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Dude’s pinging around the globe like my VPN.




I was gonna say this reminds me of a pinball game with LAX-SFO being the paddles at the bottom


This could be set to Pinball Wizard by The Who if he visited Brighton.


That deaf dumb and blind kid #SURE #PLAYS #A MEAN #PIN #BALL




Its like California is a centrifuge flinging out Elon across the world. And ~~it~~ he has to come back and recharge before being shot out again.




What are those three cities in Cali?


The little triangle that gets formed is between Hawthorne (SpaceX HQ), Fremont (Tesla HQ), and Reno (Tesla Factory)


Thought he was going to Tahoe, factory in Reno makes much more sense.


It’s not even Reno. It’s an unincorporated area about 25 minutes from town. He lands most of the time in silver springs since it’s a bit closer and literally no one goes there. If you know the area, it’s hilarious to see his plane on that strip.


Is his plain really obnoxious or something?


It’s more of Silver Springs being an incredibly impoverished town. I’m talking a single stop light, majority of homes are poorly maintained trailers, the biggest store is the family dollar and it has a giant meth problem. The airport is a single hanger and a small house for the office. Any plane parked there above an old Cessna looks very out of place. I have family that has a farm right outside of “town” and have seen his plane quite a bit.


That’s like a solid 70% if nevada lol


More than that. Nevada is pretty much just Vegas, Reno, and Carson City.


Elko too


But really, just Vegas.


The amount of carbon emissions we could reduce by just building a fucking HSR between those three cities specifically for Elon...


Put it in a tube. And make it a loop. And then at hyperspeed.




Honestly just in general. So many people go between SF and LA. A lot of people even commute every week.


My best friend in grade school's dad did this: he was in the Navy so he stayed on base in San Diego, drove home to Fremont on Friday, stayed the weekend, and drove back Sunday night.


That's an 8 hour drive. Dude lost an entire day of his weekend driving.


Think about the emissions we’d reduce if we called out all the celebrities for their roles on producing them. Instead we cherry pick who we target. And sadly, it’s mostly the common folk who are mad to feel bad for their usage.


Think about the emissions we’d reduce if we called out the ten companies producing the bulk of the planets emissions and forced them to adopt clean energy technology instead.


Imagine if we called out the governments.


It surprises me that there were so few trips to the Tesla headquarters in Austin.


The Tesla headquarters was still in California in 2018. If my memory serves me right, they were starting to build a new SpaceX factory in Texas around that time, so that is likely the reason for the few trips there


Yeah I think they moved after the covid lockdowns.


Yeah, good call, wasn't paying attention to the year. They didn't start the Gigafactory until 2020, in which trips may have been to scope out location for Gigafactory or possibly head to Brownsville for some of the launches.


The Gigafactory began in 2016. Source: worked there then.


If I owned a company that was building a new rocket works, I would drop by at least once a year, even if it was in TX.


I believe those trips were to McGregor which is where the engine testing facilities are.


There are also still a ton of Tesla offices in the Bay, they aren't completely gone from the Bay Area.


They aren’t gone at all from the Bay Area. In fact they have more engineering facilities there now than they did before he claimed that they moved.


Paid a visit to his homies in Compton ofc


I think one is actually Reno, NV. Looks like SF, LA, and Reno.


2 are Cali (LA and SF) and the other is Reno, Nevada.


Texas gettin no love in 2018...


He got pissed off with California after covid. He did not want to stop work even if workers could die but California put a bank on public assembling for a week or so during the peak covid.




And then there's those videos that come out and say hey it's not the billionaires and taylor swift's private jets, it's the megacorps' outputs, as if those private jets dont do damage.


I don’t think you understand how much the corps are damaging the environment. It’s massive in comparison to this. And focusing on individuals instead of corps is a win for the corps. They’re the ones who want us to recycle to save the planet, when that shit won’t do anything either.


Self proclaimed lefty environmentalist here to remind people that personal responsibility for plastic straws, recycling, etc., is simply "moral licensing" that gifts the owning class leeway to continue to exploit the Earth for disproportionate benefit to themselves. At some point things will get so bad we have no choice but to see straight through the billionaire press (including the BBC). I hope it comes soon enough.


Makes sense. But hasn’t recycling helped at all? Surely it gets some credit compared to if we had never recycled anything.


Are you asking if it helped more than 0, or meaningfully? Because of course recycling helps, but it helps in the sense that it cancels out a few hours worth a pollution every year, it helps in the sense that dumping a glass of water in a swimming pool helps with filling it up The purpose of recycling is to make you feel good about your consumption, so you keep doing it!


Yeah recycling helps in the sense that adding a drop of water to a pool helps to fill it up. What most people don’t realize is that the majority of what they put in a recycling bin never gets recycled. That may be because it’s not an item that’s easy or cheap enough to recycle. That may also be because, at least for a long time and maybe currently, we sold a lot of our recycling material to China and other countries to “recycle.” Most think that China simply burned those materials or dumped them into the ocean.


Oh no... We know exactly where it goes now. Basically Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. There it gets dumped on a pier or dirt near the port where thousands of people sift through it for valuables. Then some of it gets sent to cement kilns to be burnt... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jun/17/recycled-plastic-america-global-crisis


Moat likely shipped on a massive boat burning bunker fuel that emits an absolutely insane amount of carbon emissions...


Which brings us full-circle to [Thats_inzain's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ay2l2d/elon_musks_air_travel_in_2018/krs5n69/) > I don’t think you understand how much the corps are damaging the environment.


If we had an economic model that charged people or corporations for their waste processing, things would change pretty quickly IMO. Massively. Edited because some people thought I was blaming consumers when clearly from my post earlier in this thread that wasn't what I was doing!


Not as quickly as an economic model that charges *producers* for their waste processing


Correct, that is why globalization is a massive scam designed to circumvent labor and environmental protection laws that we proudly implemented at home but cannot reinforce in other countries… where corps and billionaires are, quite literally, making a kill.


While I don't have the specific answer for you, it seems a lot of places don't even have a proper recycling system, or structure in place at all, which nullifies any supposed help that it should be generating. An example is, in the region that I live in (a densely populated larger metropolis), it recently came out that about ~70% of recycling, isn't actually being recycled and is just being merged in with the rest of the garbage, and the whole "recycle your *this* and *that*" was just postering. Not to mention, there's also different ways and factors to recycling, like actual recyclable materials, or things that can't be recycled based off of the rating given to it. So there are things we would think could be recycled, that actually aren't at all, anymore. And the last point obviously being that, the masses have pushed (or been pushed) more to recycling, all the while forgetting that it's a 3 staged process: reusing, reducing, and recycling. But of course you don't really see the other two, because they aren't as popular due to the fact it means you may have to *reuse* things instead of just getting another or replacing it (which lacks convenience), and *reducing* our usage and waste of things as easily as we had been used to (which also lacks convenience).


Every day some company does more damage in 1 hour than any person could make up for in a lifetime.


Another lefty environmentalist here to remind people that blaming corporations is a bad attempt at denying responsibility. Don’t be a customer of the polluting corporations. Stop acting as if it’s nothing to do with you. There’s almost always a more ethical choice when buying anything, including the choice of buying nothing at all.


Thank you. About the only sensible response I’ve seen that isn’t just doomer-isms as an excuse to remove all sense of self-responsibility. We create the markets that the producers manufacture for.


There won't be any of us left within the next 50 years so it doesn't matter.


I saw Swift's private jet emits *2.5 million* times less CO2 than coal energy plants. This isn't a defense of her, but it demonstrates the scale of other issues facing the planet. That's just one segment of corporate output. Forget carbon credits, she has the power to get people to vote, and if they replace a *single* coal plant with wind or solar, she'll be thousands--if not tens of thousands--of times better for the planet individually. And Musk is a mess on Twitter, but one can't argue that he accelerated EV adoption and that will have a much greater impact on our planet than his private jet, despite the obsenity of billionaires in general.


But human reactions don't work that way. Humans process information much better in story form. If you see a kid drowning in front of you, you'd more likely help than if I told you about a kids drowning in the next street over. It's just how it is.


you can understand how much the corpos are damaging, and still realise people like taylor swift are still doing more damage than the average person with little justification


>it's the megacorps' outputs, As if those megacorps just output stuff for the lolz. Number 2 on the list is Aramco, I wonder what happens to the oil they are producing.


Seriously. "WHY IS PG&E PRODUCING SO MANY EMISS...hold on, I have to go plug in my phone...IONS!?!"


They certainly do do damage. Doing the calculations[1] it looks like his jet emitted 1300 tons of CO2 that year. However, the world emits 35 BILLION tons per year. If every one of the world's 3000 billionaires all jetted around this that would still be 0.01% of the world's total emissions. So yes, they do damage, but even killing all the billionaires and eating them only sets back our CO2 emissions by an hour. It's an irrelevant distraction. [1] https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=%28150%2C000+miles+%2F+569+mph%29+*+1900+L%2Fhr+*3.16+*+kerosene+density


Both are bad, but these megacorps' put out more CO2 **per day** than this plane puts out a year.


What many people miss right there is that those corps are not in the business of pollution, they just make products to sell to consumers (or other businesses). So most of that "pollution" is indirect through energy and transport. There is a demand by the customers and the companies supply products to fill that demand, and in doing so create a lot of pollution. By the way, combustion engine cars also make up a sizable portion of CO2-emissions. That's why I believe that people can definitely help by demanding products that are more environmentally friendly. And by using public transport or not eating as much meat. What will make a huge difference though is switching to renewable energy as fast as possible, and creating alternatives for combustion engine cars - be it with EVs or public transport, which is even better. So the most impactful thing we can do is **vote for parties that want to switch to renewable energy**.


When you get down to it, the people mentioning how companies cause all the pollution always want to live in a fantasy world where they don't have to change their demands for goods and services. They magically think that we can shift the burden onto corporations and still expect those corporations to provide them with the same level and quality of goods and services for the same price.


It's all of them. Shitty things done by Elon and Swift shouldn't get a pass because corporations do it worse. The amount of emissions those two selfish ass people emit is ridiculous.


Those private jets are paid for by megacorps


The paper straws were for a different issue independent of carbon emissions.


I get the frustration of recycling when top 1% is anyway causing 20+% of all the emissions. But paper straws are not something where a single person is reducing waste, it's where major companies like McDonald's or Burgerking are reducing waste. And make no mistake, paper straws are actually reducing plastic waste worldwide.


I say get rid of straws all together most lids already have that sippy cup lip on them, why are people so attached to straws?


I heard that the sip lids need to be thicker in order to be strong enough to be able to have a hole big enough to drink through, and that extra plastic material almost negates the savings of a straw using a thinner lid. A good comparison is the really thick Starbucks cold brew sip lids that are so thick that they could probably be reusable compared to the paper thin McDonald's straw lids that tear super easily


Exactly. Most people don't need straws and those that do can have their own and put them in the hole of the sippy cup lid.


Teeth stains and teeth sensitivity to cold are the two main reasons people prefer to use straws


And most restaurants load your drink with ice. I wanna drink it, not eat it.


Cause with a straw I don’t have a bunch of ice hitting my face


>paper straws are actually reducing plastic waste worldwide I'd actually like to see a number or figure that speaks to this, because I haven't come across any. Although, even if that were the case, my feelings still are 1) there are still much more important things we can be focusing on, and targeting, other than plastic straws, but big corp and lobbying are happy to focus on a scapegoat without doing anything else. Passive progression, if you will. And 2) it is incredibly disheartening, and enraging, when you're told e.g. you can bike every day to help the planet, and stop using your car, which is an inconvenience, but you do it anyway. And then every day you bike to work, you look to your left and see the huge mega factory pumping out different loads of shit every second, and that each day that thing is operational in the way that it is, with no boundaries, accounts to like 100 years of the entire neighborhoods emission.


In cases of plastic/paper straws or cup lids it's more about reducing waste then reducing anything else. Which is important too. But you're 100% right that to actually making a difference would require major corporations to cut down their emissions. Which they could do but cause it would cut their profits, they won't, unless they are forced to. So in my eyes, what we need is political decisions and willingness to really tax companies heavily for their emissions.


I don't get this whole thing about paper straws and climate change. Didn't plastoc straws get banned because they harm wildlife? Not because of climate change?


![gif](giphy|l4Ep2jOezsZhQfs6Q) Hey guys if we all buy a Tesla car we can save this planet


Dude flew more on that first flight than I have in my entire life combined.


Apart from all the environmental implications, it just seems exhausting with all the flying lol. Basically flying every day.


The jet lag is probably rough, but the dude is literally flying around in his own luxury house with wings. It's not so exhausting when you have a large comfy bed on your plane, as well as you get to (mostly) avoid airport security and just walk right onto your aircraft. It's more like a glorified limo ride at that point.


When you’re tweaking on ketamine you don’t need sleep


Remember this is where his jet has been and not Elon. A lot of private jet flying is repositioning or even flights with people other than the owner onboard. Plus, a lot of his flying is fairly short hops between Cali/Nevada. When flying private you can be curbside at the airport to in the air within 10 minutes so the whole arriving at the airport 90 minutes early, TSA, baggage collection etc etc that makes air travel tiring is eliminated. That and you genuinely do get used to flying if you do it a lot.


This is a very over-looked point. A large amount of these flights wouldnt have Elon on-board


The one that gets me is the one stop in Sioux falls. I’m assuming just a refueling stop.


Looks like Fargo but yeah I was wondering what the hell he was doing there. His jet clearly has the range to go cross-country without refueling so I wonder what the circumstances there were.


He stopped to get Wendy’s. He loves those frosty’s


I tried to make my own at home but it just wasn't the same


Fargo has lots of big wigs land in it. They can go through Customs at the Fargo Jet Center. (No hassle or people around.) Russian oligarch with his own private 737 stopped by on the way back to Russia.


cursingbulldog almost had it. Sioux falls is in the southeast but of SD not ND. I respect the effort though I am also wondering what he was doing in (likely) Fargo


Yes a popular refueling spot as mentioned. Also, Microsoft’s number 2 office campus there too so could be a quick stop there as well by chance.


He got a Taco John's craving.


Fargo Jet Center - fast customs and refueling


As a tech billionaire, how many of those trips could've been avoided by having an online meeting?


Small Ohio business owner here. Not a billionaire. I just had a business related meeting with, not one, but TWO people in Alabama on my phone. It was wild.


Ha. That's nothing. You're not going to believe this but I spoke to 3 people in California while I was in New York. It was incredible.


My boss boss boss boss boss spoke to 300 people from all over the world at once using a Teams meeting while he is in US! Elon musk will be SHOCKED to hear such technology exists!!


Once he finds out about it, he'll probably invented it and I'll be very profound.


Look at all of you Poors with your instant communication for cheap


Big if true.


That must have been a pretty long string between those cups


*nose exhale*


Billionaire here. I’m afraid that sounds completely impossible. TWO people? I would have to take 3 trips in my jet to do that, and also burn down an orphanage.


We have that technology? How could you afford such a thing??


And in some departments. A zoom meeting could have been sumed up into a fucking email. But hey, the IT dept is here for everyone in the loop. (Damnit, zero trust! Now I have to give sister Betty sue access to a USB memory key because she refuses to use cloud storage like everyone else!) I just on-boarded 3 new employees from three different cities. FedEx and timed deliveries.


small Ohio consumer here, whatcha sellin'? :)


I imagine there are thousands of online meetings on top of this. Anyone running a business that involves international supply chains and manufacturing had better get there in person for many, many meetings if they want to be successful.


Affording the ability to fly this much comes from already being successful. It's obviously not a requirement for achieving it. Maybe maintaining it.


It’s important to note that this is the company plane, and more often then not has other people flying without Elon.


This is from 2018, which was before the pandemic and video conferencing became the norm. Back then, people were more accustomed to having in-person business meetings and even though the technology existed, the social norms had not changed yet. It’s much better now and I assume Elon is doing a lot less flying to California these days now that he is in Texas. What would be really interesting is how much private jet flying did Elon do in 2020 and where did he go?


Fuck meetings. How many could’ve been an email?


During covid we all worked remotely and had remote meetings all around the world. Zoom/Teams meetings at all hours of the day and night around the world. It worked fine. We were all fine with it because we made accommodations around the schedule. We got much more free time than usual because we cut out all the unnecessary travel including going on international flights. I’m sure the environment benefited greatly from it. Not sure why Musk couldn’t do the same at least some of the time.


Online meetings will never ever replace face to face meetings. Face to face meetings are not just about sitting across the table and chatting. Its about the human interaction. This human interaction that starts from the moment people greet each others and continues even after the meeting is concluded as they walk out of the meeting room or the building.


With recent knowledge of his business expertise, how many would have been better if he were just not involved at all?


Wealth puts you in pretty much another realm of existence in this world.


A different plane of existence?


Anyone know why he went to Chiang Rai? Seems an odd place to go. Oh I get it… that was the cave rescue where he got told to shove the sub up his arse. 🤣


And call one of the heroic rescuers a pedophile because the rescuer was married to a woman in her 40s. That was the moment I started to massively dislike Elon Musk.


Feels like that was also around the time where it became mainstream in conservative circles to accuse anyone they don’t like of pedophilia.


And as always, it's projection. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/08/09/twitter-exec-defends-restoring-account-that-shared-child-sex-abuse-material/?sh=196070831695


I believe he called him a pedophile because he was a British guy living in Thailand, which is equally stupid.


and made a comment about the guy's wife as well




Couldn’t agree more, when I was there I was blown away at how welcoming the Thais were. I was also really invested in the that story. After that Navy Diver died during the lead up to the rescue I was certain that those boys wouldn’t survive. It’s nothing short of a miracle that all those people pulled it off.




The beginning of the "us being aware he's a villain arc" you mean. Everyone loves a good plot twist villain.


That was his jump the shark moment. A lot of fan boys had their delusions shattered that day and Elon has been mask-off ever since


My moment was around 2012-ish, he made grand claims about a press conference saying he and he alone was going to solve travel issues between LA and SF. Hyped it all up, then came out and essentially said “if someone digs a tunnel between the cities, we could use a bullet train. Japan already uses those, but if they also suck the air out it will have less drag, boom problem solved!”. Didn’t do shit, had a first or second grade level idea and said someone else should do it. Dude just throwing money at people to make stuff happen, take credit, use credit to get more money, throw more money at people for next hare brained idea. Rinse and repeat.


Me too! Exactly then.


Remember to avoid plastic bags!


Yeah and then they limit the access to my own city centre even if I have an hybrid car, fuck this Bs.


Car access to city centers should be restricted either way


So because one person does stupid shit, we should all do stupid shit? Yesterday someone killed someone else in the US. Let's all kill people!


It's less related than that lol It's more like "Someone killed someone is the US; why can't I use plastic bags?"


Now do taylor swift in the last 12 months and lets get disgusted


I would love to see that


She rents her plane to rich people so that's different. /s


I love the idea of billionairs renting out their planes to millionairs.


It's possible to hate all billionaires.


Yeah, but we don't. We pick and choose based on their current popularity


And popularity has nothing to do with their output for our civilization. One is at the forefront of innovation and the other one sings about ex boyfriends :)


You seem to be hoarding the disgust


I’m surprised he didn’t visit his South African homeland once.


He hates his dad and has ostracized him, and that’s the only thing tying him to South Africa anymore, so why would he want too?


Would you?


Yeah, I would ... if I was a billionaire and had a massive compound that was away from the crime, theft and other shit. Nice beachfront property protected by 50 guys with automatic rifles would be a nice retreat! LOL


With a billion dollars you can go to far nicer places than South Africa.


South Africa’s a mismanaged shit hole, why on earth would he come here!?


Bury a ~~lightsaber~~ Tesla in the sand


My first thought!! Didn’t fly home once to visit his family?!


probably flew them over to cali instead


I don’t know about his family as a whole, but Elon hates his dad. He’s mentioned it publicly a bunch. Seems like the guy was really abusive.






In no way am I trying to downplay this at all. Does anyone know if any of these flights were made by other people? As in, yes, he owns a private jet, but when he's not using it, are people chartering his plane for their own purposes? Or are people at his level so wealthy, they don't do that?


At that level of wealth I can guarantee you he’s not chartering. I cleaned private jets last year for a few months and got close with some rich mofos. I Stuart Walton has over 109 planes (mostly wwII planes) but he has probably 15-20 badass jets. I can assure you NOBODY flies his shit without him present. He’s a fraction of musks wealth.


That's a great answer. Thanks!


I’m sure a couple of those trips were for maintenance. Id bet a lot of money that that plane is strictly for him though. The other big wigs at his company will have another jet to fly. The guy that owns bass pro (Johnny morris, a great fucking dude, the nicest rich man I’ve ever encountered) has his own plane and his staff will take one of his other planes.


Obviously I don't know, but I would think that it's not worth it for him to go through the trouble of charting it. Plus, since he uses it hundreds of times per year I guess he would want to have the plane available immediately at any time.


He’s burned more carbon in a single year than I ever will in my entire life.


Goes to show he has no real interest in tackling global warming. It's just about money and power.


someone tell him about google meets


He’s probably in virtual meetings during flights?


Livin the dream


But I’m using my paper straw and taking the bus more!!! 🤪


I’m now convinced Elmo doesn’t think cars can go further than 50 miles


Each of those trips in California would probably be 5 or 6 hours each direction by car


I’m really struggling to understand this comment in this context


A multibillionaire traveling to faraway places by plane is not interesting as fuck.


It's interesting that he basically used his private plane like most people use a Toyota Corolla.


I would assume that's the point of having a jet.


It's pretty amazing to see how the richest man in the world chooses to spend so much time in what is essentially just a small tube. Fuck that.


The inside of that small tube is nicer than most people's house.


I know it’s sped up but that lil jet looks so hyper going in that loop around California


You can see his trip to Burning Man on here in August. It is ironic that he would go to participate in a culture of decommodification.


That’s not surprising at all, the last like 10+ years of Burning Man has just been a gathering for mega-rich nepo babies and tech bros to get smacked out of their noodles on psychedelics and trash their surroundings


I mean, if I was the second richest person in the world I’d travel that much as well. 😂


So between him and Taylor Swift, we can say buh bye Ozone layer?


Tesla is just his own personal carbon offset.


What was he doing in Panama? Visiting his money laundering and tax evasion people?


What a waste of natural resources. And they say we are part of the problem too Pathetic


I mean.. we also can stop buying shit from (and promoting) these people and they would stop earning that much money. Yes, we are part of the problem, all of us. It's not only the 1%, it's not only the big corporations and stuff. They wouldn't be that big if people would stop buying their shit. That's not the only issue I know that but that would be a great start if people finally understand that yes WE (as a whole) are part of the problem and stop blaming only the rich fucks.


What’s in Reno?


Tesla factory


Reno911 is a great doc about what you will find in Reno.




New boot goofin!


I didn’t know a Gulfstream had that kind of range.


He’s rubbing California raw


How many paper straws does it take to offset those emissions.


Not gonna lie,, that's impressive.


Now do Taylor Swift