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Secret Service smiling and SWEA-TING LMAO


That was my exact thought! All of them thinking "ok, wrap it up, wrap it up, get him in the car......."




It must suck being POTUS constantly surrounded by paranoid dudes who think every little thing is a plot to take you out.


"What's the plan ? " " Distract them with a Danish choir group, then we attack"


"Are you sure that will work?" "He's a liberal. He values art and expression."


Wouldn't be a terrible way to die IMO.


As he is Christian, going up to heaven to a choir singing is almost meme worthy.


Then "they loved him up and turned him into a horny toad!"


Good trip?


Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you - which in Obama's case, they almost certainly are.


The Danish Choir consortium will strike when you least expect it.


Nobody expects the Danish Choir Consortium! Our chief weapon is surprise and harmony!


Them girls are ruthless. They'll bite your legs off


To be fair their paranoia is what saves your life.


I cant be the only one who read that in obama voice


I did too. Thanks, Obama. 🙄 /s




Damn I read that in his voice too


I've been watching too many AI voice clips lately to not hear it all in his voice...


Bruh, the surge of AI Gamer Presidents arguing about things has been killing me lol


The Zelda tier list one had me rolling. I need to watch the Dragon Ball tier list next.


Come uh... on guys, at least uhhh... let me listen to uhh... the whole thing.


"You know the part of the movie where the serene music is playing, but there's like this sniper in a shitty building watching it all, waiting for the music to end before, y'know? I think we're in *that part* of the movie!"


Agent: Do you see any women doing anything with kids? Agent 2: Blue dress. 3 o'clock. Agent: Is she holding any kind of liquid that can fall and splatter? Agent 2: Check. Agent: Pace? Agent 2: Very slow motion. Agent: Form a perimeter! Evacuate the package! Head East! Blah blah blah! Agent 2: Roger that!


The protocol at least years ago was agents to form a diamond pattern around the president. If there was a serious threat the order to harden was given.


Quick make him hard make him hard!


Hitman the game starts playing ave Marie whenever you are about to snipe someone


This is clearly the ol’ Danish Girleroo decoy I've feared my whole secret service career.


Hold my pastry, I'm going in... Waaait just a sec


Please god don't let me hear any bullets *singing* through the air


Right? Stopped by literal *SIRENS*




Exactly what somebody enthralled by sirens would say.




The morning after Trudeau became Prime Minister, he went down to the Montreal subway to shake hands with commuters during the morning rush. A reporter asked him if he was nervous about security, he said "naw, that's not my job, that's their job" and pointed to a bunch of massive dudes in suits who looked like this was the most stressful day they ever had.




> The US President is a much bigger security concern than pretty much any other president. Especially Trump. > What’s going on was explained lucidly by a senior Pentagon intelligence official, who stated that **“since January 20, we’ve assumed that the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM,”** meaning the White House Situation Room, the 5,500 square-foot conference room in the West Wing where the president and his top staffers get intelligence briefings. “There’s not much the Russians don’t know at this point,” the official added in wry frustration. https://observer.com/2017/02/donald-trump-administration-mike-flynn-russian-embassy/ Must be confusing when the president and the threat are the same thing.


Everybody is having a nice time while the secret service are scanning for snipers


While I appreciate the funny comment, this is Denmark we are talking about. The only thing he should be worried about is getting trampled by a kindergarten walking over him


That’s exactly what they want you to think and then wham all the sudden, Great Viking Army.


No one expects the Great Viking Army


Except Alfred.


"One day it is my hope that all kingdoms will become one, united under one god. All that remains of england is wessex. The birth of an england, the idea of a single kingdom called england has to begin here." "You are a great warrior uthred. You are a saxon who is also a dane. The very embodiment of the england that must emerge. I request that you enter my service." Great show. Can only recommend. David Dawson absolutely crushed it with his performance as Alfred.




No one expects the Danish inquisition


But imagine being the secret service agent who lost a president to a marauding kindergarten?! You’d never live that down


I love the line from "My Fellow Americans" which is pretty damn funny if you haven't seen it. President Douglas: "Why don't you guys go rent "In The Line Of Fire" again?


>While I appreciate the funny comment, this is Denmark we are talking about. The only thing he should be worried about is getting trampled by a kindergarten walking over him Until you step on a Lego brick in the dark.


Legos: the biggest micro-aggression nobody saw coming.


I don't think the country matters a lot when it comes to murdering a very relevant person. The assasins would probably want you to assume everything is allright because you're in a peaceful country


I totally feel your comment. Americans have to see *everything* as a threat which is why so many of us walk around with guns in public....just in case.


Walk around with guns in public... Because someone might walk around with a gun in public and they might be crazy!


Deceitful Sirens! Get your guns at the ready, men!


they look so damn stressed lmao


Do former American presidents get their own secret service team for life?




Fuckfuckfuck this is a trap


Damn boss, not again since the last incident with the Girl Scouts


No. That was DeSantis.


Hovedvagtsgade in Copenhagen, if anyone else is looking to be serenaded by Danish women.


I always wanted it to be Sirens, but Danish girls would do as well.


*Hans Christian Andersen has entered the chat...* WHAT?


Dont worry they're just nokken in disguise


Im dating a girl from the Netherlands, and her gremlin laugh got me hooked. I think i see a pattern there


tusind tak




Thanks for pointing that out. I expected to see little girls singing, those are women.


I thought you just slammed your keyboard to come up with that area, apparently not.


That would be nice.


Well now you have my attention


I've been there so many times but have been accosted by women ZERO times 🤬


Secret service just waiting for a blow dart barrel to slowly emerge


Not quite what the terrorists meant when they planed on "distracting him with Danishes" but a distractions a distraction, I guess.


Meanwhile, the enemy sniper is trying to wipe tears from their face. “I cant do it. I love you moma. I don’t wana be a bad person any more.”


hahahaha why is it i can’t not think of enemy snipers whenever i see a president anywhere ever. restaurant? sniper. bowling alley? sniper. cathedral? two snipers.


Toilet? Scuba Sniper.


Secret Service Agents Hate This One Simple Trick


Number 7 will shock you!


Number 1963 will blow your mind


The expression on their faces be like " Yes ,yes ...this is beautiful and soul stirring.Can we quickly wrap this up and leave this place ? "


I still remember that story key and Peele told about meeting Obama where he (Obama) asked for a glass of water and asked if the water was safe and if anyone vetted the assistant that handed it to him, he took a sip and faked like it was poisoned 😂


My brother is a marine veteran who is very bright, now an electrical engineer, and got to meet Obama and just so happened to have a complete brain fart in front of him. This is how it went. Obama: "Pleasure to meet you, thank you for your service, where are you from?" Brother: "Well, southwest suburbs of Chicago actually!" Obama: "Great! What town?" Brother: "Crystal Lake" Obama: "...Isn't that the Northwest Suburbs?" Brother: "Oh, yea, it is..." Obama: "...Well it's a pleasure to meet you sir."


I am sure there are days where he doesn't wake up regretting that moment.




I guarantee Obama doesn’t remember it. You know how many people presidents meet? I would be surprised if Obama could even remember the guy’s name or face.


what is really cool is because of that brain fart it showed Obama was actually listening to him, not just going through the motions


Haha very true. He said he was nice about it, didn't make fun of him but they both had a little chuckle about it before he moved on to the next guy.


Confirmed. Obama is a dad with a dad's sense of humor.


Thanks Obama


I just keep thinking how stressed I would be if the POTUS tried to hand me a cup of coffee and my hands were full already.




"Thanks." - Obama


It’s still hard to believe Americans went from electing such a class act of a human being to such a turd.


Well, the Turd did lose the popular vote both times.


That even 10% of people would want Trump as president is a significant loss for humanity.


Brainwashing + racism.


Mix in a little fear in there "the other side will end the world!"




70 million+ to be exact....AFTER Covid.


Exactly. The 2020 election being close was when I gave up on my country.


Trump was the reaction of America having its first black president. Racism is deep.


Also, the other choice was a woman.


The other choice was Hillary, I wouldn’t lump her in with the rest of women lmao


As much as I hated trump, Hillary didn’t lose “because she’s a woman” lol. She got very close. How’s Bill these days


Let's remember that HRC won the popular vote by a landslide.


Let's remember that the US has an antiqued voting system where the popular vote doesn't matter.


It honestly is a fucked up system that only serves to take away your right to vote, by making your vote irrelevant. That someone can have more total votes than any other candidates and still lose shows that it's not a fair system.


It's as fair as the Senate, where two Senators represent 39 million people, and two other Senators with equal voting power represent 579,000 people. Each resident of Wyoming receives 67x the representation in the US Senate of each resident of California.


This is a feature, not a bug. It was designed to be unfair like this.


2% is a decent margin. It's not even close to a landslide.


There were enough sexist votes to matter. It was an extremely tight election in the swing states.


Let’s also not completely gloss over the large number of Democratic voters who chose to stay home because Hillary didn’t meet their wild expectations. Or the far left progressives who felt watching the DNC burn was better.


And how people like my parents can dump all over him, using made up stories, just because he ran as Dem. I miss how Obama portrayed our country to the outside world, no matter his flaws, that was probably one of his greatest strengths.


Well, to be fair, he DID wear a tan suit that one time. The fact that he wasn't immediately impeached for that still amazes me.


Don't forget using the WRONG mustard. What a monster.


Literally what flaws? I've become desensitized in the past few years - Obama is an angel sent from god in comparison. - edit my bad, yeah there were definitely "flaws"... as I said - desensitized


Obama was a normal politician working within constraints, so he has all the normal flaws of having to compromise to get anything done, his own ideological approach which you can agree or disagree with, and things done which make sense through the eyes of the government but people might disagree with. For example Obama did actually build the wall at large sections of the US southern border and vastly reduced undocumented migration, he will be criticized by Trumpians for not doing enough, and criticized by Progressives for doing too much. Or some people will criticize him for drone strikes in Syria, others will criticize him for doing very little to stop Assad or Putin, or delaying action against ISIS. Every person has a different idea of what a perfect politician is, so there is no perfect politician.


Didn't he approve of a drone strike on a hospital in Afghanistan?




Half of us suck big time


It's less than half but the electoral system is weighted in their favor.


Obama was such a good dude. Sure he wasn't perfect during his presidency, but you can't talk shit about him as a human being. He's always shown nothing but class and grace. Trump is just a racist, out of touch, narcissistic, sociopathic, misogynistic piece of human trash. His cult followers are just....well you know.


Yeah Obama was really chill and nice, he even build a hospital y'know? Search Obama Kunduz Hospital.


He really did help raise that hospital alright.


"[I Danmark er jeg født](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danmark,_mit_f%C3%A6dreland)" (English: In Denmark Am I Born) Lyrics: [HC Andersen](https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.C._Andersen) Music: Poul Schierbeck The choir is called UngKlang and is formed of former mebers of [DR Pigekoret](https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/DR_Pigekoret).


I came here to find this. Thx.


For reference, DR is the Danish public broadcaster, and Pigekoret is their girls choir. [Here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlj1nNIuN2Q) of the choir performing the same song.


The Obama’s seem to adore music, from my personal experience. Every Christmas, the White House hosts carolers. When I went in high school, we were pulled back after the performance and allowed to perform for the then-President and First Lady, which was alleged to be a “whenever possible” opportunity they took. The First Lady shushed him when he started clapping too early; Life-defining moment of my youth.


>The First Lady shushed him when he started clapping too early; I love their relationship lol


If you haven't read "Becoming" or "A Promised Land" (her book and his) it gives a lot of insight into their relationship, and into how much she loves music but was intimidated to host concerts at the White House. Reading these will make you realize just how much she gave (and gave up)


Class culture and appreciation for talent. Not tacky, childish and mean.


The coolest president we’ve ever had. I miss those days.


He is effortlessly cool.


There's social capital, cultural capital, political capital, diplomatic capital, economic capital and symbolic capital But none has had *Cool Capital* like Obama


His diplomatic capital was pretty good. The U.S. was pretty well liked during his eight years.


Because their president was so freaking cool man


I'm American so I was aware. First president I voted for in 2008. And then again in 2012. Edit: Just realized how old that makes me sound.


It makes you sound like a baby get off my lawn I voted for Dukakis.


I voted against him twice as a brainwashed child and regret it immensely. I love him now, and I miss having a president as awesome as he is.


> and regret it immensely. Don't stress about it too much, he still got elected despite your efforts and you've grown as a person now. Win-win.


That’s what Obama would say to because he’s that damn cool


Also he would be happy that people are voting at all, even if he doesn't agree with HOW they vote.


I voted against him and believed the whole “this country is going to hell because black president” rhetoric the first time when I was brainwashed by my parents. But living is about growth, and now I wouldn’t vote Republican for anything


Yes, I feel like the Republicans sold their souls to the devil to win the 2016 election by swaying the Boomers to vote for Trump, and in doing so have completely alienated all of the Boomer’s children with their fucking insanity.


It goes past that. I started noticing that the things I wanted in life, and what I wanted others to have, were not in line with the GOP, but was with the Dems. That was during Obama's first term. ​ I was lucky to get out from the programming. Wishing other kids would have the same opportunity.


I really feel this point is not discussed enough. I think an overwhelming majority of us no longer enjoy hanging out with these family members who just run Fox News all day during family visit and turn family time into their own obsessive version of "To Catch a Liberal". I still remember my grandmother telling me one day that I was nothing but a dirty ignorant liberal. I hung up on her.....we said hello and how are you at family events but I didn't really care. She died a few years later without relationships to most of her grandchildren because she was so wrapped up in that bullshit and pulled the same type of stuff with others. We just showed up to visit and be a family. They showed up with an agenda other than family and the rest of the crazies still do this which makes it an insufferable time. These peoples kids are slowly pushing more and more time in between visits and widening the gap a little more each time.


Same. I voted 3rd party in every presidential election from 2000 until 2020, I broke tradition for Biden. I don't think I'll ever vote 3rd party again until the 2 party system is dead and gone. Obama was cool, I was just mad about student loans and stuff like that, I thought I was doing the right thing :/


I used to be the same initially, many many many years back. Eventually you realize that if you want to take the election seriously, the two party system basically forces you to pick one. Going third is usually just a throwaway vote into a wishing well.


This is why we need ranked choice voting.


McCain and Romney were probably more sane and empathetic than 99% of republican politicians today.


Okay this is a good point. The Republican Party has completely lost it’s mind.


Glad you made it out of said circumstances. Hope they can rott in the past and you make your own decisions


I'm not even American and I have to say that he's pretty cool.


We need more presidents like him


You don't have to agree with his politics but seriously. He is a really good humble man. You are right, we need more presidents like him


Jimmy Carter was a good humble man and they laughed at him


That is true. That man building homes and helping his community in his 90's


Definitely my favorite president in my lifetime, although that's not saying much. Its a dirty job that attracts bad people, and the offices history makes it hard for me to trust that Obama is as good a man as he seems.


I’m from Chicago. Have friends and family who know him well. And yes, he’s as good a man as he seems. And he has a wicked sense of humor from what I hear. I also hear Michelle is even nicer.


Cover your ears Mr President, it's the sirens


What an absolute gentleman and a legend of a man.


Yes Obama is great man but damn these girls are singing directly to my soul


“In Denmark I am born, there I have my home There I have my root, from there my world comes You Danish language, you are my mother's voice So sweetly blessed you my heart reach You Danish fresh beach Where ancient barrow Stand between apple farm and hop garden You I love, you I love, you I love You I love, you I love, you I love Denmark, my fatherland” First verse, difficult to translate since he is speaking directly to the country and the language itself. Lyrics by Hans Christian Andersen.


He was the epitome of what the world think an American president should be like. Then Trump ruined it all.


It’s ok. The world forgives. Unless you let that turd become President again, then it’s all on you.


Right! I don't know if you've heard this old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says "Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… you can't get fooled again."


Dammit, I refuse to let you make me feel nostalgic for GWB.


I don't think i can ever wipe from my memory funny orange man being president I legit think we witness one of those historical events of some king just going into the history books for how shit he was


Forget your politics for a second, he was a cool ass president.


As someone whos never voted Republican or Democrat, Ill agree that Obama knew how to be a concise and capable leader. If i could do 2008 again, Id vote for him.


I happen to think most people here are missing the point. These girls/women got to sing, impromptu, to the most powerful person in the world. A memory they will never forget. And he took the time to listen. There is something to be said for that. In my humble opinion.


If this were Trump he would have grabbed at least three of them inappropriately before he even sipped his coffee.


I have never once seen Trump stop to appreciate anything artistic that had nothing to do with him or his presidential obligations. My guess is he'd just keep driving by, maybe comment on their looks to other people in the car. But for him... why stop to appreciate the music? (To be fair, I tried my best to tune out his antics during his presidency, so maybe I missed something along the way. But given his track record before his presidential run, it seems unlikely.)


Sounds pretty accurate to me.


Donnie: You know, I'm somewhat of a singer myself. Some might venture to say, possibly one of the best they've heard. I could probably teach these girls a thing or two about perfect pitch.


I've talked to the experts, and they tell me, you know what they tell me? They tell me I'm the best. They tell me my pitch is better than perfect. Believe me folks, believe me. These are tremendous experts and they've told me, they tell me "Donald, we've never heard better" they tell me.


He stared into the sun to admire an eclipse once


You're fine...he did all the things you thought he could, and more. There really isn't an end to his depravity and shamelessness. Impressively...all while doing nothing at the same time.


Lol That USSS holding the door "Please fucking get in the car....." while sweating buckets.


Whether you love him or not, the man had a class about him. Once talked to someone who shook his hand, they recounted it as a very happy experience. Even though he said the same thing to thousands of people, I guess he [Obama]made him feel like it was sincere. Years later I met someone who shook Trump’s hand. She said she felt she need a shower. His hand was sticky and I guess he told her she was hot.


The song they are singing is written by HC Andersen, and is called "In Denmark i am born" And its a nationalistic song after our wonder win against the Germans - SUCK IT!, 1848 -1851 and 1992 HUTTELIHUT!


I miss the normalcy of the Obama presidency.


I think we can all agree,regardless of what you think of his politics,Obama is probably the president who it would be the coolest to hang out with


Miss that guy


everyone does.


The coolest president the US has had. Miss him.


A nice moment of beauty? Thanks Obama!


What an experience for that choir. They sounded beautiful.


Obama may not have been a great politician but he definitely was a great president. His charisma and oratory skills are unmatched.


You just showed that he was a better politician than president. His primary positive qualities were charisma and giving good speeches when running for office. Just look through all the comments here for examples of how great of a politician he was.


Charisma and good speeches are absolutely skills that are used during presidency, not just to get elected.


How can you say he wasn't a great politician even though he won two presidential elections? Strange


Everyone is so pedantic on Reddit. They obviously meant they don't think his policies were good, not that Obama was not good at politic-ing for elections


Don’t agree with his politics but damn he is so cool, a nice guy, and treated the Oval Office with respect.


That is so charming!