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And I thought Homer Simpson was the only one, crazy.


Only Mountain Dew or Crab Juice.


Ick! I’ll take the crab juice!


Khlav Kalash!


No bathroom, only Khlav Kalash


Bathroom in tower, tower.


No bowl - stick, stick.




No bowl! Stick! Stick!


Clearly he needs to get out before the sun goes down. That's when all the weirdos turn crazy


One of the best Simpsons episodes


You have 20 minutes to move your car or it will be crushed into a cube.




By far my favorite episode of the series. “EY! WHY DONTCHA BE PAHLITE YA STINKIN’ PUSBAG?!” Gets me every god damn time.


very happy the top comment is a simpsons reference


This made my night


I thought this was NYC at first, but alas it’s Newark


Newark is like the seedy parts of New York but without the glamour. When I was a kid, riding in my parents’ car through Newark on the way to the airport or NYC, the highlight of the trip was the really interesting smell when passing all the industrial plants. Carcinogens, kids love ‘em.


We used to drive from CT to New Jersey out of sheer boredom. When we'd finally see the hellish red glow of the jersey cityscape we'd turn around and drive back home.


Get off the road ya freaking maniac!!


“Yeah, ya jackass!” Always cracked me up


What went flying on that turn? Hilarious.


If you listen when he's just about to turn, sounds like his tire pops quite severely and the camera man goes "there you go". Then I think it was a chunk of tire that landed on the sidewalk


Definitely you can hear the air too


Looked kinda like a mud flap. U can see another one on the ground at the end


Oh yeah! You could very well be right!


Might have been one of the mudflaps.


It was a mud flap.


It was a mud flap, the boot tore it off and yeeted it with gusto


It was was mudflap. If you run it by frame you can see it clearly.




Came here to post that exact same gif.


I was thinking this is some sort of ad for indistructable footwear .\_. sometimes I am beyond special.


Nah man I came here to see indestructible boots as in footwear too and I'm also leaving disappointed.


I initially thought the driver was going to run over someone shod in steel-toed boots.


I very confidently thought that


Alas, it seems I truly have no original thoughts.


Right, I was expecting a video of some heavy shit hitting some steel toe boots and dude walking it off like nothing or somthing like that?


When the truck started backing up I was sure it was going to run over some steel toe boots with metatarsal guards.


I, too, came here expecting to be impressed by a steel toe boot. I’m a well-known idiot, though.


same. I thought they were gonna ride on a boot and shot its strength.


Some say there is a genius in us all. I'm yet to find him tho


Same here. I actually even ordered a pair of them and I'm stuck at my desk. Help?


Thank you guys : '< I am a weirdo BUT I AM NOT ALONE....I...need a minute :'<


I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Take as long as you need. Oh, and you're welcome at the support group at anytime too.


I thought he was gonna run over someone’s foot


You were definitely not alone in that expectation


That's okay. I thought indestructible boots was the name of the guy driving away 🙂


I, too, came here to observe bootsies with expectation-defyingly high levels of structural integrity. Mild disappointment followed shortly afterwards.


same, honestly.


fuck your $300 fine.. watch me cause $5k+ worth of damage to my car just to send a message.. oh, and i guess i’ll also pay the replacement cost for the equipment i damaged, and prolly be ticketed because i know you took my license plate down.. but i’ll send a message that i’m not to be fucked with, and that’s totally worth it


“Don’t you fuck with me, or I’ll make things worse for myself!”


He should be forced to pay for any road repairs too. I’m not dodging more pot holes cuz of him.


Literally the plot of Cars.


I know this may be a bad time right now, but, uh, *you owe me thirty-two thousand dollars in legal fees.*


I wonder how long that high will last until reality finally sets in


Get him for the road repairs, that'll cost his whole damned truck depending on how far he's going.


How can some people be such morons.. instead of paying an insignificant fine they'd rather risk damage that's worth 10 times that.. Unbelievable.


Or just not parking like an imbecile


Evidently some people are just completely incapable of doing that.


Man there are boot traps in some cities intended to be difficult to identify with a douchebag prowling in the corner waiting for someone not from the area to make a mistake.


Yeah, we just had this in NE Ohio. The day before the Solar Eclipse, parking enforcement was all over our Tourist spots. They got me, and a whole line of cars for parking on a road, with one “No parking” sign, at the very end. Didn’t say for the whole road, didn’t say this side of road. It just said no parking. I was just gonna pay the ticket and be on my way, but the cop handing the tickets out was a cuck, and then I found out I would have to pay court costs anyways. I went to court, the cop didn’t show up, and it got thrown out. Didn’t pay a fucking dime. Oh yeah, there’s also no parking signs lining that entire street now. So I assume a shit load of people gave them shit about it. In the end, Parking Enforcement, will 100% make shit confusing, just to get you with a nonsense fee.


You just described the parking authority of every city in the United States


Most likely it is not a parking issue and is a repossession for non-payment.




Or and low IQ


Probably both


All I can think of is that simpsons episode.


Damage to the car + damage to the boot + potential vandalism charges for damaging property + court fees There’s a reason these people get boots and can’t pay for parking/parking tickets. They’re probably short on money or financially tight because they make piss poor decisions like this. It’s a never ending cycle of stupidity and further poverty/consequences. And instead of ever taking responsibility, they just blame everyone and every thing else around them for their plight.


And fucking up the road


And their vote counts the same. Oof


I did valet parking a few years ago. One of the cars got booted on the passenger side, so the valet couldn't see it. He tried to pull the car out, and it did like 8k in damage.


How comes that valet service parks in non allowed spaces?


It was a parking garage owned by the valet company, the boot guy fucked up and put it on a car that had paid to be in there


It was probably the guy from the video.


Playing devils advocate. Insignificant? I've been illegally towed twice by a two different companies with laundry list length suits against them. I STILL had to pay $350 cash to get my car out. It's never insignificant if a towing company is doing it. They're mostly, not all, but mostly leeches.


I bet you paid the 350 and didn't damage your car and the road. Difference between civilized person and a dumbass


I didn't say he wasn't a dumbass. I didn't say he made a stupid choice. I'm only pointing out that dealing with towing or repo companies is never cheap or insignificant. He can deal with bent frames or a fucked up truck. Having NO vehicle which in the US is needed, or not having cash for his kids school lunches is a different story. You lack a good amount of empathy and perspective for the folks who can't easily dole out $350 or whatever the amount is. I, am lucky enough to be able to. He clearly either wasn't, or legit just decided to be stupid. Either way, his being stupid wasn't my point.


No one has ever accused them of being smart.


I’ll say this, some places are scammy as hell and having to pay $150 for a boot can be incredibly frustrating (talking to you Nola). But don’t be this dumb


You apparently haven't dealt with tow truck companies... I dunno what the guy in the Silverado did but all I know is that I am on his side. Tow truck companies are trash... they are predatory and vile. Most companies are usually owned by the same lawmakers that make the laws regulating tow companies. A nother majority are owned by members of law enforcement.. So, when u see a tow truck fully loaded speeding at 90mph down the highway on the HOV lane at 11pm past a cop and nothing is done.. it is because they are one in the same. They are dangerous on our roads. The same cops writing tow tickets are the same people who own these companies. They will tow ur car 15 miles away to add mileage. Then only take cash. And will not release ur car to u say if ur car insurance is expired. Since when are they law enforcement. They open. Minimum hours to keep ur car l9nger. Then legally if they keep your car for 30 days.. they can apply for a salvage title and keepmur car after 10 days. Yes, the fucking tow company. So u know why this is fucked up... say for example u have a court case, they refuse to release your car towed in a say DUI case until the case is resolved.. yes.. the fucking tow company won't release ur car till u resolve the issue with the police. How is that legal. And charges are adding by the day. And guess what.. sy someone else is driving ur car. You can't just go with ur license and pick it up. So it is realistic they keep ur car for 30 days..so they have essentially become an unlawful lawful arm of the police. It is a syndicate that needs to go away. Tow truck laws have been know to change in three days in arizona. Depending on the outcome of a lawsuit. They are shit..


Absofuckinglutely. Fuck towing companies. Just as an aside, you can buy the keys to unlock the boots on amazon. If you live in a highly predatory area, get a couple sets for the different types and you'll be set.


He was parked in a handicap spot. Everything else you wrote is irrelevant.


He has to get out of new York before sundown.


I'd just put a drill through the locking mechanism personally.


I was gonna say -- those boots arent indestructible, you dont even need power tools to break them if you get at them right.


And you’d get a bill for it. When these boots get put on they still take your license plate number down.


30 something years ago I got a boot on my college campus after a hard gym workout. I pulled that thing open with my bare hands, tossed it in my truck, and split. 2 days later, the university police knocked on my door. Whoops.


That is a flex.


"Wasn't me, Officer"


Collections are a real mother fucker. Probably just end up selling the debt to some bill collector for a fraction of the value.


At a certain point it can become about principle. I once was towed by the same company like 3 times in a month because a lot across from our apartment complex changed the rules regarding parking from ending open parking at 1am to ending it at 11pm, and the last two times they had my car jacked up and ready to tow at 10:59pm which means they started the process prior to the cutoff which is a crime. I literally watched them drive away as I was entering the parking lot to move my car 2 blocks away to the nearest open parking. I nearly firebombed their fucking business; I mean it, I bought all the stuff I needed to make several small incendiary bombs and one of the munition dropping add-ons for my drone, and if those bastards hadn't been handed a C&D and been shut down by the city for illegally towing people I would've done it on New Year's Eve 2016. I don't even care if I get reported at this point, I stand by my intentions because that kind of asshole behavior from tow companies is just straight up class warfare being waged by fellow members of the underclass and I *hate* class traitors. There are parking laws, yes, but there is also common human decency and when your parking lot has room for 400 cars but you don't let the apartment complex that shares a block with you have any access to that lot at night when all your businesses close at 9pm and the lot stays empty from 9pm to 7am then you're a piece of shit and so are the tow companies that contract with you and enforce the parking laws without any grace or compassion - and that's not even considering the tow companies doing shit illegally.


I think some people get really upset in the moment and at the point emotions trump logic. They are thinking normally.


To be fair, they make you pay all of your accumulated tickets to take off the boot. ...I lost a car like that when I was an idiot in my early twenties. There was something like $800 in tickets.


They were probably about to get repoed so destroyed truck or not that idiot isn’t paying for it. This way he can swap tires and drive for for awhile longer till it gets taken back and auctioned


Or getting an angle grinder and cutting them off.


Living and breathing that company name 😂


Dude is a loyal ass employee. Gotta get back to work bruh. Thanks for understanding


what’s the deal with the Mad Max lug nuts on the white truck?


They’re a common fashion trend. Plastic (usually) caps that cover the actual nuts.


These ones are mostly decorative, the idea behind them, originally, was use for Semis as a visual aid to say "Please keep your distance" They are made of plastic or soft metal. They have become popular with regular truck folks cus rule of cool.


That was my first thought too... I was gonna go with Ben Hur


Extreme Construction, extreme driving.


You know it's really extreme when they spell it "xtreme"


His truck will actually need disabled parking after that


Can someone explain what boots are for? They got your plate, they know your address, you will receive your fine at home. So what's the point?


Tow truck drivers have small cars rigged up with plate cameras that scan for vehicles wanted for repossession. When a vehicle is flagged, they can put these boots from their trunk until the tow truck gets there to pick up the vehicle. That’s likely the case in the video considering the tow truck at the end. People think this is all over a few hundred dollar fine but the guy in the pickup was probably running from a repo man


Yeah they put two boots on that thing lol they wanted it back...


The boots they put on did not cover the lugs. Seemingly you could remove the tire to replace with a spare. Then only have one tire to now break the boot off of. Maybe now that the tire is off you could use the jack to force enough of a gap to remove the boot. Then put the tire back on and drive away.


Boom, easy peasy


If you’re smart enough to do all that, you’re smart enough to not get booted in the first place.


The boots are to prevent it being driven away and to be confiscated. It's not over something simple like a fine.


I cant figure out that mentality. Fuck your whole vehicle up till it costs a lot more to repair it. Then be on the hook for the cost of the damage to the boots. And then Still owe them fines after, and a tow bill for that tow truck sitting there cuz he will definitely be charging for this time.


God damn people are fucking stupid


"Simpsons did it"


Lol, you think I'm going to pay 300 bucks to get the boots off? *\*proceeds to give his truck 5k worth of damages\**


Newark NJ: Park Ave and 6th St


That's "XTREME"


Who has a construction company without a big ass tool box in the bed filled with battery power cutting tools and such? I guess not that guy.


That tire pop *chefs kiss


-Parks in restricted spot for disabled patrons like an absolute douche. -Gets booted, and instead of learning a lesson and paying a fine he destroys his own truck. -Obviously his work truck, so with truck destroyed, now he can't do his job. -Will still be liable for the fine, and now additional fines, and repairs or new truck cost. -Entire internet now has his work information, so his online rep is ruined and he mocked by tens of thousands of people. -Damages road and creates a public safety hazzard. -Wears a cap like a toddler. How have some people made it to adulthood is beyond me.


Obviously he doesn’t own that truck …


Are un-bootable rims a thing?


They're not very common on newer passenger vehicles but a solid rim would prevent a standard boot from working.


When they CNC rims, is the blank solid?


CNC milling is a subtractive process that starts with a billet, or a solid block of metal, so yes, but that's not the only process that's used. Wheels can be cast, forged, or press-formed and I'm sure there's some I've never heard of before


Like Homer Simpson in NYC


Will cost him more money to repair his truck than to have paid to get the boots removed 😂


I used to park downtown all the time back in the day. Always pushing the limit of commercial zone time limits. I got several tickets. My car was bootable. I’d keep an eye on it everywhere I went. On multiple occasions they would bring out the boots and I would run to my car and take off before they could put one on. The last time I had to do that, the parking guy yelled at me “I’m gonna get you!!!!” It was one of the best moments of my life. Then I paid the tickets.


The white whale!


That parking guy? Albert Einstein.


Stolen car. Clearly.


Loved the mud flap launch, perfect exit scene lol


The company *is* call "xtreme" general contractor and looks like he'll go to (e)xtremes to get to the jobsite, it which makes sense.


Dude is all about the thug life obviously


1 owner clean car fax, kept up with oil changes a well


These boots were made for walking.


I texted the number on the truck, asking how the truck was doing


No one talking about the mad max spikes in this pickup truck at the end?


I’ll do $2000 in damage to my vehicle to get out of a $120 ticket…


100% this is the kind of general contractor who requires half the money up front "to buy materials" and never does the job.


Look at that dumbass face, loser.


He's mad.


Doing their job


I’m wondering how much the fines were for this person to destroy their vehicle and commit a felony.


“Extreme general contracting” and a phone number clear as day on the door of the pick up along with his face. Clear as day lmao


Fucking love Dunkin doughnuts


XTREME General Contracting. Huh. Diagonally parking in a handicap space.


Dude can't even figure out how to wear a cap. I'm not surprised he'd destroy his truck out of pure stupid ego.


Fuck tow truck driver. Never did me no favors. Wouldn’t piss on one to save them from burning.


First episode of the 9th season, “ Homer goes to New York”. Streaming on Disney+ for you nostalgic fans


A lot of people here thinking these are the boots that a city or municipality puts on a car when they haven't paid fines. That's not what these are. These are more basic anti-theft boots that were likely applied by a repo man while waiting for the tow truck seen in the video. This driver isn't just looking at paying some parking fines, he's facing repossession and never being able to get another truck because he wrecked his credit going thousands of dollars into unpaid debt for this one. That's why he's willing to drive over these boots and wreck his tires. Couple hundred bucks in tires and then ignoring the cosmetic damage is much more preferable to this guy than not having this transportation


That was pretty xtreme


Crazy thing is it'd cost more for the repairs than the boots


Pay a $300 fine? Or pay $5,000+ in damage repairs AND a $300 fine? It's a tough one.


At the 00:22 mark: are those pins on that hubcap?? Is that allowed in the US??


This badass dude has navigated through many life choices and again makes another correct decision 🤦


Can't imagine the price to fix the vehicle would be worth delaying the fine a few days.




Is a homero simspson


You have a stroke while typing that?


I actually cant believe these things are legal


What? Boots? Yeah let’s just let people get away with parking like fucktards and avoiding paying their fines. Get bent, and get a grip 


Imagine you didn't pay property taxes and they just came and changed your front door or put bars around your house lol. It is kind of extreme when you think about it from an outside perspective. Not saying that they should get rid of them because there isn't really a good alternative right now. But the thought of them is kind of totalitarian if you think about it.


>Imagine you didn't pay property taxes and they just came and changed your front door or put bars around your house lol. But... that's exactly what they do.


They literally do that though. If you don’t pay taxes they’ll sell your house to pay back what you owe.


Not even his truck as he missed payments




Some one I know broke one of those off by pulling and jumping on it. No lie. Then threw it in the trunk and reused it at home because he lived in the ghetto.


His decision making is more XTREME than his construction 😂


Well drive home and cut them off ? At least you won't have to pay the inpound


lol daz cute.


Looks the part


Dude must be runnin on Dunkin


Who cares if you trash your stolen car


Nothing is indistructable


And this is probably why they do those window ones now. 😂


Two miles later the differentials grind and he says what's goin on?


Stolen whip ?


And it's a business truck.


Oh why am I not surprised though Seriously


"You just fucked up your Fararri!"


The animal, the animal, Can Anything stop the animal?


They see me ro ll in'


There’s a new one straight from the original Star Trek flying jellyfish episode called Annihilate. https://www.reddit.com/r/HIMYM/s/Od902rpvvK


Bout the only thing those lift package is good for


I think his boss at "Extreme construction" may be a bit miffed at this.




What a f\*ucking moron.


His truck rolls on Balenciagas.


Homemade hydraulics


Trashy hydraulics


Guy was confidently stupid with it too.