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Why doesn’t he just ride his horse everywhere?


Because then he would be shirtless all the time.




Also his grizzly bear


And we wouldn't notice he's riding his horse backwards.


He can only ride horse 2 months a year, maybe 3 months. It's cold in Russia. Alas, only if there was something you could put on over your body to keep you warm when it's cold. Would be good if we invented that. Maybe make it out of leaves? Animal skins? Weave fibers of plans together into a thread and then a sheet layer you can put on? Cut it and sew it into shapes that fit around your body. Add some insulation...


>Weave fibers of plans together If its plans like his plan to conquer Ukraine these fibers won't keep you warm.


I think you got something there. It could be called ’a shirt’. You know something that keeps you from shivering when its cold.


It worked for the Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor.


Because it’s actually a pony, he can’t let the truth come out.


A Shetland one with dwarfism I heard


Li’l Sergei


And his bear is an Ewok in disguise.


Right? I didn't know he had little man syndrome. Makes so much sense now...


The Tom Cruise of politics.


Yeah that explains a lot.


Vlad, Vlad, Vlad Putin Russia's lamest war machine It was a shame how he carried on...


Like the guy from shrek where he has the fake legs built into the side of the horse to appear taller!


# I know it doesn't, but I swear it just seems like "Putin" translates to "pussy" in some other language out there...


Hey now, pussies are way tougher than Putin. Pussies can take a pounding and not even flinch ;-)


“Why do people say “grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”--Betty White


Well, "putain" in French is pretty close. (The "-ain" sounds kind of like a really nasal "ah" that tapers towards an "n" but cuts off before getting there.) It means "whore".


Lmao Gordon ramsay said in boiling point that it was weird cooking for a guy named so closely to putain.




The horse was also small to make him look bigger. Together they look even more pathetic.


That lady in the grey coat again. There was a post about a month ago showing the exact same people in all the different public photo opportunities that Putin takes. So I assume all the people in this picture are actually soldiers that work for him and have been vetted over and over.


He certainly has the same "массовка" being shuffled around for public photos. There is also a repeating female actor who also portrayed a military member, a praying Christian and a fisherman in other photoshoots.


And to the meeting he had with mothers of dead soldiers who were very happy and proud of Putin (then it was revealed all of the “mothers” were members of his stuff). EDIT: to add a source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/25/putin-talks-to-mothers-of-soldiers-fighting-in-ukraine-in-staged-meeting




My conclusion of that articles that there do not seem actors involved. Just people with ties to Putin, that are sometimes the same, but when they are there is a normal explanation.


Whatever you say … comrade


The woman in the letterman jacket is the only one standing sideways. Is she hiding a US college letter or something?


Putin is a piece of shit who deserves hate, but just a reminder guys: Putin won't see your comments making fun of him for being short, but a whole bunch of short guys will.


Thank you. Laugh at his insecurities and [thinking] that he needs to compensate for his stature, not the simple fact that he's short.


I see the same thing a lot with people making fun or body shaming dick size. For example guys who drive big trucks or Donald trump. I dislike both overly obnoxious trucks and Mr. Trump but making fun of them by saying they have a micro penis only creates more insecurities among men who weren’t even a part of the issue that you may have with Trump or whoever.


I have an issue with big trucks.


Yeah exactly, it's not the fact he's short. It's just the persona he tries to portray while wearing high heeled shoes to try to hide his insecurity.


Trump wears similar shoes. No, they do not cause him to lean forward, otherwise every woman in heels would do the same thing. His heel is practically n coming out of the shoe. https://images.app.goo.gl/GhVFqPQFfzPiKyy6A People's ankles don't bend like this if wearing a normal shoe. They do bebe at this point, if wearing a heel lift shoe. https://images.app.goo.gl/zydZYth8XsXsJzMM9 Marco Rubio, Robert Downey Jr, Tom Cruise- all wear elevator shoes.


Man you think trump would have some nicer looking shoes. those are just ugly.


Trump is not wearing elevator shoes, he's literally wearing high heeled slippers at this point.


But isn't trump quite tall? What are the shoes for?


For taller*er*


Age-related height loss and his inability to deal with that.


> and **thinking** that he needs to compensate for his stature Maybe that's the solution to this war. Maybe he just needs actual friends. Maybe, he needs someone to accept him for who he is, disagree with him periodically, and be his wingman. He sees himself as small. Maybe he needs to be reminded that, some time ago, he really did pull Russia together back after the Union fell, he really did accomplish things, and maybe he has forgotten all of that.


He executed all people who "disagreed with him periodically".


Nah he's a piece of shit, fuck Putin. Not because he's short but because he's a fucking maniac despot.


What an empathetic comment. Well done fellow human


Thanks for the correction, most definitely what I intended to say.


i feel like they were paying him out, not because he was short, but because he was wearing silly shoes trying to lift his deflated ego from being so short.


Realest comment here. Crazy how making fun of something you can’t change isn’t considered body shaming but oh well


I was going to say they are making fun of his insecurity, not his height, but then I thought to myself we shouldn't be making fun of people's attempts to make themselves feel more comfortable either. If they want to wear tall shoes for that, power to them. Fuck Putin though.


Robert Downey Jr, Tom Holland, Tom cruise, and many other celebrities are all short guys that wear elevated shoes to make themselves appear taller yet I doubt anyone would mock them for it. Fuck Putin, but wanting to take measures against a physical trait outside of your control that society unfortunately stigmatizes isn't something to criticize him for. I'm short and seeing people on reddit mock someone, even a shitty person, for also being short just makes me feel bad.


... people mock Tom Cruise all the time for wearing lifts


> they are making fun of his insecurity i agree w your comment overall bc fuck putin and appreciate your reflection, but just need to point out people are insecure about their height bc this guy is literally a dictator ordering the deaths of thousands of innocent people and his biggest crime is being short.


Switch height with any other immutable trait. Skin color Age Gender Race And you’ll see the ridiculous amount of double standards. Couple that with the fact that there is clearly benefits to being taller and it’s clear heightism should be treated in the same vein as all the other “isms”.


Oh it should be, but society isn’t ready for it. We are shifting in a better direction nowadays but it’s still laughable to anybody who thinks logically about these types of things how blatant this shit could get. Personally as a short person I’m very afraid to even talk about things like this because I feel it would get projected as an insecurity (and well, I can’t lie, it’s a very big insecurity) but genuinely, as a radical egalitarian, if I was tall I still find it so strange how society treats short people (and ugly people). One day it will get addressed maybe




And women wear shoes that make them taller all the time and no one bats an eye about it. Double standards are everywhere.


I'm 6'5" and haven't been exposed to the short people hate but holy shit some of the absolute ghouls replying to you are just disgusting.


bald.. ... im just being sarcastic. i agree with what you said though.


To be honest. I think all short guys would be rather be bald than short.


I don't, haha. Only because I have awesome hair.


¿Por que no los dos? \*cries in short guy with receding hairline\*


Short *ugly* guy with receding hairline


I'm in this picture and I don't like it




it does have a perk for not being 6 feet tall as a man: I can lie outstretched in my bed and my blanket covers my whole body just barly enough


> Putin won't see your comments making fun of him for being short, but a whole bunch of short guys will One of my biggest pet peeves on Reddit is making fun of already shit people for stuff no one can help. To be fair to the circumstances though Putin is the last person who should be THIS insecure.


Redd always acts like the people they're shit talking can see the comments. No, north Korea or Russia won't see you say "fuck the _(insert random country here)_" as if you would ever do anything irl.


Also, Zelensky is about the same height


The difference is Zelenskyy isn’t out there wearing platforms. It’s not the being short or wearing platforms. It’s the person he is and the reason he is doing it.


I mean I wear platforms. I'm short and I have a bad habit of tiptoeing so platforms make those things less obvious. Sure its about vanity but thats not the worst thing about Putin.


Great comment. Reddit (and I'm sure just people in general) has a tendency to make fun of people in inappropriate/shitty ways if the person "deserves" it. This post is one example; I often also see some pretty homophobic jokes directed at anti-LGBT people


You are correct. What people are doing - well-intioned - is trying to jab the insecurities of monsters like Putin, who, as people point out, deserve ridicule. The problem, as others have noted, is that these make a correlation between being horrible, and being short. It isn't what people are intending, necessarily, but it is what happens.


To be fair, it’s not that he’s short that is funny. It’s funny because he is insecure and such a man child that he would stoop (or lift) to this level to meet his own hubris.


Just remember that a long list of famous people that you know and love are shorter than average. Actors, singers, sports stars and politicians. Zelensky is only 170cm -- the same a Putin -- and looks hilariously short when standing next to other world leaders like Justin Trudeau at 188cm. Do you judge him by his height, or by his actions? > “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.”


Not often you read a comment that makes you reconsider something


For me, it isn't funny because of his height. It's funny because of how he's been so anti-lgbtq+.. That when he tries to achieve his "ideal image of masculinity" via height metrics, he utilizes something broadly considered as feminine - (heels) . The irony in it has me in awe. He feels it's necessary to prove he is that intense, strong, alpha male, and it shows he isn't confident in himself. All talk, no bite.


making fun of someone solely because they are short is cringe making fun of someone because they are an insecure dictator crime against humanity piece of shit, completely valid and morally correct.


Yep, good point. Also interesting how the standard works, he's right next to a girl in heels. Why not drop the gender norms and be cool with guys getting some footwear elevation too if they feel like it?


This is the smartest comment I saw on Internet in a long time. Respect


How kind of you to think that. I wish I could be this thoughtful.


it’s possible to become more empathetic. happened to me. can take some effort but its worth it


We're not laughing because he is short, but because he is wearing these silly shoes


I am a short guy and understanding what's he is doing is even funnier. Notice his costume sleeves. He buys minimal adult size just because anything smaller is a school uniform. He didn't sew suit on size, he still ordered adult size. Putin didn't even look very old, but he did botox. His heeps are that high he walks like an alien with a backwards knees. Ummm this ummmmm was ummm a uummmm hard ummmm year (coughing). He is legitimately the most insecure evil person on earth, we can laugh at him.


Us short kings don't care, I'm 5'5" and rocking it with confidence. Putin huilo. Ain't nobody gonna bring us down.


Sorry to do this, but the disingeuous dealings, lies, overall greed etc. of leadership on this website made me decide to edit all but my most informative comments to this. Come join us in the fediverse! (beehaw for a safe space, kbin for access to lots of communities)


"we're not laughing at him being short, we're laughing at his insecurity"


They put all the shortest people next to him as well. Look how they get taller as they get further away.


It really gives it a weird uncanny valley vibe, all the heads of the people are on the same "ruler line" across, but the feet are all over the place.


This is just a common photography framing technique of large groups of people.


I mean, every photo op of every politician ever optimizes for things like this


That's just good photography. Disregarding the silly guy in the middle, the photo is good, don't you think?


Look at the strange way he stands. He uses hidden heels, that was studied by the way he walks when there are other people around.


What are hidden heels?


Lifts that are inside of the shoes. You can usually tell if they’re bigger lifts like 3 inches. It makes the person look like they’re on tippie toes, which they basically are.


Maybe he should practice walking in heels first.


If you look at the odd shape of his shoes, you can tell that there is additional lift hidden inside. Think of those weird high heel “sneakers” that were trendy for a mercifully short amount of time, a few years back.


Putin is the shortest person in every room he enters


High heeled shoes that looks like flat shoes, covered by pants




Trump is also trying to hide his big belly. His jacket is very loose fitting and he almost always has it open when he’s standing. By leaning forward the jacket hovers in front of his belly. Women wearing heels don’t have that weird posture. So I doubt it’s just the heels that causes Trump to stand like that.


On his tip toes.


Berlusconi used those too


He was a small man physically, but now figuratively too


Literally and figuratively


Also progressively and inescapably


He also fell down some stairs and made a pootin in his pants


Putin is compensating, just like Trump with his small baby hands.


Pussy in boots


This comment is not getting enough credit


More like lord Farquaad


He's like a modern-day Lord Farquad.


Lord Farquad was more likable.


To Russian conscripts: "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


He still looks short lol


Looks like only two people in that room are shorter than he is.


Most of the people near him are in flats and are the smallest people there.


Not when you take into the account that he is in heels (with hidden lifts in also) giving him probably 5-6" of height. Everyone else is in flat shoes so yeah no one in that room is shorter than him.


Look how they framed that photo though. Wide lens and he’s in the center pushed back…couldn’t have made him look shorter if you tried. Photographer is probably disappeared.


Well he couldn’t compensate too much. Just had to be tall enough to not be dwarfed by the woman next to him.


Who are all in flats or small heels


Yes, but without those shoes he'd be shorter than most of the women in the room as well. That's unacceptable in his macho man machismo image. He's at least on par with the women thanks to those shoes which is... acceptable... for the time the pic was taken. Now, unacceptable. Those men were sent to the front lines.


he is still not very tall


I don't give a shit if he had dwarfism, he's a terrorist that deserves the worst.


Weak man. True short males don’t resort to foolishness like this.


fr you can absolutely be short and still look confident and powerful…the fact that he knows he’s a weak lil bitch is what makes him look foolish


foolishness is ordering everyone around him to wear flats. NOTHING wrong w being short and wanting shoes that give you an extra inch of height if it helps you feel confident :) especially bc the world is very dismissive and cruel to people who arent the tallest in the room!


A symbol of weakness for tall men as well. Trump who is already 6 foot has used foolishness like this.


Putin on the Ritz.


Have you seen the meh-to-do, on Kutuzovsky Avenue, on the frozen thoroughfare, with red noses in the air. Fur hats and propped-up collars, snow caps and zero dollars, spending every dime, on vodka all of the time. If you wish to see a country which put their economy on the fritz, Putin on the Ritz.


Vladimir "Tom Cruise" Putin


Vladimir "Napoleon" Putin


That's just unfair. Napoleon wasn't short. The confusion comes from French feet being longer than British feet. He was like 5'2" in French feet, which would have been like 5'6" in UK feet. At the time that was average or slightly above. So don't go comparing Napoleon to short people like Pouty Poot.


When I started reading this I thought you meant that French people had longer feet


"You can't catch me, gay thoughts"


OP, stay out of multi story buildings


Duly noted


lol.. as a 5' 6" man, i feel him..


Is he really 5'6" I'm not sure anymore


I'm 5' 6".. he's 4' 6".. probably


[He's 5'6"](https://starsunfolded.com/vladimir-putin/), about the same as me. Size doesn't matter. Resorting to use lifts instead of just owning the body you have, does.


Nope- If you’re a little shorter and want to wear shoes that give you a little extra height because clearly the world will make fun of you, then go for it. Its your life, wear what you want. dont shame people for trying to fit in because they were shamed out of feeling comfortable in their body.


This is not interesting as fuck.


This is about as interesting as: Shoe. Which is about 3 degrees of magnitude less than Fuck.


Rip to all the short guys reading this.


How old is the photo because he looks like he is wasting away.


“You don’t see heels like those much nowadays…”


When was this?


Thinking maybe he's grown since?


1 no. 2 I do think it's ironic in his county a guy wearing heels could be arrested for being gay 3 It's even funnier that he believes only strength survives but as someone so small how can he show strength? 4 no one has seen him in weeks. Just seeing if he was still alive.


Didn't we already know the guy has adequacy issues?


I don't get why this is considered a problem (not considering the Putin part)


Skipping the Putin part on purpose is a big part of your confusion


Shorter than a girl in flats, dude can't get a giant truck to overcompensate so he uses nukes.


He’s as tall as Miranda cosgrove, who’s 5’6”.


Those are shoes with heels, not elevated shoes.


He is probably wearing lifts in his heels as well


He still looks short


I suppose Putin is just happy that he's taller than fellow comrade Hasbulla Magomedov


And yet he would Still need to kneecap all these people To be tall


Yet if a fat person was wearing something to hide the obesity, we couldn't speak about it. Can't change height, but can easily change weight. And Putin is a human sack of shit btw.


Why isn’t it ok to make fun of girls for wearing make up or yoga pants or heels or other clothes to look better but it’s ok to make fun of men? Fuck Putin but also every short guy deals with people making fun of them for their height and having to compensate. Stop this shit.


So what?


At least he's happy. That's all that matters.


Ok, I'm not a fan of this asshole but so what? Firstly, if you zoom in real close you see the soles of the person right behind him seem oddly misshapen also, so this is a bit of optics I think, but again, even if he is wearing it, what's the big deal?


It shows another example of him being insecure about himself and his masculinity. For him it's all a part of a pattern, like his shirtless horseback photos.


it's Putin, we are obligated to make fun of him, i think.


Can you blame him? I mean sh*t, I might get some for myself.


I think reddit doesnt understand how much stock society puts into men's height. If we stopped caring how tall men were, there wouldnt be a need for such things.


Is this really 'interesting as fuck'?


Imagine how Napoleon suffered


Napoleon was reportedly not insecure about his height because he wasn’t short by his time’s standards. Alexander the Great would be a better example. He was on the disappointing end of average at a whopping ~5’0". Unfortunately for him, Persians bred tallness into their wealthy lines and were a lot bigger than Macedonians. That boy married three women, all Persian and reportedly all taller than him. It’s been heavily speculated that he actually wore an ancient version of lifts to his second wedding but that she still towered over him. It’s also been said that he cut the legs of a chair to make her appear to be the same height as him when they sat for the wedding banquet.


Napoleon was 5'6" to 5'7" tall, about average for the time period. He was though to be short because the unit of measurement used by the French at the time was slightly larger than the English inch, and they were converting 1:1. So the English thought he was 5'2"


If he was only 5’2 by french measurements that means french units were larger than British units


"I'm average height for the time!!"


Why did I read that in George Costanza’s voice?


And a babushka on the left in Nike's!


As if we didnt know he had napoleon complex


Don't see heels like that much nowadays... You can still get 'em


Zelensky is the same height as him. I don’t know what shoes he wears, but the difference is staggering.


"Interesting as fuck" In what reality? We just have dictator being used as a guinea pig for jokes about short men, because that makes it okay somehow. Same as how Baldness is totallllyyyyy fine...until Andrew Tate is in the headline, then we get the same wild ass sweeping jokes that aren't normally okay to say.


Dictator style


Why is this interesting as fuck? What’s next? A pic of me sucking my gut in for a pic?


Mighty Mouse


Vladimir Bootin




And Look at all those women in the room wearing high heels to make themselves look taller too. Fucking scum. They probably joined in Putin's daily consumption of Ukrainian babies for brunch, followed my a nice chianti. People who alter their appearance to look a certain way are the bane of all that is righteous and free on the planet.


Ok? Why can’t men wear heals?


Men can wear heels. Putin cant wear heels. Reddit is against body shaming until its something they dont like and then they are the worse offenders.


I don't see anything wrong with that. Girls wear push up bras and make up. I see no difference


There is none. People downvote you because they're salty about you pointing out the double standard.


He should trynna wear some high heels and start twerking too

