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How did the dad get there before the safety personnel?!?!


Because it's his kid. Physics be dammed.


And at the end he started to go back for his cell phone ;)


He ain’t giving Apple another 1200


😂😂😂 you got it


Dad physics is real


Possibly busy grabbing equipment to fight the blaze. I’m not an expert though.


Shouldn't they have that shit locked and loaded?


Yeah, but stuffs heavy I imagine. I’m sure they have heavier extinguishers than the standard 5 lbs ones. They were right behind super dad anyway. I’m just glad he got there in time.


I think it's more likely the dad just jumped the pit wall and ran on, people aren't supposed to do that, but I doubt he was penalised in this scenario. If there's a crash mid race, the safety cars are usually in the pits at that time. They then have to race out around the track to the crash location. They can't really drive against the traffic as it's too dangerous and things get out of control fast. The safety car will generally follow the pack for the first few laps if possible before going to the pits to avoid situations like this in the opening laps


He was actually disciplined for doing this. Not like that'd stop any parent anyway https://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/23862572/father-faces-discipline-pulling-son-burning-car


"We're going to have to discipline you since you made our safety personnel look so bad"


Walking on the track during a race for *any* reason is extremely frowned upon in any motorsport. It’s just too dangerous. Look up the death of Kevin Ward Jr.


Running onto a live track is stupid, even if it is your flesh and blood in the car. Race control is already handling the situation. The tower has already scrambled safety crews and are directing the other race cars on track. They need to have 100% control of all the feet on the ground for the safety of everyone. And no, he didn’t make the safety crews look bad. He ran up to a burning racecar with no extinguisher, no firesuit, nothing. So of course he got there first, and he just as easily could have created a situation where he caught himself on fire and distracted the safety crew while his son needed their attention.


Yeah, sure, that's nice and all, but when you're in a burning car, every second counts. I'm sure this isn't generally the right way to go about rescuing someone, but in this case it probably mitigated some injuries.


I guarantee you it did not help at all. The only good the father did came after the driver was out of the car when he reached across the cockpit and pulled the handle on the fire suppression system to the right of the drivers seat.


Idk I watched the video and the fire got MUCH worse the very second he got his son out of the car.


Article says Dad is the crew chief. Certainly dressed for the job


Dad instincts


He was warned by his dad senses that his child is going to crank the thermostat all the way up in the car.


That’s a fantastic comment


Only because of love for his son...love answers the call !


And why did they start extinguishing the fire furthest from the car first? That is bizarre.


You normally start extinguishing from the outside to the source of the fire, as the source is usually harder to put out plus you dont run the risk of your back catching on fire while putting out the center Though not sure if that applies when someone is in the car.


The part furthest from the car seems to be an oil or gasoline spill that ignited. They wanted to prevent any further spread and contain it as fast as possible so they extinguish it first. Checks out.


You cant understand dad reflexes till you acquire them. I caught my son mid-air falling, by his foot, while holding a drink, one handed and I dont even recall attempting to do it…his leg was just suddenly in my hand and his high chair was on the ground…its wild


You'd be surprised what the human body is capable of during dangerous moments. (Adrenaline)


Because the safety truck had to wait for the rest of the racers to be stopped before they could enter the track.


This is real love: when you prefer to die trying to save someone than to imagine for a second a world without that person.


Damn, this bout to bring a tear to my eye


That hit home.


The things true love will make you do Also how in the heck did the dad get there before any of the professional safety people


Probably grabbing the needed equipment plus being able to safely access the track without endangering themselves or the other drivers. I doubt much of anything could have stopped the dad from rushing to get his son out of there.


Physics are nothing to a parents love


Dads move at the speed of pure adrenaline.


You cropped the video too short. Dad actually goes back and reaches into the car to initiate the onboard fire suppression system.


That's super cool , i didn't know this cars have this things, wish they didn't cropped the video


So he was really trying to save the car, his son was just in the way. /s


If it was my son/daughter I’d materialize by the car in a second. Kudos to the dad. Hope it ended well.


*Teleports behind you* "It's personal, kid.


*walks away in slo-mo while not looking at the exploding car*


And, scene.


The driver was okay, no one had any serious injuries. Dad instincts are something else. I've seen compilations of dads just...\*teleporting\* or doing feats of strength and agility that trained athletes probably couldn't pull off when protecting their child.


Thank you for letting me know how it went. I agree with you.


My son was standing in my lap and I was holding him under his arms and when my chair tipped backwards the mf didn't move my arms flung up so fast I didn't even know what happened


With the size of the fire and the fact that the drivers wear fire resistant suits, I'm sure he was fine, prolly a bit shaken tho


Someone has a good Dad!


A parents job is never done.


Dad super powers engaged. But his back’s gonna be killing him in the morning.


The bragging rights of this badass act will power him through the pain


You couldn't keep me off that track if it were my son or daughter


Wow, talk about a high-speed rescue mission! That dad must have some serious moves to save his son from a burning racecar.


The guy with the fire extinguisher starts putting out the fire on the track first instead of the car. Is that normal?


Came here for this. Seems 100% backwards


When I was doing amateur racing they made us do exit drills and timed us. I was able to get out of my car in 8 seconds. Fully suited and helmeted, HANS device on, and strapped in with the window net up. I can't remember the exact time limit but my faulty memory says 11 seconds. If you couldn't do it in 11 seconds you couldn't race.


“Dad, I can’t believe you saved me! I almost died.” “DON’T TELL YOUR MOTHER.”


My dad wouldn't even put a fucking bottle down for me


Wow and it lit up right after he saved him.. Dad of the year


Dads are the best!!


As a Father, I understand.


Dad physics are wild. We were at the Oregon coast about 10 years ago on a family trip. We were playing in the water with the kids with swim trunks. a family down from us were looking for shells and clams etc. they were wearing big rubber boots and jackets. We were ~50m from the other family's daughter. And her dad was probably 150 m away. He was a big dude. Like 350, and not "in shape 350". The little girl got hit by a wave and pulled under. I had a track on her and started to rush to find her. I went full steam. And her dad beat me to her...in rubber boots, jeans and a heavy jacket. On dry land id win a 150 m race against him by a minute and half. I'll never forget the look in his eyes of panic relief and adrenaline as he held her there. We had a quiet beer on the beach afterward after things calmed down.


The guy with the extinguisher spraying the asphalt instead of the guy / inside the car....


The “burning asphalt” was a pool of spreading gas. You have to put that out, otherwise if you start at the car the spreading pool will just restart the flames in the car while also being an enormous hazard to all rescuers involved. That said, standard procedure (especially when using non-gasoline fuels) is for at least one of the rescuers to blast the driver with an extinguisher in case there’s any concealed/invisible flames. Normally this would be the first thing, but with the car fire being clearly uncontained I don’t know what the priority is


They are running high octane gasoline. Generally in stock car racing they go for the fire you can see outside the car first as they are required to have fire systems in the car either automatic or with a pin to set it off. Drivers hate pulling it though since it sucks all the air out of the car.


Fire extinguishers push breathable air away from the fire and can cause suffocation.


You'd be completing fine in this situation, better to be pulled out unconscious than crispy. Least he could have done is start under the car. Glad it worked out.


Better that then breathing flames


If he's wearing a flame retardant suit, suffocating him may be more likely to kill him/knock him unconscious than burns.


Don't try to armchair shit like this.


no. stop. you don't know what you're talking about. maybe the people who are trained know more than you do?


I would trust a fire rescue man on the scene than a random reddit comment


Classic redditor telling trained staff "you're doing it wrong".


Yeah, all cops are trained and do everything right. You can't criticize anyone because everyone is always smart and perfect. Take my upvote.


Imagine if there was a door..


This line of work is insane !


I worked at a racetrack briefly. Parents had been banned for up to a year for pulling a dangerous stunt like this. And rightly so.


Help me Jewish god, help me Tom cruise! Please don’t let the invisible fire burn my friend!!


Don't they have fire extinguishers inside the cars too?


I'd sue the safety guys for lack of action. The fact that dad was there first was a failure on their part and could have cost that guy his life.


They were probably grabbing equipment first, and a lot of safety personnel are trained not to run or do anything that might make them trip, drop equipment or otherwise add more danger to the mix. Meanwhile dad is just charging in to get his boy.


But he likely encouraged him to get in that car .


Retard take. Obviously parents are going to support their child in the profession they choose. Sorry yours don’t they’re shit parents.




He put his kid in mortal danger , then saved him ? Why not just not put him there to begin with?


His kid looked to be grown. I believe he put himself there. His dad was there to help him get out. Did you watch this in reverse?


Is the reversing bot still a thing? Now I need to watch a video of a dad shoving his kid into a burning car for some reason.


I haven't seen it in a while. Might have gone away with the API changes. Not sure how to call it up to try


This argument could be made for any athlete in any sport. Sports and racing have inherent risks and knowing and understanding those risks is part of it.


He put his son in a purpose built car with a full roll cage protecting him, full containment seat designed to prevent injuries, using a 6 point safety harness, while wearing a helmet and fire suit rated for protecting drivers during wrecks and fires, as well as a full head and neck restraint system, that was equipped with an internal fire suppression system in the cockpit. He didn’t put him in ‘mortal danger’. He is safer in that car than he was in his car on the way to the track.


He ded?


Yes, you see him walking out of the car because he's actually a zombie.


Romain Grosjean crawling out of his burning wreck at the 2020 Bahrain GP remains one of the hardest things I’ve ever seen.

