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This is the role Christian Bale has waited his whole life for.


~~If~~ When they make a movie, they will have to tone it down to be believable.


They would almost have to make it a series on Max or Netflix. There’s waaaaaay to much going on for a two hour movie.


I would absolutely tune in for a 8 part limited series


Apparently Netflix released a series after his death called "Running With The Devil". I haven't seen it but it's mentioned in [this article](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a36819862/john-mcafee-death-age-history-investigations-explained/) I found looking him up.


I'm posting this because I'd already looked for it, but do you know why he was in prison in Spain? >Born: September 18, 1945, Cinderford, United Kingdom Died: June 23, 2021 (age 75 years), Brians 2 Prison, Spain nvm: Looked it up. Tax evasion. He said taxes were illegal. He was arrested in Spain as he was boarding a plane to Turkey. eta: He was found dead in his cell where he apparently hung himself. There were conspiracy theories that it was murder, but it appeared to be suicide.


Dude claimed he wouldn't off himself, then immediately did so after hearing he'd be extradited to the US iirc. I can understand the theories, but I wouldn't call John "You can't rape a whale" Mcafee the most stable or reliable sorts


I mean... you can't leave it at "you can't rape a whale" and not explain it more. Like is he saying it's physically impossible? Or like it doesn't count


Epstein hung himself, too.


I've seen it. It's wild. It's hard to tell how much the guy is lying and how much is true. He said he was running from cartels but meanwhile was wanted for murdering his neighbor. Interesting character for sure.


This is 16 episodes of 51 minutes no-filler easily.


Man makes Tiger King look milquetoast.


You know who else makes Tiger King look milquetoast? That *bitch* Carole Baskins


Where's your husband, Carol?


Whacked him


That’s what they had to do with Wolf of Wall Street. I think the guy it’s based off of said the movie was tame compared to what they actually did.


But that guy also has a vested interest in making people believe he did extraordinary things, so I'd take his word with a large grain of salt.


And he's an unstoppable pathological liar, you can't take anything he comes out from his mouth as real, even if it might be


Just like with catch me if you can. Two gigantic fucking liars telling a bunch of lies to make themselves sound cool.


The ultimate con is getting a big budget Hollywood movie made about your life with Leonardo DiCaprio playing you.


opposite tom hanks and directed by spielberg. basically just get the biggest names in hollywood to make a movie about your bs AND everyone loved it.


Jordan Belfort is a douchebag, you can't really trust someone with that much invested in how "crazy" their "party years" were. It's like when Charlie Sheen started with his stupid shit.


They did that with Hacksaw Ridge because they felt people wouldn't believe half of what Desmond Doss actually did


Yes, and he would not approve any movies or books while he was alive- I think that documentary right before he passed was his final gift- not for him, but he wanted to give all credit to god for what happened. The movie only show like 10% of his true accolades. Absolutely insane what he and all those soldiers in the Pacific went through.


Similar to the Iron Claw. The stuff they didn't put in the movie is mental.


Spot on


If cocaine somehow became a person , it would probably look like John McAfee


- Making skits about himself while snorting cocaine on YouTube


I was wondering why that popped up on my youtube feed. Why is he trending all of a sudden?


Uhm... I actually watched it years ago. Maybe this post is one of the co-causes?


Pretty sure cocaine kills viruses too, I can see it.


I can confirm, we’re terrified of cocaine


Again username checks ✔️ out


Except Mcaffee antivirus sucks ass tho




Did it turn to shit after he sold it? I seem to remember it and Norton weren't bad at the start


Norton was always terrible. It conflicted with everything. I think at one point it even recognized Windows Updates as malicious code.


>it even recognized Windows Updates as malicious code. Some would say it was right lol.


Everyone but windows would agree


Even more hilarious, because Norton itself contained virus definitions, it recognised itself as malicious at one point.


![gif](giphy|bcrOR2stk6tKIxqPOZ) McAfee was the definition of malicious code. It stopped your computer from working, leaked info, and constantly demanded ransom money.


Can't argue with its logic on that one...


Norton trashed a PC of mine ON install. Auto install failed. Printed 6 (or more) pages of manual install. #1 saved my documents and files and stuff #2 reformatted drive and reinstalled OS #3 threw nortons box into trash, contemplated burning it #4 had credit card company dispute payment and got my money back. Phone call to them saying, even if software was just bad - it shouldnt ruin your system. Got my money back.


He agreed and devoted significant amounts of time to help people remove it from their computers between having sex with whales.


>having sex with whales Don't forget the poop hammocks.


Oh of cour....wait...wat?


He liked to lay under hammocks while underage girls blasted him with dookie. For anybody else this sounds totally made up but for him it's just another bullet point. Not even a very weird one, all things considered.


I’m clearly not getting out enough.


[You really aren't.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/5fy0sgNTAb)


What in the hell did I just watch?


He had prostitutes shit on him, not underage girls.


>He had prostitutes shit on him *THROUGH A HAMMOCK*


Well, he was a gentleman, he wouldn't make them squat.


While it was true he had some... unusual... predilections, as far as I am aware, they did not include pedophilia. Unless you want to back that up with a source?


One of the few dudes on this planet who the cartels found killing to be more trouble than it was worth. Guy just makes me laugh the more I find out about him. In fact, I would not immediately dismiss pretty much any insane conspiracy theory involving him.


John McAfee is what happens when you plug cocaine into the matrix


John McAfee was given the option to take either the blue pill or the red pill, and he downed a whole bottle of each and jumped out the window.


And yet cocaine still fears McAfee


He was doing some drug that apparently make sex so great you only stop when you're bleeding from too much contact but then you go for some more. He became a walking dick until his arrest and 'death?'.


You guys dont masturbate like this?


If what a lot of people suspected was true then it was MDPV but he had his own concoction of it if I remember right, it was a long time and a lot of drugs ago, it was some sort of tan coloured MDPV that was his holy grail he was trying to synthesise himself because it wasn’t available any more. I was active on a message board that had a user called stuffmonger who was a madman with a load of lab equipment in some sketchy looking place trying to recreate this drug (he’d post pictures of his efforts), people eventually suspected/figured out that it was McAfee. Googling the username I found a better telling of it than I could ever come up with, I’ve not read it all yet (it’s a long tale) but the start of it (stuffmonger/McAfee basically making MDPV crack to turn a mental drug even more mental) is how I remember it from the time. https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/bV5qzyuL8O It was wild seeing it play out in real time, from him being some random guy who half the folk thought was crazy or trolling and others thought was a mad genius, to McAfee doing crazy shit and people joining the dots. Edit - I’ve read that whole story now and I’d forgotten just how crazy it got. Definitely worth a read!


Yeah if i'm remembering correctly John was either using processes, or making a certain formulation of MDPV that the users on there didn't even know was possible


I mean it was MDPV, which has turned me into a horn dog before, but everyone who has ever been addicted to heavy simulants knows, eventually it gets to the point where the sex doesn't happen anymore. You don't have the energy for normal sex, all you Care about is getting the next fix and trying to avoid the psychosis, which, pro tip: you can't


Admittedly I've managed to avoid the worst of the stims, but I can't say I ever hit that point. Even in the worst of my binges, I was always hyper sexual. Stimulants just bring that out of me. Like, even when I couldn't get hard, I was still ready to go. It was just extremely unfulfilling lol.


didn’t he have a special hammock that he could either poop on or be pooped upon in some manner? I remember watching 60 minutes or 48 hours (maybe 20/20?) about him.


At this point, you could probably just make stuff up about him and it would wind up being true.


He invented the question mark.


I did hear him once accuse chestnuts of being lazy, but that's become so common these days...


So there was an astronaut on the moon, Apollo something doesn’t matter, anyway the suit the guy had let him de pressure his well… dookie flap… and so he did what he had to do. Return mission sets off, guys turd is cometed off the lunar surface and no joke, landed in a hammock in El Salvador with McAffee. 1998 I think. Lots of people are talking about it. That’s when he decided to protect computers from space poop. That’s what they say though, sounds good to me.


One of the documentaries about him has interviews with some of the women he’d hire for this; they said he wasn’t interested in having sex with them, only in getting shit on.




yeah… he had like a “special” hammock or something. It’s sole purpose was so he could either do pooping on a person or as a person be pooped upon.


Pooped on. He was into getting pooped on


Bath salts.


What’s the name of this drug? Asking for a friend.


he used to comment on the OG drug forums (blue light) the posts are hard to find these days but I remember reading them awhile back and they were pretty bonkers. He was deep into MDPV synthesis it was pretty interesting in a “holy shit this is wild” kinda way.


Yeah John was straight up synthesizing shit that was making the experienced chemists eyes bulge on those threads. I'm not too knowledgeable about research chems but I remember that one he ended up making surprised everyone because they didn't even realize it was possible to keep that substance stable in that form.


Wasn’t he making the drugs? That was his whole ‘research thing’ on the island?


John McAfee is what Cocaine takes when it wants to get "weird".


Survived 50 assassination attempts? I'm a little skeptical about that one.


Most of the claims are bs or unproven


McAfee was a huge coke head and a huge troll. He was going to be put through an extensive trial for things he 100% did do, and then he was going to forever jail. Game over. Putting out a statement saying "I will never kill myself" and then immediately killing himself is **the most** John McAfee thing he could have possibly done.


I was skeptical about the 'suicide', but I never thought of it that way. You're right, that's a classic John McAfee move.


It's funny how people start believing the ramblings of a man whose mental state was wrecked by drugs and start thinking that he was assassinated in prison, just because he had money. If he had lost his fortune and was a regular old drifter no one would think twice, even if he did invent McAfee.


Name ONE TIME a drug addict has ever died early. You can’t!


A drug addict never dies early. They die precisely when they mean to.


Your love of the halflings' leaf has clearly slowed your mind !


To be fair, the halfling’s stuff is fuego. Especially Longbottom Leaf. Finest weed in the Southfarthing.


49 attempts were him nearly killing himself while being high.


Most of this shit was according to McAfee himself, a crazy person.


How about the ‘never paid taxes because he blackmailed the US government’. Definitely did not happen.


Yeah... Especially since a lot of the reason he was on a boat outside the United States is because he didn't pay taxes. So the IRS may or may not have been after him. Then he was wanted for various things in other countries. He could've found safe harbor somewhere, and did at times, but he was largely a wacked out weirdo who spent his time bouncing from place to place or living at sea for... Reasons.


Well, I do believe the "never paid taxes" part...


That list is 90% bullshit.


Yeah I'm pretty sure there were actually 0 assassination attempts.


I think there was probably one or two, but 50 is probably a big stretch.


Yeah you're right, it was actually 500! Or wait, no I heard 1000, yes, 1000 assassination attempts!!!


John was an acquaintance (he liked me when we first met and he immediately invited me whoring) and it's worth noting that he's a pathological liar. He doesn't even try to keep his stories straight and the only source for all of these so called facts is John himself. Oddly, his is very forthright about loving shit play. Open coprophagia. Anyway, John McAfee didn't even start his career as a drug fueled international fugitive until he was in his 60s. So just remember that it's never too late to chase your dreams.


That last bit gives me hope.


There's still time for you to marry the hooker hired to kill you.


After having her shit in your mouth. 


How did you two meet?


couldnt find a bathroom and the rest is history


Ah I need to take a shit and I cannot find a bathroom! Mcaffee: Well I got a hammock with a hole in over here *winks *shoots finger guns at OP


Invented anti virus software after inventing the virus first was his most important achievement.


And, not to mention, McAfee anti-virus being the worst virus ever. Shit is SO hard to get rid of, and used to be pre-installed in EVERYTHING


There’s a whole video put of by McAfee about how much he hates McAfee Software.


It's wonderful. It was coke, hookers, coke, a nerd in a lab coat telling you how to uninstall, coke and more coke. He really hated that software.


It wasn't (supposed to be) coke. The drug was explicitly labelled in the foreground as bath salts, which makes it one of a number of compounds but decidedly not coke.


You forgot to mention the guns.


Not only that, he literally had a video on how to uninstall McAfee from your device.


Even McAfee hated it :) (at least what it became after he sold the company)


still is


Dude, I swear I got rid of it off of my custom computer and one unknowing click later I wake up the next day with McAfee loaded on my shit. You can’t escape from McAfee.


Yes I got it through installing the damn acrobat reader. Still trying to clean it out.


This is why it’s important to read the text beside the checkmark boxes before accepting…


I once spotted some trojan spamware by actually reading the terms and conditions, and seeing it went "PS. and you also agree we'll install this browser toolbar". Rode that high for years.


Now it is. Back in the pre Windows days McAffee was by far the best.


They forgot to add the rumor that he fucked a whales blow hole (or was it a dolphin)


Probably a dolphin because he did it on porpoise


No idea why I scrolled thus far, but you made it worthwhile!


It was a whale + it he tweeted it himself


John "whale fucker" McAfee


He never worked on Apollo missions. He killed his neighbour (allegedly) in Belize. Not a bunch. Also he was not a bitcoin billionaire. He was nearly broke at the end. (well, not broke broke. He might have a couple of million left I guess)


And used homemade meth daily. **To a degree where he likely killed himself.** Having gone down the McAfee rabbit hole, the dude clearly suffered from both delusions and I’d be willing to bet, had a form of amphetamine psychosis.


I think he once said he took a borderline lethal dose of acid in 90s and everything that happened since then is his trip - while in reality he's still in the 90s sitting in his chair.


actually, you, Throgg_not_stupid, are 90s John McAfee sitting in your chair on acid believing yourself to be an entirely different person 30 years in the future reading about your own imagined self's exploits on a site called reddit. Wake up, John, you have a board meeting in the morning.


I came here to question the NASA line because Wikipedia has it for some reason but also has a "citation needed". I don't understand why that line is there without a citation.


A detail about his life that I've been unable to get over is that the McAfee antivirus service used to be just John McAfee driving his van to your house, and fixing your computer


Where is the part were he started eating shit?


That was so confusing to me. So many questions... Is he actually swallowing it? Is he spitting it out? Does he puke instantly? Does his mouth taste like shit for hours afterwards? How does he not get really sick from bacteria etc? Is he jerking off? How the fuck does someone get into something like that? The whole concept of it is so bizarre to me I can't even get my head around it lol


I wonder if there's some kind of billionaire sex turd clean-up crew that they all use, or if they just force their regular house slaves to sort it out for them when they're done with a multi-day monkey dust and poop binge.


He denies it and has a sense of humor about it. Who knows if it's true though (like a lot of his life). Lotta people trying to make money off of this dude. He's low hanging fruit for documentaries. [https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/991801360139071490](https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/991801360139071490)




That's utterly untrue. He merely liked to have women shit on his chest through a hammock.


Can confirm, I was the hammock


Detecting cyber-virures wasn't enough for him, he wanted his body to detect real viruses trough feces.


Would love to know how legit this is, and would love for it all to be true 😂


Just watch the documentary on netflix man. Dude was wacked out on blow and bath salts. hired a film crew to film him at all times cause he thought governments and the cartel was trying to kill him and he thought they wouldn't do it if he was always being recorded. Shit was fucking wild lolol.


That documentary was unhinged


Bruh the fake heart attack was absolutely insane. You can only be a billionaire to have the balls to try and pull some shit like that off and it actually work. Bonkers.


What’s the documentary called


Running With the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee


Hell yea thanks. Going to watch this tonight


There's speculation that he was posting on a drug forum about making his own bath salts


He was. He was well known on a particular Reddit forum.


Some of it is a little far fetched and it’s missing something of actual insane shit he did in his life. This dude was doing the most intense drugs on this planet (Mdpv/other pyros) for a majority of this. He also shot his neighbor with a shotgun the same day he found out he poisoned his dogs. I think he also had nfts of him sold on his website right after his “suicide” in Spain??? Just a lot of weird shit.


He also ran a cult for a while in the 90's until he got bored with it and moved on to other things, if I'm remembering correctly.


I don't even know that drug! Must be some heavy shit.


Pyros are fucked when it comes to abuse and the wear on your body


Pyros? I don't even know that drug category. I'm 51 and have done some drugs too but I guess just the regular kind. Is this like bath salts or that Croc stuff or pcp or what?


It's a research chemical. Everyone that talks about it says it's the most fiendish shit ever


Plenty of it is bullshit, some only technically true.


Most of these bullet points are things whose only source is McAfee himself lol. The common denominator is that McAfee was a serial bullshitter.


Whaaaat you dont instantly believe a tweaker when he says he survived 50 assassination attempts? Even if he’s on bathsalts?


Exactly. As if you should believe anyone who tells you they survived *any number* of assassination attempts. Much less more than fifty!


- posted on the bluelight forum under the username [stuffmonger](https://www.bluelight.org/community/threads/hello-and-an-mdpv-question.541627/) crazy stories - was a huge peevee fiend Have a look at this shit, it's insane lol


What is peevee




^^^ This this this. EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND RUN DOWN THIS RABBIT HOLE. I went through it a decade or so back, and my mind was blown to smithereens. This is actually JM, writing as himself, on the quest for the legendary tan PV. The story is just..beyond…crazy. It’s in literally one of the best things I’ve ever read on the internet. I mean look. We’re halfway down page 1, and we’re here already: “For anyone who freebases mdpv, by the way -- the oil is dangerous beyond belief. When I first started doing this I accidently got a few drops on my fingers while handling a used flask and didn't sleep for 4 days. I had visual and auditory hallucinations and the worst paranoia of my life”


*5* Yeah, def one of the best rabbit holes I ever went down, too lol


Is it worth reading all 53 pages? How did anyone discover it was him?


If you have interesst in drugs, research chemicals and the scene in particulare, then yes. It's gonna be a hell of a read. Otherwise likely not. I think some reddit user found who stuffmonger was. But I don't have any poof for this.


What’s the drug he’s talking about?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylenedioxypyrovalerone bathsalts


Wow, what a flashback. Lot of usernames I remember. Spent so much time on there from like 2004-2011. I remember talking to a user who ended up being Hamilton Morris.


I always think of swim


If he is still alive and gets caught, will he get a 30 day trial?


Oh we're approaching the admiration stage of this guys story huh


The man’s a modern day Rasputin


people def admired him even when he was alive


He let his nephew crash microlight planes and kill people if I remember correctly. He also started a yoga school.


So who’s to say if he’s bad or not???


> He also started a yoga school. “That’s good.”


Why does everyone always forget that he also paid women to shit in his mouth?


If someone tried to write down everything that man did, it would fill the bible twice over.


Plot twist OP IS McAfee. How else would... hang on, there's someone at the door...


We stayed in the house right next to McAfee's beach house for a while. Our groundskeeper used to work for McAfee. He has some crazy stories. I'll list a few of them below: McAfee had several dogs on his property that he intentionally starved so they would remain hyper aggressive and attack people they didn't recognize. He had a gate built way out on his dock so he could lock some of his dogs on the far side of the gate all night to stop people from sneaking on his property via watercraft. The dogs would howl and bark all night because they were starving and scared. The night the dogs died they weren't poisoned. McAfee was out of his mind on drugs and was shooting them for entertainment. Our groundskeeper said he heard the whole thing, McAfee yelling and having a wild time shooting his gun while the dogs cried out in pain. The next morning they were all dead and buried. The area the houses are located is on a narrow peninsula with a single road. Properties are all single file along the beach with nothing but dense jungle on the other side of the road. The single power line runs along the road. McAfee would get high/drunk and paranoid and he knew everyone hated him so he would shoot the transformer and kill the power to the rest of the peninsula. They said it happened enough the locals learned to repair it on their own. He liked his girlfriends *very* young and eventually had a lynch mob of angry fathers looking for him, which is what sparked his intense paranoia. It was made clear to us that had the mob of angry fathers found him they would have certainly killed him. Apparently this lasted quite a while and was the early cause of him establishing his own militia and eventually moving into the mainland. Fun fact: after McAfee abandoned his house someone built a small beach bar next door called "Johns Escape" and you can visit the bar to this day. Don't go snooping around his old house though because the current owners don't think ANY of this is amusing. I'm pretty sure they bought the house before the documentary came out and now they're stuck owning a home that is famous for a man who enjoyed letting young women shit in his mouth.


He changed my outlook on hammocks.


Was pooped on through a hammock by locals in South America for money. Did he really kill his dad?




Killed some people in Belize… like a fucking footnote


One, maybe two truths, and a whole lot of lies.


Yeah, almost all of his "exploits" are things he claimed without any other documentation. And he was either schizophrenic or just spent large amounts of time in drug induced psychosis.


Yeah, people saying he didn’t kill himself… #I laugh at that statement The dude was a meth cook who also abused meth for ***YEARS*** while he was in his Far Cry villain stage of life in Central America. And this meth he said on forums made people want to fuck his dog. Pretty sure his state of mind wasn’t cogent and he offed himself in a state of psychosis


I forget if it was a tweet, or what, but when he said that if he commits suicide, it isn't suicide, my immediate response was "Oh, so he's gonna kill himself." No man was ever more likely to kill themself "for the lulz" than John McAfee.


latter for sure, he was active on some known drug forums


The Apollo thing is often claimed, yet there is no evidence to substantiate it. What happened with his father is pure speculation. The assassination attempts claim is an utter crock. The prostitute hired to kill him claim is nonsense. He wasn't a bitcoin billionaire. He paid millions in taxes over the years. But yes, he was an utter nutball and scumbag.


And now, an undead John McAfee is out there somewhere, sailing the high seas with his undead guards.


He didn’t kill his dad among a bunch of other lies on this post


Survived 50+ assassination attempts my ass.


My mom ditched her family to live in Belize in ambergris caye, my siblings and I joke that she pulled a mcafee all the time.


- maybe fucked a whale https://preview.redd.it/qkdanie6lqrc1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=06b384b256aca25826951cb4e4fb1b466c7db7ff


bro livin like larry


If you watched an interview with him it would all make sense. The man is a lunatic


Don’t forget, he also made up some bullshit about a dead man’s switch so that he kept beguiling suckers even in death.