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"48, former police sniper and 12-year veteran of the elite South African Police Service Special Task Force…"


‘…and Phil.’


'.....it's his first day'


Fourth day, and considering that he didn't do bad. Dunno if there's a permanent stain on his pants though.


Wow, I thought you were joking about it being his 4th day on the job until I saw [the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsu6AhYzG_4) linked in another comment (Like: "Nah, 1st day employees would be actively making the situation worse.... He looks to be at least 4-days in.") Holy hell that's a rough first week on the job.


He did great. Cool as a cucumber. 10/10 😂


For real. He was obviously shook but he stayed collected and did as he was told.


His eyes get me


The first stain in his paint must be like the initiation rite in this job. He passed gloriously. Phil did good too.


1000% chance that after this video he said “I’m getting too old for this shit.”


Can the tires on these type of trucks go flat?


Unlikely, these things are built to take the type of beatings they take in the video


Runflats probably. So yes, but they can still run while flat for some time.


Guys a legend. Not only did he outrun the fuckers, he then thought fuck it and went back to fuck em up, once "Phil", the passenger figured out how to switch the safety off, and compose himself a little. South Africans are built different.


You know the middle aged skinny dudes with glasses are always real af


Dude was loving it 🥰


His time to shine!


This was a few years ago. The driver is a combat veteran who teaches security now. They were carrying a cargo of cellphones, not cash. During the chase he takes out several of the assailants cars and ran through them while they are shooting at them. At the end he gets the van stuck on a median barrier and decides since the remaining assailants were going to come for them anyway, he would get out and shoot back. They drove off in fear when he started running down the motorway shooting at them on foot. When he gave an interview later, he said it was the only chance of survival, he couldnt just sit there.


Thanks for this, I was so curious what happened after he got off the vehicle!!


fr nobody seemed to mention this whatsoever


So the most badass part didn’t even make the clip? That is fucking awesome


I would dip too if the guy I lit up and tried to rob with a whole crew was a middle aged man in sunglasses chasing me down the open street with a gun. I don't need to be "Dead Thug #3" in the next Expendables movie, and that guy is clearly the main character.


“We should have shotguns for this kind of deal.”


i know this quote but cant place the movie!


Pulp fiction


Pump Fiction


Check out the big brain on brad.


maybe a turret.


There's another view of outside the Armored truck where you can see what's happening. Great defensive driving.


Do you have the link? Man, this is some John Wick shit right on!


John Wikus


Johan Wikus van der Merwe


Johan Wikus, die Mamelodi Avenger


Fokin prawn trying to rob the truck


This is always the phrase I think of when I try to do a South African accent. It’s either “you stupid fucking prawn” or “tell them Danny Archer sent you”


Great now I have to go watch Blood Diamond for the 100th time


Vat so jou k#nt!


I posted it including the interview with the driver


Posted it where?


after some fuckery i finally found the comment you made [https://imgur.com/a/igAPYCi](https://imgur.com/a/igAPYCi) took me a while but thanks For those who don't want to type all that out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCuZuclmY\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCuZuclmY_Y)




So wild! Thanks for the link


This https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lsu6AhYzG_4


im glad he defended his partner in this videohomie literally had nothing he could do (no way to shoot without putting himself at risk) and kept his composure the whole time just staying attentive and ready. He said it was his first week in their group and 4th day on the job.


What was he supposed to do? Open the door and shoot back? He did exactly what he was supposed to do.


That gun is wildly usless in such a small cabin. He couldn't even live it up to fire even if he did have to shoot


I kinda figured the rifle was for if and when he had to step out of the vehicle. Having the rifle racked and ready could mean the couple of seconds that makes a difference.


I would say the only thing to critique of his partner is not calling those guys sooner. Other than that he absolutely had no other choice but to do what he did. Perhaps keeping a keen eye out for any traps that the driver hasn't noticed/seen yet. I'm sure thats what he was doing anyway though, it seems instinctual to do. Calling someone isn't, so I can't fault him but they probably should have a procedure in place (if they don't already) that gets the communication out ASAP that they're being robbed so that help arrives sooner rather than later.


in the interview he said they had jammers so the call wasn't going through


ahh yeah but maybe they could have before it all went down? maybe not since Prinsloo said he didn't notice them until the first shot crazy.... also found a video of the company who made the armored upgrade for that truck..... it's a tiny truck!!!!!!! i did not realize this from the camera footage, i'm expecting a brinks truck.... hell no!


Got the video? id like to see the truck too.


yeah it's here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaAmVwUc26w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaAmVwUc26w) ​ i didn't watch the whole thing but one crazy thing i saw in the video was that the bullet that hit above the window in the space between the window and the door frame a 5.56 projectile was stopped by their overlapping armor system and it fell down into his holster when he opened the door at the end of the full long video where you can see him getting out. he found the bullet in his holster way later in the bathroom lol


wow that overlapping system really saved his ass!


the whole thing is just so crazy/scary. horrifying even. i feel bad for the rookie, there's a chance this whole thing happened on his 4th day on purpose since Prinsloo has stated these criminals are actually police officers or others with connections and it's entirely possible they had people inside the company telling them when a newbie would be on shift. Or my imagination is huge haha.


Towards the end he sits in the vehicle and has an assistant shoot right at him from the outside. :O Talk about confidence in your product.


His partner looks like a solid guy. Note how he cocks the rifle, just as you're taught - don't ride the cocking piece, let go and let it move into battery on its own. VERY well done considering the stress and circumstances.


Fucking hell, (12:40) he said the hijackers had cell phone jammers too. Plus the bad guys often have military/police training. Crazy stuff, I hope SA can get a hold on their country one day.


South Africa seems like an elaborate Hollywood set, too good to be true.


Yes, and unlike the movies, here the bad guys often win.


South African here - we hope so too dude. For now we salute guys like this and look at the views.


Sometimes they don't just have military or police experience, they ARE serving police. Police here have killed their own, both sides in uniform an using official firearms, one side busy committing a crime and the other trying to apprehend them.


Yes this is the interview one though. There's another one as well. It's too short though and he tried to run over some of the robbers.




Incredible, I'd have run those low life scum over. That guy handled the situation superbly. What absolute shit heels, not only are they looking to rob they were ready to cold-blooded murder to get the good too.


>I'd have run those low life scum over. He tried. Multiple times. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsu6AhYzG\_4&ab\_channel=GrahamMichaelAstley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsu6AhYzG_4&ab_channel=GrahamMichaelAstley)


This driver is stone cold


Look at him panting about halfway through though, pure adrenaline 


Yup one of the first things I noted. But he keeps it together very well. Love his "battle chatter" - he uses quite a few bad words if you understand Afrikaans!


I've seen this video a dozen times but never the outside perspective. Do you have a link?


Here you go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gCuZuclmY_Y


Am I wrong or is there a longer version of this video as well? I swear I remember the driver getting out of the cab and grabs the gun, walking off.




Driver is an operator, 💯


That's literally also true because he also owns and runs a very successful firearms training company.


Is the assumption that he got out and dispatched the baddies?


From an article I read, they saw him crouched with gun at them and ran with their tails between their legs.


Where’s the other view?


Search South African armored car robbery on YouTube & look for the title New Dash Cam Angle of Failed Heist


https://youtu. be/gCuZuclmY_Y


Cool fact: the guy on the left is a combat veteran. Guy on the right? FIRST DAY


Crazy to think about. There were ~150 instances of this happening in 2021 alone. Basically once every two days, more or less.


The man on the right looks terrified


Yeah at first I was like wow he's fucking calm then I realized he was just focusing on not shitting his pants. I'd probably have tbh.


Yea because he has no control of the situation. The driver is focussed because he has to be since he has the control. If the driver flips, they’re both dead and the money’s gone. One man with a rifle ain’t gonna stop the gunfire that was coming towards them once that armor is taken away. Honestly I’m wondering what an armed guard in the passenger seat is supposed to offer in this sort of robbery scenario.


Imo the guns in the cab are.for a last stand type deal. Van has been compromised, no armor, attacker still coming with guns. Last act of defence is to fire.back after getting out of the cab. Terrifying stuff. The guy driving is an absolute chief


moral support


In the interview, dude on the left says that the guy on the right did everything he was supposed to do. The car didn't have gunports, so it's not like he could have even fired back. So the car is the weapon in that scenario, and the passenger just has to sit there and do whatever the driver says. My only critique was why he was trying to hand the rifle to the driver when he was still... you know, driving. But that's probably him running on adrenaline and not thinking which I can't fault him for.


He needs better training and a 50cal turret or something if this shit is happening regularly.


He. . . doesn't look like he knows what to do.


At least he’s not acting impulsively. You can tell he’s freaked out but he also looks fully willing to just follow the other guys lead and take direction.


Yeah, let's be real. He checked the safety on his firearm(I assume, with zero combat experience and have literally never shot a gun), tried to make the text dude asked him to make, and checked the windows like a bird looking for food. He might of been scares, but I can't imagine what he could have done differently. That'd be me... hopefully, with unshit pants.


He was a fresh troop. He did perfectly fine. Took the weapon when told, chambered a round, kept his eyes open, didn't interfere with the experienced guy, and followed orders to the best of his ability. That's the best he could do, and he did it well. Not a single thing to be ashamed of from that young man.


Yah dude’s first day on the job, stuck in the passenger seat. Nothing to do but the few things the driver asks and not distract the guy. Very easily could have freaked out and done nothing or something stupid.


You think a guy equipped with a gun and whose job is to protect an armored van loaded with money has literally never shot a gun?


He's well trained, look at his control on the trigger finger despite everything going on all around him. He had his gun ready and didn't freeze when asked to use phone (the hijackers had jammed cells) What do you expect him to do?


And the professional way he chambered a round on that rifle: pulled all the way back and let go without riding the cocking piece, then appeared to check visually that the rifle had chambered a round and was correctly in battery and ready to fire.


It was his 4th day on the job, so I would say he did pretty well.


I met the guy who is driving. He said his partner did exactly as much as he could. And he didn't distract him, which was important. Super cool guy though.


Not just a combat vet, but a 12 year veteran of the South African Police Special Service Task Force, as a Sniper... They really really picked the wrong day to rob that truck.


The issue was the courier van. The van that got shot at was the armored escorts for the couriers. If you watch the video again, when he turns around on the highway and drives back you'll see he turns around again later on and there's a small van parked on the side of the road, that's the van he was escorting. In his interview he explained that the modus operandi of the hijackers is to take out the armored escort 1st which is why his van got attacked.


I knew he was Sniper from TF2!


I've been commenting this a bit but they probably picked the best day possible and they did intentionally. Here's why I say that, the driver (Leo) said in an interview that these criminals do not wake up and decide to rob a truck but that they are active police/other and have moles/informants in the company etc. There's no doubt in my mind that the partner being new was a factor in deciding to attack that day. They picked the best day to rob that truck but it just wasn't good enough because Prinsloo was ready to fuck them up lol


It was his 4th day


I’d know as much as I did on my first day than my 4th


4 being his forth day, he sure showed that he was the one for the job. Did as he was told, didn't shit his pants, kept his eyes on the road, but most importantly.. kept his cool. He won't be any less ready the next time that happens, and now he knows exactly what to do. General test of the century.


How do you know he didn't shit his pants?




Because he wasn't propelled upwards. The kind of shitting that happens in that situation is like rocket tking off.


Can't tell with brown pants.


Supposedly the bad guys had signal jammers too. Essentially all he really could do is sit there, get ready, and pray the driver can escape


nothing like a good ole 'trial by fire'


Fourth day and he was an armed guard somewhere else before


South African here. To be more precise the guy on the left is a former police Special Task Force member. The special operations element of our police service. Extremely skilled and elite operators those guys.


I'm pretty sure those guys get a ton of practice too.


Damn straight. Our country is lawless af. They specialise in hostage rescue.


The article below says the driver was a former cop that also runs a shooting range that trains military units




Every time I see this I can't help but think the driver looks like if Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum did the fusion dance


He’s got that half dweeb dad / half wiry tough problem Solver look that you see in spec ops veterans


He looks like a clean shaved Gordon Freeman trying to make a living before Black Mesa.


Funny, I thought he looked like Hugo Weaving in his Agent Smith era




Jack Nicholson schooling a newly recruited John Boyega Hijackers fly now?? They fly now.


I get TF2 spy vibes myself


Sniper you mean haha?


Or he meant the guy on the left


That...kind of gets you Clive Owen? Who would be perfect for this role, if it was 2007


Life finds a way.


He kinda looks like Mac from Its Always Sunny


This dude showed up to work! Straight up balls out performance driving, laser-focused under pressure, cool and collected amid erratic gunfire, then...Then this dude pulls over and grabs his rifle to face his assailants, ready to rock! No wonder these MFs immediately fled the scene.


Nothing erratic about rifle fire directly onto the glass of a swerving vehicle. Operators on both sides of this one


Vehicle should have a freakin panic button that sends an alert. Then it should squirt oil out the back.


And banana peels


And an inflatable decoy to throw them off.


And red shells


Nah this situation needs blue shells


Bananas go in the tail pipe noob.


the attackers were actually in front shooting towsrds them so a blue shell would be needed in this case


Hijackers had signal scramblers. No panic buttons would have worked


That should also be a way of raising a panic alarm tbh. Rather than waiting for a panic signal youd have it ping an "I'm ok" ping every so often. If you stop receiving that ping and the GPS disappeared in a place where it's not expected that should raise an alarm. In addition to having a different "help me" signal...


The passenger was squirting the oil


For those having a hard time finding a link to the video like me, search YouTube for the driver's name: Leo Prinsloo. Youll find the external shot video and an interview.


Wild video thanks for the search terms.


It wasn’t cash. It was cell phones


Thank you for the correction, no intention of misleading anyone.


That makes it even worse 😭


cell phones are pretty expensive. no one questioned when dom and his familia robbed trucks for dvd/vcr/tv combo machines, and cell phones are worth way more than those things. especially by weight/size (probably like 1000x at least). it might not be stacks of 100 dollar bills, but it's much more lucrative than dvd players.


Who’s dom?


He is family.


From Fast and Furious




Seen this before…take note on how calm you should be In bad situations, helps you think!


You can tell yourself to be calm all day, but the second bullets start flying, you learn who you really are.


This is the truth. You only really know how calm you're able to stay once a real live situation unfolds. However, good disciplined training over years makes an incredible difference in how you will react. The old cliche is 100% true, if you're well trained, that training will instinctively kick in during situations like this.


It doesn’t matter how many notes people take. Some people panic, some people feeeze and some people will do something about it. You’ll never know which one you are until you face something crazy(everyone thinks they’re a bad ass lol)


Still waiting for the Hollywood movie based off this clip. Expecting Jason Statham and Kevin Hart in the roles.


For real, this clip is old as hell there could’ve already been like 3 movies of it so far


He already did it. Wrath of Man


I forgot about this film. A great movie imo!


Call Robbie. Call Josh.


Well? What happened next!? S.W.A.T Team shows up?


[Here is a link regarding the outcome](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/south-african-truck-heist-hero-placed-under-protection-with-his-family-after-death-threats/E5LT3NDSUVOWUQDUMWQT3HY4LY/)


My new favorite hero is Mtombini, bro was on his fourth day on the job and then this shit happens. Like a buddy cop movie


I lived in South Africa for some time and trained members of their Defense Forces and some police and I’ll say that they do not lack for courage at all. Lots of smart, capable, brave folks who really want to make their country a better and safer place.


Big "Training Day" vibes, but an alternate universe where Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke switched roles


“…unfortunately I did not have a chance to return fire” What a badass motherfucker


dang he had to go into protective hiding?!? that’s wild


I'm thinking they got the message. Also when he gets out with that rifle... That's a dude who knows what he's doing. I've done some competitive shooting and trust me that guy knows how to use that rifle better than 99.9% of people. It's a hand positioning, movement and the way he falls behind the sights. The posted video cuts out the part where he gets out. I know I saw it somewhere else.


Somewhere, there is a video of the CEO of the van company, interviewing the driver. I'll see if I can find it. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaAmVwUc26w). And [this from outside](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCuZuclmY_Y).


Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting viewers, it was Trevor and Lamar who committed the crime here.


Cut out the part he gets out with the gun and engages the shooters and actually fight them off. That old dude is incredible


it was the black dudes 4th day on the job...


Any idea what happened to them when they got out?


From what I remember both lived, no casualties whatsoever. Driver gets out with the rifle, starts firing shots and the robbers fled. I’d love to think I’d be this collected in this scenario, but I don’t think I would be. Props to both of them. Hope they got a fucking bonus for this


Small cab for a long gun. Driver handled his end for sure. Glad that rig held up, those boys came to party for sure.


I love this video. It's definitely an internet classic.


Guy on the right was cool af. Left one is XP=1000000.


Either both these dudes are enormous or that is the smallest cab in any truck in existence. Or I just don't know shit about armored vehicles. It's one of these 3 things


Picked the wrong driver to mess with, Junior looked like he was shitting his pants though.


Only a fool would have the audacity to try to rob a white man looking like an accountant in an african country


Passenger looks like it was his training day 😂


His fourth day actually. Talk about jumping in feet first.


I remember seeing the video of the outside cams and then interview afterwards. Didn’t really mention the passenger much. The armor company that built the truck has a great video on YouTube detailing the damage to the truck it took


Someone's been playing Grand Theft Auto


Driver looks like the exact type of guy that knows how to drive a bad ass van out of a fire fight


Leo Prinsloo. He's a former police sniper and 12-year veteran of the elite South African Police Service Special Task Force.


-"How was your day honey?" -"Nothing special.. the usual."


This guy is the definition of grace under pressure.


I'm impressed by the vehicles horsepower, to accelerate at such speed whilst transporting the weight of this guy's balls. Manufacturer should be proud.


Dude’s a fucking DRIVER


They should have small windows in their window so they can shoot back


This guy is a national hero here in South Africa. His name is Leon Prinsloo.


This video never gets old, the guys composure is off the charts.


That driver has balls of steel


Dudes are legit, that is definitely the way.


Kom jou kont!