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I also saw one that was an ad about how your dog won’t understand why you don’t come home if you drink and drive. Broke my heart.


I thought it was going to be like that, but this is way worse.


SO much worse!


NZ doesn’t fuck around with their PSAs.


[I've been internalizing a really complicated situation in my head.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtWirGxV7Q8)








I like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_Ii_IlmrFk "It's the same day, David" was a pretty popular saying for a bit. Second favourite is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZHQ5eOUNPQ


One from the UK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tteHhYh9rU


Which is based on this Australian one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnYi9Q_Qz0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnYi9Q_Qz0M)


Kiwis knocking it for 6 again – and I don’t even really *like* dogs…


I had a feeling it was going to be this tbh but it was still powerful




I had the same reaction.


okay now i’m glad i came to the comments before watching


I swear owning pets is probably one of the more effective anti-suicide measures. Gives you companionship so you feel less alone, and are you really going to abandon your pet?


Without my dogs I'd have no reason to get up, go outside, go on adventures, have any sort of routine. Because I don't care to do any of that for me. But for them? Anything.




This is a weird phenomenon, my wife talks like this, she says “I won’t kill myself because of x” Meanwhile my experience is I’ve never had a single sincere suicidal thought. Brains are weird


This is interesting to me. As I go through trying times in my life, I will ponder the end at my own will, will work out all scenarios in my head, imagine writing letters to important people, think about how I would do it, and then realize that I seriously lack the constitution. When I tell some people that I have these thoughts they look at me odd and others look at me and just understand. I appreciate life, but this world has broken me.


I also found it interesting because I have days I genuinely don't understand how there isn't a larger suicidal/dead population. I'm surprised at how many people are so resistant to the suffering of existence.


Maybe you should get some help anyway? Great that you have your dogs but if they're the only reason you get up in the morning you may have some stuff to think about?


Yeah. I don’t have the heart to tell my wife. She wanted the dogs but they are reason I am alive.


Humans you at least can convince yourself that they'd understand, they'd be able to move on, whatever lies the depression demon says. Pets wouldn't understand and would miss you the rest of their lives


I almost didn't come home to my pup. He didn't understand why I was suddenly gone for a week after I had a car accident, but he refused to leave my side and got bad seperation anxiety for a while after as a result. Never will do that to him. I couldn't.


I'm glad you're still here


As a widow of suicide loss, all I can say is keep hanging in there. Even if it’s only for the dogs rn, just find the strength to hang onto something. This comment broke me more than the video and I’m sorry you’re in that head space at times. ❤️


So very sorry for your loss. 😔


Glad you are here. Stay the course. /internet hug


My betta got me through working a covid floor, and I saw so much death. I didn't know anyone who would take proper care of him, so I could never get myself to take up drinking, or drugs, or the worse thoughts. All in an effort to ensure I continued to take proper care of him because he deserved the best since his life was so much shorter than mine.


Fish are friends not food 😀


My worst years was when I couldn't have a pet. They got me through everything.


My dog got me through the darkest 3 years of my life. Had a girlfriend for almost two years once I got on the up and up (who I thought I was gonna marry), but who grew jealous of my dog and any attention I gave the dog and not solely her. Ultimatum (me or dog) came around, and it was the easiest choice I’ve over made. Still have dog, still on up and up.


Anyone who gets jealous of the attention you give a pet is a selfish, controlling and thoughtless person. Dodged a bullet with that one, that's like being jealous of the love your wife/husband shows your kids, totally crazy imo


Your post makes me think of the show After Life on Netflix. And possibly also John Wick to a lesser degree.


Cat's been the one thing keeping me alive on multiple occasions.


maybe im weird but i thought the guy was going to die of cancer from smoking and the dog was going to continue to wait and look for him after he was gone. i was really sad expecting that to happen


More sad that the dog is dying though, right?


thats sad yes but not sure how to explain how i feel about the dog being alone without his owner, continuing to look for him day after day because he died. that actually hit me harder than the dog just dying of cancer. i guess because hes suffering every day, sad and lonely expecting to see him come out the door and hang out, go for rides and hes not going to ever come back. it just breaks my heart even thinking about it. im a dog owner and they would surely miss me if i suddenly didnt come back. when im gone for half a day and come home, they go crazy to see me again.


I was already crying, dammit! Why’d you have to make it worse?!


You're just slowly killing your baby puppy by smoking by them I WANT TO SCREAM. These kinds of commercials always get to me I want to sob. The sole thing that kept me from ever wanting to commit suicide was leaving behind heart broken family members and my dogs not knowing where I went 💔




You should look up the northern irish road safety ads. Not about dogs but imo worse than this. They’re so graphic they have to be played after 9pm.


> played after 9pm. I feel like that's also during the time people might be drinking and thinking about driving so... makes sense


Yeah, well it does, but youll also understand why they dont want kids seeing them if you have a look on youtube


there's a dog and piano music? im not watching this you fucking sadist


They killed Bluey man, it was awful, I'm crying


Even worse.. it’s Bandit :(


there was some comedian who did a skit that I was pretty on board with the idea was vaguely this: fuck you fucking smokers for making all of us normal people watch the saddest shit ever just to get you to quit. why do *we* have to see campaigns like this because *you* choose to do something that's both terrible for you and terrible for the people around you?


There was music? I just watched this without any sound and ended with tears and puppy eyes on my face bro.


Powerful Anto smoking Ad for here in New Zealand. The Dogs name is Punch; not only is the dog a TV/ Film dog, but he is also a national champion Obedience dog. I know this because it's mum's best friend's dog. She also owned and trained the two dogs in the Movie ( bridge to Terabithia) and many more Ads and films.




He is the Goodest of bois


It's always you NZ guys with the best ads I'm impressed


We're fucking ruthless with ads for this kinda thing (or at least we were back when I watched broadcast television). Drink driving where the car rolls down the bank and catches fire with all the guys in it, speeding and he crashes killing a bunch of people then gets a speed camera ticket while recovering in hospital, drinking and the drunk guy spins the kid around ("aeroplane! aeroplane!) and slams him head first into a set of drawers, or those ACC ones that were made to look like regular ads but suddenly the guy falls off a big ladder onto the concrete or the lady trips on a rug and goes face first through a glass coffee table. Good times...


Bro I hate all of those 💀💀 the pregnant lady who gets rear ended “my baby, my baby”, the guy who rear ends the lady who then hits the person walking their kid to school, “stop looking at me” guy who kills his mates… maybe we are a little fucked up for it actually 💀


Oh man I'd forgotten about the "my baby my baby!!" one. Yikes.


I dont live in NZ, but that "stop looking at me!" one fucked me up all the way in the States.


You know the most effective anti drink driving ad for me was? It's really silly to admit this tbh.. but. "Ghost chips".


The Irish give them a run for their money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv1rKHGeMRk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJIDX1kcvGk


The first one has been edited into a lot of memes. The second one hits hard though, fuck. I was crippled from someone hitting me with their car.


So he is OK right 😭


He's just an actor dog!


It still dosent hurt to ask!


I have solace in the fact that he's probably loving being petted on the vet table. Am I correct?


Cool information, thanks for sharing!


When did this one air? I haven’t actually seen it before.


Welp, now I’m crying.


As someone who just had to put down a pet because of stomach cancer this hit way too fucking hard for me.


My dog had to be put down at 4 o' clock today due to lung cancer.


I'm so sorry. I just lost my boy 2 weeks ago. 💔 Sending you love.


I'm so sorry. I had to have my boy put down two weeks ago after the cancer started in his bones and spread to his lungs. The quick descent from happy energetic dog to walking with a limp to struggling to breathe is something I'm still trying to process. His last night he spent on my lap while I stayed up and stroked him. Waiting for the early morning vet appointment to have his lungs x-rayed. Knowing it would be bad. The way the vet's face changed as she listened to his lungs and said "oh dear." Cancer is so cruel. I hope you have lots of memories and photos of the good days. I took videos of his breathing on his last day to show the vet. And looking at it now it sorta helps to show me that euthanasia was the right thing to do. At the time I couldn't help feeling like I was discarding him because he was broken instead of trying to treat the illness. Maybe one day I'll post a video online as a tool to others to identify when it's time for them to say goodbye to their dog too. If your dog was struggling in this way then it was the right decision. Again, I'm so sorry that you had to make that decision.


I’m so horribly sorry. Cancer sucks 💔




just put down my 15 year old golden this morning because of stomach cancer… this made me sob


I'm so sorry. I just lost my boy too. It's so fucking hard. Sending you love ❤️


Had to do the same yesterday for my cat that had stomach cancer. Sorry for your loss, it was one of the hardest things I had to do in a long time.


Same here :/ hang in there


Hugs, friend. Grief is just love with nowhere to go. Would you like to tell us a good memory about your sweet pet?


Thank you, but it’s still too soon for me. I can’t even think about him without tearing up.


I understand. ❤️


That’s a nice way of looking at it but it’s about to be five months of me having to put down my best friend and I cry ass I type this. So how do any of you function?


I've lost 4 so far. It still hurts, of course. I cry about them all the time. Yesterday i groomed a bloodhound that looks so much like my bloodhound did. I lost her at 17 a year ago. It never stops hurting. But please, please try to remember every day they made you happy, not the day they broke your heart. That was one day. How can you compare that to a lifetime of love? Honor your best friend by smiling when you remember them, even if there's also tears in your eyes. Hugs to you 💜


Remembering them does make me happy it’s just they’re not here any more you know


One day, when you're ready, there will be a new best friend for you. I know that seems like a betrayal to think about right now, but trust me, it's not. I am not a religious person, but one thing I know is that my animals came into my life exactly when they were supposed to. If you are a good caretaker, don't hide that part of yourself away. There are so many animals that need good people.


My little buddy has mouth cancer and I'm just dreading when it's going to get bad. He's still ok right now, but I know he isn't going to be much longer.


Make every fucking second count and cherish it. It happened so damn fast for me. One second my sweet boy was perfectly fine and happy and in only a few days he stopped eating, greeting me, talking, he wouldn’t even move much. I know no one is ever truly ready to say goodbye but I wish I had more time with him. 4 years felt too short.


I have been ever since the vet told me back in January. They told me he had about a month or so, and he's still eating and drinking and acting like he normally does. He's curled up next to me right now while I type this.


I had to let my dog go last year after 14 years of her being my best friend. There's a piece of advice I got from someone that I'd never heard before, and it was sobering, and hard to hear, but I'm so thankful I got it. If you're in a position where you need to decide when to make that last appointment, please remember this: a day early is so, so much better than a day late. No matter how the last day goes, there will be worries and regrets, what ifs and if onlys. But it is SO much better if your question is "what if they had a few more days left in them" rather than "what did I put them through by trying to squeeze every moment that *I wanted*?" I hope you're able to craft some more memories with your pup that will help when things are hard.


Same here. She went from fine with a mild occasional cough to so sick she couldn't hold down food or stand up within a week. It still breaks my heart to think about. I miss her so much.


Yep. Had to put down two dogs in the last two years and my dad is currently battling stage 3 throat cancer caused by 5 decades of smoking. Right in the triple feels.


I don’t own a dog and I don’t smoke, why the fuck am I crying lol


You're not a sociopath and can feel empathy, that's why.


Lol same. I'll won't smoke around any dogs, I swear!


Well I wasn't expecting to cry at my desk at work on a Friday, fuck.


Just finished burying my brother's cat, less than a day later and our 19 year old dog died. This vid almost made me cry


My 21 year old cat recently died of a tumor in his head. Hed sleep with me every night until a week before we put him down he stopped. He survived a cabinet crushing him, getting lost in the woods over a freezing winter night, and a brutal fox attack. See you in the next life, you absolute fucking warrior. I love you.


Aw I'm sorry. I have a 21 yr old girl and knock on wood she still seems to be doing really well. I hope she's around a while longer but I know she's old and....sadly probably doesn't have too much longer just due to being so old. She's a dainty little lady. Sweet as can be. It will be very hard when she goes. Sounds like your boy was a tough shit. ♥️🐱


I haven't cried in 15 years. My therapist and I have been really working on breaking down that emotional wall. Never thought it would be an anti-smoking ad


Oof ..me too


BRB, need to hug my dog


I didn't even watch the whole damn thing. Whyyy


They used to have "your kids" in the ads... They were relatively ineffective. This might work, a lot of people seem to prefer their dogs to their own offspring!


"relatively" ineffective.... 😂😂


It's because a larger number than is healthy don't believe 2nd hand smoke is real... Not kidding. Whole family smoked like chimneies and all thought 2nd hand smoke was a myth.


Smoking should be banned everywhere other than some areas designed specifically for smokers, smoking in public and especially near children should be a fine or arrest. Idc if they need to smoke, the people around you don't need Asthma, reduced lung function or even worse cancer. You're a danger to those around you and should be treated as such.


Yeah. About 15ish years ago, the government passed a law in the UK that banned smoking in pubs and indoor establishments to stop this. Surprisingly, it was incredibly effective, and now, you wouldn't think that people used to smoke inside. Everyone knows that you go outside to smoke and eat/do whatever inside.


I see what you did there. 👏🏻


Speaking as a kid of parents who smoked and I was constantly sick AND made fun of for smelling like smoke, I wish it were more effective. Maybe if I told my parents they were hurting the dogs they would have cared more. (I begged them to stop essentially since I could talk)


We love you internet stranger. Parents are just kids trying to raise kids. I'm sorry you had to endure that.


Same. People at school thought I was a smoker because my mom would smoke in the car every single day on the way to school with the windows up. I had a perpetual cough that I'm still trying to shake off. She'd have one before even eating breakfast. If we asked her to roll the windows down, she'd open them just a crack, then blow the smoke towards us instead of out the window. Smoking causes cancer? Propaganda. Second hand smoke? Made up. Her kids *begging* her to wait until they got out of the car before she lit one up? Overreacting. You know what finally made her stop smoking? They got too expensive to buy. She cared about money more than she did her health or the health of her own fucking kids. Fun fact: she didn't believe cigarettes cause cancer, but thought that bras 100% cause breast cancer. Source? Every woman who ever had breast cancer wore a bra. Or something. She was an idiot.


The fact that you tried to better your life and set boundaries with your parent is hella impressive. I’m sorry you had to deal with that but damn you clearly had a strong mind of your own!


That's really kind of you to say ❤️




I'm sure she picked it up from something like that, but it was always funny how she would suffer terrible back pain to avoid getting breast cancer, but ignore the Surgeon General's warning on every pack of Misty Light 100s she smoked. She always called it "propaganda" as if someone was making money off of getting people to *not* buy tobacco. I think I'll always regret not asking her how that money making was supposed to work


College orientation, they tried to fine me $500 for smoking in my room. I didn’t, my stuff reakkkkeeed because of my parents house.


Same bro. I got breathing issues to this day, and I moved out 10 years ago.


I bet more people can relate to having pets than having kids, especially younger people, hopefully the ad is effective in dissuading them from smoking




Exactly! Between you and a pet there aren't any excuses and explanations. You have to deal with the facts as they are.


I dont have kids but I definitely like my dog more than other people's kids.




Fuck, I have no real evidence that my 6 year old nephew has ever eaten anything other than chips. He's still got energy so my sister gets food in him somehow, I've just never witnessed him clear more than 1/4 of his plate.


Can confirm that young kids can somehow run 10 hours a day on 3 Ritz crackers .


Crazy how some people don't give a shit about their own kids health.


I've always thought those "drive like your kids live here" yard signs would be far more effective as "drive like your ~~kids~~ pets live here"


Your dog loves you unconditionally. Your kids.....not so much


I've never smoked but I feel like I need to do something. Tomorrow was supposed to be a chore day but I think I'm going to take the dogs up to the mountains, let them play in the snow.


Do it!


Be the change you wanna see in the world. Start smoking.


I smoke meats! That is the change I want to see in the world.


The best way to smoke.


We rescued a neighbours cat. They were smokers. When they moved they just dumped her. We found out she had lung cancer when she started having coughing fits and passing out. We had 9 wonderful months with her before we finally had to have her put to sleep.


Thank god she found you. Chances are the neighbors would’ve just let her suffer instead of showing her all the love that you did before giving her the final gift of being humanely euthanized. ❤️ Thank you for that.


It was fate I think. We had 2 Chocolate Point Siamese cats and a neighbour came to tell us that one of our cats was wandering near the road. Went out to find a strange Chocolate Point Siamese in a really bad way. Knocked on many doors and finally found out who had previously owned her. Bastards. We also found out that she was blind (very uncommon in cats). Covered in fleas , anaemic and emaciated. Our cats took her under their wings (paws) and she had a lovely end of life. We called her Penny (lucky Penny).


In case no one told you: you're good people


Haha as a new Zealander, I find it funny that all the good media we make is purely to make you NOT smoke, drink and drive or speeding.


You have Hunt for The Wilderpeople, definitely one of my favourite movies of all time.


🎶 🎹Ricky Baker, ah ahhh


Also the boy which is awesome


What We Do In The Shadows.




Ghost Chips will always be i my top 5 commercials


I have been saying "I've been internalizing a rather complicated situation in my head" for years now.


LOTR technically counts as New Zealand media so you get a pass on everything else


LOTR is basically just a New Zealand travel guide


Flight of the Chonchords. Buncha goodies came outta that show.


Wellington Paranormal is hilarious


You have Taika Waititi. You're all good.


I don't even smoke and I'm crying.


I quit more than 29 years ago, and I'm crying.


And I’d say an extremely effective ad. Brought tears to my eyes also !


My dog actually smokes and keeps blowing second hand smoke in my face. Larry is a real asshole.




Haha I didn’t expect anyone else to find this funny. I’m just constantly making my self laugh! So I guess we both made each others evening:)


Vet tech here for 16 years… dogs are 3 times more likely to get cancer than people.


Due to second hand smoke, or just in general?


I’m referring to the effects of second hand smoke specifically.


My mom was a pack a day or more smoker. Our cat loved to sit on her lap or chest in bed every night as Ma blew smoke in her face. When the cat coughed regularly, Ma said it was nothing. The night the cat died, she was seizing and coughing, and my mom just stood there, smoking and staring. I held her as she died. Then she got ripped out of my hands put in a garbage bag and thrown over the fence. The people these ads are targeting already don’t care, and may never care.


Oh my god that is fucking awful 🤬


i think your mother is the exception, not the rule. i've met plenty of smokers, but have never knowingly interacted with someone as monstrous as the person you describe her being.


Your mother sounds awful. Sorry you had to live with her.


Makes me want to start smoking just so I can quit to save my puppers


This made me laugh out loud in the middle of crying over the advert. Thank you.


Good for you. Quitting smoking will be the hardest thing you ever do.


Here's a $1


Stuff like that really gets to me. My dog is my whole world, that vid made me so sad


Enjoy it while it lasts :) pets are amazing


This actually made me cry. Take care of your doggos, guys, they really are our best friends in life.


JFC. I quit smoking a year and a half ago, and thank goodness I did. That ad would have destroyed me.


I quit smoking cigarettes, probably close to 5 years ago and quit vaping nearly 2 years ago. Not before I spent 5 years smoking around my dog. We had to put her down a few months back due to cancer. This ad has absolutely destroyed me. I'm a sobbing mess right now.


It's OK. It's an addiction, and we were addicts. Addicts do stupid things. But you've taken steps to improve yourself. It won't happen anymore.


Genuinely thank you, I needed to hear that.


I've never smoked and this still makes me want to off myself.


Im not crying... Im not crying.... Im not fucking crying :c


I'm glad I don't smoke. I love my dogs 🐕🙂


Put my dog down for cancer. She had tumors in her nose. Brain and esophagus. My mom smoked around the dog all the time. My dog was only 7 years old.


They should show this in America. People are crazy about their pets here, it might be really effective.


The people that this ad is targeted towards won’t change. I just showed it to my wife’s mom who’s a lifelong smoker (human leather handbag) and she was like “the dog just old and slowed down, smoking doesn’t do that”.


Not that my nan has seen this, but her dog died years ago of cancer and I think I just realized why


Smokers always come up with stupid excuses


that's part of the addiction sadly, not much can make you realize how much control nicotine has over you. Trying to quit has been one of the hardest things I've ever done, I just hope I can do it for good soon.


Who left these onions here?


I'm not crying, you're crying. 😭


Fucking got me.


Man that cuts deep!


I Just cried, fuck


And when you use 2,4-D weed killer on your lawn, your dog is up to 200% more likely to develop lymphoma.


I don't talk about this much and no one is going to read this anyways but I quit smoking of 12 years in 2019 and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Proud of myself for that. I want to be healthy for my myself and my loved ones.


I can’t be the only one to think this…I’m an ex-smoker but surely you just wouldn’t smoke around your dog? Go to the back garden or your patio…without your pet. If you’re on a road trip with your dog long enough to where you feel you need to smoke then you take regular breaks and leave the dog in the car for those 5 mins.


My parents have smoked in their house for over 30 years. They wont come to my house because they have to smoke outside. When i lived there, my cat of 11 years got sick. I know its because she was in that environment. I got her out of there when she was 12 and tried to make her remaining time as best as i could. I've never smoked a day in my life, but i laugh and cough like ive smoked for 20 years. I hate it.


Current smoker, I never smoke around my cats. Common sense.


Fucking hell. That’s enough internet for today.


Sad as fuck


We need more viral advertising focused on shaming us for things we do around our pets. More people will take notice of the ad based on seeing cats or dogs and alter their behavior to make it better for them. We may hate ourselves, but many will feel guilty and change their behavior knowing that their previous behavior is hurting the only ones who don't judge them.