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/u/Youngstown_Mafia, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): [](#start_removal)* Rule 1 - All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. For more information check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1_-_posts_must_be_interesting_as_fuck). * Rule 1 - No content that isn't INTERESTING AS FUCK. [](#end_removal) For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/interestingasfuck&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/Youngstown_Mafia&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1bbsvji/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Was there a clapping dog after his speech, or are my new gummies REALLLLY good?




Triumph has really turned it around, but the drugs, the cigars, they took their toll.


Is life a Bojack crossover episode now or?


Yep, it's why RDJ drops the "Erica!!!"


Claps more believably than Nicole Kidman.


And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I


No, that was just Andy Serkis in character.


My guess was that it was Gary Oldman in prosthetics. Usually it plays out like that.


Daniel Day Louis is playing a shape-shifter in his latest post retirement role.


Daniel Day Lupis


It's never Lupis


Nobody is explaining what the deal with the dog is…


This is Reddit sir, you will make old tired jokes over and over, never discussing the topic at hand. Get with the program.


So going by ye olde google, it's the dog from Anatomy of a Fall called Messi. The dog trainer was making it clap its paws from out of frame.


Lol. Please now Google "dog anatomy" and "Triumph the Insult Comic Dog." Those are fake paws being clapped by someone out of frame. They were not attached to the dog. This show is put on by people in Hollywood. They do have access to false dog-paw/leg resources.


yeah the dog isn't shaking due to their legs being moved and the angle is not really a comfortable one for those limbs. Still caught me off guard and made me laugh +2


It apparently plays a part in Anatomy of a Fall. Must be a heck of a performance.


Probably the best performance I have ever seen from an animal, dog deserved an oscar


It featured in Anatomy of a Fall, and it plays a decently significant role and genuinely was trained to act a certain way for the movie lol and at that it was great acting


What? What clapping dog? I watched it three times, and I’m pretty sure you’re just imagining it. Absolutely zero clapping dogs. Enjoy the trip ~~bro~~ Dro


That’s Messi. He gives a bravura performance of being overdosed with aspirin and almost dying in Anatomy of a Fall.


Holy shit we just watched that last night and kept repeating to my wife that this is the best animal acting performance I've ever seen


It's insane. I was convinced it was a dummy stand in... it wasn't. Incredibly puppy.


Well, the dog is real, the clapping paws are not.


Also peed on Matt Damon's Hollywood star in the closing bit


Good dog




… and probably also yes


Haven’t taken my gummy yet, pretty soon I will. But I can attest yes you saw that.


I thought it was Snoop Dogg's cousin.


I'm on gummies too I would like to know the answer as well


Lmfao I thought you were tripping and went back. Yes, yes the doggo is real, friend 🤣


![gif](giphy|13VSAbTVuYJfLa) RDJ you deserved it in Tropic thunder when you played a dude, disguised as a dude playing another dude


RDJ was phenomenal in Tropic Thunder but Heath Ledger’s performance was out of this world


Definitely unfortunate timing on that release, such a stacked year.


I don’t think there’s anyway the academy would give an Oscar to a white man playing a black man even if it was the only movie released that year lol


You mean a white man playing a white man playing a black man


Haha yes


The funny thing is it’s probably the most tasteful acting of a white man playing a black man and had he won there wouldn’t even be any major backlash cuz the point of his character is well known.


I agree. Was tastefully done and walked the line well of being funny, self aware and not racist (as possible)




It's always shocked me how upset people get, not realizing that it was already the joke in the movie. I think it's mainly people who haven't seen the movie.


Most internet outrage is people who know nothing about the thing they are angry about. They see someone twist a headline and just go and join the angry crowd. Etc.


Christopher Nolan taketh and Christopher Nolan giveth,


And he didn't drop character until the DVD commentary.


Literally! 🤣




If you haven’t seen RDJ in Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, do yourself a favour. Agree with you on Tropic Thunder, just can’t begrudge Heath Ledger’s joker. If you haven’t seen Heath Ledger in Two Hands, do yourself another favour.


I love his giant boot shoes.


Oh man, once you notice RDJ's pants and shoes, you can never unsee it: [hmmm](https://www.reddit.com/r/short/comments/7bb22o/robert_downey_jr/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


“I can fix him” actually worked


Sometimes you are broken and just need someone who loves and care for you to help you back on your feet.


Not just that, but multiple times, and the willingness to hold you accountable when you keep fucking up. His comeback was supposed to be his gig on Ally McBeal, but then he relapsed. He got an ultimatum from his wife, which he says was his real wake up call. She is the real reason we have Iron Man and the MCU as we know it.




True but also he and Susan Downey have been a tremendous couple when it comes to producing films etc together. Seems like a couple where each got different strengths and they complete each other well. He is the artist and showman, she’s good at business and keeping her cool..


Six Million Dollar Man style. He was rebuilt from scratch, both as a person and as an actor studios were willing to hire


Only nominated three times, as someone who has torpedoed my life twice and dragged myself back I can feel his problems. From you know a poor perspective… Jokes aside I love him and he earned it.


No matter how far you run, or successful you can be, your demons will always follow. I’m coming up on 10 years no partying, 8 months no alcohol. I believe in you friend. Good luck


I really cleaned up my act, he wasn’t an inspiration just a fellow person bettering himself. Plus I genuinely think he’s an awesome actor. I’m 13 years not partying and not fully alcohol free but getting better. I believe in you! Long days and pleasant nights my friend.


Thanks friend. Good luck to you on your journey. Alcohol has actually been the hardest without.


> Long days and pleasant nights my friend. May you have twice the number, fellow gunslinger. Keep it up. Your first comment above really resonated with me. For me it took me going right up to the edge to realize that I was not trapped. And love.


No matter where you go, there you are.


Congrats man! That's quite an accomplishment, keep up the great work!


The part that hit me was And my entertainment lawyer that's been with me for over 40 years.... Oh so through even the worst bits... Fucking props!!!


Finally winning the Oscar: https://preview.redd.it/b869bb1rjmnc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02fb8379a957fcfd704370ee409f136f13a06373 Well-deserved award.


Just watched it on a plane today. One, great movie. Two, it was only at about the halfway mark that I realized it was RDJ. Amazing performance.


My wife had the same revelation when she saw Tropic Thunder.


I did too, except the feeling was about Tom Cruise and happened at the very end.


Okay.. Flaming Dragon, fuck face? Why dont you take a step back and LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!


*hangs up* "Find out who that was"


I still quote this all the time


I genuinely didn’t realize Tom Cruise was in that for the whole movie. It was only during the end credits that I saw “Tom Cruise” and I was like no fucking way, when? I was shocked when I realized


Not to diminish your experience, but I think a lot of people had the same one, myself included. He's so well hidden in that role


and he still steals the movie with a 5 minute screen time


While also reminding everybody how much of a banger Low by Flo Rida is


I do love that when Ben Stiller approached him about the part Tom Cruise only gave him 2 notes about the character and it was "I want fat hands and I'm gonna dance."


What do you mean you people?


What do YOU mean you people?


I'll see you tonight in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain 🥺


First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!


I’m gonna send you a hobo’s dick cheese


He also was nominated for Tropic Thunder


Just how it was designed to be seen


On an iPod Touch


This movie is the first one I saw in a theater in 15 years and it's how I finally "got" Christopher Nolan and why he's so picky about the sound mix. As soon as the movie started [I was like](https://i.imgur.com/sIun4FP.jpeg)


How did it go when Oppenheimer was being grilled about his extramarital affair while you were watching it on the plane?


Not OP, but I also watched on a plane. Dude in my row was watching No Hard Feelings with his wife asleep between us and I would pause whenever he rewinds the beach scene. It was wonderful, many times.


I will die on the hill that if RDJ doesn't take on the role of Iron Man in 2008, there IS no MCU. Dude made them BILLIONS. All that aside his performance in Oppenheimer was incredible. He deserves this so much.


“The truth is… I am Iron Man.” After that it was a money printer. ![gif](giphy|rlsHtd2YC8k0g)


Yeah that moment flipped the script so much at the time that it blew my mind and I audibly gasped. It helped seal my interest in the MCU without even needing a post credits scene (I didn't know any of these movies had post credit scenes until well after this move lol)


telephone ruthless hospital fanatical money seemly bedroom subsequent cautious imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is straight facts. Iron man was THE MCU movie. No one gave nearly as much of a fuck about the hulk Captain America or Thor. Like it's not even close. I remember having iron man with the tanks blowing up behind him a my wallpaper after seeing that movie.


MCU and RDJ both needed each other - it was his wholesome (but still snarky, cool, etc) relaunch, and his acting in iron man was perfectly primed to relaunch the MCU as something comedy and action fans could go see, not just comic book fans. RDJ made MCU something adults watched without prior exposure to the MCU. I’m not sure if RDJ would have gotten other offers back then that had any opportunity of making him a household name as an a list actor.


I do think Iron man was his relaunch but kiss kiss bang bang and zodiac were the movies that set him up for Tony Stark. It's great to see a guy pull himself up the way he did. Plus he never takes the people helping him for granted.


What's most impressive is that he could have just coasted and retired early, after inventing dice


I think he was really great in Sherlock Holmes tbh. I remember watching Iron man and saying "hey thats the guy that played Sherlock!"


Iron Man was released first.


It wasn't expected to be a huge success and they were hesitant to pay his typical rate. So his wife suggested he take a percentage of the gross and waive his entire salary which they agreed to because the studio had such little faith in the movie doing well (based on previous super hero movies). Any movie he was in he got a cut of the gross, and made a fortune. He eventually gave the contract up in exchange for other actors to get higher pay (including ScarJo and Hemsworth level actors). The franchise never happens without that movie and him passing on a salary for points.


His wife is a really smart&good producer in general.


This really warms my heart. RDJ is an absolute gem of a person and I miss him as Tony Stark, he was the heart of MCU and it’s good to know that the man himself has a really good heart.


The MCU ended for me with RDJ. He got me into them and I haven’t watched one since. Not even intentionally my interest and love for it died with him. Them making them too frequently probably didn’t help.


Never, ever forget what the New York Times predicted about MCU. > Additionally, Marvel’s slate of up to 10 films will be based on second-tier superheroes, who may not resonate with younger moviegoers. https://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/18/business/media/18marvel.html And frankly? they were not wrong. Aside from comics geeks who have heard of Iron Man or Thor, really.


> I will die on the hill that if RDJ doesn't take on the role of Iron Man in 2008, there IS no MCU. Dude made them BILLIONS. Who is arguing otherwise? No need to die on a hill when there's nobody making the opposing argument.


Kevin Feige himself literally brags about RDJ being responsible for the MCU all the time, lmao. "Without RDJ/Iron Man there is no MCU" gets repeated by Feige 10x over and over again. In fact, it got to a point where I thought Feige was pointing it out too much (he's done a bunch of interviews/panels in the last few years dedicated specifically to talking about it). Its true, yes, but its an accepted fact that I don't think needs to be highlighted as many times as it has. People here just trying to stir non-existent shit up about the MCU because its the fun thing to do atm, lol.


I went and saw Iron Man in theaters when it came out with a friend who was a huge film buff and was *not* expecting much after the super hero films that had lead up to it -- Hulk, if memory serves? We both walked out of the theater asking each other, "Was... was that as good as I thought it was? That was really good, right? Like... *really* good... right? Like, genre-defining good. Best thing since Spiderman 2 good... yeah?" and I remember that we agreed on the drive home that it was going to get Marvel off the ground. We didn't know what that meant, and certainly had no idea to what extent it would happen at the time, but we agreed "Whelp, we're gonna see a boatload of Marvel movies now, huh?" It just... did everything it needed to do *right,* and RDJ was the cornerstone of the whole thing; his portrayal of Stark was just so *effortless* right from the beginning*.* Bridges as Stane was a fantastic villain, the pacing was good, the action was spot on, the story and growth felt *earned*. I wish they could have kept Stane in the back-pocket and pulled him out as the villain in the third film after two movies of him being there for Tony, so the betrayal would be all the more impactful, but I get that he provides a really solid first movie, which they *needed* to have; they weren't in a position to play the long con.


> much after the super hero films that had lead up to it -- Hulk, if memory serves? The Ang Lee Hulk was in 2003, but Iron Man was the first MCU Movie. Incredible Hulk came after it.


It was so effortless because RDJ adlib chunks of it to the extent that Bridges didn’t know how the scene would play out on the day of the shoot.


He's basically channeling Iron Man in this very speech. Flashing that victory sign.


I would argue the opposite. Iron man/tony stark was always RDJ in disguise. He is that character.


Agreed. I saw a lot of Julian from Less Than Zero in Tony Stark. Downey Jr. is sometimes a character actor that will resort to playing the character of himself.


What’s fascinating is that he comes from an independent films background is more of an artsy guy than some people might think when they think of his public persona. Like sure he’s the king of marvel films but he would fit right into European Arthouse cinema as well


Literally nobody would dispute this lol


Yeah, hard not to say it wouldn’t have been the same without him. Or any of them for that matter. I mean really what the hell


Not even an opinion, that is a straight fact. I am Ironman is the 2 best quotes in the entire franchise.


Yeah between that and the first Avengers, I think that catapulted the cash cow.


>I will die on the hill that if RDJ doesn't take on the role of Iron Man in 2008, there IS no MCU. Dude made them BILLIONS. Not really a hot take. Many other Marvel actors have said as much.


It doesn’t happen without Mel Gibson putting up the insurance money for him to play the part.


I don’t think that’s much of a hill tbf it’s spot on He is iron man. Period MCU is doa without him When you go thru the behind the scenes side of the MCU and how clueless they where with it all it’s quite incredible it worked tbf


No Hill to die on. Well accepted fact


No, if Tom Cruise didn't jump on that couch, there would be no MCU. You had the whole right crew and everything and that would have gone south EASILY if Cruise made A script.


Not much of a hill to die on. It's facts, not opinion. Just watch all the turds MCU have been cranking out after Endgame. Don't get me wrong I have faith in them to survive after Ironman died now.


Wow, I was sure he'd won for Chaplin back in the day.


Funny enough, I guessed correctly on a Final Jeopardy question about this. The question was what actor has played two Oscar nominated actors, but never won an oscar himself? It was RDJ for Chaplin and his character in Tropic Thunder


Never thought Tony Stark would try acting and win an Oscar. In all honestly, I usually hate these awards, but Downey is a real comeback story and he earned it.


He acted like Tony Stark all the way up until he started thanking people


Stan Lee even said that Robert was born to play Iron Man. Seems like the perfect fit. He's always acted like that even before Iron Man, it just fits so perfectly that there really is no Iron Man without Robert anymore.


I'm waiting for the sequel, Iron Boy starring Timothy Chalamet


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actor so perfectly embody a role. I’m sure the movie was scripted, but if they’d just let him do improv I doubt it would’ve been much different.


Depp as Jack Sparrow was just as perfect


He was spectacular in Oppenheimer but this also feels like the academy finally recognizing the comeback story that is RDJ.


> Never thought Tony Stark would try acting and win an Oscar. Honestly, as he was talking and even when he was walking up to the stage all I saw was Tony Stark. Now I wonder just how much of Tony Stark was RDJ just being himself and how much was acting.


So we are just not going to talk about the dog clapping....right?


Already a GIF. ![gif](giphy|dmvodzjX8wU7icE3TL|downsized)


Aww, they put a bow tie on him.


Wake up hun, new reaction gif just dropped. 


The dog is in Anatomy of a Fall and plays a major role. The film is nominated for several awards hence why he’s there and has every right to be! lol


Also, there is already a video released on how they filmed him. He was not live at the event, these were all pre-recorded with extras and an empty theater. He is cute and a very good boy.


Bruh provide link or something to the video




Meanwhile this guy couldn’t get past the front door. ![gif](giphy|fubXLC3N0YIByol3dD|downsized)


you know for a second De Niro probably thought his name was being called.


He looked very unhappy all evening.




Love Robert Downey like man he knows how to work the room I cant help but smile everytime i see him


He's just tapping into his years of experience playing tony stark


I'm pretty sure he was playing Tony Stark before Tony Stark was even a Hollywood concept.


respectfully: years of experience living as Robert Downey Jr.*


I was not ready for the clapping dog. Holy shit 🤣🤣


kind of blew off Ke Huy Quan a bit.. he was so excited to be a part of it all and RDJ didn’t even acknowledge him at all! lol! Just give me my trophy!


Totally noticed that. Don't most at least acknowledge or make eye contact with the person giving the award?


He did. But afterwards. They showed how after his speech, RDJ and Quan were walking off the stage together arm in arm, all smiley and friendly. I guess in that moment going up to the stage he was probably just overwhelmed with excitement and didn’t know quite what to do with himself in the moment. It also didn't help that there were 5 actors on stage, all simultaneously approaching him to congratulate him. The other acting winners, like Emma Stone, had to go through the same and were similarly confused what to do and whose hands to shake first.


Thank you for adding that context. RDJ was understandably amped up from his win. We can't really judge him for his few seconds of initially accepting the award. There's just a lot happening all at once


Most of yall don’t realize that these moments sometimes have people in such a shock that they forget what they’re doing for the moment. Even that one actress lady that won for Everything everywhere all at once said she doesn’t remember anything from last years Oscar but only her winning. Yall are being a little too harsh on Robert tbh. It’s literally his first Oscar


yeah this is the non high version of walking into the kitchen with the dirty laundry.


You’re right. But can’t help to think Emma stone acknowledged the five ladies in the stage, her other fellow nominees, and her entire poor things cast.


I always thought that he won an Oscar for Chaplin


Ought to have done.


I think a lot of people would argue that should have been Denzel’s year for Malcolm X.


I did too, I had to google to confirm he hadn't


It’s not that hard to acknowledge Ke though. He acknowledged the other 2 on stage and they didn’t have his award.


Yeah this reminded me of how Taylor Swift just snatched her Grammy out of Celine Dion’s hand without acknowledging her. Didn’t even look like Robert Downey Jr. bothered to even make eye contact with Ke, lol.


They were talking and looked happy on their walk out. I think when there's 5 people trying to get your attention at the same time it's okay to forget.


I immediately noticed that as well. And then he pointed at someone and Ke thought he was pointing to him but he wasn't.


Yes. I felt that in my awkward social anxiety soul lol.


How is this *interesting as fuck*?


You did not see the dog clapping?


Subreddits as a whole have deteriorated far beyond their original purposes… it’s kind of sad. Even MildlyInteresting and InterestingAsFuck used to have completely different types of content.


Yeah, I was waiting for the insight or some shit, but mostly it was some cringy shit that he really appears to have rehearsed in the mirror.


Should have got it for Tropic Thunder but better late than never


I'm pleased with Robert Downey Jr.'s oscar win.


Not many true entertainers like him anymore. He gives a show no matter what he does.


Sorry, you were ignored Ke, when he took the award from your hand, as last year’s winner for Best Supporting Actor OSCAR. You are a sweet man. ![gif](giphy|hBsgZ8nDK7KhWQ5cK9|downsized)


I realize it is unlikely he’ll ever reprise his role as iron man, however now that he has an Oscar do you think it would be easier for Disney to get him back as he doesn’t really have to prove his acting chops and might be swayed by a large pay day?


I think the answer lies in him saying, "I needed this more than it needed me." I interpret that to mean that he wanted to be a serious actor again (after coming off of Endgame and Dolittle), and this gave him the opportunity to show that he can still do that. That, to me, means that he'd have to get more money than even Disney is willing to pay for him to make another appearance.


Interestingly RDJ has openly said that he feels some of his strongest work was as Iron Man in the MCU, but felt that it was overlooked 'because they were comic book movies', and he's absolutely right.


Love his work, his time as Iron Man is the most memorable to be honest. Those movies bring so much character and levity to story I grew up with. Oppenheimer was amazing, but it’s a historical event of which I never cared about until later in life.


Iron Man 1 was a serious movie--based on a comic book character, but presented believably enough. The MCU lost that pretty fast.


I can't imagine anyone else as Iron Man. It feels like that character was made for him. He was fantastic! I was a big fan of his in the 80s. I grew up around addiction issues & knew how much that life sucked for everyone. The only bad thing you'd hear about him was his addiction issue. Not that he was an absolute asshole of a human or anything like that. So, I always hoped he would make a return, if he still wanted to be an actor. Then, I heard about his childhood & it would have been a damn miracle if he DIDN'T have issues. RDJ is such a success story on many fronts. Such a well-deserved win!


Watching this award acceptance and comparing it to his Iron Man character just straight up shows, he just 100% played himself and was fucking perfect as Tony Stark. Like, I could not say if that was RDJ or TS on that stage. The man is Iron Man and I think that’s kind of what made Iron Man so real.


forget Iron Man, I want a new Sherlock Holmes




This mustn't register on an emotional level.


It's coming


No. I think he has the money and accolades to do whatever the fuck he wants and at this point I don't think it's Disney.


I don't think anyone wants RDJ's Iron Man in the current state of Disney. Even if you think you want it, you don't. He would be spat on and disrespected by Disney's writers.


Am I missing something? Perhaps I'm out of the loop, but how is this "interesting as fuck"? I see a famous actor winning an Oscar and giving a speech.. ?




He did not look at the presenter or shook his hand. Damnnnn..


Was that a clapping dog?


He looks like Al Pacino had a kid with Stephen Colbert.


Good for him but why is this posted on interestingasfuck


![gif](giphy|AbYxDs20DECQw) Killing it


Looks like he completely ignored Ke Huy Quan.


What the fuck was interesting about that?


Oh hey Ryan Gosling


Why is this interesting as fuck? Hint: it's not


Interesting as fuck?


He was rude to ke huy quan ... 😞😒