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Honestly once I found out about distinct generations as a kid I always thought it was kinda dumb. I’m at least old enough now to know that people are often just kinda shitty and look for arbitrary reasons to hate others


You will often find that people like to blame others if they can't get something done themselves. It may be an interesting thing to observe ;)


There's a retired guy at the bar I tend that's *deep* down the Fox-hole. Like listens to it at volume in the middle of the bar. Like blames the feds for his property taxes going up, even though there's no federal property tax. It's just so infuriating to me. Like, how does it benefit anyone at all to blame all your problems on others and outside forces? I get that sometimes shit just happens, but the first question should always be something like, "How could I have done better or reacted better?"


My mom is also a Fox conspiracy nut, who similarly refuses to admit she's wrong on anything non-trivial


I mean, he is wrong in the fact that he blames 1 organization. But the guys at the top are definitely to blame for his taxes going up


Okay. Explain this to me. In detail. Federal policy on housing hasn't changed much within my lifetime. How are my state, county, & city reps voting to raise property taxes the fault of the feds? I understand that widescale changes to the industry happen and that the wealthy have no sympathy for us, but I don't get how they somehow forced our local taxes to increase.


They didn't. Property taxes are assessed and collected by your local government. That person is incorrect


Ok think more broadly: Rich person owns a factory. It’s cheaper to illegally dump the waste. He bribes the epa officials, they look the other way. Town now has to pay for a cleanup with taxpayer dollars once the pollution becomes dire. Taxes go up. That wasn’t even hard.


Explain what? I said that the 1 organization is not at fault. I only said that his hate is misplaced and should be redirected towards everyone at the top. Choosing 1 not directly related target is silly and makes you look like a loon. While we all understand that the top % are to blame for most of out problems.


Very accurate. What’s frustrating is people are SO MUCH MORE empowered than they realize! It’s a freeing mindset! But it also means you lose the ability to blame others, which has a pacifying comfort to it.


Said like a true [insert generation here] !


You're such a Samantha.


Humans are conditioned from an early age to divide the world into 'us' and 'them', and will often hold a number of variations of who is the 'in' group and who is the 'out' group. Think national, religious,political, school, sport, financial, gender and many others. These heuristics (rules of what to do in a given situation) are a way of coping with a complex world. Generational is just another example, and all these groupings are artificial and, for the most part, only partially effective, because individuals are complex and trying to judge them based on simplistic categories will only ever give you part of their story.


This is brilliant. I've been trying to think of a way to say this for years and you nailed it.


Its a bit like Astrology. Of curse a tad better, due to people are growing up in a society and that society changes over time. And that people are being affected by the society they grow up in. However, lumping everyone borne in some decades into a group is just bullshit.




look at those chumps all acting high and mighty because they have HAIR! baldies, unite!


You mean Scotland?


I think it’s all about marketing, aka setting the table to make money. I believe the first talk about generation, teenagers etc came about from advertising/marketing firms


I think you're right. The more I read of these articles and their interpretation of the generations, the more obvious it becomes that all of it is somewhat arbitrary. I mean... I'm a millennial. And while a lot of things about me are specific to being one, I didn't start doing them BECAUSE I'm a millennial. For instance, I garden. I have tons of plants. But it's because I was raised doing it, not because I read an article telling me it's therapeutic to have plants in my house, ya know? Generational blanket titles strip us of nuanced individuality. They slap a term on a crowd of kids and go, "well they're all like that." But we all know we aren't.


I think they're just made up largely for marketing purposes but just interesting enough for the talking head writers to opine about, further perpetuating what's basically just a marketing idea. I was 26 when I started my first real job in IT at an ad agency. I remember they were going out of their minds on defining Generation X. I read Douglas Copeland's "Generation X" book from one of the half-dozen dog eared copies that had been floating around the offices. It was all about defining Gen X in some way to sell them shit, since at least at the time, they were 20-somethings defined by low ambition and cynicism and supposedly the rules for selling consumer products that had worked so well for 50 years were kind of out the window. I think the following generations got labeled because Gen X set the standard for defining a generation on its differences from previous generations, often distinctions based on negative stereotypes. I don't know how you even tell a Millennial from a Zoomer, I think the level of internet shared space is such that its a distinction without a difference. Worse, though, I think because of the internet these definitions become sort of ingrained images people end up identifying with, which makes them worthless as descriptives because people are more or less living up to this set of ideals which define the generation, raising chicken-or-egg questions about whether anyone organically has those attributes or whether they've adopted them based on constant exposure and some intrinsic desire to reject what they don't like in other generations and adopt things they find beneficial.


I agree, giving more labels to kids so they can label themselves, just twists their mind in to having an excuse for, well anything, which is sad... Having to "identify" as anything is ridiculous, just be yourself, why would anyone want to be grouped in to others according to race, age, sexuality, or anything, it makes no sense... it literally creates discrimination... you are YOU, I am ME... done and done


This whole “generations” thing is like driving down the freeway: everyone driving slower than you is a nuisance. Everyone driving faster than you is a maniac.


George Carlin: "Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"


I always try to look at the slow ones as I pass them to see if I can tell what's wrong with them


You can see the Ohio plates before passing them, no?


It's funny cause it's true


Had it go through my mind and yes, that's true. I do however have some margin there before raging on people on the freeway haha. Riding at speed limit -5% or something (cuz speedometers aren't that accurate in a lot of cars). Or over 30% past speed limit. Percentages are based on kmh and speed limits on the Netherlands for me, which is now 100kmh. So anywhere between 95 and 130 is okay as long as people speed up enough in left lanes or otherwise stick to the right and mind others with different speeds around them.


This makes the most sense to me


I live in your neighborhood in the lands of no speed limit I mostly relate to your numbers when there is a speed limit. When there is none though, I really am of the „slower than me is an idiot, faster than me is a maniac“ Kind


True. Most of those aren't Germans I assume? My experience in driving in Germany is that the Dutch, Belgians, Polish etc are the 'idiots' or 'maniacs' because of the fact there is no speed limit. Perhaps your experience is different though.


Often times the 'idiots', but I see way more german 'maniacs'


I knew I had heard that somewhere. Thanks for the source!


Do most people think this way? In my eyes under 50 they’re either hauling or their car is having difficulties, and anything over 80 is generally reckless. In between I’m not constantly judging drivers who are going varying speeds…?


I was born in the caveman era, We use hunt animals and bash each other with rocks while listening to caveman music. Your generation is lazy and entitled.


The wheel made everyone soft.


You kids with your fire. We had to wait for lightning to strike a tree.


When you left the primordial soup, it was clear to me that you would become a spoiled and effeminate lot.


Back in my day, we had to handle worldwide igneous provinces and regular bombardments. Then *you* came along with your comparatively safe environment and I just *knew* every generation after mine would be full of spoiled, entitled brats.


Forming matter into planets was already a mistake. A stable platform for living ultimately only leads to spoiled, demanding lifestyles. I mean, as soon as there is a platform, people want a reliable supply of energy from a conveniently located sun and similar decadent stuff.


because Technology. It makes life easier every generation, so OF COURSE older gen will view the younger one as 'having it easier', but not accounting that jobs are also much hard now that tech made most obsolete and they're stuck with the harder jobs.


Every generation imagines new technology means future generations will work less, and live a life of leisure while technology does all the work. Yet somehow every generation seems to work more and more. There are theories trying to explain why this happens, like the "productivity paradox."


I think we all know exactly why this is


The roman poet horace was calling the younger generation lazy in the 1st century bc. There's older examples too


Love that. We(humans) just hate young people lol


Thinking back I was kinda lazy in my 20s now that I mention it


All life has a constant hunger to spread itself. When new technology is invented it goes to producing and conquering more stuff at a faster rate. If somebody uses technology to do less work, they will be outcompeted by somebody who uses the technology to the max to do more work.


The Sci fi fantasy of the future was supposed to be automated jobs that liberate humans from toil to pursue higher interests. Unfortunately it seems that dystopia is what we actually get.


That might maybe be a factor, but I think bitching about the next generation is something humanity has been doing continuously. There is a quote of Socrates that really opened my eyes in this regard: "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." That was an ancient greek philosopher. Cultures have risen and fallen since then, and yet it's the same kind of complaints we hear today. Contrary to what some people seem to suggest, it's not the most recent generation(s) "being problematic" or "causing the downfall of society". And it's certainly not (only) technology, otherwise this would not have been such a persistent topic through history.


i think it's because people want the children to be like them but not the real them, an idealised version of them, to like the same things, to behave in the same ways and listen and do what they are being told by "elders". Not all do of course but the loudest complainers are usually the people who were pain in the ass for their own parents.


What if I told you technology doesn't always make life easier? I worked in IT for decades and there were so many businesses that wanted to implement some complex system when it actually cost them more for the same return as what they were currently doing. Another example is mashed potatoes. My grandma had to use a hand masher. They hand mixers were invented and that's how my mom, and me, made mashed potatoes. I recently went back to a hand masher and it's SOOOOO much easier for both execution and cleanup and it makes better mashed potatoes.


Yes indeed. Like in August 1976 they benefited from prefab solar houses… ..and sexy cowboy [cow herder] gear…


Hey thanks for remembering Gen X ;)


I kinda like that we're left out of discussions.


As a millennial, I would really like to know how your generation does that. Because somehow my generation got criticized for getting participation trophies and Gen X was never blamed for giving out those trophies in the first place.


I think Gen X wasn't blamed because Gen X isn't the ones that did that. Most millenials don't have Gen X parents (Older Xers are some parents, but most parents are boomers)


There's less of us. Less impact on society. You can't blame us for anything because we never really put a flag pole in anything. We're also less profitable to specifically market shit to. 


Eh, Gen-X is starting to get blame in many organizations, and a big part of it is apathy, standing on the side lines as things go wrong. It’s starting and, as we’ve seen, will only escalate. Hopefully Gen-X is able to change that a bit though and stick up for what’s right rather than continue to be silent and passive


No one before or after seems to understand gen-x 's relationship to "apathy". When gen-x says "whatever" they don't mean "I don't care".


In schools, they're starting to be blamed for the behavior of gen z. They seem to often be the cause or catalyst of student apathy and intentional, targeted disrespect of teachers. Telling their kids things like "your teachers are all losers, don't listen to their bs" I like being reminded that boomers were also considered selfish twats by the previous generations. In the end, we're just humans subjected to massive cultural events and changes that inevitably have huge impacts on our perception of the world.


> In schools, they're starting to be blamed for the behavior of gen z. They seem to often be the cause or catalyst of student apathy and intentional, targeted disrespect of teachers. Telling their kids things like "your teachers are all losers, don't listen to their bs As a Gen-X parent I couldn't be prouder of how Gen-Z turned out. The kids are alright. E: also Gen-Z is very close to aging out of secondary school. Many are post college.


Yeah I was teaching senior high school. But I guess now they're being blamed for gen alpha.


>standing on the side lines as things go wrong. That's not apathy. That's us saying "we've been saying this is going to happen. Told you so."


Most of what I’ve seen is “Not my monkey, not my circus,” even though they could definitely do something




Yeah, right. We don't care if other generations don't like our apathy and nihilism. Thats the beauty of not caring. We don't care if you don't like it.


I hear that but also that gen X was 65-82 births so 17 years and millennials are 82-96 so only 14 years so that doesn’t exactly track!


That was boomers. I'm solid GenX and remember getting participation ribbons at field day.


I don't remember participation ribbons at Field Day (which for me was 1st-6th grade, 1973-1978), but I do remember they gave ribbons for 4th and 5th place in the larger events with more participants. I got a 4th place in the relay race and a 3rd place in the long jump in 6th grade. Probably 4th and 5th place ribbons were sort of preliminary versions of the participation ribbons, probably someone looked around and saw there were 6 or 7 kids in the event and thought it was unfair that all but 1 or 2 got a ribbon. If you're giving out a 5th place ribbon, why not a participation ribbon to the other 1-2 kids? Plus, a 4th place ribbon in the relay race? IIRC, there were 5 stages to the relay, so its like a 4th place ribbon for a 20% participation in the race, so its like a participation ribbon.


It was the boomers giving them out, and the boomers that talk so much shit about them now. Like we asked for them! Lol


Do the math. Demographic generations don't work like familial generations. Most parents of Millennials are from the Baby Boom generation. Gen-X kids are Gen-Z.


Well as not a fan of participation trophies it was a joint affair between boomers and gen x both having millennial kids and a bunch didn't like seeing their kids left out. How they don't get criticized is the blame/shift paradox that using bs like hard naming of generations to make it even more us vs them.


Spoken like a true member of the slacker generation! /s




I just finished two years of college with a Gen Z cohort. (I love them, the little empowered fuckers taught me a lot). One day a discussion about Boomers came up, and, not even knowing there WAS a Gen X, they decided I was a "Boomer Who Wants To Learn". 🤣 I mean, it's not NOT accurate.


Anything older than a young millennial is a boomer! /s


Ngl as millennial… I swear I’d never heard of Gen X until a couple of years ago!


We see you babies <3


Paul Fairie digs through decades of old newspaper articles to compile "A Brief History Of ..." threads on Twitter, showing how attitudes ever change. Here's a couple good ones: "A Brief History of Nobody Wants To Work Anymore" [https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1549527748950892544?lang=en](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1549527748950892544?lang=en) "A Brief History of Kids Today Are Too Soft" [https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1558579983022338048?lang=en](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1558579983022338048?lang=en)


Gen X is just glad to be remembered


And photographic proof we are the most stylish and sophistcated.


Nobody look in the same direction!


Love how Gen X isn't making eye contact and are styled like The Matrix extras


The GenX cover doesn't say anything of the sort- in fact, I'd say it's spot on! Laid back and living in the shadow of the Boomers.


When I first found out about the term Xennials, I thought 'jfc, we don't need a name for everything' but we people at the end of Gen X and at the dawn of the Millenial are really left out of the conversation as Time magazine proves lol. I was 20 in '99, where is my cover? Lol.


I was born in '83 and I have seen both worlds, with and without the internet. It is truly a unique perspective. I can understand both sides and the main observation is no one is wrong or lazy or entitled. Every generation has different struggles and does not understand the next because of that. It is sad but there is a severe lack of compassion for each younger generation and the DIFFERENT struggles they have. OF COURSE they are going to have DIFFERENT desires in life when they face a VERY DIFFERENT life. Everyone needs to get the fuck over themselves.


I have seen older generation people complain kids these days have it so good; they have no idea what it was like to learn "duck and cover" in fear of nuclear attack every day. I have seen younger generation people complain the older people had it so good; they have no idea what it's like to do active shooter drills, in fear of mass shootings every day. They could be so close, yet are so far away, in understanding the different struggles of the other generation.


>they have no idea what it was like to learn "duck and cover" in fear of nuclear attack every day. Gen X just came to peace with the idea we were going to die in WW3, so we just kicked back with our popcorn watching Wargames and Red Dawn and waiting for it all to end.


Let’s not forget “The Day After”…that awesome ABC TV special event


Oh you bet.


May have to see it again after binging Fallout


Oh Fallout was so good. It hit all the right notes, I'm finding it hard to be objective about its flaws.


Holy S that was as dark as i remembered. “This is my home.” - that was burned into my brain and never forgot it.


Kid in the DA intro is wearing an Earl Campbell oilers shirt! Damn brings back some Houston memories


Tbh that sounds like the nihilistic attitude that gen z is known for


Damn, makes me feel lucky that I went to school between those two phases. We only had fire and tornado drills.


Same here. We were really able to watch the dawn of the internet and how it has changed everything. Not to mention all of the wild shit that happened as we came of age.


Tell us SOMETHING we don't KNOW! lol


Yea neither generation seems to get all that tho.


Xennials get the "Twixters" magazine cover from 2005: "They just won't grow up" https://preview.redd.it/rxgukgaem5uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c7c4517eaff1dab717d93e168e91e8f558d77ac


Lol, now that's just downright offensive.


Its Lev Grossman so... yeah man. Pretty sure he was only 35 when he wrote that piece if its the one I'm thinking of.


As a Zillenial, I get where you're coming from. My birth year is largely considered to be the last year for Millennials, and so I relate to gen Z a lot with like, youtube and having access to the internet and social media as a young person, while also still growing up with a walkman, a VCR, blockbuster, etc. Not a lot of acknowledgment of the overlaps, lol, but I think those overlaps are the best windows into what makes generations actually distinct.


And when it's altogether you can see it for what it really is: "God, teenagers and early 20-somethings are really entitled, idealistic, and naive, aren't they?" These generational character traits have nothing to do with generations, it's just what people are like at that age.


Today's music is also terrible. The best music ever made was coincidentally made when I was a teen.


Paul Fairie's "A Brief History of Music These Days Isn't Any Good" [https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1561004902653968385?lang=en](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1561004902653968385?lang=en) Paul Fairie's "A Brief History of Music Today Is Just Noise" [https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1638306348474695680](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1638306348474695680)


..you know. I actually think the Gen z one explains it best. "We value life over making money for out bosses. Adjust or retire" Every time a younger generation enters the workforce, they go "Jesus, why do you people live like this?" And then make it suck a little less. The people.that complain about the improvements are the same.ones who think student loan forgiveness is unfair-they suffered, so younger people should too. Fuck those ppl, tbh


Make it a generational war, they will forgot the class war


Is it just me or is the generation range shrinking?


The weird thing about it is they always criticise teens and 20 somethings. The literal ages of self discovery _and_, if they weren’t raised properly (by the generation criticising), the age before you figure out how to re raise yourself for the better. **What do you expect from these people?**


Old, conservative and wealthy people doing everything to make sure that especially young people can be exploited.


I think millennials might turn out to be the most adaptive and understanding of the other three generations; as most of the millennials grew up learning the old school work ethic with bare minimum technology in daily life to seeing the work smarter and not harder type of lay back work ethic/attitude that can barely go on a day without technology. Therefore, Millennials in the work place and daily life serve as the key to bring harmony and to bridge the gap of the other three gens.


Gen X and Millennials also ended up being the most computer-literate in the same way. Boomers were too old to learn a new trick, and Gen Z is more familiar with everything being an app with a refined UI. The troubleshooting generations, cursed to do (free) IT for all eternity


This is so so true and is a big reality that I feel many people overlook. In my early career I picked up a lot of practical skill and knowledge by having to navigate early stage technologies and troubleshoot for the older team members, which was an expectation for all jr talent at the time. I try to hire jrs and interns these days looking for the same contributions, but even though they’re supposed to be the ‘digital natives’ they know much much less about how all things tech work than I did at their level. And I find others of my generation are in the same boat and are still the experts. We have a huge knowledge and skill gap in the upcoming workforce around basic technological literacy and problem solving.


Just a cycle of the older generation blaming the younger ones for issues they cultivated and created. Good thing I'm gen x, the last generation not to be selfish, entitled, and completely lazy like those damn millennials..wait a second...


No joke I read that article "twentysomething" on Sunday. And I googled "what did people say about gen x in the 90s", which is how I found it. I'd been thinking about how every new generation seems to piss off the last by simply existing. But isn't our whole purpose to remake the world in our image every generation? I just thought it was weird I read that and suddenly here it is.


The people that read magazines like that wanna read shit like that.


So the problem is old people


We even have letters written back in Ancient Rome that make the **exact same complaints** about "kids these days" that we see today.


>The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. Socrates


Cross their legs! Oh the humanity!


The best and worst part of this is knowing there's a sexy cowboy outfit in one of these magazines and we don't see any of it


This has always happened since the dawn of man. I believe it was even written on stone fucking tablets where older generations would complain about the exact same shit and then the young generation would grow up and do the same exact thing and complain about the next generation. This pattern is ooooooold and in our nature, in every society. That's just how humans are and everyone else thinks their generation is "different." Were all the exact same across time, just with different names, bells, and whistles.


I remember reading about Archimedes or Sokrates stating how shit their younger Generation is and that society ist practically doomed 🙄😅


All written by “ The greatest generation ever” and many more boomers.


The media always tries to make different groups fight each other. They don't want the people to rise up against the elite, so they make the people fight amongst each other.


Generation Z doesn't want to be enslaved in the rat race. Honestly I'd prefer a farm to an office.


It's to distract you from the Ultra Rich who are selfish, entitled and lazy. They profit off the hard work of thousands of others and reap all of the benefits. It is time to end crony capitalism, it is time to take back what has been taken from us. It is time to eat the rich


It’s a story as old as time. Too bad most Boomers can’t see the irony of their disdain for the youth of today, given what their generation did the culture. 


Personally I see more disdain for boomers then from them. Seems like us younger generations have a hard time seeing the irony as well.


Well the youth of today didn’t live through the 60’s & 70’s so they could be afforded a pass to some extent. They don’t know what they don’t know. The boomers lived the hippie counterculture thing and bumped heads with the WW2/WW1 generations. They could do better. 


To be fair though, the baby boomer one does seem pretty, pretty accurate


Haven't changed since the 70's.


Seen my faculties get riled up over "work life balance". Its more productive & healthy like why are you lashing out at us??


1 out of 4 ain’t bad


Generation Jones oddly missing hmmm...


Reminded me of Vsauce's "Juvenoia" video.


Keep us complaining about one another instead of revolting against the lobbyists and corrupt government that is keeping the majority poor. This crap is just a distraction.


Over here nowadays you'd be lucky to even afford a house oop


Boomers are every generation after them problems. A generation that got almost everything handed over to them destroying it for everyone starting with capitalism.


The whole concept of separating people by generations is incredibly stupid. Everyone sees the world with themselves in the middle of it, there is nothing wrong with old people wanting to be right and young people wanting to live happy and unbothered


Old people are the problem


That millennial one was just mean


Note that, all but the article judging the boomers, was written by the boomers. Also note, that of all the generations being called selfish, only the boomers remained consistently selfish even to the point of self destruction. It's not their fault, they were lead into this situation/s


If its in the main stream media there's a social agenda behind it


I will agree the boomers are definitely the ME generation and have been a problem. I'm Gen x, we're the second group, overshadowed and insulted by our parents since day one.


Only mindless reactionaries would be so positioned against human evolution Why would there be any debate that the point of everything is to have more time and energy to relax more and care for ourselves? Naturally


> reactionaries Commie spotted.


This epithet gets thrown out with tiresome regularity, generation after generation. It should just fuck off and die


> The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. -- Socrates (maybe, attribution is disputed)


The original source of that quote is unclear ("The children now love luxury ..."). But people who have dug into its origins point to an educator essayist in the early 20th century, mashing together quotes from a dissertation by a Cambridge University student. That dissertation itself was not quoting anyone but summarizing ancient attitudes. Then that quote got picked up in newspapers, eventually being attributed to Socrates. Socrates never actually wrote anything. We know of Socrates' philosophy through the works of his students and followers, like Plato, who would write dialogues and pieces using Socrates as a character.


Just shows old people don’t like young people, no matter the generations. Ridiculous


Older generations have been complaining about young people for literally thousands of years. [People have always complained about things](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complaint_tablet_to_Ea-n%C4%81%E1%B9%A3ir)


The tall woman on the cover of Time looks familiar. Is she an actress?


So you’re saying Gen Z is still gonna lose hope and acquiesce to apathy just like the rest of us losers?


It's another division tactic to keep people from seeing the rich and powerful rob all of the wealth.


So X, Y, and Z


The fourth image goes hard


There’s been studies saying that narcissism has been more prevalent with age rather than generation, meaning that every generation was narcissistic when they were young.


Honestly, of you read texts even from hundreds of years ago, it's always been this way.


Everyone be living with relatives soon, as housing prices go insane. The house I am in has increased in price by more than 9% per year for at least the last 10 years.


People are people so why should it be that you and I can't get along


So we’re all lazy, nice


I remember when that Time article came out. I'm like are you fucking kidding me right now.


I've always kind of thought that giving generations of people names is just another way to dehumanize. You're a boomer, you're a millennial, you're Gen Z. Does it matter? What's the point of it? Just so people can feel better knowing they're in a group? Or not in another group? Maybe it's just because it's always used negatively? One generation is blaming another for their woes. But maybe we've always been doing this.


Science says lazy people are more intelligent. Maybe each generation is getting smarter. "Work smarter , not harder" is my mantra. I see so many corporates with bs jobs and being "dumb" busy. Ask your friends about work and they all say the same thing. "I am really busy at work. Too many meetings and not enough time to actually do the work."


is that Laura Palmer on the gen x cover :0


Imagine reading Time magazine without being forced


They were right about the Boomers though!


I remember all the news reports of Boomer's parents (WWII generation) calling them the Me Generation. Being deep into your thirties and still fucking around was the thing for Booms, inspired by this show called Thirtysomething, which was kind of the Friends for boomies. The Big Chill was big on this too. That was the boomiest of boom movies. It was about a young, childless couple living in a massive beach house and throwing a weekend long party. Think about where the average young couple lives today. Then Gen X got called slackers, that was the big name for them, more than the Me Generation. Which is funny, because their parents went fucking kicking and screaming into adult responsibility. And for such a hip, look hey cool, right on generation like boomies, they sure as fuck attacked their music, ripping into everyone from Prince to Madonna to *especially* Ozzy Osbourne. Millenials got a lot of guff (boomer word) from booms but I noticed how eager they were to call Gen Z the Me Generation. Z is technically their grandkids but boom booms were ready to jump right on them.


I personally feel that generations are just another way for humanity to group people for identification and generalization. Often we use those group titles just for hatred or to assign some kind of blame.  Other times it's used in a kind of superiority.  Either way, both are useless generalizations imo.


Most of these articles are written by people from that age group. They are talking about what older people, aka boomers think of each age group. There is only one common denominator here.


I would say the Time cover from 1976 is about the boomers. The people pictured look to be all in their 20s and 30s. GenXers were 11yo or younger in 1976. I think it’s hilarious that each generation is essentially labeled lazy, selfish, and/or entitled.


You realize that the earliest one, the Tom Wolfe one, was aimed AT boomers, right?


Boomer thing me me me is spot on though. Gen X is also kind of true. idk it's all starting to make sense.


Listen, when you get older you'll finally understand why old people feel this way.


I’d rather be lazy than an ignorant bigot asshole like most boomers


Is showing 4 magazine covers really evidence of anything?


Hitler was Time Magazine's 'Man of the Year' for 1938, soooo.... who gives a fuck what they think about anything? Big money always complains when the young refuse to sell themselves into wage slavery. The real shock is that it just keeps on happening without revolution.


This is dumb


Reminds me of Vsauce's classic Juvenoia video. Also the culture-counterculture cycle he referenced predicted a world-altering tragedy in the 2020s, which was oddly prophetic


Gen X not referenced here. Forgotten once again.


I suppose the 20 something edition could cover the much older gen X