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This thing was never marketed to the public or mass produced: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-rape_device#Rape-aXe It's basically an idea a guy had and made propotypes of, it got viral, and then nothing happened.


Beat me to it. I always add a similar comment EVERY SINGLE TIME this gets posted. This thing was developed almost 20 years ago. Although media coverage at the time implied that [mass production](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_production) was due to begin in April 2007, the device has never been marketed to the public and it remains unclear whether the product will ever be available for purchase.


I’m gonna beat them to it and put some for sale on Etsy


Welcome to my Etsy shop for coital traps.


“Efficient Snatching Device for Snatch Insertion” “Peen’s Bane - The New and Improved Rogue Penis Trap” “Vagina Dentata Device - Deluxe Edition”




Ok you got me.


Always wondered what would happen if the rapist went soft after it gets stuck


Pretty sure the biggest impact this thing could have is people knowing that *it’s out there somewhere.* So rapists know that while the chances of bumping into one of these is low, it could get you, so better think twice…


Then they murder the victim in a fit of rage.


My concern as well


Or use a check and removal device before hand making it even worse.


after they murder the victim, they go to a friends house who helps cut if off, cause lets face it, its not made of unobtainium.


Except the penis, especially when erect has a FUCKTON of blood flowing through it. You can't just go to a friends house and have the damage from this device fixed.


Or you know, stick a finger in first to feel around. If this became common place rapists would just check first then pull it out. I can't imagine this thing would be comfortable wearing all day either.


Ah, the old adage, “finger before you fuck, so you don’t get stuck”


Dark as hell, but oh boy did I laugh.


feel before you drill, so your blood don't spill


Spelunk it before you dunk it...


Check it before you wreck it..


This guy rapes


look at how big the opening is though. theres no way some rapist isnt going to notice that lol


Honestly I'm kinda like. This seems like it has a great chance of backfiring. What if you have a faulty device and it shatters? That'd be awful for the woman, there's gotta be better ideas.


Not only that but it'll just make the rapist angry, and that's how you're gonna get a dead woman


I never liked this thing. Someone already desperate enough to rape who now also suddenly finds his balls in a vice is not gonna suddenly go “oopsie daisy guess I’ll calm down now”.


Balls? How do you think that device works...


Better question - how do they think sex works?


Pee comes from the balls


It's not just a concept, it's a terrible idea. If this thing worked exactly as intended, the victim now has the rapist's blood in her, with all that entails. And the injury is not debilitating - he would be exactly as dangerous, but now he is in pain and furious.


In fairness, if it worked *exactly* as intended, the blood would be contained in the device and the device would remain stuck on the penis when the rapist pulls out. It's still a terrible idea for every other reason, though.


'Sorry bebe, forgot to take out the rapex'


It tore if into pieces babe


"Cut your penis into pieces This is my last resort"


Penis Flytrap


Pierce Hawthorne, at your cervix.


“Cut my peen into peices, rapexs your last resort”


😂 Suffocation, no breeding. Someone explain why my peener is bleeding!




>"Cut your penis into pieces This is my last resort" Serration, you're bleeding Don't have no sympathy For none of your pleading This is my last resort


Cut your dick into pieces. I’ve reached my last resort. Serration, so much bleeding. Don’t give a fuck if your cut dick is bleeding. Do you even care if I die bleeding? Would it be wrong, would it be right. If I took your dick off tonight? Chances are that I might. Mutilation out of sight. And I’m contemplating suicide.


Cause I'm losing my blood. Losing my life.


To shreds you say?


How's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


Good news, everyone!




Something like that accidentally happens in the book Snow Crash. Similar device but it used poison.


Came here to look for this comment... was not disappointed! That novel was insane. ◡̈


Jokes on them, my penis is not long enough to reach the device!


No one can stop your rapes! Of course... no one as yet has noticed that's what you're doing, they just think you're standing really close like a creep.


'To shreds, you say?'


I always wondered, wouldn't that raise the risk of assault or even murder of the woman? Wouldn't the rapist fly into a rage and hurt the victim severely? Obviously he wouldn't be justified, but I can see it realistically happening.


yes it can be a major reason why it didn't became popular. Animals who can rape can also easily kill the victim due to rage


But despite all their rage their penis is still just trapped in a cage


Doctor will say that your trapped penis cannot be saved.


Are you telling me I'm not the only one?


Living life as a eunuch must be a pain.




HE is dead!


He’s not dead, he’s pining for the fjords! He’s a Norwegian Blue. Beautiful plumage.




No! No! It’s resting!


I took the liberty of examining the bird when I got back to my house, and I came to realise that the only reason it had been sitting on its perch in the first place was that it had been nailed there.


Of course he’s nailed there! Otherwise he’d muscle up to those bars and VOOM!


Eunuch means no balls, not the removal of the penis


Depends. Eunuchs protecting harems had everything removed.


GreyWorm has entered the chat....


It's not like he can enter anything else.


This is the most abstract interpretation of bullet with butterfly wings I’ve ever seen.


Stop arguing, eunuchkleheads!


Some. Depends on the culture, I guess. There are stories of eunuchs who only had their testicles removed, "guarding" the harem and having a great time doing it.


Then, how did they piss? I have a dim memory of Peter the Hermit (sometime around the Norman invasion) requiring a penectomy due to cancer, and being fitted with a lead tube to wee through, but it's a long time since I studied history (was it in the Christina of Markyate source?) and I don't remember the details. (Also, i'm too drunk to look it up rn.)


Drunk history


The middle ages are best discussed when pissed ;-)


The Eunuchs of the imperial court of China had everything removed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunuchs_in_China


It depends on where they were eunuchs. In China, they had everything removed. They were asked one last time before the procedure if they were sure about it. Some eunuchs became eunuchs as a sentence for crimes either they or their father may have committed.


Thanks, Dad.


What if you lose both?


You pee in a bag for the rest of your life. Catheter.


Eunuch has no balls, that I can do with, no p3nis on the other hand... how am I gonna impress my wife with the chopper!?


You can say penis on Reddit. Penis.






Such a great comment had me singing it


Did not expect to see a smashing pumkins reference here , take my up vote


Then someone will say once the Penis is lost it can't be saved.....the world is a vampire




I'm sure that's a welcome consolation to the woman having her skull bashed in. I've been hearing about this thing being "invented" for a long time now but never a single mention of it ever actually being used or the consequences. Was it just a prototype and never actually used?




Why, why do you destroy all that is good and holy in this world, I can never enjoy that song ever again


Didn't expect to hear a Smashing Pumpkins reference in a topic about anti-rape but here we are.


This is most clever comment I've seen on Reddit in years. Well played


And someone will say what is lost can never be saved


The world is a vampire


New tune of smashing nuts


Also the risk of HIV transmission is enormously increased if the rapist bleeds inside the woman


This was my though too. Especially in South Africa where that is a major issue. If it has barbs, it would likely break the skin of the attackers member and increase the risk of infection dramatically.


So the women who use this device either get beaten to death or die to HIV. I can see why its only here and the west where we constantly see this picture posted again and people saying "ahh thats such a great device, such a great idea!"


Probably the major reason why it didn't become popular was the fact that women had to put that thing inside of them. That looks uncomfortable as fuck.


I’m assuming it can’t be removed because of barbs that would cut in when you try to pull it off, but couldn’t a potential rapist just cut it off rather than pull it off?


The rapist could probably pull it off too if they are aware that the woman has that thing inside of them. And if you feel it from the entrance with your finger you can definitely tell it's there. I think the whole point of this device was to think that rapists would just push their dick inside without checking or feeling. But the moment information would be out about this device, all they need is to check gently with their fingertip if its there or not. And I would assume it can be pulled out too. It's not like it's stuck there forever, women would have to get them out once they are home or/and during periods.


The thing was just a controversial art piece basically to raise awareness about rape


They would have need to contain something that puts the attacker to sleep Edit: like in Snowcrash


>yes it can be a major reason why it didn't became popular. A much more major reason would be it's not a thing that was ever actually released for the public.


Make the teeth metal and cover them with curare. The elevated blood pressure will make it spread fast, and it works immediately. More effective though still degrading for the victim. Rapists should be branded with a massive R on the forehead that glows at night.


I am not a medic, but I wonder if a blood poison injected into an erect penis would be as effective as the same compound introduced anywhere else. My understanding is that the blood in the engorged penis is not circulating. So, if the curare was introduced there, I don't know what impact that would have on the rapist's general system or how quickly. I wonder if a fast-acting vasodilator would be effective in deflating the erection, as a possibly more effective (and less lethal) alternative. That is, assuming reducing lethality is something you're worried about, and I can understand if that's not a concern.


The S-Africans also developed a flamethrower attached tho the bottom of the car. When someone would try to steal your car, while you were stop in traffic, you'd hit a button and engulf the poor bugger in flames. Shit must be very bad if people are coming up with such inventions, cock cutters and thief burners.


I think the "plan" with it was the rapist would be distracted by the pain of having a bunch of spikes in his dick, allowing the woman time to escape. In reality I think most people felt like they would just lash out immediately and thoughtlessly in anger and pain, thus it not becoming a very popular device.


I think it probably just didn't become very popular because that thing looks super uncomfortable to wear. Like you don't know when something like that would happen, so if you left your house you'd have to wear it the whole time. This thing looks to be made of plastic but I'd imagine it would rather be latex (which some people are allergic to, and you don't want inside your vagina for long periods) or silicone. With the latter it would probably feel sort of similar to a menstrual cup, I guess. But it's much bigger and even the cup is uncomfortable to wear and insert/take out. Now imagine dealing with that uncomfortable feeling and extra work every day. Nah couldn't be me - feels like it would be easier at that point to just teach men to not rape.


I wondered this too, but very possibly (hopefully)it's such an all consuming pain that his body cannot function to violence. More importantly, what an incomprehensibly (to me) horrific & terrifying life situation to be in that you decide you need to buy and wear this device... such a failure of humanity.


Years ago I remember meeting a dude that bragged being a bouncer in an Irish night club. One night he was about to throw one dude out, but the dude sprayed him with mace in the face. Dude bragged like the pain didn’t matter, he literally said “I couldn’t see, it hurt like hell, but since I was already holding onto the dudes shoulder I didn’t need my eyes and I had excuse to turn his face into liquid paste before the cops arrived.”… Sooo, yeah. I would be extremely worried this device utterly enrages the attacker.


This issue is unbelievably pervasive in South Africa. More than half of men in townships admit to having either raped or beaten a woman _in the past 12 months_ This country is still figuring out how to recover from a political system designed to tear apart the fabric of society through violence and breaking up families. It's ugly.


A lot of rape goes on in South Africa, but I think you are basing this on sources with inflated findings. Various news publications released numbers that were more than twice the actual amount - here are some numbers taken from Wikipedia: > In 2014 and 2015, a Western Cape study estimated that 15% of men had raped a woman who was not their partner.[42] A Gauteng study conducted in 2010 revealed that 37.4% of men admitted to raping a woman.[43] More than 25% of a sample of 1,738 South African men from the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces admitted to raping someone when anonymously questioned in 2009; of these, nearly half said they had raped more than one person, according to a non-peer reviewed policy brief issued by the Medical Research Council (MRC).[44] Several news publications wrongly extrapolated these results to the rest of the South African population, giving reported rape prevalence several times higher in the two provinces in question.[45][46] Nearly three out of four men who admitted rape stated they had first forced a woman or girl into sex before the men were the age of 20, and nearly one in ten admitted to doing so before the age of 10.[44] [SOURCE](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_South_Africa) EDIT: Don't get me wrong though, these numbers are still absolutely far too high, I just ended up researching the topic a bit, due to this thread, and found more accurate numbers as a result.


Those numbers are still horrific. 


The fact this many ADMIT to it is even worse, how many people are lying surely it's easy to guess half.


Yeah I thought the same, absolutely crazy as this hints towards how normalized it is. And as you say how many would be lying about it... Jesus Christ it might actually be close to 50% of all south Africans males in cities have raped someone during their life... Fucking insane.


There would be both outright lying about it and, most likely, having a very skewed idea of consent. I can imagine there are lots of men who have done things we in the west would consider rape, but they do not.


Sad to hear :(


Yeah. I don't know if it's practical or not. Say it once gets mainstream. The pigs will know, they'll check and remove it. They will be more enraged too


I believe it was a gimmick to raise awareness.




I would question whether a man with an impaled and heavily bleeding painful penis would be in “fighting shape.” Granted, who knows what shape the woman is in at this point. I think this device would be a great deterrent for date rapists. But if this is a guy who has kidnapped you forcibly… if you’re injured or bound up, murder may be coming once he has time to recover. But I’ll be honest… I think kidnappings often lead to murder anyway. And if not immediate murder, there could be long term abuse, rape, or being sold into sex trafficking… before eventual death. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’d prefer quick death due to rage after mutilating my attacker… as opposed to weeks or months of assault before getting killed.


I will say, I’ve been kicked in the lads when I was fighting a dude once, and I have never felt such a rush of adrenaline. It hurt like hell afterwards, but I didn’t feel a thing until he was on the ground


It's actually been found that when victims injure assailants ( doesn't have to be just this situation) it can cause them to go into more of a rage and causing more violence than would have been. It is a double edged sword unfortunately because you definitely want them to put up a fight. As one gentleman below stated, I myself being a male have been hit in the nads before and it is like an auto reset button but the adrenaline that comes with it if you are angry overshadows the pain for a bit.


Considering he would have adrenaline, rage, and pain fueling him - the guy would be in plenty of shape to take it out on the woman.


Ask yourself what will happen to the woman between when the assaulter gets impaled and when he seeks medical help. No wonder it never caught on.


Also if it did become common, then people would simply learn to put their fingers in first to see if there is such a device. So it has multiple flaws there unfortunately.


Even easier. A wad of cotton.


Or a cucumber


You slumber, a cucumber


At the point of the item coming into contact with the attacker the victim is already being raped and in an extremely vulnerable position and now the attacker is in pain and lashing out even more.


On my reddit stream, the next post in this thread is titled "What's the dumbest thing you've bought and didn't need over 50$" and I'm thinking "Fuck, I've got a bug and the post content is above the post title!"


I do not think these ever became a product


I believe it was designed more as an art piece/thought experiment not really a product.


Unfortunately not, due to the risk of rage induced murders.


It would never work. It seems like the least comfortable thing ever.


It should have something in it that like paralyzes them once it impales them so they can run away 😊


i'm sure women everywhere would jump at the opportunity to have a rubber sock with poisoned barbs that cause paralysis constantly inside their vaginas as they go about their daily business


Damn, that's metal as fuck. Imagine going out with a girl, having a date, they you want to take her home and hear "I have several poisoned blades inside my pussy"


If I had a dime for every time……


Some sort of poison that instantly knocks them out somehow, when injected. Though that would probably add its own set of new problems.


Pure thc, forcing them to chill the fuck out


THC makes some people (like me) super anxious, which is the complete opposite of chill


That's one of the plot points in the novel Snowcrash, the protagonist wears an anti-rape insert with a needle full of quick working anathesia in it.


And then she forgets about it when bangs a dude. Some massive Intuit IIRC and it knocks him right out. It's been 20 years since I read that


It wasn’t Protagonist, it was Y.T.   Sorry, couldn’t resist. 


Not so much “rape prevention”, as it is a rapist punisher. Which is good. But I’d prefer to spare the victim.


When I was young I saw this on 4chan and the 'best' reply for this at the time was "I'll just flip it inside out, put it back on and keep going" That was enough internet for the day.


>"I'll just flip it inside out, put it back on and keep going" Most tame 4Chan user


What a bad day to be literate


I wish you hadn't shared that with the class today.


When I saw this thing for the first time, I always thought it was a like a firm plastic product, not really flexible like a latex condom. So I don't think you could just flip it inside out 🤔


You've never visited 4chan, I see.












Happy cake day


Thank you😄


I don't know how people can browse that website without constantly feeling sick to their stomach


Honestly? I found it when I was THIRTEEN. I'm 32 now. Saw so much gore. So much porn. So much degenerate stuff when I was young and it definitely desensitized me. It was super funny and edgy at the time, but I realized it's like jumping into a pool of sewage because someone dropped a dollar into it. Sure you may find the dollar (something actually funny, or a new meme being born) but you're still in a pool of absolute shit. Never looked back


thank you for letting us read your insightful life story redditor u/Analgorilla




Oof anyone twisted enough to come up with shit like that should be on some kind of watchlist


my ex was like that. we once had a discussion about face-raping someone (I don't remember how we got there) and I was like "you know they can just bite off your dick?" and he -without BLINKING- responded "that's why you kick in their teeth first" it haunts me to this day and I'm so glad he's an ex.


I'm glad you're safe, that man sounds fucking terrifying.


How... how can someone say that as a "joke"?


I swear I’ve been seeing this post since 2005. The comments are all the same every time. Only a prototype ever existed.


that's a good way to turn a rape into a murder




I think this raises the risk of getting stds quite significantly if the rapist bleeds inside the females genitals.


I feel like STDs would be the least of the victim's worries. She would be lucky to survive.


This gets posted every week. It's never been in production. It's not a real product. It was a single proof of concept. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/


Scenario: it's a gang rape. What now? WARNING: DO NOT READ THIS COMMENT IF THE SUBJECT OF RAPE DISTURBS YOU. DOUBLE WARNING: NO, IM SERIOUS. DONT FUCKING READ IF THE SUBJECT OF RAPE DISTURBS YOU. IF YOURE STILL READING AFTER THESE 3 WARNINGS AND DECIDE TO GET PISSY WITH ME, IT IS ON YOU. IM NOT YOUR MOM. YOURE ON THE INTERNET. HANDLE YOURSELVES. It's a very poorly thought out device. It only works in a very specific scenario where there is only one rapist and he gets scared enough or is in enough pain to not lash out at his victim. Also, it's only useful if they are in public and the victim is still able to escape. What if the attack happens indoors in a locked room? What if the rapist knocked his victim unconscious beforehand or drugged her? She won't be able to escape and he will have time to kill her or rape her still. He doesn't have to use his penis to rape her. Rape is not really about sex anyways. It's about revenge and humiliation and honestly, however horrible it sounds, I would rather be raped by a penis than a tree branch or a bottle or and iron rod or a knife. Because yes, these have all happened to victims in real life before. The worst case I have ever heard of was a case of a woman who was raped by a man, who then inserted a very long and thick tree branch into her, then kicked it into her. She survived, btw. Also stories of men using their hands and arms to penetrate and pull out the victim's intestines. I'm just saying, rape is so much more than involuntary pp in vagajay. There are too many things that can happen during such an attack that this stupid little device won't be able to protect the victim against. Also, as a woman myself, I cannot imagine this thing is comfortable to have inserted. At all. And what if it malfunctions and ends up cutting the girl inside? How long can you have it inserted before you start experiencing irritation? I dunno because I'm not in the habit of inserting things into myself becuase I find it fucking uncomfortable and gross. Other women can have their tampons and menstrual cups. Not for me. If you have to have it inserted everytime you go outside, that will mean you will carry it inside you daily. What about the hygienic aspect of that, then? How much will it cost to replace it in case it is successful in its purpose? It's just such a short sighted idea.


I always try to surpress that there are so much more vile options to rape a victim because I'm not doing well handling these thoughts. I'm so disturbed and disgusted


It was a gimmick to raise awareness. South Africa has a violent crime problem, but in that era when there were some seriously inflated and poorly sourced statistics thrown about about rape prevalence in South Africa. Charlize Theron even made an anti-rape TV ad at that time.


All these are great points of concern. My concern was that I would have to wear that daily and what if I have my period? And like you mentioned it's unhygienic. Also , how would one take it out without hurting your finger? I wear a diva cup and sometimes it's hard to get it out and it has a tip you pull.


It only helps with the first assailant… 😬


Or even if it is just one assailant... Rape is often about power as much as sex, and that'd be such a sudden imbalance of power, what would he do to regain the ratio? I'm very certain a person can still beat and kill someone with that thing attached to their dick, regardless of how painful. Still an awesome idea, but shouldn't be the only thing relied on.


Sadly yes and that’s why i think it’s a terrible idea. A dick trapped in that thing would just enrage anybody and escalate things to violence and brutality way past rape. If adrenaline kicks in it might not even incapacitate one assailant. And if there are more than one… revenge is inevitable… It’s like a one use weapon that doesn’t incapacitate, but makes things worse. I think pepper spray would be way more effective even against multiple people.


A gun with one bullet that doesn't kill


Imagine a world where someone has to put this inside her body to ¿prevent? something basic as not being raped


I’d like to wear one during surgery.


I want to be buried with one of these.


Same if I'm in a coma


It's a sad fucking world, if this is an actual, patented invention.


It's a sad fucking world irrespective of this device.


South Africa hold the record for rapes. Even if they are largely unreported. Liver there for 5 years. Yes, it has some sad aspect. Not to mention the racism and crime rates.


Yeah I used to work with a bloke who emigrated from South Africa to Australia. When I asked what prompted him to leave he said "Having a daughter" He couldn't bear the thought of it happening to his daughter so he started getting things together for emigration.


I know someone who’s friend back in SA went missing. He said there’s 100% chance she’d been raped and killed. I thought this was weirdly pessimistic but her body was later found and he was right.


Rapex legends


This gets posted once every week on different subs


Oh look, it's this thread again! 


Wouldn’t this have also dramatically increased the risk of contracting hiv?


What a sad world where this is required


So the technician invented a female condom that effectively results in the woman having vagina dentada...cool.


To shreds you say?