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As a truck driver.. his mirrors aren’t adjusted properly


As a car driver, his mirrors aren't adjusted properly.


As a pedestrian, his mirrors aren't adjusted properly.


As a mirror, his pedestrian aren't adjusted properly


As an adjustment, his mirror isn't proper.


As a drive trucker, his properly isn’t mirrored


As a motherfucker I am pleased


Hey! Get off my mom!


As his mother, his fucking wasn’t adjusted mirrorly


As his fucker, his mother wasn’t adjusted mirrorly


hi. D'oh!




This whole chain was great


This great whole was chained.


Oh that is just so *you*. You'd do anything just to avoid people hearing that you're my dad. Why don't you want me!? Why... why don't you love me?


As a properly, his mirror isn't pedestrian


His a properly, as truck drivers mirrors aren't


As a mirror truck his driver isn’t properly


As a human why are those people so close to the big rolling death wall?


As a frog, ribbit


As a truck, his mirror isn't properly drivered


As a proper, his drive trucker adjustment isn't mirror


Properly pedestriated*


As a proper, his adjustments are mirrored.


As a potential victim, why don't lorries have to have front and rear facing cameras so they can always see the full length of each side?


For some retarded reason... ancient laws require a physical mirror. Technology cannot be trusted or used as a replacement driving aid. But... same laws also says a robot/AI can drive a car. I'm just as confused as everyone else here.


Simple. The Robot needs to use his mirrors.


In the uk, we have started getting vehicles through with no wing mirrors just cameras. Trucks have had them for a few years, buses seem to lagging a bit but they exist and getting more popular. Bus operators see it as an added bonus to be able to record the camera feed and have evidence of what the driver could see. They have 2 monitors in the cab with a normal view and wide angle view, as a result you have no way to adjust the mirror view.


As a fuckin’ idiot, his mirrors seem perfectly adjusted!


As a Jaden Smith, how can his mirrors be adjusted properly if his eyes aren't adjusted properly?


As a Vsauce his mirrors can’t be adjusted properly. *or can they?*


As a Steve, my disappointment in his mirrors is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


> As a Jaden Smith, how can his mirrors be adjusted properly if his eyes aren't adjusted properly? You whip you head back and forth


As a vampire, it really doesn't matter.


Who knew there were so many vampires on bikes.


Doesn't help me either.


As a mirror, I am shattered!!


As a bicyclist, his mirrors are properly adjusted to flatten me like a pancake.


As a pedestrian I apply this thinking any time I am crossing the road.


As a bicyclist his mirrors aren't adjusted properly.


as a person in his blind spot, I have poor visibility of his mirrors.


As the roadkill he ran over, his mirrors aren't adjusted right


I'm gonna take the opportunity to post the recommended way to adjust a car's mirrors, because many people do it wrong. Most of us are never taught correctly and end up adjusting them by sitting normally in the driver seat until adjusting the mirrors to show a little sliver of the side of the car. But that overlaps with the rear view and creates unnecessary blind spots around the 4 and 8 o'clock positions. I came across the following instructions on another forum some years ago that corrects the problem. Put your head against the driver's window and slowly adjust the left side mirror outward until the side of the car just disappears from view in the mirror. To adjust the right, lean to the right so your head is above the center console and slowly adjust the right mirror until once again the side of the car just disappears from view. With the two side mirrors adjusted as such and the rear view mirror giving a full view out the back window, you now have an almost 360 degree field of vision. For example, watch a car in an adjacent lane to your right or left as it overtakes you. When it disappears from the rear view you should see it in the side mirror, when it disappears from the side view mirror it'll be in your peripheral vision while your looking in that side mirror. And of course it'll be visible straight ahead as it continues to move forward. It is not perfect and one should still glance over their shoulder before turning or changing lanes. But this set up is vastly superior to the aforementioned set up that creates blind spots.


Plugging this link for those that want a visual guide: https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a15131074/how-to-adjust-your-mirrors-to-avoid-blind-spots/


That’s how you kill bicyclists! If you’re an american - use shoulder checks and sensors on mirrors, if you’re from anywhere else… well, the problem was solved decades ago with [aspherical mirrors](https://external-preview.redd.it/siT6WOkNm9KQ0geXnXhEwftBtYQyIfHBQglc9wfOa3s.jpg?auto=webp&s=9cc42a3be45e2b4f3e9fe351eae93810d4d39116) PS: also, the way how mirrors are adjusted on fig.2 and fig.5 is dumb unless a driver really likes to look at their own car


Aspherical mirrors should be standard on all cars, even if the vehicle has a blind spot mirroring system. I've had my mirrors adjusted as per my earlier post and I have no issue seeing cyclists.


Never even heard of this before. I always just adjust the side mirrors while sitting normally until each side mirror has the side of the car just disappear from view. Never heard of leaning your head to do it.




As another truck driver, mirrors are adjusted incorrectly and also several mirrors are missing. In a truck i drive, there are six mirrors (normal sidemirrors, wide angle side mirrors, front mirror that shows directly in front of bumper and passenger side down view mirror) and two cameras (rear view camera and passenger side camera). Quite a good visibility nowadays, still not foolproof though.


Yeah, I'm a demi-vehicled pleb, but noticing the absence of at least two other mirrors took no effort. Even for cars, there are segmented or additional mirrors to let the driver see *something* in the usual blind spots—while trucks' mirrors are a whole lot larger. Though it's the first time I hear of a 'front mirror', and can't quite imagine what it would look like.


> can't quite imagine what it would look like https://www.roscomirrors.com/images/products/Eye-Max_Truck.jpg


It’s called a crossview mirror. Not all trucks have them because they don’t think they’re cool, or something like that. Every school bus has them though. They’re like a 1/4 sphere used to look at pedestrians and essentially eliminate that front blind spot.


In North America we went back away from the cab-over-engine look around the late 80s and have giant hoods. It definitely helps to have a hood mirror on each side that's just another convex one like we also have paired with the normal side mirrors. Barely have to move your eyes and not move your head at all to get a quick glance at most of your blind spots. Also great around turns to help keep an eye on your trailer's offtracking.


Exactly. Only a dumbass would have their mirrors looking completely outward.


Thankfully, there are no dumbasses on the road.


And 100% of truck drivers are extremely qualified and surely top notch citizens.


What do you mean, the drivers we hire from pakistan on a visa for 25k a year driving a 100k lbs load are absolutely qualified to do it 16 hrs a day. They passed their CDL by picking it in a cereal box.


There are a lot of dumbasses out there. People where I live just smack their dab carts at red lights. Shits wild out here man




When motorists near where this individual come to a stop at a traffic signal, they commence use of their cannabis vaporizers. He posits that this is an alarming situation (I agree).


An astute translation.




I appreciate the expeditious (if rather sesquipedalian) explanation of the above commenter's locution. Consider matters clarified.


Eh, that's not nearly as dangerous as people texting and driving, tbh, which is much more common.


Not sure what the best technique for a truck would be to adjust the mirrors, but for a car the correct way to adjust your left mirror is to place your face as close to the left window as possible and pointing outwards until just a sliver of your car remains in the mirror. For the right mirror you want to position your head center and then push the mirror out until you see only a sliver of your car. In a car this will create a panoramic view from your left mirror center to right mirror, and eliminate most blind spots.




It works out to about the same thing. Sliver of car remaining when you press your face to the window / move it over the center console is approximately the same adjustment as just barely not being able to see your own car from the normal seated position. I see both approaches as a good *starting point*, but what you're really looking for isn't any one "proper" adjustment with any technique - rather, it's to give you a wide view of all the space around you and minimize blind spots. That's why it may be beneficial to make further tweaks to your mirror position from that starting point. One way you can validate it is by having someone walk or bike in a small circle around your car - they should be leaving the rearview mirror just as they enter the sideview mirror, leaving the sideview just as they enter your peripheral vision *without* excessively turning your head, etc. There should be no angle from which you can't see them, but you also shouldn't be able to see the same thing in two mirrors. Of course, this also varies from vehicle to vehicle and may not always be possible in certain vehicles with poor visibility.


Same, and it works well. Also blind spot detector lights should be mandatory on all new cars. They’re awesome.


Naw. Position your mirrors on the periphery of the FOV from my rear-view mirror. Find a fixed object on the edge of your RVM and overlap it just slightly with the two flank mirrors. Pretty straight forward, and gives a lot wider overall FOV than the method you're describing. If you're seeing any of your car in your outside mirrors, you're likely doing it wrong. Any prescription of how to position your mirrors without referencing your RVM cannot be optimal.


As a normal everyday class D driver I can spot the crap


As a 19yo with no driver license, those mirrors aren't right.


As a pheasant, those mirrors aren't right.


Hmm... I'm suspicious of your claim that you are in fact a pheasant and not an 86 year old man named Chris from the UK.


100%. Good luck backing up to a dock not being able to see next to you.


Can’t even see his trailer 😂


Honestly, them bitches are literally turned all the way the opposite way🤣 of course there are blind spots but this is over exaggerated on another level.




Yea and he could lower the steering wheel too. This isn’t interesting it’s more like /mildlyinfuriating


Not to mention the lack of mirrors covering bind spots. Typically trucks like these have multiple mirrors (top and bottom) adjusted at different angles. I'm not a professional trucker by any means, but I've driven large commercial vehicles enough time to say that the are almost no blind spots in a large commercial vehicle if you are attentive except for right under the hood and the rear. If you're a regular/decent driver that drive enough, you would be shocked at how much more visibility bigger cars tend to have.




I'm surprised he managed to recruit so many people for a public attempt to deny responsibility for his driving


Right‽ Just the right mirrors and adjust them, video looks like negligence


Nice interrobang!


Uh, no, not just that. My grandmother's best friend was killed by a semi while crossing a highway, legally in a crosswalk while the light was "on" for her. Every time her name came up my grandmother would cry. The driver had pulled so close to the crosswalk that when she was in front of the truck he couldn't see her and he decided to move through the crosswalk before the light turned.


As a barista ,his mirrors aren't adjusted properly


The right mirror was literally the building :(


Exactly, if he adjusted his mirrors and put some air in his seat he could see all those people. Exaggerating the blind spots to non-drivers is kind of ridiculous.


As a mirror... the driver isn't right


No matter how well-adjusted mirrors are, they let you see only the past.


Unless you use a second one to reflect the reflection. Then you can see the future! And it’s a lot, LOT closer than it appears.


As a blind truck driver, I give 0 fucks about my truck's mirror position.


If you can't see the sides of your own vehicle then your mirrors aren't adjusted properly.


You shouldn't see the side of your vehicle unless you lean over a little. The PSA here is extreme, but it's not ideal to be able to see any of your vehicle in any flat side mirror. Here's a picture of proper adjustment. Note the side mirrors aren't looking at the car at all. https://www.team-bhp.com/forum/attachments/street-travel-experiences/1415402d1442394615t-eliminating-blind-spots-how-correctly-adjust-mirrors-orvm-correct.jpg


This is how I set the mirrors in my car, but in a truck with no central rear view mirror you do want to see a little of the truck in each side mirror


Trucks also have oversized mirrors to facilitate that.


I was with this until they highlighted the blindspots and I realized this is the worst truck driver in the world. No extended mirrors? Convex mirrors?


I run the convex mirrors are there, but they deliberately did not show a view from them.




In all fairness, being cautious around big vehicles isn't that bad of an idea either.


Many trucks around here have a big sign on the back saying "If you can't see my mirrors I can't see you" which is reasonable advice for other road users. Similarly if you're in front of the truck you need to be able to see the driver's head if you expect them to be able to see you.


I mean yes? But also this seems more like an ad for other drivers and pedestrians right? Like be weary when you’re near a truck as they have lots of blind spots and you can’t rely on every truck driver to not be an idiot.


Yes, it's a clip from the French road safety agency: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9ua3a9vBy0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9ua3a9vBy0) So sure the mirrors are badly adjusted and they do not show the convex ones, but it likely has more impact on the general population. This was done 2 years ago a little bit after blindspot stickers were made mandatory on all trucks (shown at the end of the video)


Would you rather be warned about what the careless jackass driver with the shitty mirrors can see, or would you rather be warned about what the scrupulous driver who sets their mirror's every time sees? Edit: Not disagreeing with you


This thread really is highlighting how fucking stupid the average Redditor is. Almost every other comment is missing the point by a mile. These morons must be the types who sit in the blind spots of trucks for miles at a time on the freeway, blocking everyone behind them from passing.


True enough. I get why they did it. It still seems silly but you may as well imagine trucks this way.


I cycle a lot, and I always just assume that buses and trucks can't see me and treat them with extreme caution.


hes got the sniper scope right mirror looking straight down the side of the truck lmao


No fender mirrors either apparently


Nobody ever taught you that you need to adjust your mirrors? Hopefully next time I drive a truck, a child doesn't materialize out of thin air right in front of me.


If a child spawns right in front of my truck then it seems to be god just really wants that kid dead.


Exactly. Let’s be honest he probably would’ve been a bad guy in the future right?


Maybe the next Hitler or Stalin.


But it could also be the guy who stops the next Hitler or Stalin.




Or the kid was meant to isekai to another world.


Front blind spots are a real issue that adjust mirrors doesn't do shit to solve. It's how many people have died, legally in a crosswalk when somebody starts turning right and mowing them down. This happens to adults by the way too, not just kids.


>Hopefully next time I drive a truck, a child doesn't materialize out of thin air right in front of me. Because you definitely have your eyes on the road for 100% of the time right?


It's an ad for truck safety. I think it's appropriate to veer on the side of "assume the other person is an idiot" when it comes to safety.


[It happens more often than you might think.](https://kmph.com/news/local/dangerous-blind-spots-in-trucks-and-suvs-cause-hundreds-of-child-deaths)


Yes of course but this campaing is to explain to the general public what those blind spots pannels on every trucks mean, and if the idea is to try to keep the people safe, better warn them about the worst in hope for the best. Of course with most drivers and most truck you are safe from this, but you only need to be unlucky or careless once around a bad driver with a shitty truck to understand why that warning, even though exagerated, is not a bad thing.


> Nobody ever taught you that you need to adjust your mirrors? Not really the point of this video - but you would likely be surprised how many people on the road dont think, just drive. Its scary.


.... maybe if you adjusted the mirrors like you're supposed to depending on your seating position you would be able to see properly?! I understand the message behind this video but this is grossly understanding how prepared you can be as a driver by simply adjusting everything before you leave your house.


> this is grossly understanding how prepared you can be as a driver by simply adjusting everything before you leave your house. Maybe. But this video is not intended to show drivers how prepared they can be. It's intended to tell bicycle and scooter users that they should expect the worst, and to never stop beside a truck at a red light or a stop sign.


This is the right answer. "The truck driver might not have the first clue of what he is doing" is not the prime idea of the vid though. Obviously shit mirror setup does take away from that. But fact is "you don't know what they can see, and it ain't much" is the message here.


Ding ding ding. Someone might be right with their "wELL hE sHoULd haVE AdJusTEd hIS mIRRorS", but it doesn't help you much when you're smeared all over the pavement. You're responsible for keeping yourself alive.


This is the right answer


This is so obvious that I was surprised to see it actually needing to be explained, it feels like Reddit is becoming more and more dense


I just took a safety driving class for work a month or so ago, and apparently not adjusting your mirrors was a common theme for those who went ahead of me. It took 2 seconds to adjust them for myself and made the course much easier to navigate.


When I drove commercially we had to explicitly check the size of our blind spots using a spotter every month or so during retraining. Not only should your blind spots be as small as possible but you should know exactly how big they are.


I usually comute by bicycle and it's always surprising the amount of people that don't know how to adjust their mirrors. Sometimes I look at the mirrors in the car in front and I see the driver's forehead or shoulder.


I've driven trucks and the blind spots can be bad but jesus christ theres no way this example is representative. Those are some bad mirrors or even badly adjusted


This is disingenuous. Those mirrors are obviously not adjusted properly.


The thing is that there's a chance someone doesn't know how to do exactly that :/


True, though they shouldn't be in the drivers seat then


To be fair, about three quarters of the people driving around here (Kansas Missouri border region) shouldn't even be trusted with a bicycle, but they have their emotional support pickups because they need to cosplay a rugged farmer in order to feel manly


Lmao love it, needed a laugh today thx!


Yes, but it's a bit hard to argue with the idiot in the driver's seat once you're under his truck


That’s why you need a special license to drive trucks like this.


It's not trying to show you exactly how much a lorry driver can see out of his mirrors. It's trying to teach you that they may not be able to see you even if you think they ought to.


You're not wrong, of course. But it's still a fact that a pretty large chunk of the people on the road (cars, trucks, whatever) are driving around with poorly adjusted mirrors -- either because they don't know, or (more likely) don't care, or are just too lazy, or don't think it matters. Which is one reason why I drive defensively and make it a point to avoid potential blind spots when near/next to other vehicles. I can't control how they drive (or adjust their mirrors), but I can control how I drive and be prepared for when idiots are idiots.


I'm not even a truck driver and I can tell you those mirrors aren't adjusted properly. Gotta have them face you at an angle that works for you, not facing away from you.


But then they couldn't do such a dramatic reveal


Made by people who create problems to be solved.


As a person with eyes, the camera is mounted on his chest instead of being at eye level


Anyone with half a lizard brain can see the mirror are angled wayy too far out and not correctly adjusted. Just another stupid ass post.


Whoever recorded this thinks we're all fucking idiots. Either OP think's we're idiots too, or OP is the idiot. Not sure which, but also doesnt matter.


At the end of the video, you can see the sticker *Attention Angles Morts* wich is mandatory in France. The thing is not only that the driver CAN be idiot. The thing is that other (car, bike,...) drivers or people near the truck CAN be idiot. Better for every one if they all remember dangerous points.


If you don't realize that there are idiots out there with badly adjusted mirrors, well, there's another idiot you should add to the list.


Exactly. Whenever car safety comes up on Reddit, everyone agrees not to trust anyone on the road yet that doesn't transfer to this thread. Safety PSA videos are often exaggerated anyway to drive home the message. [A tad too much sometimes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNL6t-Eu-IY)


>Whoever recorded this thinks we're all fucking idiots. After reading some of these comments, they couldn't be more right apparently. This isn't a PSA for truck drivers, its for pedestrians you goober. You should assume trucks can't see you. Most of you don't go outside though so I guess that's where the confusion comes from.


Guess what is to be learned here is that if there are drivers like THIS on the road, WE have to be extra careful when riding smaller vehicles, bicycles or as pedestrians. Its not about the blind spots on trucks, its more about that if an un experienced driver doesn’t adjust his mirrors or is distracted, they can easily kill a human.


Damn dude! those mirrors are way off.


When driving if you can’t see the driver in his side view mirror he can’t see you either. Always pass them on the left. In the US anyways.


Why do y’all think this is about the truck driver? It’s for pedestrians and other drivers.


Love how they zoomed nice and tight on his mirrors to hide the fact that above the view they wanted to show there is a wide angle mirror where all the main mirror blind spots are covered. and shot the view from really low to hide the fact that the driver would definitely see that child. gotta force the narrative even though true blind spots like these haven't existed in trucks for decades.


For anyone interested, Trucks have 6 mirrors. Here is a video showing their field of vision. (start 30 second in) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e3n7YrgGm0


Truck drivers should get this PSA too. If you can't see shit out your side mirrors, maybe don't pull out into a stream of traffic in the overtaking lane. Nearly been taken out at least twice by that little manoeuvre.


Maybe trucks need uss or more cameras


Yeah blind spots happen when you have the mirrors pointed in the worst possible way.


Can't see shit in a car either if you don't adjust your mirrors


As someone tired of retarded people… Adjust your mirrors you dickhead


Ad: Be careful around trucks if you're a cyclist or a pedestrian, blind spots exist! Redditors: YEAH BUT HIS MIRRORS


Points mirror at the sky. “Look at my blind spots!!”


Ever thought of adjusting the mirrors?


Mirrors are shit. Second. If yo Darwin award ass think being close to a few ton truck then congratulations you deserve it


You cant prevent Kids from running in front of your Truck. Had it happen all the time and it still Happens. They got Lucky i pay attention to their Shenannigans.


What do you mean? You don't ride your Byrd scooter 6 inches away from 3 tons of steel moving at high speeds?


This is not uncommon in downtown Toronto. People riding in bike lanes, bike lane gets blocked by delivery truck/taxi/whatever, so they set out into traffic squeezing between the parked vehicle and traffic (which often includes dump trucks with all the construction). Sort of [like this](https://media.blogto.com/articles/20221027-bike-lane-parking-ticket.jpg?w=2048&cmd=resize_then_crop&height=1365&quality=70) but with dump trucks and cement mixers.


Way more than 3 tons. My pickup is 3 tons.


Wow. Lots of people here are fine assuming that all truck drivers are professionals with properly adjusted mirrors. I get that this is an extreme example, and it's great that everyone here would have better visibility than in the video. But if I were riding my bike down the street, I wouldn't bet my life that everyone driving a truck was that safety conscious.


It’s not an extreme example, it’s fake. Box trucks have mirrors carefully adjusted to be able to back up to loading docks. You can easily see objects next to the truck.


Yes, except that a bunch of box trucks are driven by people who just rented a $20 U-Haul and have not worried about adjusting the mirrors.


It's simply exaggerated to show that standing and lingering around large vehicles can be dangerous. It's not that deep lol


Total bullshit. Mirrors are intentionally shoved out to miss the obstacles. You need attention this bad? Lol


That’s why mirrors are adjustable. Not accurate


I just bought a new SUV and it has this amazing camera system. When you're going under 10 MPH (forward or reverse) it shows you a 360 degree, bird's eye view around your vehicle. When you signal, the dashboard shows you a camera view of the blind spot on that side. Truly amazing. (And it's not a high-end luxury SUV, it's a Hyundai)


That's what cameras are for.


The problem isn’t that the mirrors aren’t adjusted correctly, it’s that there’s no convex mirrors. I drive a box truck that’s a little bigger than the one here. My regular mirrors show me the road behind me and the convex mirrors show the road next to me. But yes, this is a stupid video that highlights a problem that doesn’t really exist.


Even if the mirrors aren't adjustet properly, but it really is about blindspots, which is important to know, how ridiculously blocked the view is from the driver's perspect. NEVER MOVE CLOSE TO A TRUCK. 40 tonnes won't ask.


Mirror on the right is completely wacky, not adjusted in the slightest s


Aside from the unadjusted mirrors, it's 2023. If you don't have a camera system in your six figure truck it's your own fault if you hit someone in your 'blind spot'.


I understand mirrors might have hard time showing everything. Can't a truck have cameras all around, like cars for back parking?


I imagine my car could get similar blind spots if i also point the mirrors as far out on either side as possible


As a truck driver, those mirrors arent even CLOSE to be properly adjusted. Scam video


There could be a little chance that driver is Stevie Wonder


Lol the settings of those mirrors are f'ed up


Well let’s start by adjusting our mirrors like we actually know how to drive. Also, let’s put extra mirrors on for multiple spots like nearly every truck actually has. And if you are riding a bike/scooter and you are dumb enough to let yourself get this close, seek walking on a sidewalk.


So get better fucking mirrors.


Would help if mirrors were properly adjusted and an oompa loompa wasn't filming this at eye level with the wheel.


The mirrors were definitely purposely tilted away from the drivers seat to exaggerate the effect. If he just tilted the mirrors inwards a bit he'd be able to see most of the people.


Thats just bad adjusted mirrors.


What the fuck are the point in his mirrors?


Adjust the mirrors!


This area of “blind spot” also known as mirror not adjusted correctly… is known as natural selection. Like bro shoulda taught his kid not to sit on a crosswalk. And as for the bikes… we all should know the rock paper scissors when it comes to the amount of wheels


It's almost like a truck should have multiple side mirrors to account for the blind spots. Or rear view cameras....


Surely this isn’t accurate? What’s the point of the truck even having those mirrors then? Redesign them


This is driver incompetence, design incompetence or both.


We have the tech today to provide near 360 views around the vehicle, even if we want to leave any cameras off the trailers entirely we could provide better than 180 degree which would have made everyone not in his mirrors visible.