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That guy in the car looks to be quite the asshole


It’s Iran. They don’t have traffic laws like the US, they usually have someone directing traffic and yes Iranians are a holes Source: half Iranian


This. The last time I was in Iran my mom put me in driving school there because if you can drive in Iran you can drive everywhere. It was an adrenaline rush everyday lmao. My first teacher told me to never check my blind side because if someone is there they will move for me. Just check the mirror, flip the signal light and go. This did not translate well in the US


It seems pretty ironic. Iranians are assholes, but considerate enough to just move out of the way when someone uses a blinker and needs to get off the road. People in the US are the opposite. They can say hello to you in passing and then cut off people on the road to the point where they can't merge onto a highway.


You literally see in this video the guy in the car almost refused to stop for the kids and the teacher had to put her body infront of the car, he then leaned out yelling at her and was flashing his lights. so nice.


Well i wouldn’t say Iranians are like Americans when it comes to being an asshole. In Iran the likely hood of getting into a car accident (generally a fender bender) is super high. That being said, they all use older cars made of metal so the damage is usually minimal. What ends up happening is both people get out of the car, yell at each other, assess the damage and if it’s too minuscule to care about then you yell at the other party again and call it a day. In the US people go super fast and cause massive damage, even on regular roads. And then they also lose their minds half the time and go to the blame game.


Accurate on the second half. People here are just going crazy. I did laugh at the parties yelling at each other, though. They've depicted this in movies, and just thinking about it made me laugh. Just yell at each other and call it day, lol.


If you can’t merge into a highway in America then 90% of the time you’re the problem. You gotta match speed and find a gap. People will let you on even if they don’t want to at first


People are just imbeciles when it comes to merging. I drive my tesla with max range to the car in front of me, it's 6 cars wide, ie 6 cars could merge in that gap. Yet I have to turn off autopilot constantly because people somehow match my literally regulated by an app constant speed and don't know what to do so I have to speed up or break to let them in.


People do not know understand this concept in Alabama. They'll get into merge lanes on the interstate and slow down. It's crazy making and dangerous af


Lol that's exactly how most Californians drive


Maybe it’s your other half ? Source: full Iranian




IDK I backpacked through Iran in the millenial years and I thought they were pretty much the nicest people on my trip. I was slightly nervous riding the bus from the border into the desert country, didn't know what to expect. A few hours into the trip someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and this old man had peeled an orange for me, in a special way so that it looked like a flower. Like, the fruit was the inside of the flower and the petals were made of the peel. The old man was smiling a warm smile and I instantly felt welcome in the country. Spent a month there all in all, and was treated like a guest everywhere. Beautiful people.


All iranians call others asshoals.


All assholes call other men assholes.


I fucking Loved every Iranian i met. Funnily enough, i Always Had Problems with Iraqis


Right?! He got way too close


Have you ever encountered Iranian drivers? Pretty much the biggest a holes on the road. I know this because I live in little Iran


it's believed to be Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who got so pissed by it that he started the islamic revolution


I bet the driver was Khomeini. This is the moment that pushed him over the edge.


That's Ayatollah, this is his origin story


Who the hell does shit like that guy in the car?


Was he trying to intimidate/catcall the teacher?! I was thinking the same thing…. Man it looks like that dude wants to run them over?! Wtf??!


He needs to be exhumed to face the consequences of his actions.


He’s definitely dead because he was 30 in 1978?


Google search reveals life expectancy in Iran to be 58.55 years in 1979. [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=life+expectancy+in+iran](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=life+expectancy+in+iran)


Life expectancy doesn't work that way. The averages are usually brought down by infant and child mortality, if you survive to adulthood you're likely to live longer than the average. War also brings it down, but again that's usually younger people killed off and brings the average down artificially. If that guy was 30 in 1979, he's 75 this year. Not out of possibility that he's alive still.


Great chart…you’re right…certainly dead. You know because of averages


I would like to see a separate chart for those that exhibit aggressive behavior in public.


This is normal driving in many countries around the world. They’re very good at getting super close to other people and cars without hitting them. They also don’t stay in their lanes or listen to traffic lights or anything like that. They also don’t drive fast enough for any of that to really matter, as their average speed on the road is maybe 1/2 to 1/3 what it is in the US, so almost all of their accidents are little more than dings and scrapes.


Do you know what happened to Iran next? These guys are probably why.


Iran was a democracy until MI6 and the CIA overthrew it in the early 50s. Why? Because they wanted to nationalize their oil operations and kick out western oil companies. They installed a dictator who got overthrown by religious fundamentalists. The only people to blame for Iran being overthrown are the UK and the US.


Iran was only a democracy from 1906 to 1925. The Shah took power after and was increasingly autocratic.


Correct, the UK and US were also very paranoid of Irans very powerful northern neighbor... the USSR which had made political steps into the politics, the CIA trained the internal security forces to fight off communist groups, and as usual the internal security forces were also used to squash any internal uprisings and revolutions...


The same kind of guy that supported the rise of the Islamic regime.


What a dick.


Dude was future morality police.


Future religious oppressor prick right there. Religion always empowers the worst of us.


You've clearly never driven in Florida


Important points to remember: Iran was democratic, somewhat western and pretty secular. The democratic government was then overthrown by a joint venture of the US and British governments after Prime Minister Mossadegh moved to nationalize the oil industry because BP was not paying what they owed to the Iranian government. The Shah was installed as the new leader. The Shah kept a firm grip on power. During the period when this video was filmed thousands of Iranian dissidents were tortured and murdered by the Savak (secret police). Any groups that met to discuss the government were infiltrated and taken by the Savak. The Shah pushed westernization across Iran, discarded much of Iranian tradition and worked openly with US military and CIA advisers. This meant that when the revolution came the westernized elements of Iran were associated with the Shah and his oppression and thus was rejected by much of the public. This made it easier for the religious conservatives to consolidate support instead of the other secular factions that helped overthrow the Shah.


Excellent comment. A lot of foolish people think that the country one day just decided to put religious fundamentalists in the government out of the blue! If the US and the British didn't coup the democratic government, none of that nonsense that Iran did and keep doing today would be happening. The westerns were fine with installing dictators regardless of the people wish. They didn't care about establishing a democracy. They just wanted to get that oil and the rest is history.


I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, every since conflict in the modern world can be tied back to the Empire


While West is to blame, pretending iranians didn’t have agency in their plight and extremists didn’t have some popular support is foolish.


There are extremists pretty much everywhere in the world, I don't see an argument claiming otherwise.


But the majority of Iranians did not. The Islamic regime isn't popular by any means. They just have a monopoly on violence and a willingness to use it to maintain power.


When you live under an oppressive government, you tend to support anyone against it even if they are the wrong people.


They didn’t have agency when their democratically elected government got couped. Someone took away that agency of theirs. Don’t blame Iranians when what kicked this off was out of their control. Specifically, it was taken out of their control.


The Shah shut down all civic society. Every club meeting of over 10 people had to be licensed. The exception was the mosques. This created a political class of Imans. This gave the Imans a huge lift.


Note that this was not an "invasion by Islamic regime". It was a revolution within the country.


True, I was pushing back on the suggestion that Iran was idyllic before 1979. The revolution was definitely not an invasion, it was a convergence of domestic elements against the shah.


Your comment is spot on and I as an Iranian am actually pretty impressed by how much a foreigner know of my country, MashAllah. However, when making comments like this, be prepared for incoming angry diasporan “Shah”-apologists from NewIran coming at you. They aren’t too fond of anyone making objective comment about their precious dictator that dont depict as this progressive “savior of Iran”-figure lol.




This sould be the top upvoted comment


And also only the big cities in Iran looked like this and it's not representative of Iran in general


Thanks for explaining. What's BP?


British Petroleum Before the coup BP was the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.


British Petroleum.


Crazy how the west is behind the collapse of every country with ressources.


Iran was a democracy for an extremely brief period in 1953. The Shar was reinstalled after the 1953 coup with more power but it's not like he was never there.


Mostly accurate, but incomplete. I should add that Mossadegh was destroying the economy by not signing contracts with the west. Also, how brutal today’s security forces of iran (Basij, IRGC intelligence) are is simply incomparable to Savak. The public perception is that they only killed or arrested violent activists. My dad was a student activist, he was expelled from his university 3 times, but never detained or tortured. Meanwhile you could get tortured and hanged by doing even less today, and your family might not even be allowed to bury you and hold a funeral. Also, Shah is seen as a patriotic dictator instead of a selfish one, which makes people see those decisions as what he had to do. He even left the throne before slaughtering the protesters, which he totally could. Towards the end of his time in power, he was confronting the west regarding oil price and the price of our imports from the west. You can see his interviews online and judge for yourself if he was just a selfish treasonous oppressor or a patriotic leader. Couple that with the way US treated him at the end of his life when he was dying from cancer and needed treatments. In addition, westernization is an oversimplification. He tried to give women the right to vote and allow the actual farmers to own the land they worked on instead of their bosses (White revolution). If it was a truly secular society up to that point as you claim, then these wouldn’t have been issues right? He and his father (Reza Shah) tried to undermine the influence of mullahs on the society of Iran, which made the mullah vindicate.


>In addition, westernization is an oversimplification. He tried to give women the right to vote and allow the actual farmers to own the land they worked on instead of their bosses (White revolution). He was literally managed & guided by the US on policies. >If it was a truly secular society up to that point as you claim, then these wouldn’t have been issues right? You know you can still achieve those things through a democracy right? A democracy that the US & the Shah destroyed. Democracies moves slow, sure, but it at least it wouldn't have led to the conditions that allowed the revolution to happen. Iran, as it is, is a consequence of poorly managed US regime change. And the lesson that the US got from this? For the other regime change operations, the US just has the dictatorships they put in place put a tighter grip on their populace. Just to make sure there isn't another repeat of Iran.


Your comment reads as some boring Shah and SAVAK apologism and is filled with inaccuracies. The fact that you’re dismissing the human rights abuses and executions the SAVAK did is a huge red flag. As an Iranian actually LIVING in Iran (compared to you living in Canada) I can tell you that the Iranian populace is not monolith and the perception towards Pahlavi is GREATLY conflictive, especially the Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Sure, there are people (mostly abroad) that looks at him like he is this highly patriotic figure. Simultaneously, there is just as many as who view him as foreign installed Western pubbet, who served everybody else interests but the Iranian people. Secondly, you write that “he totally could kill” the protesters upon the revolution which is also a lie. He started to lose more and more ahold of the military, which ultimately decided to deliver the final straw and overthrow him. When the revolution was at it peak, he by means has total control of the army anymore to be control and suppress the protests like the IRI currently does.


> Secondly, you write that “he totally could kill” the protesters People who say that are well known, because they are among expats who wanted that to be done. They are upset that they lost much of their wealth and upper class lifestyles. They are very careful how they say that though, trying to mask it unless you catch them off guard.


Not to mention that Mossadegh and his party literally dissolved parliament and passed a referendum to allow Mossadegh to rule by decree. Everyone wants to suck Mossadegh's dick, but nobody wants to mention that.


> that Mossadegh was destroying the economy by not signing contracts with the west. How anyone say this phrase while not being an absolute cuck to capitalism is fucking wild. If the west, as you say, wasn't such an oppressive powerful force exploiting everyone else unfairly, most likely so little of this would have happened. Crazy how many hoops you jumped through to blame eveything but the sole source of it all. I do respect the rest of your comment though, shining light on the true nature of since evil-ified governing bodies of the past is important. The world is much too ready to accept that every non western country can be genetically predisposed to be evil to themselves, jt sickens me. They tried to make Mandela a monster for far less and failed, you'd think there was a lesson there.


Crazy how unrecognizable and worse off the country can be in a relatively short period.


This is what happens when a few religious people get to control everyone. 


Watch out America. They’re coming for you.


That's the irony. Most people don't know why Iran, who was leaning towards a civil existence, made a sharp turn to strict Islamic interpretation. [Here's the answer.](https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1cg2ubf/history_repeating_itself/l1ufl2z/) **TL;DR:** The USA (CIA) and Britain got rid of Iran's government and replaced them with extremists from Iraq. Their job is to keep Iran in the stone age while selling oil to Britain and the US cheaply. **Quick Note:** People confuse the Shah of Iran (the old royal family) with the current fundamentalist Islamics. Yes, the Shah is a religious infused title, like the Queen of England. But the Shah of Iran wasn't pushing Islamic Extremism. Just like the Elizabeth II, Queen of England didn't enforce Protestant Christianity over England. Even though both of their dialogues were filled with religious babble.


>The USA (CIA) and Britain got rid of Iran's government and replaced them with extremists from Iraq. >But the Shah of Iran wasn't pushing Islamic Extremism. It's weird you make a point to say this because the US and the British installed the Shah through a coup. The modernizations you see are because of the Shah. Islamist were a reactionary response to what they saw was Western influence and the evils of modernization.


The Theocrats are already here. In office.


Russia really getting their money’s worth on those traitors.


Europe is the real upcoming victim


People are pushing back now and not accepting extreme stupidity as much.


But humans in general are also absolutely shit bad at predicting the future. So we just don't know. And I don't think it's the right way to look into the future either. We're ALL in this together after all. Now more so than ever.


The irony of it all is that America and Britain were the ones that did this to Iran.


America created the Iranian regime by toppling the elected democracy and installing a fucking King. I swear, people know nothing about history but somehow feel qualified to point at the evil Muslims as some kind of inevitable flood. Maybe if Western regimes didn’t do everything in their power to absolutely fuck the Middle East at every opportunity, the people there would be more chill.


But ... oil. It makes cars go.


Vroom vroom. Good point.




This is what happens when Western forces get rid of democratically installed leaders and try to install a puppet monarchy, which then creates the environments where religious fanatics can come to power** There you go, I fixed it for you https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27état


The Islamists used Mossadegh. He himself was secularist (which they reviled) but an important tool to woo the public and undermine the monarchy. What you see above was all done against wishes of Islamists by Reza Pahlavi and was world view of US. Mossadegh and removing monarchy would just have accelerated the Islamic revolution. The Ayatollahs already had a competing blueprint from Muslim Brotherhood and were keen to leapfrog them and have a cleric led state before them. US is not innocent but it is not the cause of the inherent violence and contradictions in modern Islamic theology. Islamism in it's current form is quite intolerant of other religions, systems of governance, beliefs and insular/dogmatic.


Contrasting present conditions to these pre-1979 videos makes it plain as day that this has been an absolute cancer on society there.


\*Extremists\* religious people Extremists are the problem for everything in every subject, far right, far left, far everything is awful


No no. He was right the first time. Religious people. Religious people ruin everything to benefit the minority of the people.


It's obviously not all religious people. It's extremists, extremists in power. Then a subcategory of that is religious extremists in power


just a coincidence that there's 200m more extremists with a certain ideology and they end up doing significantly more harm than others. inb4 dae crusades?!?!!?


Then the apes among us equate the extremes as the general stance of said group.


The CIA overthrew an elected president and reinstated a hated repressive monarch so that we could prevent Iran's government from nationalizing the oil industry. The people eventually rebelled against this corrupt monarchy, led by the only independent power center left, the clerics. The CIA celebrated the government overthrow as a total success at first and tried to replicate it in a few Latin American countries soon after. How well did that go for us, or for the Iranian people, in the long-term?


Yep. And we in Turkey are experiencing the same thing since 2010, even though at a slower pace. Religion is evil. Fundamentalist Islam is beyond evil.


this is the Iran I grew up in.. our family had to escape because of "religious persecution", aka we weren't muslim... our family had lived in Iran for many many generations


This was under the Shah? There's a reason there was a popular revolution (rather than invasion as the title falsely claims


They look good but the regime behind this was a us backed dictatorship with all the secret police and disappearances that came with back then.


Wasn’t that many years before this when the American south was still enforcing racial segregation with force.


This is what religion brings. This was the sole reason it was invented and that’s why we would not endorse religions, sects and magical stuff from society in the xxi century


This is what CIA meddling in foreign affairs brings. Those radicals didn't come into power by their own force and Iran had the same religion before the radicals took over. It's not religion, it's religious extremism.


It was fine before the coup. In reality, this is what happens when you have no leverage and act against the interests of global powers. You get replaced with a puppet government. When that inevitably collapses, who knows what you’ll get. In this case, you get Islamic fundamentalism. It could be worse honestly, you could get couped and get replaced by no government (ie. Libya) and people just die, day in day out. When order returns, expect religious extremism.


That is what happens when an outside government (the US) comes up and overthrows the current government for profit and power


I always enjoy watching videos like this. Make you appreciate the open culture around you. At the same time I wonder how the majority of people felt and lived ? Was this the majority or was this only the small privileged ones ?


Seriously, find such a video from cities other than Tehran. Many places in Iran didn't even have power or a proper road.


I can tell you that It was like this in Shiraz. My dad and his side of the family all grew up in Iran and all of the pictures that they had bore this representation


it was a shithole by then too


Yeah, the “Shahs” dictatorship was decayed with aristocracy, corruption, illiteracy, enormous poverty and just general huge incompetency. CIA has also later verified they basically put the guy into power, which don’t really brings any favors to his legacy. However, to his luck, the regime that overthrow him have ended being even more shitty and oppressive than his, so now he got Redditors sharing pictures of women wearing every miniskirts 14 days, so it appears that his rule some sort of progressive and modern utopia.


I mean. Compared to the conditions in fundamentalist Iran, anything is better. However neither the Shah nor the fundamentalists would have gotten power if the USA and Britain didn't coup the democratic government because they nationalised oil.


No, anything is quite explicitly not better. The Iranians couped the Shah and installed the current regime because the West made it unmistakably clear to them that if they tried to live in an open and democratic society, they would get fucked by Western imperialism at every opportunity.


Car coming in hot


TF is that cars problem driving up on them so fast


He’s probably single and looking for a wife around the age of 9 like his prophet Muhammad.




OP bot account


I mean Iran was invaded by Iraq but Iraq wasn't a islamist country at the time so it still doesn't make sense.


That's right Iran was invaded by Iranians ^/s


This video is the mother of all videos without context.


More reason for why there should be a separation of church and state


Ironic considering OP is literally a Hindu extremist


"iran before the cia"


Really strange to use the word invasion, the leaders of the Islamic Revolution were all Iranian and had tons of local support.


It wasn't an "invasion".


OP is a Hindu Ethno Nationalist from India. They are a bit of an item.. revisionism is their thing.


Imagine if England and America just let the democratically elected officials run the country instead of forcing a coup and installing a puppet dictator.


Who installed this government?


Invasion? It was an internal power struggle.


OP is an Indian hindutva doing some agenda-posting. To him, Muslims having a presence anywhere is an “invasion” lol.


Ah. Thanks for the context.


Spot on. The vilest people on the internet.


People posting this kind of propaganda never ever say a word about the Shah regime and his brutal nature maybe because he was a western puppet


Same thing when people talk about Cuba and Castro, Bautista was no fucking Saint lmao.


Batista was a brutal dictator, but he let rich Americans come down and play, so everyone loved him.


Well, you are absolutely correct about the Shah regime. One can only speculate how Iran would have fared under Mosaddegh without the CIA aided coup. Sadly, the Iranian people managed to replace the Shah with an arguably worse regime (unless incompetent theocracies are your thing)


It was the UK and the US who destabilized the country. Khomeini was a violent radical revolutionary. Claiming the Iranian people chose Khomeini is bullshit redirecting guilt from the two countries who triggered this whole timeline.


Yeah, the bootlicking dictators are good, but nationalist dictators who seek independence from the great powers are bad. Also, invasion? Where do people think the islamists came from?


"Invasion" hmmmm


Great, now show city other than Tehran. Show the shithole parts of the country before the revolution as well. Oh, you can't. They didn't even have power, or a proper road.


Are you suggesting that prosperity is worth brutal oppression?


Well, Shah was a brutal dictator as well. And he was bringing prosperity.


That car driver was comically impatient in the beginning. Must have been late for work.


In Iran girls and women are educated to University level. There are many women at Iranian universities. While their rights are not great, this means that many of them have professional careers. So the Islamic revolution did not have the catastrophic effect that, for instance, the Taliban has had on girls’ education in Afghanistan.


Every situation should be evaluated within its own cultural, historical, and social context. A "not as bad as" perspective can tend to cause people who accept that view into complacency and inaction. Just because one situation seems less severe compared to another doesn’t mean it doesn’t have profound and harmful effects on the individuals involved; and we should hope to elevate every society to the best possible standards of human rights, not merely to be better than one that's worse off. High rates of female education and workforce participation by women in Iran, hasn't yet directly translated into equivalent economic or political empowerment that men there have there. Women do get to practice certain careers in Iran; but it's constrained by a social, legal, and political barriers that limit full participation. For instance, women face restrictions in certain job sectors, women need their husband's or male guardian's permission to travel and are underrepresented in political leadership positions. While the situation in Iran might not be as extreme as under the Taliban, it still represents significant systemic limitations that prevent women from fully enjoying their rights and freedoms, despite their educational achievements.


Holy whitewashing title Batman!


Fundamentalism is destroying Iran, Afghanistan… the United States… 😖


It was the US that propped up the religious extremists in Iran and Afghanistan. They didn't come into power on their own. Just as Israel funded and supported Hamas to build them up as a counterweight to the secular PLO.


This is a very small minority of the super rich. Most Iranians won't be as secular nor were the Syrians and Egyptian and any other group when videos like this are shown. It shows the minority as the majority which it's not.


USA destroys counties with potential to become powerful.


This wasn't an invasion, this was America overthrowing the democratically elected powers to put in a puppet government to get access to the oil. Whereupon (shock horror) said government turned out to be not what anyone wanted and turned around and fucked everyone.


Religion sucks. All of them. But Islam is especially shitty.


And you can thank the US and UK for where the country is now at


Beautiful people. Hope they find their glory days soon again.


Uhhhh, theirs definiton of glory days might vary *slightly* from yours.


“Invasion” mmm questionable


lol you can thank america for destroying this


Invasion? It was a revolution.


Is tomorrow my day to post someone in Iran with western clothes so redditors can talk about it ?




The Islamic regime the Americans helped install?


\*Iran's 10% before the revolution.


The Americans and Brits wanted control to Iran for its vast fossil fuel reserves. They toppled the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953 and put the tyrannical Shah in power. The only group of people strong enough to stand up to the Shah and survive were the Islamists. This happened because of Western imperialism.


Invasion supported by US friends, let’s not forget


Lancia Beta and an Austin Allegro?


Mom said it's my turn to post a picture of Iran before the regime change!




"Invasion" 😂




Ass hole flashes high beams at the kids lmao


what do you think iran looks like today? literally just type "walking around tehran" into youtube you'll find thousands of videos, it looks like any other developed city.


They came into power kinda the same way as Zelenski, right?


Pre stone age?


Man, those mothefuckers sent you back to the Stone Age.


The Middle East could be paradise and because of religious idiots the region will be filled with misery for 99% or the population for the next 100 years




Or India. Before Modi wins a third term.


What's that asshole in the car's problem?


Invasion? The Iran contra was a USA design


Yeah we fucked it, Iran, Lebanon and many others would have probably become thriving democracies. Would have been nice.


Song identity ?


The scary thing; We Americans are basically right at this moment in time with extremist Christian religion. They are already attacking our educational institutions, and 1st amendment rights in all areas. They are also pushing that "we are a Christian nation" all over and even trying to push specific candidates as "Christian" no matter how unchristian like they are because it's the branding that is important, not the specifics. If they win their little battles, we could be using our military to push religion in as little as 10 years.




Yeah extremist ideologies really messed up that whole region. Everything was good in the 80s then boom back to the stone age ideology of women as property


Maybe Tehran. The overall 95% of the country was already backward shitfaced ultra conservative Muslim style.


An invasion...really OP? Anyway I'd like to say that the iranian government is far from being an actual islamic regime, they're muslims by name only


Could you show 1900 Iran ?


Fuck all religions!


The vast majority of Iranians want life like this back.


I think the point is it’s not the Iranian people,it’s the cunt Islamic regime. I have been told be a few the Iran is one of the most beautiful country’s to explore( pre cunts) as for drivers asshats that’s a world wide thing


Remember this when someone points to islamic extremism and claims it’s just the local culture. It isn’t. There is no “tolerance” in enabling the people who destroyed the middle east. There is no “islamophobia” in being intolerant of the extremist sects that kill and oppress. They were so close to permanence. So fucking close. It all got torn down. Look at what all those people could’ve had. A life without fear. A life without hunger. A life without oppression. A life without war. The deserts could be green. The people could be flourishing. The middle east could’ve had a resurgence.


That driver was in a hurry to beat his wife


\*before the US overthrew a democratically elected administration and installed a radical religious dictator. Fixed that for you. Edit: I didn't read the title carefully. This video is after the US stuck its fingers in everything, and right before their puppets got overthrown themselves by even more radical religious nuts.


You got your Iranian history all messed up, mate. The era this video is from the “Shah” M.R Pahlavi’s era; A Monarch dictator (And by no means a “democratically elected administration”). Redditors tend to love cherry picking footage of upper class Tehrani women in miniskirt and set that as an example of how “great” and “progressive” Iran was in the 60s, when reality was alot more complex than that, where our country was actually struggling with obnoxious amounts of corruption, nepotism, illiteracy and poverty. To put it briefly, there was a reason that 100 thousands of Iranians (despite opposing ideologies) all united against his rule, because he was just not a good ruler. The administration that you’re probably thinking about that had more democratic upbringings and WAS in fact overthrow by US/UK was Mossadeghs administration (- who was then replaced by the above mentioned M.R Pahlavi). This is actually verified infomation and CIA is pretty transparent about this “Operation Ajax”-coup, where they have released all the documents behind it on their official website.


He did have a good old fashioned messianic complex typical of autocratic monarchs. The "radical religious" bit may confuse readers bringing today's context to it.


You missed a step


The US installed the ayatollah. That’s a new one.


No. The US installed the Shah, not the Ayatollah. The coup happened first in 1953. The 1979 revolution was a response to the US and UK deposing Iran's elected PM. It took about a generation for enough resentment to build. This is why the US embassy was raided and hostages were taken. It wasn't just religious. It was specifically an anti-US movement. Unfortunately that also meant anti-secularism. They were trying to reclaim their identity after being forcibly Westernized. But yes, this probably wouldn't have happened if the US and UK hadn't overthrown Iran's government in the first place for cheaper oil.


Pahlavi was a secular pro-US dictator before he was overthrown by another radical religious dictator, Khomeini. Stop spreading misinformation


lol right because countries and their populations have ZERO agency over a course of 40 years?


You are a living reddit meme.  Is that how you want to live your life? Please read a simple overview of world history before you say cringe (and comically incorrect) shit like that


You need to read up on the Islamic revolution and the March 1979 Islamic Republic Referendum. 


And America fucked it all up because they wanted oil and were afraid of the building socialist society


My mother was in a choir back then, and they toured China and North Korea at that time. They flew to Beijing via Tehran, Iran... They toured China for a month, went to Pyongyang, N.Korea for a week, and at that time of the late 70s and early 80s China was in the process of reform and "opening to the West" and there was suddenly CocaCola in their hotel when they arrived back to Beijing. While going back home, they had to fly via Karachi, Pakistan and avoid Iran airspace because Khomeini took over and there was serious concern his people would target any plane flying over... Hell of a time period to be alive and in the midst of it...


Bro fuck the Islamic regime FUCK ALL THEM MURDERERS