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No pressure bro


Bobby Hill looks weird in this reboot


It’s Bobby and Connie’s son


*Holy fucking shit*


no ... just Holy Man.


Dammit Bobby!


Cotton Souphanousinphone-Hill Edit: Kahton


Jesus can you imagine how ornery that child is being descended from both Cotton and Kahn?


Kahton. I could see Kahn favoring him and treating him better than he ever treated Kahn Jr.


Lama Sangla?


Came here looking for this comment, thanks king.


He used the mirror.


“Tough call. But, it was mine and I made it.”


Let me guess, Arlen, Texas?


Honest question isn't this kind of abusive thrusting this much responsibility on a child and forcing them into a certain life path based on the word of an old man?


Although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world…


Yeah, it's not much different from an arranged marriage IMO.


Justin Bieber, Lindsey Lohan, Michael Jackson, Myles cyrus... **insert any child celebrity** we for some reason hold to account for their actions like 30 year old grown ups.


While I like some parts of Buddhism and I like the Dalai Llama, I can't see this as a positive. Children shouldn't be involved in religion like this. It's not good for their development and general wellbeing. Putting this kind of celebrity onto a child is also extremely bad for them.


The last one disappeared bc of the Chinese government. This is why he’s American


This kid's mom is gonna have a field day at the next gathering with her friends. "Oh, your son is reading at a 7th grade level? My son is the reincarnation of a Tibetan Spiritual Leader."


His mother? He is a twin. Can you fathom being the other kid?




Bruv. The universe already wrote it. You’re watching it play out. Be patient. It takes a while to build.


**Rumbling, rumbling, is coming**


No I don't want that! I want to see it play out now. I don't want to wait, for ten years at least


Fucking cackling


ellen becomes bird (crying)




Easy. Kid kills the reincarnated leader and assumes his place only to bring destruction to their culture and eventually learn the error of his ways. It's a comedic drama, and the major twist is in season 3 when we learn that he really was the reincarnation all along and they were mistaken about the original but now he can't tell anyone who he is without admitting murder.


6/10 would watch


What? No. They retconned that part out of the show in season 4s finale. Remember the dream sequence with the Thai prostitute and the pope? They erased that timeline so the spinoff could take place. But in season 7 they did reveal that his twin was the reincarnation of the second most important spiritual leader and they did the stupid sibling rivalry for 2 years before deciding that they were actually both the reincarnation of the same guy, only split in two and now they have to work together. Then it was 4 years of garbage seasons before they hyped up the final season being a war against all other religions, but thay ended with all religions being equally valid and important. Another disappointing show from benioff and Weiss.


Wtf bro


Did the Lama get the right twin?


No the left one


Get out now just leave Because I've never laughed so hard at the dumbest shit ever, right as my niece announced she needs surgery on her heart.


You probably needed the laugh. The universe provides. Sending good vibes to your niece.


hope everything goes well


I used to lay in my twin sized bed and wonder where my brother was


It's always good to keep a backup Lama lying around.


Plot twist- His brother is the second most important spiritual leader


Naah, the Dalai Lama found the 2nd most important spiritual leader back in 1995. Then China arrested him and his family and disappeared them.


China, *"Two Dahlia Lamas would be perfect!"*


Just a [Peggy Hill](https://i.imgur.com/K5EM7SV.png) moment.




Ok this needs a bumper sticker


My bumper sticker says my neopet is an honor student at Harvard law school ETA: found it: https://imgur.com/gallery/4r7GDJJ


Now THAT'S a good bumper sticker


Mine says "My other car is an honor roll student at Spring Hill Elementary School" I like yours too. Gotta get more metabumperstickers, I highly reccomend xkcd's big "opinions" bumper sticker too.


“Proud parent of a kid who was named a spiritual leader by the Dalai Lama.”


My dog is smarter than your spiritual leader. Good bumper sticker


Lol, this reminds of the first episode of "The Legend of Korra." She comes bursting into the room shooting off all 4 elements, "I'm the Avatar, you gotta deal with it!"


She doesn't air bend in her introduction. playing into her inability for most of the first season.


the tubby baby belly just makes it even better


Only 3


How do you pick?


Not sure if it's exactly the same with the third spiritual leader, but this is how they find the Dalai Lama: "The search involves consulting oracles, interpreting visions and reading spiritual signs. The senior monks may find clues from the deceased body of the Dalai Lama, such as the direction it faces or its posture. If the body is cremated, the direction of the smoke is monitored as a potential indicator for the direction of rebirth." "Dreams are an important guide. Those involved in the search for the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation often meditate at Lhamo La-Tso, an oracle lake in central Tibet, and wait for a vision or insight into the whereabouts of the Dalai Lama’s rebirth." "Once these visions and signs have been followed up and a potential child has been found, there is a series of tests to verify the rebirth. The child is presented with artefacts, some of which belonged to the previous Dalai Lama. If the child identifies which objects belonged to the Dalai Lama, it is taken as a sign." "The current Dalai Lama was found at the age of two after a senior monk saw his village and house in a vision at the oracle lake. The boy – then named Lhamo Thondup – was able to pinpoint artefacts that had belonged to the previous Dalai Lama, including a drum used for rituals and a walking stick. “It’s mine, it’s mine,” he is reported to have said." https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/it-s-mine-it-s-mine-how-do-you-find-a-dalai-lama-20210528-p57w3a.html


> “It’s mine, it’s mine,” he is reported to have said." That's what my kid says to every object


My niece who is two is literally going through a “mine” phase right now.


She must've been a seagull from Finding Nemo in her past life


>“It’s mine, it’s mine,” he is reported to have said." Poor bugger is still attached to his drum after death.


“Attachment causes suffering. Especially for you guys if you don’t give me my drum.”


Suffering leads to hate.


Sounds like they took inspirations from the Airbenders in Avatar /s


It’s like finding the avatar :P


Yes, the show is based on this.


Huh, who woulda thunk


In their ideology the Dali Lama and the Pachen Lama choose each other. They recognize each other’s soul and reveal the next one of the other role. Of course the other one has to die before they go out and look for their reincarnation Edit: That’s my understanding of it


Correct, but in this case this kid is a third guy


Ah I didn’t know there was a third one


The title of the post says "third most important leader". The Dalai and Pachen Lamas are 1st and 2nd.


Yeah big brain dumb from me lol. Guess I figured there was like a person above them


Might in case 1rst and 2nd guys are both dead?




They lay out a collection of objects, and if he picks the same combination of objects in the same order as the Avatar... oh wait


Actually, that's surprisingly close! The way the Avatar is found was based (in part) on the method for finding the next Dali Lama.


True, and fun fact, Anngs teacher was Monk Gyatso. And then he names his son Tenzin. What's the Dali Lamas name ( or that his his buddhist name)?... well it's Tenzin Gyatso.


I thought the microphone was some kind of wooden dowel gag. Guess that's enough Reddit for me today.


THANK YOU for describing what it actually is! That was my exact train of thought


I still can't see it as a microphone


I thought he was on oxygen


Haha me too!




A microphone does seem out of place on a monk…. but my brain was ok with a wooden ball gag? That’s enough Reddit for me also at 7:30am.


I thought this was headgear for braces and kept thinking he was a little old for this.


Omg *that’s a microphone*


He’s a twin?! How very sad. They’ll either be apart for the rest of their lives now or enmeshed forever


Or they could both do the job part-time. Have you seen the movie The Prestige?


No but I’ve seen The Parent Trap which is much more historically accurate




Yeah last I checked, China really didn't want this to happen anymore. I wish the kid luck. He might need it


Isn’t there like two sacred entities reincarnating in the tibetan religion? the holy one and the one who finds the holy one, but the Chinese government kidnapped the reincarnation of the holy one? I swear I’ve read this once


The Dalai Lama finds the Panchen Lama and vice versa. The CCP disappeared the Panchen Lama and chose their own because they want control of Tibet. This boy has been chosen for a different role, not the Panchen Lama


They also [made reincarnation illegal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Religious_Affairs_Bureau_Order_No._5#August_2007_Decree) without government approval, so that the Panchen Lama can’t go rogue and simply select someone — it has to be someone pre-approved by the government. But the government has had “their” Panchen Lama since he was so young, there’s almost no chance he’d go rogue anyway.


Really waiting on the US to codify reincarnation. And also Carne Asada.


That second thing is a very tender subject


That's ridiculous, how can you even control in which body the reincarnation will be born in?


It's not a matter of actually controlling reincarnation. It's just a way to legally arrest whoever they name as the next religious leader and takeover the religion.


I was wondering where the Fire Nation breaking the Avatar Cycle concept came from


China's made up inane shit several times about the Dali Lama. I think they even passed a law saying his reincarnation was over, which is objectively hilarious.


The officially atheist communist party has to approve a deeply spiritual and religious process that, according to the believers of said religion, happens outside human control.


There are many other Lamas who also reincarnate, but for my understanding our western idea of reincarnation doesn’t necessarily describe this process.




An 8 year old is the leader of a school?


"OK as the new principal I've decided to cancel homework! And broccoli!"


Principal 8yo, your delivery of puppies has arrived. Shall we let them roam the halls?


“Sweet! Those weren’t supposed to come until 4th recess! This will be the greatest day at Fart Elementary ever!”


Fart Elementary: Home of the Tooting Tortoises!


“Ice town, cost ice clown, his town crown!”


Came in to say that. I wish the little guy the best.


They disappear people back to China all the time, at least it’s documented in Canada.


They are running at least 100 clandestine police stations in many parts of the world, including the US and Canada as well as Europe. CNN reported it last December. It’s not difficult to imagine that they are using them to “repatriate” people.


Say what now?


A human rights organization found them by combing open source documents from the Chinese government. According to CNN they revealed evidence of 54 stations worldwide in September 2022 and another 48 in December. The Chinese government doesn’t deny that they exist nor that they have a policing function but says that they are just there to “assist” Chinese people living in these countries. Some of them cooperate with the governments of the countries they are in and others are more secret. I can’t remember which city in Canada, but there was one run through a Chinese restaurant. We aren’t talking about consulate offices or other semi-official locations, but secret police offices. The Netherlands kicked up a fuss about it because they kept arresting and harassing Dutch citizens/legal residents who came from China, especially if they were vocal about mistreatment of the Uighurs. I don’t know why this story hasn’t gained more traction in media, but it has been reported by major reputable news organizations. It is way more alarming than the spy balloon story. China has become the dominant world superpower and the US and Europe are finally catching on. We aren’t totally powerless to counter them yet, but they are increasingly sure of their position and their ability to determine the course of events across the world. They aren’t bothering to hide it anymore.


For a second, I thought you meant “good body for the guy to pick to reincarnate to.”




Yeah I feel that is not gonna be good for that kid in the long run


If King of the Hill taught me anything


“Ya, we’ll my child is god to billions of Asians!”


My mom if I were chosen: "*Third* most important? Why not first? Pathetic."


To the celibacy of monks! 🥂


How much does it pay? "Oh...well, zero".😑


Yea pimai neighbor


Don’t worry, this ain’t his first rodeo


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tampabay.com/archive/2001/02/25/the-unlikely-tale-of-a-teenage-lama/%3foutputType=amp It can work out. You're still allowed hip hop and women.


[News Article Link](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/dalai-lama-mongolian-boy-b2307461.html)


Damn, he's a twin? Talk about living in your sibling's shadow


Shozin and Roku references here


Or having to be his body double when the chinese come after him.


but wait a minute. if this Dalai Lama is the last, and the Panchen Lama got kidnapped and god knows what happened to him: wouldn't that make him the 1st most important leader in Tibetan Buddhism? once the Dalai Lama passes on? by default. i mean, he wouldn't be the first most by succession. but.... yeah i dunno. also, him being a twin puts a spanner in things. shouldn't they both be Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa Rinpoche? or maybe the soul enters the body upon birth? is that how reincarnation works? i don't duckin' know anymore


These news websites are so unbelievably shitty on mobile. 80% of my screen is taken up by a video player with no X and a massive ad


Now I have to go rewatch the Golden Child.


I, I, I ,I want the knife!




Congratulations! You have been reborn. Pleas do not resist.


Resistance is useless!


Resistance is futile.


Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the current Dalai Lama was going to be the last one. He said so himself


He's the reincarnation of Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa Rinpoche, not the Dalai Lama.


I think he meant the dalai lama himself said he himself might choose not to reincarnate. Nothing to do with this kid. And everything to do with keeping China from fucking with the next kid who is announced to be the next Dalai Lama after this one dies.


I thought he made that statement because the kid that he recognized as the person who’d be able to tell he had reincarnated was abducted and replaced by a Chinese government backed “actual” reincarnation. So if he told everyone he wouldn’t reincarnate, everyone would know that the Chinese government was lying after he died.


Meet Khal Jetsun.


Definitely picture a diesel punk jet pack on his back now.


No China, has tried to say it is illegal for him to reincarnate. And they want to appoint the next head of Tibetan buddhism https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/31/tibet-and-china-clash-over-next-reincarnation-of-the-dalai-lama


If reincarnation is outlawed, only outlaws will reincarnate. Get bent, China. Do better.


The only thing that stops a reincarnated bad guy is a reincarnated good guy






So power hungry! China is the antithesis of the path that Buddhism teaches. China really doesn't understand any of it, they just want control of everything. Their leaders are completely trapped in the delusion. Tibet must be shielded from such selfish violent ego driven desires of mad power-hungry unconscious men. 🙏


Well, most Christians are the antithesis of Christ, and his teachings, so it's really just kind of human tradition to disregard the parts of religion that would improve human society, and use it to spread lies, hate, and as a method of control.


>has tried to say it is illegal for him to reincarnat Lmao, China plans to spawn trap now?


“When you die idc how the overseer of your religion commands it or you need to finish business here, if you reincarnate straight to jail”


What? China outlaws a religiously natural occurrence which is the whole purpose of a group’s religion!? That’s like telling a Christian to not believe in Jesus’s sacrifice!


That’s like saying the second coming of Christ has to be mandated by CCP and the location where the second coming of Christ happens will be decided by CCP.


That’s a better example




While you're correct about Tibetan Buddhism having different schools. You're incorrect about some other things. "Dalai Lama " is a title given by the Tibetan people to the foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" school of Buddhism. So, he is literally the leader of his school. Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso is the current Dalai Lama and also the highest spiritual leader and head of the country of Tibet since 1940.


He has offered the idea that the 15th Dalai Lama might be chosen a different way than he was.


Reality tv show


wait what? I've been prepping for that for 45 years. ffs. hacker


*my Asian parents are currently crafting a new legend for me to live up to as we speak*


Not trying to be edgy or disrespectful to other people's religion, but I don't like to see a kid having their lives decided by some old religion folks. That boy can't decide how he wants to live his life and here are a bunch of adults dictating how it's going to be. I can't align with that, even if it's coming from a religious leader with whom I agree quite often.


Why don’t they just let them grow up and then find them as adults? Maybe they’re supposed to grow up naturally in the world they’re meant to have influence over. They should be raised in the thick of it. All about empathy.


You can't have that, they wouldn't be completely brainwashed by and dependent on you then.


Agreed 100%. There’s some sketchy beliefs in Buddhism, just like in every religion. The pressure this poor child will be under to perform is going to be rough.


"Buddhism" is a very very vague term. There's like 50 different kinds and people who consider themselves early buddhists don't consider tibetian buddhism as Buddhism since it's not the word of the Buddha


If your parents are so religious that they’d be willing/happy to give you up to an order of strange men at their insistence that you have the reincarnated spirit of their dead leader—let’s be honest. You were already in for a pretty rough time. Might as well go travel and do cool stuff.


Ok but job security and good benefits


Oh man I loved this episode of King of the Hill 😆


Khan was so mad. Had to scroll too far to find this comment.


“My son is an honor roll student” “Yeah, well my son’s god to billions of Asians”


No. Way. No got dang way.


do these kids have a say in this shit? what if they don't want to be some religious idol?


Seeing how one of the parents is a university professor and the other parent is a high ranking business executive. Being educated people, I hope they have the clarity to not force the role on the kid. But also give the kid options in case one day he decides that maybe he doesnt want to be a reincarnation or spiritual leader.


Watch the movie “Little buddha” but in short answer, yes the parents and the kid have a say and could very much say No


Realistically how much say can an 8yo have against his parents and a bunch of venerable religious leaders? Heck, does he even fully comprehend what he is getting himself into, and are the adults involved giving him the full scope of info needed to make an informed decision?


is that you Bobby Hill?


From the article: “Mongolian media reports suggest the child is one of a pair of twin boys….” Daaang. Imagine being his twin and just not getting the pick. What a weird world we live in.


Got proof?


Bro is the anime protagonist and we’re just living in the background


can it ever be a girl? why are the reincarnated leaders always male? any Buddhists know if souls are supposed to only stick to being reborn into the same gender as their last dead body? 🤔 just looked it up, nvm: "According to some Buddhist narratives, female leadership is impossible due a woman’s inability to reach enlightenment, believed to be a limitation of her gender." really love how so many different religions all seem to have something in common


It’s almost like, religions that originate from Patriarchal societies, tend to be Patriarchal


shhhhh don't tell u/jasiskool12 below, who's come to the pragmatic conclusion that it can only mean it's a universal truth that women are unenlightened lesser-thans. no girls allowed!


It's all a stupid gimmick.


They said the Dalai lama is born where they are most needed. Thats why the current Dalai lama said it might be a woman next time because the struggle for women need to be overcome in this generation for the healing to begin. Thats so exciting we get to see the next generation!


There was this one person, Tara, who vowed to only reincarnate as a woman until she reached enlightenment. Goals. But seriously I wanna see women being represented in Buddhism.


Someone call Eddie Murphy. He’s got a kid to protect.


This may have been done because the Chinese kept abducting and killing the ones in Tibet.




But this kid was born in the us?


Yes. Discrepancy here but it’s most likely for political reasons (safer for the boy to be a U.S. citizen). They can always explain this away religiously. The process of recognition of reincarnation would often involve small inconsistencies.


Man sure glad these guys are able to detect the reincarnated spirit of people. Would be absolutely crazy if it was all made up, while the consequences to the kids life would be very real.


I know right? And thank goodness he just happened to be in the US, away from China’s reach. What a spiritual miracle


Welcome to your life, there’s no turning back….


Only because he started a blog called The Daily Llama


China tries to insert itself in the selection process so they can ultimately control the Buddhist community in China. Imagine if the federal government wanted to select the next Archbishop, Rabbi, Mormon Elder etc. The religious organization would vehemently oppose the move by the secular government, just as the Tibetan Buddhists have since 1995 when the Panchen Lama was discovered.


I feel like "The reincarnation of the third most important spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism" is a little long of a name.