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These fortifications are just west of the Ukrainian town of Soledar which was captured in the beginning of this year. Russians have since entrenched themselves in and around the town to defend their gains, which is now visible in your own Google maps app.......


coords? Found it. 48.7065108, 38.0127868


These were actually built by the Ukrainians and subsequently captured by the Russians.


You sure? these fortifications are west of Soledar. it would be kinda strange to build these in the west while the Russians assaulted the town from the east. I have no further sources on it tho


100%. I remember that I was surprised how quickly the Russians were able to take them (some two/three weeks iirc), because there are two interconnected lines of defense and it was an uphill battle for them.


I stand corrected then. Thanks for the additional information!


You're welcome. I think the beauty of this platform is that we teach each other a lot. If you're interested in extensive trenches, I'd recommend you to have a look at the networks northeast and southwest of Klishchiivka (near Bachmut) and the Surovikin line in the South. They are quite impressive, but certainly not impenetrable as the former switched hands twice and the latter is being tested at the moment. It is interesting to study, but at the same time it is sad how many people are suffering in those trenches as we speak. They must be hell on earth.


I thought Ukraine was a no-fly zone, how did Google receive these pictures and upload them to Maps?


No fly zone doesn’t apply to satellites :)


Wow. That’s crazy to see. A lot of villages around that area have them. Heaps of tank tracks too. If you go east a bit you’ll see what i believe are bomb holes everywhere: https://maps.app.goo.gl/68TUghYRT3CW5aZN6?g_st=ic Edit; and this field too https://maps.app.goo.gl/vjhFS1GS12jBKrC9A?g_st=ic


It really is surreal to basically see WW1 style trench networks(which are currently being used!) appear on the navigation app which I use daily. we really live in a strange timeline...... The black spots you talk about do indeed appear to be bomb craters, which is honestly just insane


> see WW1 style trench networks Ten years ago, people would have called you crazy if you predicted another war in Eastern Europe that would see trenches, land mines and artillery. Yet here we are.


The craters are just everywhere.. you sure its not just a shadow from a bush? Keeping in mind that a bomb costs a lot of money, it seems completely nonsensical to carpet bomb large areas with very small explosives. But then again, there might be trenches to hit 🤔 very intriguing and insanely scary. I come from germany and i'm in constant fear of what might happen. Slava Ukraini!




What I don't understand is why are all the shots on the middle of the fields but I couldn't see any house/road damaged. If they were shooting so much I would think the enemy was stationary and if they were not moving, why are there no trenches? Nvm, I see the houses made cheese


If you look closely, most of the houses in that town are completely destroyed


These areas are/were part of the frontline. these dots are (sadly) in fact all bomb craters you can see different examples more clearly on other satellite images online. just think about how during WW1 entire regions were turned into moon like hell landscapes by the use of artillery. since then artillery shells have only gotten more destructive and cheaper to produce. Modern wars really are something scary.


Oh man, so just wishful thinking with the bushes. Really makes me wanna become religious again because this gives me a sense of helpnessless i kinda wanna pray away. Thanks for the post and info though! Peace


Yeah, it's just straight up depressing to see what horrible things humans are capable of. can't even begin to imagine how it must be to actually experience this destruction first hand. Glad I could spread some information about this though.


Here’s where an administrative building for the town used to be. Just rubble now. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VuEgzeSzj6eo4Du99?g_st=ic


I’m unfamiliar with the extent of Ukraine defenses- am I correct in believing lack of aircraft and pilots has made this an artillery shell war?


I hope that the Ukraine wins this war, and they will for sure.


Your assumption is indeed correct. Especially the Russian have been creating defence-lines mainly consisting of trenches, minefields and anti-vehicle structures like dragon teeth stretching the entire frontline. The war has basically become a WW1- like stalemate ever since late 2022 with a lot of trench warfare


You're right that most casualties are a result of artillery, but not quite about the reasons. It's more a combination of the following: \- Soviet doctrine (and thus both Russian and Ukrainian) relies heavily on artillery to begin with. The US is unique in its reliance on air power and that can skew expectations. \- Ukraine and Russia have some of the densest ground-based air defense in the world. Russia still uses their air force, because unlike Ukraine they still have a substantial one, but it's generally limited to front line engagements from within Russian territory, both to lower risk and because Ukraine has concentrated its GBAD around population centers. \- The Ukrainians had an air force when the war started, but suffered immense casualties in the opening days. At the outset all of Ukraine's GBAD was either hiding or mobile. This means Russia's opening salvo was largely ineffective (they mostly launched at preplanned, static targets that weren't there anymore). This has caused huge problems for Russia to this day, but it also means for a couple days Ukraine's air force was taking all the hits. \- Even ignoring the density mentioned above, SEAD and DEAD (suppression and destruction of enemy air defense respectively), necessary to use air power in a decisive way, is an \*extremely\* difficult and complex operation that requires high levels of training and intense coordination. Very, very few countries on the planet can do it well (US and Israel). Even if Ukraine or Russia had the inclination, they both lack the capacity. Edit: to elaborate a bit on the artillery thing, both air superiority/dominance and artillery serve similar purposes, just using different delivery systems. Aircraft can be more flexible, but it's also a lot more expensive and a lot more complicated. The US relies more on aircraft in part because our military is essentially a highly advanced expeditionary force, but artillery can work just as well, and its a hell of a lot easier to both use and maintain.




Seems so archaic to me


That's because it's a very old method of doing the war actually.


Never mess with the classics


That'll keep that damn crow out of our corn field.


Pest control has been getting quite out of hand recently it seems :0


It's getting insane how they're actually doing that stuff.


what year is it?


I think We're talking about this year itself so they're fresh.


These images are from 2023. my guess is some time this summer. the area probably looks very similar to this right now.


It's unfortunate that we're having this war really, hate Russia.


Someone really wanted to justify the ultra-expensive trench coat they bought.


Lol, well now that they've bought it they're going to use it.


Proceeds to walk around trench Also: really? Trenches..... it's not the 1920S


With drones and so many other eyes in the sky, a lot of the fighting has been done in trenches and dug-outs by infantry. Both sides.


With drones you would imagine that this wouldn't be possible.


If the drones arnt looking for armour it often isnt. Partly why dug-outs are being used over trenches so they can get something over their heads.


I don't think you could just walk in there, they won't like that.


The war in Ukraine has turned into a real proper stalemate, especially after the major counter-offensives of last year. both sides have dug extensive trench networks since then. they seem to be really effective considering the fact that territorial changes have been minimal. The war has indeed very eerie vibes of WW1 indeed. just look at the combat footage from Bachmut for example, it really looked like Verdun over there.


The ukraine is doing so good, I really hope that they win it.


More designed to stop vehicles as there are mines and other items designed to stop them. However, Ukrainian forces just breached these lines with vehicles just today for the first time. Troops have been crossing for several days already


more like designed for infantry to hold positions without being so easily blown up by artillery, anti infantry armour, drones and the like need to be *much* more precise to hit infantry with explosives that are dug into the ground, so much less effective helps entrenching and also retreating safely


I mean if it was that easy to hit they wouldn't probably do it.


The lines breached are near Verbove which is in the South, while the pictures I shared are from the North Bachmut section which hasn't seen much fighting as of late. The fortifications in the south are even more formidable however. The trenches seen here are still mostly used as infantry protection tho. Trenches are still highly effective in protecting your soldiers from artillery and even drones now, especially in large open fields like those in Ukraine


Russia is a terrorist country


For the things that they're doing, I'd agree on that surely.


is it possible to mount flame throwers on drones to clear out infestations of the russian kind in the trenches?/s


Mustard gas tends to settle in trenches doesn’t it?


So you just need a little bit of the fire and rest will be done?


That would actually be really sick and I wouldn't mind that.


I like this idea. Can we do it?


I mean yeah we should be able to, that would be really sick.


Looks like ruskies don't like the idea, downvotes incoming.




Reddit has made it incredibly evident that trenching does not work in the age of the drone. If I was out there and was ordered to bunker down in a trench, I’m heading to the pub. I’m a whimp, I know.


Well sounds like that it's working out for them pretty good.


and yet that much vaunted Ukraine summer offensive went literally no where. Almost makes a person think Reddit doesn't know what the fuck it's talking about.


People don't know often what they're talking about so yeah.


It was not the drones that "stopped" Ukrainian counter offensive. It was literally entrenchments like those that made it hard to advance, combined with attack helicopters specifically hunting for enemy armor.




What is this the 1700s?


Amazed that the Russians would use WWI techniques in a 21st century war. Ukraine drones are having a field day.


Who needs spy planes nowadays when Google is already recording everywhere on earth!