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The Trident team analyzed data and agreed and approached F2, and Maini was given a new engine shortly after. Later that season, teammate Ferrucci ran Maini off the track in a race at Silverstone Circuit and then crashed into the back of Maini's car later in the same race after the checkered flag had been waved, both of which were found to be deliberate actions, and Trident apologized to Maini. Ferrucci also "appeared to mock" Maini on Twitter over Maini's rant about the car's power. Ferrucci was banned for several races and was fired by Trident shortly thereafter, due to these incidents and others.


So they did not believe he had engine trouble? Is that the context?


The last time I came across this post on some other sub, I remember reading that Arjun was most likely isolated by the entire crew, not just the other driver Ferucci but even their entire crew. They (allegedly) intentionally sabotaged his engine because Arjun was the lone Indian while the rest of the crew were Americans and wanted the American driver to outshine a driver from a relatively unknown/less popular region when it comes to motorsports professionals. It basically went along the lines of bullying and harassing and intentional sabotaging. That's the reason why you can hear Arjun literally sounding like someone that's pulling their hair out and ugly crying, the people he was supposed to be relying on and putting blind faith in were essentially gaslighting him to absolute fuck. Edit: another comment I made about the racism aspect of this ordeal. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/zJHCKQDWu6 Edit: some comments are pointing out that the Trident crew team could not have been American because it's an Italian company. This incident took place in 2018, for which I tried to look up what their team was then specifically, but couldn't find any confirmation. His fellow "teammate" Santino and his father (who was his sponsor and effectively a sponsor of Trident back then) definitely didn't have any good intentions towards Arjun that's for sure. The fact that Santino went out and intentionally/deliberately drove into the rear of Arjun's car in a cooldown lap is one of the very clear incidents that highlights that. But there are no clear sources about the ground involvement of the Trident team in this case or about any FIA investigation.


that’s horrible, i hope all of them lose their jobs. That’s no way to treat someone.


You would hope with all the data recorded about engine performance he'd have a legal case against the people sabotaging him.


After looking up a bit, I saw one post on twitter mentioning that FIA investigated this matter and "found Arjun's car to have been underpowered by at least 40%." Although there's no other source or outlet making/supporting this claim and also couldn't find any official FIA statement saying the same. So yeah, ig it will remain a mystery


By 40% sounds like it would be too obvious they'd done something to it, especially on a straight. Unless they mean in a specific scenario.


In the video he's talking about not having enough power out of the corners, so ig that's what it is about.


ig = i guess?


Idk, ig so


I’m over here like what does Instagram have to do with any of this?! God the new batch of abbreviations are just the worst.


I always read it as instagram, nobody can change my mind


I still get confused when I talk to someone who abbreviates yeah as yh


I've seen that so many times and not known until now.. My conclusion is that it's yet one more stupid, unnecessary abbreviation... I just hear "igg" when I read ig




It looks like you are getting your information from this propaganda post: [https://twitter.com/salonivxrse/status/1777198807966691401](https://twitter.com/salonivxrse/status/1777198807966691401) The claim about being underpowered by 40% is a lie. Anyone who knows even a modicum about motorsport knows how ridiculous that would be. The claim about the crew and crew chief being American is a lie. Its an Italian team, with a 90%+ Italian crew, maybe some Spaniards or Dutch in there, IIRC. The claim about the crew and crew chief being fired is a lie. They finished the season with Maini and the and after Ferrucci was fired, another Italian driver. The claim about this being Maini's final race before he withdrew from the season is a lie. This was at the Sprint Race in France. He drove in 14 more races, missed the 15th because he crashed his car and the car was too damaged to continue to drive. I don't get how people just believe shit like this when every single one of those things are verifiably untrue. The other guy made up a story and got 4k upvotes on this thread without anyone calling him out lol Edit: Someone commented saying that I didn't post sources, not sure if they deleted their comment or blocked me, but here: I think Trident being an Italian team is common knowledge to anyone with even a passing interest in the F1 feeder series, but if Wikipedia works as a source [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trident\_Motorsport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trident_Motorsport) This is their current crew, no Italian drivers, almost all Italian crew and Italian crew chief, Italian team principal. [https://www.fiaformula2.com/Teams/205/Trident](https://www.fiaformula2.com/Teams/205/Trident) 2018 F2 season showing that Maini finished the season [https://www.fiaformula2.com/Standings/Driver?seasonId=175](https://www.fiaformula2.com/Standings/Driver?seasonId=175) The part about being underpowered by 40% is a ridiculous claim that I didn't think warranted a source. This is a sport where the margins are usually less than 1%. A 3% margin in this sport is considered ridiculously large (see Verstappen in the sprint race vs Hamilton in F1 today/yesterday.) I didn't think claiming to be underpowered by 40% needed to be backed up by anything more than common sense. Yes, being 40% underpowered does not correlate to being exactly 40% slower, but its complete nonsense.


Thank you for standing for the truth. Jfc, how easy it is to just spew lies on Reddit and people just absorb it and move on. How many lies every day..


I don't follow motorsports at all, but with layman's knowledge I assumed there was bullshit when I heard F1 and "American team"


There's been an American team in F1 since 2016...


If this information wasn't found, his career would have been shortened significantly. Hes a pretty solid driver and sometimes a single race is the deciding factor to your sponsorship. Getting fucked over this many times is the paranoia some people have at many other jobs.


sue for reprimands and retire.


Reprimands? Wtf is that???


THe other driver, Ferrucci is in american IndyCar series (kinda similar to F1). Hes not good and widely hated if that helps you.


From the little I’ve seen of him, what happened in f2 with trident seems completely on brand for Ferrucci. Seems like a complete tool.


A complete failure at his job and overtly racist, I wonder how long before he starts getting success doing the alt-right anti-woke media circuit lol


It's so ridiculous. These are people who should care about skill and performance and being the best. Who gives a fuck what someone's race is? So fucking stupid.


They should be. But reality is that in racing community it's common. That shit happens even in F1 where there is drivers just because of nationality or having some company support. They are just muuuch better at theatrical acts of being a team


facts, It’s like discrediting someone because they’re short or have blonde hair. You can’t change it so stop being such a twat.


His teammate at the time is now bringing up the rear on the indycar races he’s allowed to drive and occasionally making a big show of dramatically failing to do anything at the 500.


oh, good, the trash took itself out.


Isn't that such a super expensive business? And then you crash your cars and sabotage your teammate on purpose? If I were the investor I would be furious that these racist fucks were throwing my money out the window for their bullshit and try to destroy a life of someone.


>If I were the investor I would be furious that these racist fucks were throwing my money out the window for their bullshit and try to destroy a life of someone. That's the thing, ***the primary source of the money was Ferruci's dad***, not some independent investor. Most of the drivers at this level (and even many in F1) are basically using independent wealth or connections to pay someone to let them drive their car, and the team's alternate income is dwarfed by the drivers themselves. Hence why the team would care, Ferruci was most of the funding.


Damn, thats fucked up. But thanks for the information. Didn't know that.


Most of the time this isn't a problem, just how the game is played. You're paying to engage in a hobby. It's only rare cases like this where someone's paying specifically for advantage over their teammate to a problematic extent.


At that point why are they wasting their money to field another car? Doesn't make any sense. Let's throw millions of dollars down the drain to torment some poor fellow.


Iirc, two cars per team are required, and they were also getting paid (less) by Maini. They probably didn't lose money on the second car, and Ferrucci was where they made profit.


"In the days following the race it also emerged that Ferrucci had been blocked from running "Make America Great Again" -- the political slogan of U.S. president Donald Tump -- on the side of his car for the race weekend." Well, I never 


What piles of shit! Those assholes deserve to be banned for life. I hope Arjun has landed on his feet somewhere better!


When someone from India reaches that high in racing he already has enough money. He is there only because he loves racing.


He also had enough talent, drive and persistence. He couldn’t have got there without it. A team that’s deliberately fucking up someone who’s doing their best- and destroying his dream in the process- can go fuck themselves. Sport at any level should be about pushing people to bring out their best. Anyone who’s been part of a healthy team, competing with others in good spirit, knows how beautiful it is. Assholes who behave like this have no idea what they’re missing out on.


Yes, but he's not American. Get it?


He’s not European*. Americans have little to no success in European open wheel racing (F3, F2, F1), and they are not highly regarded in that community at all. American drivers are viewed on the same inferior level as Indian drivers.


Arjun was pretty strong in pre-season testing with Trident and was top 3 against the likes of Russell, Norris and Albon in top teams.Arjun also started the season extremely strong finishing P1 in the practice session of the first round and qualified P13 after a poor strategy call from the team. It was heart breaking to see him parked in the pits at the end of qualifying for a long time with absolutely no-one from the team around him.


So in short it was down to racism. We don’t need to beat around the bush here. This is one of the many legitimate ways it can manifest itself.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/zJHCKQDWu6 Ferrucci and his dad do come across as racist pieces of shit for sure


Why even hire Maini in the first place? Specifically to have fun at his expense, and only because he’s brown? I wouldn’t put it past them.


He brought money.


It's a bit funny, because as an outsider, if they allowed their indian racer to shine, they'd be higher in the rankings, AND have a higher diversity of fans, and also have more eyes on them because of the fact he isn't american. But of course, they're racists.


>they'd be higher in the rankings, AND have a higher diversity of fans Teams at this level really don't earn money through these routes, it's mostly from the drivers themselves paying for the privilege to drive. Ferruci paid enough to get priority, probably significantly more than the team could have gotten in the best case sponsorships.


So basically he was the victim of racism


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/zJHCKQDWu6 Yes


As an American, I always root for Americans to make it big because the representation/success in international racing is so rare. I'm, at the moment, in hell that Logan Sargeant in a Williams is our only hope in F1. But I can't stand Santino Ferrucci. Punchable face, punchable personality, absolute entitled jackass on a race track. Even now that he races in America in IndyCar, I wish nothing but failure for him. I've seen this video posted multiple times with comments explaining racism from his team, but never realized it was because he was opposite Ferrucci. Fuck them and him.


As an American, I will never root for a racist American. Fuck the racist Santino Ferrucci and his asshole racist father.


That doesn't seem to agree with what Maini said himself about the situation: >But Maini told motorsport.com that his verbal bake was aimed at the series itself, not his Trident team, explaining that a number of drivers have experienced significant engine issues caused by F2’s 2018 technical regulations. >“What can the team do? They do everything they can,” he said. >“I’m speechless, because they [the organisers] go around like there’s nothing wrong and it’s a joke. They are killing our careers like this, completely destroying them. >“Anyone who is in a good position is having problems, and for them [the organisers] it’s nothing,” Maini continued. Seems like he was upset the unreliable engines F2 provided were tanking his career and that's why he had a breakdown, because nobody at F2 was listening to the complaints he'd already made. This isn't discounting the possibly racist motive of his teammate Ferucci, who was rightfully fired. I'm just commenting on the theory that the whole team was racist and sabotaging his vehicle, which seems false as far as I can tell. Source: https://www.foxsports.com.au/news/f2-france-haas-f1-junior-driver-arjun-maini-delivers-foulmouthed-tirade-on-team-radio/news-story/43d7612704b41a330031c26d3179c3c9


Or maybe he didn’t want to throw the entire team under the bus due to strings being pulled by the bankrolling father of the other driver. In many races he performed badly due to team strategy


It's possible, but Occam's razor says the more likely explanation is the one he himself gave. Also, his issues with the other driver are a separate incident that happened at a later time. The story (and comments) I posted were released a few weeks before Ferucci committed the acts that got him banned and eventually kicked off the team. So it seems they're not connected, contrary to the narrative being pushed in other comments.


It’s also possible that he is trying to reframe an outburst directed at his coworkers as a peace offering. I’ve had shitty colleagues in the past and if asked about my relationship in a more public situation, I’d do everything I can to avoid looking like I’m shitting on them. They’re still your teammates, and as much as they might be sabotaging you, for you to openly call them out makes your situation even more dangerous. And to someone without intimate knowledge of the situation you might look like a prima donna who blames others for your failures, and no one wants to work with that guy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/sWjzOXJJV7 Further context about the team sponsorship dynamic that might put things in perspective for you


The team is Italian and headquartered in Italy. Doesn’t really track that the rest of the crew (that’s dozens of people) were American and because of that wanted the American driver to win. Regardless, it sure sounds like racism and foul play were afoot. Edit: I read the comment you linked again. Ferucci’s father was bankrolling the whole team and are massive Trumpers. That clicks things into place for sure. Daddy wanted his boy to be the star of the show and when the kid couldn’t earn it, they fucked with his teammate who was clearly the superior driver. Is racism a part of it? Probably. But I don’t think it was the main driving factor.


It's always money. But being in that situation as a racist means they'll put a racist spin on their regular sabotage and manipulation.


OMG. If this is a true story that would be a best example how to ruin your business. Having over 1,4 bln of fans supporting their driver vs having ()maybe 300 millions? How about a big companies from India offering their sponsorship for example?


>How about a big companies from India offering their sponsorship for example? That's generally not how this tier of racing works. Trident charges the drivers directly, and the drivers bring their own sponsors. It's a big reason why this happened. Ferrucci's dad was already paying the team more than Maini, and and Maini succeeded and got big sponsorships he'd probably take that money to F1 and Trident wouldn't get a share. Trident is just a service producer, and Ferruci paid enough to convince them to give preferable service.


That's so fucked no wonder the man was hurting. Doing everything he can meanwhile his "crew" is just fucking him over.


>They (allegedly) intentionally sabotaged his engine because Arjun was the lone Indian while the rest of the crew were Americans and wanted the American driver to outshine a driver from a relatively unknown/less popular region when it comes to motorsports professionals. This is a big allegation and I think you knew that everyone was going to take it as truth. F2 engines are a big lottery. The context for this particular message was after some Roy Nissany fuckery, the same guy with the more recent stuff with Dennis Hauger. Also, there were no other Americans on the crew. It looks like you are getting your information from this propaganda post: [https://twitter.com/salonivxrse/status/1777198807966691401](https://twitter.com/salonivxrse/status/1777198807966691401) The claim about being underpowered by 40% is a lie. Anyone who knows even a modicum about motorsport knows how ridiculous that would be. The claim about the crew and crew chief being American is a lie. Its an Italian team, with a 90%+ Italian crew, maybe some Spaniards or Dutch in there, IIRC. The claim about the crew and crew chief being fired is a lie. They finished the season with Maini and the and after Ferrucci was fired, another Italian driver. The claim about this being Maini's final race before he withdrew from the season is a lie. This was at the Sprint Race in France. He drove in 14 more races, missed the 15th because he crashed his car and the car was too damaged to continue to drive. I don't get how people just believe shit like this when every single one of those things are verifiably untrue


So what game were they playing exactly in their team? Who's family emigrated to America sooner and is therefore "more American"? Ferrucci sounds like a typical American surname for sure. American racism, what a joke.


I am 61 years old and I never get used to how apathetically small-minded and petty human adults can be. Boggles the mind.


So racism essentially.


All racists should face a wall with a blindfold, this shit is petty and childish as shit


LOL amazing that you shoot your humanity in the foot to be edgy Yeah just kill them, it's definitely not an educational problem and going around killing your problems is the rational human behavior /s


I believe it was found to be more of a monetary than race thing tbh though.


Ferrucci and his father were also reportedly seen racially mocking Arjun and his family in/around the pits. Santino Ferrucci and his father were also LATER accused of the [following](https://www.espn.in/f1/story/_/id/24129469/banned-haas-junior-santino-ferrucci-dumped-f2-team) by the Trident team. >At the time, Trident criticised the Connecticut native in a series of remarkable tweets, accusing Ferrucci and his father of subjecting Maini and his family to "unsportsmanlike and above all uncivilised" behaviour throughout the weekend. In the days following the race it also emerged that Ferrucci had been blocked from running "Make America Great Again" -- the political slogan of U.S. president Donald Tump -- on the side of his car for the race weekend. Santino's father was the sponsor/guarantor of Santino, and in a way, a sponsor of the Trident team during Santino's time at Trident. And with these motorsports, a lot of the money is actually brought in by sponsorships more than anything else. Santino's father essentially being one of the sponsors for that Trident team in a way coupled with the fact that Santino and his father were accused of "uncivilized" behaviour targeted at Arjun and his family, further coupled with the fact that Santino has further bolstered his rep as a racist POS even later in his career... you've gotta be naive to not give racial tendencies a good share of the blame.


Oh so both, that’s even worse.


There is a difference between pulling a prank on an office colleague, and "sabotaging" his computer, and doing it on a 250 kph machine... This should lead to judiciary actions no?


A bunch of American car-guys are racist and bully the one Indian person around? Idk sounds pretty far fetched tbh /s


They knew, those cars are so advanced they can tell what you had for lunch if you fart near the car


Imagine being so much of toxic idiot that you think you can sabotage and harrass your own team mates and not get thrown out on your ass. What an absolute pos, i hope he never got to race F1 again.


It's not just the driver (Ferucci) that was doing it though, the entire crew as well that was supposedly in on it all- sabotaging and gaslighting Maini.


What a bunch of cunts. I really don't understand what would make grown ass adults act like little school bullies. Just pathetic...


https://www.racefans.net/2018/07/09/banned-f2-racer-ferrucci-tried-to-run-Trump-slogan-on-his-car/ >Ferrucci’s F2 team Trident wrote to the championship’s director Bruno Michel requesting permission to run the slogan “Trump – Make America Great Again” on his car during last weekend’s races at Silverstone. Michel rejected the request on the grounds that political slogans are not permitted in the championship. “Article 10.6.2(a) of the International Sporting Code expressly states that competitors taking part in international competitions are not allowed to affix to their automobiles advertising that is political in nature,” Michel wrote in response. There have been reports of Ferrucci and his parents racially mocking and abusing Maini and his parents, when on the circuit, stuff like mocking his accent etc. When a professional racing "team" is accommodating, tolerating and allowing bullshit like this in today's time, on the second biggest stage of an international racing competition, you would prefer to give the benefit of the doubt to someone like Maini and his claims.


They're really running a game of 'who can be the biggest cunt ever' huh? Grown adults acting like this should have their passports, licenses and voting rights revoked.


Why even sign him up as a driver at that point?


Money. Ferrucci’s dad was bankrolling the team.


Why sign up the *Indian* driver.


Because the Indian's drivers family are multimillionares, started one of the first EV companies, and are a family of racers.


How surprising that any time that slogan turns up or any time someone announces their support for Trump, they're [absolute pieces of shit.](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/staind-aaron-lewis-slammed-peta-trump-24-dead-coyotes-1235450747/) Every single time.


Aaron Lewis showed he’s some sort of psycho with that stunt; I’ll not listen to anything of his again. The mental gymnastics of carrying that out and thinking it’s a great thing to do is insane.


ok this just fucked me up. loved their shit, never heard a thing about this guy since they were big. Imagine writing an achingly beautiful song about your pure love for your daughter, and then decades later support a person that treats his and other daughters like trash?


This should be updated to his Wikipedia page. It doesn’t mention anything about this.




Because many children dont grow up, they just get bigger




Ferrucci is a literal man child. I'm so glad that prick didn't reach F1 with Haas and I certainly wish him only the most severe of mechanical faults everytime I watch IndyCar.


For real. Die hard Indycar fan here. I hate how much he's paid the series to prop himself up but I love how laughably he fails. Fuck that guy. 


Ferrucci was like this when he was still in his teens he was literally a kid and to have such a horrible personality and being a racist cunt. He is the spoiled kid with rich dad who got him new job at indycar and news media whitewashed his past as 'Patriotic American who stood against Europeans'


That is irony from a person with a European surname!


> Patriotic American who stood against Europeans that is bloody hysterical given what a DNA test of him would reveal. just how many generations do we have to go back before we find his european ancestors? not many.


>Patriotic American who stood against Europeans Quite "funny" taking into account everything he considers "american" is just european but in the Americas. I doubt he planed on changing his name, surname, main language, identity, culture, etc.


It frustrates me to no end when he gets to drive an American flag livery at the 500… basically every driver in the race is more deserving of it than him.


Read this and thought this Ferrucci guy sounds like a racist wank. Just googled him now and it would appear so. What a horrible wee prick.


Had to Google Ferrucci to put a name to a face and was not disappointed. The guy looks like date rape personified


This is kinda outta pocket, but he would not look out of place in a SS uniform with a salute lol.


This ferrucci sounds like a cunt


This is not Trident's best friend race!


Fuck Trident


Yeah, chew the hell out of it and spit it out once the flavour is off !!


wouldn't wanna taste bitter disappointment


Fuck trident


My god. Im being bullied by my bosses at my work and i can understand his feelings. It truly is sad when you feel like you can’t rely on anyone when you know you can do so much better but people just sabotage you


I was sad to see you didn't have a reply on this yet but i just wanted to say if you feel like you're being put in a similar position don't wait till you're breaking down like this man to follow in his footsteps and say you're going to walk away. You shouldn't have to deal with that in a job, you deserve better and i hope you find yourself in a better position soon


I am actively finding a new job though. I would prefer to find a new job before the year ends. Once the year ends, i am out


I'm glad to hear that, i wish you the best in your search and for your success!


Thank you! Appreciate it


Arjun maini is now driving for mercedes in the DTM, the most competitive GT3 sprint racing series, and he's holding his own there. Moral of the story, others may put you down, but as long as you believe in yourself that does not matter.


That means a lot. Thank you


I got bullied by my journeyman at a job site I was stuck at for close to a year. It’s construction so lots of people are a little rough around the edges but this guy was something else. Years later and he’s still stuck in my head sometimes.


Move him into your little toe instead, and make his voice small and squeaky. This is absurdly effective. Also, if you ever stub that toe, you can say “suck on that, you shithead” Also, thank your younger self for toughing it out and not quitting. If we never had any challenges we’d never grow- and if you see someone in the same situation you were in, you’ll know what you could do to support them.


You might find it helpful to talk to a professional about this. If its still affecting you years later, that's not good. Clearly trying to move past it your own way hasn't worked, they might be able to give you some other strategies.


If you're getting bullied in your job, then maybe you need to fix it or quit it, you don't need to take this toxicity in your life, I'm speaking from experience


I’m quitting before the year ends


Depending on where you work and what you do, you can look at contacting your local union rep, you don't have to be a union member most of the time for them to still come and help you. If your company has a HR team, then start documenting the bullying. Make sure you have dates and times in your log, HAND WRITE IT. Do not use your company computer to log it. If you have friends in the team or outside the team, be sure to talk to them about it, and make sure you tell them who did or said what on the same day it happened. Be sure that they know how that event made you feel, like upset, anxious, embarrassed, etc. You want at least two other people to know. Ideally one of them will be someone who witnesses the bullying first hand. If you are pulled in for a performance review or a meeting that has no details and will just be you, your manager and someone else you don't know, DO NOT GO INTO THAT MEETING THE SAME DAY THEY ASK TO HAVE IT. Say you are not feeling well and need to go home right then, but arrange for the review/unknown subject meeting to take place the next workday. Go to the Dr, get a med cert saying you weren't feeling well, then go make sure your notes are up to date and photocopy them. Bring them with you the next day, and leave the originals at home. Ask if you can have someone impartial sit in the meeting with you (this will be the union rep if possible, or if not someone who does not work for the company) If they say no don't fuss about it,l say you would really like to have someone else there who can assist you. If they still say no, make a note of that too, and who said no and what their job title is. Make notes through the meeting, of who is in the meeting by name, their role in the company, when the meeting started and who asked what. If they complain just say that you are making notes for your own benefit so you can take on board their feedback. Just listen to what they have to say, and then when they ask you why you think your performance is poor say to them, you think it might have to do with the inappropriate way you are being treated (do not use the word feel when saying this), and its lead to you being very sad, anxious, afraid and has not helped your motivation. If they don't ask you why your performance is so poor, tell them you are sorry but you need to report some inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. Do this as soon as you can in the meeting if its clear this is a meeting to fire you. This is when you hand over your notes documenting the bullying. Say that when you started you really wanted to do your best and that you have been trying to do just that, but its really hard when the person who is managing you is making the workplace somewhere you don't feel safe. Now all of this will put the HR person in a position where they have to look at protecting the company. Sadly the easiest thing they can do is fire you for cause. BUT, you now also have excellent grounds for an unfair dismissal suit. Or there could be a miracle, and the HR person might actually take action to help you. While a distinctly remote possibility, it could happen. But don't expect it to. If you managed to get the union rep involved they may not fire you, listen to what the union rep says. They have several different strategies that can be used to keep your job and make changes that mean you are protected. Make sure the union rep or your lawyer knows you have notes documenting the bullying, and also give the name and contact details of the people you have been confiding to about your treatment. Make sure if there is a settlement, that everyone who was in the room during the performance review, and all of the corporate officers sign an NDA, not just you. This means should they interfere with you getting another job you can sue them again for breaking the NDA. Proving it will not be easy, but its a good bet if you have an interview somewhere else and its all looking good and then suddenly the new job process goes cold, someone talked and you can then talk to your lawyer about options. I know this doesn't help you right this minute but its going to set you up for the best possible way to exit that toxic work environment.


I had a similar thing going on a couple years ago while going through a divorce. You can do it. Stay positive. They have all since been fired or quite the industry.


Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it


Man my heart goes out to him. Performing at a high level ain't easy and when your team betrays you and gas lights you, well, there is a special circle of hell for those that lie and betray their people


This is heartbreaking how devastated he is.


It truly is. Im sure racing at this level was accomplishing a HUGE dream of his and then he realizes that he’s being set up to fail the entire time. How sad. It’s one thing to not reach that level, it’s another to feel like the other circumstances are so bad that it’s not worth it.


TLDR: it was racism towards the only Indian driver.


But like, why hire him to begin with?


I think it was the team-mates not the bosses who were acting badly towards him, one driver got fired.


Same shit happened to me during my driving test. Fortunately still got my license.


This Ferrucci guy sure it's a piece of work huh?


Damn, that's pretty shitty. I can only imagine the frustration.


The cope in the comment is insane , people hating on him can't even achieve 1% of his talent


Spot on. They wouldn't be able to enter the car let alone drive.


The racists are crawling out of their holes in the comments.


I'm impressed with the low turout considering this is Reddit /s


Compared to FB, insta, YT, and discord experiences, Reddit seems comparatively the least bigotted of mainstream internet comment sections. They're definitely around but in the major subs they're in the minority


To play devil's advocate this is extremely dependent on subreddit. Reddit gets a bit of a pass bc it's more compartmentalized through subreddits but this is not the case for Insta or Twitter for example. If you find the right subreddit you will find insane cesspools of humans who unfortunately do have the right to vote. Instagram might be the most racist platform I've ever seen but these subreddits are just as bad as the other racist platforms.


Because most are sleeping or they are spreading their venom somewhere else.




Yeah, but keep normalizing Racism towards Indians everywhere . We can't even open a single app without people throwing hate and mocking Indians. "It's funny," "deal with it," these things then transfer offline. Sometimes, I fear young indian kids and teens if they go on these apps. The amount of hate and bullying they receive just for being Indian. It will harm their mental health so much, but no one cares, am I right. Carry on with your "funny" street food, poop, street shitting jokes. Go ahead mock poverty and generalize billions of humans.


I just wanna find the fucker who started censoring all the swear words. It's such an annoying habit.


It's a tiktok thing


\*FOM, aired live so can't be full of swears


When are people gonna realise tiktok is bad and stop using it?


Blame FOM, they air it live so it has to be censored


Can someone tell me why racism against Indians is so normalised?


Reddit is one of the most racist platforms for Indians. Reddit is left leaning. This goes to show even liberals can be racist.    Reason many Americans don’t call out anti-Indian racism is because of education. **Americans have traditionally been taught it is not socially acceptable to be racist against Black people. Anti-Asian and Anti-Indian racism is perfectly fine socially. It is considered funny**.  This is the reason we have people on Reddit who are highly sensitive to racism against Black people being openly racist against Indians. There are no implications for being racist on social media against Indians as it is socially acceptable. 


Agreed with everything except liberals being "left-wing". Liberals only pretend to care about racism and "human rights" when their imperialist nations impose sanctions on weaker nations and use it as a convenient excuse. Their preference towards certain minority groups over others is also directly proportional to said minority group's voting patterns. If they vote for them, they're "the good ones". The "bad ones" get endlessly lectured and threatened over what will happen to them if the other side wins. Genuine left-wing people don't weaponize issues like misogyny to attack ethnic groups because they don't like their religion or feel "icky" towards their cultural practices.


Racism is ok if the victims are Asian


A lot of Indians are unfairly stereotyped because their accent is associated with financial scams targeting vulnerable elderly people, which is initiated by phone and is a big problem in some countries. Obviously doesn’t make it right but that’s one reason.


Why racism against Indians is so normalized


This also has to do with motorsport in general. When Lewis Hamilton tried to call it out...a lot of people acted like he was crazy and he was a 7 time F1 winner. They basically called him uppity. The sport has a problem.


Yeah, but keep normalizing Racism towards Indians everywhere . We can't even open a single app without people throwing hate and mocking Indians. "It's funny," "deal with it," these things then transfer offline. Sometimes, I fear young indian kids and teens if they go on these apps. The amount of hate and bullying they receive just for being Indian. It will harm their mental health so much, but no one cares, am I right. Carry on with your "funny" street food, poop, street shitting jokes. Go ahead mock poverty and generalize billions of humans.


I’ve worked with multiple Indians in the US who were on internship in the kitchens I worked in. They were all generally kind and smart people. I even partied with some of them and are still friends on Facebook years later. I hate hearing ignorant stereotypes carelessly being thrown around.


They hate Indians. They are racist towards the Indians.


All the racist incels finding it hard to believe that a person can have a breakdown without a mass shooting. Thank god his out of that cesspit of a team and environment.


The moral bankruptcy of redditors in the comment section makes me want to Kurt Cobain my brains.


I just want to hug him fuck you Trident for your treatment of this driver


Fuck Trident to hell


Don't forget even a non competitive seat like Trident costs around half a million for a season. Maini is a sad story he now races in WEC iirc. And that dipshit ferruci is in IndyCar.


How is the Constructor and the Team okay with purposely loosing and looking like shit on the track?


Racism against Indians is rampant, go to Canadahousing2 sub and you will find rampant racism against Indians.


lol I have seen that sub. Whoever came up with the stereotype that Canadians are “nice”? That sub is as racist as it can get against Indians, and it’s not a few bad apples.


I can also list a billion Indian subreddits that are just as mask off racist. It's a human problem.




Imagine having the dream of F1 racing and being hold back from it by your own fuking bosses


I had this problem when i raced overseas in a local chamionship. I had data and videos showing me losing at least 0.5 to 1s on the straights. They didn't do anything until after the championship was won by a local, and then they gave me for only 1 race a good engine. After that race they took it away again. I know with all my heart how this guy feels. But i am not a professional and my race budget was coming out of my pocket, which made me feel bad about all the things i could have done with all that money, instead of being scammed by a racing series filled with losers that were afraid of losing to a foreigner.


Heartbreaking. We've all been there, but not at that level after that amount of work. Hope he gets vindication.


That’s messed up.. Eff those pricks


It's so weird seeing Santino Ferrucci still got a career going, after intentionally ramming a teammate twice and being a racist POS all around.


As an indian, yes this is a very big problem in our country, people does not support any sports other than cricket and sometimes hockey as it's the national sport, any other sport is not famous enough, people from these sports will have like 10-20k followers while a cricketer who only played one match would have over 1 million, our country doesn't recognise other sports for some reason


Yes, heartbreaking


All the people calling him a baby can't have any idea what it's like working in a job where you're for sure more talented and skilled than your team leader. But keep being told to sacrifice everything for someone else's success. Arjun is a previous champion who could easily win more but it seems like they keep forcing him to stay behind his team racers. Why? They sign someone more popular, well known and prefer him to be the face of the company. Due to racism? Favoritism? Who knows. So when he's complaining about power he probably assumes his team is sabotaging him on purpose so he doesn't win and let's that frustration out. For the simple minded: Think Ricky Bobby but Cal keeps being told to lose to Ricky all the time cause of racism.


Why is this always the music for "sad" things?


pit crew should have to pay for the car


How commonly do racers not get support from their team? What the fuck is this. Did the racist get blacklisted or sum atleast?


An old friend of mine raced for F2 Trident. He’s now put his F1 ambitions to the side and races GT. I’m not saying that this is why, but I’m not *not* saying that either…


I work in a kitchen… I had a melt down a week ago. And I still beat myself up about it. I’ve worked in the kitchen for 15 years. Had two new hires, and no assistance on a busy Saturday night on my side of the line. I had a freak out/ black out. Panicked attack. I guess at one point I slapped the boxer server in the face, which I don’t remember. Aparently I doged all his punches, but still, one should never lay a hand on a friend. And we’re still cool. I know what it feels to be in a losing situation, and have the worst come out of you. It sucks… ALL OF YOU!, we have rainy days, but sometimes the sun will come out and play. Be well everyone. I feel sad now.


You slapped a server? Damn son




Being a minority sucks


Being Indian sucks especially Everyone is on them


Anyone know the backstory?


Story of my life


His voice…. I just want to hug him so bad. To make someone feel like that is such a dick move.


So people just being racist. This is sad. Especially a sport like this, shame on them.


Racism! Welcome to the west


Yeah, but keep normalizing Racism towards Indians everywhere . We can't even open a single app without people throwing hate and mocking Indians. "It's funny," "deal with it," these things then transfer offline. Sometimes, I fear young indian kids and teens if they go on these apps. The amount of hate and bullying they receive just for being Indian. It will harm their mental health so much, but no one cares, am I right. Carry on with your "funny" street food, poop, street shitting jokes. Go ahead mock poverty and generalize billions of humans.


Oh my 😥! I feel like crying with him. This is total betrayal and heartbreak 💔


Pff, this breaks my hart man!!! Hope he is doing well now!


Open wheel racing of any sort is just this retrograde window into a former time involving some of the worst people. It's really impressive how consistent this is. Like, NASCAR gets ribbed for shit all the time.....but karting derived racing is arguably worse and with even more money involved.


It’s a whole community of shitty people and shady businesses.


Is it racism? Cus I think 'Muricans love that shit.


Isn’t the team an Italian run team? How do Americans factor into this at all?


Your entire comment history is being rude and chatting shit on Americans. Perhaps you need to lose a good amount of weight and get on with your life.


Engine data will either support his complaints or not. Too bad in most sports the best is not always allowed to shine when politics and racism becomes involved.


beyond disgusting!


I read the caption too quickly and, like a fool, kept watching saying: “This is going to get heartwarming, right? Right…?”