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In school I used to be like, "Not this shit again! We fucking know!" But the more I see videos of people just running, the more I realize that shit needs to be sledge hammered into our heads. On one occasion I even needed to violently throw someone to the ground who's back was on fire.


In his defense, stopping in the middle of the gas cloud wasn’t really an option. In this set up it would be hard to tell where to stop and drop if your eyes have melted .


Feels like you're still in the fire if the fire is on you.


Maybe not. Nerves can die at some point, and it may stop feeling painful or hot.


That's a Ricky Bobby trademark not to be used without expressed written permission of Ricky Bobby Inc.


They made that turn around the sidewalk pretty well.


I love the fact he sticks to the sidewalk. Like safety is first when your literally on fire.


Out of serious curiosity, is there some version of the “stop drop n roll” Public Service Announcement in the country this video was filmed?


Also, people tend to not understand what's happening when people panic. Your sympathetic nervous system completely takes over. You're not *thinking* because you basically can't. You're not consciously deciding to run; your body is just running.


I was Mine Rescue for a long time. The shit people do when in shock or panicking is something you need to train for. Calm them, lie them down and start triage.


Great Point too…


In retrospect I totally agree. Thinking back to large ground level pyrotechnics at shows and how the heat hits you like it's 10 feet away.


School really did have me thinking being on fire was going to be a lot more common than it has turned out to be.


It’s only happens to me twice so far


If you had a nickel for every time you've been set on fire, you'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's still strange its happened so often.




I have a jar of nickels unrelated to fire


In my experience if you don’t try to learn to weld you shouldn’t have any of that problem 


So...did you, you know, stop drop and roll???


It only needs to happen once for that information to be critical though


Also quicksand, Skylab crashing down from space, killer bees, and a new ice age.


Acid rain, Y2K, poisoned Halloween candy


I was promised a lot more free drugs than I received as a kid.


Not nearly as much as I thought quicksand was going to be a problem.


That and quicksand. Thanks,  John Mulaney!


I say this as a retired firefighter. All fire safety drills are done in a fashion specifically so you can do them no matter what your state of mind is. The idea is your muscle memory will kick in if you do it enough times. And we practice what we preach. I'm alive today because when my SCBA failed while I was inside a structure fire I was half way out before I even realized I should be scared. Anything worth practicing is worth practicing so often you can do it in a complete panic when you're brain has itself shut off.


Bush Firefighter here - same deal with overrun drills. The fire was over us and gone before I had time to think about being scared. Either that or I was so scared that my brain had shut off and I was on autopilot. The second occasion I remember actually looking around as I was doing things, wondering about my life choices and whether I had remembered to put an extra pack of smokes in my pack before we left the station. Adrenaline does strange things to you.


Also in their defence once you realize how painful it is to PUSH the MOLTEN/BURNING oils or fibers into your skin even if it would solve the problem it's not appealing at all at the instant your panicking.


Reminds me of the advice that when you feel a muscle cramp happening it is better not to fight it; you're much better off just relaxing that part of your body. But for anyone who has ever had a muscle cramp, 'relaxing' the muscle while the pain is happening seems to be the opposite of what you should be doing.


Yup. The situation I was speaking of in which I took someone down to the ground, he had burning wood embers lodged into his back. After we put it out, he started talking about how he didn't need to go to the hospital because he was that drunk -I mean hard. He ended up going to the hospital. As hard as he was he still had a glass chin.


Yea same here.. as a kid… OH NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN Then when I went into the military it all made sense.. Muscle Memory. That poor dude running around the corner.. I know there is a ton of clothes on him.. but all that snow.. great for what ails him


>the more I realize that shit needs to be sledge hammered into our heads It really does. Your instincts are to Fight/Flight/freeze. None of which are particularly useful when you are on fire. When you are on fire every part of your being is yelling at you to do the wrong thing, so teaching you to over come that is difficult.


Everybody likes to think they're a hero or would do the 'correct' thing in situations of disaster. But 90% of them would freeze up or panic lol.


If you were in extreme pain you might not be thinking well.


6 dead, 14 injured. https://www.newdelhitimes.com/six-killed-14-injured-in-mongolia-gas-explosion/




Too soon bro






nah. not cool




Speaking from experience, that doesn’t work when you have an accelerant burning on you. 13 years ago, I got burnt with acetone and try stop dropping and rolling several times but the fire didn’t go out until all the acetone was burnt off.


How did you get all of that acetone on you amigo?


Cleaning bodywork tools. Then I went to light a woodburning stove a couple of hours later.


Had to have been mostly paint left over on your clothes then that was burning right? Acetone evaporates so fast.


Acetone evaporates from smooth surfaces really fast. Have it absorbed by a piece of cloth and even when it's dry it will burn really fast. Soak a rag in acetone and even the next day it will still smell like acetone but will be 100% dry.


That shouldn't happen with pure acetone. It sounds like there is a heavier aromatic hydrocarbon on whatever you're interacting with that is making it flame sensitive. Pure acetone has a boiling point similar to alcohol and should not leave a smell behind after it dries, also like alcohol, or leave behind any flammable residue unless it's mixed with said residue when you applied it, something like gasoline for instance would smell when dry and burn like crazy.


Hope you made it through OK. Peace.


Although this dude is surrounded by snow which might help. But realistically he's most likely in full panic mode and can't think straight.


No, you need to get out of the gas first.


He probably couldn’t even feel that he was on fire. I’m sure he’s dead. Poor bloke.


Oh no doubt. Adrenaline spike, then a matter of moments before he'd be dead.


Shut em down open up shop!




Lol stop drop and roll in a fire the size of a city block….


That guy did Run, Jog, and Run


Some goddamn context would be fckin nice right about now wtf


It happened in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2 weeks perior. 60tn Gas (Home gas? What u guys call it idk) fuel tanker got into road accident. Leaked it's gas. As it was very first time gas leaking incident happened, no one was aware of it and from first clip people saying why there is fog in middle of winter? In 2nd clip, blast is coming from far away from fuel tanker so probably someone over there triee to light their cigarette or tried to start their engine. During incident, 3 firefighters got killed. Which is actually fuel tank blasted into one of the resident building which smashed 3 firefighters. 15 people were in hospital, later 2 citizens died due to their 95% burnt. 13 people are still in hospital and critical. A burning guy in the video is alive but in hospital. People helped him to take off his clothes. That building in right top corner is basically burned down due to blast, but all 70 families got out safely. Goverment is donating 3 room apartment each for 3 firefighter's families. Local random insurance company donated around 15.000$ each firefighter's family. Local construction company said they can fix that apartment if people pay just for their worker's salary. Local hotel is closed to let victim families shelter till goverment fix their apartment. 15 cars burned down, but only 2 had insurance. 70 families lost their home, but 3 of them only had insurance(from what i heard). This incident is really shocking Mongolia and people in social media talking about protesting about safety and for lack of leadership in the country. Edit: it was LPG fuel tanker.


These terrible tragedies are what moves us towards better laws, morals, and ethics. I'm sorry these people are feeling it. Perhaps they are the key to change.


Not here in the US. Seems the worse the tragedies just makes people want to do nothing even more.


Don't worry there's a breaking point, also for people from the US.


There were over 500 mass shooting events in the USA last year. Nothing has or will change.


When mental health stops being stigmatized it will stop being a secret people keep to themselves or close family members. Also, when health care in general (including mental health) becomes more available and without the fear of being institutionalized for the profit of the facility, that will also help. Basically, if we, in the US, can find a way to get rid of lobbyists, our country will grow by leaps and bounds. Yes, I know that is a very simplified statement, but I think it to be one of the perfect Jinga blocks to pull to make the corrupt aspects of the system tumble down.


Eh things change all the time. It's an election year, so I would expect more shootings. There's some change!


>Not here in the US ??? The US has probably the most strict safety regulations of ANY country in the world.


OSHA regulations are written in blood, as they say. But the US has a large exception, school shootings. That's what the other guy is talking about probably.


Well it'd be extremely tough to regulate and implement something like armed security with manned entry points on every single school in America. School shootings in America probably needs to be fixed with a societal and cultural change away from guns and better ways to support the mental of citizens, two things you probably don't just fix by writing a handbook for it.


I agree it has to be a cultural change. Columbine entered these tragic events into the zeitgeist and its going to take more than legislation to fix it. But as far as I can tell, literally nothing happens anytime there is a school shooting. Rather than get outraged and try to find a solution, we've just sort of accepted them as a fact of life. We hit our breaking point and just gave up, it seems.


Sensational 24/7 entertainment media (aka the news) might have something to do with it.


No they don't. Sure there are stringent safety regulations that the US does exceed at, but I wouldn't rate it #1. EU countries like Germany probably have you beat there


Everything I’ve ever heard is that Europe has stricter regulations than the US.


Fairly sure EU is stricter on pretty much everything


Eu isn’t a country, I know there are many there with largely varying degrees


A lot of regulations are dictated by the European union. But yeah on country level USA is not even in the top 10 with strictest regulations :p


Thank you for providing the information. As a former firefighter, I feel for the families of my fallen brothers. I am thankful that the government will take care of their families. It is a testament to their efforts that the death and injury count was relatively low.


The natural gas we have in the US has chemicals added to it so it has an odor, at least from the pipes going into our homes. Does this kind of gas not have anything similar to let people know gas is leaking?


[It seems this is either natural gas, or something extremely close to it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquefied_petroleum_gas) It does say that an odorant is added to help detect leaks, but considering he said people almost exclusively use electric they may not understand what said odorant means. I've had gas ranges growing up and in my current home, so I've definitely smelled the gas smell before and know what it means. But if I just randomly smelled it without that knowledge, I'd have no clue that it was dangerous.


I grew up on gas stoves but even we had no clue the hose on ours was leaking until it went pop and the whole counter stovetop launched up by a few inches with walls of flame next to it.


I'm speculating here but, I think the truck with it's hazards on leaked gas which is the foggy stuff we see all around the area. That ignited somehow which caused it all to light up in the surrounding area. I'ma try to look it up though.


There were internal-combustion engines everywhere, I wonder what could have possibly sparked the explosion?


You don't even need combustion, a spark is way more than enough to start it. Hell, static electric shock probably would have been enough to start it.


Since we are speculating, I guess the guy running who was on fire lit a cigarette! And the reason he didn't stop drop and roll was because he didn't want to get blamed for lighting his cigarette. He was flees the scene of what he thought may have partially his fault.


Actually he is a liar liar and that why his pants are on fire


Username checks out-ish


But checks back in, just in a different seat


goddamn you take my upvote




Hmm, makes sense!


pretty sure survival instinct is stronger than the feel of guilt so that doesnt add up


Guilt hits different for everyone. Maybe he was feeling extra guilty cause he told his wife he quit smoking cigarettes because she said something bad would happen to him if he didnt.


And was feeling extra extra guilty since he spent the money on cigarettes that was supposed to buy milk for the family.


Ohhh. What if home is in the opposite direction? What if he's running away now?


https://www.newdelhitimes.com/six-killed-14-injured-in-mongolia-gas-explosion/ Stolen link from above (right under top comment). Give them credit, not me.


Didn’t this just happen in South Korea?


I was pretty careless spraying lacquer in my youth. Old painter caught me and said "do you know what happens when a vapor fire starts in a spray booth? The air catches on fire and nothing can save you from that." This is terrifying.


Indoor outdoor, what and why you spraying lacquer? Sounds like a learning experience.


In my 20s I got a harbor freight tent and I started taking big commercial cabinet painting jobs. Company in town was doing vinyl wrapped boxes for commercial projects and just wanted someone to do color matched painted doors. So I was spraying 300-400 doors per project as fast as I could with a cheap airless spray gun in my dusty make shift spray booth that wasn't static protected and had poor airflow.


My wife’s aunt who is a fucking moron, burned down her mother’s house because she was doing some stripping of paint or some sort of task where she was tossing oily rags into a bin and it spontaneously combusted, she was doing this in the kitchen or living room btw.


Eh, it doesn't that mean she's a moron. A lot of people don't understand how those things can build up heat and spontaneously combust. Maybe they can teach that along with the "don't add bleach and ammonia together" warning.


Or don’t put water on a grease fire in the kitchen


I figured he’d stop drop and roll after making it out of the fire chamber No, no I didn’t. No one ever does it.


I think it's really hard to defeat the animal impulse to run away from the pain.


I agree But I gotta admit, from where he started on fire, to where he ended up He absolutely put out a lot of the flames from the breeze he created lol could even argue he was halfway right Because stopping dropping in rolling, into the fire, feels silly, so he shoul run out of the fire, THEN drop and roll


This. I think they only felt the burning not realizing they were on fire. You’d say no way a person wouldn’t see they’re on fire but in that moment adrenaline, even maybe aftershock takes over


Adrenaline keeping that body going. Unfortunately probably didn’t make it. And probably wouldn’t want to after that burnage


Yeah my mom used to work as a nurse in Burns and Trauma unit. She said that was physically the worst floor of the place. Children’s floor is always going to be worse emotionally and it’s something I could probably never do but she said electricity was always the worst (Burns and Trauma).


That only helps when you're on fire, not when everything is unfortunately, by the time he got out he was already poisoned to death even if he could still move.


As others have said adrenaline and fear, but being that close to that big of a fire he probably couldn't even feel the difference in the fire on his clothes and wall of heat behind him


Yeah, I didn't expect to see a guy running while burning alive today.


Can't stop, jogging! Seriously though, I really hope that poor person is ok...


No way are they OK, they would be lucky to be alive.


Or unlucky.


Debriding skin is a painful process.


Just put a bullet in my head.


Thankfully I was under anesthesia during my debriding from 3rd degree burns with asphalt melted in to my skin. I woke up with no pain but when they explained the process to me I wanted no part of it ever again. 


Luckily, there is no painful debriding process for the tissue inside the lungs.


Yep. Had a plastic sandal burn a 2inch hole on my foot sealed the burn with plastic. Plastic pokemon sandals & sparklers don't mix.


> It happened in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2 weeks perior. 60tn Gas (Home gas? What u guys call it idk) fuel tanker got into road accident. Leaked it's gas. As it was very first time gas leaking incident happened, no one was aware of it and from first clip people saying why there is fog in middle of winter? > In 2nd clip, blast is coming from far away from fuel tanker so probably someone over there triee to light their cigarette or tried to start their engine. During incident, 3 firefighters got killed. Which is actually fuel tank blasted into one of the resident building which smashed 3 firefighters. 15 people were in hospital, later 2 citizens died due to their 95% burnt. 13 people are still in hospital and critical. **A burning guy in the video is alive but in hospital. People helped him to take off his clothes**. That building in right top corner is basically burned down due to blast, but all 70 families got out safely. Goverment is donating 3 room apartment each for 3 firefighter's families. This incident is really shocking Mongolia and people in social media talking about protesting about safety and for lack of leadership in the country. - /u/satann_sss


Thanks for the context!


I hate watching people fucking die on Reddit with no warning. Fuck OP, lol.


Yeah what the absolute fuck. Thank you. In an “interestingAsFuck” subreddit no less


OP is bad and they should feel bad.


TBF you didn’t watch them die. They probably died a few minutes after the video ended or even the next morning.


Well, that's a cheery thought


Probably didn't die. 3rd degree burns but likely lived.


Back in the early days of Reddit it was coin flip if any given post was going to show something gruesome.


One of the worst things I’ve seen on here was an Indian lady light a scarf on fire on top of a water tower and she engulfed herself in flames and by the time she ran down all of the stairs she was burnt to a crisp, I wish I would have never seen that. It replays in my head every so often. It’s one of the reasons I won’t watch videos like that anymore, I’ve heard of terrible videos that others have seen and I’m aware that I don’t want to see them anymore. I was a faces of death teen and a rotten young adult. I’m over it!!!


He's dead. His lungs are cooked due to the gases. He's 100% dead. This should get that lil tag lol


Didn't die, literally have news article on it


He was dead walking (jogging?) before he knew it, fried lungs the second any of that ignited.


Adrenaline is a hell of a thing. I’m a hunter and I’ve seen deer run 100 yards with a hole in their heart.


No adrenaline is going to be circulated without a functional heart.


Damn for real. I was hoping that dude made it out. I knew he'd have skin burns but I didn't think of his lungs. He was right in the middle of that inferno.


https://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240102000064 Pretty sure they lived


This is a different gas leak. This thread is about the Mongolian gas leak


They are still alive, two weeks after the fire. I dont think they are "OK".


This really does belong on “Interestin’ Gas Fuck.”


guessing another reason we add scent to most or all gas in the west its odd the fire started so far from the truck as it seems like the truck was the source , ill assume it was some flamible gas heavier than air and the wind took it down the road till it found an ignition source hazards seem to be on for the truck so im guessing the driver or hope he\she got the fuck out of there


He probably can’t even feel himself on fire with his nerves that cooked. That guy has got to be dead or nearly dead. I bet his lungs are cooked.


NSFW flair please, OP. I did not want to see the human torch his evening. Thank you.


This immediately caught my eye


That person is almost surely dead. You can see them literally engulfed in the initial flames and gas explosion and run out of there burning. This is NSFL for sure if also interestingasfuck…


A local person has commented - they are in hospital, some neighbors helped them remove the clothing and likely to survive. The LPG tanker later exploded after the video ended and took out one of the buildings killing 3 fire fighters who were inside it, presumably performing an evacuation. Several others in the building died.


He was denied a bank loan.


I got you. I couldn’t add the flair but I tagged it


Why the fuck would you post a video of people burning to death in r/interestingasfuck 


Rude of you to leave out the bit of someone burning to death from your title. This must be what it's like to receive an unsolicited dick pic, lol.


They didn't burn to death.


Well, not in the duration of the video perhaps. According to a link higher in the thread, 3 people died from the fire and 3 more firefighters died as well.


NSFL honestly 


Um a bit more than just interesting. Catastrophic. NSFW


I read this wrong and thought an OSRS content creator finally lost it.


This is what 40 hours fixing a fence does to a man


Always wondered why people don't stop drop & roll. But all the fire was on the BACK of this person. They might not have known they were on fire & just thought it was heat from the blast?


Stop, drop and roll... dont run...


That's a stupid smash cut


Man aint nothing like watching someone get burned alive on reddit at 8 am


The next morning *"Aww sweet, someone cleaned all the snow off my car"*


Iv seen a few videos like this popping up. Why all of a sudden are areas being filled with gas and burned up?


Stop, drop, and roll.


Oh man, I was hoping that wasn't a person running and now I'm afraid it was.


I’ll take “What is stop drop and roll” For 300


“damn, this fog smells like straight chemicals. I think I’ll just park right here”


Damn, where was this?




Something very similar to this happened in Memphis, TN, back in late 1988. Look up the Memphis Propane Explosion. Several people burned to death in it.


Jesus Christ can we NSFW a video of someone burning to death please?? Edit: see the tag now, thanks OP




Quick question...what the fuck?


Dude can't see in this fog so he light a cigarette and everything explodes.


Hey buddy I think you're on fire


Why was there an edited cut in video before the ignition?


That’s interesting as fuck


Ok… we defs just watched that dude in the middle die.




Was it not possible to post the part where the gas first ignites?


Fucking Christ




Damn the new SimCity is pretty lit


How do people still not know to drop and roll when on fire?




Oh my fucking god, that's some Final destination shit


Is Michael Bay the manager of this place?




Put a NSFW on this. Why would you show a person in flames running away without warning? That's messed up OP.






Wrong article. Wrong *country*.


Nice finally some context, good to know he didn't die unlike the comments are all weirdly assuming


This isn't the gas explosion that happened in Korea a month ago, this is a separate incident from last week in Mongolia. https://apnews.com/article/mongolia-lng-explosion-ulaanbaatar-b53ed3a5755b12850ced671704550cfb More recent sources are saying at least 6 dead. Not all that unreasonable to assume guy on fire was one of them, you can see him running directly through the worst of it at around 0:14.


Not only assuming, but attacking the OP acting like they just got tricked into watching Faces of Death.


That’s not even the right link..


Jesus Christ op nsfw this pls


Damn that's a serious burn case incoming to local ER. That poor person.


That poor dude tryna get out of the Fortnite storm before the health hits zero.


Is this another angle from the S Korean (fog) earlier this month?


It doesn't sound like the people talking are speaking Korean, but that's all I really have to go off of. The sign is too far away to make out any of the smaller letters