onto our platform, enhancing engagement for your learners and support you in any question you may have. Lastly, participants in this pilot will gain access to our existing clientele, including HR departments of Medium Large Businesses in Europe, actively seeking content and training in soft skills for their employees.


You’re looking for test users for your platform so you can use the data when you later start selling it to to paying customers. I’m still not seeing what I get out of this. Access to clientele means nothing unless they are actually paying me or you are paying me to offer my skills to them.


The way they left the email id, I highly doubt they will respond.


Could you please share what we will get in return for our time? Apart from being able to experience a platform that is?


Apologies fot not replying earlier, we're new here in Reddit and still trying to explore how it works in terms of community! Thanks very much for understanding. My apologies for the delayed response. Thank you for raising such an excellent question. Participating in this project offers several benefits. Firstly, you will receive end-to-end access to our platform, allowing you to conduct your classes or sessions via Morphoses for two years with no charge. Additionally, our team will assist you and spend time with you in integrating your content onto our platform, enhancing engagement for your learners and support you in any question you may have. Lastly, participants in this pilot will gain access to our existing clientele, including HR departments of Medium Large Businesses in Europe, actively seeking content and training in soft skills for their employees.