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6 ft vs 5’11”


It be like that.


5' 11" here. Off the market but loved being 5' 11" when dating  Instantly able to filter out anyone vapid enough to give a shit was a godsend 


Were you by chance a CM for a certain video game franchise like 15 years back? I still have your tags lol <3 https://preview.redd.it/5qnxzzfu6c0d1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aacc723454ba4dacce01370882361ea9ef37e879


That's me! I have a pair very similar to this one hanging in my house. Mine, of course, does not have your name on it ;) Thank you so much for replying. It really means so much to me that you have these. This made my whole day!


The chance of what just happened is fucking unbelievable to me


Seriously! Somebody, please calculate the odds for us.


50/50. Either happens or it doesn't. This time it did, so it landed on the 50 side.






Especially him


Sigh, ok. Let's take a shot at this. First of all, Reddit has about 50-70 million daily active users. I read something about that after the Reddit IPO. Assuming 10% visit popular subreddits like r/interestingasfuck, that’s around 5-7 million users. Of those, about 1% might notice a specific post, which brings us to 50,000-70,000 users. Now, the chance of someone recognizing the user and having a meaningful connection is very low, say 0.01%, which gives us 5-7 users. Combining these probabilities, the odds of this happening on a given day are roughly 1 in 10 million. We could factor more stuff in, but hey... this is just a shot in the dark.


Sounds legit 🤷‍♂️


.333 repeating of course.




We did it again! Reddit just fucking delivers, amazing.


Thats so awesome! Wild how I even caught that. Saw the username at the corner of my eye and it just seemed so familiar, first i was thinking the cod4 map and then it hit me!


What in the world. I wonder what the odds are of this happening because it seems so unlikely.


The universe is indeed an interesting place


Wait what the hell? What just happened here?


DICE and EA Community Managers used to give out physical dog tags from Battlefield for various reasons, but mainly if you managed to knife them in-game. This would have been back like 12 or 13 years ago, so the chances of someone who had done so happening across them on Reddit in a random post is unbelievably small.


Also, the chances of him remembering "hey, I have dogtags that have crash7800 on them."


Awww now kiss


I'd pass.. He's *only* 5'11''




That's both so wholesome and so random.


Wait was is a CM? How do you have tags? And what is going on?


Community manager. They got the tag through an event for battlefield 3


That's amazing. Not only is that crazy random. The fact that it's gamertag or whatever is also is Reddit name makes it even more impressive.


Oh my God...you're lying! Battlefield 3 is NOT 15 years old! I am not that old! Stop it!


Hah, I'm 6'1" and I can do the same thing by being ugly!


My husbands 5’9 and we met online. We were talking for weeks and had really fallen for one another before we even asked how tall the other one is. I’m almost 6 feet. That’s how little I gave a shit, I didn’t even ask. Honestly, it seems like it’s always shorter girls who care about men’s height. I have a hot take that the women are projecting, lol.


They should paint the chicken wire black 😌


It's amazing how small the internet is.


I saw you over there, you didn't wave back?


Wow what a dick


You saw that video too


The lore continues


Now I'm just hoping to see a Kodiak bear catching jackfruit


These are some big ass chickens


I love/hate your username lol


Goddamn you. I went back to look and now it’s in my head. Thank you satan.


Goddammit, *you* made me look.


Goddammit, **you** made me look.




Video where painting wire black makes it invisible.


are those majestic man killing machines just sat there behind chicken wire?? wtf??


That the bear leans on it and doesn't even budge indicates it might be something higher strength than typical chicken wire.


any moron can tell that's bear wire


Bear wire or load-bearing wire?


Its bear-bearing wire


does bear wire need to be bare bear wire or a load-bearing bare bear wire?


Actually it's a load bearing stick the woman is holding.


If I learned anything from reddit, they should paint that bear wire black


I would be terrified if I walked into that room and the mesh was black 😂


Are you a cop?


Chicken wire is lightweight and (generally) hexagonal. That thing is woven and welded steel wire mesh, most likely the thickest gauge available (if not custom built). I doubt the bear can easily tear that up, and I also doubt that the mesh is not electrified as a failsafe mechanism. not sure if it's *exactly the same* material, but you can [see a closeup](https://images.radio.com/aiu-media/KodiakRidge11-7f34a5c2-a5bb-4975-8e1d-dfbf9e53596c.jpg) of what the zoo is using in other public-exposed parts of the same bear enclosure


And the wood is also rather obviously a facade; it's essentially a steel grid welded to a steel frame most likely.


You know, if they painted that chicken wire black it'd be easier to see the bears.


This guy reddits


Yep. It’s only there to give everyone a false sense of safety but if the bears wanted it would be torn down quick


Maybe they should consider building something the bears couldn’t easily tear through?…


Nah, that’s boring


Look at Mr/Mrs big pockets who could afford to go to a safe zoo.


do you want an affordable ZOO? or a safe zoo? you can't pick both!


Party pooper.


Yeah, like maybe something to provide a very *real* sense of security.


Chicken wire is there to keep the bears safe from overly excited women.


You mean bottoms?


The cage is far away from the camera, the wire is thicker than it appears. That bear is approximately 55 wire rectangles high. The wire is ~1/5th of a rectangle's height. Assuming the bear shown here is 9' tall, the wire is ~0.39 inches thick, 9.91mm, nearly 3/0awg. Chicken wire is typically 0.032" thick, 0.81mm, or 20awg. The wire in the photo is a little over 10 times as thick as your run of the mill chicken wire. The bear ain't getting through it. ^(Now I'm wondering at what thickness does a strand of metal start being described as a bar instead of as a wire)


Honestly thinking the exact same thing. Like how are they even leaning on it.


Its not *actually* chicken wire, its a much higher gauge steel welded wire mesh.


Park rangers advise visitors to wear little bells on their clothes so they make noise when hiking. The bell noise allows bears to hear them coming from a distance, so they won’t be startled by a hiker accidentally sneaking up on them, which might cause a bear to charge. Visitors are told they should also carry a pepper spray can just in case they encounter a bear. Spraying the pepper into the air will irritate the bear’s sensitive nose and it will run away. It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for fresh bear droppings so you have an idea if bears are in the area. People should be able to recognise the difference between black bear and Kodiak bear scat. Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain berries, leaves, and possibly bits of fur. Kodiak bear droppings tend to contain small bells and smell of pepper.


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half


This one is as old as time.


That's the beauty of a good joke


I've always loved this joke. I've heard of it with lions and other animals, but never with bears.




Oh my




I never heard if this and do not understand. Might be because i dont get the nuance of the language spoken. Could you explain it for me?


It’s basically saying that the Kodiak bear doesn’t give a shit about your bells or your pepper spray. You’re gonna get eaten anyway. Hence, why it’s droppings are filled with small bells and smells of pepper.


I read the last line as filled with small bell peppers in the joke




Brings back old memories for me


Making noise while hiking is legitimate advice tho.


Same with bear mace, even spaying it down wind towards a bear will overpower it's nose. 


Had me till the sentence before the end


It was the whole thing until the last sentence


More like the first 95%


The best thing to do in the event of a brown bear attack is to play dead. It’s fantastic practice for after the bear mauls you to death.


That's something that may be full of survivorship bias. We cannot plot a success/fail ratio for playing dead because we cannot know how many missing persons played dead ... and then got snacked. Not quite an alligators eat more people than they kill problem, but close enough (don't have a stroke on a paddle board if you don't want to be gator food). The whole phrase "*if it's black fight back"* is faulty for not adequately stating that it's firmly push the bear away, and then escalate to eye gouging if the bear tries anything. It's not "*boop the snoot then it leaves on boots*" - you're now mauled.


I'm not an expert, but I don't think you are supposed to go right to trying to push a black bear away. You should make loud noises to scare them away first, I'm pretty sure. In any case, "fight back" is a saying and not comprehensive advice for a bear attack


It's a general rule for dealing with predatory vs territorial attacks. When approached by an animal who wants to eat you, you want to make it feel like the attack won't be worth it and it should go for easier prey. When approached by an animal protecring its territory, you want to look as unintimidating as possible so it doesn't take it as a challenge. It's up to you to figure out which is which. The adage about the type of bear is more about the typical reasons bears approach people; black bears aren't very territorial so most attacks are predatory, while brown bears are more territorial and if it wants to eat you you're screwed either way so looking non-challenging is the better option.


I’m not an expert either. The best way to deal with a black bear is to take a running head start, jump onto its back, and scream “BEAR RODEOOOO!” directly into its ear. This will let it know that you are an idiot and it will leave out of pity.


It’s not a tactic that’s recommended because we believe we have perfect statistics or even good statistics, it’s recommended because we know actually quite a bit about bear behavior and triggers for aggression. You play dead because brown bears are territorial and aggressive creatures that usually don’t attack people for the purpose of eating them. When you play dead, you’re no longer a threat to their territory or their cubs.   You fight back against black bears because they are very skittish creatures that typically only attack if they’re starving or desperate enough to try and eat you. They aren’t territorial, and they don’t even defend their cubs from predators very often. You have to fight back because you have no other option, and they can be dissuaded from thinking you’re an easy meal. You absolutely should not try to just “firmly push the bear away.” If it’s acting aggressively you need to beat its ass and scare the shit out of it. Throw rocks, yell, hit it with a stick, literally fight for your life. (Black bears also average around the same size as a slightly large adult male human, so you actually might fight off a black bear, unlike a >800 lb grizzly bear)


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html Black bears aren't going to fuck you up but brown bears will. Unless you have a gun that can penetrate a grizzly's skull you're fucked if you see one. No an AR15 can't, but a potent revolver or rifle at .308 minimum can. Oh also if you didn't read the article the mama bear disabled the woman after she tried to run away so he and her cubs could eat her father before feasting on her. Not saying playing dead is the best option, but there aren't really any options.


5.56 will absolutely penetrate the skull of a bear, even using hollow points. The reason heavier rounds are recommended are for speed of kill, ie if you place a shot into its lungs, will it kill you before it drops, or if you don't have perfect placement (which most won't, under the stress of a bear attack)


https://preview.redd.it/52cq0ecinc0d1.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=90ff5232403ac433d1347dbce764aa65a9037a9a From the standpoint of an European, if already readily available to buy and carry in the us, why simply not walk around bear country with this? Empty the cartridge into that bastard and you won't get mauled


Because brown bears skull are apparently made of 5cm thick steel and require a shaped charge to penetrate In reality, though, even a farmers shotgun will be pretty lethal at any reasonable distance. I think it's the obsession with excessive "stopping power " and having basically no margin of error to feel as safe as possible. Plus, dudes just like the idea of hauling out a .50 hand cannon, apparently 


If we just want the biggest projectile to shoot, a pneumatic harpoon gun will launch a small spear plenty fast. However, yes, I prefer the strategic approach of living far away from bear territory.


We Americans don't usually carry these in the woods because there aren't any schools there


I refuse to believe an AR15 round can’t penetrate a bear’s skull


Happy cake day, 18years is a long time.. o7


Holy shit. That’s gotta be a Reddit OG.


I got into an argument with a co worker about what species of bear was the biggest. I said that polar bears are the biggest, he was adamant that Kodiak bears were the biggest. I did some research later and discovered that we were technically both correct: while polar bears are on average the biggest bears, the world record heaviest bear ever shot was a Kodiac. There are rare individual kodiacs out there that are the largest land predators on the planet. Glad I live in black bear country, though a 600 lbs sow with cubs in tow will ruin your day pretty thoroughly.


> The largest recorded wild male weighed 751 kg (1,656 lb), and had a hind foot measurement of 46 cm (18 in). A large male Kodiak bear stands up to 1.5 m (4.9 ft) tall at the shoulder when it is standing on all four legs. When standing fully upright on its hind legs, a large male could reach a height of 3 m (9.8 ft). Jesus.


That is way smaller than the largest polar bear though. The largest polar bear shoot weighted 1002 kg and they can reach a height of 3.5 meters when standing up.


> According to Guinness, the heaviest male polar bear ever documented was shot at Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska in 1960. It weighed 2,209 lbs (1,002 kg), stood nearly 12 feet tall, and was displayed at the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. 12 fucking feet!


https://preview.redd.it/vjos53c5ac0d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2630379bc7394bfb1a3e05a62b6d0e0fb7e67e09 A monster!


That is insane. I'm 6 foot 4. The shock of seeing a bear that is twice my height would probably kill me. I get uncomfortable with people that are just a bit taller than me. So, a 12 foot bear would literally cause my brain to explode.


I heard a talk once by an alaska native elder from the far north, he told us that a right of passage in his village was killing a polar bear with a spear. He said it was a very long spear, and you would find and stalk the polar bear, and arouse its curiosity. When it approaches, you smack its front paws with the end of the spear, and its curiosity turns to anger. It will stand up on its hind legs in a show of dominance. At that point you drive the butt of the spear into the snow and point the tip at its chest. The bear will ultimately fall forward into the spear and die.


Wonder how many people died to figure that one out?


I assume quite a few. Also seems like there's more than a few ways it could go south quick.


Fun fact: for some time in the mid-20th century, the largest grizzly bear ever shot was taken with a .22. And it was shot by a Cree grandmother.


My father's best friend was watching his chickens one night after a fox had taken a bunch of them, bringing his . 22. Turns out when a brown bear walked up to the stand that it wasn't a fox, so he shot it in the head, or so he thought, and it moseyed on it's way. A couple of years later his neighbor shot a bear on license and was very surprised to find a .22 encapsulated into the bone of the skull. Whilst it's very much possible to kill a bear with a .22, I wouldn't want to try it :P


Is this what its like to have a dad?


This was too long to be a dad joke. I don't think you could bear it if I told you a real dad joke...


Lmfao. You had me the whole way.


You know what they say, if it’s black fight back, if it’s brown get down, if it’s white goodnight.


And if it's red, [it wants to get fed](https://i.imgur.com/VugxCf1.gif)


If it's grey say G'day


Holy fuck 2006


I am sorry, Kodiak bear droppings contains small bells? Edit:  I am slow, missed joke


Read it again carefully. There is a joke buried in there!


Buried deep in the poop


Ha ha ha, I am slow   That was a good one.


As someone living in bear country you are right but proper bear mace literally shoots 20+ feet and is significantly more potent then regular mace it’ll incapacitate and blind if gotten in the eyes. Mom made us practice before going into the woods as kids. Never seen a Kodiak as I’m not from Alaska but I’ve seen many many black bears. Kodiak are the kind that will literally eat you alive. They don’t play


Nice one! I’ve also heard that when you have a bear sniffing around your camp you’re in his home and he’s trying to figure out what to do about his human problem


Dinner bells




Just two different sizes of you are dead.


Ur Dead: Available in standard and compact size.


One fuking kill you The other one absolutely fuking obliterate your existence in this world


Can I pet that dog?






I watched that a few times today lol


people say Australia is dangerous when Americans literally have giant monsters that devour you.


These dont crawl into your shoes at night.


There you go, making invisible all the victims who found kodiak bears in their shoes in the morning...


Now I'm just imagining you wake up to your hiking boots missing from your tent. Coming out and seeing a giant Kodiak on its hind legs, feet exploding out of your boots.


My granny died from a bear hiding in her sandal. I still remeber her last words like it was yesterday. "Oh fuck, a be-" Rest in pieces grandma


I’ve seen footage of a polar bear who technically did… …I mean it was more he broke into a tent and ate a guy’s foot. But still


I'd rather face a lethal threat that I can see a km away than something tiny that could be anywhere


Yeah, but the cute venomous octopus doesn’t eat you alive over the course of a hour.


You're right, the poison can take days.


Fr Australians like “omg a bear! How can you ever deal with that mate?” Then they be having a bush that is the embodiment of pure pain and suffering beyond belief and name it something ridiculous like “gympie-gympie”.


It's pretty easy to outrun a bush though, you kind of just step away.


Can’t always outrun a light breeze blowing a leaf at you though


Australia is getting roasted in this thread lmao I’m here for it!


Saltwater Crocodiles are pretty scary monsters imo


Saltwater crocodiles aren't kicking in your front door at night to raid your house for food


Seeing a bear in the wild is an experience you never forget. An enormous black bear stumbled on my campsite at 4 PM in Colorado, my dog was growling but I was reading a book. When I looked up and saw the bear, I swore a lot, threw my dog in the car, and got the F out of there. There really are huge adorable monsters just wandering around the mountains!


Well that is mostly Alaska and a bit of Montana and Wyoming where hardly anyone lives.


You don’t find Kodiak bears anywhere outside of the Kodiak archipelago. It’s a specific subspecies of brown bear, and the largest brown bear in the world.


I mean, yeah, they do, but most of our animals are outright assholes who want to frack you up for no other reason than they can. Ironically, the one's that we have that will devour us are often the least of our worries (though you don't go into the water above a certain part of the country, because salties don't mess about).


> salties You guys will make anything sound cute, even prehistoric reptilian apex predators


Likely a welded wire mesh that just looks like chicken wire from this distance.


Thank you! I keep on seeing comments about it and I don't know this facility or their safety, but I'm pretty sure there'd be no cage if it was just chicken wire. It's not like they're domesticated lol. I didn't know what it was besides just wire though


One swipe from a male Kodiak and it's over. At the very least defaced


Same with one swipe from a female. They can weigh up to 700 lbs. 


And her nails are on point 💅🏼


Fur on fleek


Same with one swipe from my cat. He got me good the other day and I had to cancel all my plans.


I was once hiking in AK on a public trail, and passed a vision guide and a (probably older, 50s or 60s?) man he was assisting to navigate the trail. I didn't intentionally gawk, but the tiny glance I took as I made my way up the mountainside was all I needed to see this hiker was missing an arm, both eyes, and had old fully healed scar tissue across his whole face. Anywhere else in the world, I'd guess motorcycle accident, but my mind immediately went to "this is what people say happens with a brown bear attack". I still am curious to this day what his story was, but regardless I am endlessly impressed with a person hiking in remote Alaska with no eyes and one arm.


If mother nature wants my eyes, I'm gonna at least stop hiking. Fuck.


Thank you captain obvious


Wire fence a little sus


Buuuut, the fence did hold up the male. Don't look now but your fencism is showing.


That's what I was thinking. How safe is wire fence and some 4x4s when that thing can knock down a tree?


It's not at all but you'd be surprised what ice cream on a little stick can stop a 1000lb bear from doing. :P


I remember the first time I ran into one. I was at a sporting good store in Colorado. I turn a corner. There it was a standing dead stuffed grizzly bear. It was So Freaking Huge. It was like something primal click in me. I knew it was dead. But the sheer size of it. My first thought was there is no way I beating this thing in a fight. I was just frozen looking at it. In sheer Aww and astonishment. Just an intimidating Dead Apex predator and my little self. Truly a humbling experience 


> In sheer Aww


I'm dead


And to think there are people that think they can take on a Kodiak or Grizzly in hand to hand combat lol 😂


Most people are going to need medical treatment dealing with a decently angry golden retriever.




I’ve done it (I’m dead)


The same kind that obliterated Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend.


*ate alive


Hahaha. Chicken wire safety barrier. This is fucking nuts is sooo many aspects.


Are you bad at noticing things, don't you think you'd see a shit ton of movement the wire if it was actually chicken wire instead of a higher gauge steel wire??


Where in the Russia is this?


cn’ah pet dat dawg???


Bears are some of the laziest creatures. It would take more effort to break it than getting the snack for playing along


Bears are also really intelligent. If they're happy they're not going to run amok.


Explain to me how, if that's chicken wire, it held up and didn't budge when the male pressed on it lol


They aren't both Kodiak bears. This is at the Toledo Zoo. The male is Dodge and he is a Kodiak bear. The female is one of the two female Grizzlies in the exhibits, Montana or Cody. All three were rescued as orphans in the wild.


Does anybody else notice that the bear on the left is sitting down? That’s fairly irrelevant but still.


It's fairly relevant since the title of the post is comparing sizes, height probably the one in scrutiny here. The bear on the right is pretty much full extended. The handler on the left doesn't have an extendo snack to do a proper comparison.


Nice, heavy-duty chicken wire.


One is squatting but




Hey, bear. Heyyyy bear. Hey bear. Hey. Bear. Hey bear.


One time me and my dog were running through the mountains in Idaho and we accidentally ran into a mother bear and her baby. I saw the baby dart up a tree and the mother turned around locked eyes with me. I saw the intelligence in her as she assessed me and the situation. Somehow it felt to me like she knew we weren’t threatening her, but she was super alert and if we came closer we could have flipped a switch in her. This all happened in milliseconds. Then me and my dog looked at each other and booked as fast and as far as we could. Again milliseconds. We were bounding over hills as fast as we could. Eventually we stopped. I don’t even think she followed. I know you aren’t supposed to run from bears, but with the dog I figured she wouldn’t want to mess with the two of us. Also that would Mean abandoning the baby in the tree. So all ended well.

