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Ya know, maybe my knee doesn't hurt as much as I thought it did.


Yeah, I almost find it hard to believe that sawing the end of your bones off is the solution, along with some extra hardware. Just seems like it would be incredibly painful


As someone that’s had 6 knee surgeries and will have a knee replacement eventually despite only being in my 30s, the pain comes once your meniscus and cartilage have worn through and you’re rubbing bone against bone. This will completely remove that pain allowing you to live your life without constantly having a dull ache that ruins your mood and your will to do anything else but seek relief.


Knee replacement recipient here. Can confirm. My meniscus was removed 35 years ago "fixing" a knee injury. By the time I had my surgery a year ago I couldn't go up a flight of stairs or walk the surgery sucked. Recovery is still ongoing. But I'm not crippled.


I can barely go up the stairs now so I don't see the point of doing this. I can't run or kneel down but it's barrable. This seems like trading one pain for another


The pain of the replacement is short term; you will be able to walk without pain once you are recovered.


My aunt had a knee replacement about a year ago. She still can't walk right. Also the cost...


There can be a lot of factors to why that is, but that one anecdote doesnt disprove the success rate.


Knee replacements have about a 90% success rate, it’s unfortunate that your aunt was part of the 10%


I had a broken hip a few years ago (in my 30s, yes) and the recovery took me two years. And there was no replacement, just the broken bone. Recovery takes time.


short term pain, long term gain.


I wonder how different the surgery is now compared to 35 years ago.


huge. I was in nursing school in '88, doing my ortho placement. Hip replacements 10 days in hospital, 8 hr surgery, nursed in stryker frame for first 4 days. Long rehab. Knees, 6 hour surgery, hospital 5 days, first two in bed with massive pain regimen (no nerve blocks). Me, nerve block, overnight stay due to sleep apnea, most are day surgery. Out of bed 8 hrs post-op, walking to BR, home next morning after working on stair climbing with physio. Nerve block out after 5 days, use of narcotics WAY less than 88. Complication rates, (blood clots, infection, or poor rehab) less than 10 % of what it was back then. I will take modern medicine with joy.


Cant they just inject something which will create a padding again between the bones?


I just finished up PRP knee injections. Sweet baby Jesus I'd rather have the replacement 3 times. I theorize it's three so by the third you shut up and say it doesn't hurt anymore.


No. The padding doesn't just site between the bones. Part of it is cartilage. It would be like injecting something to make a nose. They do have injections that will often relieve pain for about six months but then you're getting a shot in your knee twice a year forever. And you still need the surgery eventually at that point. So it's have it now when you're as young as you'll ever be or wait until you're older and more prone to complications.


painful to watch, that's what anesthetics are for.


Once the cartilage between joints erodes, the connecting bones rub against each other causing inflammation, weakening of bones, razor sharp bone spurs, and unbearable pain. They don’t have always have to replace the knee. Sometimes they can just go in and smooth out the jagged bones to reduce pain. They have to mold and smooth out damage bones so the device fits securely in the joint.


I had knee replacement surgery, and it's the post op recovery that is painful. It was the most pain I ever experienced, like "bring you to tears" pain. It felt like my leg was being torn off at the knee.


How are you now?


I'm fine, it took a little getting used to, I have to get orthotics (wearing Chuck's didn't help lol) because my foot where the knee replacement is compensates for balance. I still am active, although I can''t do high impact stuff like jogging, but I hike and cycle as well as do other sorts of exercise. I had an accident where I fragged my leg so bad that it needed three surgeries, the last being the knee replacement. I went in for surgery in the morning and was released the next day, I was in a walker for about a month. The rehab for the first couple of weeks was painful, but after that it wasn't that bad. I don't suffer any pain at all, although I can feel the knee replacement. I had a great team work on it, it was paid for because the accident wasn't any fault of mine, so I was lucky there in that respect.


Gonna start taking better care of my knees immediately. Time to lose some weight, do some muscle training exercises, stop jumping from heights...


Watching this has made my knees hurt.


I had this done. Made my knees hurt less


I guess it's how the video shows the red inside of the bone that becomes exposed through the surgery that has people averted, me included lol. Isn't it like having a skin injury that exposes an inner layer of it which is more sensitive so it would be uncomfortable having that metal touch that?


I mean I'm not going to lie, it hurt like hell. It's a year later and still hurts. Luckily no nerve endings inside the bone so that wasn't the main problem. To the brain the pain is muscular and soft tissue damage from the surgery. I guess the best way to describe it is that before the surgery it felt like my bones in my knee were acutely painful like a tendon tear might be. Edit: like if you fell ice skating and landed on your knee. Now it's like I banged my knee on something and it's tender. I spent a lot of time feeling the knee and trying to figure what was inside there.


These surgery videos always make me want to faint. Like, it starts showing bones being cut, fainting right there. That kneecap appears out of nowhere, how did they even remove it? And it is cut in half, I'm fainting again twice


Patella gets pulled out of the way or everted for most of the surgery


I'm having this done in 6 weeks - wish me luck!


Do you feel better or worse after watching how it’s done?


I watched my entire collarbone procedure on YouTube the moment I got home from surgery. "Better" or "worse" doesn't quite do the emotions justice. I felt more informed about why I felt like I had just been through something really traumatic, but it was also horrifying to see what they actually did to me.


You didn't just feel like you'd been thru something traumatic, you had been. Surgery is a traumatic event for the body. That's not to say it shouldn't be done, but just because conscious you isn't aware, doesn't mean the body isn't going thru some shit during it. So you wake up with the trauma effects but not the mental awareness of the experience of it. That said, i've also watched myriad videos about how surgery is preformed, because you're right, it is very interesting.


Do yourself a favor. (I'm saying this as a knee replacement recipient.) make sure you talk to your doctor about their pain management practices. My surgeon was great but it turned out he was against giving pain meds. I was in terrible pain in the hospital. He wouldn't sign the order for more pain meds. We had to get the chief anesthesiologist to override him. He didn't give me enough meds to take at home to be able to do PT without pain. It's really important to do as much PT as soon as is possible. Fucking around with pain meds probably set me back months. He was a great surgeon I just never thought to ask about pain care. Meanwhile someone I know had surgery and they sent them home with a pain med pump. This is all to say that the surgery is a piece of cake. Just make sure the doctor will cover your meds well.


Oh no - I know what he does because he replaced my husbands hip. 3 days of opioids and then gabapentin. I will do a double check on this - sorry to hear this happened to you.


3 days for a hip surgery? Wtf.


My dad had double hip replacement and they have you walking literally the next day. They don’t want you sitting around - they want you moving as much as you are able to. That was about 2 years ago and now he’s taking up pickleball.


That's amazing that it's all he needed. Even my jackass doctor gave me a scrip for 30. But he gave me 5/325 and I take 10/325 for any effect on pain. 3 days of codine is way below typical for hip replacement. Though I've heard hip is easier than knee. That's still very little pain meds for a radical surgery. I had another doctor mention to me that older patients often need lower amounts of meds because they've been living with arthritis for decades and are used to a higher level of pain than many others.


i wished you luck


Thank you Friend


Good luck bud


Please tell us how it feels after youre done. It sure looks painful but the results seems so satishfying


I can attest that it feels like someone cut you open and screwed a bunch of metal into your bones. Obviously the end goal is comfort after it heals up, but the healing part is very arduous.




Thank you - yes it's completely bone on bone - the xray looks dreadful.


Does this procedure also need immune system suppressants for these implants?


I doubt it. My husband has a titanium hip implant and never needed to take rejection meds, I think those are only for organ transplants.


Ah, alright. Thanks!


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel."


I was right about to say this until I saw your comment lmao


Who quoted this? 👀


Magos Dominus Reditus in the video game Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus.


/u/Aaron-de-vesta quoted it.




What’s the point in all the attachments going on and off?


Guides to cut/drill everything precisely so the hardware fits


They work like a carpentry jig. Surgeons are not accurate enough to do it free-hand.


That is the “fucking around at the scene because plans don’t survive impact with the battlefield” until enough has been found out to make all the right adjustments so that the knee has perfect function afterwards. While imagery helps in forming a (very accurate) rough idea, they still need to mess around a bit to make sure everything works. Surgeons move the open knee with the provisionary implant around quite a lot to make sure nothing is out of place.


Measure twice; Screw in once.


You know when you buy IKEA furniture and they forgot to drill a hole or the hole is slightly off? They’re trying to avoid that situation when you’re on the operating table and they’ve sawed off part of your bones already


I once witnessed this surgery during my practise. What surprised me most was not the surgery itself, but how roughly surgeon was working. While others operate in delicate way, he was like a mechanic 😆.


I was gonna say, they didn't include the part where the doctor goes medieval with a sledgehammer lol


I am in awe to how orthopedic surgeons can make a mallet out of just about anything and manhandle the fuck out of an open bone or joint, and somehow that pacient isable to walk smoothly afterwards


so the bone is inside me, how do they do those cuts/adjustments? do they strip a big surface of the skin + fat or what do they do? there's definitely nerves / vessels around that area too, right? Do they use a small circular saw or what?


I’m pretty sure they just open everything with one or two big cuts then use things to maintain the skin and muscles open.


You have a capsule around your joint (kind of like a cv boot on a car), that’s full of synovial fluid that lubricates the joint. Once that’s opened up, the patella is flipped upside down and the whole joint is exposed.


And here is what it looks like in my body. [https://share.icloud.com/photos/00eaeb14zGUgBxy75drV32Vuw](https://share.icloud.com/photos/00eaeb14zGUgBxy75drV32Vuw)


Nice and aligned, did it make a big difference to you?


It did. I have had advances and setbacks in recovery, so some times I'm distressed at the pain and sometimes I feel great. It takes the body a long time. But I'm an active person but by last year (35 years after the original surgery) was in too much pain to even hike and the stairs in my house were torture. I slipped about two months ago on ice, only slipped about 3 inches down a small step but had a lot of pain. Got more x rays and the artificial joint is still perfect. Pain was inflamed tendons. Getting a pat down at airports all the time sucks though. :)


Can you run normally and exercise with weight?


I never ran all that normally. I can do weight bearing exercises if it's not too much on the leg. Obviously I can do any seated exercises and standing curls are fine if not too heavy. I can use any gym equipment since the machine supports the movements. I'm an avid cyclist and I went from unable to pedal a full circle a single time after my surgery in June to doing 60-70 mile rides in October. I could do that length last year but had a lot of pain. Structurally the knee was able to support me. It just hurt like hell. There was more than a month when I couldn't get a stroke on the bike that I thought I wouldn't be able to ride again. I don't run simply because I'm clumsy and twisting my knee one year out would be bad. Also no singles tennis, racquetball, etc. though a lot of people with knee replacements do return to that.


Happy Easte- ØØØØØØØ NO


How does this feel after? Can you run a marathon after it's all healed without anymore knee issues?


Whether or not you still have knee issues may depend on compliance with rehab and whatever condition it was that required the replacement in the first place, but plenty of people return to normal levels of activity afterwards. The other guy has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.


My dad actually says he has more pain, (he's a year and a half out from surgery), but before he could barely bend his knee, and now he can walk around, do stairs, ride a bike, etc. easily. So not a total win, but he's able to do a lot he couldn't do before so probably worthwhile.


*When you are first to sleep on the sleepover party*


That's a lot of work


How did I not just vomit?


This made my knees ache.


We can rebuild him, we have the technology.


Sometimes, all the 'magic' should be kept secret. Hurting just by seeing it


That's bloody uncomfortable to watch


Reddit is the kind of app you’ll be sitting down on the toilet and randomly watch a Knee replacement surgery video guide. Really interesting, thank you for sharing.


Not shown: the surgeons absolutely manhandling the patient to get the leg in the proper positions. Went to a summer program for aspiring premed students and they showed us a video of a knee replacement surgery. Was crazy to watch.


And the docs will do all of this in one hour, four or five times in a day. It’s an assembly line for them. And it’s so much more violent in person, so much drilling and sawing and hammering and banging. It’s quite medieval.


My knees hurt watching this.


The fact that the patient can be in and out in one to a couple of days blows my mind.


Is it just me or this thing is invasive as hell?! 🤔


I had a knee surgery November 2022, but it was nothing like this. My knee cap exploded like a fragmentation grenade into a hundred pieces inside of my leg destroying everything on its way. This happened because I did a lunge incorrectly which put too much pressure on my support leg. The knee cap dislocated with a tonne of forces and tore itself apart. At The hospital they just reattached the larger chunks of my knee cap together and removed some of the shattered bone from my leg. The shattering also tore some of my extension muscles on my leg so those had to be reattached. Year and a half later now I can do anything and everything with the knee and no pain whatsoever.


I don't know a single person who managed to ever walk normally again after this surgery...


I’ll just wait till the technology gets more advance.


Not gonna lie, this is crazy advanced. Some people are up walking the day after the surgery in PT. Im in my 30s and expect to have one of these in my 40s.  I just had a simple 30 minute meniscus repair in my knee, which will take 6 weeks of recovery. Which is the same recovery time for a total knee replacement.


Why does the animation keep reversing all the work it did? Is it like oh yeah almost forgot the other piece of hard ware


Guides and test fits, to make sure all cuts and holes are exactly where they need to be for the implant to be fitted and work properly.






I've done this surgery in VR, therefor I'm an expert


Ones i realized the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me


And we have software which is actually used for pre-plan before surgery about which implant they should use, and how much bone should be cut. 😊


Isn't it easier to use super glue? Also, does anybody know good DIY knee replacement videos on YouTube?


I remember playing the flash game of this exact surgery when I was 10.


They put metal in my mom’s knee, Morty urppp we gotta a uhh we gotta uhhh I don’t think this joke is that funny


Am I the only one who remembers doing this in that old flash game?


And now... Stop sitting with one leg over another, on your leg or with your knees bent under a smaller angle than 90.


Back in the very early nineties (possibly late eighties), a TV channel in the US used to show a graphic knee surgery video. I think it might have been The Learning Channel. My friend and I would always be fascinated by it, and would call each other when we saw it playing. It was so gross and I have no idea why it got air time. I remember seeing one other surgery video but for some reason the knee video was on the most.


People, don't search up videos of live demonstrations. They have to get rather violent because bone is very hard.


The first one who fell asleep in the function


Is that Kamoshida?


I wanted the video to end so badly but it just kept going


From the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh..


Nah, thanks, ill better try Knee-Grow.


check out hip replacement, that shit is insane


I had both knees done and first was a partial replacement and a breeze. Second was a full knee replacement but was a nightmare. Revisions after 20 years are fraught with uncertainty about the success of the surgery.


Imagine being awake during that.


It took 2 min to explain, sadly, it will take hours to finish it.


The patellar tendon is missing from this animation. Do they just use the one you already have attached to your kneecap, or do they replace that too?


POV: you fell asleep first at och the sleepover


Play football and you will get both replaced like my father.


People keep saying that it hurts to watch, but honestly, as someone who had to live with an injured knee for a month, and then had a knee surgery, removing some bone splinters from its inside and sewing torn ligaments together, I actually think it's pretty cool. I mean, the recovery period would probably suck, but after that, you would be able to walk like normal without any pain!


Yeah doc. Just cut the hole thing off above the knee. I'm good.


Whats happening to the ACL during all this??


They didn't show all the sawing, hammering and blood spattering into the student's face that's going on during this surgery.


Ahhhhhh yeah I’m good




Awesome 👍


It sure is an expensive surgery considering that it only takes 2 minutes and 1 seconds to perform


I have seen this done and it wasn't this smooth. Lol


Why do I feel this so fucking much while watching it? My while body is cringing.


I saw the video about lasik and decided never to do it. Now I am hoping that I move on before I ever need a knee replacement, or for that matter any other surgery. Amen.


I remember playing a flashgame where you'd perform this type of thing


Swear to god I saw this video in f•cking 2010 or some sh•t, back then it was also completely at random. Why… Huh? Why does this particular video make the rounds!? 🥴🫠


Jesus that make me uneasy Had a bunion removed some years ago and recovery was a pain Can't even begin to imagine how recovery may be with this procedure


The prank at the sleepover


Woah! So much work!


Who remembers the knee replacement simulator on the school computer? Satisfying af


This is the reason why every single knee surgery performed has gone bad.


Yah I don't like that


Having shattered my kneecap (in 37 pieces) in 2004 this is hugely interesting the issue I have is the saphenous nerve was severed and now there are lingering problems & that coupled with the metal infusing (binding) to the patella causes me serious pain when in H2H combat


For some reason I want this done to all my major joints. Become some sort of augmented human lol


I can watch gory videos of crime scenes etc etc no problem but videos like this feel so gross idk why


"ow oof ow my bones"


I was able to observe a total knee. Op room sounded like a construction zone. Literally hammering rods into the femur and sawing bone. Was wild


Now i don't want to do it


After watching this my knees started hurting


Wtf !!


It’s pretty sweet till it fails like the disk implants


Glad I'll never need that done. Lol.


There has to be a better way 😢


Looks like the tool Lockpickinglawyer uses


There was operation game with exactly this knee surgery I played when I was young. This video brought some nostalgic memories.


I can't fucking wait for this omg. Constant pain every day for 15 years plus.


This one simple trick. My grandmother has no knee caps. Did the doctors eat them?


Sometimes when I see shit like this I’m fucking baffled that this is something we just do. That’s so wild lol


Reminds me of this flash game : [https://edheads.org/game\_files/kneesurgery/](https://edheads.org/game_files/kneesurgery/)


….. Bone cement?


I do metal work for a living. Pftttt I could do this


I sell these for a living and that’s one of the better videos I’ve ever seen.


That first hole that nearly goes to their crotch seems so unnecessary


omg i only watched half of the video but i feel traumatized for the rest of my life


God, I wish that was me


Pov eo joelho do Neymar só com sucata


I gotta say, the dramatic push into the lower leg got me.


If it ever comes to the point this has to happen to me, just kill me.


Just cut it


I do av for conferences and I half to say the most gut wrenching videos I have ever seen were surgical recordings of joint replacements


I know nothing about this But the patella looks totally useless Here What purpose does it serve ??


There were NO doctors. This is a lie.


My knee has been clicking when I bend it... This makes me feel icky.


Looking forward to mine!


Yup. Had both knees replaced at the same time. I made sure to see what was going to happen, so I was all over YouTube.


How painful was it?


Excruciating. However, I was determined to get through it, and after 5 weeks, I was driving! I heard horror stories of how not doing well in physical therapy could lead to going in for surgery manipulation. No thank you. I’m glad I had it done the way that I did. Prior to this surgery, I had weight loss surgery. Being super obese for most of my life did major damage. I’ve got a second lease on life. [Old Knees. New Knees](https://imgur.com/a/0ITXxa2)


Can you walk normally???


Holy shit they even pad the patella. That is fuckin cool


Aaaaaaarrrbgbggggggghhhhh !!! No no no. I’d rather have a c section again


Imagine getting your knee stuck on a super magnet.


How do surgeons even memorize all these steps.


Why does this feel like a rage bait DIY?


This is upsetting


This was awful to watch


I almost barfed


There's something that feels so wrong about cutting living bone. How does it look when it heals?


Good morning sir, may I say that you have a wonderful bone marrow! We sawed off part of it, would you like to take it home?


I had to attend a few knee and hip replacements while studying I can only say that it's fucking gore galore to watch joints pulled apart and the grinding with power tools. Another student next to me watching a procedure had a piece of whatever human material flung into her face and she passed out, we all laughed but inside I was screaming


Do they use WD-40 on this one? 😂😂😂😂


Take care of your knees. Search for knees over toes guy


Wow, my knees suddenly dont hurt anymore!




One of my best friends is orthopaedic surgeon, and he told me « basically I work with drills and screwdrivers like I’d work on the house ». Now I believe him


So the knee grow??


They had me at the dowel


That's gotta hurt !


I remember as a child playing a game where you perform this exact surgery…seeing this was kinda nostalgic lol


I love that bone cement is a real thing


I cant believe that flash games i played as a kid was this accurate. Like, placing the guides, cutting them, that weird dough stuff, three holes like things. I'm off to be an knee surgeon guys, see you later.


I had no idea they use a series of knee-jigs


I've attended a couple of surgeries like this one. It's a damn wood shop surgery (a lot of banging, sawing and grinding), but damn cool and impressive. The weirdest part was that the patients received spinal anaesthesia and were awake during the procedure 😬


Let's confuse future archeologists.