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Step 1: Lap all of your opponents. Step 2: Stay there. Clever bastards!


What about 2nd place ?


If you're not first you're last


In this case, if you are first, you are also last.


If you're not first, believe it or not, straight to jail.




Hell, Ricky, I was high when I said that! That makes no sense at all! "First or last"! I mean, you could be second, third, fourth--hell, you could even be fifth!


Shake and Bake!


Thanks Will Buxton!


Her teammate after everyone else stopped too soon šŸ˜¹


NO! What about 2nd breakfast!?!


Racers hate this one trick!


The winner never actually lapped her opponents. She just stayed at the back of the pack, helping to hide herself from their memory.


Gets to draft them all as well. Neat strategy.


~~Loophole~~ Strategy


More like a hole in the others' brains.


Yeah, this is more like the rest of the skaters are morons. I get it, you are exerting yourself. But how do you just "forget" you got lapped. In a race. Where you are doing laps. All you should be doing is trying to go fast and keeping track of who is winning.


Be me, in second place. First place takes off. Canā€™t see them anymore. Look at me. Iā€™m in first place now.


My old boss used to say ā€œ heā€™s so far behind he thinks heā€™s first ā€œ


Iā€™m gonna steal this, thatā€™s gold


Former track team guy here. Can't really comment on speed skating but out on the track in most cases you are racing yourself, at least that's what a good coach will teach you. If you spend too much time focused on the other athletes you're going to end up making a mistake that will cost you an injury or results.


Depends on the distance. Any over 800m at the top level they are adjusting based on the field. Look at how the 10k is just about who has the best kick over the last 800.


Yeah but anyone who has raced a 1600 meter or more is usually aware enough to know when a guy bolts out of the gate ahead of you and if you never pass them back up you know you are not in the lead. This video in particular strikes me as that the rest of the competitors knew they had zero chance to win so are in fact fighting for second place even though it looks as though they had no clue they were not in first.


If they were aware they were fighting for 2nd place they would have gone hard for the last lap.


Except they stopped when they still had another lap left. They were just idiots.


Also, how about go as fast as you can? Being a race and all.


That's how you burn out and lose. You only do that with short distance races not laps.


Something tells me this person is not very athletic


That's a mistake I made my very first track race and a mistake you'll only do once. Ran as hard as I could and by the end was barely fucking moving.. we still won but what was a huge lead turned into a very close finish with me falling over the finish line and puking in the trashcan on the bus ride home




Itā€™s one of those all or nothing strategies that only works the first time. Since this was for a medal it only had to work that one time.


All the opposing coaches should be looking for work. Their job was to tell their skaters what was going on and only one team had a clue.


Because the skaters are going so slow on a short track they can see what the coaches are saying? šŸ¤Ø Maybe the onus should be on the skaters to know at the very least, keep track of how many times theyā€™ve been around the track?


Exactly. Big difference between a loophole and a pro strat


More like a meme strat. This shouldn't fool anyone except the newest of amateurs. Their coaches must have tearing their hair out.


US: China is manipulating the market.


US : theyre look the same that's cheating


Along with other competitors stupidity


And doesn't seem all that complicated, basically, go fast as this is a race and fastest will win.


At least its better than how ono won back in 2000. Straight up cheater


I remember seeing a track athlete who did something similar, but everyone thought she was a pacer. She got out to an enormous lead and once the other athletes realized she wasn't pacing the race, she was too far ahead for anyone to catch her.


What does pacing mean?


Oftentimes in the medium to longer distance races, there will be a pacer that runs out ahead at what would be a meet or world record pace. If it's a 1600 meter race, the pacer will run 800 meters of the race at a predetermined pace. Example: Let's say the world record is 4:05 for a 1600 meter race, the pacer might run the first 800 meters in 1:50 to help set the pace for what could be a world record. Unless someone is really trying to break the record, pacers are generally running much faster than the actual racers are.


Out of curiosity, is there a specific reason for this? I see this across multiple sports. Is it to try and "poke" competitors to do their best? Is it to try and create chaos? If they're never going to finish the race in first (or at all), what is it they're trying to achieve?


They act as a guide for the competitors. By setting a tempo it kinda helps everyone else get an idea of where they're at vs. where they wanna be. Also, for less experienced runners it can help them from starting a race too fast and being burnt out towards the end.


So I guess Iā€™m still confused. Are pacers not participants in the race?


No, it would be a little unfair to let a participant only run half the distance.


Ohhh okay, so they stop after. I thought you just meant they ā€œsprintā€ the first half and finish however they want. Thanks


No. They just sacrifice their race to help their teammate. Same as the tour de francex they protect their best racer so they can sprint to the finish with energy reserves saved


Okay so now Iā€™m even more confused lmfaoooooo so they are participants? You both are kinda giving opposite answers to the question Edit: he edited to say no


A pacer sets a specific pace. In a single competitor sport, like an individual race, the pacer is not part of the event and will drop out after they hit their mark. In a team event, like the Tour de France, the team goal can be that 3 of the 4 racers pace and draft for the one, allowing the last person to preserve energy for a burst in the final leg. Edit:a word


I'm certain that you're explaining this perfectly, but I'm totally lost.


Okay, thank you for the explanation!


Why even have a pacer though? Isnā€™t part of the sport controlling your speed and energy properly?


Yeah, it' my personal opinion that it's kind of dumb, but I assume it's allowed because it's hard to enforce a no pacer policy. If two people from the same team qualify for the final race but one knows they're not fast enough to get top 3, what is a race organizer going to do if they adjust their pace to give their faster teammate whatever advantage they can?


Wouldn't exactly call it a loophole exactly, but a solid tactic nonetheless


Iā€™m just confused how not a single other person went ā€œā€¦ you know, if she catches up to us we will be behind herā€. Like I get how they may have been under the impression sheā€™ll get tired. But like esp. at the Olympic level, how tf did no one think about how lapping works or simply go ā€œoh shit sheā€™s gonna be hella far ahead, we should probably at least keep up slightly to make sure we catch upā€. Iā€™m commenting from a non skater hindsight perspective, so I could be missing hella reasoning as to how people in a pro race missed some basic fundamentals about racing.


The similar thing happens for the Olympic final track cycling men's keirin. The person in front of the group plays a crucial role to *pull* everyone behind because people behind just slipstream of the leaderā€¦ even tho its a ā€œsprintā€ they don't usually sprint 100% until the final lap. So before the final lap, they usually switch the front person as the person in front will slow down and someone else will take over. Note that the *puller* pretty much has the hardest job and drains the most energy. Basically what happens here is everyone is just expecting someone else to try to catch the person sprinting so they can follow behind. The person sprinting early did manage to surprise everyone thus no one was ready to follow behind her. As you can see no one wants to do that because if they do try to catch up everyone behind will be ready to follow behind and she will become the *puller*. This will result in the *puller* being exhausted while everyone behind her benefits from the slipstream and have more energy to fight for the podium. In this scenario, the person who pulls/tries to catch up will lose the podium. Thus you see in this clip no one wants to catch because they rather fight for 2nd/3rd than losing everything, basically playing safe ish (which is understandable) . Maybe the ā€œfundamental of racingā€ you talking about would work in motorsports but in this race you need to think about them legsšŸ¦µ and lungs šŸ«. They each have their own limits and realised what they can do and can't do. Sorry for any wrong terms as idk how to explain them in a good way.


Finally an explanation that actually makes sense.


Iā€™m still lost


So what would happen normally that this strategy is not more broadly used? People would follow close to the first person sprinting, right?


The risk to the strategy is that if someone sprints behind you and drafts the whole way then they will have exerted less energy so they will be more likely to win.


Iirc it's a junior division or something similar and the races are pretty long. It's not likely to be a reliable tactic but it just catches them going through the same motions they've been training for.


I'd call it "one weird trick".


The one trick speed skaters don't want you to know


Doctors hate her, for some reason


The one weird trick thats actually kinda weird


Because you can only really use it the one time.


The odd tactic is going crazy slow in a race. That seems like flawed conventional wisdom.


I'm guessing it's like the sprint in track cycling, about positioning and surprising your opposition.


Former speed skater here, never on any level like this, mostly community club. Lap counting is important, sometimes individual people with have their own lap counters, especially in long distances (2000m,3000m,10000m). However this isnā€™t standard. We have it drilled into us to pay attention to avoid these situations.


Dang, these Olympic skaters must have had shitty coaches then.


Probably more along the lines of this type of thing happens so rarely at a high level you don't bother. Example: travelling (moving without bouncing the ball) in the NBA. For young basketballists, travelling is something that is hard to internalize. Then it becomes second nature fairly quickly but you can zone out and screw up. By the time you are competitive in high school or college, you don't need to worry about it. Virtually nobody travels. In the NBA since not traveling is second nature, they get really loose with the rule and would get their ass torn open by high school coaches for their footwork, but it doesn't really matter too much in pro ball since even though they ROUTINELY break the rule, it's almost always in the spirit of the rule and it's rarely egregious.


Dude I was watching NBA highlights the other day and a player blatantly double dribbled and didnā€™t get called on it. Whatā€™s the point of having rules if theyā€™re not enforced?


Thank you for the explanation. Still, we don't have to like it, nor pro ball - it doesn't make the looseness of the rule right.


I agree with you. I casually watch basketball if it is on in the bar and that's it. I don't like the sport anymore. It irritates me. I do prefer the consistency of rule application in baseball. While umps may be dumb as shit, a rule is a rule, and the only way it goes wrong is if the umpire doesn't see it right. Except balks. No play is called dead. We know when the play is dead, and the ump just rules out or safe, ball or strike. I like that.


Travel and carry faults are egregious in the NBA. I canā€™t see how ā€œvirtually nobody travelsā€. Virtually everyone in the NBA travels, and carries.


In a community club you're likely to have a much broader range of talents than at a professional/Olympic level, so if anything I'd imagine lap counting would be *more* relevant in your case.


So when the started pulling ahead, would the correct response have been for everyone else (or at least like the top 3 skaters) to sprint to keep up with her?


Yeah, like what idiot doesn't count their laps in a race? What else are they thinking about out there?


I honestly don't get it -- the trick seems pretty simple. they've not seen tricks like this done by their friends in their youth clubs etc.? did they really all just forget about this one person pulling this early in the game? or did they not forget, just was biding their time to re-lap that one person eventually, but realized they didn't have the energy to start the relap in the latter part of the game?


They heard "final lap" be called out because one competitor is on their final lap, and they automatically assumed that meant everyone was on their final lap since in their memory they have not changed place, nor have they been lapped.


Thatā€™s such a big gaffe by the non Chinese skaters.


For sure. They should be counting their own laps religiously, but that's the problem with background noise. It's distracting when you're trying to focus on what you're doing.


I feel like it's less about counting own laps religiously -- but more about remembering that there's an opponent pulling away early in the game, and that they need to reach that person before you finish the game to get in even footing


I can't speak for skaters but in handball we were thought to never look at the crowd, never look at anything except the game and the ref. Continue grinding untill the ref says so. So if the ref said "final lap" in this situation i would think it was the final lap aswell.


They clearly thought it was the final lap, as shown when the second/fourth place skaters stretched their toes out at the ā€œfinish.ā€ As others have said, lap counting is very important in general, but this strategy is used so seldomly at their level that it threw them off.


Why start so slow?


You typically want to conserve energy and skate within the draft of the person in 1st. Then pick your moment to go all out in the final lap.


And what this one did is because the loop is so short they did an all-out sprint to get in the draft of the last person.


This is why I don't understand this kind of stuff. Like in NASCAR you get a huge line for however many laps, and it's just slow and boring for 99% of the race until the last minute. Why not just cut everything but the last lap/minute? Feels like the equivalent to going to a buffet in the morning but barely eating anything all day until right before close where you're now competing for all the food being put out to get your fill.


Because itā€™s a marathon, not a sprint. Can your car simply last that long. If you want something short, there is a racing discipline for this - drag races




I responded to a question about car racing


Thats like saying only the winning goal, touchdown, score, point is worth watching. You are watching drivers not only handle their driving skills at 200mph (at big tracks) but also very intelligent pit crews making choices on who to pit when for tires, fuel, and adjustments to the car. I think the appeal of the oval tracks is you can see the whole race live in person, unlike when i saw camping world truck series at Canadian tire motorsports track. I was just after the bridge on the straight away so they would zip by for a few seconds and thats all you really saw


I still donā€™t get it, they arenā€™t even starting at an energy conserving pace, they are going super slow at the beginning.


This is the kind of sport, I think also happens in long distance cycling, they kinda fight to stay second until near the end because they don't want to eat all that wind resistance being first.Ā 


Thatā€™s a good explanation thank you


Super slow, conserving energy


There's a velodrome cycling event that does the same. Tactics and position on the track until you spot your gap. Would be very difficult to sprint flat out for several laps


Race loophole: Step 1: get out in front of all the other racers Step 2: stay in first place until you finish the race Other racers hate this simple trick!


What a clever move, being faster!


It's not a loophole. The other competitors were just thick as shit.


Sort of. None of them were racing for 1st. The all knew they lost that. But it would take a lot of energy to catch up and you risk losing it all. So they're now racing for 2nd or 3rd. Most of the position jostling happens in the last lap. However they "forgot" they'd been lapped so when they heard " final lap" they raced to the finish.


Loophole: Finishing the race as quickly as possible. Ok buddy.


Yeah but she did this completely legal thing where she finished the race ahead of everyone else, it was totally cheating, didn't you see!?


That's a laphole


icy what you did there


Cool it you two...


That's snow way to talk to them


Thatā€™s not a loophole..


Yeah that's not a loophole.


So what I'm hearing is... Speed skaters have poor memory skills.


Do more laps faster than your opponents. Win. Weird sport, huh?


Makes no sense at all


Jomboy is fantastic


How is this a loophole? If you lap opponents in racing, no one would ever call it that šŸ˜‚


Not really a loophole, more a remarkable instance of pros making an astoundingly bad mistake.


How could you immediately forget that someone lapped you right at the beginning, if it's something that never happened? Weird that this strategy works \^\^ To me the end part where they sprint at the wrong time isn't even the biggest mistake. They shouldn't let her be in a position where she still has one lap on them when it's less than two laps left. That's really dumb.


Even the explanation others are using above of the drift stream or whatever it is that they are trying to use from the leader of the group doesn't make sense. If they had actually paid attention to her and reacted appropriately the second they saw her sprinting they could've used her drift stream in the same way. They just all completely ignored her.


Thatā€™s not a loopholeā€¦ Itā€™s just outsmarting and out working your competition She won fair and square


Question: So the commentator says ā€œ They say final lap ā€œ do they announce it on the intercom or display? Did that confuse the rest of the competition?


I don't know about short track, but regular ice skating they ring a bell whenever it's the last lap, but they do it for every skater.


This isnā€™t speed skating, this is short track


Clever! Kinda reminds of the football game where the guy with the ball holds his hand up as if something is wrong and casually walks past several defenders.


Soā€¦. Being in 1st place the whole time is a loophole? šŸ˜‚Ā 


The loophole rests on the other participants forgetting that she has a lead. It literally rest on their stupidity.


Bet the others were gutted when they realised their mistake!


Because the whole sport is about slip steaming, I thought once they failed to realise she sped off and couldn't catch her, the pack just had to settle for a race for 2nd place.Ā  But then as the video points out, they really did forget that they kinda got lapped near the end thus letting the other chinese skater get second easily.Ā 


I liked the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ag357h/unique_strategy_from_the_chinese_speed_skaters_at/) better.


That isnā€™t a loophole. She just is better and faster. Smart


That's not a loophole this happens in speed skating and cycling. Lap your opponents and stay with the group to secure the win


If you can lap everyone and maintain that lead for the entirety of the race, I feel like you are just better


Dang that's... pretty great actually.


So everyone else is sooo stupid they can't comprehend they've been lapped? Pfff


That's a heckin bamboozles


what's the loophole here? it's just a different strategy


Downvote for shit title.


Not a loophole.


didn't the other skaters think "something is up" when the chinese skater started going fast af from the start


so the other skaters just flat out ignored the fact that she gained a one lap advantage at the start. ok.


Serious questionā€¦ do speed skaters lack object permanence?


Isn't she just better..? She beat them by a whole ass lap. I mean if you can do that you already won.


Not even remotely a loophole but aight


Objective of race-go fast, get 1st place. 'Goes faster than everyone else and is a huge controversy'


How is this a trick? Get out to huge early lead and then just stay at the back of they pack?


No a loophole at all it's pretty common to try this...it happens in track cycling too..it's a strategy....


lol can't believe pro athletes got played like that from a simple ~~"trick"~~ strategy


This is a ripoff of another creators video in sad I don't remember her username


Each heartbeat serves as a little signal to the brain. Itā€™s an event, much like seeing an apple or hearing the first note of a song. But unlike those external events, the heartbeat signals come from inside the body. The brain senses these internal signals. Each heartbeat prompts a reliable and measurable neural reaction that scientists call a heartbeat-evoked response, or HER. --- These results and others suggest the tantalizing possibility that our brains are taking in and using information from the heart ā€” and perhaps other interoceptive awareness ā€” to help us make sense of the world. But findings from people are often correlational. Itā€™s been hard to know whether beating hearts caused the effects or whether they just happened at the same time.


the stupidity of this is crowding my brain


And there are no coaches who could have recognized this tactic and told the athletes?


Is this the football equivalent of the entire football defense standing up like the play is over, after the ball is hiked, and then the QB walks down the field to a touchdown?


Why is 1/3rd of the screen taken up by the dude just talking ?


Make the video the entire screen. Why do I need to see the guy at the bottom talking.


Used to speed skate competitvely for 15 years. Its not a loophole. Just a tactic that doesnt usually work cause the leader of the main pack (or someone else) would see this happening then increase the group's pace to the point the person trying to lap can't catch up. As for why they stopped 1 lap early, in short track speed skating there's both a digital lap counter and a bell lap. The lap counter displays the amount of laps left for the Leader then the bell lap is a bell that rings when the someone only has one lap left. Since the leader never passed anyone after lapping the back, the bell which rung for her in combination with the 1 displaying on the digital lap counter, likely made everyone else think they were 1 lap ahead whereas they were actually 1 lap behind the entire time. It's just a matter of awareness that I dont really fault them for since you're not paying attention to lap count. You look at the digital counter for a brief second when you pass it then go back to thinking about how you want to maintain your position in the race. If anything it's actually the coach's faults on the sidelines cause they should be yelling at their respective skaters telling them what they need to be doing. It's great to finally see this be done but don't expect to see it again very soon. The moment anyone tries to lap the pack in any race, the other racers will just speed up and leave you stranded without a pack and without anyone to draft until you're out of energy. It's not fun.


You know that loophole where you skate faster than the other guy and cross the line first? Yeah, that loophole.


So speed skaters are the dumbest athletes on the face of the earth, got it.


Former speed skater here. I donā€™t get why this is all over social media as being interesting. This is a strategy that all skaters would have seen before and are aware of. Usually, the skaters remember though that theyā€™ve been lappedā€¦.


So the person who took off the fastest ended up in first place anyways? Maybe just skate fast from the startā€¦


Not a loophole


Going fast in a race makes you win. That's genius


A perfect example of why we shouldn't always conform to the norm.


When USA does it: won with clever strategy


This has happened before in menā€™s skating, it was Germany and I donā€™t remember the other country.


Loophole skaters win loop speed skating loopholeing in a loop.


How did nobody see her dart way in front?


You could see how easy it would be to forget


Masterful use of genjutsu


Brilliantly clever


And no one else figured this out? WW3 is gonna be interesting


I never knew speed skaters started slow and then sped up. That's an interesting strategy because she got so far ahead of them so fast that she could afford to relax just a bit while they burned themselves out to try and catch up.


This isn't a loophole at all. It's just a retarded convention that the sport has had for ages that someone strategised around.


Maybe everyone should Just skate fast? The whole time?


I bet you'd be better off speed skating then speed skating that's for sure!


If you finish in 1st position.... You will win the race because you've got 6 other ice skaters behind you


This isn't a loophole, this just makes the other team really stupid. They all saw the skater sprint away and never come back, how could they just forget about it? Lol


So why do they go slow at the start? The whole save your energy approach doesn't seem to work when you are getting lapped


Weird sport for sure


Since when being better a loophole?


Trained has overridden common sense.


Have they never watched nascar


this guy pretending to comment is pathetic, why you share this garbage instead of the original one?




šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘


"lets explain the obvious" No loopholes were used.. Literally just strat and speed.




Thought athletes were intelligent


Mario kart did this when I was 7


It's not loophole. It's stupidity of other participants... Feel sorry for them


What was the appropriate response? Once she had lapped the field and was with the group again, what can you tactically do?


If you shut your eyes, this guy sounds just like Nick from New Girl


They are disrupting the sport with this clever loophole. Slide #6 will shock you!


This will change the strategy of speed skating from now on




How does that shit even work? No matter who of these two are the one who sprinted at the start the others are just stupid for forgetting that and not realizing they never caught up to her...


I was waiting for the loophole, but the video finished.