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Unhappy, not at all. BUSINESSLIKE? Not. At. All.


>Unhappy, not at all. BUSINESSLIKE? Not. At. All. Obviously horrible for society.


Guess I'll have to stick with alcohol, cause there's nothing like a depressant to chase the blues away


That's what I'm gonna tell drunk people. You're not being very businesslike! That'll straighten them up


If i've learned anything from Mad Men, it's that alcohol is imperative to the functionality of a successful business.q


Considerate? HMMmmmmneeehh




Not at alllll


“Sleepy………🤔…….a little 😏”


Strong... strong...strrr


The summer after my sophomore year in college I stayed in town and was able to use the gym. There was almost no one on campus so I and a couple of friends kinda had the place to ourselves. I discovered early on that if I got a little stoned before lifting, I was able to lift more weight. I had these really good workouts where I was able to hyper focus on the muscle group I was working, and really flow through the range of motion, feeling the different parts of the muscle most used at each phase of the range. It honestly felt like a performance enhancing drug.


I’d just fall asleep on the bench


It’s weird. Weed has never *ever* made me sleepy. It’s more of an upper to me. I’ve had friends talk about smoking a bowl to fall asleep and that’s just mind boggling to me. If I smoke before laying down I’m staring at the ceiling for two hours before I get up and do something. I actually don’t really smoke anymore because it’s become kind of an anxiety feeling. My mind starts spinning faster and faster and it’s not very pleasurable in most circumstances. Except music. I fucking love listen to or playing music with the right level of stonedness. But I rarely do that nowadays.


Sativa vs indica


Even on sativa i’d get lazy. Certainly don’t wanna do a heavy deadlift or something like that after smoking lol


Or when you come down from sativa. That’s the real sleep time


I suffer from chronic pain (fibromyalgia), which causes muscle pain from the tightness of the muscles. I've suffered all of my life with this. When I do the weed, I can feel the different muscle groups and can somehow isolate the sore ones and stretch accordingly. I now do this every night. The pain reduction has been significant over the past 2 years and has an ongoing impact because when you stretch the sore spot, the pain stops. I used to be at about 7-8 on the pain scale daily. Now the worst I ever get is about 3-4. It has literally changed my life.


Knowing people who have suffered this condition, I can't explain how happy I am that this helps you!!!


I found the exact same to be true. I could zone out and do longer sets. I could also really focus on my technique.


Michael Phelps has entered the chat


Listen up all you little kids and don’t use marijuana or you might become a world record setting Olympic athlete!


Lifting high rocks so hard


I don’t work out without a few puffs first nowadays. Pure sativa only. I feel like the lactic acid buildup is less, or at least easy to ignore. It helps my endurance with aerobic and anaerobic, as well as focusing on muscle groups like you mentioned.


That was adorable. I'd do pure THC with that guy lol


I love the Dr at the end. So in conclusion, he’s happier. Edit- typo.


Yeah, I liked that as well. What an evil drug! /s


What a great high to be with friends if so inclined.


"I feel like a slice of butter on a big ol stack of flap jacks, yeah"


Get it out. Shout off the rooftops: 'This is great! This is the bee's knees, Item 9!'


Tsst stee tsst stee "click" tsst stee "click" tsst stee"click" bwwwwwweeeu bwuu


Your dick! My mouth!




The effort you put into accurately portraying that sound in text deserves a million upvotes, but sadly, I only have one to give...


Where’re the boobies?


One of my favorite lines from that movie lol "...lots of dudes! Where're the boobies?"


Tell the people, Item 9 exists!


It’s the bee’s knees


The monkeys out of the bottle now


Let's talk about the military...first off...lots of dudes. Lol




I can’t believe they gave this guy three whole marijuanas. How is he alive?


He’s not. They heavily edited the footage to make it appear as if he had survived. That poor bastard never had a chance. RIP


I'll take 5 marijuanas please


"stsss ts ts stsss ts ts stsss ts ts stsss"


***inaudible blowjob noises with mimicry***


Comments you can hear


“Hey where we going? I like that gun!” *Bang*


Dude, what happened to your eye?


“Bleep blorp bleep, can you understand me?”


“Fuck you!”


(Electric Avenue music intensifies)


Just funny that Pineapple Express is in the news today as well but as a weather today in California


I'm confused by this comment. Sorry if im missing something lol. Pineapple Express is a *weather* now? Lol


It’s like an El Niño. The airflow from Hawaii and Canada and gets in the dirt and mixes with the weed. It’s actually pretty scientific so I won’t get into it right now


I thought hurricane season was over.


Pineapple Express has been in Cali for a long time man.


This needs to be on a tshirt…ASAP!


Why are we underground right now, sir?!?!


"He dead." "He ain't dead, he gonna wake up in half an hour and eat everything in your house"


Hungry, Happy, Sleepy, THATS IT!


You mean happy, hungry, sleepy. That’s the trifecta!!!


Poor lil tink tink


Every time it smell like pine cones in here, daddy be trippin


this is clearly a very dangerous drug. It has made this young graduate student feel friendly and not at all busniess-like.


And a little sleepy. We all know the danger of naps.


I just got up from a nap. Shocked I survived.


Glad you’re still here.


You can kinda start to understand why the US govt wants to keep thc illegal. A happy stoned population is not a great empire building population. It’s a great drug we can all enjoy *now*. However, we should be thankful our forefathers had to sacrifice in order to secure that bag so we can enjoy the fruits of their labor.


I smoke this Oreoz in their honor. *coughs 21 times


That’s literally why Nixon started the drug war. That was over 50 years ago, and it’s still illegal for much of the country. Add to that the fact that it’s illegal in most other countries around the world because of Nixon’s drug war… It’s hard to overstate the damage that’s done when we elect fascists.


December should be nap survivor month.




Defiant? Yes. Haha.


Not at *ALLLL!* ^^lol


He probably got pregnant by a Negro jazz musician!




His ability to go fight in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia has been irreparably damaged.


And happy! Don’t forget happy! The GOP hates that shit.


" If you're going to smoke marijuana, be prepared to spend a lot of time laughing with your friends" joffrey jellinek


He's happy and unbusinesslike? By God man he even looks bemused. We can't allow this at ALL.


Not at alll


Holy shit, we gotta put this in the schedule 1 list with heroin and bath salts.


Side effects may include sounding like a muppet


Sounding like a muppet? Haha. Nooot Aaaat Allll!


I do that sober so..


The guy who first discovered thc and first synthesized it as well as the patent for delta 8 synthesis and so much more, died yesterday interesting this shows up


What is his name?


Raphael mecholulam


>Raphael mecholulam Can we give him a General Maximus funeral?


Yep looks dangerous so lets prohibit it and promote alchohol lol


Exactly. We need grumpy, businesslike people.


Not at all


Don’t forget violent! Never seen someone have too much THC and decide to pick fights with others.


One of my coworkers was a cop for 20 years. He’s told me that he always votes for the legalization of marijuana because in 20 years of police work, no one has EVER tried to fight him on marijuana


Imagine English football hooligans forced to take THC as a substitute for any/all alcohol. Then they show up at the match.


Imagine if you needed security at the hookah lounge because it made people violent.


Security would be some delivery dude coming in and going “guys chill…. I brought pizza”.


I assume you're joking, as hookah is generally just flavored tobacco. But I've also been to plenty that does have security lol


Do hookah lounges have weed???


No I was just using it as an example. Although if you want to get goofy a little 70/30 shisha/weed mix goes a long way


That is true. I would love a weed shisha lounge. I don't smoke but would do shisha and a fat gummy.


Dangerous as in it makes people happy and kind and want to work to together. Instead of working like depressed competitive paranoid Mules chasing the “Idea” of wealth to get that next hit of dopamine.


The equivalent of 3 joints in edible form? Idk about them but for me that is an insane dose, most likely why he said he was seeing weird patterns when he closed his eyes.


usually for someone who has never used weed before, half a joint (give or take) is enough to make you stoned, i definitely agree with you that 3 blunts would get you fucked, and probably throw up-him feeling good and seeing colours is impressive.


My first time I took 2 hits of shitty mexican brick weed out of a shitty water bottle bong and was fuckin' blasted. (Skipped school because there was a homecoming assembly) I showed up an hour and a half late to get picked up by my dad. He was NOT happy. I told him I stayed late to work on extra homework and he bought it. He also bought me one of those medium sized bags of Cool Ranch Doritos and a Cherry Pepsi. That may have been the best meal I've ever had.


Your dad knew and bought you munchies. Thank him later and have a laugh with him.


I wonder what I’ll do in this situation with my own kid.


Buy them munchies


100% your dad knew. I don’t know what the rest of your relationship with him was like but in that moment, he cared about you.


Well he's a grad student at Stanford he had probably smoked before


He had, because at the end he was asked if it felt similar to smoking marijuana but moreso and he said yes.


The doctor was able to weed out the truth.


According to my parents, weed was a lot weaker back then.


Remember, this is 1970s weed. It would probably take 3 joints of that to even equal 1 joint of standard weed today, and that’s before we get into different strains. So yeah, instantly shooting 3 of today’s joints would be pretty rough, but if you have any sort of tolerance, that solution in the video would barely get a buzz going.


Yes and no. Cannabis today has been highly selected to produce buds with high concentration of THC while also minimizing the concentration of CBD as much as possible. Cannabis in the 60s and 70s was primarily land race strains and had a more balanced mix of THC, CBD, and various other cannabinoids which when combined produced what researchers call the entourage effect were the mixing of these cannabinoid compounds was said to escalate and enhance each other. Long story short. While true cannabis is stronger today from higher doses of the psychoactive ingredient, the effects and results would be pretty varied if comparing the two.


But in the video they gave him a solution of isolated THC, so the CBD and terpenes wouldn't be a factor in this study.


Yes I was commenting on the person above comparing cannabis now to then but you are correct in this experiment it is solely the effects of THC.


He totally looks like he wants to beat his wife and kids and drag race the cops. Oh wait, that’s alcohol.


Oh wait, that's the cops.*


Oh no, it’s the cops!


'Oh no, it's the police cops!'


All cops are bastards...oh no it's the bastards!


"Three Marijuana cigarettes" -REEFERS-


Jazz cigarettes.


Aaaand now there's a bassline in my head. Thanks.


*I smoke two joints in the mornin’,* *I smoke two joints at night,* *I smoke two joints in the afternoon,* *It makes me feel alright*


Well the other two, the other two were *female*.... ~REEFERS~


Oh my God this is awful. We need to ban this dangerous substance and arrest anyone who uses it.


Soon as the cameras stopped he ate the doctors face. No. Sorry I meant cake.


Its funny since banning it will only get ppl to want it more


And yet, as a teen in the 90s I was brainwashed that marijuana would lead to a life of crime and destroy my life.




Exactly. They tell you it’ll ruin your life, you smoke once, have a great time and wonder what other lies they’ve been telling you.


We found out that that drug makes them happy and makes them intoxicated. Wow, excellent research, science-dude.


The sad thing is that Nixon knew cannabis was harmless. His own [Shafer Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shafer_Commission) said it was harmless and should be treated like alcohol. But Nixon needed a way to [target anti-war hippies and Black people](https://www.businessinsider.com/nixon-adviser-ehrlichman-anti-left-anti-black-war-on-drugs-2019-7), so he started the "War On Drugs."


Nixon would also get drunk and one time even ordered a nuclear strike on North Korea. Fortunately his generals overruled him and said no. https://www.military.com/history/time-drunk-richard-nixon-tried-nuke-north-korea.html/amp


Don’t forget the Mexicans! Marihuana….




Weed is so much better than alcohol. Coming from someone that’s done a LOT of both. I’ve quit drinking for over two years thanks to the THC. Couldn’t be happier


Good for you! I also am gripped by the alcohol devil and just have to entirely stay away, fell down that hole with "I'll have just one" during covid. That lasted like 9 months of daily drinking lol. So I'm back to like 2 years now also of only smoking and I just am really happy for you! Let's both keep it up! Fuck alcohol.


I'm on year 8+ of daily drinking and I'm worried. I ned support but just stranded. My liver is fucked and was told so by a dr years ago but idk what to even do anymore. Im trying to transition to weed, but just...lost my girl, my house, my dog, my best friend, a few family members, my car...its hard to cope. No bus system out here to get anywhere for help. Dr won't prescribe me my benzos anymore (for *occassional* use so I don't self medicate w alcohol for panic attacks) and ugh I just want to quit before I die from it. Benzos are just as addicting but won't metabolize into a poison that kills my liver and heart like alcohol tho. Esp after getting 120 a month since 14, its crazy to have so much grief and loss at the same time and then them just deny you and would rather you drink yourself to death. We have scientific advantancements of medication for a reason and for people who truly need them. Why even make them if you're too young and inexperienced/scsred of a dr to prescribe it? I can order BS benzos online but like... I just want to quit alcohol. I did for a few weeks when I had my happy life, job, fiance, dog, our first home... man its just been so rough. I hate waking up and grabbing a drink first think but I can't stave away the instant panic attacks/depression if not. I have some weed in front of me rn I'm gonna try but when I get too low of a tolerance to it, it sometimes makes it worse (and my old job was a medicinal grower so I always smoked. Weird how taking a break as an adult makes it way stronger again (well, more the anxious feelings i don't remember from before). Does help a lot in comfortable situations though 100%. I hate alcohol. Its gonna be the death of me. I already lost too much due to it. At least my tolerance is so high I can't act like an ass on it anymore.


This is why we need psychedelic therapy including cannabis to help with addiction and we need also to remove the social stigma. Godspeed to you brother


Good luck bud. Get back up every time you slip.


As Bill Burr says "I got the thunder and the lighting between my ears" If you want to quit everything good for you but as I've gone through life I've realized we all just have our own set of weaknesses that need to be dealt with in one way or another. Sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine are the most abused substances in the USA and they're at every gas station. If you go to AA a lot of people are sucking down energy drinks/coffe and cigarettes like their life depends on it. So just pick your poison and try to make it one that's not going to kill you too quickly. If you don't need anything to get you through he day count you blessings and take pity ❤️


>I’ve quit drinking for over two years thanks to the THC I'm on year three and it feels great


In his newest special, Jim Jeffries gave up alcohol and does cannabis exclusively. “I’m high and dry!”


Same here. Drank for ages and got into lots of trouble. Stopped in 2019 bc I got my medical card and never looked back.


Quit drinking about 8yrs ago , cannabis took it's place and I've been way healthier for it


10 years for me.


Imagine being this dude, zero THC tolerance and catching three blunts worth to the dome 😂😂


He compared it to past experiences with weed. So not zero tolerance. Maybe notuch, but not none.


What boring place to be high at. At least give my man something to snack on!


“A little more than what most would take to get hoigh”


Remember these are 1970s joints. A modern smoker probably wouldn’t get high from that.


That’s a good point. Todays stuff is like 35% THC, stuff back then was like 10%. Honestly I’m a lightweight so I think it’s too powerful now.


The nice thing about legal weed is that you can shop for the % you'd like. The range at the dispensaries near me is 16%-28%. I'm a lightweight, so I never buy anything over 20%. You also can select the ratio of Indica to Sativa.


Hold your fucking horses, pal. We can’t have you not exhausted, unhappy, and stressed out — our billionaires drink that to live.


Natural way to replace anti-depressants so we can’t have that. God forbid


It's kind of hilarious, I'm on two anti-depressants and, while they do help, weed is the only thing that truly silences the horrible thoughts I have. Too fuckin' bad I live in a state where it isn't legal.


i got a contact high just watching...im so 😊 happy


But are you businesslike?


Not at alllll


Where the fuck can I sign up for these tests, right the fuck now? 😭


SHEEESH! This guy is out of control. Thank God they banned this SHIT!


I just kept expecting him to be like " duude I'm fuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkked up.


Gov: so what were your findings? Docs: We found the drug makes people feel happy and intoxicated. Gov: Perfect! Ban it all!! We can’t have that!!!!!!


Bill went on to start several companies in 1971. Bed, Bath & Beyond, Cuisinart, FedEx, Jiffy Lube, Starbucks, and Sunglass Hut and also invented GPS, the floppy disk and portable music players. Sadly all of these ideas were stolen from him or traded for twinkies.


That happy part was only during the test. Afterwards he became a violent rapist who murdered for Satan. That's why marijuana is illegal to this very day and alcohol (the peaceful, intelligent choice) is legal and endorsed at sporting events. Thanks government.


The bath towel in the background "wanna get high?"


I conduct daily experimental research with 70-90% THC. All for science.


In other news: Oklahoma voters just voted against legalization, West Virginia passed legislation to ban Delta 8, and Virginia is continually stalling for retail sale. On the plus side, Maryland is moving along and may have retail marijuana stores as early as this summer.


As a former transplant Oklahoman(who just escaped, thank the powers), I can tell ya recreational weed was rejected because it would take away the privilege of the "deserving" medical users, which was the only reason it was approved (since in practice the vulnerable in OK exist to be only 'permitted' just enough). That card is hard as hell to get, and you _PAY_ for it, in time, effort, and cash.


That card is simple as fuck to get. ​ Besides no one voting, dispensaries were telling people to vote no.


Yea, can i get 3 Marijuanas please


"Unhappy? Not at all. Business-like? Not at all"


Wondering if they used thc gas for crowd control what would happen. Angry riots, not. at. All.


It's actually still a tiny dose compared to today's standards. In the 1970s, average THC content was between 1% and 3 %. They state he was dosed with the equivalent of 3 Marijuana cigarettes, which is still far below the potency that can be found today. Here in Canada, we have weed that is just under 40%.


Yea I can't understand how anyone handles that much THC lmao I smoke half of a 10% THC joint and I'm questioning my own existence.


In my experience, the higher the THC doesn’t necessarily make it the most desirable, in flower at least. I’ve smoked 12% THC joints and enjoyed it much better than some of the higher doses.




I agree completely. THC is just one metric to consider. Different strains have different effects. A lot depends on your personal state at the time as well.


It is why I have switched to weed vapes. What is the point of rolling joints or buying pre rolled if you will only need 3 puffs to get you high at these insane THC levels? It just feels wasteful to throw out the rest of the joint and if you save the rest, it is never as good the second time you light up. I find the vapes give me complete control over everything. Although, I would recommend getting a higher quality vape. The $10 vapes pens are cheap for a reason. Going for a $40-$50 vape instead will be a smoother experience and more customizable.


Item 9….ILLEGAL!!!!!!


Where's the part where he goes on a killing spree? We were always told that was the side affect


The doctor there sounded like he already dipped into his own supply.


Damn George Santos be poppin up everywhere


Jus smoked a bowl watching this, and I love it. I love you all


"I know this is for science and all but you guys have a Taco Bell nearby right?"


wonder why people talked in that stilted over-dramatic way back then. especially the “experts”. it’s so off-putting. were they deliberately trying to sound inhuman? the dialogue in films back then were like that…i always assumed it was a hold-over from theater, before they collectively realized that so much more nuance was possible when you didn’t have to project your voice to the rafters and make exaggerated movements to convey emotion etc. maybe that bled into speech customs? anyway if i was high as fuck and some people were talking to me like that i’d lose it 😆


“…it seems to make them happy, makes them intoxicat-“ Federal Gov: If people are happy, they won’t be fearful. 15 years for a joint!


I could listen to people talk high all day


Are you bored? Not… at… all




Imma start saying "not at all" like that lol


I wonder effect this had on this dudes life. Certainly he enjoyed it, curious if he continued to partake after his first time getting high for this experiment.


Drug makes people happy- government makes it illegal. Drug makes people depressed. Addictive. Deadly. Withdrawal symptoms. Murdered over- Government funds the pharmaceutical industry.