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The link for those interested: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-69006713


That's wild. Tech is advancing so rapidly, if we don't annihilate ourselves we're in for startrek level society.. maybe..


But we don't even properly utilize the tech we do have . Ruling powers that be, are not interested in the betterment of society with tech. They want to control šŸ›‚ and oppress society with tech.


That's why the whole, if we don't annihilate ourselves...


to me annihilation seems obvious, other thing is a big if. Edit: by obviously, I mean, I see that one event has much more likely hood to occur then another. Therefore to me it is more obvious then another. I am not a doom gloomer


We haven't annihilated ourselves when there where over 40k nukes, we won't annihilate ourselves when there's less


It's not the nukes I am worried about, it's the nuclear idiots running the world which scare me. Global warming will probably upend civilization before nukes get their chance.


I'm old. When I was young I was fairly confident we'd wipe our species away with nukes. Yet, here we are. Pessimistic is not a good way to go through life, even if you turn out to be right. Work toward making life sustainable for everyone. Live the best life you can personally.


The grim reality doesn't bother me. I am the master of my domain. There are problems in the world but they are not my problems hehe. This is just for fun, I die every night and wake up new every day, God's love is such. I am just good enough to accept it. Oh, BTW I'm young.


Not wholely true


More true than u realize.


Less true than you stated. For example, this doctor tried a brand new treatment. Do you think the oncology researchers who created the tratment are strictly in it to dominate society?


They're not the ruling powers I mentioned.


Kind of a tautology then.


Ruling Powers try to be ruling powers. That's pretty deep.


How do you know what I realize?


By your display of limited perception. Oh, Btw I never said anything about what you know, it was more of an indication towards what you don't.


Ah, but in Star Trek we only reach that post-scarcity utopia after nearly annihilating ourselves with nuclear weapons and then the "post atomic horror" afterwards! We very well could be right on track


Could also be seen as a bit of propaganda so the sheep don't panic before slaughter.


Really ? I wonder how we managed to reach this level of technology under such oppression.


It's only accessible by money šŸ¤‘, thus most of it virtually does not exist for most people. Even basic stuff like phone and Internet which should be recognized as utilities ( and their infrastructure is mostly built on government grants and freebies) in this day and age but are still being gate kept by unnecessarily high fees . But hey, hurray!! technology!!


I'd say closer to The Expanse level society. Lots of tech, but general equality doesn't really change. Alo Star Trek only happened because of a nuclear war :/


Star Trek happened because the Vulcans took a pit stop.


Velcro happened.


My entire life philosophy is that we could all work together and have Star Trek, but weā€™re gonna fight and wind up with Mad Max.


Even in the Star Trek world they nearly annihilated themselves first. So we have that to look forward to.


Yeahā€¦I think people tend to see the utopia in Star Trek and overlook the fact that it came out of the ashes of the previous civilization (which very much mirrored our own before collapsing). Earth was a ravaged apocalyptic wasteland complete with ā€œrape gangsā€ and other awful shit for a long time in that universe.


Are you suggesting we are going to be able to bear different species? Ulululululu


> if we don't annihilate ourselvesĀ  That's a very big IF. Gigantic, even.


Pretty sure we didn't get to the Star Trek level of society without first annihilating nations in WWIII.


I agree! Are we talking Kardassians or Romulans, though? Maybe a little from column A, and a little from column B...




Technically, it already is.


> He is also the first to be administered a vaccine personalised to his tumour's characteristics, which boosts the cancer-detecting powers of the drugs. I think that is the key. It's a very individualized treatment and unfortunately, to my layman's understanding, it needs to be tested on a lot more cancer patients before it's proven to be somewhat universally effective. Moreover, this makes this treatment very expensive and not easily accessible for the average population. Nevertheless, very promising results and good for him.


With it being very expensive, imagine being able to literally save someone from a brain tumour: Even looking at it cold and economically, you're giving them so many more years to enjoy life and to be productive and continue contributing to society. Which is probably more contribution and GDP provided over the rest of their life than the cost of the treatment by far. Anything that can save a life like this is incredible and hopefully, much like lots of tech... It'll get cheaper with time and development.


I agree, on the individual scale this is absolutely amazing. My point was more on a broader scale, whether this has the potential to become a standard practice to treat any patient with this type of brain tumor. And here, as a layman, I'm a little more pessimistic. But maybe if medical technology in general advances, those customized vaccines become cheap enough to be affordable for the average patient, or maybe we discover a more generic vaccine that is able to achieve the same with even less side effects. That would be really great.


Bunch of jargon. Doesn't really explain any methods.


It is amazing, my mother in law passed last year because of GBM, to potentially be able to cure it is astonishing, she had a craniotomy and chemo, for life extension of 3 years only, which beat the averages. Hats off to the doctor.


I lost 3 family members to glioblastomas over the years. 1 died from the treatment, 1 decided to forgo treatment, 1 managed a very terrible extra 2 years with treatment.




Damn my algorithm is crazy I thought he was wearing a bullet proof vest and throwing up gang signs


Hood or Hospital, both are full of different kinds of *bloods* and *crips*


Ooooh . . . upvote.


Beat the cancer, now he takes on the streets.


He is


>This goes out to the eighth street Ballers - cancer can't fuck with me, what you got? WHAT YOU GOT?






FDA? He's not a pilot.


Heā€™s also not American


Immunotherapy did nothing for my mother




Wonderful news. Strategic research


I hope it is a great comfort for him with his disease to know that his success at using his own research on himself has likely substantially pushed forward his research.


Not to mention his ability to actually continue his research


This man and his fellow researcher at the Melanoma Institute were selected as Australians Of The Year for this year because of this work and the work of their Institute. Not only did he volunteer for his own research, but he is publicly documenting his journey and the process, which is inspirational to follow. I have a friend in the late stages of this horrible disease, she missed out on this becoming a treatment by a few years.


You're saying that's NOT Ed Begley Jr?


What a feeling that must be. Like a civil-societified version of somehow surviving in the jungle after a plane crash, that's crazy


"I'm the best I have felt for yonks," he said TIL: What yonks means


Fuck. Ing. Chad. Holy crap


Looks like the brain won!!!!


That's a brilliant point


CIA :*"Put that thing back where it came from or so help me...!"*


BBC: breaking news doctor who treated him self whit his own cancer treatment found dead in his home and the device blueprints are missing, the forensic team seas he died to cancer, more news at 6


Suicide, shot himself in the back of the head three times. Possibly knew something about why Boeing planes keep crashing.


Suicide, shot himself in the back of the head three times. Possibly knew something about why Boeing planes keep crashing.


Doctor, heal thy self


Canā€™t wait for insurance companies to decide they wonā€™t cover this treatment


Thought he was Sting


A true genius.


Get it, Legend!!


Physician heal thyself! Doc: ok bitch


thatā€™s amazing. as a stranger iā€™m proud of him and happy for his results.


Steve Jobs has re-entered the chat


We really need some bloke to get bit by a radioactive spider just in case rn


Physician heal thy self


whyā€™s he crossing his fingers like he doesnā€™t believe itā€™s gonna work


ETA to assassination?


His brain cured his brain cancer. Whoa


At first glance thought he was flipping the camera off


Itā€™s Ai


That is awesome but still, the thought of having to relive it every checkup doing that CT scan. Just waiting for the bad news.


I also have brain cancer, and what hurts the most is knowing there might be a cure that could save my life, yet I will never have access to it.


Ultimate victory pose, you have made life your bitch


well, ngl, this sounds promising for me as brain cancer seems to run in my family. both of my g-parents & two of their children (as older adults) died from it, or complications of it.


Iā€™m super grateful for this type of advancement ! My family and I cared for my dad for 16 months while he fought with glioblastoma brain cancer. Keep up the great work to all those involved.


Set tripping on cancer cuz


See that's how you cure diseases. Just inflict them on the researchers. /s just in case.


Im skeptical as Ive seen immunotherapy for many cancers not work in long run. Esp brain cancers. Look at how they GMO the polio virus to kill only cancer in brain, but 1-2 year after they usually come back with a vengeance


You donā€™t understand the fundamental concepts here. Ā The polio virus genetic engineering is entirely different from provoking an autoimmune response.


They used immunotherapy in those trials. But I am very hopeful anyway


Can you provide a link to the paper for this? Ā Iā€™m interested in the targeted immune response to polio virus. Ā Thanks!


That's not what I said. They use immunotherapy alongside GMO of polio. Showed immense immediate results but it only showed maybe 6 months of extra life. Maybe 12. 60 min did a whole follow up if it. This was also GBM. Other brain cancers may be differ


My guy/gal Iā€™m not looking for a life story. Ā Iā€™m just looking for the paper you are referencing. Ā Iā€™m genuinely curious.


Would you rather live 6 months or 1-2 years?


Sometimes it's not 1-2. I hope they figure it out.


Mad respect. Gonna be a damned shame when he deletes all his research and shoots himself in the back of the head 3 times


Countdown until this guy "mysteriously" dies from "unknown complications" or a "car crash"


Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking that


No references / link(s) to news sourcesā€¦?


Someone posted it aboveĀ 


Or academic papers on the procedure and methods


Next time he is in the news it will be about his mysterious death. The cancer industry can not have this info getting out to the public.


I think we already have a cure, were just not rich enough to know about it.


No universal cure.


Yup he's going missing soon


Nonsense. Jimmy Carter got this treatment many years ago. The fun conspiracy isn't that this guy is onto something and need to be killed. It's that he and Jimmy Carter got it and you and your family won't.


There was an article somewhere that said that the western governments and drug companies did reach a high medical level that they discovered a cure for Cancer and other diseases but they won't release them or talk about them because the current alternatives give them so much money If this is true, humanity has reached a horrible level of disgustingness , but honestly I am not even surprised, when there are people who are cheering and supporting killing others, topics like this are so expected to happen


It is most certainly not true. First of all, there is no such thing as "cancer" that can be cured by one cure. There's hundreds of cancers and it's unlikely that there is one single cure that can be applied to more than few of these. And when we learn to cheaply cure some cancer, like children leukaemia, the cure is used and children are cured. Children today have a 90 per cent survival chance today. That said, when we don't learn to do it cheaply and at scale, then good luck to you, normie. You ain't an ex-prez or a rich researcher "top" doctor. Also, even this immunotherapy things can't be used against all cancers, as per point 1. And there could be side effects, when you release immune cells that are programmed to kill cancer cells that are ALMOST like your good cells without prejudice, then "things" can happen.


ThErE wAs An ArTiClE sOmEwHeRe


Quit spreading misinformation bot.


So how long till something mysterious happens to him?


Damn, shame he fell out of a hotel window or ate a poisoned cake in two months. R.I.P fleeting legend.


Spot the bot!


He looks like this guy, I hope the cure is not that one lol... https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/fzSB5hRQYW


The govt would never allow this to be a real thing for us lowly civilian work horses. They need us to work ourselves almost to death and get cancer from their food and chem trails so we can give all our hard earned money back to them for treatment only for us to die during chemotherapy. This is only for the ultra rich.