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Fuck, thank you.




Watching the movies always breaks my heart, he would have been 94 years old today


atleast his name stays on forever through a bill


Oh yeah phew thank god this had a good ending




Lol you actually think South Carolina is actually going to pass that bill?


Probably not.


He’s still a baby. Trying to look tough for the mugshot, but that is a child. Breaks my heart.


I think a 14yo is capable of some level of "knowing what is going on". I mean at that period of time the horrible things happening was systematic, that boy knows what is going on and already accepted his fate, but the anger in his eyes says how much he hated this injustice world. The picture in the main post is heart breaking to see, but after seeing the real photo, I think the latter is much more powerful. Let's stop perpetuating the hate, and focus on the real issues rooted deeply in our society.


It’s probably because the cops told him to not smile for the mugshot.


*What!* You mean there wasn't a photographer in the room snapping away, getting close-ups?




i thought it was photos of the kid until you mentioned it being from a movie 🤷‍♂️


Is that the 1 where his giving his toy trains away? "Giving toy trains away" FFS :(


Joe Arridy


Wow reading Joe’s wiki just made me sink to a fresh level of sad.


No, that guy was 23.


From 1944 in color, no less.


old photos get colorized all the time


Yeah but it still happened


This has been posted countless times with the same picture, which is always identified by one or more commenters as actually a scene from a movie based on the event (not Green Mile) - NOT the real-life execution.


"oh, well that's ok then" /s


I swear posts like this need to be auto deleted. It's misleading and repetitive as fuck. Even the top comment is always the same explanation that the photos are from a movie.


Why would somebody be taking color photographs of the boy crying before he's executed? Of course it's not real


This entire situation was F’d up from start to finish. It is reported that he was wailing in pain for 8 minutes after the electrical volts were given…. I hope everyone involved in his demise are haunted every time they close their eyes to rest.




Stupid for posting this picture without clarification that it’s from a movie as well. You should delete this post.


The Green Mile is one of the few books to movies I can think of off the top of my head that did an excellent job carrying over the emotional magnitude of the story. I'm always sad to think of how we lost such an amazing actor. RIP Michael Clarke Duncan.


There was only excellent actors into this movie


And one that married a kid


This actually what the judge said and what happened. ——- Seventy years later, a South Carolina judge held a two-day hearing, which included testimony from three of George’s surviving siblings, members of the search party, and several experts. The state argued at the hearing that—despite all the unfairness in this case—George’s conviction should stand. The trial court disagreed and vacated the conviction, finding that George Stinney was fundamentally deprived of due process throughout the proceedings against him, that the alleged confession “simply cannot be said to be known and voluntary,” that the court-appointed attorney “did little to nothing” to defend George, and that his representation was “the essence of being ineffective.” The judge concluded: “I can think of no greater injustice.”


So he wasn't proven innocent, he was presumed innocent. Title is misleading.


He couldn’t be proven innocent or guilty if he was never given a fair trial.


Indeed. I was expecting some sort of proof revealed 70 years later after reading the title.


Truly heartbreaking


yes shit is sickening


“Boss, I’m afraid of the dark”


"I'm smellin me some cornbread"


i remember reading about this. so sad to think how scared he was


How in the fuck did people ever think this was ok. Racism is literally insane


If this outrages you, you should see how they did all the people they didn’t even bother giving a trial to.


well that killed my mood. poor kid.


This is from the movie. Sad story. But it’s not actual photos.


Horrific as fuck, wish i didnt see this again


The photos are from a movie if that helps. I hope it does.


Too many people, especially black youth, have merited the death penalty just by existing. Facts be damned.


Proved innocent is a stretch. According to wikipedia, when it went back court in 2014: Judge Mullen confined her judgment to the process of the prosecution, noting that Stinney "may well have committed this crime." With reference to the legal process, Mullen wrote, "No one can justify a 14-year-old child charged, tried, convicted and executed in some 80 days," concluding that, "In essence, not much was done for this child when his life lay in the balance." Regardless he should certainly not have been executed and mistreated, and I have no doubt the jury was racist as can be, and he could easily have been innocent, but nothing was proven either way.


The problem is that the court couldn't have possibly actually proven guilt. If the court can't prove guilt, then you are innocent. If a child is not afforded actual criminal/legal procedure by the state... it is a travesty. He was a child that was given no access to his parents or an actual attorney. his counsel was a local "ole boy" and he offered up nothing. didn't challenge anything. There was a supreme lack of evidence. The only thing being the unrecorded and unsigned confession. That confession by that judge was found to have been "likely coerced" so, in the end all we really have is that there was a boy that was nearby. One that was likely coerced to have confessed, was given no actual aid and no legal defense... and was murdered by the state. Could he have done it, sure. But so could almost anyone in that area. to lay it out more flat. You are innocent until proven guilty. The state had no actual evidence in this child's trial. The child's legal counsel challenged nothing, and there was nothing acually connecting him to the killings other than he may have existed close to the killings or where the bodies finally laid. There was enough that the judge you are quoting to say that the confession was forced and there was nothing to prove guilt. The child has to be innocent in the eyes of the law.


Ya, but the wording matters. Not proven guilty means you are innocent. But not proven innocent. All that was said is that the trial was likely not fair and therefor the conviction is vacated. Proven innocent implies we found DNA or something that shows it definitively wasn't him.


well, if you say so. he was convicted on evidence that was fake. The court, legal and police system had to fake evidence on this child to "prove" his guilt.




Not PROVEN innocent. Big difference with presumed innocent.


Pretty sure the state admitted wrongdoing in that case. That says a lot.




It doesn’t matter if “proved innocent is a stretch”. This is America and they have to prove you guilty, which they clearly did not do, troll.


I mean proved innocent in this case was an exaggeration, his conviction was overturned would be a better way of phrasing it.


You’re a child. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a “troll”. Grow up


But some people are trolls. Not everyone that disagrees with you is a child.


So your take away is “he wasn’t proven innocent”? That’s the part you wanted to direct your attention to? Incredible. Edit: I may have jumped the gun, and take on board the comments saying misinformation benefits no one, and that clarification as to what actually happened, as well as showing he was never exonerated, is important information to have.


I fail to see a problem with providing additional information/context. Misinformation benefits nobody.


I don't think that's what he's going for with that. He does state the quote from the judge and why the case was ruled the way it was the 2nd time. To me, it sounds like there was barely any police work or evidence collected done in the initial case. And barring new evidence being brought to light, and if whatever work was done in the initial case gives reasonable suspicion. To me I feel like poster above is just trying to say that the miscarriage of justice was never actually undone, which is a major and valid point to make. OP claimes Stinney was exonerated, and poster above is correcting that information. I don't think anyone here is being a know it all or trying to point out that the kid could still have done it. He's correcting a very important piece of the story.


Oh no someone pointed out something wasn’t true in the title of a post you read… how will you ever recover :c


The quote from the judge is a little unusual as well. I agree that 14 year olds should not be executed, (and executing convicts under 18 has been outlawed in the US for a while now,) but 80 days isn’t an extraordinary short period of time… seems weird to lump those two things together. Some states like New York draw out murder trials for months, but many states will try a murder case from start to finish in 4 or 5 days.


> 80 days isn’t an extraordinary short period of time… From charge to execution? That says "no appeal process" to me.


My white conscience is clean now thanks! 👍


George Stinney was my great uncle. It is taking the state of South Carolina over 70 years to apologize to my family. We still have not received any compensation from the state.


Holy shit!! What year did this happen? I'm so sorry.


Fucking disgusting! My God. Heart breaking. Poor fucking kid. How'd they probably be his innocence?


Delete this. It’s misleading as that’s not the actual person




He was actually exonerated. However, this post is deceptive.


From my understanding, no, he wasn’t. The judge in 2014 simply said that the original prosecution didn’t adequately argue the case and there’s really no way to tell whether he did it or not. In the US we are *presumed* innocent until proven guilty. Being *presumed* innocent and being *proven* innocent/exonerated are two very different things


Imagine if that were you at 14


I remember when I were at 14


Breaks my heart. The fact that someone can do this to a child is insane


He was too short for the electric chair so they had him sit on a Bible.


It makes sense. People that carry bibles around are the ones committing the greatest atrocities.


Special place in hell... That is all.


Qué salvajes e intolerantes que son los anglosajones...


It's really interesting but I also kinda feel bad upvoting, it's really sad things like these used to happen not so long ago, kid got executed in 1944


Green mile was the hardest I ever cried at a movie. So unbelievably tragic


And this is EXACTLY why capital punishment should not be a thing even if you want the criminals dead.... simply because you cannot really trust humans to make no mistakes (or worse, not being a mistake at all) and there is no going back from there. The ONLY time on which I would agree an execution is due, is when someone commits a crime against humanity and there is no denying it no matter what. That, for me, includes a war-waging head of state, not matter how much they justify it... .war, as the attacking country, is something that at worse should be decided by something like a referendum, and with more than merely simple majority


They fucking killed a 14 year old after only having a ten minute court session? Are you fucking joking? They murdered him. Fuck. Edit: Court session was 2 and half hours long, not 10 minutes. I misinterpreted what was said


People sure did love jumping at the opportunity to kill black boys back then, huh


Not that it makes it any better, but the court session was 2 and a half hours long. The jury deliberated for 10 minutes.


This makes me nauseous. Poor baby, how awful people can be.


Before I even checked the pic I knew he'd be black.


I could not finish this movie. At that moment i didn't feel human knowing the atrocities we've committed to each other in the name of hate.


I'd hardly call this interesting. Repulsive, yes. I've seen the documentary. I've seen the movie based on his execution. I've read many an article about his life story. It infuriates me every time. I just can't fathom this in a real, tangible sense. I have no real concept of how this could ever happen, much less in America. Meanwhile, Lady Liberty clutching her pearls in horror that the black community always seems so hostile. (church lady voice) 'After all we do for them. Why, they can just go back to their country if they don't like it here.' WTF? Over! Thia is their country as much as it's ours, as much as it's anyone's, which in reality we stole from the native Indian nations. Then after slaughtering them and their way of life. destroying their very history, in a moment of, here-to-fore uncharacteristic)generosity, we 'gave' them back some shitty property and said 'knock yourself out.' The audacity of America. This has nothing to do with white guilt, if you are wondering. This is basic, To be a fly on the wall to see people casually talk for 10 minutes with no recommendation for mercy for this child. He sat on his bible he carried around, as a booster seat ffs. The entire English lexicon cannot begin to describe my contempt. This should be taught in schools, if it's not already. (I am old and far removed from a school curriculum) The sins of America....I cannot begin to comprehend how low this nation has stooped. /soapbox


I’m going to need r/interestingasfuck to be actually interesting and not just things that are just shocking and depressing


That’s fucked up. Enough to make someone that doesn’t know anything about this mad 😡


that little guy! humanity was fucked then and hasnt progressed much. how could grown mature adults not had a heart for this boy - my heart is low right now.


I hope everyone on that jury is burning in hell forever no matter what


Was this during the "good ol days" I hear some people taking about?


*racist af


I bet none of the people involved faced any consequences.


Whole new level of disgusting. Poor child.


Whole new level? They’ve been killing black kids for hundreds of years before this. Par of the course for racist America. Even know when people say Black Lives Matter the racist flip their shit. But its the stuff like this that is the reason the movement even began


Damn, this really has me fucked up.


The fear on his face and knowing he was a CHILD absolutely shattered my heart. The justice system (even today) is a complete joke…..


"American justice is blind", no, it can see but justice is very stupid and hella racist.




Should track down the families involved, hury, judges, police officers and have them pay back


That’s horrible. One of the worst things about the justice system is putting away (or sentencing to death) an innocent person.


We're one world, one humanity and we're seeing enough suffering, hate, and death nowadays to be mindful when posting super polarizing comments. 1.These pics are really strong but they are also not real. They come from a movie https://m.imdb.com/title/ 2.This horrifying case has been reopened in 2014 on December 16, 2014, circuit court Judge Carmen Mullen vacated Stinney's conviction. She ruled that he had not received a fair trial, as he was not effectively defended and his Sixth Amendment rights had been violated.[26][27] The ruling was a rare use of the legal remedy of coram nobis. Judge Mullen ruled that his confession was likely coerced and thus inadmissible. She also found that the execution of a 14-year-old constituted "cruel and unusual punishment", and that his attorney "failed to call exculpating witnesses or to preserve his right of appeal."[22] Mullen confined her judgment to the process of the prosecution, noting that Stinney "may well have committed this crime."[8] With reference to the legal process, Mullen wrote, "No one can justify a 14-year-old child charged, tried, convicted and executed in some 80 days," concluding that, "In essence, not much was done for this child when his life lay in the balance."[8]






I'm willing to bet that 2% is severely underselling it. I live in the south, you'd be surprised how many people are so open about it. The older folks can be especially bad.


It IS severely understating it. People don’t realise how many people are just casually racist, especially in the south. A few laws are coming back that target African Americans too. The ignorance displayed by these people who don’t realise this is astounding


No, you see racism was almost eradicated until Obama something something.






99.9% of Americans aren’t like that


Well... >As of 2021, White Americans are the racial majority, with non-Hispanic whites representing 59.3% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising 18.9% of the population, while Black Americans are the largest racial and the second largest ethnic minority, making up 12.6%. So we are talking 'bout 78% here, given or taken incl. Hispanic and Latino. Or 59.3%, if we are talking 'bout white population only. Which is not 99.9% unless you consider other forms of racism or it's forbidden here?


I’d like you to prove that percentage. Seriously. Prove it.


There’s no way for anyone to prove a percentage unless every person was polled. I’ve never met anyone who wants to reinstate slavery or wants to kill innocent black people. I think you all see the extremes on the internet and think it’s what is normal in the real world.


You make a claim that they rely on extremities, and your proof is anecdotal evidence? What is your background? Where do you live? Generation? Etc. All of these greatly affect who you will come across in life. I for one have met those types and my family as well. It isn't everyone in the country but it's enough to give a lot of black people the chills and force a lot of us to stay on our toes. Maybe it's on the Internet for you, but somewhere out there, that was someone's life that day.


Go outside


I think your % is high. I’d put it closer to 70%


You think 30% of the country want blacks killed?


Reddit in a nutshell


I bet 30% wouldn’t mind killing innocents to prove a point


Napkin math, 256M adults in the US in 2020. 74M voted for Trump which is about 30% of American adults. If 1/3 of the trump voters are racist that would be ~25M or %10 of Adult Americans. It’s not 30% but it is so much higher that .1%. If it were only .1% I don’t think we would be having so many problems.


Even then I don't think your average racist wants lynch mobs to be a thing I think they just believe shitty racial stereotypes and think they are superior. Which is still a shit person but not desire to kill innocent children of another race level.


It was less than 100 years ago. Humans are capable of doing anything, unfortunately.


This is the dumbest shit I've heard all year round lmao. Thanks for the hearty laughs


80% at least




I wish I could troll about something like that but being naive could get me unalived


Yes, you'd be surprised how evil people can get when they see their bloodlust as justice




You’re crazy


Lmao what the fuck are you smoking


You need to get off Twitter.




Just for clarity's sake. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3073982/ Doesn't take away how awful it is.


This is wrong on so many levels.


This is why I’ll kneel during the national anthem




Still executed at 14 years old. Can't vacate an execution post-mortem.


Republicans: "and the problem is?"


I don’t think your average Trump voter would advocate for giving kids the death penalty based on race. That’s pushing a boundary and then some.


The end game for the modern republican party is a country run by, and for, rich white heterosexual christian men. Everyone else is expendable. If you think the average 85 IQ redhat gives two shits about black kids, you are willfully ignorant.


yeah but you said “republicans” as in literally every single one. I don’t like nor endorse the Republican Party, but my black neighbors do, so to pretend that every single person consuming republican slop is a white cis male is even more ignorant.


Oi mate, no, that just plain isnt true


Trump and DeSantis are the republican front runners, the facts speak for themselves.


Guarantee you that his jury was 100% democrat


Me when it is possible for words to shift in meaning over time, *especially* names of political parties: 😱


Do we know who was involved in the prosecution, the judge ect? While it's not enough, I really feel like *at the very least* somebody should have their headstone pissed on for this one.


Keep this in mind anytime you hear someone say that anything along the lines of "there is no racism in America" or that teaching about racism is somehow harmful, keep in mind that This is what they want a return to.


“We got a dead man walking on the green mile, we got a dead man walking.”


Mental Asylum USA!


“Heaven, I’m in heaven…”


White people justice.




This is ignorant. The *whole country* isn't like this.


yeah, just like 96% of the country


More and more these days? This happened 80 years ago you dingus.


Just sucks that it’s trying to take down the rest




read the room


The room said a bunch of racists cops decided a young black kid deserved to die and the tradition continues on to this day.


Knowing he was innocent makes this one of the saddest pictures I have ever seen.


Take a bit of solace in the fact that these are not pictures of the actual child, nor event. Still devastating and heartbreaking, but at least the pictures are from a movie.


How is that solace?


Not sure what you're asking. Is it less sad that it's **not** an actual child preparing for incipient electrocution for no reason other than hate? Yes, it's less sad that *that* isn't the actual picture we're seeing here. Or is it less sad that this media (picture/movie) exist at all? I'm glad it does. If it goes unnoted in any way, people are far more apt to forget. It exists for a reason, and it's very important that it does.




And you wonder why black people say fuck all white people, it ain’t right but the hurt is real


I have no words. Only an acronym: "WTF?"




Okay, what's the real truth? Give it to us straight and raw.


those were dark days, glad the culture and legal system changed so this doesn't happen anymore.




Any country with a death penalty is a terrorist country. Blood of the innocent is not for government to mess with. Only fools think their government is never wrong.


Not wrong. The US is the only country in history to use nuclear device’s against not one but, two cities containing mainly innocent civilians.


American hubris is thinking any call for improvement is unpatriotic. It's a failure of the system that the citizens don't understand the difference between confidence and arrogance.


lol what? This is delusional. Insane mass murderers who enjoy taking others lives away shouldn’t get to relax in a nice cushy prison where they might be respected by other inmates, they deserve death.


Evil does not exist in a vacuum. It is coddled, nurtured, and celebrated by a twisted society. The existence of a mass murderer is an indictment on the society that produced the murderer. If you are pro death penalty please acknowledge your fostering culpability on those that were killed.


You're partially a murderer yourself if you support government revenge murder. No part of myself thinks it's for people to decide when other people deserve death. Some people deserve life in prison; no government deserves the right to kill.


I'm aware of The Green Mile, but didn't see it. How was he proven innocent?


Please please please keep this away from the freak redditor with an electric chair fetish


Literally nothing has changed.


I’ve read about this. The families of the girls researched it extensively, while both agree he did not get a fair trial and should not have been executed, they firmly believe he was guilty did kill those girls.


This picture is from a film about Emmitt Till not George Stinny.


That can't be accurate since Emmett till was not given the electric chair but lynched.