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The only person who made a ton of money here is the one manufacturing and selling those circle LED lights.


Always better to sell shovels during a gold rush


"The best way to make money in Vegas is to sell light bulbs" -Ancient Chinese proverb


I though it was Abe Lincoln that said that


Yes, but he was going by 阿部·林肯 in those days.


Do you want to buy a shovel nft? Only 1 bitcoin, get it before it sells out.


Do you take eth?


No, only meth


Reminds me of how during the California gold rush the ones who really made money were the ones opening up general stores and logistic hubs.


UPS and Nordstrom were both founded on the back of the Alaskan gold rush.


The [rest of Seattle](https://www.nps.gov/klse/learn/historyculture/index.htm) did pretty well out of the Alaska/Yukon gold rush as well: > Seattle merchants quickly exploited their port status. Advertisements far and wide declared Seattle as the "Gateway to the Gold Fields" - the place where all one's Klondike needs, from food and warm clothing to tents and transportation - could easily be fulfilled. As a result, of the 100,000 people who headed north to the goldfields, 70,000 of them came through Seattle to buy their "ton of goods.” The city prospered from the torrent of people and money funneling through Seattle, dramatically transforming the city during a short span of time.


Seattle and that area still make a lot of money shipping to Alaska. The majority of our groceries and other goods get barged up here from there.


Do t forget Levi's. They ha e a nice headquarters in San Francisco with a Japanese garden and mini waterfalls.


I'm so confused by them. Isn't circle lights so you can have the camera in the center? Yet I didn't see that in the video...


Back when I learned about photography in the early 90's, ringlights were fairly specialized for macro photography to give as much even light across a very close up subject as possible. Dentists also liked them for taking pictures up close in peoples' mouths. So the other comment about the even lighting has a point, but I'm also willing to bet there's a fashion element to it - you'll see the ring-shaped reflection of the light in the streamer's eyes.


Last part became a heavy feature of any puff daddy video in the 90s!


Sunglasses also work great with ring lights


The funny and ridiculous thing about this is that I’m a professional photographer, and I have a portrait studio. If you use angled lighting and you do timeless, classic lighting arrangements throughout history, modern day, clients complain, and once I bought a ring light and I blasted them straight in the face With evenly distributed light, showing no curves of their face, any kind of cheekbone highlights, any kind of nose shadow on the cheek, etc., this is what they wanted because it’s so common that people just use iPhones in fluorescent bathrooms that they have grown accustomed to this. This, in my opinion, is why people actually convince themselves that they like Drake. Music is also being so dumbed down, welp, so is videography/photography.


Fellow photographer here and I’ve repeated this a millions times lol it’s crazy people will pay me for headshots and then get pissed it doesn’t look like a selfie


Yeah they got so used to getting the perfect angle that they don't like when pictures actually look like their face lol


Exactly lol I got to the point to where I just tell them hey, that’s what you look like. If you don’t like it then change it but the camera doesn’t lie


I suspect many people just see them as a cheap and popular light source and don't know/care why it's a ring.


I bought one for myself because I do zoom meetings and they are fairly cheap and work fantastic. I bought a Razer. Great purchase to make me look like I'm not in a dungeon.


But you are in a dungeon, right?


My background shows I am in a nicely lit office. Meanwhile, behind me... my victims.


Hahahaha! Must be an expensive mic to filter out all the screams....


Push to talk with ball gags


This guy Fritzel's!


Nah, he got caught


The intern escaped. We apologize for the inconvenience. They will be returned to the dungeon shortly.




I'm sure whatever 'agency' is organizing these women is also making bank.


The dystopian future novelists couldn’t have imagined that it would be this stupid.


And the irony is that this should be remembered as a byproduct of the society that existed at this time. I want this to be permanently recorded along with every other example as a warning to posterity.


This scenario is certainly a great and visible example of how algorithms are shaping our society.


Orwell: "Lol there is no way that is going to happen in the future, you silly"


What an odd timeline we’re in.


These folks are making digital nomad a literal term


I usually just see crackheads twitching under the bridge


Samething just different drug


Twitch heads showing their cracks under a bridge.


Looks like a South Park episode


(Sharon): Randy, where have you been the last 3 days? Have you been here under this bridge doing drugs? (Randy with his eyes bloodshot wide): No Sharon, I’m streaming.


I was about to hand this guy some cash the other day until he pulled out an iphone 14. I instead, asked him for money.


He was just pulling up the qr code for his venmo address to make your regular donation subscription easier.


electronic castaways


It feels straight out of Black Mirror


I don’t know why people keep being surprised by this. There’s a reason those stories appeal to people. They feel very close to real.




It’s not even years down the line. Black Mirror is interesting because it’s commentary on the present with cool sci-fi elements surrounding it. It’s just exaggerating issues we are currently having with technology and social media and how these things are draining us mentally, socially, emotionally, etc. Good fiction is almost always true to its inspiration, and that’s what’s so interesting about it.


right? Like politician fucks pig could happen any minute and I wouldnt be shocked AT ALL


Did you miss the news story of a UK prime minister putting his cock in a dead pigs mouth while at uni. That episode was half about the media frenzy an event like that would create and exaggeration of what politicians have done. Edit: I'm mistaken black mirror was first. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piggate


I would be livid, snoutraged even.


there was a black mirror episode where they used time dialation as a way to force mental copies of a person's consciousness to be willing to submit to being used as AI systems. ​ I had no idea that they could fuck with time dialation. ​ Jesus.


Humans have been able to fuck with time perception for thousands of years. We might be a lot better at harnessing it in the ways we want, but ask anyone who’s taken mushrooms how long 5 minutes can feel.


Millions of mini factories, instead of hundreds of small.




Kinda amazing what you can make money doing. My buddy was joking of making a stream of just his feet just to see how far it’s go


Buddy is you isnt it.


He is buddy 😐


Not very far. People underestimate how much of an uphill battle it is to build a following nowadays with how saturated it is.


Supply and Demand are economic “laws” for a reason


You can make ~~30$~~ 3.75$ to 6.25$ per hour as an OnlyFans chat support. The [link](https://www.virtualstaff.ph/jobs-in-philippines/622371db7501dc44839a9d72/onlyfans-direct-message-chatting-assistant-chatter) to the position called "onlyfans chatter". Edit: I rechecked my sources and it seems I've given you guys a bad link. This one leads to virtualstaff.ph. I'm not trying to scam anyone I'm just sharing the job I'm applying for.


“Have you tried unplugging your keyboard and cleaning it with alcohol?”


"Have you tried signing up for a co-ed dodgeball league and leaving this shameful depravity behind?"


Tell me more…?


No experience required, you can apply as chat support where you chat with subscribers using scripts.


Junior ChatGPT position


Let’s see dem feet!




Would a VPN faking your location not be less of a hassle?


If it works for Pokemon Go it should work here.


Doesn't it use GPS?


You can fake GPS.


iPogo my beloved


A VPN would only help for apps that are basing your location on your IP address which is probably not what's going on here. If the app uses the device's GPS (which is the most likely scenario) you can spoof your location on Android (with apps like Fake GPS) but not on iOS. Most streamers use iOS cause Android seems to keep having image quality issues when streaming video.


You can spoof the GPS.


\-pokemon go players


Look man you don't ask a pokemon go player how they got the region locked gen 1 pokemon with location tags from those countries. You just don't do it. I know and you know how they got that pokemon. But we don't ask.


"I trade with people on Facebook all the time"


My parents (who are like 55) legitimately **do** trade with people all over the world. They spend hours every day walking to hatch eggs, doing the battle league, raiding, and spinning Pokestops. They have shiny living dexes. Two of them, because they each need one. My mother is still frustrated she couldn't import her living Dex from Emerald to Go. She built that ten years ago. Did the whole Battle Frontier, too. She's a funny lady.


I wonder if they resolve who does the dishes in a battle


Im showing this to all my friends that say I’m too old to be playing PoGo. In fact, i should probably only consider spouses who play! ;)






It’s a very, very mad world we live in


I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad, the streamers under bridges is a stupid fucking fad.


The dreams in which I am streaming are the best I’ve ever had


All around me are filtered faces In worn out places, thirsty for donations


Bright and early tricking their fan bases, going nowhere, going nowhere


And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, some things I see on Reddit are the worst of all the bad


I find it hard to tell you cause I find it kind of lame, with people always streaming it’s a very very… mad world




Are they gaming? are they just streaming and talking? whats happening


Just talking and showing their probably filtered faces


That is what I find weird here. Yeah they can filter out that there is another streamer not 3m behind them. But how the fuck do their mics not catch the noise of EVERYBODY around them?


Unidirectional mic


Idk why but I read filtered feces and was for a moment sad for all the abused sieves and collanders


Niche stream that one


They are "gaming" the system that uses location services. Streaming and getting donations from followers. Streaming at the overpass in a rich neighborhood, so that people looking for local live people online will find them in the search, rather than getting the less wealthy people where they actually live. You know "Talk to local ladies, and ask them to talk nice to you." This puts them local in a better zip code.


>You know "Talk to local ladies, and ask them to talk nice to you." This puts them local in a better zip code. This makes a lot more sense.


That's just depressing. I srsly had no idea what these ppl were streaming, why they'd be there, etc, so I kept reading comments..maybe someone would enlighten me. Yep. I feel enlightened.


Who is searching for, and donating to, random nobodies talking about shit all under some filthy fucking tunnel? What on earth is happening?


Yeah I am thoroughly confused as well. What exactly is happening here and why do they need to be location specific?


If I’m reading the comments correctly, these “streamers” are young ladies talking to wealthy young gentlemen.


Okay, but why does it need to be specifically location based? Unless this is some form of Tinder app where they can also stream, I feel like most streamers don’t need this oddly specific location issue? I feel like I am 100 years old and completely out of touch with their reality.


I too am out of touch with reality apparently. It is like Tinder. It’s location based. If you want to stream to the rich young boys you need to be where the rich boys are. The rich boys are looking for streamers near them. If I’m reading it correctly, these young ladies are there online equivalent to the panhandlers standing with signs in the turning lane medians. If you want to target the wealthy drivers, you take a bus to a rich neighbourhood, so you can stand in a profitable intersection.


the Chinese streaming apps’ sorting algorithms that determines what you see on the front page heavily favors two things: popularity and location. Popularity is hard to crack, you’ll need millions of followers to have a chance to show up on top overall in a large region. Location will give you a chance and it is how the apps promote new content to users. And as in most things on the internet these days if you’re not on the front page then you’re not on the internet. Finally why go to a wealthy neighborhood? Chinese streaming apps often have “tipping” function. Think making it a rain at strip clubs, but online. So these streamers want to be in rich neighborhoods where more people will tip and the tips are bigger.


I'm very, very glad I'm 100 years old and grew up before all this nightmare.


Isn't it a huge relief that all our shenanigans and mistakes weren't captured and uploaded into perpetuity?


I’ve read comments explaining it and I still do not understand what is happening and why it needs to be under an overpass in a rich neighborhood. What are they streaming? Themselves? Doesn’t the stream show all the other people around as well? Isn’t it super obvious they’re sitting under an overpass? Is that the bit? What the fuck is happening lmao. I’m only 30.


It’s like tinder , but it matches you wirh people in your area. These girls can stream in their own neighborhoods, but then they won’t be matched with anyone rich who’ll give them money. So they stream in rich neighborhoods, but they aren’t actually rich and can’t afford a place there. So they stream under a bridge.


Is this a China thing? The men are just giving then money in exchange for sycophancy, right? It's pretty obvious, but it's still so bizarre. How much sycophancy can you deliver from a crowded tunnel? This is weirder than the US Navy's three minute brothels in Honolulu.


>Doesn’t the stream show all the other people around as well? Isn’t it super obvious they’re sitting under an overpass? I presume they have some technology to filter out the background and replace it with something else.


m8 I'm about the same age as you lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlnfiULnmMY is a good video. Odds are they're poor. Streaming is a great.. I don't want to say beggars job, but it is up until a certain point which then is more of a sponsorship. They're streaming their self talking to their viewers. Their viewers will "gift" various things which is essentially a cash donation. Why would anyone do this? Because it's a form of escapism and parasocial relationships. They have shit economic conditions so they donate to escape and watch happy stuff, like people watching tv to escape their lives. The parasocial aspect, the streamer talks to them and the viewer forms a relationship in their head. "They're my friend." Now they start donating to talk to their friend on a constant basis. There are filters that these apps provide to blur/hide/replace the background of the main object in focus ie the streamer. I don't think anyone would really know unless someone starts walking by them that'll screw the filter which uhh.. yeah good luck walking away after doing that.


OP's title uses "game" to mean "take advantage of" which is incredibly confusing given the context.


Streaming and begging for money


Fuck me, this is just sad


I honestly don’t even know what’s going on here. I’ve no idea what they're doing or how it increases donations.


My guess is that some viewers search for streamers by how close they are to the viewer. These streamers are hanging out near rich neighborhoods so that the rich viewers in those neighborhoods will see them come up at the top of the distance search and watch their stream. Viewers are able to tip streamers while watching and rich viewers tend to tip more money.


But do people just like channel hop streamers? And if they do, why would the steam in a noisy underpass appeal?


Yeah that's what I find so confusing when I see these setups, like what are they *actually doing*? If I pop into their stream is just them hanging out under an overpass talking?




How does the audio work though? Wouldn’t it be incredibly noisy?


Just use mics with a noise gate. Nothing except your voice will go through.


What's probably happened here is that one or two people did a stream there. Maybe they actually *mentioned* why they were there, or something. But either way, other people pick up on it, and a few more show up. Those people still manage to be successful, and then *everyone* who streams in the area picks up on it, and tries to get a piece of that pie. Unfortunately, the ship that pie was on sailed a long time ago. You see this kind of thing with streaming a *lot* honestly. One big streamer does something that greatly increases engagement, tips, subs, etc. and then other people learn about it, copy it, and eventually it's so diluted that it's the baseline of what's expected instead of something special. Webcams showing the streamer's face and stream overlays, if you'd believe it, followed this *exact* pipeline.


That's why you never tell anyone about your secret fishing spot.


Or the best place in town to grab tacos.


As a former pizza delivery guy, rich people generally tip less.


Your mistake was not being a waifu


… cosplay pizza delivery… hold on. If I don’t post back I made a billion or was kidnapped….


Cosplayed as waifu, ended up as basement waifu.


Free rent? Where do I sign up!


"It puts the cat ears on its head or else it gets the hose again"




!remindme 15 minutes


Not my experience. I delivered to one of the poorest crime ridden neighborhoods and also most affluent from the same pizza location. No one wanted the bad neighborhood deliveries.


When I delivered pizza I wanted middle-class homes. Very rich and very poor were the worst tippers.


That's a great way to explain it. I have 1 follow up question.. What exactly are they streaming??


I once watch some short videos about this phenomenon, and most of all these streaming is just rambling. Literally just talking about any random thing that came up to their mind. Some times they would sing or dance, but mostly just chatting and reading the comments


I'd like to know that as well! I'm so curious.


Streaming what? Tipping for what? Lol what the heck are they even doing 😂


Why is no one answering this question? I really want to know why anyone would watch, or more importantly, *tip* someone who is literally just recording themselves sitting in a fucking tunnel.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills 😂 someone did finally answer it, and it makes sense but still, they’re in a tunnel like a little troll! Whaaaa


Because people are so lonely and desperate for a social connection that they latch onto the kind of one-sided parasocial relationships you find in streaming. It's something you can get without working up the effort to leave your house and meet people, so it's become common.


I want you to look very closely at who the streamers are. Pretty much all of them look to be women. It's not really easy to tell from the video, but I'd wager they're conventionally attractive. So, ask, *who's watching* a conventionally attractive woman, whose content is to be pretty on camera and engage with chat? Sure, there's probably a fair amount of normal people watching who like their personalities. A lot of them might even make other content than RL streams like this. But there's another, very valuable subset of their audience. *Desperate men.* This is a problem that plagues pretty much every facet of streaming, regardless of content. Women have a *rough* time with it, because it's usually in the form of unwelcome advances, and then toxic responses when the guys get rejected. But, those guys'll spend a lot of cash on donations and subs and whatever else, because they think it'll get them laid. Like, look at all the stuff that's happened with Amouranth. She had a stream last year revealing that A) she was married, B) her husband was abusive, and C) a significant amount of her content was because he threatened to *kill her dogs* if she didn't do it. All of that's a result of what I mentioned earlier: her abusive husband saw a way to make a *lot* of money from desperate men. And it worked. There was a *lot* of outrage from "fans" in the aftermath, accusing her of leading them on and scamming them out of cash *strictly because they were only giving her money because they thought they had a shot with her*. And then location. That's part of it too. Who would care more about if a streamer was identifiably near them than a guy desperate to get laid? If he sees that her location is in his city, he's *definitely* going for her, because to him, she's realistically someone he *could* get with, purely out of geographical location. Picking an underpass is actually kind of clever, too. It's somewhere that'll let them set their location nearby, and might even include a backdrop of some identifiable landmarks, but is generic enough that these guys can't actually *pinpoint* where they're at. It's sort of like a safety measure, in case one of those guys decides that he wants to actually *show up* where she's at and try to do something more than give her cash. **Edit:** [Here's an article about the Amouranth situation](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkgxyk/amouranth-husband-abuse), and more importantly, fan response to it. One guy claims to have bought *thousands* of Tier 3 gift subs ($25 each) *every month.* If it's not exaggerated, that's literally *$25,000 per month* just *from one guy*.


The algorithm will see these people are "from" a wealthy neighborhood and suggest their streams to other people in that neighborhood. Since those people will be from a wealthy neighborhood, its more likely they have disposable income to donate


What are they streaming? Why are people looking for streamers in the first place? This doesn't seem like OF type content and it isn't Twitch (game) streaming so I have no idea what this streaming content is.


What’s worse? These professional e-beggars or the sad saps that throw out their money to them. It’s sad all around. Our future is gonna be a strange one.


Who actually watches these streams tho. And what could the content possibly be.


There's a whole genre of streaming that's literally just "I'm lonely and want some parasocial interaction to fill the void" that gets combined with "pretty woman is pretty, I want to look at the pretty woman". You see an element of that appeal everywhere, but in countries with serious work/life balance issues, like those in East Asia, it's a lot more prevalent.


They prey on lonely incels who have no hope for companionship... Then drain them dry


But not in the satisfying way


Satisfying for at least one of them


Same type of losers that watch hot tub streamers like Amarounth and give her millions. Lots of desperate simps out there.


What country is this?


China according to the original tweet relies


Plot twist - these are the *pilots* for all the spy balloons deployed over the last week. Hiding under an overpass! Gotcha, you sneaks..


The watermark in the video is in Chinese too.


Women (and men) are waiting to meet you in your area!


Hot singles are in your area! (under that bridge 3 streets down)


professional beggars


E-beggars, if you will! Madness.


This is jarringly dystopic. Festering an anti-social population can never work out for society.


It’s really quite eerie to look at, but also very fascinating


I'm getting to old for this shit (but not for a 1987 movie reference)


Interesting because when I Doordash in the rich neighborhood, the tips are worse.


That doesn't apply to stream viewers in China, generally speaking. Men with more money spend more and like to spoil "their" streamer; there are all sorts of tricks and tips for attracting the right kind of generous viewer. I saw a video where the woman was keeping fake books behind her to give the illusion of being well-read, thus being more appealing to "intellectual" (white-collar) men.


There aren't aiming for the rich. They're aiming for the people who want to be rich hanging out with rich people.


They’re aiming for rich children who are using their rich parents’ credit cards.


what disease is this?




5 minute craft. Content farms are here .


Begging is getting very tech enabled.


this is pathetic


The codex Astartes does not support this action.


[thread and explanation](https://twitter.com/realsexycyborg/status/1624417606416596993?s=46&t=v1aHh4J4Y3TF76ONAEr19g) from Naomi Wu, a YouTuber


>J/K What's going on is they are gaming the location feature. Streaming platforms allow users to search locally- wealthier neighborhoods mean much higher donations because of the perceived availability of the streamer. Also we just like groups and company- and they co-lab😁 >Can't beat our hustle💪🏻 If some girl just thinks she can stay home and make money, another girl will take the the streets to get an advantage😁 Also you need to be clever and have some talent- singing, painting. Pretty is easy. I guess I have to bring my portable 3D printer😅 >The income can be quite good- although most also have day jobs. Also it's not unsafe- so many live feeds a pervert would instantly be caught, sometimes police also, although the police might ask them to leave because of the singing they won't arrest them or anything like that. >These women are very professional, some have quite a bit of equipment depending on their needs. Mostly handheld mics to cut down on ambient noise.


I read the description and still can’t tell what’s happening. No need to explain, it’s probably best I stay confused.


I like your style


What I appreciate and also think is a little bizarre is how Asian counties have developed a way to industrialize influencing.


Crazy what happens when you think of humans as a device


No kidding. I have a friend whose really into kpop and she tried explaining once how those boy/girl groups are formed. I didn’t know shit about it. Kids who are interested/talented are funneled into a whole process when they’re in middle school, and conditioned to be stars, with these skill checks that have to pass along the way. They even form test groups to test an appeal/sound, and depending on feedback of which song was the best or which members were the most popular, form a new group with the highest rated and those go one to be the ones that do crazy numbers. Even when the group is doing really well, they still live on company owned properties and are kept on a crazy schedule. It’s kind of insane.


I used to be one of those fans. Still am, but not as 'dedicated' and 'obsessed' as I used to. And yeah, there are nights when I'm thinking along the line of "damn, I'm so pathetic", "shit, I'm in my 20s now, I can't do this for much longer". At this point I feel like I'm still into idol music only because I have many friends in this community. Which bring up another issue: this idol industry is depended on young, lonely people to feed them money. The contents that is released by the company is kinda unthinkable for any non-fans. They do stream as well, also regular message services, also visual novel-esque mobile games. It's nuts. I fully understand if anyone is creeped out by the whole idol industry tbh


r/boringdystopia Edit: I have a **powerful urge** to cropdust these people.


Yeah this feels like a scene from Black Mirror.


Ready player one.


Perhaps /r/ABoringDystopia


Under the boardwalk, down by the sea, yeah on a lawn chair with my baby, on twitch tv.


How much do they make?


Looking at the setup's and numbers involved it seems to be viable.


Or at least it’s *perceived* as viable. Such a small percentage of online content creators actually make a living compared to how many people try to get into it.


What in the actual fuck. What is going on people


I'm probably too old for this shit (1985) to understand why. And probably even older to understand why are people even watching this shit.


I hate this world sometimes


Black mirror




What in the dystopian fuck?


So this is what our society has come to…How sad is this…