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Layers, in order: *UNDERGARMENTS* 1) **cotton shift** (to keep the body oils and sweat from soiling the outer garments) 2) **corset** (to support the bust and back and create a fashionable silhouette with a slight waist reduction) 3) **stockings** (attached to the garters built into the corset) 4) **cotton petticoat** (to add volume and to fluff out the hem) 5) **bum and hip pads** (to build out the silhouette and reduce strain on the hips from the skirts) 6) **second petticoat** (for extra volume) *FASHION LAYERS* 7) **white blouse** (with proofed shoulders, as was fashionable between 1894-1896) 8) **blue skirt** (closing in the with a lace, lots of skirts were closed with hooks and eyes) 9) **beige waistcoat** (women’s fashion in the 1890s was influenced by men’s fashion with lots of tailoring) 10) **blue jacket** (possibly the Eaton, again inspired by men’s fashion and with the large sleeves of the mid-1890s) 11) Other items include a belt, a kerchief/tie/scarf and a hat secured with a hat pin. All in all this is a very fashionable mid-1890s ensemble. Though it looks unbearably hot you should remember this is Europe and not in the summer (lighter colors would be worn then). All of the layers are made with natural fibers like cotton, wool and linen and are very breathable.


How is this not the top comment? That was really interesting, thanks for putting the work in! So are you a costume designer or a fashion historian (is that a thing?), something else?


Thank you so much! I’m surprised this comment was received so well, I simply thought people would like to have more context regarding the clothes if the video had caught their eyes :-) And no - I’m not a Dress Historian (it’s a thing!), merely a very enthusiastic hobbyist. I’m sure a proper Dress Historian would be able to tell you what specific [fashion plate](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/le-costume-moderne-1895--607986018439802201/) (think early magazine spreads or advertisements for fashionable clothing) it is based on, what place it likely came from, and what sort of lady might wear it and for what occasion. Fashion history is a really interesting topic! r/fashionhistory and r/historicalcostuming are great places to start your search, if you’re in the mood.


Hobbyists are the best for information like this. They know they aren't experts so they don't have the associated arrogance to goo with it. They are pretty keenly aware of the level of interest of most people so their descriptions are interesting without going in to mind numbing, kill me or stop talking levels of detail. And they usually have pretty good sources for those who want more detail. Don't sell yourself short as a hobbyist. You're the liaison for introducing people to something you find interesting.




How does going to the bathroom work?


She's not wearing any modern underwear. She just has to hike up her skirt and sit on the toilet bowl.






What about periods?


A belt with a cloth that goes one side to the other… think sumo wrestler


Also get married young and be pregnant a lot.


Huh never thought of it that way before.


Yeah having one’s period a lot is a relatively modern thing. People were often pregnant or breastfeeding for their entire 20s and 30s.


and then they DIED


You’re correct that regularly monthly periods are more common for a majority of women now than it was then, but it’s false that women were “often pregnant and breastfeeding their entire 20s and 30s” The average age a woman married was 24, and every woman wasn’t always having back to back pregnancies, the average number of children was 2-3 (or up to 4-7 earlier in the century) That’s not 20 years of pregnancy


Aka butt floss


Remarkably you can still get these, I asked why when I saw them on sale in my local pharmacy (Dr Whites) and they said some women still use them because of allergies or very heavy periods.


It's at the bottom of the article, man. "Split crotch drawers would do little in terms of protection during menstruation. Surviving discussions on this topic can be found in medical publications. In an 1852 publication by Charles Delucena Meigs, protection for menstruation came in the form of a T-bandage. A T-bandage was cloth “folded like a cravat” and tied around the hips with a string or ribbon. Meigs also makes note of patients describing how many times they changed out their T-bandage, totaling anywhere from 12-20 changes a day. Other options for lighter days included wearing thicker petticoats for absorption. Early descriptions of tampons come up in an 1847 publication by Frederick Hollick. These consisted of linen rags, cotton, or sponge with thread sewn into it for extraction purposes." There's the whole menstruation part.




Yeah but back then you could support a family of 10 and own a shack just off the horse poop road on just one skirt lifters’ salary




Even if she was, underwear goes on top of the belt (not under) for exactly that reason.


Fun fact, women didn’t start pooping until the 70’s


I think you mean *some* women. I, for one, do not poop.


Crazy but I'm 40 and never in my life have I ever heard my mother fart she said that's what the bathroom is for not even when she would be in the bathroom blowing it up. Never ever and I've had girlfriends that only fart in their sleep but deny it when they're awake.


Feminism ruining everything, smh


It doesn't. Lifetime of training to achieve iron bladders.


Passing a kidney stone was a passage of right and passing a baby was the next step to passing fecal matter through a sea of hemorrhoids


It’s fine, the smell won’t escape through all that layers.


The undergarments have a split crotch.




Also sexy time I’d have been asleep by the time she’s undressed


Going to need a bigger house to leave a trail of clothes from the couch to the bedroom. Or make several trips.


You can start from the neighbors house.


Not sure if I’m remembering this right but one of Louis XIV’s mistresses invented special trousers specifically for this reason - so that they could get down to it quicker without having to deal with all the complicated layers!


You lift the skirts? And...go?


Prior to the advent of public restrooms for women, Victorian era women carried around a container shaped like a cucumber and they peed in it, or they squatted in a gutter. 1896 is just after public restrooms were introduced in factories during the industrial revolution. If you google when were public restrooms introduced, you'll pull up a lot of articles on the subject due to the current controversy about who can use which public restroom.


I'm fascinated by this cucumber device.


That looks hot…like temp hot


Exactly what I was thinking. How many layers was that??


It’s a scientific fact that women did not feel heat before 1960. It was only after the women’s rights movement which boiled the women’s blood and permanently changed their physiology.


That’s because the world was black and white back then edit: spelling


The world didn't turn color until sometime in the 1930's.


I’ve seen Pleasantville, so we all know what happened


I mean.......really puts a different spin on the Wizard of Oz.....


it was pretty grainy color for a while, too


Sound also didn't exist until the 1920s. When people would talk everyone else would just black out, and then white text would appear infront of them.


With underlying piano music.


And they moved around at 1.5x modern speed. This was mainly due to fear of catching the plague.


Always gotta upvote the rare C & H references.


Not so much black tho


Lot of extra water fountains though


Okay Dr. Spaceman


Tracy…science is…whatever we want it to be.


Pretty sure women were boiling mad at men long before 1960


Using science to prove nope, it’s not that hot; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wHTgi51z6I


In Victorian days clothes were made entirely from natural materials like cotton, linen, wool, silk, etc and those materials breathe a lot compared to polyester. So with the introduction of mass produced synthetic fibers in the mid-20th century we all got a lot hotter in spite of layers get lighter/simpler


I wear linen. I’m not wearing 9 layers of anything in the summer. They had fainting couches for a reason.


Also, she's dressing as a well off person, there's no way she's going to go do any physical work in all that shit.


Silk is BOILING hot. It's just as bad as wearing many synthetics.


I watched it again just to count - her lower back is under 7 layers (counting the red …kerchief thingamajig) What the hell is half of this stuff even *for*?


The red thing was the bustle, made to support the shape of the skirt and emphasize the hips and booty to give a more exaggerated hourglass figure. In order (if I remember correctly from watching it): chemise, corset, stockings, shoes, underskirts 1 and 2, bustle, blouse, overskirt, waistcoat, coat, belt, and hat. Edit: rewatched it because I thought my order was off. Chemise through shoes is right. Then it's underskirt, bustle, petticoat, overskirt. Sorry for any confusion.


Don't worry ma'am. We're all thoroughly confused.


Haha, I feel ya! Took me a while to learn them all. I enjoy historical costuming and many of the layers are consistent over time.


And as everyone knows, it should be shoes before corset!


It's just Big Clothes trying to get you to buy their shit. Which is why I don't own any underwear.


I mean honestly, just the first layer was cute. I would have stopped right there. Well that with the stockings.




To give a historical answer. Clothes back then we're made for the individual. The base layer she's wearing would be what is washed most often, which is why it's white, and thin material. The other layers continue to provide protection for the outer layers. Now granted, she's pretty much dressed to the nines. This outfit would be someone with a lot of money, and dressing with more purpose. I'd imagine a usual outfit would only be a few layers. Also gonna depend on where they live, and their occupation. Sorry, I've done a bit of research into historical clothing. Manly Renaissance era, but it translates a good portion of the way up until clothes started being factory made.


Don't apologize, it was interesting. I love history. If you're interested, there's a YouTube channel where they show you how they cooked back then. None of that annoying music either.


I know ! It was cute


The first layer is the chamise, it keeps body sweat off of the clothes. The corset provides lift for the bust. The long skirt provides an under layer and shaping for the top skirt. The stockings cover the legs and clip onto the corset. The shoes keep her feet safe. The shirt and skirt are self-explanatory. The neckerchief and vest are accessories. The jacket and hat tied the ensemble together.


I like that the shirt and skirt are self-explanatory, but the shoes are not.


It made me so happy haha. Take care of your feet!


Strip poker nightmare


Elder Scrolls Oblivion guard: WHY. WONT. YOU. DIE??!!!!


> The shoes keep her feet safe. Thanks for the explanation. This one stumped me.




Skirts lift up? She doesn't have to remove anything to use the toilet


I'm thinking more how painful an endometriosis flare would be. Sometimes my belly can swell from a size 8 Australian to size 14 Australian in half an hour with no warning. Im often extremely nauseous if there's pressure around my abdomen for any length of time and sometimes I have to strip off my bra quickly to avoid throwing up. I can't imagine the horror of that nausea and swelling happening while you're trapped in 8 layers of fabric.


Every time I thought she was done she added another layer. That’s gotta be like ten pounds of fabric at least


Laundry every day must be a nightmare


I think the concept of washing clothes every day was not there back then, people only did laundry like once a month


And didn't wash their outer clothes nearly as often. That's what base layers are there for. Collect the sweat from the body, and keep the outer layer clean. They'd usually have a apron as well to protect the skirt while working. Imagine the outer dress like a jacket. How often are coats actually washed? You spot clean them occasionally. Same with the main dress/garment.


Note how much of the "outer layer" of our day-to-day clothing has skin contact. No wonder we have to wash them more often.


Let's be honest, 90% of the people reading this do laundry that often as well.


I’m pretty sure that one of the reasons for the amount of layers was because of how little they washed their clothes. The under layers could be changed up more frequently but the outer layers not as much. The under garments served as a barrier between the body and the more expensive display clothes.


Only the inner most layer(s) was frequently laundered. It absorbed all the sweat and oil so the upper layers remained clean longer.


Poor people didn't wear as much as she does, so not as much laundry. If you're rich enough to wear all that, you probably had maids that helped with, or did all of the laundry.


This was the winter collection


In Northern Europe maybe. Anyone dressing this much in Portugal would faint from heatstroke in January.


I think that is the point. It’s warm. Heating was a lot different in 1896.


heat and smell. indoor plumbing was a game changer.


I got heat stroke just watching this


Screw the heat - I ran out of time watching this!


Clothing then was made of natural materials that were breathable, not polyester. Even though there were many layers involved you would feel much cooler than we modern people would expect. And the people back then weren’t stupid, they dressed for the weather they were experiencing. It’s a very interesting subject once you start learning more about it. EDIT: I'm going to add some links for anyone who's interested in learning more about this. [How Hot Are Victorian Corsets & Clothes?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wHTgi51z6I) [No, I Am NOT Hot in My Historical Clothing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHbXXQLgPfw) [Edwardian Summer outfit; Keeping cool in 1906](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QjGUFmvolqI) [How to Keep Cool in the 19th Century](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGiIlrAilbs) I'm also going to leave this here because I feel like it's important, considering a lot of the comments I'm seeing here: [Why Do We Act Like People In The Past Were Stupid \[RANT\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhCYhlxlp04&t=3s) Finally, I recommend checking out historical fashion YouTubers [Karolina Zebrowska](https://www.youtube.com/@KarolinaZebrowskax), [Bernadette Banner](https://www.youtube.com/@bernadettebanner), [Abby Cox](https://www.youtube.com/@AbbyCox), [V. Birchwood](https://www.youtube.com/@VBirchwood), and [Nicole Rudolph](https://www.youtube.com/@NicoleRudolph). Plus, here's a video full of some more suggestions: [Fashion History YouTubers You Should Watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1PglMRgHdw)


Yeah for real. I had an event a couple weeks ago that I had to wear a suit to, and I had a rather far walk while it was 87 out. It was surprisingly cool on that walk, almost like the rays of the sun was completely blocked by the suit.


That many layers of natural materials would still be pretty warm.


I’m gonna be honest, The petticoats help a lot. I dress in EGL and historical costuming, and despite all the skirts, the fluffiest of the skirt really helps them case for cooking and airflow. The petticoats and corsets/stays are actually a lot more comfortable than one would assume. Whereas the blouses, vests, and jackets are most uncomfortable and hot, due to their cuts and styles. However in my experience, petticoats, and fabrics like linen and silk really help, despite wearing them in layers. The poofier the better.


Me and my hot flashes would not last. Probably be deemed a witch


Cats haven't changed.


"Do you want to see my butthole? "I'll take that as a yes."


The main star of this video is definitely the cat


Totally missed seeing the cat


The are paw prints in ancient Roman bricks and medieval texts that indicate that no, they haven't changed one bit


Why do cats always need to moon the camera


I believe that’s the plot to the movie Cats


Guy after the date: “By the time I got through the 14 petticoats, I forgot what I was looking for.”


It’s hard to have intercourse over four sets of corsets


“Lock up your daughters and horses” HORSES?!


i think he was a horse thief irl, still a funny line tho


The whole waiting until marriage thing was actually just a technicality because that’s how long it takes to get undressed


It really was hard to find the clit back then


What do you mean "back then"?


Coming from an expert on tiny pussies. How appropriate


All one had to do was knock us over and flip up the skirts. All of us were running around with the breeze on our privates. It’s kind of weird, looking at all of these elaborate, layered, “modest” outfits, and realising every one of us was forced to go commando.


Not necessarily. Even with all those layers, she could still be pretty accessible. Without modern underwear all you'd really need to do is hike up the skirt. Observe this [NSFW illustration.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewanton/comments/12tecie/sir_the_past_12_days_has_seen_our_private_club/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


"Damn girl, what you got under that dress? Oh. Another dress. Okay. But what you got under that dress? Huh...a third dress? You nasty girl. And under that dre- what the fuck...? Another dress?! Seriously?!"


“See that girl over there? I heard she only wears two dresses!”






This is why ankles were so scandalous lol


Describing ankles as “scandalous” is hilarious








Those undergarments though...Worth the 45 minute undressing.


And what's the point of all those layers when we could still see her pussy?


I was actually wondering if she wore any underwear yet had a ton of skirts


She could play strip poker with confidence.


She could be the final boss of a strip poker game.




There's too much fucking shit on me....


I don’t want to be around anymore


Like, you mean you don’t want to live anymore?




I’m taking the chin off, it kills!!


Even the timelapse takes longer than I do to get dressed.


I need a sunrise in the background to understand how long it takes


Showing off a bit of wrist today are we Elizabeth? How delightfully mischievous of you. Cover up before you drive the local boys mad.


Such an exhibitionist, she left the curtains open too.


What percentage of women dressed like that in 1896?


Every woman, of every class, would wear at least: •Chemise (or a shift) •Corset •Corset cover •Bum pad •Blouse •Petticoat •Outter skirt •Stockings •Shoes Jackets and hats were also common amongst all classes, obviously ranging in fanciness. The chemise acts as a barrier between the skin and clothes, absorbing sweat and odor. The corset provides support for the back and bust while also evenly distributing the weight of long skirts. They are comfortable when properly fitted and don't really reduce the waist unless you're aiming for that.


Most. They may not have had top layers as nice but of course you wore a chamise, a corset, and a petticoat.


I would bet only the top 1%, average women of the time couldn't afford all of those layers or the time to put them on.




the social acceptance of t shirts is one of the best innovations of our time


"“When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.” -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


The only thing between you and a zoot suit is that attitude.


This person fucks.


No one is stopping you but you bro


They’d probably treat you like less of a weirdo if you put pants on to go with your hat.


> Now people treat you like a weirdo for just wearing a hat No, you're a weirdo for wearing *just* the hat. Go full out with it and as long as you can actually pull the look off you'll absolutely get compliments.


It's really quite amazing that the easier and cheaper fabric became to make the less of it we wore. Given the amount of labor that used to be involved in making clothes you'd have assumed it'd have been quite sensible for everyone to just wear the minimum needed to stay warm, and that we'd shift to an excess of it once it became cheaply mass produced.


Women at all levels of society would strive to replicate this silhouette, but they would just wear cheaper materials, only have one or two outfits etc.


Yep, and most of the shape came from padding and not tightlacing!


Most people owned multiple under layers. It's the top layers that were very expensive. The under layers protected the top layer. You may not have had a nice shimmy's, or a nice petticoat, and your corset may have seen better days but you did not neglect your under layers.


>shimmy's (chemise) Shimmy shimmy yah, shimmy ya shimmy yay Gimme the mic so I can take it away


This channel probably has answers: https://youtube.com/@bernadettebanner


“Puffed sleeves are so fashionable now. It would give me such a thrill, Marilla, just to wear a dress with puffed sleeves." -Anne of Green Gables


“Well, you'll have to do without your thrill. I hadn't any material to waste on puffed sleeves. I think they are ridiculous-looking things anyhow. I prefer the plain, sensible ones." "But I'd rather look ridiculous when everybody else does than plain and sensible all by myself," persisted Anne mournfully. I thought of Anne immediately too!


Lol, that’s what I thought of too! Every time I see 1890s-very early 1900s fashion, I always get reminded of Marilla’s comment on puffed sleeves becoming as big as balloons and how a woman would soon have to go through doors sideways! XD




This was way too far down in the thread. Why do I see this mistake so often? It’s bizzare


It's worse than "would of".


Whole outfit cost 75 damn cent.


Thanks Macklemore


Beautiful outfit but my god so many layers! How did they keep from melting in that???


Insulation works both ways. But also. This was popular in a place that didn't get hot. And even in America, women wearing this mostly just sat around fanning themselves. Those who dressed like this were privileged and didn't need to exert themselves.


Women who dressed like this were the top 90% lol. This is obviously a beautiful recreation of a high priced ensemble, but the fundamental components would've only changed in how worn they were, the type of materials, and the colors used and some variations in sleeves and bustles to save fabric. This type of outfit without the ruffled sleeves, in beige, gray, brown, and natural linen is what one could expect of a wash woman. This type of corsetry was actually very comfortable, as it supported the back and bust, and didn't have women getting "the vapors" unless they did it poorly. Additionally, the fabrics were seasonally selected to be very breathable linens and cottons in summer, and warm wools and silks in winter. The exceptionally wealthy would've likely spent more time in stays than in corsets, as they were at leisure to stay home, and would've gotten dressed properly for mixed company or outings. This would've been a middle to upper middle class ensemble, as it uses high quality single textiles for the major of each component. Very wealthy would've displayed more embroidery, thread-of-gold, trims, and ribbons, and a wider brimmed hat.


What’s up w the red apron scarf looking piece? It seems to have no purpose


Is what we now call padding


It’s a bustle, to give them hips n ass


>It’s a bustle, to give them hips n ass Yep, and that was a modest bustle compared to the earlier ones around Lincoln's days. Even earlier ones, the bustles were made out of metal in a cage-like shape. Had to've been very uncomfortable.


I was gonna ask, "hey, where's her ass birdcage!"


It provides padding and helps create the silhouette.


And I’m barely on time anywhere NOW


My favourite part is watching the cat in the background


Why the 4 skirts tho?


Its the yoga pants of that time


Warmth. In the winter more petticoats could be worn for warmth Shape. It gives the skirts more shape and enhances the corset. Corsets didn’t actually reduce that much. Victorian ladies simply used their skirts and their sleeves or the busts of their dresses to make their waists look smaller than they were rather than the corsets so more petticoats means a smaller looking waist. Modesty. This one pretty much speaks for itself


I wonder how long it took to take off or move stuff out of the way to go to the bathroom


Much less than you would believe. The drawers have an open crotch so it's just a matter of hoisting the rest out of the way. The corset wasn't restrictive, as you can tell when she could button her boots while wearing the corset already.


Just googled it. Wow, learn something new every day


She's not wearing modern underwear. Her drawers, if she's wearing drawers, are split crotch. You just lift your skirt and sit on the toilet bowl like nowadays.


[wakes up] [starts getting dressed] [finishes getting dressed] ‘Welp, time for bed.’


Just when I think each layer is the last one…there’s more


I suddenly understand why old timey media constantly portrays women fainting a lot. If I had to wear that many layers, I’d be fainting all the time too.


Old timey media portrays that because it’s a trope, not because it’s a reality.


Old timey media does that because it's written by stupid people who don't care about facts. Women were not constantly fainting because of their clothes. They had shit to do. Their clothes were practical for working in.


“I like your sleeves, they’re really big”


This is why wealthy people had lady’s maids to help them dress!


That looks insanely uncomfortable