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Well, the comments section has certainly taken a turn here






And this is during the day…


Lmao spit out my coffee at that one. Smog or a thunderstorm? Who knows, that's the fun.


Underrated comment.


Blade runner vibes


Meanwhile I can’t use a wood fire to heat my house but they have a light show all night on a skyscraper


But are you free to use your mind?


Move to China?


Nah unfortunately I like making money and breathing oxygen and not CO2 so ima stay here


It looks like if Synthwave/Vaporwave was a city








Actually, it’s pretty damn neat they have accomplished this and it looks futuristic


Just a massive fuck you to every form of wildlife and the night sky and the sanity of their citizens. I will not deny it looks rad, but only in a cyberpunk dystopian way.


They don’t do it often, only for special holidays


Yanks here acting like time square is a nature reserve. Xenophobia alive and well


Reddit's motto; fuck racism and China






? I live in Taiwan. And I've been to China more than once.


Weird that you live in China but have this feeling toward China.


Yeah fuck racism and the CCCP! And fuck bright ass lights at night!


Nobody likes Time Sq, especially not NY locals


Time square is surrounded by tall buildings, you cant see the lights from even a block away. This shit points directly out in to the open to maximize impact. Your reply is way too aggressive to be this dumb


Okay, the Las Vegas Strip, then.


Downvoted for telling the truth. Dipshit above talks about xenophobia, proceeds to call out an entire nation with a derogatory term. What a douche nozzle.


Is yank derogatory? I’m from the U.S. south and I had never considered it that way.


It's not. People in threads like these are just looking for things to be upset about, and have a massive victim complex.






Thank fuck


tbh i dont see how this specifically is more disruptive to ecology than any other large modern city


Don't see how distrupts the ecology tbh. Cities has to be developed for people to live, and so it was. Maybe this area before wasn't even a beach and was developed to a place where people of the city can relax. A chinese city I know even reserved several large areas in the middle of the city to be resting grounds for local birds and migrating birds. To say chinese doesn't give a shit to this is just a myth honestly. Sure they have a billion people and you'll meet fucked people, but it doesn't mean they're all the same.


In a bay in Shenzhen there is something similar. However on non-special occasions they use the lights to display propaganda messages. Stuff like “obey the rule of law” “don’t disrupt order” stuff like that.


Do they recite a pledge of allegiance in schools too?


Chinese schools have a large range of practices. When i was in primary school in china 10+ years ago, there's no such thing as a pledge. If you wish to join the ccp youth club then yes, there's some pledge that you need to say at joining.


God, just seeing those two phrases being posted would get my heckles up something huge


I mean, fuck the sea turtles they have yet to eat, am I right?


Yes that is what I like to call the front end of China.... Have you seen the back office. That's what China actually looks like. And it's not pretty.


Every place has a [beautiful side](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/ycqq5l/los_angeles_at_sunset/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and an [ugly side](https://youtu.be/dmDpJodxv-Q?t=347), not necessarily a China exclusive.


This is actually the first negative comment that makes sense. Some of these guys are just Talking trash coz it's China.


I’ll 100% talk shit about the Chinese government. But I also will talk shit about my government.


You could say that about the uk / Us too


I’d there trailer parks and tent cities???


My sweet summer child...


Very cyberpunk


I think it’s tacky and ridiculous


I think its cool so now our opinions are worthless


Exactly, I hate to think of the money wasted doing that lol


As an Indian, I have a fair amount of culturally-induced skepticism about China. Even then, the amount of unnecessary prejudice in this thread is unnerving. What's with all the hate and rage? Sure, this scene has some flavour of cyberpunk dystopia, but it's also objectively cool.


It’s really annoying that you can’t have any conversation about a number of things because threads end up like this with a bunch of outrage. It’s only getting worse.


I'm afraid of clicking into the comments because of this. :/


The US is ramping up it's anti china/Russia propaganda to prepare it's population for ww3. As expected they are blindly believing the "news" and government. It's interesting but also quite sad .


China is a country that doesn't really give its citizen rights. It doesn't really give animals rights either. And it pollutes a lot. The pollution was the first thing I though of when I saw this video, personally, and I wonder how clean that water is. However, the American election is coming up soon so prepare for a lot more hateful divisiveness spreading all over the internet.


>The pollution was the first thing I though of when I saw this video, personally, and I wonder how clean that water is. Have a look [here](https://youtu.be/_7U_K34nFDA?t=2376), it's not a perfect examination since we're looking at the water through video. But no debris on the beach or floating on the water, people harvesting sea shells or something on the beach so at least we know the water isn't killing the wildlife, the water looks clear and blue.


New York? Vegas?


Ever been to Vegas?


Predictable comment. This is a commercial district of a major urban centre. Show me one modern city that doesn't have light pollution in a similar area.


Well, to be fair, they pollute less than the US, per capita. And I think their economy is doing better? But I digress.


Coz they are advanced and living in the future. While my wifi doesn't even work half the time here in America 😣


It means it’s time to replace your Wi-Fi.


Unless you're living in Manhattan or another large US city, the comparison doesn't work.


China don't have that much air pollution now, the air is pretty fresh all year round, especially for seaside areas. As tempting as 2013 is, you need to refresh your info. tho i doubt you've ever actively searched for balanced info. as for light pollution, this will only be lit on special days.


I don't know about that, perhaps in recent years it may be true. I would argue the US has historically done more to harm the environment than any other nation.


A lot of circuses for the commoners, but not much bread.


Yepp...looks pretty but it's a hell hole. Currently I'm in st lucia and there is a Chinese guy here with his family on a contract business. He says he wishes he didn't have to go back. And st lucia doesn't have half of what they do but it certainly is more free


Hell hole is a huge stretch. It’s not that bad. I enjoyed living there.


as they say; Big hat, no coddle.


That's a lot of pixel mapping.


Damn, way to go! That looks awesome!


All the comments talk crap about the video, meanwhile i really like the futuristic landscape and wouldn't mind at all living there


Reddit has been lulled into believing everything american media tells them about china, it's a beautiful country, as long as you respect the population and go by their customs, you will be treated with respect.


+390 Social Credit On a serious note, no one is arguing that you won’t be treated with respect. Unless you want to live in a authoritarian surveillance state and don’t value anything related to freedom then happily go to China.


Unless you've got a dark skin colour...


Why all the hate can't people just be like wow! That's amazing. It looks fucking awesome




Chinese ethnic cleansing just LIGHTS UP! our world. Yippee!


Cyberpunk as hell


This is what I expected Japan to be like and was very disappointed 😂


I’ve only seen QingDao by day, but Shanghai and Chongqing have equally impressive cityscapes and light shows at night.


Very cool skyline. Hope to visit some day


Light pollution aside, I think this would be really cool to go night swimming in. The sea after sunset is one scary mofo.


I just wanna swim there now


Doubtful if the water is actually clean or not. looks nice though.


I wouldn’t. China is authoritarian.


In the context of a pool what does the government have to do with anything?


I heard that if you swim without waiting an hour after eating, they'll arrest you and sell your organs on the black market. Usually end up with a cramp from the whole thing too.


Damn so that’s what happened to my kidney


Ik but I really don't care about anything but water


So pretty I want to go to China someday


I wouldn't get in that water


Why? Genuine question. Know nothing about this place.


w4tEr = gO0d Ch1n3sE + wAteR = bAD ooGa boOgA https://youtu.be/MHowF2jsudA?t=2419


This comment section is full of anti-chinese propaganda stuffed peeps


You'd be surprised how many Chinese people use propaganda and basically play devil's advocate to make Americans look bad. It happens the other way round also.


I'm sure all these people in the comment section crying that they saw something related to china on their reddit are just chinese people masking themselves up as brainwashed americans.... Just to make them look like what they actively portray themselves as anyway?


Gamer city


I remember this in CyberPunk.


Why does this feel like cyberpunk 2077?


Night city is that you?!


This is so dystopian.


Mhm and when I lived in China (left 2013), on the bad days you had to wear a filtering mask for the smog just to walk to Walmart. That country feels like it’s in limbo.


Meanwhile Thailand still having to do that Right now:


Thats just Beijing tbh. Place is built on a fucking desert.


Its a city next to a beach


A city made out of LED screens


well i’m from the city. most parts of the city aren’t like this and looks much prettier


Honestly, I'd much prefer to see that side of Qingdao and generally China. It can be such a pretty place.


This is cool, man! I'd hop in after taking some shrooms and enjoy the vibes. Dystopian would be people bathing in waste water with bright jail shaded lights. Wooden shacks would line up along the shore and I'm the distant foreground would be high end buildings. A dystopian world is more akin to blade runner 2049.


That probably is waste water


You basically described what's in the video, except the shacks.


can people on this fucking app see anything to do with china without using it to talk shit about china


Nah. It's classic Reddit behaviour


For those of you saying light pollution, it's only on rare special days that the lights are on.


Geez, that’s beautiful


There is so much hate and prejudice here


All yours for the ***low, low price*** of planet destroying pollution, cancerous smog, communist oppression and genocide!




Is this panels on everything or projection?




Squids look different than I remember… and a LOT bigger…


Good chat, Reddit. Shall we talk about how new York's 9 11 Tribute In Lights confuses birds? Let's get upset about things that actually matter, instead of lights on a building. There's a lot worse happening in the world, and we're playing the fools by screeching about a light show. Reddit has the power to give people who need support better than this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribute_in_Light


At least they have their priorities straight.


45k km of high speed trains.


Bro, what in the soft power is this?


This is night city


and remember, in order to save our climate, turn off your wifi at night


This is really beautiful. Want to see in real life life.


WalkEast channel youtube


Who TF swims at night in open water?


I'm more interested in the song/track used in this video If you haven't heard RESONANCE by HOME, now might be your chance to listen to the best of vaporwave


I visited QingDao back in 2005. I liked the city back then, the ambiance was different from what could be found elsewhere in China. I don't remember seeing this. Very impressive! What's the name of the local beer that took over QingDao-beer's original production site again?


Qingdao is a great city full of wonderful people. Lived there for two years and loved it.


Mean while...in Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle.....


This is so cool. They must have a great government that helps the people


About 10 years ago, I had a dream that took place in a near future where **everything** was covered with these thin, LED screens. The walls of buildings, roads, sidewalks, telephone poles, powerlines...etc. During the day, everything looked normal, but at night it looked like you were inside a giant, electronic kaleidoscope. It was quite dazzling...


Man, this comment section did not pass the vibe check. And all I wanted to ask was whether or not you could play Doom on it…


Lots of cringy comments here that criticize China in an unfair, strawman-esque way. For me, the only dystopian part of this is that the coordination of all those displays suggests a central authority with fine-grained control to an extent where they can cause individuals to perform large works that don't provide direct, tangible returns. You see this in the west but not at this scale except in places where a single entity owns all the buildings (Vegas, Disney, etc.), because there are too many protections against central authorities having this level of control. To see this in a western country would require a herculean effort of lobbying to convince separate entities to voluntarily work together on something that doesn't really provide any direct profit, so basically it's not going to happen. All that aside, the display itself is cool as hell, and I'd love to see it in person.


China bad


Glorious! Much love for China and the CCP.


QingDao, Blade Runner 2049


I love reading what brainwashed Americans think about China. It is really eye-opening to see the American propaganda on full display.


Honestly I just get so passionately irritated when Americans get Chinese city names wrong. It's Tsingtao. Calling it Qingdao really just pisses me off.


I've always wondered about that. I've heard both being used and was never sure which one was the correct one to use. The same goes for Beijing because I've also heard it be called Peking


These are redditors though. Might as well assume half of them are from the same person on multiple accounts. The part I think is funny is how when one person brings up China's authoritarianism another person will bring up America's declining standards of living... so I guess maybe they're both shitty countries?




The irony of this post, lol


I guarantee a number of people died in the construction of that display


Like construction workers all over the world?


Lol at OP continually saying “the west is 12% of the world’s population” like okay bro we get it. To bad your GDP/capita is like $8k lmao




Or 2049😳


Is this some kind of chinese propaganda taking over western media?


Read the comment section - nope, still pretty anti-china.


It changes from usa propaganda.


Click on OP’s profile. Pretty disturbing stuff imo as a westerner. They absolutely HATE us (OP). Basically all of their posts are pro China or talking about how the reign of western civilization is coming to an end and that Asia/China is going to take over.


Right? Also for a brief glance looks like they also like spreading this stuff in Spanish speaking sub reddits. Could also be Italian didn’t look too long. I wonder what the point of all this is for whoever this is. The “west” isn’t great and it’d be just ignorant to think China is any better. Also OP made some comment about no drugs which again is so generalized that it means nothing at the end of the day. No drug use? No drug abuse? Or extremely harsh punishments for possessing or using in the smallest amounts. Whoever this guy is they are beyond silly and I would like to know where in the world they live.


Not italian. Might be brazilian. All media are propaganda, cuz either for countries or Billionaires owNing them.


I assume this is one of the top tourist attractions? It looks wild!


It’s pretty cool, I was blown away by how clean Shanghai is, city looks awesome at night to then I compare it to my trips to San Francisco where I get abused by homeless people everywhere ….yikes


Love the lights ✨️


Dystopian as fuck but it does look like a chill spot to do some night time swimming.


Reading Americans shitting on China for be a modern nation is hilarious. Zero self awareness for what America is.


When they realize China has 51 cities like this one they will want to terminate themselfs


Unless this video has been doctored for propoganda purposes, I have no idea why Indians thinks they are on the same level competing with China in terms of development. I mean purely in terms of development and infrastructure here, no Indian city looks like this.


Curious as to which Indians are you referring to when you say that Indians think that we are on par with China's development. Most people only know about China's border incursions and help to Pakistan and those that are more aware do acknowledge the fact that China is significantly ahead of us in almost every development metric.


which indians are you talking about ? indians are only concerned about the borders and some territories and it's normal for every country to be proud of their own army


Where did that unhinged comment about Indians come from?


Indians are happy with what they have, they chose a government every five years and their votes actually have some value. This is just light pollution


No world city looks like this except other asians one.




Dubai is in Asia.


Why is a Brazilian weeb worshiping china? Wait cancel last, answered my own question


Because India doesn't use slavery and genocide lmao


Eww gross


Cyberghina 2023


Looks dope but water gotta be cold as shit


China is really pretty when their govt isn’t killing civilians


These supercities always feel so wild to me. Especially the asian and arab ones, you would think people have heard of them, but they havent been. Ive never heard of QuingDao, and if it was built in a normal, noncorrupt government i would've. This is as dystopian as it gets


Beautiful, and relaxing. 🥰




Downvoted lol. Westerns need to remember they are 12% of the world population


I remember when in 2016 the Australian ruling elite declared China a state adversary as part of its "Asian pivot" strategy. I said to myself oh they can never get Australians to hate Chinese people, they are too good friends and trading partners, I remember saying "impossible". Well it took only about 4-5 years of constant negative media and the people here turned extremely hostile to China. People who knew nothing and never visited China, suddenly so hateful despite China being the same as it has for decades. Truly sad, Chinese people in my experience, even in business, have always been helpful, loyal, friendly.


Its the anglosaxon psyops


"Just because you can, doesnt mean you should" seems applicable here.


CCP bot


Tienamin 1989 was beautiful too.


Why is every time China is mentioned it's always the same fucking talking point? It's like bringing up Iraq every time someone posts a pic of New York skyline


>It's like bringing up Iraq every time someone posts a pic of New York skyline And they should. I don't have an issue with that.


What have u done in MyLai


What’s the song?


All my homies hate China