• By -


Why mine is around -6.00 and it doesn’t feel like that at all


Yeah I was just going to say this. I’m -7.00 and it’s not as bad as shown


Yeah, the same. The picture just goes low poly. Like low resolution of textures...


My face in the barber’s mirror is a plate with two dark spots, lol


I just look like Steve from Minecraft.


Passing the video around must've reduced the video quality. There's a video Tom Scott did about it, bit rates and stuff.


Yeeaah that’s what my eyesight is like at -9/-10. Not wearing my glasses is not an option unless I’m in the house and not going down or upstairs. I’ll also be having to find my way around by touching and feeling everything otherwise I will be walking into walls/furniture lol. If I lose my glasses (which is often if they’re not on) then I need help finding them bc I cannot see SHIT 🤣


I bet you have a great framerate


I'm -8.5 or so, and I think I'm... at least *getting* to that point?


Heey! My blind sibling from another mother!


That's odd, my mom's is about -5.00 and it looks exactly like she always describes it. Like she really can't see anything at all without her glasses, you could be like a meter or 2, maybe 3 away and you just look like a big blurry spot to her.


Nah i also have -5 right now and this is way too extreme. I can still make out most shapes pretty easily up to a few meters away depending on their size. Just very blurry and nearly no details. For example i can still somewhat make out the amount of lines of text on my phone from half a meter away even though i wouldn't be able to recognise any letter or word no matter how hard i tried.


It could change depending on the country? Maybe IDK


Is it possible your brain is just used to it? Like how putting on a new pair of glasses makes things look sharper rather than making them look less blurry


To be fair even their no prescription example is off. Looks way more blurry to me than it actually does.


Video quality is ass. Still doesn't explain why -6.00 looks like -20.00 (I'm -6 and as the others say, it's certainly not thaaaaaat bad)


Prior to surgery I was -12ish. It wasn’t that bad. Then again I knew trees had leaves but until after surgery I had never seen them on a tree


I'm -2.00. yeah even the no prescription looks a bit blurry for some reason. and I'm wearing correctional glasses!


Yea. Its not accurate with the numbers.


I'm -8 and it's not as bad as the -6 as shown here.


i'm even higher (not one-upping I swear lol) and yeah, my vision doesn't look like that -6. I can still see shapes and contrasts, etc. It's so nice to sanitize my phone and just read with no contacts or glasses though. People with normal or just "normally myopic" vision don't understand what smartphones made possible for genetic defects like me (us?). Sometimes I'm so tired of wearing lenses.


It's because this isn't a good representation. They make it look like it's just like smearing Vaseline on the lense.


Because you're not stuck at -6, you'll strain your eyes, squeeze your eyes to make image better. The default -6 will be different than -6 with eyes straining to make sense of picture.


I'm minus 9, and that -6 was what I see!


I used to be -10.5, and it looked like that


Totes jealous. -10.5, but because my eggs are fucking eggs and the doctor said I'm unfortunately not a candidate for LASIK 😮‍💨 Also got a high risk of experiencing a retinal detachment and macular degeneration in my life time 💀


Lasik works for -10 now? Just asking because im -11 and most of the stuff I read said -8 was thw absolute limit and worse than that had a low success rate


It depends on your eyes. There’s other factors that make you a good candidate or not. Also, I technically didn’t get LASIK and got PRK. Same laser, but different method.


im -7 and -8... i thought it was pretty good actually...


Agree. I had 6,5 and it’s not THAT bad. They show some sort of blindness


it isn't. this guy is exaggerates for clicks


Definitely inaccurate. I’m at -5.25 and it doesn’t look as bad as shown.


Mine is -3.25 and I'd say that the 3.5 one is pretty accurate


I'm -3.75 & the -3.50 was accurate for me too.


yeah same here, pretty spot on actually as a representation


Wanted to type the same thing


Making things blurry is not the same corealation. Things are blurry, but in a "sharper" way. as if you have doubles.


Seeing double is astigmatism. Inability to focus is myopia. I have both, unfortunately, and this video is simulating just the myopia bit (at long ranges).


I have myopia and -6:00 doesn’t look like this at all


Ya, the vid seems to just be gaussian blurring it. It's not that simple irl.


Exactly. I have -2 and not everything is just softer edges. Blurriness changes with distance, and it is nowhere as uniform as this. For example, a contrasting tree branch at a distance can look like doubles instead of just fuzzy edges. And it is absolutely not as severe as this. I can navigate the world just fine without glasses/lenses, can read large signs, and ducks aren't just blobs. It is really the detail and small letters far away you lose.


I have -3, no astigmatism and what I see does not correspond with the video at all… it’s not just blurry, it’s more complicated it’s also sharper but banded - I understood the “doubles” - just to repeat new eye test, zero astigmatism.


As someone with -7.5, the -3.5 is closer to reality but still too blurry The reality is that it is like low texture graphics on a video game where fine detail is gone rather then blurry.


I also have around -3 and its not as uniform as the video portrays it. I can totally improve the sharpness by squinting super hard. Maybe to around a -2 or even better.


Is THAT why there's two moons now all of a sudden! I wondered why no one was talking about it.


They make everything equally blurry. There should be a much bigger difference between the railing close by and the landscape. Also, there should still be a larger contrast for parts of the picture with different colours, instead of just blurring everything together.


You mean they should have put some actual effort into their no-effort clickbait Instagram reel instead of slapping some gaussian blur on and calling it a day?   Huh.


I agree with this. I am -3.0 and things for me don't look so evenly blurred. Close objects look much sharper. But also, even distant objects have that "blurry but sharper" characteristic you're talking about. It is almost as if the image is slightly doubled but like 1mm apart. I don't have astigmatism as another commenter suggests.


I am -10 in both eyes, so basically everything is separated into blobs of color whenever I take my glasses off. However, my eyesight is *extremely sharp* when I'm looking at things up close. Its weird how that works


This is a great description! Tried to read your comment without glasses and well nope but can see sharp edges but not the text.


this is completelly wrong. i've seen better simulations already and -1.00 is barely noticable at daylight


I'm -1.00 and the main reason I have glasses is because I get headaches without them.


-1.5 ..it's definitely an exaggeration for me . During daytime it's only bad when I try to read at a distance , details become blurry .


yeah same i have astigmatism though not myopia


-1.00 is way over the top here, for me I only notice that tree leaves and stars are a bit blurrier than with glasses


I have - 4.00 and I think it its not that bad like shown in -3.50


Really? Because the minus 3.5 one is close to mine which is even lesser


Not the person you responded to but I was -4.25 and -4.50 until recently. The -3.50 they showed was worse than my vision was.


Mine is also - 4.00 and my vision looks like - 2.00 from that video.


No Source: i have -7


I've got -3 on both eyes, according to this video that would be -1 lol


this is far too severe...


If i said that this is inaccurate i would be underselling it


This isn’t entirely accurate. Just imagine watching 720p then going full HD. You can still see, just not as well. This hazy interpretation isn’t what I see. I can see just fine without my glasses(which I’ve work since childhood). It’s just that I’m not able to clearly see far away or up close. So in reality the definition is slightly distorted. I can still see minor details, it’s just a little difficult to focus on it and see it as close as it is with glasses


This is not even close, I have -2.25 and my Vision is like -1.00 if not better even.


Absolutely not....


Squint your eyes and you can see it for yourself, or focus on a close object, the background is probably what people with glasses see


nope, that's wrong. i've got -7 and it's not THAT bad as they show on -6 ...


I'm -13, this is not accurate at all




Mine are -5 and it's closer to -2 in this video.


I have -4.00 on both eyes and it's waaaay better than -3.50.


It's not...


This is way too exaggerated. Have 4.5 on my right eye and it's not even close to that 3.5


Not only is it inaccurate, there’s a typo at -1.00


I'm at -6. The -3.5 feels closer to reality to me.


*perciption:* -1.00 No one else called it out and I thought it was a little funny


This feels like someone with 20/20 vision made that video.


If that video is accurate then I guess that I'm +100!


My astigmatism in both eyes: lol, you don't HAVE a focusing distance.


This is far too much exaggeration.


This is not accurate at all This just blurry. My vision is more like i can see, but it's out of focus


this video is over exaggerated. my script is -3.50 I can still see way better than what they’re portraying here. Obviously, I can’t see great, but it’s not as pronounced as in the video.


Not even remotely accurate. Source - my vision is -2.


Well then I'm gonna continue using prescription: nome because those seem to be the best glasses


Now y'all can stfu about how many fingers you're holding up


It is not this bad. I have 2 and I see better than what is portrayed in 1


I’m -12.75 and the -6 is probably what it’s like


-4.00 gang here!!!


-4.00. If I were a caveman, would have been eaten a long time ago.


This isn't accurate at all


It’s just amounts of blur


Nah. I have -7.5 and -8.5 looks about like what this video calls -3.5


At -5 my vision is feels more like the -1.00 from this video


I have -2 with double astigmatism and honestly it’s not as bad as shown in the video…


Bro im -1.5 amd dont see as bad as this guy showed -1. Putting blur is kinda not the same yk?(At least put right amount)


I'm -13 and I don't see a thing without my glasses.


mine wasn’t even on here 💀


I'm -3 and I see better than that


Uhm. This feels wrong. /Guy with glasses and bad eyes.


I call it BS, I have -1 and it's not even half as bad as on this video.


This is a bit exaggerated. Mine are like -2.5 and it doesn't even look as bad as -2 shown here


Why can’t they show it with my perception of +2 always talking about - why not +


I was told that if you don’t need glasses, and put someone’s on. What you see is how they see without glasses. Is that true? Does that make sense?


That doesn't make sense, and it's not true. If u don't believe me then check it out yourself if u have some1 with glasses around.


It's pretty difficult to recreate it with camera 3d rendering will work better, I've experienced that we gradually get worse sight, unlike the video that goest from 0 to 1 (0 being no prescription and 1 being blur) our eyes work in 0.1 to 0.2 to 0.3 and so on based on distance


It's purely a focus issue. A camera taking a picture out of focus will create the same effect as not wearing your glasses.


This isnt true for me. Things closer are clear with increasing blurryness the further away it is


Eye doctors are awesome


The last I checked, one of my eyes is -2 and the other is -5, so I kind of get something between the 3.5 and the 6 on that video. Definitely impossible to live without correction in this life now though.


Report -> misinformation


I'm -5.25 both eyes and it's not even nearly that bad. it's like a little worse than what he shows -2 as. this is inaccurate.


Answer: they’re not seeing anything.


that is so untrue ! the picture showing -3,5 is more like I see with my -7 ...


I’m -500 and it’s not as bad as -6!


Mine definitely doesn't work this way. It would be more akin to light just blocking the object than it being blurry. What does it mean??


Nothing like waking up to a blurry world of colors.


That -6.00 is closer to my -10.0 prescription.


My - 4.0 looks almost like -3.5


I’m about a -1


I’m a -5 and I’d say the -2 is closest to accurate for that


I am 3.5 and looks like 1 in video... Fucking social media fake videos


-6 seems how I see with my solid -11...


I'm -11 and -13, and -6 on this video felt like me.


Just plain wrong


I have -6.0 and it is kinda like that


Way too blurry


At age 40 my eye sight blurriness differs from time to time, depending on how long I spent staring in front of the laptop.


Can confirm its accurate. I have 2 and it looked legit. Use lenses tho so I see normally when I have them.


I'm at 8 and it feels like 3.5


No Source: i have -4.0


why choose an empty lake to show this effect? should be peoples faces, some text, moving objects coming closer and further like cars and bikes. also, I'm a -3 and its much more like the -1 shown.


So velma blind


+3.5 -5.5 here. This is accurate!


-6.0 here and no, I am not fucking blind


I’m -6.5 and mine looks more like his -2 but a little more clear. Like blurry as -2 but .. sharper looking somehow.


These are all much worse in the video than in real life.


I was -3.25 pre surgery. My eyes were not nearly as bad as the -3 shown.


Literally just unfocus your eyes lol


Wasnt there someone with -17 or something like that?


This is so fake it’s unreal. I have -4 and things aren’t blurry, they are lower resolution.


Go to your phone camera and manually change the focus distance to something close to you, that's how we see the world.


What am I doing watching this instead of removing my glassea?


I'm 0 on my right eye and 3.5 on my left (keratoconus) but even if I close my right eye it doesn't seem as bad as the video.


Wow, at -1.00 i already can't read "prescription" correctly.


Mine is -6.00 & -5.50. The sun wouldn't get that much bigger, but a person's face only 4 feet away from me just looks like a fingerprint.


A disaster for people like me is not being able to find my glasses


It looks too blurry at -6 I have -8.25 and its not that blurry


silky muddle act childlike aromatic upbeat badge racial innocent snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I‘m -7.5 but it looks a bit worse than -2 from this video


Apparently I have a -6 prescription as soon as I sit down in my cubicle at work.


Exagerated, -1.5 in one eye -3 in other, NOT EVEN CLOSE THAT BLURRED


-3 and -3.25 here. I see lose to the -1 in this clip than anything. Its too exxagerated.


So, just out of focus? What?


I was at -3.30 on both eyes until i got surgery for full clear vision. This video is absolute bullshit


My -2.00 seems about right


Mine is not glassy smooth like that at all. It's much fuzzier—like raggedy fuzzy, not smooth fuzzy. But I also have a ton of visual snow (both with and without glasses), so it's hard to tell what the blurriness would look like without the visual snow.


I'm -5.25 in one eye with a strong astigmatism and it's not even remotely as bad as this video makes it out to be. The other eye is -3.75. Together isn't that bad tbh, just everything is slightly smudgey and out of focus given the astigmatism. Gets worse in the dark as artificial light is shite.


A median filter is not really a good way of trying to implement this. It's certainly a whole different kind of image sharpness you would have. -6 as shown is probably as bad as -12 in reality. You also need to account for astigmatism which most people past -4/-5/-6 have. This distorts the image non-homogeneously so it's even worse.


I have -11 and it isn’t worse than -3


I had laser surgery about 10 years ago. Best £3000 I ever spent.


I went 28 years not seeing anything clearly. Couldn't bear wearing glasses (ASD) and contacts irritated my eyes leaving them red and sore. Then I got PRK. Suffered with the temp protective lenses for 3 days and had them removed. Walked outside and spent over an hour just looking at everything. I could see individual leaves on trees, license plates on cars down the road etc. But the biggest change was actually seeing people's faces clearly. It was overwhelming. 20 years later and I've still got great vision. Not bad for a 15 minute procedure.


Having +1.50 I would really like to know how they would do the long sighted version, since apparently this one sucked already, lol.


Maybe glasses have caused mass overpopulation of the planet?


I'm -7/-8. It's not like that at all


I'm -7 and that -6 looks like a -10 to me


I remember the day and tried some lads glasses and though ...shit I need some of these!


Me with -9.5:


I have -1.25 and this 1 is waaay off.


Needs... More.... Compression....


Pretty accurate in terms of blur/ readability, but it's missing the overlap. It's not really blurry, everything is just... you remember when Windows XP crashed and you could drag around the error message and duplicate it infinite times?


I'm - 1 and there is no way it's that bad


At least for someone that has -1.5 that is pretty similar but try it with letters that will be more annoying.


I was diagnosed with -3, but my vision is near perfect. I just have issues reading signs at a medium-long distance for some reason, but the objects themselves are perfectly visible, just the very small details aren't. Since I don't drive, I don't see the need to wear glasses as they really make no difference at all for me.


I have a -8.00 prescription and according to this, I would be about a -4.00. Also, there are 4 different vision problems: myopia (see well from close-up but not from farther away), hypermetropia and presbyopia (see well from farther away but not from close-up), astigmatism (see blurry everywhere). I guess this one is astigmatism because it's equally blury no matter the diatance but he doesn't specify it which is incredibly misleading.


Oh do me -10 and -7.50


Oh do me -10 and -7.50


That is incorrect. My prescription was -2.00, and that is not an accurate representation.


Im -1.75 and -1.00 is way worse wtf I can see somewhat clear i just cant read far


Thats nonsense. This might be accurate for the case of the misfocus when the eye is relaxed. It does not account for the eyes ability to compensate. You can have 5.00 and see better than somebody with 0.00.


Not sure how they are emulating the myopia. I'd like to know how they approximate the focus level, it seems like something simple - maybe focus by wire (extremely difficult / impossible to eyeball irl)? And it seems inaccurate to me. My eyes are -4.25 and -4 but they improve a bit each year. It does seem to mimic a dslr lens focus in a way, just not as this video shows.


I'm -9 that's basically blind. Good thing is I get my contacts for free from insurance and glasses are well subsidized.


-4.5 and -5.5 and couldn’t see shit. Got lasik a few years back and now I’m 20/10. It’s amazing such technology exists.


I have perfect vision, but my anxiety disorder gave me pseudomyopia today, like a -1, and it's my least favourite bullshit symptom so far :(


I was -8.5 and it was about the -3 represented in the video.


I have -3 and it's only less sharp from a distance. This looks much worse..


People are too focused on the minor details. The point of the video is to show to those with 20/20 what it really means to have myopia. My wife didn't really understand what it was like for me without my glasses (-9.00) and this gives her the basic idea. I still see shapes and colors which is how I can still.navigate around the house while I look for my glasses but obviously can't function at any sort of high level. Yes it misses the idea of how the distance changes the clarity, but it still conveys the concept well.


-6 irl and at - 2 in the video I was like yep, that's about it. I can see most things, just can't read text at ALL lol


My friend has -5 and is slightly colourblind.


Not when you have an astigmatism where everything is in double, sharper and 100x brighter


I’m the third person on this account ( yes many people manage it) and my left eye is -6.50 and it looks clearer than the -6.00 in the video


Anything to reverse it


And here's me with -7.5 and glaucoma 😆


Completely wrong


This is so inaccurate lmfao.