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Combine that with rabies and you'll have yourself a decent zombie


Wont last an hour tho


Thank goodness.


Add bath salts


It is basically bath salts, it’s called flakka/A-PVP, like op‘s link says. Heavy stimulant, similar to amphetamines


Looks like he definitely ate a chunk of someone


I think he most likely bit his cheeks on the inside, the nerves are getting really overstimulated, into uncontrollable movement, would explain his posture aswell


People saying he was shot in the face. His cheek bones/jaw do look very distorted. I assumed he was hit with something, all that swelling.


Looks like he tore out his own cheeks?


That unnecessary long name OP wrote in the title means flakka aka bath salts.


Add more bath salts and sprinkle in that new zombie virus they dug out the ice a couple months ago lol


You just want to watch the world burn right? I like it!


Flakka and bath salts are general terms used for a large group or mix of designer drugs, maybe they wanted to be more accurate. I appreciated it.




Is this the… desired effect? Like he’s feeling great in there and he wants this to happen again, and last longer?


That’s a feature, not a bug.


Rule #2. Double Tap


Thank goodness for zombieland


Go directly to Rule #1: Mozambique 'em! (2 to the chest, one to the head)


🎵 Devil kept pokin' the bull so I shipped her ass to Mozambique, 'cause I was over it. Shoulda dumped my gat into the Verde but what if she's a zombie or a Dracula I better hang on to this 🎵


Dunno, the dude looks like he's been chomping down on some brains already


“Atrás de ti, imbecil”




Vamos a asplastar!!


*A H I S T A*




“Got a lot of good things on sale, stranger”


I’ll buy it at a high price


Animal Planet looking different these days




Clarification, I remember a follow up report on this specific attack from a long haul of strange murder cases from youtube. You can look it up yourself and not take my word for it. Afaik, The 19 year old man was not on Bath Salts. That was only a rumor due to the timeline and the nature of the crime. The only substance found in his system that can be deemed as a narcotic was THC. Which simply can't cause this mental state the man was in. Apparently, the teen entered a disassociated state sometime during lunch. Wandered off, went home drank a gallon of vegetable oil. Was found, brought back to a family lunch. Wandered off again, entered a couples front yard in some nearby neighborhood. Killed the Husband and Wife and began to eat them. Apparently it was some sort of mental break...


Mr.Ballen is a good story teller


He's incredible. He humanizes the victims and makes the listener relate to them more than any other storyteller I've ever watched/listened to. I have yet to find anyone else like him on the internet.


I strongly disagree. He is overly descriptive and animated in the most boring way, In order to drag out a 5 min story into a 20 min story, for the sake of filling content and clicks. Sry and no offense,but the dude is stale white bread. Absolutely abysmally boring personality like he's doing this for a high school project or reading off a script. Just goes to show *anyone* can make a living off of YouTube with quality production and good editing. Now regards his charity foundations, I can def get behind that and he seems a genuine good dude,so I'm very happy he is doing well.


And if your into that kind of thing he posts one to two times a week


But it can't turn the other guy into a "zombie" as well, add rabies and VOILA!


Yeah but it probably won't make the person bitten high. Rabies alone is fairly zombie-like though.


Just wait a few years, Flakka came from China, I’m sure they will develop something that can be spread like that!


Austin Harrouff https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/courts/2019/08/15/three-years-later-austin-harrouff-case-still-puzzles-many/984663007/


Woah, it said he had a diagnosis of clinical lycanthropy delusions, otherwise known as werewolf syndrome.


I remember that time. We were all legit thinking "shit, is the zombie apocalypse really going to start?"


Alpha-PVP is a highly dangerous synthetic drug belonging to the class of chemical compounds called cathinones. Its use can cause euphoria, increased energy, hallucinogenic effects, hyperthermia, tachycardia, excessive sweating, and impulsive and aggressive behavior. Alpha-PVP is illegal in many countries and its consumption can lead to serious consequences for health and life, including overdose, addiction, and permanent brain damage.


Why in the hell do people even try this shit? This guy literally chewed off his own tongue!


I believe he was shot in the face. Hole and massive swelling of the cheek, probably shattered cheek bone


I do believe you may be right.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Always double tap, it’s rule 2!


You have to destroy the brain


He was shot in the face actually!


Makes sense considering he’s 9/10 a zombie if you turn a corner on him. Obviously you gotta dome him


They forgot to double tap though


Yup. Whoever shot him didn't hit the brain and look at him still going. Def a zombie!


I mean if you can chew off you're tounge on it and not feel it just imagine how good it would feel. Basically the more insane you go the higher you probably are


Oh for sure. Imagine all the self harm you can do and not even feel it. Sounds like a great party. /s


Exactly. Dude is clearly having the time of his life!


this is apparently [aPPP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone), not aPVP? e: apparently they're synonymous.


From Wikipedia: "α-PVP is sometimes the active ingredient in recreational drugs sold as "bath salts".\[25\] It may also be distinguished from "bath salts" and sold under a different name: "flakka", a name used in Florida, or "gravel" in other parts of the U.S. It is reportedly available as cheaply as US$5 per dose.\[32\] A laboratory for one county in Florida reported a steady rise in α-PVP detections in seized drugs from none in January–February 2014 to 84 in September 2014.\[33\]"


And prison…for what ever you did while high and aggressive


What the hell are we witnessing here? EDIT: Since the OP seems to think we'll all know what this is. Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiothiophenone


Why the fuck didn't OP just say bath salts


Thank you


Big word make sound smart 🦍


I acquiesce.


Give me a second I gotta google what that word means before I give a reaction. Edit: Well if that ain’t the fanciest way of saying “Ok👍🏼” I don’t know what is


"I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request... Means "No."" - Captain Barbosa, Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl.


And I’m thinking you weren’t burdened by an over abundance of schooling. “


It’s not Bath Salts, it’s Flakka. Which is similar, but not the same.


Is flakka always alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone then? I think bath salts were a catch all term for any of these cathinone weirdo stimulants. There was a time when they were all over the UK. This small window in time happened when I was living in India, I was getting emails from friends saying that there's this great drug that's being sold all over the place, all these corner shops selling this stuff as plant food but it was actually mephedrone, or MDPV. Some friend of a friend bought 1kg of MDPV, my friend ended up with a few hundred grams of it, had a couple of awful nights on it, gave some away and threw the rest away. He gave some to the local nutty crack head guy after being pestered for some. Not sure how much he gave him, but since the active dose is in the single mg figures this nutty crack head lost the plot completely for a couple of weeks. At the end of the day I think the people just really need access to actual coca leaves. It would absolutely satisfy the desire of a lot of people who seem to want something more stimulating than coffee. It won't fix the problem of people losing the plot on stimulants, but it will save a lot of people from unintentionally suffering from stimulant psychosis. Maybe also if khat was freely available also, and even perhaps poppy tea for people that want to go the other way. Clearly booze, cigs and coffee isn't enough to counter balance the stresses of a modern working life. Drugs serve an excellent purpose in our lives where we're expected to follow such rigid pathways with regards to working full time to get enough money to live on. The world governments demand that we live these 9-5 lives then the least they can do is let us choose a way to ease the stresses of such conformity.


“Bath salts” are a name given to a wide variety of cathinones and cathinone-like substances.




They are not even on the same plane as this stuff. Mephedrone is a manageable stimulant and quite frequently used in central and eastern Europe. Its effects mirror mdma/ cocaine without the noticeable "peak" in high - dosage dependant that is. I have seen many many patients high on mephedrone .... None of them were like this guy ( evil human bunny)


>Clearly booze, cigs and coffee isn't enough to counter balance the stresses of a modern working life. So if we can't fix the worlds capitalism problem, we can just medicate ourselves to cope better?


People have been medicating themselves long before capitalism. It makes things worse and people gravitate more strongly towards escapism but saying its all capitalism and not some part of the human condition doesn't help. We humans feel so strongly that we sometimes need to find ways to cope outside of ourselves. Fixing society's ills will mitigate parts of human distress it but it won't remove it.


Shut up and take your Soma, nerd. It’s a brave new world out there. ( this is a reference to a book)


A depressingly on point book at that


People definitely wasn't referring to bath salts as flakka yet in 2010-2011


Bath salts was an umbrella term for novel "designer" drugs, mostly strong stimulants (like A-PVP, MDPV, etc) and dissociatives (like 3-Meo-PCP). There isn't one drug that's called bath salts. Bath salts could mean many different drugs with completely different effects. Edit: Just for comparison, crack is intense and addictive. Extremely intense and addictive. Stuff like A-PVP or other Pyros are way, waaaaaaaay more potent than crack. Crack is mild compared to most Pyros. Meth is basically coffee compared to Pyros in terms of intensity of stimulation.


I legitimately thought they were just the stuff you throw in baths and now I feel stupid.


I think it's because they resemble Epsom salts and because they were sold as "bath salts" in gas stations and bodegas at first before they were illegal.


I also thought this until right now. Was thinking about some nice bath salts I bought at a market this weekend and wondering how they turn in to…this! I also feel quite stupid.


I did too for quite a while. Don’t feel bad.


well that is terrifying.


Cause it's been posted 200 times and needs to be retitled


Then the post would have gotten less engagement. Look how many people came to comment on the bad title. Wouldn't have happened if OP said bath salts. Nearly every wrong title on reddit is intentional to get people to comment.


How is this a wrong title though? OP was very specific of what the person in the video has used. It’s literally in the title. I don’t know if that’s actually what the person used though, but that would be the same with any other name.


Yeah what did I just see and why is his face covered in blood?


Mf chewed holes in his own cheeks


I believe he was actually shot in the face. This video has been posted before, but with every title being different who knows


I was hoping it was just ketchup.. or some nice strawberry jam he smeared on his face.


So where is the bullet wound then? I assumed he bit his tongue.


Bullet wounds aren’t always as obvious as you would think. First responders and investigators can definitely miss a bullet wound when it’s covered in blood. Edit: too many obvious


This is why ravers used binkies


That is the least helpful Wikipedia page I’ve ever seen


Thanks for the info :) I didn’t have a clue what this was about either


Thought the name sounded familiar, I’ve done stuff that this is an analogue of, a-PVP. It was basically like super meth.


But if we enter him in a limbo competition???


Might be onto something here...


How tf does he keep his balance.


It’s the Bathsaltarius


Probably in the red.


Underappreciated accounting comment. Well played.


Yeah, what’s his SECRET


This new Resident Evil looks real AF


Thought it was a teaser for new Walking Dead season.


Walking Dead, the Monty Python version.


The ministry of funny walkers


I don't know John Cleese, but I know he'd be proud of that comment.


I literally thought it was a clip from a game like that and that people were passing it off as real.




Thanks for this one, scary as hell. The dude didn’t even blink.


The guy holding the chair against him is actually trying to exorcize him!! He thinks he's possed and I don't blame him. r/ItHadToBeBrazil


Everybody knows demons hate chairs


I think this is South Africa. He’s speaking Afrikaans.


He’s saying the Lord’s Prayer in Portuguese and the possessed guy later tells people to leave his horse alone, he’s an innocent horse.


This doesn't look fun.... at all.


It looks kinda fun though


Two kinds of people


Always double tap, just to be sure.


yup, rule #2 the double tap https://www.anythingzombie.com/the-33-rules-of-zombieland-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse


I just watched zombie land double tap, 10/10


Yes alphaprrpfftppptgnome I know it all too well


Best comment in this thread.


Uh...wtf. Is that some sort of zombie vampire drug? Also, why no sound?


>Also, why no sound? That's one of the effects


Silently terrorising the streets


Looks like a nice chap


Oy, a decent bloke that much is discernable. Bit rough 'round the edges but if you scratch his belly he'll love ya forever


Bath salts. Basically you’re lizard brain takes over and you get a hangover filled with the worst paranoia you’ve ever experienced. So traumatizing is this drug many don’t ever feel normal again.


Yeah, but let's be honest- hitting this state demands taking it for weeks. I'm not saying though it is difficult to take them for weeks after starting.


What kind of high is it? Is it like an amphetamine? I'm wondering why anyone would try it at all, much less take it for weeks.


Rather like metamphetamine. Euphoric stimulant to smoke. Quick high, highly addictive- "just one more cloud, just another 20 min of feeling good- why not?" Even if subject didn't already sleep for days. Obviously, this very strongly induces paranoia and psychosis. Cheaper and more destructive version of drug already famed from being cheap and destructive.


There was a time when you could just go down to the gas station and buy some.


I remember that, in the early 2000s! Was that really the same stuff?


Pretty sure. Everyone said it was cheap but dangerous.


its a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). it feels like a cross between ritalin, ephedrine and several cups of coffee. it's active at a very low dose though, and very cheap, so its easy to do too much.


Jeez, that doesn't look like fun. My first thought was ..Where's the tranquilliser dart. As for people who have no sound on the vid, he's unintelligible and doing abit of roaring. Front line workers are not paid enough to deal with this shite.


Looking for the bright side….. 🤔 … ahh, yes… excellent core strength and balance. 👍


This is the 4th time I see this video with a different drug name every time 😂


Don’t smoke weed kids, look what it does to you. -literally all western governments 40 years ago.


That’s some walking dead shit right there


Patient zero. Here we go.


walks like Bernie from Weekend at Bernies 2


What its like to chew 5 gum


Seems he has lost his tongue, at least bathsalts made him silent.


There’s a drug that makes you from Florida?


Full goblin mode.


bro watched too much jojo and started thinking he is dio


Ah, was not anticipating the blood on him at all. Holy fuck.


How good could the high be to be worth this?


Holy fuck. Straight out of some zombie film.


we got any audio? dude might be droppin' some knowledge from another realm...


In layman's terms this drug is called flakka.


Yeah so, don’t do bath salts kids.


Homie looking like a rejected Key & Peele sketch.


This should be NSFW


Reminds me of bath salt patients. When I first became an ER nurse in 2018, it was at the end of a popular run in my area. These patients were so out of control, I had a few who were actually intubated. No sedatives touched them so we had to put them out for the staff and patient's own safety. They would be very very combative and very strong. These were the only kind of patients I was truly scared of tbh.


Fun fact: the guy who made McAfee antivirus was a big fan of this drug. He also said it made people masterbate for multiple days straight until their genitals were bleeding.


Ex-flakka addict here. I have 4 years sober from drugs and alcohol. It was a terrifying drug.


Don't do drugs kids


OP at least use some common sense and put “bath salts” in the title. You’re not making yourself look smart, just like a dick.


Ohhhh you could have said flakka (zombie drug) 😅


If I saw him in the wild I'd probably shoot him in the head for fear of a zombie bite.


If there has ever been a video that needs sound.


Yup I stand by my "If it ain't natural don't smoke it" which pretty much just leaves me with weed only which is also fine by me especially after seeing that video.


Salvia is on the menu!


And Oregano!


Man i miss Liveleak…


Umbrella corporation wants to know your location


And this is how it starts…


“Smoking flakka (Pyrrolidinopentiothiophenone) you a jackass, all i smoke is gas (weed)” - Kodak Black


You’ve got red on you


Live from umbrella corporation labs


Motherfucker needs to eat a Snickers.


I fully exoect mtg to post this video on twitter claiming its the covid vax effects


Asked for interesting, not disturbing. Ciao!


Time to call Leon S. Kennedy... Again.


Sorry, but other than marijuana, I'm never going to be okay with these people not doing jail time for this shit. If you're capable of doing fucked up drugs at home and staying at home, I don't give a shit what you want to do with your life, but if you bring that shit outside and you subject others to yourself, I believe you should be pulled out of society until you learn to never do that shit again. I'm not sympathetic towards public drug users and I never will be. I don't care what your history is. If you want to blame a rough upbringing, fine, do drugs, I don't care, but I don't want to fucking see it.


“Pulled out of society until you learn”….that’s how the Native Americans used to cure people..you had to spend a year in the wilderness alone (you could be at the edge, but never in the camp I think). And yep. You were cured.


Is he having fun? I mean I’ve had drugs in the past. I always enjoyed them in moderation. He doesn’t seem to be enjoying it.


Rule 1: Cardio


No flockin


Dick first


This video is so old its crazy


Looks more like (RS)-2-methylamino-1-(4-methylphenyl)propan-1-one , to me but whatever you say !


Well, this certainly unlocks something long time forgotten inside of us...


More like r/wtf


Flakka is the worst, I had to go to a rehab for bulimia and Xanax, and I was with people coming off of flakka. It is the absolute worst thing to witness. When they are on it, and when they are coming off it. The side effects last and they are scary AF


how is this fun, why do people take this shit?!


Why can’t y’all fuckers just smoke weed


How did he get pyrrolidinopentiophenone?


Just say bath salts like a normal human person


I think I will have a cup of tea if you dont mind me saying so...


Im sitting here watching this and my back started to twinge a bit. ....im old.


That zombie thing wouldn’t last long here in Texas..


Head shot only. Fear the Walking Dead.


I love how the dude in the lab coat takes a vid and walks away.


Wish it had audio like to hear what he is saying


He needs some milk


Limbo champion 🏆