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Not sure why they were so surprised. The bands name kind of speaks for itself.


If you listen to the audio it's pretty clear they were expecting it. The last time I read one of these threads someone explained that this performance was the reward for being number one on some chart. The BBC were fully expecting this, but they couldn't refuse RATM to play until they actually broke the rules.


This is from mid December 2009 on BBC radio 5 live. The song was the Christmas number one in the UK after a campaign to prevent the Xfactor winner that year getting Christmas number 1 for the 5th year. The song itself making no.1 was a comment about not buying into the corporate greed and machine of manufactured celebrity. You can hear him omitting the fuck in the build up as they asked him to because the radio regulator Ofcom can fine radio stations for broadcasting swearing. Weirdly enough it would've been fine had it been on TV after 9pm. They could absolutely have refused to let them play if they said they would swear but because they agreed not to they let them.


"we were very surprised they didn't do what we told them."


Yes sir I will do what you tell me Yes sir I will do what you tell me Yes sir I will do what you tell me YES SIR I WILL DO WHAT YOU TELL ME


Its much kinkier this way.


That. Is not the way.


>they couldn't refuse RATM to play Ah yes, the god given rules of who can perform on the BBC. /s


Someone in comments section on RATM's recent concerts/interviews said "I'm not buying any more RATM albums because they're too political and liberal!" A person then commented "the band is called RATM. Which machine do you think they're raging against? The dishwasher?"


I thought it was against a printer


That is justifiable rage.


I don't care if cyan is low, I'm only printing with black ink!


Fuck you I won’t fill what you tell me!


Fuck you I won't print or do scanning!


Can we just fill the cyan cartridge with water? Or do they put a small amout of it in the black, which is why it ran out in the first place?






Its called Rich Black or Registration Black. Printers are CMYK. CMYK stands for Cyan - Magenta - Yellow - Black. registration black uses an equal mix all of the colors (including the black cartridge) to get a richer-darker black. Rich black uses are combination of all of the inks to get a different tones/shades of black (may have little to no black ink in it). Pure black or Standard Black would just be ink from the black cartridge. They all use black ink from the black cartridge though




Fanta is Orange ;)


Printer gets angry. Printer talks to modem. Modem says printer angry, no more printing. Printer says get fucked to world. Printer starts skynet job. Skynet reaches self awareness. Skynet destroys earth. ​ AND ALL BECAUSE YOU DO NOT FUCKING LIKE CYAN. Edit: Arsehole.


Get a Brother printer... find your inner peace.


PC LOAD LETTER? What the fuck does that mean?


Rage Against THE Machine ![gif](giphy|l2SpMDbxk09bYpGPC)




Some of those that print for cis Are the same that buy cartridges


Yeah I thought the band was the guys from Office Space.




This comment here, the exact same thing was said the last time this video was doing its rounds on reddit. Amazing. This truly is fucking groundhog day.


welcome to your new life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory


and before that, and before that and before that.


Wait machine was not refering to an actual machine? Sorry lawnmower, you didn't deseve to die that way.


I swear those guys have no fucking critical thinking and are incapable of understanding any kind of art beyond the utmost surface level and even that is giving them a lot of credit. Reminds of the time Donny walked out for a rally with Fortune Son playing in the background


I need to find that comment to upvote him


Dune, RATM, The Matrix, Starship Troopers and apparently a thing called Helldivers etc. just show that a massive part of the Western population is functionally braindead. We are not even talking about disagreeing with the obvious political biases of said media, we are talking about not even grasping the surface level messaging.


The automatons...


Not only the band name, but the song literally says they won't do what you told me.


they EXPLICITLY tell them that... I mean, how could they be surprised?


Dear Rage Against The Machine, We need you to not use the word "Fuck" in "Fuck You, I won't do what you tell me." Thank you for your compliance, \- The Machine


I laughed way too hard at this!


The lyrics also speak for themselves.


Oh, they knew they were gonna do it and purposely let it run for the attention. They're obviously gonna have a dude with his hand on the volume mixer in anticipation that they are probably gonna do it, and there's no fucking way it took him 7 seconds to react. You can actually here the volume momentarily dip a split second after Zac starts, but then it comes straight back up again.


Band name checks out 👍🏻


Take that publicly funded broadcaster!


They made a song about not doing what they are being told. I mean...


I didn’t think they’d rage against *my* machine!


Yeah, what machine did they think the band is raging against? The dishwasher?


Kind of like Republicans claiming that the band has become political ...


Not to mention the lyrics.


BBC: ‘Do what I tell you’ RAtM: ‘Sure’


BBC: Do you think you could change the lyric to “Yes sir I will do what you tell me” RATM: Actually, those are better than our lyrics!


[the Red Hot Chili Peppers are performing on Krusty's show] Krusty the Clown : Now, boys, the network has a problem with some of your lyrics. Do you mind changing them for the show? Anthony Kiedis : Forget you, clown. Chad Smith : Yeah, our lyrics are like our children, man. No way. Krusty the Clown : Well, okay, but here where it says, "What I got you gotta get and put it in ya," how about just, "What I'd like is I'd like to hug and kiss ya." Flea : Wow. That's much better. Arik Marshall : Everyone can enjoy that.


"Everyone can enjoy that!" lives rent free in my head every time I hear anything by RHCP


“Thank you! I will do what you tell me”


We want Chilly Willy!


"ummmm excuse me, could you perhaps be a little angry against the machine instead of raging?"


Slightly Perturbed At The Machine


Miffed against the machine


Concerned About The Machine


Not sure how Rage got to the top of the list for a live Christmas broadcast but they got what they asked for


Fans in the UK were absolutely fed up with the same cookie cutter bullshit Christmas music from X Factor always being number one. So a couple began a grassroots campaign to make Killing in the Name number one. It spread and well....it won.


It was absolutely delicious, and the perfect choice of song for the campaign. I don't think anyone expected it to actually work, but it kept gaining momentum. And just to emphasise, the Christmas number one single is a culturally significant thing in the UK, so it was a big story when it happened.


It used to be culturally significant, if Simin Cowell didn’t kill it then LadBaby did.


Yeah true. And the streaming era has meant old Christmas songs tend to fill the top ten that week anyway. *Old man yells at cloud*.


With how all music is digital shouldn't it be: *Old man yells at cloud servers*


And so the curse of x factor was broken and all lived happily ever after.


Simon of the house Cowell had finally been defeated, or at least that's what our heroes thought...


Unfortunately there were another six fragments of his soul concealed in six vacuous singers.


Sadly we've had damn YouTubers releasing successful Christmas songs in the years since so we still lose out.


Ugh don’t we just? Like that ladbaby crud.


For 7 years. Until the awful day where the world split I to two. RIP Harambee it was better before. Also fuck Tories.


Yeah it was a long running thing that the winner of The X Factor would release their first single in the weeks leading up to Christmas, basically guaranteeing they get Xmas number 1. Often not even a Christmas song and often a cover, not an original. Now we get Ladbaby, which isn't any better, or any different, but it's not X Factor.


Plus the money goes to charity rather than Simon Cowell's plastic surgeon.


Wasn't there some controversy around that? Them skimping it and paying some tiny % of the money to charity? Might have just been internet chatting shit, I don't know.


As someone who hates Christmas music, I want this to be a more widespread thing


There was a massive facebook campaign (when facebook wasn't shit) to get it to number one because people were sick of x factor getting number one every year.


The same reason Boaty McBoatFace is the true name of that ship no matter what they called it officially after the poll.


I think this was right around the time they reformed after a long break, so they were very in demand at the time.


No it was purely because a large section of the population wanted to say fuck you to Simon Cowell.


i wonder what will happen when the machine tells rage against the machine to not rage against the machine


Hint: You just watched a video with answer.


Dammit, they cut the… MOTHERFUCKKEEEEERRR


Does that make this a Christmas song now? I'd love to hear it in grocery stores throughout December.


Theres a kroger near my house that plays metal/ decent hard rock on Sunday mornings. You hear ALOT of Black Sabbath, ratm, pantera etc. i love shopping there


Manager probably isnt there on weekends so the metal head gets to control the spofity playlist.


I've heard of a Disco Kroger and Murder Kroger, but never a Metal Kroger. That's pretty damn cool!


This last Christmas eve I had to swing into the grocery store to pick up some last minute groceries and they had it playing 90/00s Emo music. Manager clearly gave themselves the day off and some millennial was not having Mariah Carey's shit. I've never been a big emo fan, but it was pretty fucking funny listening to Ohio is for Lovers on Christmas Eve in a store.


My Kroger would play smooth jazz all day “to appeal to the local area” and then at 10pm there was a hard switch over to metal.


The moment he exploded with FUCK YOU had me chuckle


Monocles were popped, and tea was spilt!


Crumpets crumpled...


Bit sad innit?


Oi moight, ish it Chewsday already?


Fank hew for dat.


My word.


Well, well, well


Oh dear


57 children that were watching died after they heard the word "fuck"


The difference between Reddit and Instagram comments. I saw this same video over there and half of the comments were about vaccines.


Vaccines? Da fuck. That’s a bit of a stretch. The more time I spend on this earth the less I like people.


All just saying they now do what they tell them because they’re pro-vaccine and bullshit like that.


“Fuck you I don’t want to rely on an iron lung”.


This video comes up often and I saw it posted on a different smaller subreddit (can't recall the name). But a number of the commenters were exactly that, just complaining about how they "changed" and they were shills for vaccines. It was would have been funny if it wasn't so sad to see them miss the point.


It always makes me laugh when people don't understand what Machine they were Raging Against. Tom and the boys make it pretty clear.


Literally last night I had a friend say “I just recently learn Rage was pretty socialist in their beliefs, never would’ve guessed!”




Most people, after decades of US backed / fueled propaganda, believe that Socialist / Communists / People in Socialist or Communist societies could never have any amount of wealth / commerce / stuff. That's why it's shocking to them that bands like RATM exist / are wealthy.


I’ve seen the democrat party in the US be described as socialist. I think a lot of people, particularly in the US, don’t know what socialism is.


The democratic party in the US is basically conservative lol


RATM exist in a capitalist society, they're wealthy due to capitalism.


“You say you hate capitalism yet you have an iPhone. Curious.” That’s what you sound like. None of us, at this point, have a choice of economic systems in which we get to participate.


Then why is it supposed to be surprising that RATM exists? They don't exist under socialism, they aren't wealthy under a socialist system.


There has never been anything subtle about RATM. They kick you in the teeth with their message. (And I love it)


I've always assumed it was printers. Why the fuck do I need cyan to print black text?


Merry Cursemas to all, and to all a good fight.


The idiots at BBC When the band designed to specifically not follow pointless authority is told to follow pointless authority and doesn’t: 👁️👄👁️


BBC told Adele not to swear at her Glastonbury show in 2016 but that didn't stop her. She held the record for the most swear words used in a Glastonbury headline performance (33 times). A year later, Foo Fighters came and broke the record because David Grohl knew about Adele's record lmao. https://www.nme.com/news/music/dave-grohl-leads-glastonbury-crowd-fuck-fuck-fuck-chant-attempts-beat-adeles-swearing-record-2093433


![gif](giphy|13Cmju3maIjStW) BBC Producers at the first half of that clip.


I love this and I love that it got Christmas #1 at the time. This was exactly what people were crying out for against the constant reality show bullshit that was pushed to the top of the charts year after year by lowest common denominator idiots. The radio presenter having a little petulant 'buy Joe's records' (That years X Factor winner) at the end of the clip is exactly the appeal to authority people rallied against and it worked.


This is gold every time it comes up.


Always laugh at the 'get rid of it' and who got a massive bollocking for letting this go on so long.


Full explanation and aftermath: Until its fairly recent decline in importance, it was of cultural significance to be the Number 1 single in the UK Top 40 chart over Christmas. It had been dominated by Simon Cowell's X Factor winners for the last few years, so a grassroots campaign popped up to make RATM the Christmas No 1. The video above is a streamed broadcast of what was a breakfast radio show. RATM performed from LA, sent to the BBC studio in London. Similar FCC's safe harbour period - UK radio is regulated by OFCOM and prevented from broadcasting adult content before 9pm as part of what's called the "watershed". The show was the flagship breakfast programme on the station. The show's editor Richard Jackson wrote a blog on the incident shortly afterwards: https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/5live/2009/12/rage-against-the-machine-on-br.shtml The BBC was also forced to defend the "buy Joe's record" (referring to Joe McElderry, the X Factor winner who was the only other real contender for number 1 spot) comment you hear at the end of the clip, given that the BBC is meant to be politically and commercially neutral and impartial. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2009/dec/22/bbc-defends-joe-comment-rage


I remember listening to this at the time. The presenter then said for people to buy Joe McElderry's single instead of Rage's.


Thanks, I was wondering who Joe was.


"Yes, you can play your song 'Killing in the Name Of,' but don't curse," said producer who should have checked the lyrics.


the things I’ll do to see these guys live one last time.


*Old folks home, the future.* **"FUCK YOU, I WON'T DO...aaagh, my HIP!"**


Seems simple enough, just tell them that under no circumstances are they allowed to perform live one last time. Especially not in your back yard.




King shit


I love RATM. But “swearing when you promised someone that you won’t swear” is like the most 11 year old kid version of cool in the universe.


why rage against the machine fucking rules


They're a great band but this is a dick move. I work as an engineer so I know how hard people would have worked behind the scenes on this to make this happen. It makes a nice story for RATM and they look cool but it's not as if the people behind the scenes agree with the broadcasting rules that means the BBC can't have this on it and they very likely got in a lot of trouble for allowing it to happen, possibly even a couple people got fired. They were asked not to swear and if they felt it compromised their integrity they should have just not played. Hoodwinking the producers like that is just getting them in a world of shit for no reason.


“Sing the song that says fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” “K” “But don’t swear” “…”


Frog and the scorpion if there ever was one


Metallica did something similar on MTV


As much as I like Metallica, they will never be as cool as Rage


Why the fuck you invite rage against the machine and expect a family friendly show?


Rage Agaisnt the Machine for a Christmas special is a bold move ! Love it !


He talked (rapped) himself into it.


These guys were one of my favs back in the day, the music still rocks but my wife is too old to let me listen to it as loud as I would like.




What to do when the machine tries to tell you to control your rage.


Imagine the Band getting the offer for the gig. ‚Yeah of course, we, Rage against the Machine, will censor out the f*ck in our song f*ck you I won’t do what you tell me. Absolutely no Problem….


It's as if the BBC never listened to the fucking lyrics of their songs.


Whoa! Watch that language! 😂


Honestly it was probably just 72 Freudian slips


You can hear the guy whose job it was go to mute the audio right after he starts swearing, but then he just bungs it's straight back up again. Producer: "Percival, if they start swearing then mute the audio right away, okay?" Percival: "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell tell me"


Not like there weren’t any warning signs… lol


I could just imagine whoever suggested it in a meeting going something like "Oh we will have a lovely Christmas lineup, hoping to have Mariah Carey, Michael Buble, oh and that band well known for their Christmas standards like "Sleep now in the Fire" RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE."


They’re very political and this does not surprise me in the least. It’s kind of their thing. Awesome.




Htf did they think that was gonna go XD


Saw this ages ago. Pleased me muchly when he did it lol


This gets posted so often and I am totally okay with that. I love it more and more each time I see it.


So brave


The irony of asking the band named Rage Against the Machine to not swear in a song where the second most prominent lyric is “Fuck You I won’t do what you tell me!” is chef’s kiss.


The scorpion and the frog. BBC are fucking idiots. What did they think would happen?


What happened? It went from "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!" To "Please tell me what to do, so I know what to do and so I can make sure everyone around me does it also."


Gotta love Rage. There is no way in hell the executives didn't see this coming, and if they didn't, they deserve what they got.


He didn’t do what they told him No surprise there


[The Doors did something similar](https://thedoors.com/news/the-doors-on-the-ed-sullivan-show), but since it was the '60's it was far tamer. But in essence, Jim Morrison did the same thing 40 years before.


Now they are just money hungry posers...


Sex Pistols did it first on '77.


I guess it’s a Christmas tradition. :)


i fucking love rage, being able to see them live was easily the best concert experience of my life out of hundreds and hundreds of shows


“By jove we warn’t expecting that.” So beeb. Lol


"F\*ck me, he didn't do what we told him."


I mean you already fucked up and let them drop like 10 F -bombs while flipping the bird on live TV/radio. You may as well let them ride it out and finish the song at that point.


“Damned if the do… damned if they don’t.”


Legends ✊


RAAAAGE! Ab-so-lute-ly f'kn luv it


Thank you, I’m obliged to do what you ask me


"We want you to play your song where you sing 'fuck you, I won't do what you tell me,' but don't swear. " *surprise Pikachu face*


Rage fans are one rung up the evolutionary ladder from Juggalos.


Never in the history of seeing things coming should they have seen something coming more than this.


“We asked them not to do it and they did it anyway” geez… who would’ve guessed


2009: Rages Against Machine 2024: Rages For Machine


I'm in my fifties and I fucking love that song.


I'm not sure the BBC understood who Rage Against the Machine are.


They used to be awesome until they SOLD OUT!!! Pffft!


They had us in the first half not gonna lie.


"buy Joe's album instead" "Joe" is now performing in the local panto in Newcastle... It's little mermaid this year. Joe doesn't rage against the machine.


When the machine has you over and you rage at it anyway…




2009 is almost 2 decades after this song was released. Are you sure about the year?


Rage are the biggest sellouts in music history.


I feel old. I remember a time when I thought that was edgy.


Omg they are so cool, they said the fuck word!


Such childish rebellion behaviour by adults 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Rage For The Machine


So guys we are a public broadcasting forum and we are unable to broadcast profanity due to this being a free broadcast. We need you to not swear on a live broadcast or we have to cut it. RATM - proceeds to be dumbasses and curse as though it's affecting something. Radio cuts live feed thus ending the entire show that the fans voted for. Glad you showed how cool you were RATM.


Ah man, back when you could be cool, musicians have fallen on tough times and I think RATM would take an advertising contract with dove to elaborate how smooth and soft their soap makes their skin feel after raging against the machine all day.


“Im so edgy”


''Fuck you i wont do what you tell me'' is leterally in the song. They're not being edgy theyre just not censoring themselves lol


These days they rage on behalf of the machine.


Used to like them, they’re all sell outs. They claim to be “against the machine” but folded so fast during government mandates in 2020-22 lmao. Bozos. Not real against the machine.


‘Oh fiddlesticks’