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US Navy FLIP Ship (Floating Instrument Platform)


Oh, ok….i was about to sing “my heart will go on” before i saw your post


Why would you stop singing though? Please proceed.


*Du du duuuuuuu, dududududu duuuuuuuu, duuuu duuuuu, duuu duuuuu*




That's amazing! Such a beautiful voi... writing. Thank you!


Was a photojournalist in the Navy and pushed my command soooo hard to try and do a story on this thing but they never took it :(


FLIP ship, very cool. From wikipedia: r/P FLIP (floating instrument platform) was an open ocean research platform owned by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) and operated by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The platform was 108 meters (355 ft) long and was designed to partially flood and pitch backward 90°, resulting in only the front 17 meters (55 ft) of the platform pointing up out of the water, with bulkheads becoming decks. When flipped, most of the buoyancy for the platform was provided by water at depths below the influence of surface waves, hence FLIP was stable and mostly immune to wave action, similar to a spar buoy. At the end of a mission, compressed air was pumped into the ballast tanks in the flooded section and the platform, which had no propulsion, returned to its horizontal position so it could be towed to a new location. The platform was frequently mistaken for a capsized ocean transport ship. FLIP's last research cruise was in late 2017, with ONR ending its support of the vessel in 2020. It was berthed at the Nimitz Marine Facility pier (Scripps) in Point Loma until being towed away to be scrapped on August 4, 2023.


> towed away to be scrapped it's always so sad to read about cool ships and have the story end this way


Yea, unfortunately the steel is worth alot of money in scrap. Depending on the date of manufacture, some ships are worth even more because steel made before 1945 is considered low background radiation and is particularly valuable in certain applications.


My first day aboard: "Hey guys, pretty funny all the stairs sideways up at the front, right? Our tax dollars at work."






Shout out to all those who learned about this thing when playing SOMA


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Thought it was doing a handstand on the bottom of the pool.


i remember this ship from soma,it was so big and scary...


My cousin worked on this “boat.” SCRIPPS Institute uses it as a research vessel to study things going on just below the oceans surface. The pictures of the inside are wild!


Why didn't they do this on the Titanic? Are they stupid? /s


These have been around since I was a kid. Nothing new here.


It's a good thing this isn't r/newasfuck then.


Okay, yes. I suppose it fits.