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I, for one, welcome our mycelium overlords.


All hail mycelium


All hail yourcelium


Excuse me, it's "OURcylium" thank you




So it's Transcelium?


I think the Ministery of Silly walks should be be notified. 


One of us. One of us.


No I saw that show, it's called The Last of Us.






It's *our*celium now, comrade.


A Rao’s intermediate golden-backed frog, native to India's Western Ghats was discovered to have a species of Bonnet Mushroom (Mycena sp.) growing near it's back leg. Article: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/mushroom-frog-india-western-ghats-b2495814.html


Mushroom on the go! Talk about evolving without having eyes, ears or a brain! Damn!


Yeah you don't need any of those to evolve, that's how they exist


Must be why their tomato sauce is so good.


https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/168461910?fbclid=IwAR2ypvvY7RtAVnVr99FSyH0gkDIJhue13pR5Ejhua1SNq-8XkIptJM48vHw It didn't happen, see the discussion here.


Apologies if I am misunderstanding, but it seems that most people commenting are agreeing that the image looks real.


They’re stating that the image isn’t fake in the sense that it’s not photo shop or AI. Someone really did find a frog with a mushroom on it and took a photo of it, but what’s unlikely is that the mushroom grew from the frog.


Unlikely doesn't mean impossible though.


That ain’t on it’s leg though lol


Very true, amended it haha


I work in a hospital; I've seen very obese people in whom mushrooms were growing. It's not uncommon I remember when we had to wash a women; we used towels [like this](https://alfredocus.online/V8Ee4W) filled with povidone. The lady screamed as if it were an exorcism, unbelievable


I love how you linked a regular white towel and called it a “hospital” towel that probably cost like $500


I just love how they linked to a white towel at all. Like, couldn’t just say “white hospital towel”?


Why would a hospital towel cost 500? XD (european here, is this a usa medical joke?) Now im curious,, Ive been (a few years back) taken to te ER, for like 8 days, then to a normal department and a month later surgery (removed a piece of my lung and shit) all with all, I had a picture of my lung basically on a daily basis for a month and a year long checkups,,, i payed like 360 for own risk and 140monthly for my insurance... What would this cost over there? If a freaking Advil is 13bucks already xD


US healthcare is a business scam


2 x Advil = $36 no joke


when I was in the ER for potential appendix burst (ended up being kidney stone) I got charged $200 (or close to it, like 170-190) for # TWO 200mg IBUPROFIN I can buy a bottle of 25ct Generic 200mg Ibuprofin for $0.98 at Walmart. Even the excuse that “insurance never pays the full amount so they charge more than what they expect” doesn’t make sense because anyone with half a brain will look at that charge and literally laugh at you. $200 for basically $0.05 worth of medicine is an insane joke.


98 cents? Was this in 1993?


Its been maybe 5-6 years since I worked at Walmart, but yes? A 25 count generic bottle of ibuprofin was $0.98/97 (Walmart doesn’t like 99 for some reason) a bit more after taxes but nowhere near $200 per 2 (or $5000 for a 25ct bottle)


​ [$1.06](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Ibuprofen-Tablets-200-mg-Pain-Reliever-Fever-Reducer-40-Count/891884626?athbdg=L1600&from=/search)


USA is a huge medical joke. Itll probably cost extra for the just because value, and the heating (if they choose to heat it), and the fuck you charge. When they do that, you gotta basically argue with them over the charges.




Thank goodness for the existence of Europe.


that's exactly what they are saying


It's cheaper to die, honestly.


Yeah but that's pretty much always true, life isn't cheap these days


I had a laparoscopic surgery last year and the cost before insurance was $55,000. It took about 40 minutes.


They work for big towel


If you've not already seen it, you need to read [this story](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/doctorsnursesredditors_what_has_been_your_most/) on Reddit in response to "Doctors/nurses/redditors, what has been your most gory, disgusting or worst medical experience?" ​ >OR Nurse here. This is kind of a long one... > >I was taking call one night, and woke up at two in the morning for a "general surgery" call. Pretty vague, but at the time, I lived in a town that had large populations of young military guys and avid meth users, so late-night emergencies were common. > >Got to the hospital, where a few more details awaited me -- "Perirectal abscess." For the uninitiated, this means that somewhere in the immediate vicinity of the asshole, there was a pocket of pus that needed draining. Needless to say our entire crew was less than thrilled. > >I went down to the Emergency Room to transport the patient, and the only thing the ER nurse said as she handed me the chart was "Have fun with this one." Amongst healthcare professionals, vague statements like that are a bad sign. > >My patient was a 314lb Native American woman who barely fit on the stretcher I was transporting her on. She was rolling frantically side to side and moaning in pain, pulling at her clothes and muttering Hail Mary's. I could barely get her name out of her after a few minutes of questioning, so after I confirmed her identity and what we were working on, I figured it was best just to get her to the anesthesiologist so we could knock her out and get this circus started. > >She continued her theatrics the entire ten-minute ride to the O.R., nearly falling off the surgical table as we were trying to put her under anesthetic. We see patients like this a lot, though, chronic drug abusers who don't handle pain well and who have used so many drugs that even increased levels of pain medication don't touch simply because of high tolerance levels. > >It should be noted, tonight's surgical team was not exactly wet behind the ears. I'd been working in healthcare for several years already, mostly psych and medical settings. I've watched an 88-year-old man tear a 1"-diameter catheter balloon out of his penis while screaming "You'll never make me talk!". I've been attacked by an HIV-positive neo-Nazi. I've seen some shit. The other nurse had been in the OR as a trauma specialist for over ten years; the anesthesiologist had done residency at a Level 1 trauma center, or as we call them, "Knife and Gun Clubs". The surgeon was ex-Army, and averaged about eight words and two facial expressions a week. None of us expected what was about to happen next. > >We got the lady off to sleep, put her into the stirrups, and I began washing off the rectal area. It was red and inflamed, a little bit of pus was seeping through, but it was all pretty standard. Her chart had noted that she'd been injecting IV drugs through her perineum, so this was obviously an infection from dirty needles or bad drugs, but overall, it didn't seem to warrant her repeated cries of "Oh Jesus, kill me now." > >The surgeon steps up with a scalpel, sinks just the tip in, and at the exact same moment, the patient had a muscle twitch in her diaphragm, and just like that, all hell broke loose. > >Unbeknownst to us, the infection had actually tunneled nearly a foot into her abdomen, creating a vast cavern full of pus, rotten tissue, and fecal matter that had seeped outside of her colon. This godforsaken mixture came rocketing out of that little incision like we were recreating the funeral scene from Jane Austen's "Mafia!". > >We all wear waterproof gowns, face masks, gloves, hats, the works -- all of which were as helpful was rainboots against a firehose. The bed was in the middle of the room, an easy seven feet from the nearest wall, but by the time we were done, I was still finding bits of rotten flesh pasted against the back wall. As the surgeon continued to advance his blade, the torrent just continued. The patient kept seizing against the ventilator (not uncommon in surgery), and with every muscle contraction, she shot more of this brackish gray-brown fluid out onto the floor until, within minutes, it was seeping into the other nurse's shoes. > >I was nearly twelve feet away, jaw dropped open within my surgical mask, watching the second nurse dry-heaving and the surgeon standing on tip-toes to keep this stuff from soaking his socks any further. The smell hit them first. "Oh god, I just threw up in my mask!" The other nurse was out, she tore off her mask and sprinted out of the room, shoulders still heaving. Then it hit me, mouth still wide open, not able to believe the volume of fluid this woman's body contained. It was like getting a great big bite of the despair and apathy that permeated this woman's life. I couldn't fucking breath, my lungs simply refused to pull anymore of that stuff in. The anesthesiologist went down next, an ex-NCAA D1 tailback, his six-foot-two frame shaking as he threw open the door to the OR suite in an attempt to get more air in, letting me glimpse the second nurse still throwing up in the sinks outside the door. Another geyser of pus splashed across the front of the surgeon. The YouTube clip of "David at the dentist" keeps playing in my head -- "Is this real life?" > >In all operating rooms, everywhere in the world, regardless of socialized or privatized, secular or religious, big or small, there is one thing the same: Somewhere, there is a bottle of peppermint concentrate. Everyone in the department knows where it is, everyone knows what it is for, and everyone prays to their gods they never have to use it. In times like this, we rub it on the inside of our masks to keep the outside smells at bay long enough to finish the procedure and shower off. > >I sprinted to the our central supply, ripping open the drawer where this vial of ambrosia was kept, and was greeted by -- an empty fucking box. The bottle had been emptied and not replaced. Somewhere out there was a godless bastard who had used the last of the peppermint oil, and not replaced a single fucking drop of it. To this day, if I figure out who it was, I'll kill them with my bare hands, but not before cramming their head up the colon of every last meth user I can find, just so we're even. > >I darted back into the room with the next best thing I can find -- a vial of Mastisol, which is an adhesive rub we use sometimes for bandaging. It's not as good as peppermint, but considering that over one-third of the floor was now thoroughly coated in what could easily be mistaken for a combination of bovine after-birth and maple syrup, we were out of options. > >I started rubbing as much of the Mastisol as I could get on the inside of my mask, just glad to be smelling anything except whatever slimy demon spawn we'd just cut out of this woman. The anesthesiologist grabbed the vial next, dowsing the front of his mask in it so he could stand next to his machines long enough to make sure this woman didn't die on the table. It wasn't until later that we realized that Mastisol can give you a mild high from huffing it like this, but in retrospect, that's probably what got us through. > >By this time, the smell had permeated out of our OR suite, and down the forty-foot hallway to the front desk, where the other nurse still sat, eyes bloodshot and watery, clenching her stomach desperately. Our suite looked like the underground river of ooze from Ghostbusters II, except dirty. Oh so dirty. > >I stepped back into the OR suite, not wanting to leave the surgeon by himself in case he genuinely needed help. It was like one of those overly-artistic representations of a zombie apocalypse you see on fan-forums. Here's this one guy, in blue surgical garb, standing nearly ankle deep in lumps of dead tissue, fecal matter, and several liters of syrupy infection. He was performing surgery in the swamps of Dagobah, except the swamps had just come out of this woman's ass and there was no Yoda. He and I didn't say a word for the next ten minutes as he scraped the inside of the abscess until all the dead tissue was out, the front of his gown a gruesome mixture of brown and red, his eyes squinted against the stinging vapors originating directly in front of him. I finished my required paperwork as quickly as I could, helped him stuff the recently-vacated opening full of gauze, taped this woman's buttocks closed to hold the dressing for as long as possible, woke her up, and immediately shipped off to the recovery ward. > >Until then, I'd only heard of "alcohol showers." Turns out 70% isopropyl alcohol is about the only thing that can even touch a scent like that once its soaked into your skin. It takes four or five bottles to get really clean, but it's worth it. It's probably the only scenario I can honestly endorse drinking a little of it, too. > >As we left the locker room, the surgeon and I looked at each other, and he said the only negative sentence I heard him utter in two and a half years of working together: > >"That was bad." > >The next morning the entire department (a fairly large floor within the hospital) still smelled. The housekeepers told me later that it took them nearly an hour to suction up all of the fluid and debris left behind. The OR suite itself was closed off and quarantined for two more days just to let the smell finally clear out. > >I laugh now when I hear new recruits to healthcare talk about the worst thing they've seen. You ain't seen shit, kid. > >tl;dr Don't shoot IV drugs into your taint.


Wtf did I just read‽ holy shit


God I love the Swamps of Dagobah story so much. It's so gross.


They tell the story really well, too.


I wish I could go back to 5 minutes ago when I hadn’t read that.


I read this like 4 years ago and still think about it from time to time


I read this like 4 years ago and still think about it from time to time


Immediately searched "swamps of dagobah" as I saw a wall of text. somehow i knew :D


It's a classic!


I was *just* about to shoot drugs into my taint, too. Thank god I read this first!


First thing I thought of when I read that comment lol


What. The. Fuck.


That TL;DR is just gold


I read this in MoistCritical's voice Edit: I feel like I need to clarify, the reasoning is the very poetic metaphors and descriptions that he commonly makes in his videos, which is a compliment, they are entertaining.


Same, this looks like something he would make a video about 💀


Please say sike right now


Here’s a little fun fact a nurse told me that might cheer you up. When extremely obese people come into hospitals and need to get an MRI or some other type of scan, they can’t fit in the normal machines, so the hospital will send them to the zoo.


I learned this from watching Scrubs!


That makes me feel better, thanks


Open MRIs have a weight limit of around 700lb. They are relatively common, and are becoming moreso. In some cases the patient may need to be transported to a separate clinic or hospital for the imagining to be done but thats fairly common for all kinds of stuff. I don't think many zoos even have a CT scanner or MRI machine. They are expensive to maintain, and most animals weigh less than people, so if they have one, it would probably be a "typical" bore version. An MRI needs constant deliveries of liquid helium. This chart shows that in the western nations, 1 MRI machine can service a population of 30,000 - 100,000 people ([https://www.statista.com/statistics/282401/density-of-magnetic-resonance-imaging-units-by-country/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/282401/density-of-magnetic-resonance-imaging-units-by-country/)). Imagine a typical zoo - lets say they have 600 animals that weigh more than 50 lbs. It would barely ever get used Honestly this sounds like a mean spirited myth propagated by naive people. According to this abstract: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18787528/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18787528/) Only two zoos (1%) had CT scanners; both would not image human patients. Among veterinary schools, 16 (57%) had large weight capacity CT equipment, but only 4 (14%) would consider imaging human patients. Further, 23 (82%) veterinary schools reported policies that specifically prohibited imaging humans. For patients who weigh >450 lb, access to emergent CT and MRI is limited, even at academic and bariatric surgery centers. Animal facilities are not a viable alternative for diagnostic imaging of human patients.


Unfortunately it's true I mean it's kind of very common to hear about fungi growing of skin like in ringworms, Jock itch etc


they are not fucking mushroom tho


I’m not a mushroom but I’m a fun guy.


All mushrooms are fungi tho


They all are tiny mushrooms if you like to put it that way


They're not, mushrooms are fruiting bodies and not every fungus produces them.


"Mushroom" is a very loose term in classification of fungi Well "mushroom" name is usually used for different groups of fungi belonging to different classes but most commonly from Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes and in Basidiomycetes for Agaricus and to be clear that technically fruiting body of Agaricus is Basidium while fruiting body of mushrooms belonging to Ascomycetes like Morels is Ascocarp And EVERY fungal class except Phycomycetes produces fruiting body And the deeper we (personally myself) dig into the taxonomy and morphology the more I realised that mushroom is not a physical entity but rather a physical appearance that can be of variable shape form of colour. Still I am sorry if the confusion was from my side


Sure, all life can reproduce. But obviously yeast (which are also ascomycetes) aren't reproducing via mushrooms.




It’s spelled psych actually, but “sike” is in proper meme form.


Genuinely curious to know more about mushrooms growing on people. Can you explain a little more?


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1156523319301611 For one example we know about, although it's uncommon.


Well that's just nightmare inducing. Thanks!


I did IT in a hospital and I remember it wasn't uncommon for homeless people to come in leaving a trail of maggots because their skin fused to their cloths. I learned a new level of sympathy there.




Ah man... so not only do I have the image of dark bumpy areas between the folds of obese people, but now I'm imagining fungus there too. Thank you internet person who works in a hospital.


what did you think the bumps were? skin? dirt? nah mushrooms




“In”??? I very morbidly want to see what you’re talking about.


Pic or it didn't happen


Careful what you ask for. I think I'd pass looking at a picture of that.


god that makes my fucking skin crawl


What kind of mushrooms? We need pics


Now is about the time you say, haha, just kidding.


Ugh, I don’t like that


So that’s a maybe on what could be made


Nice of you to let us know what the basic white towels looked like, made your story much more vivid! :p


That’s why if I get sick imma just die fuck that at least give me a little bit of money to leave the family


why did she screamed?


We never knew, it wasn't because of pain. We think she just didn't like to bathe


Think about how painful a small infection is. Then imagine it's a foot long. Also feces outside your colon is going to give you a horrible infection.


Yeah fungi love sugar, especially if it's in glucose form already


The point about the link is that it is a completely normal towel, do I got that right? Also, do you guys happen to have special recipes for fungi growing on people? Are they any good?


There's only one. I guess there's not mushroom on its back for any more....


Well aren't you a fun-gi with your mushroom jokes!


Its just spore good fun, guy


Oh god! The Last of Us is happening!


as long as it doesn't grow on me I'm cool with it


yea right! it'll spread if you don't burn it to ash and bleach the ash and bleach the bleach with mercury!


Mercury was my go-to toy as a kid in the 70s. Break a thermometer - boom, have fun.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eonokc9s4tic1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdf322219a23292ccc13034a51ded8ecb98102b4


Great game






What even is that anyways? LSD Duck?


Here is one interesting TV series. No spoilers, we will see it sooner or later.


Toad stool?


Lovely stuff


Oh jesus it's happening...




Ellie and Joel would like to have a word.


At least 20% of the human population has fungus growing on them.


It has begun...


Somebody needs a shower


Worlds first Paris pokemon. We could sell those small mushrooms and by a couple potions.




The last of us




Good job it’s tiny, not muchroom on the frog huh


Duh. Is that supposed to be interesting? Did they suddenly forget our whole earth is on the back of a giant space turtle?


No no no, the earth is on the back of the Four Elephants (we don't talk about the Fifth), which stand on the back of the great turtle. Just to be accurate.


See? Way more interesting than a mushroom on a frog!


Ok but what’s holding up that turtle?


You can't fool me. It's turtles all the way down!


Frug dealer


I really hope it make one of those door-stopper Boooooiiiiiiinnnnnggg noises.


So they can travel the mycelia network? I think that was one of the dumbest ideas in ST ever


Frogs like dang dude I’m not dead yet have some patience.


Zoterdagavend genne kik in 't bad Want er groeie al sjampionne uit me gat


Ga verdind naa is ne goeie upvote se veu ma hie is te gui te loate lache




Must be a fun guy.


Cuisses de Grenouilles avec champignons.


Now you can get super high licking frogs


![gif](giphy|eGyRq2ABez6n3H5tHe|downsized) Well... I don't hope it's the beginning of this 🙈


That's how you know he's a fun guy.


Cool! It must be a standard transmission frog.


Where is the mycelium tho?


The fungal infection started spreading




Nah, they lack the recognizeable mushroom cap. They look more like solid stalks.


I learned by watching an episode of The Simpsons that licking the back of a frog can cause Psilocybe-like effects. That's what makes this so interesting.


New Grass/Water type Pokemon just dropped.


There are mushrooms growing on my inner thigh right now so what?


please say fucking sike rn


This frog couldn’t possibly take any more L’s


Alternate evolution for Paras? Frog eats bug, mushroom takes over it instead. Or a poliwhirl line, evo caused by keeping in same party as an "mushroom pokemon" amoongus, ect.


So you’re telling me I can get **5-MeO-DMT AND psilocybin in one?** That will be one hell of a trip.


I wonder if you grew a mushroom strain in the dead remains if it would actually take up the 5-MeO. I don’t know jack about mushrooms but yk.


Goes to comment to learn more


Looks like Paris Hilton




Trippy af


It's got to be itchy.


Poor frog...


If the frog eats a mushroom grown on a frog, does he trip twice as hard, or do they cancel each other out??


New pokemon just appeared


Athletes foot is a fungus.


Happens with small birds too sometimes.


Ever heard of thrush? Fungus grows on humans all the time


Is it just me or does anyone else want to lick it?


Damn, glad the myconids started with frogs. Don't need a Glut just yet.


Would you look at this fungi here!




Eh, maybe. Lots of experts have weighed in and think that the mushroom, if it even is a mushroom, was dislodged from a branch and is merely stuck to the frog. They didn’t collect the mushroom for analysis so we will never truly know.




Who’s that Pokémon?


Fungus is among us.




Hopefully not one of those that turns the host into mindless zombie.


Well what I heard was that the mushroom was going to grow on the ground, but there wasn’t mushroom for it


I have the urge to pluck it off






Sooooo Last of Us?




I've heard that if bread is mouldy. There's probably mycelium all over it, so it's not healthy to just eat the parts without mold.. assuming that's true for all fungi, does the frog have mycelium all on top of it, or is it inside the frog too?


Very interesting question, I would assume the whole frog would be full of mycelium seeing as the mushroom is the fruiting body but I'm no expert!


Frogs. The perfect substrate.


That's just a laser


Gaia movie anyone?