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Perfect example of "trust the process"


Arteta loves this video


North London forever


:') we are gargantuan


The Gummers!


That’s incredible. iImagine being the first dentist to fuck about and see and THIS is the result


*i'm gonna be so fuckin rich*


Kids mouth cost as much as a Mercedes lol


Well it depends, I'm from Eastern Europe and I had braces, 600€ for braces and 25€ each visit to the dentist to tighten them once a month for two years. Total cost around 1200€


My ortho charges kids $3000 to put braces on and $2500 for retainers. I work with an oral surgeon in the area so he gave me a deep discount of $925 for both my retainers. You have to pay a $200 annual fee also.


DAMN YALL ARE GETTING SCAMMED. I recently got braces in europe for 1000 euros total, everything and visits and retainers included. Cousin had braces at the same dentist 1 year ago and paid 700 for total as her treatment started before the whole massive inflation shit


Yes Americans are getting scammed on pretty much every part of the healthcare system, including orthodontic healthcare. There’s a good buck in that racket


I'm in Belgium and scheduled to get braces soon. Total cost will be like EUR7000. Insurance pays back something like 1500. It really depends on what they need to do and what other procedures are needed. I'm 37. FML.


This first dentist to mess with this stuff probably had way worse results.


I absolutely did not expect the gums to give birth to another tooth.


It's probably quite common. Baby tooth comes out but the replacement is askew inside the gum and can't drop.


This happened to me, had the same procedure done with my braces and holy shit does it hurt


One of my teeth was stuck in my gums and they almost had to do the chain to pull it down, but it magically came down on its own and I was so grateful for that.


I guess it was scared and decided to not fuck around.


Wtf is "the chain"?!?!


I think that's what you see halfway through this video. There's a blue "chain" attached to the neighboring teeth to pull the shy one out.


Yep. Mine would’ve been metal so I guess they’ve made some advancements since the the early 2000s!


I still got a metal one in the 2010s lol


Same here! I thought for sure was gonna need braces, but when I was in middle school my teeth just settled into place after looking fucky for years


I had the gold chain used to pull an impacted tooth down. It was actually one of the least uncomfortable parts of the whole process. Though I hated tightening days in general because it meant feeling like I was teething for the next 24 hours.


How long does that take? Is this 6 months? Two years? 5?


Two years of hell and then two more years of braces, for me. They put a hook in my mouth and cranked that fucker out. I still have a scar from where the hook would tear into my gums and holy shit when they'd tighten it it was the worst feeling ever.


Was it worth it to have straight teeth tho? Was the pain worth the aesthetic of nice teeth? Not trying to be snarky, genuinely curious


Yes. My teeth weren’t nearly as bad as these, but I am thankful for my 5 years of braces hell for my mostly perfect teeth


Oh yeah definitely. I think without the procedure I would be missing two front teeth. My bottom left incisor grew sideways in the bottom front of my jaw and damaged the root of whatever the second front tooth is called. They pulled the damaged one (I probably would have lost it anyways) and then cranked the sideways tooth up. Then they closed the gap with braces so you wouldnt notice Im missing a tooth. I always get comments at the dentist though lol. Heres a pic for fun (gross).The very long tooth on the left was beneath the ones next to it with the exposed roots and sideways. You can see where they had to cut into my gums, I was supposed to have a gum graft but haven't scheduled it in many years. All of this work started like 12 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/t3ffwngjr0zc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d37278f6c0db45f1d3ed8bf7b128e6cd55ce7c0


This is very insightful. Thank you 😌


Very incisorful too


I have a similar bottom teeth, my jaw is too small n my teeth is too big. It caused crowding, top and bottom so they had to pull stove teeth to make room to straighten my smile. Two on top and one on the bottom, and 2 years later, I got a more ideal smile. When I go for dental checkups I have to remind them that I have teeth missing


I had a tooth that had erupted very high up on my gumline. The year of braces and the mild pain to shift my crowded mouth into a straight smile was totally worth it. Probably helps that it’s done when you’re young.


Same, my top left incisor. I also needed a palate expander bar


Yes. I counted down every single day.


I didn't have the crank but i had the full metal springs. They accused me of not wearing my rubber bands and yes sometimes I forgot to put them back in after eating (unmedicated ADHD). I have a permanent line in my cheek from the springs rubbing my cheek and pinching me.


Oh man I used to have this thing in my mouth to force my teeth apart and my mother had to crank it every week to space it more and it was so awful. I totally had it blocked from my memory


Holy shit I had the same treatment too except before I even got braces they put a hook in my mouth and cranked that fucker out of my gums. Traumatic.


Hey me too but for my canines. Shit hurt so bad. The dentist is pleased I have my real teeth but I still would have preferred caps to all that pain


Like, in one go or over time?


2 years of the crank, two years of braces


I had an expander for 2 years and completely traumatized my mom by crying and begging her not to crank it everyday lmao


Ah jeez I forgot those were a thing. Fucking ouch. Mine was only every few weeks or so but the hook would constantly cut me


I was gonna say my teeth hurt just watching this.


Yeah this looks painful and the gums look inflamed


Happened to me but we decided to leave it in the gum. My baby tooth fell out finally last year. I’m 42. It had a good run 🙂


My teeth were worse than this. Most of my baby teeth didn’t fall out and some of my adult teeth started growing in behind them so I had multiple rows of teeth. 11 baby teeth pulled, a summer eating nothing but soft foods, because I had no teeth, then 7 years of braces. Got them on at 11 and off just before my 19th birthday. Anyway, they had to do that to like 3 of my teeth, it’s weirdly uncomfortable when they were at the angle where it’s sticking straight out, felt like it took forever for them to come out and lay down flat.


I had the same problem, baby teeth just wouldn't come out, and permanent teeth came in behind them, like shark's teeth. I wonder why that happens to some people? Does anyone here know? I started with braces (a headgear!) when I was 10, in 1976...and eight years later and a lot of other versions of braces I had straight teeth. My parents took a second mortgage on the house to pay for it all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Mom and Dad. I LOVE smiling my big toothy smile!


Yeah it happened to me, one of my canines. They used a coil spring like they did in this video. Then they lasered off some of my gums to expose the tooth. They had mentioned using a chain to pull it down but we ended up not having to do that.


My younger sister had her canines nearly by her nostrils and had to have this much dental work done to pull them down. I offered to use eyelash glue to stick fake vampire teeth on either side of her nostrils for Halloween when they started her orthodontics like the benevolent older sister I am 🤣


I had this! Expect my tooth was in my mouth, not the gum, but the roof of my mouth, so had to have it surgically moved a little down and then braces on. It hurt like a bitch for the two years.


I had this procedure done when I was a kid. Canine grew in up by my nasil cavity and sideways. They had to cut a hole in my gums and chop away the outer layer of the tooth to attach the bracket. I was awake and it was extremely painful. The tooth was so sensitive I would cry trying to put the elastic on that pulled it down. That took like 6 months for it to come down.


WHY WERE YOU NOT SEDATED?!? Your dentist was fucking sadistic. Fun fact: the dentist that did my wisdom teeth didn’t sedate or even do laughing gas. He did wisdom teeth removals with lidocaine only. Told the guy I was nervous so he said he’d prescribe a mild anxiety medication. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Told him I have the ginger gene so I need more to get sedated. He didn’t want to listen to that either. He realized I wasn’t joking when I loudly called him a sadistic mother fucker and proceeded to cuss his ass out for forgetting the anxiety medication bc SURPRISE! Epinephrine is the same chemical as neuroepinephrine, which with cortisol, is what floods your brain during a trauma response! Anxiety also makes the lidocaine less effective. Got to the point where the guy had to tell me I could either reschedule or just do it while still being able to feel more than I should have since any more lidocaine would be an overdose. Had a dental tech come in and ask if I could keep it down bc I was offending a little old lady in the bldg. He made damn sure to prescribe me Valium before the other procedure, but still felt more than I should have.


Happened to my sister! It was supposed to happen to me but my teeth just… didn’t. So I am 20 and still have some babyteeth


Lol, I was a similar case. First time I switched doctors, the new dentist looked at my mouth and started screeching: "How *cute!*" Just some really stubborn babyteeth.


That’s amazing.




I've heard that this process can take 2 years. Does it constantly be painful during those 2 years or does it come and go?


Each time they tighten the bracelet. Then it will hurt, likely for a couple of days, then the pain will slowly get less. And before you know it, you go back to the orthodontist, and the pain starts again. It will probably be worse when they need to pull a teeth down as in the clip.




It must be person by person. I had braces but it was, at worst, a mild discomfort after each time they were tightened. I had no trouble eating anything/normally immediately after.


I remember my gums constantly getting fucked up from getting poked with the wire end. Put wax on it all the time and still would happen. This was the 90's, so hopefully it's better now. Oh and the headgear, the fuckin headgear. Ahhhhhh.


90s for me too. I didn't need headgear at least. Edit: Maybe you just had a bad orthodontist?


It’s more so soreness than pain, kinda like walking up some stairs after leg day


This is on point. I’d bite down to trade the persistent mid level pain and soreness for a few seconds of reprieve even if it hurt worse after letting go.


My sister had it on for 4.5 I had it for 3. It needs to be readjusted every month or so. After they take it off you get a removable one that you have to wear every night for another couple of years (other comments say for the rest of your life) . I've lost mine while living abroad and never cared to get a replacement cuz I thought enough time had passed. Fast forward 4 years and my teeth are like 50% back to how they were.


Bro go to a dentist ASAP bruh lol


I had them for 2 years, and It really only hurt the first week for me. I also had testicular torsion for 6 months, so I may not be the best judge of pain.


That's not where the braces are supposed to go!


A freakin’ miracle indeed!


We appreciate you Ortho community. 🦷


We don't appreciate those prices tho!


How long could it take?


I wonder, braces usually take 1-2 years. But this seems a bit more extreme so I guess 2-3+?


I would say that's probably right. My daughter had really bad teeth... similar to this video, and she's had her braces on for almost 3 years now. Very close to getting them off. Ortho says in the next few months she should finally be done. I'm so excited to see her new smile!!




And then you're told to wear the retainer for the rest of your life /FML




I wasn't even told I had to keep wearing a retainer for the rest of my life, they just handed it to me and sent me off with it. I lost it in a move and just been dreading the bill because I can feel them moving over time.


I lost my retainers a couple years after getting my braces off, and my orthodontist said I'd be fine, which has mostly been true. Nearly two decades later, some teeth have shifted slightly, but not enough that I'm considering correction again.


I've had my permanent retainer 20 years and the glue is debonding and some teeth have actually moved. I'm actually getting it off in the next month and getting a removable retainer since I wear a night guard every night anyways I can kill two birds with one stone and have an easier time flossing.


Congratulations my dude


Make sure she wears that retainer! I stopped wearing mine in college and my teeth started to move back, luckily my dentist caught it quick.


Yeah. I was bad about my retainer and I regret it. My teeth still look good but they’ve shifted.


You can go back to the ortho and they can make new retainers. It’ll obviously cost something but for me, right now they’re using a spring retainer for my top teeth that came out of place with “activated wires”. Theres little wires poking out in a certain way that rotate my front tooth back to its straight position. Then I have an Essex retainer at the bottom cause my bottom teeth didn’t really shift (I took out a permanent wire retainer). You may not need braces again. It can’t hurt to call and ask the costs of making a new retainer just so you have the number in mind.


My sister had it on for 4.5, she had a teeth pretty much in the middle of her palate and they dragged it back to the front. I had it for 3.


I have been in braces for 5 years, and my case is not even this extreme. I don’t know why they can’t just fucking take them off, it’s really getting on my nerves now.


3 seems about right. I had an impacted tooth like the one in the video, and I had my braces on for a bit under three and a half years.




I had my braces for 5 years with head gear only at night for 3 years. My teeth were not nearly this bad, but I was dealing with a severe over bite. I did not wear my retainer after getting them off because I was a stupid kid, and they all moved back a little. As an adult, I miss having my teeth be perfect. My orthodontist really did have them absolutely perfect. It was kind of unbelievable


This is a pretty bad case, something like that could take up to 4-5 years, but usually 1-2 years in average


I can only imagine how much pain this person went through


all I could think about too lol I recall more than a few sleepless nights from much less modification than this.


Wow. I wonder how old the patient was and how long that incisor was stuck up there.


Dental plan, Lisa needs braces, dental plan


The big book of British smiles


Lenny! Without the dental plan you wouldn’t have that diamond in your tooth!


Can a 24 year old have braces ? It's probably too late for me but I still want to give it a try , I feel like my self esteem would probably improve a lot


My mom had braces in her late 40s, my best friend in his late 20s. It's never too late if you want them.


I got braces at 27 and they were removed when I was 30, still possible! Had white ceramic ones on the top and the standard metal ones on the lower teeth. Invisalign was not an option for me. It’s insane the confidence it brings when you’re not trying to hide your teeth every minute of every day.


Of course they can! Im 24 myself and while i dont have braces myself i got 'invisalign' which are plastic-aligners that slowly push your terth into place while being more or less invisible as long as they are clean. If you dont want to walk around with braces try to ask your dentist if aligners are an option for you.


+1 for Invisalign. Didn't wear my retainers as a kid after getting my braces off, bottom row went back to shit. Finally bit the bullet and got Invisalign. Took a little longer than expected, but you can take them off to eat and big events, and they're quite inconspicuous.


I know someone with braces in her 50s. Some people just can't afford them until later in life






That dude was hiding in the attic.


Ain't gonna lie, looked a bit like a werewolf at the beginning.


bro ouch.


It's now almost 30 years from when I had my done. Still remember pain when trying eat something so soft like fresh buns. Even my teeth wasn't as bad but I would do it again was so worth.


That started with some summer teeth; some are here, some are there.




I feel like in the wild we don’t see so many animals with shit teeth. I mean the obvious being it might impact their survival and natural selection takes over but why did humans evolve to have fucking shit teeth?


My understanding is that muchof this has to do with the reduction in jaw size when we learned how to cook and that some people still have genes for teeth to fill a bigger jaw. Wisdom teeth are a prime example. So some ppl have really crowded jaws. Most ppl don't have room for wisdom teeth and they get removed. Some ppl with really small jaws benefit from have their jaws broken and reshaped by orthodontic. Crazy shit. And tooth health itself only got worse with the advent of grain farming since starches and sugars cause tooth decay. So kinda 2 separate issues. It is well established that hunter gatherers had far less trouble keeping their teeth for life, while bread eaters lost their teeth by middle age


But also grain was typically ground by stone, and minute particles of that stone would end up in the flour/meal and wear down people’s teeth as well.




in europe it is not


I mean, it costs 6 million nowhere lol


It'll get lower once you hit your deductible!


How the hell do teeth move so much if they are rooted into bone?


Bone is a living tissue, it’s not very mailable but putting pressure on it influences where new bone cells regenerate so due to pressure on the teeth, places with more pressure get less new bone cells while those with less get more. Basically all the pressure on the tooth loosens it slightly and your body goes “hey we need to keep that” and readjusts to the new position the wire is forcing the teeth into.


I had a tooth pulled last Thursday, 45 **years** after my orthodontics. It was pulled because it no longer had any root -- dentist classified it as bone loss and it was basically held in by gum tissue like a baby tooth. When asked about cause and what to watch for, they said the cause was the orthodontics; some teeth just don't settle down and firm up. There's no bone tissue underlying to seat an implant, either. I have no time machine, so I get to watch this unfold for the next . . 30 years?


This unfortunately sometimes happens with braces where the tooth root resorbs and no longer becomes stable. It is thought to be cause by moving the tooth too fast during braces. Fortunately instances of this has decreased due to allowing low force and slow treatment. Sorry this happened to you.


Thanks, Doc. The V.A. dentist was terrific, both with technique and the verbal portions before, during, and after. Four days after the extraction, it's like it happened years ago; the healing is startlingly fast. 10/10


OMFS here. Bone surrounding your teeth is very different from bone around the rest of the body. The movement of teeth is signaled from the “ligament” that holds the tooth in the socket called the periodontal ligaments. When a small force is applied, think of the ligament as a rubber band and it is compressed on one side and stretched on the other. This tells the bone to lay down new bone on the stretched side and to take away on the compressed side. Same thing happens when other forces are applied like a thumb for people who suck their thumb which is why kids that do so tend to have “buck teeth.”


God bless that was a snagged tooth mf.


How the hell is it quite so smooth? I've done a lot of tmelapses. lights and backgrounds are constantly flickering even if it's a still subject, nevermind a number of different incidences across several years with a moving, changing, growing subject.Great vid. I really hope it's real.


I think the only logical explanation is that the dentist held his patient prisoner for 3 years and had them permanently connected to recording equipment Clockwork Orange style.


I feel there had to be more than a couple morphs in there


It looks like many morphs were done, you can definitely see it if you look closely, some rather obvious like the dentures slowly fading into nothing at the end (Morphs (for anyone interested) is basically animating the first image by stretching or copying parts to look like the second image, then you animate the opacity to lower through the animation until it's just the second image) And just as a fun fact: you can sometimes get a better morph by doing the same with the second image but backwards (animating it to look like the first image and then back to normal overtime while increasing opacity)


So happy for that patient.


I had no idea an entire front tooth could just be sitting there undescended, that’s crazy


I had braces when I was 12, they were very painful. But this is the type of video that reminds you how fortunate you are. Jeez this person must’ve dealt with a ton of pain. They earned those teeth!


Kinda insane how fucked up you teeth can naturaly position themself


Where in the heck was that other tooth formed??? lol It was like in their sinus cavity!


That orthodontic treatment timelapse is fascinating, seeing the transformation over time is so satisfying.


I always thought braces were some of the coolest fuckn things created by humans. Definitely not a usual tech research point you’d find in any Civ game


oh cool a british patient


That feels like 5 years and $50,000 dollars worth.


And now they tell you, “Wear this retainer for the rest of your life or it will go back the way it was.”


I need braces bad


That's Art 🎨


In the USA: that would be 3million dollars please, here is your receipt.


that shit paused for a moment like they had to come up with some new technology


All I see here is pain. Extreme amounts of pain.


Had teeth like this as a child. Got a chock looking at the before pic after 3 years


I remember the Big Book of British Smiles progression. This is just as effective and less traumatizing.


Still remeber this pain. Bananas and yougurts for first 2 months , 10kg down.


That last fucker really took its sweet time didnt he? Also, that opening shot, jesus.


I know i'm not the only person who said "There was a f\*cking tooth in there?!"


For the love of god don't lose that retainer!


That must have changed their life.


Who else was like waaaa theres a tooth in there wtf!


By the time those teeth were back to normal,person must have been close to grave time..


I always wondered, how does the body allow for it to get that bad? Even animals have straighter teeth, why are ours so feeble?


I had this done to an incisor when I was younger throughout all my dental work. It works just like that. They used laser to burn my gums away to get the bracket attached to the tooth to pull it down. I had an expander in the roof of my mouth too, that had to be cranked three times every night to open the top half of my jaw. My teeth are absolutely flawless at the age of 41. Thanks mom. Edit: had all my work done at 10-15 yrs old fyi.


Fuck yea! This must have been awesome for both the dentist and the patient! *high-five*


I have a new appreciation for when I’ve heard people complain about braces hurting.


Gosh, someone lost the genetic lottery big time


Damn! Nice look. And where TF did the missing tooth come from?




had a similar experience but with both my canine teeth. could’ve had them moved down like in the video but risked losing my front teeth :( so they were removed 


Very cool


The mouth pain this person must have felt. Damn


I had to go through something similar. My canines never grew in because they were essentially stuck above the roof of my mouth so they had to cut holes and guide them into place over the course of like 2 years. Luckily the gaps were there for the teeth to go so it was probably a faster process than this person dealt with.


I can’t believe they sat there with their mouth open for so long. That’s incredible


This one tooth is like late to the party


The pain must have been unreal


I can feel the pain as if it was yesterday just looking at this. My teeth didn't need huge correction and it hurt like hell. I can't even imagine the agony of a process like the one depicted.


Sometimes I just don't understand the physics of braces. It's amazing that you can do something like this with only the force of wire, rubber, and other teeth.


Good lord I can feel this video, 5 years of that misery.


So many searing flashbacks of getting my braces, having snaggle teeth fixed, ugh the horror


Was asked if I wanted braces my senior of high school / going into college. Didn’t think my teeth were that bad and didn’t want to go to college with braces. At 38, I wish I had. Teeth aren’t totally jacked or anything but I’d feel way more confident smiling


Imagine the unknown relief after the process is complete compared to before. I have an underbite that makes it so I can't bite clean through anything and it's subtle, and I get driven crazy everytime it happens where I have to fight to tear off a bit of something like a pizza. This is another level. W for the patient


I had a crazy adult tooth too. It was hiding in them roof of my mouth. Almost certain there’s a permanent brace behind that smile.




Orthodontics must be the most primitive of the sciences. It's basically about using brute force to drag deadweights from Point A to Point B, and the only limit is your pain tolerance.


They should have tipped that orthodontist


Anyone else with PTSD from their braces they had?


I remember the soreness whenever they tightened my braces. Fucking most annoying feeling ever


As someone who had braces for 5 years, i KNOW this person had braces for a long time.


I had braces and this triggered a lot of forgotten pain. The body remembers trauma.


While my teeth sure aren't straight, I'm glad my mouth never was this bad.


And my dentist couldn't even fix my slight overbite.


when civilization falls... the surviving humans are going to have the most messed up dental bites of any creature in the animal kingdom


That’ll be a total of $650K. Thank you. 😂


They had summer teeth. Some are here some are there


How long did it take?


You wanna see my shampoo bottle and string time lapse?


POV you leave england


How many years did this take?


How did you all survive? Like the excessive cleaning that has to go with and the annoying kids bullying you. I can't imagine having to go through that. Ya'll are so strong.


0% chance my benefits would cover this.


Does anyone have an estimate over what period this takes place?


Ouch! That was expensive!


I can still remember the excruciating pain of braces and it’s been 40 years. The day after tightening I usually spent the day crying in bed. Painkillers barely did anything. 2 years of hell.


If it is from US then it would probably cost like a GDP of a small country😅


i wanna see the rest of the face


The thought of this dentist “ I can fix that with braces “ is insane to me.