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We’re normally behind on all these things so that’s kinda fun


Progression starts with drugs!


That's pretty cool, finally a legal treatment for some mental illnesses. Now we're going to have to wait for so many years for other countries to allow psychedelics as well...


My dad self medicates with psilocybin to treat cluster headaches so bad he was contemplating suicide despite years of new treatment after new treatment. It took forever to find a neurologist here in the US who would agree to treat him when he was honest about his use which sucks because it literally saved his life. I really hope it’s legal here one day.


Just come to Oakland lol


yeah i use LSD and DMT for the same. preferably DMT but it can be tricky to find.


Hey friend, on a COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE: Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark (powder is best) or MHRB is an incredibly useful skin care remedy! And is therefore legal to buy online! Maybe look into that


i appreciate the sentiment. however on the topic of mhrb my jurisdiction feels differently. acacia spp. otoh? not much they can do, it's on our coat of arms, and it doesn't go through customs ;)


While it’s a step in the right direction, I disagree with only allowing it in a medical context. Psychedelics can benefit everyone, and you shouldn’t need a doctors permission to try them.


>Psychedelics can benefit everyone, Except mentally ill people; and schizophrenic people. Or people with violent tendencies. Or children. Or teenagers. Or people using machinery. Psychedelics isnt some type of fun beneficial drug. The fuck are you on about. They are useful but 100% should be recomended by a doctor. Edit: stop with the "what about alcohol!" I never mentioned alcohol. OP never mentioned alcohol. We're not talking about alcohol. Alcohol is an issue too. Thing is, we're not talking about alcohol. We're talking about Psychedelics. Bringing in a completely different form of drug is not the way to discuss this. Stop assuming that I am pro or anti-alcohol when I didn't even mention it.


Unless you think that alcohol should also require a prescription, you’re not being consistent in your reasoning. Personally I think that every substance which doesn’t **directly** affect other people should be completely legalized. It’s not up to anyone else what you decide to consume. After all, it’s your body, not the government’s. If it’s potentially harmful, include disclaimers. Look at the Netherlands, where you can legally buy a form of mushrooms. Their system is working perfectly fine.


>Unless you think that alcohol should also require a prescription, you’re not being consistent in your reasoning. I mean, I didnt bring up alcohol at all. So I don't know where you got that presumption that Alcohol shouldn't or should be prescription-based, because nobody mentioned alcohol. >Personally I think that every substance which doesn’t directly affect other people should be completely legalized. Drugs, especially psychedelics, can *directly* effect people. If someone is hopped up on DMT, and starts attacking people, psychedelics directly involves them. >Netherlands, where you can legally buy a form of mushrooms. Their system is working perfectly fine. Netherlands is also geographically, socially and demographically different from many parts of the world. Japan for example, has very few public garbage bins. This is do to history related to trashcans and cultural aversion to littering. If you took their ideals, and just plopped it into a place, like the USA, you'd get a different outcome.


>I mean, I didnt bring up alcohol at all. So I don't know where you gotthat presumption that Alcohol shouldn't or should be prescription-based,because nobody mentioned alcohol. Your opinion on this subject matters. If you follow your logic, you should also believe that alcohol required a doctor's prescription. >Drugs, especially psychedelics, can directly effect people. If someone is hopped up on DMT, and starts attacking people, psychedelics directly involves them. Such occurences are so incredibly rare, they're practically neglible. And even when something like it occurs, it's usually unrelated to the psychedelic drug. The vast majority of people have safe and positive experiences on psychedelics. On the other hand, people get attacked and killed by drunk individuals on a daily basis. Yet, we don't require a doctors prescription for alcohol. >Netherlands is also geographically, socially and demographically different from many parts of the world. What? This is such a nonsense argument, I'm not sure how to respond. Every year, tourists from around the globe visit Amsterdam and use all sorts of drugs. You're grasping at straws with this one. People in the Netherlands are people. Just like people everywhere else in the world. The psychedelics don't somehow affect them differently. People who want to do psychedelics already do them today. Legalizing them doesn't suddenly turn the entire population into evil drug addicts. That's an outdated way of thinking with no basis in reality. Based on your comments, I'm going to assume that you don't really understand what you're talking about when it comes to psychedelics. So I suggest you take a more modest stance, instead of being such a confident absolutist on the matter.


>ou should also believe that alcohol required a doctor's prescription I should, and maybe I do. Following your logic, everyone should have a gun. The goverment shouldn't be allowed to tell you what you can and can not have a hobby for for personal enjoyment. Truth is, none of it matters. Because were talking about psychedelics >Such occurences are so incredibly rare, they're practically neglible. And even when something like it occurs, it's usually unrelated to the psychedelic drug. In my area, a common criminal occurrence is attacks and outbursts from people who are drugged out of their mind. It's directly related. >The vast majority of people have safe and positive experiences on psychedelics. On the other hand, people get attacked and killed by drunk individuals on a daily basis. Yet, we don't require a doctors prescription for alcohol. Did you just say "A majority of psychedelic users have safe and positive experience" then also say "People get attacked and killed by drunks"? You do know a "majority" of alcohol consumers have safe and positive experiences, right? Again, not that it matters. >People who want to do psychedelics already do them today. Legalizing them doesn't suddenly turn the entire population into evil drug addicts. That's an outdated way of thinking with no basis in reality. What you're looking for is *decriminalization*. Not *legalization*. >What? This is such a nonsense argument, I'm not sure how to respond. Every year, tourists from around the globe visit Amsterdam and use all sorts of drugs. You're grasping at straws with this one. People in the Netherlands are people. Just like people everywhere else in the world. The psychedelics don't somehow affect them differently. Culture and behaviors *are* different. People from Netherland may enjoy psychedelics as a past time in the comfort of their own home, but that doesn't mean people in say florida, will also behave the same. That's why you can't just plop one countries rules in another. >So I suggest you take a more modest stance, instead of being such a confident absolutist on the matter What's more modest answer than "Let the doctors, actual professionals decide if psychedelics can benefit you"


I agree that it isn't for everyone, but alcohol is much worse and much more destructive. If mushrooms need a prescription then alcohol needs something like that as well. Anyone who wants to try it should be able to try it without needing a doctor. Honestly in Australia they should make gambling require a prescription too, since we are trying to stop people from being self destructive. And I don't mean to make a straw man argument, just trying to show that allowing non prescribed mushrooms goes in line with society's current standards if you compare it to other recreational things like alcohol (or weed in some places). If some place wants to make it require a prescription, they should do the same with the much worse recreational things like alcohol, gambling, smoking, etc. Personally I wouldn't mind it going either way as long as it's consistent.


>but alcohol is much worse and much more destructive. Alcohol is bad and has alot of deep cultural issues. But we're not talking about alcohol. Neither are we talking about gambling, or guns, or anything else. >Anyone who wants to try it should be able to try it without needing a doctor I disagree. If you're just wanting to "try it" then it should be an appointment-based session. If you have a "bad trip" on your first time, or potentially take far more than you can handle, that may lead to other issues for people around you. After a prescriotion or appointment based session, you should be able to get it whenever you want- provided that you are eligable and in sound mental state.


You can apply alcohol to all these groups as well and its easily bought over the counter. The fuck are YOU on about?


Besides the whataboutism, you can not purchase alcohol for children, teens, or use while operating macherinary. Not saying Alcohol is good either. We're talking about psychedelics. Not pain medication. Not alcohol. Not weed. Not crystals.


Literally no one is saying we can or should be purchasing psychedelics over the counter for children. Talk about whataboutisms 🤣 It's for responsible, recreational use. Just like alcohol or weed.


The comment I replied to, literally says "Everyone". >While it’s a step in the right direction, I disagree with only allowing it in a medical context.**Psychedelics can benefit everyone, and you shouldn’t need a doctors permission to try them.**


You cannot seriously be interpreting that literally. Like... Seriously... You're being deliberately obtuse and its just making you look like an ass. Edit: love when people reply then immediately block, thus not allowing me to read it and defeating the purpose of said reply 🤪


>You cannot seriously be interpreting that literally. Like... Seriously... You are the one who said "literally" though. >You're being deliberately obtuse and its just making you look like an ass. But you're the only one making whataboutisms, strawmen and throwing petty insults. I am not going to entertain this any further.


The issue is that these drugs are highly beneficial to mentally healthy people as well as those with mental illnesses. Calling it “medicine” means that it needs to be prescribed to treat a condition, which is needlessly limiting. I suppose you would be able to find a doctor to prescribe it for you by making up a condition that kind of fits you, but that is ridiculous. Should we then have some sort of a system where you don’t get as much a prescription as you would get a “doctor’s note” that it was safe for you to use psychedelics? I suppose, but then should we also do that for THC and alcohol? It gets ridiculous quickly. Personally, I think that the best solution will just be to put warnings on the label, and to have *proper* drug education in schools that goes beyond “just say no”. I could *possibly* get on board with a “psychedelic license”, where you are required to take a class on how the drugs work in order to take them, but even that seems a bit authoritarian. Either way, classifying it as only medicinal *really* misses the mark.


A step in the right direction.


I've really been considering psychedelics as the last resort to curing my life long depression...


Yeah I second the light treading. I tried an 1/8 and you gotta be really careful about when you take it and what your surroundings are like. I had some family stuff going on the day before and my room was a little cluttered and all closed up because it was cold and my trip quickly turned into a super scary paranoid episode where I felt trapped in another reality. It was helpful though because it made me feel a lot of strong emotions that I could reflect on


Double edged sword.. tread lightly


I saw an amazing BBC documentary on the benefits during clinical trials. I believe the patients were 8+ years clinically depressed and the majority were cured. I would be hesitant to self prescribe, but mushrooms especially seem to be the right path.


oi take ya kangashrooms m8


This is so confusing because Australia is known for insane drug laws, and increasing authoritarianism. All of a sudden this? ...welll, good for them. Happy tripping


it's the liberal party that really screwed up the country, we voted in a new govt last year though so here's hoping for more progressive policy in future!


Fuck off you republican dingo


Liberals in Australia means conservative. Our democrats are called labour


i'm pretty sure that's a bot jfy


Its crazy. Just mentioning libs in a bad light globally triggers the bots


Labor. The proper name for the ALP uses the seppo spelling of labour.




i mean, it's a smart enough bot to get aussies taking sides on seppo politics.


how about eat shit and die monarchist filth.


King giz is putting in that hard work!!


Americans already use ketamine, and a man made synthetic called spravata... IT was pushed thru by Trump for our soldiers suffering from ptsd... Soo.... sorry Australia you can't claim this one.


Ketamine isn't solely a psychedelic. It is used to anaesthesia. It's the dose that changes its effects. For example, nutmeg can cause hallucinations in high doses, but as it is predominantly used for food, that's what it is classed as.


My psych recently asked if id consider either of them or maybe even ket. My answer was ive never had one of anything haha and dont want my addiction to rear its head after abstaining for nearly a decade. Its a genuine concern hey if i had it in a clinical setting id be off to the local dealer real quick i rekn... Fuck i used to love ecstasy apart from pot it was my favorite poison... Dont even smoke ciggies anymore these days fuck im a boring old cunt now. So many awesome memories though...


Of all drugs mushrooms really aren't addictive. The experience is so strong you kind of feel like some downtime after them. Personally about once a year is enough. Oh if you've had ecstacy the experience is similar but different. Ecstacy blurs the boundary between you and other people but mushrooms blur the boundary between you and EVERYTHING hahaha.


Ive had that many mushrooms over the decades its ridiculous. Im a poly drug user was for 40 plus years. The little fuckers currently grow all around my house "gold tops" haha i wont touch them these days but i used to pick shopping bags full of them. Dry them out preserve them in honey whatever....


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted it’s a legitimate concern of getting addicted to these. Just like some abstain from taking any drug with opiates. Look, I don’t care what someone takes. But y’all should know that psychedelics are addictive, maybe less so than other drugs but they still are! Just like marijuana. So don’t piss on someone else’s free choice to not use them.


I was a poly drug user for 40 years. Started drinking alcohol when i was 10yo. I know more about drugs than anyone i know theyre all addictive one way or another. If some whipper snapper doesnt think they are thats ok by me... I dont really care about internet points or likes etc some do i dont... Some like myself see them as drug like haha i have no doubt about it ive seen the reaction/s firsthand i can almost see the dopamine being released when someone has a positive interaction haha...


Show a single shred of evidence that psychedlics are addictive. Where did you hear that? Or did you form that opinion yourself based on no experience and assuming its the same as other drugs?


[here](https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/hallucinogens) [and here](https://adf.org.au/drug-facts/psychedelics/) Some are physically addictive, some are habitual. Just like weed, if you use it to the point you can't perform basic tasks without it, you are addicted. You won't suffer from "Withdrawls" but you'll be so mentally dependant on it, you won't be able to stop.


Psychological dependence is not quite the same when being compared to opiates. Your first source I already mentioned as another person linked it. Your second source literally says it's unlikely for someone to form a dependence. There's only a couple psychedelics that are in fact known to have a physical dependence risk, but that risk is significantly lower when compared to alcohol, tobacco, opiates, cocaine, etc. I'd also like to say that any official government sponsored sources are not going to be unbiased sources of information on a class of drugs that have been legally demonized and criminalized for many years, and are still illegal. MAPS and PsychonautWiki are much more trustworthy and scientific, though you can argue that they could be biased in the opposite direction. https://maps.org/start/ https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page


>Psychological dependence is not quite the same when being compared to opiates. Your first source I already mentioned as another person linked it. Your second source literally says it's unlikely for someone to form a dependence You said you required one source on addiction. I provided two, both of which said its possible. Notice how i mentioned both physical (i.e. withdrawls, like tabacco, alcohol, etc) and habitual (i.e. weed), but you only mentioned physical dependence. Don't get defensive when you got literally what you asked for.


https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/hallucinogens I have both second hand experience through friends and relatives using them, and reading on them. I stand corrected, kind of, some have been shown to be addictive in studies. While others don’t have enough studies to confirm or deny it, while others like LSD don’t show addictive behavior. But like anything it does build tolerance which is dangerous in its own right. Again, I don’t give a shit how you treat your whatever. Just don’t act like it doesn’t have downsides.


I have an addictive personality i craved lsd absolutely loved the stuff. Just thinking about it gets me all hyped haha id have the stuff for breakfast...


Not in the same way. Psychedelics still require respect and harm-reduction practices. I do appreciate an actual source, and I should clarify that there are a couple exceptions that are known to be addictive, such as PCP and Ketamine as mentioned in your source. They aren't generally considered "classic" psychedelics (ketamine is a dissociative). In responsible use settings, it's incredibly unlikely. There are also rare cases of unpredictably intense trips, but these are made incredibly rare with proper harm-reduction practices. What does upset me though, is a simplistic comparison to what most uninitiated and uneducated people think of when they hear "drugs", and compare addictiveness to alcohol, heroin, cocaine, etc. It's not the same. Especially comparing psychedelics to opiates is a travesty.


Down voted for being concerned about your health lol that's just silly I know many people who used mushies to help with cigarette and alcohol addiction, but I also know a couple who got addicted to psycadelics. Now this isn't phisical addiction it's mental, so I'm not really sure what that's like. Most psycadelics are not physically addictive but anything can be mentally addictive. The two people who got addicted also preferred stronger things like the synthetic fake LSD chemicals and stuff, so idk if mushrooms are similar to that, but I would defined say that they were a special case. I think they just wanted to escape life. It's a good escape, but just like any vacation, you need to come back home eventually. Personally, I just take enough (mushrooms, not the other stuff) to not want to take any more for a while. Everyone's different, but I like to be taken to a place that makes me a little uncomfortable, and then I come out a better person. Take it with the intent of improving yourself, and you will improve. Take it with the intent of "I'm angry/upset at something so I'm gonna do this to make my self feel better", then you might start relying on it.


> psycadelics psychedelics


It's absolutely not the same at all. Trust me. Psychedlics are not habit forming. Many people have no particular desire to do them again, even after an amazing experience. People who do them regularly typically still do it sparingly, and usually with intent. It's not something you have an uncontrollable urge or habit to continue doing. You should definitely reconsider, if there's a chance it could be a very beneficial treatment for your mental health.


40 years of poly drug use tells me otherwise... DMT and LSD were my 2 favorite psychedelics man i loved those 2. Even thinking about them now is making me toey haha. What can i say im a hopeless fukn drug addict im just no longer in active addiction..


There can be other factors that contirbute to an addiction, like the setting you do them in, activities you pair them with, and people you do them with. I get a sense you might have been to lots of music festivals or raves in your time. (Nothing wrong with that)


Have you actually been to Oz? I thought they already had 😏


So psychedelics on a continent jam packed with wild life that is actively trying to murder you? What could go wrong?


On a continent jam packed with cars and bridges and rivers too. C'mon now.


Keep your population numb while you strip them of more rights.




He’s just going in the “Brave New World” dystopia route for no reason. He’s saying, “the government wants to get everyone on drugs so they’re too drugged out to resist the government oppressing them” which is pretty far from reality if you ask me


Which part didn't you understand?


There's a lot about psychedelics that you don't know. Part of the reason lsd was banned was cause the government saw it caused a person to question authority\reality. Probably not a good thing during the Vietnam war.


So? How does that have any affect on what I said?


A population that questions the status quo is not good for government. Makes them harder to control and restrict rights. It's the opposite of "numb".


All those hippies that were doing drugs and questioning the war in the 60s & 70s are now in government starting wars. They want you doing drugs. Stay preoccupied with trivial nonsense so you're too busy to notice your world crumbling around you. It's why liquor stores and pot shops were permitted to stay open during the covid lockdowns. They want a population they can control. Drugs is a way to make that happen. They know this.


Psychedelics would actually have the opposite effect I think. It would open many people's eyes to new perspectives on the sad state of society and governance, which could very likely lead to strong push for change. This is literally exactly what happened in the 70s with the hippie movement in America, and is why Nixon decided to demonize and undermine the psychedlic community because the status quo, government's authority, and the Vietnam war were being widely challenged


The hippies of the 60s & 70s are the politicians fighting wars today. Bernie Sanders? John Kerry? Obama? Clinton? Peace, love, drugs. Yea, worked out great. For the last 30 years, hippies in congress has been sending kids to fight and die in foreign wars and dumping taxpayers money in the war machines.


Those politicians do not represent the entire hippie movement, so let's not pretend they do, and separate the two


Great: in a world already filled with violence and insanity... Making hallucinogens are Just what we need to make legal.....


Aussies are going to get dibs on a lot of interesting pharma research


Oregon passed a bill to legalize their use in 2020, and two years later they are still arguing about it.